View Full Version : Syria

Shaqiri Is Boss
29-08-2013, 11:17 PM
Since all shit is kicking off, it probably deserves its own thread. And if not, then it's getting one anyway.

Would it be fair to say Dave just got royally


Makes no difference to the situation though, really. All this balls that Assad can sleep soundly now is just pathetic. Given half the chance, the Yanks will go in with or without us tagging along.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
29-08-2013, 11:36 PM
sort out the problems in this country before trying to sort out other countries

we've seen how making a decision to go into Iraq heightened social uncertainty and social tension between various social groups in the UK. Do we really need to risk heightening tension up to another level?

Focus on paying hospital staff more, putting more police on the streets, more investment in the fire service etc. Not waste shit loads on another intervention.

29-08-2013, 11:39 PM
Let the Americans deal with it. It's what they do.

29-08-2013, 11:41 PM
No idea what's been happening in Syria tbh.

I guess I should give more of a fuck in world affairs.

29-08-2013, 11:42 PM
This whole charade is so transparent it's painful to watch. If people haven't figured out who the bad guys are by now then there's no hope for them.


30-08-2013, 07:07 AM
I'm quite expecting the French to set off WW3 :good:

30-08-2013, 08:30 AM
This whole charade is so transparent it's painful to watch. If people haven't figured out who the bad guys are by now then there's no hope for them.
is it the gays?

30-08-2013, 08:57 AM
Agree about Cameron getting royally jousted. I do believe he expected the vote to be for military action, he clearly wants it but not enough to take the flak by himself. If he does a u turn, after dumping so many soldiers he'll be quite rightly criticised even more than just for being the dickless knob he is

30-08-2013, 08:59 AM
Can you be a dickless knob? :unsure:

30-08-2013, 09:06 AM
This whole charade is so transparent it's painful to watch. If people haven't figured out who the bad guys are by now then there's no hope for them.

is it the gays?

Gay Zionists probably :good:

30-08-2013, 09:08 AM

30-08-2013, 09:09 AM
Can you be a dickless knob? :unsure:


30-08-2013, 09:54 AM
is it the gays?

For those who have made the mistake of relying on the British media (again :console: ), the current stage of the engineered crisis doesn't have anything to do with Britain taking military action. That's not to say they wouldn't have taken it if literally everyone had been dumb enough to play along with such a greedy and transparent lunge. No harm trying and the Americans are in reserve if a fireworks party is needed at short notice. There are ways around the pesky parliament when the time comes, so the video gamers shouldn't be too disappointed and you'll get to see your missiles and sexy uniformed heroes marching in slow motion. Fuuuuck, I'm getting wet!

This is about cementing a lie into the public conciousness, the idea Assad (just him mind you, or his brother - because we need to focus on one particular demon, two max) is using the Saudi (shhhhhhush FFS) chemical weapons. The "rebels" (US and to a limited extent UK funded extremists who have hijacked an otherwise limited but legitimate opposition) have already been caught twice using chemical weapons but those inconvenient facts have disappeared. You can use web archiving tools to find the stories the mainstream, I primed this for you before the parliamentary debate but you better look now because it won't be around for long:


I choose the Daily Mail for those who require the establishment stamp of approval. There are much better sources but these come from "conspiracy theorists", the sort of nutters who claimed WMD didn't exist in Iraq, for example. I won't insult your intelligence by posting the links here but for those that have a screw loose they can easily be found.

Anyway, once the narrative is cemented the real campaign for murder and pillage, or aggressive war (the ultimate war crime as defined by the judges at Nuremberg) will begin. The aim is to knock out Iran's flank. Some may know Iran and Syria have a mutual defence agreement, Cameron doesn't want to go into the details on this because his war needs to be a lot cleaner than that in the public mind. A few short and sharp war crimes and out.

Agent Orange is not a reference to Phil Brown's tour of the Far East. Chemical munitions come in many shapes and sizes, including those that burst over Fallujah and Palestine. The hypocrites are rampant in their outrage, they are the only ones permitted to murder civilians with chemical weapons or incinerate them with atomic bombs. Which is fine because they are the ones doing it again. Maybe people will take the time to find that out for themselves.

That's enough because I did all this ten years ago and I'm not doing it again. Teaching sheep to read turned out to be futile. I'm out of this one in the hope the 10% who gave a damn back then are fertile and their kids are at work. Good luck to them, they have a job on their hands.

30-08-2013, 10:02 AM
For those who have made the mistake of relying on the British media (again :console: ), the current stage of the engineered crisis doesn't have anything to do with Britain taking military action. That's not to say they wouldn't have taken it if literally everyone had been dumb enough to play along with such a greedy and transparent lunge. No harm trying and the Americans are in reserve if a fireworks party is needed at short notice. There are ways around the pesky parliament when the time comes, so the video gamers shouldn't be too disappointed and you'll get to see your missiles and sexy uniformed heroes marching in slow motion. Fuuuuck, I'm getting wet!

This is about cementing a lie into the public conciousness, the idea Assad (just him mind you, or his brother - because we need to focus on one particular demon, two max) is using the Saudi (shhhhhhush FFS) chemical weapons. The "rebels" (US and to a limited extent UK funded extremists who have hijacked an otherwise limited but legitimate opposition) have already been caught twice using chemical weapons but those inconvenient facts have disappeared. You can use web archiving tools to find the stories the mainstream, I primed this for you before the parliamentary debate but you better look now because it won't be around for long:


I choose the Daily Mail for those who require the establishment stamp of approval. There are much better sources but these come from "conspiracy theorists", the sort of nutters who claimed WMD didn't exist in Iraq, for example. I won't insult your intelligence by posting the links here but for those that have a screw loose they can easily be found.

Anyway, once the narrative is cemented the real campaign for murder and pillage, or aggressive war (the ultimate war crime as defined by the judges at Nuremberg) will begin. The aim is to knock out Iran's flank. Some may know Iran and Syria have a mutual defence agreement, Cameron doesn't want to go into the details on this because his war needs to be a lot cleaner than that in the public mind. A few short and sharp war crimes and out.

Agent Orange is not a reference to Phil Brown's tour of the Far East. Chemical munitions come in many shapes and sizes, including those that burst over Fallujah and Palestine. The hypocrites are rampant in their outrage, they are the only ones permitted to murder civilians with chemical weapons or incinerate them with atomic bombs. Which is fine because they are the ones doing it again. Maybe people will take the time to find that out for themselves.

That's enough because I did all this ten years ago and I'm not doing it again. Teaching sheep to read turned out to be futile. I'm out of this one in the hope the 10% who gave a damn back then are fertile and their kids are at work. Good luck to them, they have a job on their hands.

Some comments I agree with and then we have 'The daily mail'

30-08-2013, 10:05 AM
Some comments I agree with and then we have 'The daily mail'

Trust me, I can't envisage a more hateful rag but this is what people read I'm afraid.

30-08-2013, 10:06 AM
So, in brief, it's the gays, right?
Damn their flamboyance <_<

30-08-2013, 10:11 AM
So, in brief, it's the gays, right?
Damn their flamboyance <_<

No Letters, in brief it's too complicated for you to comprehend. That's not to say it is complicated. I understand where you are coming from and this is a football forum so I'll laugh along. I was itching to start this thread myself but resisted, somebody else took the step and from the wording of their introduction I say kudos, good for them. Some things are even bigger than football.

30-08-2013, 10:17 AM
No, it's not too complicated you condescending dick.
You're doing your usual trick of spouting a load of vague bullshit without really saying anything of note.
When you've got something specific to say I'll read it and treat it more seriously.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
30-08-2013, 10:22 AM
Nice to see a mod setting the example on here and diffusing a situation instead of winding the poster up.

30-08-2013, 10:23 AM
No, it's not too complicated you condescending dick.
You're doing your usual trick of spouting a load of vague bullshit without really saying anything of note.
When you've got something specific to say I'll read it and treat it more seriously.

Lol, I'm the condescending dick? Ever thought of running for parliament? I gave you your link in a politically acceptable format, are you now saying they don't print the word of God in the mainstream press? That's blasphemy. Do you really want a knife and fork instead of being spoon fed? I doubt it. I think you are pulling my leg. What does your church say about this, when they are not buying up land to exploit fracking?

30-08-2013, 10:24 AM
Nice to see a mod setting the example on here and diffusing a situation instead of winding the poster up.

Nah, I'll give him that, he posts as a normal poster and leaves the mod shit to one side unless it's needed. That should be appreciated rather than criticised.

30-08-2013, 10:28 AM
Nice to see a mod setting the example on here and diffusing a situation instead of winding the poster up.
Nice to see you continuing your pointless little vendetta against me after a brief respite.

30-08-2013, 10:29 AM
What does your church say about this, when they are not buying up land to exploit fracking?
I'm not CofE, tbh.

Xhaka Can’t
30-08-2013, 10:30 AM
No, it's not too complicated you condescending dick.
You're doing your usual trick of spouting a load of vague bullshit without really saying anything of note.
When you've got something specific to say I'll read it and treat it more seriously.

I think there is plenty of note in what he said. With references in support of what he said.

That it is not what you want to hear or not in support of what you hear from the traditional "news" sources is immaterial. Perhaps you'd be better off questioning why they don't say anything specific?

30-08-2013, 10:32 AM
Maybe I'm being obtuse but I've no idea who he's accusing of what and for what reason.

30-08-2013, 10:34 AM
I'm not CofE, tbh.

Nor am I but to know what I'm talking about means you are at least socially aware. I class the church as "the church", a bunch of people who do nothing with a flourish and in public. Arguments on a web forum aside, this Syria situation is horribly serious. We could all do something about it but we won't. I don't know why.

Shaqiri Is Boss
30-08-2013, 10:37 AM
The images are horrid, but I don't think every reaction has to be a military one. The UN are never going to say who did it, and evidence seems to be 'it happened therefore it was Assad'. Given our record over the years that isn't good enough. Libya hasn't exactly settled, despite the claims of our triumph.

But I still having nagging doubts this was even Assad. It makes no sense for him to gas his own people and risk intervention, it does though suit the more extreme wing of the rebels. Our own report can't explain why he'd do it. And I don't believe for a second that the CIA, FSB, MI6 and whoever else aren't already in there pulling strings, again given our record for it in Iran and elsewhere. We claim he has used chemical attacks 14 times before, if so we have showed remarkable restraint to ignore it for so long.

In any case, Syria aren't just a rag tag bunch of bandits, they have a large and well disciplined army, the idea there wouldn't be retaliation is a dangerous one. Obama doesn't even have a sound plan on what to do, just giving vague soundbites like "shot across the bow". There is no guarantee this wouldn't take a hell of a long time to sort out, no guarantee there wouldn't be massive escalation and no guarantee it wouldn't end up in full-scale war... handy timing now Iraq/Afghanistan is winding down. We don't know who is our enemy and who is our friend when it comes to the rebels, and frankly our record in choosing the right people is less than good.

Whilst Russia and China do need to take a look at themselves for continually playing the contrarian role, it is no surprise they have got a little tired with US foreign policy of "bomb the shit out of a country, rape the resources and rebuild it our way". And as much as chemical weapons are somehow a line crossed, is it really any worse than the thousands upon thousands killed by US drones? Or the even bigger numbers affected by Agent Orange? It's hard to say yes, imo. But it is an odd juxtaposition that whilst an estimated one hundred thousand people have been killed 'conventionally', we sit back, but a few hundred killed by sarin has crossed the line. It seems quite an on-paper, morally to-the-letter way of looking at things.

As for Cameron, it's his own fault for running head first into his own backbenchers. There was only one reason he recalled parliament this week. We have been itching for military action for months, so much so that people are cynical as to the latest reasons.

Our non-involvement doesn't change anything though, the US will go in with or without us, so the claims Assad will be sleeping soundly now are just odd.

30-08-2013, 10:37 AM
@NQ What are you doing, apart from ranting on an internet forum?
Not a dig, just asking.

30-08-2013, 10:39 AM
Maybe I'm being obtuse but I've no idea who he's accusing of what and for what reason.

That's why I posted up the video from Pilger, surely a figure who can be accepted as at least connected to the mainstream (as much as he despises them). I'm showing you the before and after. How they lied us into war the last time, how they are doing it again, what the consequences were last time and what the consequences will be this time. Do you not think it's about time the British and American people stood up to their corporations (or governments if you prefer that definition)? We can sit here and make jokes about it and that's a laugh and so on, but if we don't eventually engage these fuckers are going to get us killed. Did you see their fucked up national service bill got a second reading this month? See where we are going?

30-08-2013, 10:51 AM
Fighting for peace, probably.

30-08-2013, 10:55 AM
@NQ What are you doing, apart from ranting on an internet forum?
Not a dig, just asking.

First up, I'm not ranting. It just seems that way because anything outside the advertised probably seems weird. I think we receive about 2,000 messages a day, consciously and subconsciously. It's likely higher, those figures are old. So when you get this one contrary message pop up people go eeeeeeewwww!

I don't do nearly as much as I used to because you get tired. In fact it's incredibly difficult for anyone outside the close confines of power to make any sort of impact. But I write, give technological assistance, research and on very rare occasions make a dent. If you want a "for example", Kar pinsky. Other stuff too but I'm not going into the details. It's a measure of our society today that even talking about those things is a risk. Not in a James Bond way but more like,"So you thought you could fly to the USA? Wrong!" But the point is this, we all need to make small dents. It's easy to laugh at one guy bashing away, harder to pick up a hammer and join in. By now I would have thought the evidence of mendacity was stacking up enough against the comfortable choice to make people pause, and maybe it has. Long way to go though.

30-08-2013, 10:56 AM
Fighting for peace, probably.


Oh wait, that was meant to be a joke? I get it :haha:

30-08-2013, 11:06 AM
The images are horrid, but I don't think every reaction has to be a military one. The UN are never going to say who did it, and evidence seems to be 'it happened therefore it was Assad'. Given our record over the years that isn't good enough. Libya hasn't exactly settled, despite the claims of our triumph.

But I still having nagging doubts this was even Assad. It makes no sense for him to gas his own people and risk intervention, it does though suit the more extreme wing of the rebels. Our own report can't explain why he'd do it. And I don't believe for a second that the CIA, FSB, MI6 and whoever else aren't already in there pulling strings, again given our record for it in Iran and elsewhere. We claim he has used chemical attacks 14 times before, if so we have showed remarkable restraint to ignore it for so long.

In any case, Syria aren't just a rag tag bunch of bandits, they have a large and well disciplined army, the idea there wouldn't be retaliation is a dangerous one. Obama doesn't even have a sound plan on what to do, just giving vague soundbites like "shot across the bow". There is no guarantee this wouldn't take a hell of a long time to sort out, no guarantee there wouldn't be massive escalation and no guarantee it wouldn't end up in full-scale war... handy timing now Iraq/Afghanistan is winding down. We don't know who is our enemy and who is our friend when it comes to the rebels, and frankly our record in choosing the right people is less than good.

Whilst Russia and China do need to take a look at themselves for continually playing the contrarian role, it is no surprise they have got a little tired with US foreign policy of "bomb the shit out of a country, rape the resources and rebuild it our way". And as much as chemical weapons are somehow a line crossed, is it really any worse than the thousands upon thousands killed by US drones? Or the even bigger numbers affected by Agent Orange? It's hard to say yes, imo. But it is an odd juxtaposition that whilst an estimated one hundred thousand people have been killed 'conventionally', we sit back, but a few hundred killed by sarin has crossed the line. It seems quite an on-paper, morally to-the-letter way of looking at things.

As for Cameron, it's his own fault for running head first into his own backbenchers. There was only one reason he recalled parliament this week. We have been itching for military action for months, so much so that people are cynical as to the latest reasons.

Our non-involvement doesn't change anything though, the US will go in with or without us, so the claims Assad will be sleeping soundly now are just odd.

That's a fair, middle of the road assessment. I'd go much further (believe it or not) but as long as the majority are asking questions and looking back at history to draw comparisons then it's a positive thing. And that's what's happening because the vast majority want nothing to do with this latest bullshit. Not because they don't give a shit (from what I can gather) but because they have been lied to so many times, the carnage couldn't be hidden from them and many of the service families know too well the shit you get once you have retired from active cannon fodder duties. It's entirely sensible and moral to oppose this latest adventure. The thought our establishment would be doing anything for the benefit of the Syrian people is ludicrous. It's not an opinion based assessment (as Cameron would claim) it's a reference to the horrors of the last intervention and they incredible harm our boot inflicted on an already oppressed Iraqi population.

30-08-2013, 11:07 AM
Jaw, jaw, jaw is never as satisfying as a swift smack in the chops, but we should as a nation do everything in our power to avoid being dragged into any kind of action in Syria, we should instead encourage the Russians to assist Assad directly in crushing the rebels once and for all and then sit back and watch it all become SEP.

30-08-2013, 11:09 AM
Jaw, jaw, jaw is never as satisfying as a swift smack in the chops, but we should as a nation do everything in our power to avoid being dragged into any kind of action in Syria, we should instead encourage the Russians to assist Assad directly in crushing the rebels once and for all and then sit back and watch it all become SEP.

It's a proxy war. It would be incredibly dangerous to draw the Russians in any further. They have their red lines too.

30-08-2013, 11:13 AM
All wars are proxy, it's down to whether the new Russian aristocracy want to spend millions and make billions warmongering, I don't think they're quite ready, yet.

I'm not sure how much stomach even the Americans have for this, I doubt if Bechtel would get any contracts to rebuild in Syria.

I'm quite hopeful that the French are going to make complete fools of themselves though, that'll be amusing.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
30-08-2013, 11:20 AM
Nice to see you continuing your pointless little vendetta against me after a brief respite.

I don't like you, why should I pretend I do? You're the worst mod I've ever seen.

Xhaka Can’t
30-08-2013, 11:31 AM
I don't like you, why should I pretend I do? You're the worst mod I've ever seen.

I don't know how you can decide not to like people you haven't met. You may not like what someone posts or their posting style.

On the plus side, I'm not the worst mod in the world.

30-08-2013, 11:36 AM
On the plus side, I'm not the worst mod in the world, when sober.

Qualified that for you :good:

Xhaka Can’t
30-08-2013, 11:47 AM
Qualified that for you :good:

I really need a computer equipped with a breathalyser.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
30-08-2013, 11:49 AM
I don't know how you can decide not to like people you haven't met. You may not like what someone posts or their posting style.

On the plus side, I'm not the worst mod in the world.

How can you dislike someone who waltzes into a thread in a patronising and pretenious manner? With his little italics here or there to try and show people his view stands above everyone else's? Well it's easy.

30-08-2013, 12:13 PM
:unsure: I've never seen N_Q use italics

30-08-2013, 12:32 PM
"I hate Italians with their slanty little eyes <_<

...oh wait, that's italics."*
- Milton Jones

* - that works better spoken rather than read tbh

Shaqiri Is Boss
30-08-2013, 12:34 PM
That's a fair, middle of the road assessment. I'd go much further (believe it or not) but as long as the majority are asking questions and looking back at history to draw comparisons then it's a positive thing. And that's what's happening because the vast majority want nothing to do with this latest bullshit. Not because they don't give a shit (from what I can gather) but because they have been lied to so many times, the carnage couldn't be hidden from them and many of the service families know too well the shit you get once you have retired from active cannon fodder duties. It's entirely sensible and moral to oppose this latest adventure. The thought our establishment would be doing anything for the benefit of the Syrian people is ludicrous. It's not an opinion based assessment (as Cameron would claim) it's a reference to the horrors of the last intervention and they incredible harm our boot inflicted on an already oppressed Iraqi population.

Well we are largely apathetic when it comes to political stuff, there is a lot of [probably misplaced] trust in assuming they will do the right thing, but a government characterised by "omnishambles", who don't even have the conviction for taxes on pasties and caravans, when general living standards are falling and people are being told about cuts for the last 3 years and for years to come and horror stories about the disabled, about funding and feeding our elderly and sick... it's no surprise when people find it difficult to trust and believe them when it comes to matters of war.

30-08-2013, 12:40 PM
I don't like you, why should I pretend I do? You're the worst mod I've ever seen.


Marc Overmars
30-08-2013, 12:43 PM
Could someone summarise what's happened please, thanks.

30-08-2013, 12:44 PM
Could someone summarise what's happened please, thanks.

NunderscoreQ ranted his tin-foil hat off, Letters owned him.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
30-08-2013, 12:57 PM
First up, I'm not ranting. It just seems that way because anything outside the advertised probably seems weird. I think we receive about 2,000 messages a day, consciously and subconsciously. It's likely higher, those figures are old. So when you get this one contrary message pop up people go eeeeeeewwww!

I don't do nearly as much as I used to because you get tired. In fact it's incredibly difficult for anyone outside the close confines of power to make any sort of impact. But I write, give technological assistance, research and on very rare occasions make a dent. If you want a "for example", Kar pinsky. Other stuff too but I'm not going into the details. It's a measure of our society today that even talking about those things is a risk. Not in a James Bond way but more like,"So you thought you could fly to the USA? Wrong!" But the point is this, we all need to make small dents. It's easy to laugh at one guy bashing away, harder to pick up a hammer and join in. By now I would have thought the evidence of mendacity was stacking up enough against the comfortable choice to make people pause, and maybe it has. Long way to go though.

Yes. Completely right.

Spot on.

Xhaka Can’t
30-08-2013, 01:01 PM
How can you dislike someone who waltzes into a thread in a patronising and pretenious manner? With his little italics here or there to try and show people his view stands above everyone else's? Well it's easy.

It's a forum mate. I don't behave like I do here in real life and I suspect most others here don't either.

30-08-2013, 01:01 PM
Yeah. You never get drunk and talk shit in real life...


Xhaka Can’t
30-08-2013, 01:03 PM
Yeah. You never get drunk and talk shit in real life...


I'm very eloquent when drunk in real life

30-08-2013, 01:04 PM
That comes with a lot of practice I suppose.

Xhaka Can’t
30-08-2013, 01:07 PM
That comes with a lot of practice I suppose.

We are supposed to be picking on Letters.

30-08-2013, 01:13 PM
Oops, sorry.

Letters, you're an insufferable arse, apologise to these people at once and get to your room, don't come out again until you can prove your contrition.

Ha, that'll learn 'im.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
30-08-2013, 01:16 PM
It's a forum mate. I don't behave like I do here in real life and I suspect most others here don't either.

Yes that's the point, on here I dislike him. In real life I may like him. But what am I supposed to go on? His posts or him in real life (which I've never met)?

Xhaka Can’t
30-08-2013, 01:19 PM
Yes that's the point, on here I dislike him. In real life I may like him. But what am I supposed to go on? His posts or him in real life (which I've never met)?

You're lucky then.

30-08-2013, 02:07 PM
If the worst comes to the worst we can always reprogram the cruise missiles to hit Madrid...

Britain "will always stand up for Gibraltar" says David Cameron after talks with its Chief Minister Fabian Picardo

The dagos are so skint they won't even fight back :good:

31-08-2013, 04:07 AM
This was a comment I saw today, the dry wit made me laugh.

To my amazement this has given me the opportunity to be proud to be British again - at least for a while
- jessthecrip

31-08-2013, 08:10 AM
Most journalism now days is factually edited, over simplified and biased but to believe there is a imperialist agenda behind it is just tin foil hat wearing....it's about what form of sensationalism sells the best.....there is only one consideration and that's money.
There is no collusion or secret meetings to drive towards a world governance that's been in the pipeline for generations....just a world run by greedy, self-serving incompetents (i.e people like you or me)
The Syrian situation there is no good side or bad side, one one side you have the Russian backed Assad government....Assad seems now to me to be a puppet dictator for the military on the other side you had a once well meaning opposition which has been hijacked by Islamic extremists and why you are seeing a mass exodus of Syrians from the country because they are being targeted by the Islamist for being "Assad Supporters".
Supplying people with Arms won't do any good, targeted destruction of chemical weapons complexs will cause more harm than good.....it's one of those situations where the kindest thing to do would be to step back....thousands will continue to die but if you interfere thousands will die anyway.

02-09-2013, 01:56 PM
John Kerry is certainly the biggest lying cunt to ever open his mouth since every time Dick Cheney opened his mouth. To think this creature was the "progressive" alternative to Bush. If anything Bush is now starting to look a moderate by comparison to Uncle Tom and his gang of lying, thieving, criminal scumbags.

Never ever listen to what these cunts say. Instead, watch what they do. If you watch what they do rather than listen to their lies then suddenly the world makes sense. It's not a nice picture but at least it makes sense.

02-09-2013, 02:03 PM
Pretty much.

02-09-2013, 02:05 PM
This is the vile criminal responsible for the chemical attacks on innocent civilians in Syria.


02-09-2013, 02:07 PM
Nah, his pubelike beard isn't long enough. Much like your penis. It can't be him.

02-09-2013, 02:14 PM
Nah, his pubelike beard isn't long enough. Much like your penis. It can't be him.

I photoshopped his beard out so you could see his murdering face clearly. I also photoshopped my penis and it can now be seen quite clearly. So you are completely wrong on both points.

02-09-2013, 02:16 PM

McNamara That Ghost...
02-09-2013, 02:19 PM
This is the vile criminal responsible for the chemical attacks on innocent civilians in Syria.


Uncle Phil?

Power n Glory
07-09-2013, 07:33 PM
This whole charade is so transparent it's painful to watch. If people haven't figured out who the bad guys are by now then there's no hope for them.



Wash and repeat.

Question....probably a silly one at that...what was the justification for the use of Agent Orange and how is it not classified as a chemical weapon?

07-09-2013, 09:44 PM
It wasn't classed as an anti-personnel weapon, it's a defoliant/herbicide, used to deny ground cover to an enemy, like Agent Blue that was used to kill crops, that there were catastrophic side effects leading to enormous casualties was an unintended bonus for the Americans, not so much for the Vietnamese though.

Of course knowing its history and the atrocious harm it causes didn't stop the Brazilians when they used it to clear enormous areas of the Amazon rainforest so they could build a hydroelectric dam, it was probably going cheap, the Americans still have stored enough to de-forest the entire globe I think.

Monsanto, profiting from war, misery, famine and the suffering of non-Americans since 1901.

Power n Glory
07-09-2013, 10:48 PM
What about white phosphorus used in Iraq? How are they able to get away with that one?

07-09-2013, 11:14 PM
What about white phosphorus used in Iraq? How are they able to get away with that one?

Coz they 'set' the rules :coffee: , amount of BS they come out each time with is terrible.

09-09-2013, 11:36 AM
The US secretary of state has said that President Bashar al-Assad has one week to hand over his entire stock of chemical weapons to avoid a military attack, but said he had no expectation that the Syrian leader would comply.

:haha: Unreal.

09-09-2013, 12:18 PM
:haha: Unreal.

You'd have thought John Kerry would have crawled under a rock never to be seen again after failing to beat George Dubya.

At least Gordon Brown had the decency to never to be seen again. TB is of course making far too much money to be sticking his oar in even though he's a Middle East peace envoy.

09-09-2013, 12:39 PM
:haha: Unreal.

Quite, imagine the price it would cost to post, not to mention the question of where to source an envelope that large.

Power n Glory
09-09-2013, 12:47 PM
Nothing learned.

Xhaka Can’t
09-09-2013, 01:08 PM
Every time the West intervenes in shit going off in the Middle East, the problem just gets compounded and spreads. As unsavoury as it is, we'd be better off letting this run its course internally.

09-09-2013, 01:42 PM
Every time the West intervenes in shit going off in the Middle East, the problem just gets compounded and spreads. As unsavoury as it is, we'd be better off letting this run its course internally.

It may have been better still to avoid causing the current problems in the first place - but that horse has bolted. And selling them chemical weapons should be right out.

09-09-2013, 02:09 PM
The majority of people in Syria want Assad to stay.

No proof that the Assad regime used chemical weapons. Proof that the rebels did use Sarin gas - UN investigators.

No point intervening on false pretences like Iraq again.

Power n Glory
09-09-2013, 02:28 PM
The majority of people in Syria want Assad to stay.

No proof that the Assad regime used chemical weapons. Proof that the rebels did use Sarin gas - UN investigators.

No point intervening on false pretences like Iraq again.

They want to intervene which is why they're pushing the war button. Why not wait for the UN report and actually find out who used the chemical weapons? They'd be quite happy to intervene on false reports. It's bullshit.

09-09-2013, 02:31 PM
They want to intervene which is why they're pushing the war button. Why not wait for the UN report and actually find out who used the chemical weapons? They'd be quite happy to intervene on false reports. It's bullshit.

The 'rebels' are pretty much AQ who want the shi'ite led regime to end. They're supporting the AQ in Syria, yet fighting them at the same time :lol: . Syria and Iran are close allies, and a attack on Syria will be a puzzle piece to attack Iran, the big oil daddy. When they get something fired back in return for firing the first shots, they'll act like the victims again.

09-09-2013, 10:56 PM
Vlad Putin :lol:
US :pal:


The Wengerbabies
10-09-2013, 12:36 AM
There should be no debate.

Military action is a no brainer.

10-09-2013, 02:16 AM
There should be no debate.

Military action is a no brainer.

When did you get back from Iraq?

10-09-2013, 07:33 AM
There should be no debate.

Military action is a no brainer.

really? what is the plan exactly?

10-09-2013, 07:49 AM
really? what is the plan exactly?


Xhaka Can’t
10-09-2013, 09:56 AM
really? what is the plan exactly?

Plans schplans.

What could possibly go wrong?

10-09-2013, 10:16 AM
There's really something odd going on when Fox News is against lobbing randomly aimed missiles at human beings. Even Hannity is against it, WTF? Traitor!

10-09-2013, 10:56 AM
The boy ain't right I tell ya hwat.

10-09-2013, 11:00 AM
If Assad doesn't behave the Americans are going to use these on the foreign devil...


Brynne Larson and Tess and Savannah Scherkenback are all-American girls from Arizona, who enjoy martial arts and horse riding. But something sets them apart from most teenagers - they perform public exorcisms and often appear on TV chat shows.

Eighteen-year-old Brynne met sisters Tess and Savannah about eight years ago at a karate class.

"We just really hit it off," says Savannah, aged 21. "I don't know what happens but somehow you bond when you're punching one another and throwing knees. We were working out together, learning how to fight and how to defend ourselves and defend others."

They are now karate black belts, but because of their particular Christian beliefs, they have also decided to do battle - they say - against evil spirits or demons. They believe that these demons can possess a human being and cause suffering, depression or addiction.

"A demon can't just come into anybody whenever it chooses too, God doesn't allow that," says Brynne.

10-09-2013, 11:18 AM
Plans schplans.

What could possibly go wrong?

bit of improv why not :)

10-09-2013, 11:33 AM
If Assad doesn't behave the Americans are going to use these on the foreign devil...


Horse riding? :haha:


10-09-2013, 11:47 AM
I think Famine is in bed with a hot water bottle though.

10-09-2013, 08:49 PM

10-09-2013, 09:01 PM

Obi Wan RIP