View Full Version : The government's NHS Reforms

24-02-2012, 12:46 PM
What is your opinion on the government's planned reform of the NHS? A lot of health bodies and associations oppose the bill, including the BMA. However, it seems the government is going to go through with the bill regardless of the opposition.

Does anyone on here work for the NHS? Are the changes creating disruptions in the service, and are people worried that the private sector is going to able to play a bigger role in the NHS, potentially leading to a pseudo-privatistaion of the health service?

24-02-2012, 12:51 PM
The fact that Cameron held a meeting only inviting groups that agreed with him indicates that the thing must be a bag of shite because he clearly does not feel able to argue the case with experts in the area. Anyone holding that kind of discussion on something that is not a state secret has something to hide, something that if discussed in public would be shown to be wrong. It is the worst kind of government, but at least it indicates that the policy he is trying to put forward must be wrong. If it was right, he would be doing it all in public with great fanfare. Scum.

Shaqiri Is Boss
24-02-2012, 01:15 PM
I don't trust the Tories. I don't trust Labour either.

All in it together, as they like to preach.