View Full Version : Arsenal & Wenger's Downfall

17-08-2013, 09:46 PM
1. The inability to replace the top players that were sold.
2. Top players were sold under their real value, eg Henry to Barcelona for £16 Million.
3. Strengthing our rivals Citeh and Man U by selling them our best players, Nasri & RVP.
4. Rolling over to Fergie and selling our hsitorical rivals the best striker in Europe.
5. Failure to address the squad weakness by idnetyfing realsitic targets post season.
6. Advertising our new found wealth to the worlds media.
7. The club has lost it's appeal to attract top quality players who simply see us top side only with no asiprations.
8. The fact our top players wanted to move should have been a wake up call that they no longer believed in Wengers philliosphy.
9. Having a CEO is who is complete and utter cuunt.
10. Paying a manager a basic salary of £7.5 million per year to reach the champions league 3rd or 4th spot.
11. Panic buying!
12. Signing players who are simply not good enough to wear the shirt.
13. Unable to complete transfers due to lack of negotiaition skills from Gazidis and Wenger.

My conclusion is that we have become the laughing stock of the premiership when it comes to transfer actvitiy and how we go about our business. This is going to be another long hard season with many more bay days like today, unless we sign at least 5 top quality players, a GK, CD, CM, DM and ST

17-08-2013, 10:39 PM
Wenger feels fully vindicated by what happened today. He called up David Moyes and was congratulated again on the sterling work he did making Van Persie the player he is today.

18-08-2013, 10:58 AM
George Graham always refers to Arsene as a great student of the game. Not sure about that; he's spent 8 years repeating the same grade and he still hasn't learnt a fucking thing.

18-08-2013, 11:15 AM
1. The inability to replace the top players that were sold
Lack of interest more than inability

2. Top players were sold under their real value, eg Henry to Barcelona for £16 Million.
I would argue that 16million for a striker on the cusp of 30 who had been injured for months was probably as good as we were going to get
3. Strengthing our rivals Citeh and Man U by selling them our best players, Nasri & RVP.
4. Rolling over to Fergie and selling our hsitorical rivals the best striker in Europe.
Isn't that the same point essentially as 3?
5. Failure to address the squad weakness by idnetyfing realsitic targets post season.
More or less the same as Point 1
6. Advertising our new found wealth to the worlds media.
I think this has been overstated if owners of the other clubs around Europe don't know about what Arsenal are worth without being told than they have no business being in the positions they are

7. The club has lost it's appeal to attract top quality players who simply see us top side only with no asiprations.
8. The fact our top players wanted to move should have been a wake up call that they no longer believed in Wengers philliosphy.
9. Having a CEO is who is complete and utter cuunt.
I don't think you can call him that, you would only call him that if what he has done is a case of deliberate negligence....he's just thoroughly incompitent....it's like if you or I were put in a position that we had no right to be in would we complain would we turn it down as a point of principle?...No
10. Paying a manager a basic salary of £7.5 million per year to reach the champions league 3rd or 4th spot.
11. Panic buying!
Or Panic non-buying
12. Signing players who are simply not good enough to wear the shirt.
13. Unable to complete transfers due to lack of negotiaition skills from Gazidis and Wenger.

My conclusion is that we have become the laughing stock of the premiership when it comes to transfer actvitiy and how we go about our business. This is going to be another long hard season with many more bay days like today, unless we sign at least 5 top quality players, a GK, CD, CM, DM and ST

Just thought i'd take issue with a few of your points

18-08-2013, 11:23 AM
Wenger's faults are

1) The inability to think Empirically - failure to see from past instances that persisting with certain players and certain tactics will only result in defeat.

2) Loyalty to players at the club that are never prepared to give that same loyalty back to him, even with Gervinho it wasn't so much ruthlessness but an act of Mercy because the mean fans weren't giving him the support he needed.

3) Atlas Syndrome - a vaccum of responsibility at the club has caused him to take it upon himself to have unparalled influence in all aspects of the club and he would look upon it as a personal failing to cede those powers.

4) Valuation of players that is unrealistic in the current footballing climate

5) Inability to take on board advice or criticism, shown through the appointment of Ivan Gazidis as Chief Executive a man whose only reason for being at the club is to make it harder for someone to hold Wenger personally to account.

18-08-2013, 04:02 PM
Read this board every day but rarely contribute & like Wenger am an 'owd' bugger in my 60's!. I was thinking why the 'Emporer with no clothes' is still here.
He's reported as being on 7.5 million a year, you don't see him out buying race horses or luxury yachts, so he must be really minted. He should be living in a Palacial Chateux c/w Vineyard in Provence etc doing TV punditry to stroke his ego.
Whilst fellow coaches (Ancelloti,Mourhino etc) stride around the football world winning trophies, creating legendary status, the Emporer sits in his Nth London ever decreasing Ivory Tower. Like some latter day Nero, spouting lies, self delusion & vanity, surrounding himself with pathetic 'Yes' men. Even implying that Spurs latest signings were not what he wanted or needed.
It's like a 'Shakesperian tragedy' but with no ending !

18-08-2013, 04:31 PM
As the third goal went in yesterday, a chant erupted around the stadium – “Spend some fucking money.”

Who could argue with that sentiment? What’s gone on since the end of last season has been little short of a disaster and highlighted the deep flaws and problems that exist within the club. Yet, it raises a bigger question now: do you believe Arsene Wenger is the right man to spend that money at this point?

I love the man, he’s given the me the most enjoyable era of my Arsenal supporting life, the best football, the best players, he’s done so much for us, so it’s sad to see him struggle like this. But it’s also difficult to listen to him, to blame the press when he’s the one who decided this squad was good enough to start the season, and go public about how it was good enough to win the title.


Correct! So get out Wenger, or at least don't touch the bank account beyond honouring another £7.5mill into your pocket. The new guy will have a hell of a job on his hands, the least you can do now is avoid making it any harder.