View Full Version : Match Reaction vs Palace (home).

McNamara That Ghost...
16-08-2014, 06:25 PM
Great stuff, Palace's brand of football doesn't really fit in with the BLitW remit in truth.

A true scroting performance. :bow:

Marc Overmars
16-08-2014, 06:27 PM
Disappointing performance but we won, so fuck it.

Arsenal. :bow:

16-08-2014, 06:28 PM
Stole it.

Gutted for Palace. If only they could have time wasted away the entire last 20 mins instead of just 18. It's those little lapses that make the difference.

cheesy bites
16-08-2014, 06:29 PM
Cazorla was shite. Send him to Atletico and bring in Draxler or someone.

Sanchez really really doesn't look like he knows what the rest of the team is doing. Still early days yet.

Ox brought some urgency which was nice.

Kos looked a little shaky.

Sanogo is not starting quality yet. We could do with another striker/play Joel Campbell instead of Yaya.

Debuchy was alright, Monreal did well when he came on.

Ramsey :cloud9:

Chambers :cloud9:

First game, 3 points, fuck yeah.

Xhaka Can’t
16-08-2014, 06:30 PM
That performance was poor. I have nothing to say about Sanogo other than I never want to see him again.

Most disappointing of all was that horror show of a performance by Cazorla - it was his worst ever by a mile. It was probably even worse than Sanogo's.

But hey - 3 points! :scarf:

Dicks and chicks
16-08-2014, 06:30 PM
why did joel campbell not start ahead of Sangogo? why is my penis so small?

cheesy bites
16-08-2014, 06:31 PM
Cazorla is finished now. Take any double figure fee Atleti offer and run far far away.

The Emirates Gallactico
16-08-2014, 06:31 PM
Always going to be difficult to play against a well drilled team who park the bus. Especially when they're allowed to foul with impunity and the ref does nothing.

3 points is all that matters and I don't care how we do it. Will take results like this as long as we win.

Bring on Bestikas.

16-08-2014, 06:31 PM
All that matters is the points but we need a striker to take us to that next level whether Wenger will purchase one is another matter.

Alexis was game, got the assist, I think he tried hard and sometimes too hard but he didn't give up and he'll get use to the prem.

Can't wait for Ozil to come back as he'll bring a level of quality that was missing today.

Chambers looked assured, but that zonal marking is a disaster without the right personnel.

Ramsey still scoring is always good.

Dicks and chicks
16-08-2014, 06:32 PM
Cazorla is finished now. Take any double figure fee Atleti offer and run far far away.

because he's had one bad game after a world cup year? OK

16-08-2014, 06:34 PM
Monreal was really good.

Xhaka Can’t
16-08-2014, 06:35 PM
because he's had one bad game after a world cup year? OK

A lot of our players had a 'bad game'. What Cazorla had today was on an entirely different level.

But yeah, lets not write him off just on today's performance. For all we know, he was mistakenly injected with a horse tranquilizer today.

The Emirates Gallactico
16-08-2014, 06:36 PM
Cazorla is finished now. Take any double figure fee Atleti offer and run far far away.

Don't be silly.

On a more serious point though, Wenger needs to stop persisting with his pet project of trying to develop Sanogo into a world beater. It's costing us. He's not ready.

cheesy bites
16-08-2014, 06:37 PM
because he's had one bad game after a world cup year? OK
He hasn't played really well for a long time. And he barely played 90 minutes in total at the World Cup.

I just think, his value is never going to be higher. If they were to sell him, now is the time. Love him for what he did in the Cup Final but you shift guys out the door when they start to drop and he has.

16-08-2014, 06:38 PM
Palace - 58% pass accuracy. That shows a team that has no intention of playing a football match.

cheesy bites
16-08-2014, 06:39 PM
Mesut Özil: (https://twitter.com/MesutOzil1088/status/500711325937704960) Three points - that's the main thing! #AFCvCPFC #ThanksRamsey

dat team unity :hug:

16-08-2014, 06:39 PM
He should be sent out on loan to develop, not at our expense.

McNamara That Ghost...
16-08-2014, 06:44 PM
Wilshere getting a battering from Redknapp. Something he probaby needs to hear, though he wasn't particluarly bad today.

Master Splinter
16-08-2014, 06:44 PM
Stunning win.

Chambers is superb. Apart from that hospital pass.

Debuchy very impressive so far.

Ramsey on course for at least 46 goals this season.

Lacking little bit sharpness but we should be more incisive in the Besiktas game as they surely won't park the quadruple-decker for 96 minutes.

cheesy bites
16-08-2014, 06:45 PM
Wilshere getting a battering from Redknapp. Something he probaby needs to hear, though he wasn't particluarly bad today.
To be fair, Redknapp is always fairly kind to Arsenal. Carragher fucking hates us. In the papers he was slating Scz and Kos and Giroud; and thinks we won't finish top 4.

16-08-2014, 06:46 PM
Stunning win.

Chambers is superb. Apart from that hospital pass.

Debuchy very impressive so far.

Ramsey on course for at least 46 goals this season.

Lacking little bit sharpness but they should be more decisive in the Besiktas game as they surely won't park the quadruple-decker for 96 minutes.

No, but they will stab all our players and try to persuade Wenger to sign them on cash in hand deals.

cheesy bites
16-08-2014, 06:51 PM
No, but they will stab all our players and try to persuade Wenger to sign them on cash in hand deals.

Who wouldn't want to stab Giroud...in the butt...



16-08-2014, 06:56 PM
Do the Sky lads know we won the game?

16-08-2014, 06:56 PM
Women football presenters :haha:

16-08-2014, 07:03 PM
Szczesny 5 - Couldn't do much for their goal, but made an idiotic blind clearance that indirectly led to the corner from which their goal came and generally coming off his line all the time because he's seen Manuel Neur do it.
Debuchy 8 - Really good debut, his crossing would have been exploited by a better striker and defensively no matter how much he gets up the pitch he's happy to tear back to cut out crosses.
Chambers 7 - Gives the impression he can really push on and become a top class centre back, there are a few things missing....communication with his fellow Centre Back needs to improve and he needs to perhaps temper his enthusiasm, as yellow card came about as result of being impetuous
Koscielny 6 - Really needs to work on what he's doing at set pieces, he needs to be marking the tallest player when Mertesacker isn't there not going for a cigarette break....mopped up well though when we lost possession in midfield.
Gibbs 6 - Played ok, hopefully that wasn't his hamstring that forced him off.....but it sure as hell looked like it
Arteta 6 - Wasn't that dreadful today, but the time he seems to need to take on the ball drew Palace players to him like a magnet
Ramsey 7 - Nowhere near his best, sometimes a bit slow to get to things or his passing was a bit off kilter but he worked hard and got his reward...captain material?
Wilshere 5 - Seemed to be running into cul de sacs, sad as it is to say seems more interested in partying than playing football at the highest level
Cazorla 4 - Worst game he's ever had in an Arsenal shirt, poor corners, poor crossing, dithering on the ball losing possession...shocking passing....Jelly Doughnut in the foot locker?
Alexis 6 - Seem to be trying too hard, crossing was diabolical....did provide some entertainment with some good ball skills....work in progress
Sanogo 5 - Negated everything positive he did, good running and winning the ball in dangerous areas with poor decision making and clumsiness....he's the one who has to pick up the cones in training i suspect.


Monreal 7 - Did well defensively, tidy and effective....never going to be quite as effective as Gibbs going forward
Giroud 7 - Actually looked dangerous at times, not using him to hold up the ball deep like last season and better passing in the final third from midfield and i think he'd have found himself on the scoresheet today
Oxlade Chamberlain 5 - Didn't look match fit

16-08-2014, 07:10 PM
Ah fuck, i've just realised Cazorla is in my fantasy football team, you fat chorizo munching scumbag

16-08-2014, 07:42 PM
Sell Cazorla?!! What the hell is wrong with people on here? He had a shit game but he has been a very consistent performer for all the time he has been here.. so absafuckinglutely NO! Sanogo was beyond shit today! I really think he needs some confidence and if Campbell seems like a better bet, then loan out Sanogo to another team.

Sanchez looked clueless as well. He ran all day, so got to give him an A for effort, but in terms of end product, he was gob shite. Its only his first competitive game though and he'll hopefully get better.

Ramsey is God obviously :bow:

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
16-08-2014, 08:01 PM
I never get the views on Carzorla on here (technically superb, two footed, nimble, fantastic shooting....though these are all reasons why he should play better) but I would agree it wasn't his best game but I didn't think it was his worst either. Not sure that goes in his favour though!

Sanogo wasn't that bad to me though I agree he isn't for this level yet and I actually thought Wilshere was good. Signs he is moving on a little....

Arteta was near faultless but Alexis' crossing was a real eyesore.... but I do like how he manoeuvres to face the play having received the ball. When he controlled the ball from that 50 yard pass on his chest and just kept it there, that was probably the best thing he did. A semi at least.

16-08-2014, 08:19 PM
Cazorla was terrible but we know he's actually superb.

Sanogo was terrible and shows no signs of improving.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
16-08-2014, 08:29 PM
To be clear, I was referring to Wilshere with the signs of improving....though I think Sanogo is too, but not nearly as quickly as he will need to.

16-08-2014, 08:42 PM
Callum Chambers:

93 % pass accuracy, 9 clearances, 2 interceptions & 100% tackles won

16-08-2014, 08:44 PM
:woohoo: :woohoo:

Haven't seen any of the game but was checking the scores on my phone and thought it finished 1-1. Ramsey you fucking maverick!

Can't wait to watch motd. Van Gaal :haha:

16-08-2014, 09:08 PM
Wins a win.

and we did.


16-08-2014, 11:04 PM
A fairly shocking performance on the whole, but a win's a win.

Arsenal :bow:

16-08-2014, 11:15 PM
Didn't dicks and chicks get banned from here a while back?

17-08-2014, 09:07 AM
Very surprised by all those negative comments . It was easy to see that most of the players are not match-fit yet mostly due to the world cup and very short pre-season . But they tried their best .
While few of them had their worst game others show some very encouraging signs :
Chambers was very good at the CB position which is impressive for someone his age playing his first PL game for a big team.
Monreal has definitely improved and is ready to prove his haters wrong .
Giroud seems to have taken his game to another level and he will be up with the best PL center forward out there
Alexis Sanchez , even though he is not used to the PL yet , but he is ready for the battle and will not get bullied .
Debuchy made sure we don't and we won't regret Sagna . He even looks an upgrade .
The whole team showed an improvement of their defensive game . Apart from the goal which took them by surprise and due to some mistake especially by Alexis for failing to mark Hangeland ,they work hard to regain possession whenever they lost the ball.
Ramsey did not have his best game but his goalscoring ability is still there .

Injury Time
17-08-2014, 10:38 AM
Shaznay-a bit meh and how many seasons has he had to work on clearances FFS row z man
Kos-bit rusty but the only one making a run for his goal :bow:
Dabitchy-okay but link up was a bit weak
Gibbs- was feeling his left hamstring before going off #madeofglass
Monreal-did okay, similar to his couple of good games just after he joined
Santi-improved when Giroud came on as better understanding
Wilshire-looked a little lightweight but was being kicked all over the show
Ox-needs sometime with Dabitchy and Alexis as on different wavelengths
Sanchez-lots of effort, strong as loved his jump up barge/foul on one of their thugs who'd knocked off the ball :bow:
Sanogo-(my autocorrect says "no replacement found" when I type Sanogo) yeah didn't have the muscle advantage looked average, saw one good run in the first half...er that was it

17-08-2014, 10:58 AM
The Sun everyone :doh:

Chambers :wacko:


Power n Glory
17-08-2014, 11:28 AM
The Sun everyone :doh:

Chambers :wacko:


Terrible. Chambers looked good. Kos had the shaky game but made up for it with his goal.

Santi, Sanogo and Wilshere deserved the lower marks. They are three players who really needed better performances to hold on to a starting position. On today's evidence, it wasn't enough.

I had hopes for Sanogo because his link up play and movement is usually good but that was a woeful display. I think Wenger needs to give someone else a shot like Campbell, Sanchez, Pod, or just go to the market.

17-08-2014, 11:47 AM
After 14 attempts on goal to their 4 and 78% of the possession plus two goals to their one, the official history is written. Palace were unlucky and Arsenal stole the result due to Ramsey being almost as good as Lampard. A simple message from simple(ton) journalists.

For those content with Monreal's performance, he's fine provided he's not one on one with any player who has even mild pace. Put him up against pace and he's one of the biggest liabilities you'll ever see. But yes, he was okay yesterday with Palace playing 11 behind the ball and trying to waste 90 minutes.

I see Chambers is not going to be instantly granted English status by the media. He's not going to be on par with the peerless Luke Shaw (who would have been superb had he played yesterday). Perhaps if the kid works up a racial abuse routine and gets into coveting his neighbour's wife he'll start getting some credit. Meanwhile, he's had a super start to his Arsenal career and I see no reason at all why he can't be the #3 cover we have been looking for. If he's good enough he's old enough and to me he looks plenty good enough. He'll make mistakes due to lack of experience but the only way to prevent that is to get the experience. Tony Adams managed and this kid can too.

Alexis punched back just as hard as he was punched and that was encouraging. It must have been weird for him coming from a footballing background into the English league, he must have had plenty of WTF moments as he was punched, elbowed, clawed and kicked from all angles. He'll get used to it with the big question being can he survive nine months of it. Ozil struggled towards the end, a bit like a stock car that has done too many laps, but it looks like Alexis can handle himself.

We were so ridiculously dominant in that game it was an embarrassment for the league. The fact our passing and movement were entirely off yet we still bossed it in every way speaks volumes about "Tony Pulis' team". They came spoiling for a fight and fighting to spoil and they didn't disappoint. They displayed all the character of a typical and talentless English team, which is why they are getting the plaudits this morning. This sort of game appeals to apes and so it is fortunate we have apes running (and ruining) the game. And yet Palace can't be blamed for ditching the football, they'd be annihilated if they took us on at that game - we're pretty good at it when allowed to play. But when the gap is this big, and growing bigger by the day thanks to the "ambition" of the heroic financial dopers, they have to find some way to level the playing field (and all the people on it). Blame the dopers and the apes who applaud them for reducing the game to this.

It would be nice to get a bit of credit for not only remaining on our feet but emerging victorious. Slap on a Utd badge and this would be the mark of champions. Without the badge it's theft. We stole Crystal Palace's lolly-pop. Poor old Palace. But they still don't get the 3 points. We do. As for Utd, apparently their team is rotten to the core. Not even a self proclaimed genius can do much about it without wheelbarrows of cash being thrown onto a mountain of modern day ambition. They went into the game as a fearsome top 4 certainty (taking our place I assume), some had proclaimed them champions elect. Then reality dawned and the rats leapt overboard to write their hit pieces from the lifeboats. If van Gaal is a genius then what was Ferguson, who actually managed to win with the majority of that squad? Genius ain't what it used to be.

Silly old journalists. Stealing a living.

17-08-2014, 12:13 PM
Very surprised by all those negative comments.
Are you new here?

17-08-2014, 12:17 PM
After 14 attempts on goal to their 4 and 78% of the possession plus two goals to their one, the official history is written. Palace were unlucky and Arsenal stole the result due to Ramsey being almost as good as Lampard. A simple message from simple(ton) journalists.

For those content with Monreal's performance, he's fine provided he's not one on one with any player who has even mild pace. Put him up against pace and he's one of the biggest liabilities you'll ever see. But yes, he was okay yesterday with Palace playing 11 behind the ball and trying to waste 90 minutes.

I see Chambers is not going to be instantly granted English status by the media. He's not going to be on par with the peerless Luke Shaw (who would have been superb had he played yesterday). Perhaps if the kid works up a racial abuse routine and gets into coveting his neighbour's wife he'll start getting some credit. Meanwhile, he's had a super start to his Arsenal career and I see no reason at all why he can't be the #3 cover we have been looking for. If he's good enough he's old enough and to me he looks plenty good enough. He'll make mistakes due to lack of experience but the only way to prevent that is to get the experience. Tony Adams managed and this kid can too.

Alexis punched back just as hard as he was punched and that was encouraging. It must have been weird for him coming from a footballing background into the English league, he must have had plenty of WTF moments as he was punched, elbowed, clawed and kicked from all angles. He'll get used to it with the big question being can he survive nine months of it. Ozil struggled towards the end, a bit like a stock car that has done too many laps, but it looks like Alexis can handle himself.

We were so ridiculously dominant in that game it was an embarrassment for the league. The fact our passing and movement were entirely off yet we still bossed it in every way speaks volumes about "Tony Pulis' team". They came spoiling for a fight and fighting to spoil and they didn't disappoint. They displayed all the character of a typical and talentless English team, which is why they are getting the plaudits this morning. This sort of game appeals to apes and so it is fortunate we have apes running (and ruining) the game. And yet Palace can't be blamed for ditching the football, they'd be annihilated if they took us on at that game - we're pretty good at it when allowed to play. But when the gap is this big, and growing bigger by the day thanks to the "ambition" of the heroic financial dopers, they have to find some way to level the playing field (and all the people on it). Blame the dopers and the apes who applaud them for reducing the game to this.

It would be nice to get a bit of credit for not only remaining on our feet but emerging victorious. Slap on a Utd badge and this would be the mark of champions. Without the badge it's theft. We stole Crystal Palace's lolly-pop. Poor old Palace. But they still don't get the 3 points. We do. As for Utd, apparently their team is rotten to the core. Not even a self proclaimed genius can do much about it without wheelbarrows of cash being thrown onto a mountain of modern day ambition. They went into the game as a fearsome top 4 certainty (taking our place I assume), some had proclaimed them champions elect. Then reality dawned and the rats leapt overboard to write their hit pieces from the lifeboats. If van Gaal is a genius then what was Ferguson, who actually managed to win with the majority of that squad? Genius ain't what it used to be.

Silly old journalists. Stealing a living.
Superb post. Doesn't even matter if I agree with what you're ranting about (and I mostly don't there), it's a good read. Just checked this out after reading Arseblog's match review which might've worked in your favour.

The Emirates Gallactico
17-08-2014, 02:42 PM
After 14 attempts on goal to their 4 and 78% of the possession plus two goals to their one, the official history is written. Palace were unlucky and Arsenal stole the result due to Ramsey being almost as good as Lampard. A simple message from simple(ton) journalists.

For those content with Monreal's performance, he's fine provided he's not one on one with any player who has even mild pace. Put him up against pace and he's one of the biggest liabilities you'll ever see. But yes, he was okay yesterday with Palace playing 11 behind the ball and trying to waste 90 minutes.

I see Chambers is not going to be instantly granted English status by the media. He's not going to be on par with the peerless Luke Shaw (who would have been superb had he played yesterday). Perhaps if the kid works up a racial abuse routine and gets into coveting his neighbour's wife he'll start getting some credit. Meanwhile, he's had a super start to his Arsenal career and I see no reason at all why he can't be the #3 cover we have been looking for. If he's good enough he's old enough and to me he looks plenty good enough. He'll make mistakes due to lack of experience but the only way to prevent that is to get the experience. Tony Adams managed and this kid can too.

Alexis punched back just as hard as he was punched and that was encouraging. It must have been weird for him coming from a footballing background into the English league, he must have had plenty of WTF moments as he was punched, elbowed, clawed and kicked from all angles. He'll get used to it with the big question being can he survive nine months of it. Ozil struggled towards the end, a bit like a stock car that has done too many laps, but it looks like Alexis can handle himself.

We were so ridiculously dominant in that game it was an embarrassment for the league. The fact our passing and movement were entirely off yet we still bossed it in every way speaks volumes about "Tony Pulis' team". They came spoiling for a fight and fighting to spoil and they didn't disappoint. They displayed all the character of a typical and talentless English team, which is why they are getting the plaudits this morning. This sort of game appeals to apes and so it is fortunate we have apes running (and ruining) the game. And yet Palace can't be blamed for ditching the football, they'd be annihilated if they took us on at that game - we're pretty good at it when allowed to play. But when the gap is this big, and growing bigger by the day thanks to the "ambition" of the heroic financial dopers, they have to find some way to level the playing field (and all the people on it). Blame the dopers and the apes who applaud them for reducing the game to this.

It would be nice to get a bit of credit for not only remaining on our feet but emerging victorious. Slap on a Utd badge and this would be the mark of champions. Without the badge it's theft. We stole Crystal Palace's lolly-pop. Poor old Palace. But they still don't get the 3 points. We do. As for Utd, apparently their team is rotten to the core. Not even a self proclaimed genius can do much about it without wheelbarrows of cash being thrown onto a mountain of modern day ambition. They went into the game as a fearsome top 4 certainty (taking our place I assume), some had proclaimed them champions elect. Then reality dawned and the rats leapt overboard to write their hit pieces from the lifeboats. If van Gaal is a genius then what was Ferguson, who actually managed to win with the majority of that squad? Genius ain't what it used to be.

Silly old journalists. Stealing a living.


Niall Quinn :bow::bow:

You're too good for this place. Letters needs to start paying you for your services tbh.

17-08-2014, 03:51 PM
Chambers: https://vine.co/v/M35lMjx3xjj

17-08-2014, 03:53 PM
Chambers: https://vine.co/v/M35lMjx3xjj

New boy looked nervy. Must do better. Booked. (Joined the wrong club)

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
17-08-2014, 04:08 PM
Apparently he's really thoughtful and intelligent which you can easily believe. That knack and nous of a little self self reflection and tweaking ones game to perfection is probably what got him his ticket here.

I like the fact he never seems panicked and far from the hot head type which people are increasingly insisting is a requirement of a top pro. He and Rambo could barely be more pacified.

Even his yellow card you get the sense was due to over cautiousness rather than stupidity or rashness. Onwards and upwards young fella.

I've berated mini crouch so often I felt it was only fair to duly recognise his exceptional cameo. Obviously we weren't exactly up against it but that is not necessary a pre-requisite for making grave mistakes.

17-08-2014, 05:23 PM
Are you new here?

Depend on what you mean by " being new "

17-08-2014, 06:04 PM

Niall Quinn :bow::bow:

You're too good for this place. Letters needs to start paying you for your services tbh.

NQ :bow:

Ollie the Optimist
17-08-2014, 08:12 PM
We played awfully but we were missing two key players in Metesacker and Ozil. They improve us hugely but we did well to win. First game of the season is always tough just because its the first game and the sharpness etc isn't quite there. Wenger was right, the season should have been pushed back a week because players from the world cup weren't quite ready. Thought Chambers was really good, Koscienly was just Koscienly, popping up with a vital goal and just defending well. He really is one of Wengers greatest signings. Cazorla and Jack for me where poor, but both have been and will be better. Ramsey, not a great game but he just pops up when you need him. I wonder if winning a trophy has given these players a massive injection of belief, yesterday although there was urgency towards the end, there wasn't panic like there would have been in seasons before. They looked like they felt they would score, especially when the red card came out.

18-08-2014, 08:11 AM

Injury Time
18-08-2014, 08:57 AM

So Cesc hatrick and 10 assists today then...

18-08-2014, 09:05 AM
Don't think any of the top teams played particularly well over the weekend - I personally prefer away games to start the season as you would hope the opposition would want to come out of their own half in front of their fans.
The positives were 3 points & Chambers looking good for someone so inexperienced.
The negatives were many but playing Cazorla on the left hand side was discussed so many times last year as a waste of time & it was proved again. With the possession we have our left & right attacking midfielders have to get wide to create space. Cazorla comes inside all the time which makes it to congested. You could see that Sanchez was our only attacking route before he swapped sides.
With all the possession we had, we didn't have a shot on goal until half an hour & our 2 goals came from set pieces - we are simply over playing in the middle of the pitch where there is no danger to the opposition.
We had plenty of games like this at home last year where we struggled to break teams down, we have to be more direct against the pub teams, do we need a DM when the other team is punting long? - why not put OX wide instead of Cazorla & tell him & Sanchez to get beyond the full backs. Not once 1st half did we get in behind them.
This style of play also requires you CF to be making the right moves in & around the box and to have the skill to play the intricate lay-offs that our midfield look for - if we're gonna play Sonogo we may as well try a non-league striker.
He did nothing yesterday that any of us couldn't have done & that will be the same time & time again.
The passing in midfield at times was atrocious even Rambo was having a mare but the ball has to go sideways because our movement upfront was non-existent. If you saw the goal Sterling scored for Liverpool yesterday, that is where we need Sanchez to be.
He was receiving the ball yesterday basically on the half way line with the left back up his arse.
Drop the DM for the home games against pub teams & put Sanchez upfront - get the ball forward far quicker which will happen if we have 2 forwards making runs.

18-08-2014, 09:25 AM
The left side has always been a problem. Nobody plays well there but I agree Ox might be the best option.

In games like this I don't understand packing the midfield. It's too cautious to think Palace are going to make use of the extra space. Should go 2 up top and drop a midfielder. I'd go Alexis--Ramsey--Arteta--Ox, Giroud--Podolski.

18-08-2014, 09:30 AM
The left side has always been a problem. Nobody plays well there but I agree Ox might be the best option.

In games like this I don't understand packing the midfield. It's too cautious to think Palace are going to make use of the extra space. Should go 2 up top and drop a midfielder. I'd go Alexis--Ramsey--Arteta--Ox, Giroud--Podolski.

That's the thing really, Podolski has always looked lively with another striker next to him.

Also annoying that Sanogo keeps starting.

Henry/Bergkamp seems a long time ago now compared to Sanogo/Giroud

18-08-2014, 10:33 AM
Just glad we picked up the 3 points and considering the circumstances I thought we did OK. We definitely deserved to win even though we looked very disjointed.

It's still early days and we still have 3 first teamers to come back.

Power n Glory
18-08-2014, 06:39 PM
Don't think any of the top teams played particularly well over the weekend - I personally prefer away games to start the season as you would hope the opposition would want to come out of their own half in front of their fans.
The positives were 3 points & Chambers looking good for someone so inexperienced.
The negatives were many but playing Cazorla on the left hand side was discussed so many times last year as a waste of time & it was proved again. With the possession we have our left & right attacking midfielders have to get wide to create space. Cazorla comes inside all the time which makes it to congested. You could see that Sanchez was our only attacking route before he swapped sides.
With all the possession we had, we didn't have a shot on goal until half an hour & our 2 goals came from set pieces - we are simply over playing in the middle of the pitch where there is no danger to the opposition.
We had plenty of games like this at home last year where we struggled to break teams down, we have to be more direct against the pub teams, do we need a DM when the other team is punting long? - why not put OX wide instead of Cazorla & tell him & Sanchez to get beyond the full backs. Not once 1st half did we get in behind them.
This style of play also requires you CF to be making the right moves in & around the box and to have the skill to play the intricate lay-offs that our midfield look for - if we're gonna play Sonogo we may as well try a non-league striker.
He did nothing yesterday that any of us couldn't have done & that will be the same time & time again.
The passing in midfield at times was atrocious even Rambo was having a mare but the ball has to go sideways because our movement upfront was non-existent. If you saw the goal Sterling scored for Liverpool yesterday, that is where we need Sanchez to be.
He was receiving the ball yesterday basically on the half way line with the left back up his arse.
Drop the DM for the home games against pub teams & put Sanchez upfront - get the ball forward far quicker which will happen if we have 2 forwards making runs.

We're only one game in but your right about Sanchez and you said it last week. Play him wide and all his good work will be undone by a poor striker. It's early days and I want to see what we look like with Ozil and Theo back in the team. Cazorla was a complete waste on the left. He wasn't helping by coming infield and being that extra body and you could see it when Ramsey was complaining about the lack of passing options ahead of him. There is no point in having him there if he's not going to support the midfield trio or attack the left side.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
18-08-2014, 08:49 PM
Let's ask ourselves if Cazorla actually played THAT badly (as most keep saying he did) primly because he was on the left? Is it not more complicated than that?

If he is that bad on the left then he must have hood winked Wenger into getting a move here stealing a living over in Spain.

If everything he did was crap, his touch, his decision making, his pass execution etc etc, then that is less to do with where he was on the pitch. I'm not certain that he is as effective on the left as elsewhere but he can certainly do it.

I don't agree with those saying he is finished either. He scored in the FA cup final and he scored at Wembley again against City so how he can be finished is misguided to say the least.

I do get a little frustrated at the level of revisionism about our ex players too.... I know we are fans but I'd rather not have to always make a case for Ramsey being better than Cesc, or Bale or anyone else and just appreciate the player he is. He wasn't particularly good against Palace either, though he obviously saved our bacon which is a big deal.

18-08-2014, 08:51 PM
For me Ramsey is better than Cesc, and Bale.

18-08-2014, 08:56 PM

18-08-2014, 08:57 PM
LOL can't believe Blinko is actually saying Ramsey is better than Ronaldo.

Injury Time
18-08-2014, 08:57 PM
So Cesc hatrick and 10 assists today then...

Close enough for media hysteria no doubt...

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
18-08-2014, 09:00 PM
For me Ramsey is better than Cesc, and Bale.


LOL can't believe Blinko is actually saying Ramsey is better than Ronaldo.


That actually made me chuckle!

18-08-2014, 09:07 PM
World class time waster Steve Nicol piping up. He's the guy who had a 97% pass success rate over his career, although he claims no more than 95% (tops, tops, tops) of those passes went to Grobellaar.

18-08-2014, 09:58 PM


Burnley/Newcastle are the toughest tests it seems

18-08-2014, 10:03 PM
World class time waster Steve Nicol piping up. He's the guy who had a 97% pass success rate over his career, although he claims no more than 95% (tops, tops, tops) of those passes went to Grobellaar.

Seems as if there is a trend developing of Liverpool Geriatrics making baseless statements on how "terrible" Arsenal and their Players are...

Gerrard - "Suarez was too good for Arsenal"
Carragher - "Arsenal are spineless"
Nicol - "Alexis was awful"

I wonder what the odds are on Fowler chiming in with "Wenger is a terrible person, he kicks kittens for fun!"

If anything, this proves that to be a Liverpool Player, then you don't really need to have a high IQ...

Marc Overmars
18-08-2014, 10:07 PM


Burnley/Newcastle are the toughest tests it seems

:lol: at people drawing conclusions after day one.

The Emirates Gallactico
18-08-2014, 10:16 PM
:lol: at people drawing conclusions after day one.

This. Can't remember it being as bad as this before either. Idiots, the lot of them. :lol:

Speaking of Cesc though, the Mancs on Redcafe are slitting their wrists after his performance tonight. They're more depressed than some Arsenal fans for missing out on him. :lol:

Meh, a long season to go and whilst Cesc's class is undeniable, we've already got Ramsey and Ozil who can provide the same if not greater quality of play than Cesc did tonight.

18-08-2014, 10:29 PM


Burnley/Newcastle are the toughest tests it seems

He can't even spell snatch properly, the thick cunt.

18-08-2014, 10:31 PM
This. Can't remember it being as bad as this before either. Idiots, the lot of them. :lol:

Speaking of Cesc though, the Mancs on Redcafe are slitting their wrists after his performance tonight. They're more depressed than some Arsenal fans for missing out on him. :lol:

Meh, a long season to go and whilst Cesc's class is undeniable, we've already got Ramsey and Ozil who can provide the same if not greater quality of play than Cesc did tonight.

Ozil not starting yet has been a black hole in their repertoire. No excuse for lazy journalism though, they could have gone through his rubbish or bugged his answerphone. Plenty off off-field stories out there for real professionals.

Injury Time
19-08-2014, 06:56 AM


Burnley/Newcastle are the toughest tests it seems
"cone near", is that to do with road works? :blink:

McNamara That Ghost...
19-08-2014, 07:31 AM
Right well that's this season done with, new season starts this weekend.