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06-02-2017, 10:03 PM

07-02-2017, 10:25 AM
Most of the sky sports pundits seem to predict Arsenal will drop out of the top four

The way the PR Spin machine has been going at Arsenal it wouldn't surprise me if they have been influenced to predict this so that when we invariably end up in the top four again it makes it seem like Wenger has defied the odds and achieved something fantastic.

07-02-2017, 10:30 AM
Most of the sky sports pundits seem to predict Arsenal will drop out of the top four

The way the PR Spin machine has been going at Arsenal it wouldn't surprise me if they have been influenced to predict this so that when we invariably end up in the top four again it makes it seem like Wenger has defied the odds and achieved something fantastic.

They predict this every year don't they?

Marc Overmars
07-02-2017, 10:39 AM
It doesn't matter how poor we look, finishing at least 4th is the one thing you can count on every year. Things suddenly start going for us when the precious top 4 spot is in peril.

Marc Overmars
09-02-2017, 10:02 AM


09-02-2017, 10:12 AM
Phillipe Auclair who seems to have the inside track on what's going on in the club says there is nothing but paper talk to Allegri, and that Allegri is looking more to achieving something big in Europe with Juventus. There were rumours about approaching Eddie Howe although the Bournemouth chairman blocked this, and Hasenhutl seemed to suggest there'd been talks between him and Gazidis. But Auclair seems to be of the view that the board are operating in a state of business as usual with the full expectation of Wenger being there for the foreseeable. With Antonio Conte the contact between him and Chelsea took place over quite a period of time before he took over.
I'd like to believe this was true, Allegri is the last manager to make AC Milan champions, plus he definitely did well getting Juve to the champions league final. I don't think he's a glove on hand fit for our current squad (I think someone like Tuchel or Emery would be better at that) but he's definitely a winner. I just think the board have made no succession plans and are betting the house on their man signing on one last time.

09-02-2017, 10:49 AM
Phillipe Auclair who seems to have the inside track on what's going on in the club says there is nothing but paper talk to Allegri, and that Allegri is looking more to achieving something big in Europe with Juventus. There were rumours about approaching Eddie Howe although the Bournemouth chairman blocked this, and Hasenhutl seemed to suggest there'd been talks between him and Gazidis. But Auclair seems to be of the view that the board are operating in a state of business as usual with the full expectation of Wenger being there for the foreseeable. With Antonio Conte the contact between him and Chelsea took place over quite a period of time before he took over.
I'd like to believe this was true, Allegri is the last manager to make AC Milan champions, plus he definitely did well getting Juve to the champions league final. I don't think he's a glove on hand fit for our current squad (I think someone like Tuchel or Emery would be better at that) but he's definitely a winner. I just think the board have made no succession plans and are betting the house on their man signing on one last time.

I think Eddie Howe's name is being bandied about as a threat. He's the classic Moyes candidate, he's done well enough at a lower management tier but his inexperience at a big club like Arsenal could put us right where Utd found themselves with the manager overwhelmed and the media pack converted from devotees to hounds taking lumps out of him. So you want Wenger gone? Okay, let's get Howe (Moyes) in. Still want Wenger gone?

Simeone really is just paper talk. I haven't even seen a rumour linking us to him. I don't know much about the Italian guy but you have to ask the question, why would he leave Juventus to come to Arsenal? Yes there's the lure of the PL, but any manager coming in here will have far more than managing a team to contend with. Whether the role of manager is redefined or not (it must be surely?) when Wenger goes, it's still going to be a massive upheaval. Seems a lot of trouble to go to when you are already sitting pretty at a top European club. On the other hand, maybe he feels he's done all he can at Juventus and now wants the ultimate challenge, making Arsenal competitive. Who knows, and who's likely to know until the end of the season?

I agree, the 2 year contract is already sitting there waiting. Why is it 2 years? Why not 3? I think it represents the full extent of the concession the board is prepared to make to the fans. See! We listen. We know you want this guy gone so we've listened and given him a 2 year contract instead of 3. And we'd like him to stay here forever, btw. Arsene will decide for himself. They have said this.

So we'll go on our little run to secure the top 4 spot and I even have a sneaky feeling we might progress in the CL this year. Then they'll pounce and Wenger will be signed up. It's just a matter of timing. Wenger will then get the credit for making the sacrifice and also encouraging Ozil and Alexis to stay on a quarter of a mill per week each. It will be sacrifice all around, heroic stuff. Half the fans will eat it up and on we'll go. Ty will be admitted to hospital because all the blood will drain to his dick and he'll go into a coma.

09-02-2017, 11:02 AM
There is no way, even in a fairy tale that we are beating Bayern over 2 legs. Not a chance. Nada. Nil, Zero.
A new contract for Wenger will be the ultimate slap in the face for the fans. I hope the way fans give him no doubt as to how people feel at every game we play away from the Emirates gestapo stadium.

09-02-2017, 11:26 AM
I agree, the 2 year contract is already sitting there waiting. Why is it 2 years? Why not 3? I think it represents the full extent of the concession the board is prepared to make to the fans. See! We listen. We know you want this guy gone so we've listened and given him a 2 year contract instead of 3. And we'd like him to stay here forever, btw. Arsene will decide for himself. They have said this.


No i think it's a realisation that Wenger is 67, a two year extension would take him up to 5 months before his 70th birthday. I think Wenger has probably made it clear to them that he wants to retire by the time he is 70 so if they offered him a three year extension he might not be inclined to take it.

It's still very much a case of kicking problems into the long grass (for them problems is when Wenger goes because they will be reminded all too profoundly that they have a football club to run). Gazidis may or may not have spoken to other managers to plan for the eventuality of Wenger deciding he's had enough, i think there probably is an element of truth in the fact that Wenger is affected by the fact that he's not feeling the love from the fans and it's been leaked to the media as if to say "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO OUR GOLDEN GOOSE YOU UNGRATEFUL FREAKS!"
Gazidis knows that he has no control over Wenger and is in no position not to offer him a new contract and say we want to go in a new direction, but i suspect he'd like Wenger gone in some ways as much as the fans if only because at that point he is the generalissimo in more than just name.
If you're Gazidis and you know that you actually get power over the club as soon as Wenger goes, it's worth playing the long game

09-02-2017, 11:40 AM
There is no way, even in a fairy tale that we are beating Bayern over 2 legs. Not a chance. Nada. Nil, Zero.
A new contract for Wenger will be the ultimate slap in the face for the fans. I hope the way fans give him no doubt as to how people feel at every game we play away from the Emirates gestapo stadium.

Yep, Bayern see us as Chicken feed and will dismantle us like they always do.

They are nowhere near as good as they were a couple of years back but they will still make light work of us.

Marc Overmars
09-02-2017, 11:41 AM
If/when this season filters out into nothingness, opinion of him is likely to have soured to the point of no return. I just cannot see why a man as proud as him would sign another deal knowing the complete dismay it would be met with. Only winning the league or a miracle run in Europe might restore enough goodwill for him to cling on for another 2 years.

09-02-2017, 11:41 AM
I agree, the 2 year contract is already sitting there waiting. Why is it 2 years? Why not 3? I think it represents the full extent of the concession the board is prepared to make to the fans. See! We listen. We know you want this guy gone so we've listened and given him a 2 year contract instead of 3. And we'd like him to stay here forever, btw. Arsene will decide for himself. They have said this.


No i think it's a realisation that Wenger is 67, a two year extension would take him up to 5 months before his 70th birthday. I think Wenger has probably made it clear to them that he wants to retire by the time he is 70 so if they offered him a three year extension he might not be inclined to take it.

It's still very much a case of kicking problems into the long grass (for them problems is when Wenger goes because they will be reminded all too profoundly that they have a football club to run). Gazidis may or may not have spoken to other managers to plan for the eventuality of Wenger deciding he's had enough, i think there probably is an element of truth in the fact that Wenger is affected by the fact that he's not feeling the love from the fans and it's been leaked to the media as if to say "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO OUR GOLDEN GOOSE YOU UNGRATEFUL FREAKS!"
Gazidis knows that he has no control over Wenger and is in no position not to offer him a new contract and say we want to go in a new direction, but i suspect he'd like Wenger gone in some ways as much as the fans if only because at that point he is the generalissimo in more than just name.
If you're Gazidis and you know that you actually get power over the club as soon as Wenger goes, it's worth playing the long game



Power n Glory
09-02-2017, 12:23 PM
If/when this season filters out into nothingness, opinion of him is likely to have soured to the point of no return. I just cannot see why a man as proud as him would sign another deal knowing the complete dismay it would be met with. Only winning the league or a miracle run in Europe might restore enough goodwill for him to cling on for another 2 years.

He probably thinks he has it in him to turn it around.

09-02-2017, 12:36 PM
He probably thinks he has it in him to turn it around.

You'd have to come to that conclusion, i genuinely don't believe he's putting himself through this season after season for the money.

I think it's partly he believes his own hype.....i think the board have told him he's indispensable to the club that because of what he does they couldn't function without him and that feeds his arrogance and hubris.

In his own mind he's Atlas, he holds Arsenal up.

Power n Glory
09-02-2017, 01:45 PM
You'd have to come to that conclusion, i genuinely don't believe he's putting himself through this season after season for the money.

I think it's partly he believes his own hype.....i think the board have told him he's indispensable to the club that because of what he does they couldn't function without him and that feeds his arrogance and hubris.

In his own mind he's Atlas, he holds Arsenal up.

For him to sign a new deal, I doubt it would be the money and probably more so out of pride if he feels he's losing the support from the fans. But prior to this season, I wouldn't rule out the money and feeling too comfortable. If he genuinely believed clubs like Chelsea and City had an unfair advantage with their finances, why stay in this league or with Arsenal for so long?

09-02-2017, 01:56 PM
For him to sign a new deal, I doubt it would be the money and probably more so out of pride if he feels he's losing the support from the fans. But prior to this season, I wouldn't rule out the money and feeling too comfortable. If he genuinely believed clubs like Chelsea and City had an unfair advantage with their finances, why stay in this league or with Arsenal for so long?

Well i think he knows that United had the financial advantage over him in the early days (and they of course massively did) and he probably thinks if i could do it then i can do it now. That's where the arrogance and hubris comes into it.

Changing the subject, having a debate with a Pro Wenger fan on Twitter and i said my reasons for wanting a change which included wanting to see our football improve, and with deadly earnestness he says we play the best football in the league......now i'm actually convinced that these people don't watch our games anymore.

09-02-2017, 03:45 PM

Fuck off!

09-02-2017, 04:00 PM
A man who can no longer discern the difference between himself and the club, it's you we don't support you stupid beak nosed old fool

Power n Glory
09-02-2017, 04:07 PM
He can fuck off.

09-02-2017, 04:08 PM

Fuck off!

No, no, I can see what he's saying. The club, the manager, the players, they have all done their bit these last 10 seasons. Now it is time for the fans to play their role.

So come on fans! No more fucking around. Starting next Monday I want to see you all in your Bentleys driving to the ground and giving it 100% vocal support for every training session and on match day. In return you'll get £50K each. Okay?

Yes, I know you might have to give up your real job, but that's a sacrifice you should be prepared to make as a highly paid and highly pampered fan.

Let's forget the last 10 years of failure due to the fans. Let's forgive the fans. Fresh start, clean slate. Here we go.

Power n Glory
09-02-2017, 04:14 PM
The disrespect is blatant. He has nothing but excuses when he talks in post match interviews about his teams 'mental strength'. Time after time. But he seems to choose his words poorly when it comes to the fans. Again, he can fuck off!

09-02-2017, 04:19 PM
We have the most out of touch owner, board and manager in world sport. Their goal is to be second rate in everything bar the profit and loss account. They have no business being in sport, they should be in banking or insurance. They don't know what sport is about.

And half the fans worship them and say there is no alternative.

09-02-2017, 04:21 PM
You'd have to come to that conclusion, i genuinely don't believe he's putting himself through this season after season for the money.

I think it's partly he believes his own hype.....i think the board have told him he's indispensable to the club that because of what he does they couldn't function without him and that feeds his arrogance and hubris.

In his own mind he's Atlas, he holds Arsenal up.

Can you clarify?

Do you mean he:

1) Robs the club?
2) Prevents the club moving forward?
3) Both the above?

09-02-2017, 04:23 PM
Nice to see that he is digging his own grave by comparing us unfavourably to the Spuds. Give him enough time he will put a nice fitting noose around his neck and kick the horse hes sitting on in the nuts.
Whenever he finds his cluelessness exposed, he turns round to blame the fan. Like when he said the fans were responsible for Gervinho not being able to shoot straight

Marc Overmars
09-02-2017, 04:25 PM
People will still support the team come rain or shine, he just doesn't understand he himself is the reason for the discontent. The deluded old goat.

09-02-2017, 04:29 PM
No he is just totally unable or unwilling to discern between himself and the club he thinks he is the club, and if you're not supporting him you're not supporting the club. To be a fan of Arsenal, you have to be a fan of Arsene Wenger......as far as he's concerned it's not just Arsenal FC it's Arsene FC.

He thinks the club is his personal fiefdom.....totally in a bubble.

09-02-2017, 04:30 PM
No, no, I can see what he's saying. The club, the manager, the players, they have all done their bit these last 10 seasons. Now it is time for the fans to play their role.

So come on fans! No more fucking around. Starting next Monday I want to see you all in your Bentleys driving to the ground and giving it 100% vocal support for every training session and on match day. In return you'll get £50K each. Okay?

Yes, I know you might have to give up your real job, but that's a sacrifice you should be prepared to make as a highly paid and highly pampered fan.

Let's forget the last 10 years of failure due to the fans. Let's forgive the fans. Fresh start, clean slate. Here we go.

Therin lies the problem, for 50k a week i'd definitely do that......every man has his price and for that 50k a week is easily mine

09-02-2017, 04:34 PM
Therin lies the problem, for 50k a week i'd definitely do that......every man has his price and for that 50k a week is easily mine

As an alternative, how about you pay the club 2K and let Wenger piss in your face? Even better, right? Unless you are one of those ungrateful sods who doesn't know when he has it good.

09-02-2017, 04:41 PM

Fuck off!


09-02-2017, 04:51 PM

I wish he was.

09-02-2017, 05:49 PM
He has form with the snide comments.

09-02-2017, 06:32 PM
It's a shame in one way because the fans and he had a good relationship and apart from a few who will say "thank you sir may I have another" this feels like having someone spit in your face

On the other hand I would hope that any shy individuals who want Wenger out should realise that respect is a two way street and that why give respect to someone who isn't respecting you. Fuck him basically

09-02-2017, 07:07 PM
"You have Tottenham, everyone is in the fight and everyone is behind their team. We have to do exactly the same, even if we had two disappointing results."

:lol: event if we had two disappointing results..........yes it's only been two bad results, the last 10+ years counts for nothing.

09-02-2017, 08:23 PM
:lol: event if we had two disappointing results..........yes it's only been two bad results, the last 10+ years counts for nothing.

As the old saying goes, you are only as good as your last result against Southampton.

09-02-2017, 09:48 PM
There is his excuse for when we lose to spurs.

AFC Leveller
09-02-2017, 09:49 PM
By his standards that really is outrageous stuff. That statement confirms yet again that he has no clue what's going on. He is deluded and too far up his own ass to realize that it's the last 12 years that's frustrating us fans.

Really can't understand how this man can come out with statements as bad as that. 2 disappointing results??? Wtf!! He is taking the piss surely.

10-02-2017, 08:11 AM
As the old saying goes, you are only as good as your last result against Southampton.


10-02-2017, 03:52 PM


10-02-2017, 03:55 PM


Disappointing that the fan wasn't called Roy Hobbes, the ubiquitous name usually employed by the Mash

10-02-2017, 05:56 PM
Had to be a gooner writing that one

Xhaka Can’t
10-02-2017, 06:37 PM
Not one more match until he has gone. If he wants the Spurs support, please fuck off there.

10-02-2017, 06:46 PM

Go for gods sake go you are deluded and out of touch with modern football. You are constantly out thought tactically and despite on paper you have players amongst the best in the world they constantly fail to achieve. Many have left the club as they become convinced that under your guidance the club will win nothing.

How sad that your blinkered mentality has totally ruined what should have been a wonderful legacy.

11-02-2017, 07:04 AM
Interesting comments from Wrighty, I know he's not the sharpest tool but does have some credibility having a good relationship with Wenger.


Power n Glory
11-02-2017, 07:29 AM
Oh the joy if he decided to make an announcement at the Emirates today.

Wenger sticks up for his players too much. Wright thinks they've let him down and I agree. Our record signing has 4 league assists. Ozil has 4 league assists and 5 goals. Same number of assists as Ox and less than Wayne Rooney, Cesc and Payet. Wenger needs to slap him.

He also needs to slap Xhaka for that stupid red card. That put us in a tricky spot. Elneny is back and I hope he gets a start to today.

Heard Cech may get dropped. Rightfully so. He's been piss poor too.

Unpopular opinion, but I think Merts needs a run out. Kos isn't having a good season. Often good as a solo act but the lack of communication across the back line is hurting us and it's his responsibility to sort that out. Always thought he was better with Merts.

11-02-2017, 08:58 AM
Interesting comments from Wrighty, I know he's not the sharpest tool but does have some credibility having a good relationship with Wenger.


Yeah, he's 2% away from retiring.

11-02-2017, 11:14 AM
Ill believe it when I see it. 3 wins in a row and he will have his mojo back believing hes the bees knees as usual.
In a way i feel sorry for him, a man trapped by his own inadequacies. Traded in a decent family life for a dedication that has only resulted in mediocrity. He is genuinely afraid of what to do when he wakes up each morning after retiring.

11-02-2017, 12:08 PM
I'm beginining to think fans are being duped so they guiltily start chanting Wengers name in the stands, I hope they don't fall for it

12-02-2017, 09:14 AM
Good news!


Marc Overmars
13-02-2017, 11:44 AM


AFC Leveller
13-02-2017, 01:45 PM
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16640713_1378346558895850_6465386427279061282_n.jp g?oh=bbe4314a9fe51e4fb0c046b236fcfd28&oe=594085B1

Marc Overmars
13-02-2017, 01:52 PM
All Robbie must be thinking is...££££££

AFC Leveller
13-02-2017, 01:55 PM


It hurts as a fan reading that but its the truth.

13-02-2017, 02:16 PM
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16640713_1378346558895850_6465386427279061282_n.jp g?oh=bbe4314a9fe51e4fb0c046b236fcfd28&oe=594085B1

Fair play he turned up. Looks a bit tense LOL.

AFC Leveller
13-02-2017, 02:39 PM
Would be great if Wemger could come on and be questioned about his mismanagement and glaring issues.

17-02-2017, 05:25 PM

19-02-2017, 12:06 PM
So Welbeck starts for the U23's today

20-02-2017, 01:18 PM
According to Lucas's agent he wants to leave arsenal at all cost. Now Welbeck is fit, Giroud, Sanchez, Welbeck, Iwobi, Walcott plus the Ox and Ozil can play as a front 3. So not much opportunity for Lucas really. Although Sanchez and Ozil could leave in the summer so who knows/cares.

AFC Leveller
21-02-2017, 10:36 AM
Some of the papers linking us with Insigne from Napoli.

Having seen him a few times this season i have to say he would be perfect for that wide left role, he scores some incredible goals and recently scored from 35 yards against Real Madrid curling it round the goaly.

21-02-2017, 10:39 AM
I don't think there's any merit in transfer rumours until the new manager is in place.

Marc Overmars
21-02-2017, 10:51 AM
Yeah, it's all pretty meaningless and there's no point giving him anymore money to spend. Or waste rather.

21-02-2017, 11:01 AM
There will be plenty of these rumours and all of them will be false. The focus of the club between now and the end of the season will be to keep Wenger in his job. Beating up on non-league opponents, stringing a few unconvincing wins in the PL, maybe one isolated decent performance in a bigger game, a ton of bogus transfer rumours, and this incredibly fortunate break in the schedule so the tension can ease off. It will all go in Wenger's favour.

21-02-2017, 11:25 AM
There's about 4 fans (Ty and that ginger guy and 2 people on here) who want him to stay, everyone else wants him gone, a good proportion of those really don't like the guy much (if he accepted responsibility and apologised from time to time he might get more respect), water off a ducks back for him though, he doesn't care, just seems to care about being able to do whatever he wants with his plaything (4th place), proving everyone wrong despite not proving them wrong every season and his 8 million a year.

Where's the evidence this guy cares, if he cared he'd let someone else have a go so that we can improve, no point talking about transfers, he'll probably stay in charge and it won't matter who we do or don't get, what we know is it won't make a difference and they won't be the right players.

22-02-2017, 06:43 AM


22-02-2017, 08:05 AM
There's about 4 fans (Ty and that ginger guy and 2 people on here) who want him to stay
Who are the two on here? And I presume that "alternative fact" about the 4 fans is based on your extensive research and polling of Arsenal fans?

a good proportion of those really don't like the guy much
Again, that's based on your polling of a large sample of Arsenal fans, is it? Definitely not based on your own somewhat bizarre and personal hatred of him.

(4th place)

:haha: WUMming :bow:

22-02-2017, 10:51 AM
Who are the two on here? And I presume that "alternative fact" about the 4 fans is based on your extensive research and polling of Arsenal fans?

Again, that's based on your polling of a large sample of Arsenal fans, is it? Definitely not based on your own somewhat bizarre and personal hatred of him.

:haha: WUMming :bow:

Well no, have a look at the Wenger referendum thread, my mistake seems to be 6 now as for some odd reason 4 people have decided they'd like the loser to stay.

Not it's based on what we're seeing, people coming out and saying they're tired of his nonsense and that's he's runined his legacy, there's plenty around, I didn't make anything up.

I know you like to live in a little world where Wenger wants to win at all cost and isn't just happy to come 4th (3rd/2nd whatever you want to call it) but the facts are there, it's been 12 odd years now and that's all his achieved qualifying for the CL and he's harped on about how fans should be happy with this and how it's a great achievement and how he's done it for 20 million years and year on year out he does the same and never seems overly bothered, if he was he'd actually do something about it rather than sit there every summer doing precious little and stick to a failed formula, the facts are there, he's said he'll decide if he's doing a good job and since he always sticks around clearly he thinks he's doing a great job.

22-02-2017, 11:04 AM
I don't think you can take the anger and frustration you can see after games at seeing the same things is the same as people in the cold light of day saying they don't like the guy, and i wouldn't want to presume that they do or don't.

There are times when he annoys me greatly, and i think if he tries to ride out this particular storm than i will respect him a lot less for doing so.

I think on balance Wenger doesn't think he's doing a terrible job, I think because he controls every facet of the club he genuinely believes that only he could manage the club which is absurdly deluded and arrogant. But I don't believe for a moment he doesn't care about results like the Bayern game, that post match interview wasn't for show he was genuinely upset by what had happened but the fact that he thinks he could get a big job elsewhere if not here shows he has total confidence in himself to turn it around without having to change his approach.

Am I resentful that Arsenal fans are hostage to whether this man can bare retiring or not, but ultimately who allows him to get away with it?. Wenger hardly coasts at Arsenal he is the first one at London Colney and the last one to leave, whether it's a successful venture or not i think it's hard to question his dedication does that mean because of the hours he puts it we have to tolerate his deficiencies? No of course not.....but i can understand someone who puts everything into the club even if he's way past his sell by date finding it difficult to relinquish all that.

That's why I think the board are contemptible cowards for not at least taking him aside and persuading him to go.

22-02-2017, 11:19 AM
I don't think you can take the anger and frustration you can see after games at seeing the same things is the same as people in the cold light of day saying they don't like the guy, and i wouldn't want to presume that they do or don't.

There are times when he annoys me greatly, and i think if he tries to ride out this particular storm than i will respect him a lot less for doing so.

I think on balance Wenger doesn't think he's doing a terrible job, I think because he controls every facet of the club he genuinely believes that only he could manage the club which is absurdly deluded and arrogant. But I don't believe for a moment he doesn't care about results like the Bayern game, that post match interview wasn't for show he was genuinely upset by what had happened but the fact that he thinks he could get a big job elsewhere if not here shows he has total confidence in himself to turn it around without having to change his approach.

Am I resentful that Arsenal fans are hostage to whether this man can bare retiring or not, but ultimately who allows him to get away with it?. Wenger hardly coasts at Arsenal he is the first one at London Colney and the last one to leave, whether it's a successful venture or not i think it's hard to question his dedication does that mean because of the hours he puts it we have to tolerate his deficiencies? No of course not.....but i can understand someone who puts everything into the club even if he's way past his sell by date finding it difficult to relinquish all that.

That's why I think the board are contemptible cowards for not at least taking him aside and persuading him to go.

What is there to like about him though in reality? He has no connection with the fans and patronises and blames them repeatedly, he point blank refuses to accept responsiblity or blame the players, he comes out with stuff about Arsenal never having won the CL before he arrived and him deciding if he's doing a good job, he's pretty much said he prioritises money over success on the pitch.

I don't really get why people would like him, if he treated people with a bit more respect then fine but he really doesn't. If he was more honest and accepted some blame, then you'd say you know what he hasn't been great in recent years but he acknowledges his failures and has tried to change things good on him, he just doesn't though choosing the I'm always right path instead.

As for caring for results, maybe on the day, but in the end in the cold light of day when his team have qualified for the CL he seems happy enough, in addition you'll quite often find when we collapse and go out of everything but then go on a run of half a dozen games where we beat some small teams he comes out and says how great the team is and to look at the unbeaten run etc etc, it really doesn't sound to me like a guy who is a winner and detets coming 2nd best so much.

Yes he puts in the hours, but that's his love for football, not necesarily love for Arsenal, in the end the fans are Arsenal and he's quick to point the finger at them, someone who loved Arsenal would perhaps try and connect with the fans more and understand their point of view rather than repeatedly patronising them.

22-02-2017, 11:24 AM
Well no, have a look at the Wenger referendum thread.
Yes, that is very scientific on board this size but OK, 4 people out of 22 voted for him to stay. And this is a particularly negative board so probably not that representative of Arsenal fans in the wild.
Even if it was that's 18% of Arsenal fans who want him to stay which, if my maths are right, is more than 2 people.

Some people are saying that he's ruined his legacy but some people are saying that only 4 Arsenal fans in the whole world want him to stay or how we only ever finish 4th, some people talk a lot of nonsense.

22-02-2017, 11:33 AM
Yes, that is very scientific on board this size but OK, 4 people out of 22 voted for him to stay. And this is a particularly negative board so probably not that representative of Arsenal fans in the wild.
Even if it was that's 18% of Arsenal fans who want him to stay which, if my maths are right, is more than 2 people.

Some people are saying that he's ruined his legacy but some people are saying that only 4 Arsenal fans in the whole world want him to stay or how we only ever finish 4th, some people talk a lot of nonsense.

Are you really so petty? Do you genuinely think he doesn't know there are more than 4 Arsenal fans who want him to stay? Is this the level you are prepared to play at to get an Internet "win"? Do you genuinely think that "only ever finish 4th" is supposed to be taken literally when clearly it is a mocking summary of Wenger's own belief that 4th place represents a trophy?

You evade so much useful discussion to focus in on the trivialities. One would almost think that's the only level you can operate on. Your own nonsense is hardly better than anyone else's.

22-02-2017, 11:39 AM
You evade so much useful discussion to focus in on the trivialities.
Says the man who produced two videos with people citing stats to back up a point of view.
Then ignored my analysis of the actual stats.
Then said stats were important.
Then said individual incidents were important.
Then said stats have been corrupted, despite the fact that was your starting point for the discussion.


22-02-2017, 11:46 AM
What is there to like about him though in reality? He has no connection with the fans and patronises and blames them repeatedly, he point blank refuses to accept responsiblity or blame the players, he comes out with stuff about Arsenal never having won the CL before he arrived and him deciding if he's doing a good job, he's pretty much said he prioritises money over success on the pitch.

I don't really get why people would like him, if he treated people with a bit more respect then fine but he really doesn't. If he was more honest and accepted some blame, then you'd say you know what he hasn't been great in recent years but he acknowledges his failures and has tried to change things good on him, he just doesn't though choosing the I'm always right path instead.

As for caring for results, maybe on the day, but in the end in the cold light of day when his team have qualified for the CL he seems happy enough, in addition you'll quite often find when we collapse and go out of everything but then go on a run of half a dozen games where we beat some small teams he comes out and says how great the team is and to look at the unbeaten run etc etc, it really doesn't sound to me like a guy who is a winner and detets coming 2nd best so much.

Yes he puts in the hours, but that's his love for football, not necesarily love for Arsenal, in the end the fans are Arsenal and he's quick to point the finger at them, someone who loved Arsenal would perhaps try and connect with the fans more and understand their point of view rather than repeatedly patronising them.

Why would they like him?.....well despite his comments to the fans which I think are out of order, he isn't in anyway a bad guy.

Has he tried to undermine other managers the way Mourinho does, or is he despite the frustration with him quite an interesting person to listen to. Also like i say if you were answering the same sort of questions constantly on a 20 year basis you would probably come out with stock responses.

I don't like how he's performing as Arsenal manager, that does not inform what i think of him as a man, you have a personal dislike of the man fine.....If i'm honest i think most people who dislike him on a personal level boils down to familiarity breeding contempt.

I honestly think if you put everything you are into a job and people were criticising you for it rightly or wrongly, you'd be pretty sour as well. That's not the same as saying he is right to criticise the fans, but at the same time there is something you can understand about it.

22-02-2017, 12:18 PM
Says the man who produced two videos with people citing stats to back up a point of view.
Then ignored my analysis of the actual stats.
Then said stats were important.
Then said individual incidents were important.
Then said stats have been corrupted, despite the fact that was your starting point for the discussion.


Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish. - Euripides

22-02-2017, 12:26 PM
Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish. - Euripides

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the Walrus - John Lennon :cool:

22-02-2017, 12:29 PM
Yes, that is very scientific on board this size but OK, 4 people out of 22 voted for him to stay. And this is a particularly negative board so probably not that representative of Arsenal fans in the wild.
Even if it was that's 18% of Arsenal fans who want him to stay which, if my maths are right, is more than 2 people.

Some people are saying that he's ruined his legacy but some people are saying that only 4 Arsenal fans in the whole world want him to stay or how we only ever finish 4th, some people talk a lot of nonsense.

Lol I wasn't literally saying 4 people, it was clearly a way of pointing out most people want him out in a very obvious manner. Again the 4th place thing I explained last time round, it's not literally 4th place, it's qualifying for the CL by not winning anything and the fact that a loser is still a loser whether he comes 2nd/3rd or 4th if he's never in the race and as NQ pointed out so well how Wenger see's this as the holy grail and effectively how he measures his performance, getting into the top 4 is like a trophy to him and he pats himself on the back everytime he does it, for him it's just like winning something.

22-02-2017, 12:35 PM
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the Walrus - John Lennon :cool:

You win.

"Never argue with stupid people,
they will drag you down to their level
and then beat you with experience."
- Mark Twain

22-02-2017, 12:38 PM
Oil my bumhole

- Noel Coward

Power n Glory
22-02-2017, 01:31 PM
Why would they like him?.....well despite his comments to the fans which I think are out of order, he isn't in anyway a bad guy.

Has he tried to undermine other managers the way Mourinho does, or is he despite the frustration with him quite an interesting person to listen to. Also like i say if you were answering the same sort of questions constantly on a 20 year basis you would probably come out with stock responses.

I don't like how he's performing as Arsenal manager, that does not inform what i think of him as a man, you have a personal dislike of the man fine.....If i'm honest i think most people who dislike him on a personal level boils down to familiarity breeding contempt.

I honestly think if you put everything you are into a job and people were criticising you for it rightly or wrongly, you'd be pretty sour as well. That's not the same as saying he is right to criticise the fans, but at the same time there is something you can understand about it.

My problem with Wenger is that his attitude seems to mirror that of the Board's. I can understand why the owners are content with stability and building a brand slowly with long term goals but I can't understand why Wenger is so comfortable with it and goes out of his way to defend it. I can understand him getting defensive over his football record but seeing him justify ticket prices and treat the fans as a certain way doesn't sit right with me. He's denied having shares in the club but I often wonder if that's really the case.

22-02-2017, 01:40 PM
I would suggest that even though he has carte Blanche over every aspect of football at the club, the board might get a bit funny if he didn't agree with their position. Quid pro quo - we don't tell you how to do your job so don't tell us how to do ours.

It's the price for the total autonomy he is given.

Equally I wouldn't expect any manager who might be at the club to differ with the board on matters like ticket pricing.

Power n Glory
22-02-2017, 02:10 PM
I would suggest that even though he has carte Blanche over every aspect of football at the club, the board might get a bit funny if he didn't agree with their position. Quid pro quo - we don't tell you how to do your job so don't tell us how to do ours.

It's the price for the total autonomy he is given.

Equally I wouldn't expect any manager who might be at the club to differ with the board on matters like ticket pricing.

He doesn't have to contradict the Board but he goes a step further. The below is an example of what I don't like.

“Ideally you want ticket prices to be as low as possible,” he said. “But on the other hand the only way we can pay the wages and compete without any external help is to the ticket prices because it is our main income. Therefore we are in this situation where, of course, the prices are high.

“I am really worried they are high for our supporters. For the visitors, it only happens once per year so that is less a concern. [But] ideally you want ticket prices to be affordable to everybody. It is a very delicate subject.”

He's said plenty more and it goes beyond his duty as a manager. It feeds into this idea that there are no other options and that we fans must continue to fork out if we want the best players and to win titles. It gets worse because he continues to say he couldn't afford Kante even though he spent the money on Xhaka.

22-02-2017, 02:36 PM
I don't disagree in the sense that Ticket prices are very high considering we patently don't compete, which for me is the far bigger issue than whether he takes the board's side over ours in terms of ticket prices.

However was this something he suddenly came out with off the cuff or is it a response to a question he's been asked about ticket prices?, the guy has spent the last ten years whinging about financial doping.....it would look a bit weird if he was then to turn around and say well we want a rich benefactor to help us compete.

I would imagine he was saying he couldn't afford Kante because he'd already bought Xhaka and doesn't look at them as an either or (which of course is giving a different impression than he did when we first bought Xhaka).

There are times where he does annoy me greatly, he makes blatantly contradictory statements as a exercise in backside covering and when the results aren't forthcoming this kind of constant excuse making earns people's annoyance.

But i don't think there is anything he could say that isn't going to irritate people, and that's not because people are unreasonable it's because his time is up.....if he excuses what happens on the pitch he's happy with how things are going, if he says it's inexcusable well why is he still here?.

I don't think his BS is anywhere out of the ordinary from the BS put out by other managers, you don't expect anything particularly salient or interesting to come out in most press conferences....i think people are so fed up of Wenger that his excuses just infuriates people even more.

But yeah i do think there's a difference between being frustrated by the stuff he comes out with (which i think is totally understandable) and people like Zim whose issues with Wenger are far more personal.

This is someone who claimed the club would have been better off had Wenger never joined us in the first place, which i'm sorry is just Absurd

Power n Glory
22-02-2017, 03:54 PM
I believe it's off the cuff.

Quid pro quo - we don't tell you how to do your job so don't tell us how to do ours.

We also know the above is not true because he’s always quick to share his thoughts on how a club should be run. It’s one to think about for those that have a problem with the way Stan runs this club. Wenger knows how to play the cards close to his chest if he wants to avoid a question so I don’t buy the idea that he’s just going along with company policy. I believe he’s been instrumental to how the club is run and I can’t imagine him and Stan disagreeing much on how clubs should be financed.

Since Wenger’s not actually spending millions from Stan’s personal bank account or other business ventures, the owner hasn’t got much to threat about since what’s been invested is self-generated (fans). It’s a different story if he has an owner that’s spending his own money and wants answers if we’re not delivering. Wenger knows this. He’s no fool. Self-preservation.

22-02-2017, 04:06 PM
He’s no fool. Self-preservation.

Which to be fair was what i was saying, he isn't going to differ with the approach taken by the board as long as he's given total autonomy in a football sense and if he's asked about it he will take the party line.

Power n Glory
22-02-2017, 04:50 PM
Which to be fair was what i was saying, he isn't going to differ with the approach taken by the board as long as he's given total autonomy in a football sense and if he's asked about it he will take the party line.

It's more than just the party line. You only have to look at what he's said about club ownership before Stan joined to see his ideas on how clubs should be financed. So for me, it goes a little beyond being unhappy with the results. Yes, I'm sick of the results but I also think he helps facilitate the lecherous culture we now have at the club. It's easy to ignore Wenger's role in this. There are people out there that believe he's not getting the support from Stan and blame the owners but won't say a word against Wenger.

22-02-2017, 05:00 PM
It's more than just the party line. You only have to look at what he's said about club ownership before Stan joined to see his ideas on how clubs should be financed. So for me, it goes a little beyond being unhappy with the results. Yes, I'm sick of the results but I also think he helps facilitate the lecherous culture we now have at the club. It's easy to ignore Wenger's role in this. There are people out there that believe he's not getting the support from Stan and blame the owners but won't say a word against Wenger.

Well to be fair i also think clubs should be self-sufficient and that the bulk of a club's money should come from gate receipts

And it's because of this large amount we as fans pay that we are not seeing the returns of, on the pitch that is my biggest gripe.

Power n Glory
22-02-2017, 05:19 PM
Well to be fair i also think clubs should be self-sufficient and that the bulk of a club's money should come from gate receipts

And it's because of this large amount we as fans pay that we are not seeing the returns of, on the pitch that is my biggest gripe.

What's your view on Stan Kroenke?

22-02-2017, 05:23 PM
I don't like him but not because his lack of investment in the club, but because he's using the club as part of his financial portfolio.....basically an asset with which he can borrow at equitable rate of interests for other ventures.

I like the three million paid out to KSE which is clearly an alternative to a dividend even less

I don't particularly like having one owner (or majority shareholder in the case of Kroenke) and would rather no-one individual had a controlling interest in the club

It's debatable though for me, what would be worse out of having Kroenke or Usmanov as owners

22-02-2017, 07:29 PM
What's your view on Stan Kroenke?

A great man. A true custodian of the club. :good:

22-02-2017, 08:51 PM
One thing that disappoints is the general sentiment on here that we shouldn't win the FA Cup because we keep Wenger. Whether it does or doesn't, we should be unified in support. If we get past Lincoln, the next one or two games in the Cup are bound to be ever so tough- our support will be needed more than ever.

22-02-2017, 09:17 PM
I don't like him but not because his lack of investment in the club, but because he's using the club as part of his financial portfolio.....basically an asset with which he can borrow at equitable rate of interests for other ventures.

I like the three million paid out to KSE which is clearly an alternative to a dividend even less

I don't particularly like having one owner (or majority shareholder in the case of Kroenke) and would rather no-one individual had a controlling interest in the club

It's debatable though for me, what would be worse out of having Kroenke or Usmanov as owners

What about that Nigerian guy? A billionaire and a fan of the club. Apparently he got his wealth from his uncle, who was a senior figure in the last government and made a ton of money from gold mines. So he's looking for a safe place to invest and he's prepared to give the club a 25% split. Only thing holding it up is we haven't sent our bank details.

22-02-2017, 09:20 PM
One thing that disappoints is the general sentiment on here that we shouldn't win the FA Cup because we keep Wenger. Whether it does or doesn't, we should be unified in support. If we get past Lincoln, the next one or two games in the Cup are bound to be ever so tough- our support will be needed more than ever.

I don't think that's the general sentiment at all. It's more a case of most people not giving a shit either way. But for as long as we're in it the team will get support, at least that's the way it looks so far. The general sentiment seems to be an FA Cup win is not enough to save Wenger's arse. We've already been there and nothing changed as a result. And here we are again.

22-02-2017, 10:05 PM
I don't think that's the general sentiment at all. It's more a case of most people not giving a shit either way. But for as long as we're in it the team will get support, at least that's the way it looks so far. The general sentiment seems to be an FA Cup win is not enough to save Wenger's arse. We've already been there and nothing changed as a result. And here we are again.

I don't know, I think an FA cup win would cause him to sneakily sign that two year contract

I'm genuinely conflicted, I don't want us to lose any game but at the same time I want for there to be no ledge for Wenger to cling to

Marc Overmars
22-02-2017, 10:42 PM
Even if we win the cup I don't think opinion will change much. In 2014 you could be forgiven for thinking he might be able to push us on but now it's obvious he's taken us as far as he can and also wasted a lot of money in the process.

It's down to the fans now to make it as uncomfortable as possible for him to even contemplate that new deal.

For what it's worth, as fans we should absolutely be wanting to win any trophy.

22-02-2017, 10:45 PM
I don't know, I think an FA cup win would cause him to sneakily sign that two year contract

I'm genuinely conflicted, I don't want us to lose any game but at the same time I want for there to be no ledge for Wenger to cling to

He's signing that contract regardless, unless some fresh calamity strikes that causes a new outcry. The lucky bastard has been gifted the biggest break possible with this lengthy pause in proceedings. It would have been far more dangerous for him if the Liverpool game had come quickly on the heels of the Bayern debacle. For sure he's going to fuck up the tactics for that game, as he's been doing for years, and another loss to a close rival in the race for the coveted Top 4 Trophy might have ratcheted up the pressure in close proximity to the last screw up. But an easy ride against a non-league opponent in the FA Cup (he fucked up the tactics for that game too, of course) followed by a pause? The wave has passed, this storm didn't sink him. We know we aren't winning or even challenging for the PL, we've been humiliated in the CL again, we'll get as far as the semis of the FA Cup and you know Wenger, if we get knocked out by a half decent opponent he'll have a barrage of excuses on hand. We'll win the Top 4 World Cup again. And that will be enough for what still seems to be the majority of fans who really don't seem to be into football. They are more into Wenger and selfies in a flashy stadium from what can tell. The only change this season will be an increase in the divide between the football fans who support Arsenal and the other lot who consume the Arsenal brand. And in the end, the latter group will prevail. And when that happens, well as Wenger says himself, he might go on longer than Ferguson.

He's going nowhere. So we might as well get behind any of the players who step up and show they give a fuck and encourage them to win a cup. Even if it's just a small reminder of what sport and football is supposed to be about.

Power n Glory
23-02-2017, 10:27 AM
I don't like him but not because his lack of investment in the club, but because he's using the club as part of his financial portfolio.....basically an asset with which he can borrow at equitable rate of interests for other ventures.

I like the three million paid out to KSE which is clearly an alternative to a dividend even less

I don't particularly like having one owner (or majority shareholder in the case of Kroenke) and would rather no-one individual had a controlling interest in the club

It's debatable though for me, what would be worse out of having Kroenke or Usmanov as owners

Fair enough. I think he should invest some of his own money into the club. Not a crazy amount but if he’s going to pay himself a dividend, I’d rather he’d actually put something more into the club and have some form of presence. We can still run a self-sustaining model but still accept the one off investment from the owners. It’s not as if we haven’t done it that in the past.

I don’t like the ticket pricing structure and think the club should being more address that balance considering the hefty sponsorship payouts. I’m not really surprised that he’s a greedy fuck and has jumped on board the gravy train but Wenger jumping out to defend the pricing as ‘fair’ and continuing to say we need the money to compete is just deceptive. He doesn’t have to say that and because some fans believe he’s a man of integrity, they swallow the bullshit about it being necessary to compete.

I liked the fact that a Bayern Munich spokesperson spelt out the minuscule difference a ticket price hike makes to the overall revenue of a club to the huge impact it can have on the fans wallet. Didn’t our latest price hike amount to an extra £3m in revenue? Isn’t that what we paid KSE? As said, Wenger is no fool and I hate the fact that he’s used his position to deceive the fans. He knows that extra £3m isn’t the difference between us on our rivals competing. It’s an attempt to pacify the fans and it’s deceptive. He doesn’t have to do that.

23-02-2017, 12:45 PM
I'd like to say that's it's nothing personal against Wenger from me, despite what HCZ thinks, I just don't like the way he deals with everything and points the finger at the fans and not himself or the players, some people say he's a good guy, not for Arsenal maybe in person he is but the way he portrays himself at Arsenal is frankly and embarassment and a disgrace and no other managers don't do the same, they will often take responsibility or lay blame on players example, they certainly don't blame the fans.

Moreover he's been doing the same thing for over a decade now and there's still some people who rave about him (though they are becoming fewer nowadays), which IMO is odd.

I don't particuarly dislike him, just think he's had a very easy ride, no other manager has had it so easy in fact and no manager would have lasted like he has with the results he's had, yes he did some very good things, but that was a long time ago and just because he won a few titles and had us playing some great football once upon a time this doesn't make him a god. He's done very well indeed from Arsenal, it wasn't a selfess act, he's been paid a lot of money and has been able to to as he wishes and pleases with little pressure, some people act like he's doing us a favour, what on 8.5 million a year, I think not, we're the ones doing him a favour for putting up with him for so long!

23-02-2017, 01:08 PM
No need to defend yourself. How can it be personal when you have never met the man or dealt with him ever. that is just stuff said when no logical counterargument is left

Wenger is in paradise at Arsenal. Everything he wants and very little risk to himself. What real fans need to ask is how long they want to wait before seeing Arsenal achieve the heights all fans wish for their club. We are the laughing stock of the European football hierarchy. The club that revels in mediocrity calling it success. Sadly some fans have imbibed this 2nd class attitude. Beating the Spuds is their only benchmark of glory.

Wenger needs to go. We need to free ourselves of his pathetic mindset. Leave Kroenke out of it. We were wallowing in our 4th place state of mind long before he took over. We didnt realise it at the time but it was the unholy union of the leech and the quack doctor. With us fans as the unwitting patient.

23-02-2017, 01:45 PM
No need to defend yourself. How can it be personal when you have never met the man or dealt with him ever. that is just stuff said when no logical counterargument is left

Wenger is in paradise at Arsenal. Everything he wants and very little risk to himself. What real fans need to ask is how long they want to wait before seeing Arsenal achieve the heights all fans wish for their club. We are the laughing stock of the European football hierarchy. The club that revels in mediocrity calling it success. Sadly some fans have imbibed this 2nd class attitude. Beating the Spuds is their only benchmark of glory.

Wenger needs to go. We need to free ourselves of his pathetic mindset. Leave Kroenke out of it. We were wallowing in our 4th place state of mind long before he took over. We didnt realise it at the time but it was the unholy union of the leech and the quack doctor. With us fans as the unwitting patient.

Totally agree, I know back in the late 90s and early 00s we had a great team and played some great football, but I do always wonder why the man gets so much praise, for most of his career with us he's been mediocre and has been unbearable to listen to with his holier than thou attitude, people talk about him we're lucky we ever had him, thing he was a nobody when he arrived (managing in a minor league), has been given the freedom to do whatever he likes at the expense of the results and has been made one of the highest paid manager.

I'd say he's been pretty lucky we brought him onboard, I don't have same "thanks for making us great and rescuing us from oblivion" attitude some people have, he came in did his job very well using his knowledge and contacts, then lost his way and didn't do such a great job.

Yes the stadium happened whilst he was here, but he didn't risk anything, or put in his own money and he then basically contributed to us being turned into a business that's primary objective is profit.

Top manager in his time, but I'm not eternally grateful to him for turning us into what we are today, not really a football club anymore.

23-02-2017, 03:10 PM
No-one's asking you to be eternally grateful, just own the nonsense you speak

What was it on Monday? Oh yes....Wenger celebrating our first goal against Sutton like it was the winning goal in a champions league final?.....what because a clap and a slight fist pump

I do agree there's plenty of things to be annoyed with Wenger about so there really is no need to invent things

Why does he get so much praise?......because like it or not Money has dominated this sport (and ruined it) so the previous non achievement of finishing 4th is representative of the paragon of stability. Of course Man United actually never finished lower than third with Ferguson as manager so it also rather puts that into perspective.

I think that in his first ten years were to win three league titles, four cups and got us to the Champions League final which does by far surpass any Arsenal manager in the modern era by some way.

He kept us stable when the club did have to massively tighten it's belt to finance the stadium move, but the fact is now the club has the money and infrastructure not to depend on finishing 4th and Wenger believes he's still a top manager because his ego is being stroked by an avaricious yank who is using the club as the jewel in his sports franchise crown.

Do we owe Wenger gratitude for staying here as long as he has, no of course not.....I unfortunately think the so-called abuse has to continue to make it clear to him that he cannot stay here beyond this season. But any assessment other than that the club is in a much better state than it was when he joined us and that he is at least partly responsible for that, is idiotic.

23-02-2017, 04:07 PM
No-one's asking you to be eternally grateful, just own the nonsense you speak

What was it on Monday? Oh yes....Wenger celebrating our first goal against Sutton like it was the winning goal in a champions league final?.....what because a clap and a slight fist pump

I do agree there's plenty of things to be annoyed with Wenger about so there really is no need to invent things

Why does he get so much praise?......because like it or not Money has dominated this sport (and ruined it) so the previous non achievement of finishing 4th is representative of the paragon of stability. Of course Man United actually never finished lower than third with Ferguson as manager so it also rather puts that into perspective.

I think that in his first ten years were to win three league titles, four cups and got us to the Champions League final which does by far surpass any Arsenal manager in the modern era by some way.

He kept us stable when the club did have to massively tighten it's belt to finance the stadium move, but the fact is now the club has the money and infrastructure not to depend on finishing 4th and Wenger believes he's still a top manager because his ego is being stroked by an avaricious yank who is using the club as the jewel in his sports franchise crown.

Do we owe Wenger gratitude for staying here as long as he has, no of course not.....I unfortunately think the so-called abuse has to continue to make it clear to him that he cannot stay here beyond this season. But any assessment other than that the club is in a much better state than it was when he joined us and that he is at least partly responsible for that, is idiotic.

You really should be able to make your point without resorting to abuse..Idiotic!. Really? and you say Ozim has it personal with Wenger. We have come a long way since Wenger came in and yes he did entertain us greatly way back when, but you make it seem as if we would not have made similar or greater progress if he never came?.

Take the Spuds. they have been through a dozen managers or more since Wenger came in 96 but they have become a real challenger to us and the elite PL contenders who have pumped in billions. They are also building a bigger stadium. Is Levy revered in the same way as we are asked to idolise Wenger?

Southampton have built a bigger stadium, are established in the EPL and could build an even bigger stadium than St Marys if the catchment area was not so small. many other clubs have made similar gains in the last 20 years

We have done well with Wenger but so has he from us. Stating the obvious should not result in abuse. All that does is expose the the shallow in human make up.

Ozim has been found to have been right about Wenger all along. Some people are having a hard time accepting that

23-02-2017, 04:22 PM
Southampton are a bad example.

they built a bigger stadium, then were relegated. Took them years to recover.

23-02-2017, 05:24 PM
Southampton are a bad example.

they built a bigger stadium, then were relegated. Took them years to recover.

I just feel we are in a place now where literally no one should want Wenger to stay and if he does sign a new contract then we know what we all should do.

Westminister bridge the next day. We should all hang ourselves. I will hand out the ropes and suffer the indignity of hanging myself last.

23-02-2017, 05:29 PM
Wenger is in denial, does not seem to accept that he is past his sell by date and that the reason players have left Arsenal want to leave Arsenal and do not want to join Arsenal is because they know that they and the club will win nothing whilst he is in charge.

24-02-2017, 01:56 PM
Danny Welbeck on FB Live turning out for the U23s.

No need to thank me.


The Dismantler
24-02-2017, 06:50 PM
Danny Welbeck on FB Live turning out for the U23s.

No need to thank me.


Thanks :tiphat:

25-02-2017, 11:45 AM
Sir Chips has rolled out Sustainability v3.0 and issued a "note of caution" to the clubs that are winning stuff. We won't be engaging in such vulgar pursuits, by the sound of it. He didn't make any comment on Kroenke's increasingly leveraged personal position which takes advantage of "market forces that have contributed directly over time to the success of the Premier League".

‘Francis Coquelin, Hector Bellerin, Laurent Koscielny and Olivier Giroud have all signed new contracts, while we have taken up options to extend the contracts of Per Mertesacker and Santi Cazorla.

'Further work is required in the area of contract renewals and we will continue to invest rationally in our squad retention.

‘As expected, increased Premier League broadcasting revenues have had a direct impact on player costs both in terms of transfer prices and player wage demands.

‘While these are market forces that have contributed directly over time to the success of the Premier League, I would sound a note of caution in light of the very material contractual commitments to future wages that clubs are taking on.’

Translation: It's our money, fuck you, we're keeping it! And if Ozil and Alexis think they can get more elsewhere, well there's the door. Meanwhile, we have Giroud so quit complaining.

25-02-2017, 11:48 AM
Danny Welbeck on FB Live turning out for the U23s.

No need to thank me.


There has never been need to thank you

25-02-2017, 11:50 AM
Sir Chips has rolled out Sustainability v3.0 and issued a "note of caution" to the clubs that are winning stuff. We won't be engaging in such vulgar pursuits, by the sound of it. He didn't make any comment on Kroenke's increasingly leveraged personal position which takes advantage of "market forces that have contributed directly over time to the success of the Premier League".

Translation: It's our money, fuck you, we're keeping it! And if Ozil and Alexis think they can get more elsewhere, well there's the door. Meanwhile, we have Giroud so quit complaining.

Meh, if as of next season people continue to pay top whack to keep wenger and lose our best players than they really have no-one to blame but themselves

25-02-2017, 01:19 PM
Meh, if as of next season people continue to pay top whack to keep wenger and lose our best players than they really have no-one to blame but themselves

Trouble is, if fans stay the club wins, if fans walk away the club wins because we already know there's a queue waiting to jump in. Giving these bastard owners a hard time appears to be compulsory for any fan that wants to see a change in the ambitions of the club. Therefore, fans need to understand that forking out and turning up to cheer is no longer the sole definition of support. Refusing to turn up, refusing to pay as much as a penny, attacking this board and this manager at every opportunity is just as valid a method of support.

25-02-2017, 01:47 PM
Trouble is, if fans stay the club wins, if fans walk away the club wins because we already know there's a queue waiting to jump in. Giving these bastard owners a hard time appears to be compulsory for any fan that wants to see a change in the ambitions of the club. Therefore, fans need to understand that forking out and turning up to cheer is no longer the sole definition of support. Refusing to turn up, refusing to pay as much as a penny, attacking this board and this manager at every opportunity is just as valid a method of support.

I'm not convinced, just because there is a season ticket waiting list.....this waiting list goes back several years.....are they really going to take up the offer if others don't renew.

If I recall i was on the season ticket waiting list when i joined red membership and had i not cancelled it a year ago i would have probably been offered a season ticket for this current season. There was no chance i'd have taken up that offer even i'd retained red membership.

You'll always get the Ultra fans who go no matter what, but the way we've played this season with absolutely no sign of improvement and the games we have coming up - Liverpool, Southampton, West Brom, Stoke, Spurs away from home, having to play one of united/city/chelsea/spurs if we get through to the fa cup semis....the likelihood of more poor results is high and as much as Wenger bemoans it he knows the fans will be on his back every bad result....and if despite this he signs an extension people won't give money to a club that they know doesn't care about them.

27-02-2017, 12:53 PM
Jonker has left the academy to managed Wolfsburg. Traitor... how dare anyone show ambition.

Xhaka Can’t
27-02-2017, 03:06 PM
Doesn't he head up the EU?

27-02-2017, 03:40 PM

28-02-2017, 11:04 AM
Jonker has left the academy to managed Wolfsburg. Traitor... how dare anyone show ambition.

He came from Wolfsburg 3 years ago, was reading he was their assistant manager.

He was one of Gazidis's hires so it will be interesting to see who replaces him as he was our Academy man.

28-02-2017, 11:19 AM
All the people we want to leave never leave!

28-02-2017, 11:47 AM
All the people we want to leave never leave!

Are you talking about GW?

I agree...


28-02-2017, 12:11 PM
Are you talking about GW?

I agree...


Sadly not, I don't want anyone to leave from here!

28-02-2017, 02:52 PM
Sadly not, I don't want anyone to leave from here!

There's hardly like 4.5 people left here who post anyway! :lol:

28-02-2017, 03:08 PM
He came from Wolfsburg 3 years ago, was reading he was their assistant manager.

He was one of Gazidis's hires so it will be interesting to see who replaces him as he was our Academy man.

Bergkamp's name in the running, supposedly. Don't think Wenger will stand for that though.

28-02-2017, 03:42 PM
Sadly not, I don't want anyone to leave from here!

Me neither, i wouldn't get through the day without one of your extreme statements that you either go to pains to justify or back track on.

28-02-2017, 03:42 PM
Bergkamp's name in the running, supposedly. Don't think Wenger will stand for that though.

I don't think he had any choice in Joncker coming here to begin with

Xhaka Can’t
02-03-2017, 09:35 PM

The venue for the Alexis Sanchez march
The Plaza Italia in Santiago was deserted at the scheduled time of the march
A protest in Chile to encourage forward Alexis Sanchez to leave Arsenal, which was supposed to attract 14,000 was only attended by a handful of people.

Thousands had signed up on Facebook to attend Wednesday's event, but fewer than 1% arrived at the meeting point.

Organisers in Santiago claimed that Chileans were tired of watching one of their stars work alone.

Sanchez is yet to sign a new deal with the Gunners and is reportedly set for a move away from the Emirates.

The number of people who attended the protest is reported to have been between five and eight.

03-03-2017, 02:33 AM

The venue for the Alexis Sanchez march
The Plaza Italia in Santiago was deserted at the scheduled time of the march
A protest in Chile to encourage forward Alexis Sanchez to leave Arsenal, which was supposed to attract 14,000 was only attended by a handful of people.

Thousands had signed up on Facebook to attend Wednesday's event, but fewer than 1% arrived at the meeting point.

Organisers in Santiago claimed that Chileans were tired of watching one of their stars work alone.

Sanchez is yet to sign a new deal with the Gunners and is reportedly set for a move away from the Emirates.

The number of people who attended the protest is reported to have been between five and eight.

Between five and eight? They couldn't pin it down precisely by counting on their fingers?

05-03-2017, 05:58 PM
Myles Palmer apparently been told that Wenger has already signed his contract extension, and that this delay is just waiting for a break in bad results to announce it.

Marc Overmars
05-03-2017, 06:01 PM
The day that is announced is going to be fun.

AFC Leveller
05-03-2017, 06:02 PM
Leverkusen have sacked their manager after Dortmund spanked them 6-2. Even though their manager is highly rated and got them in the CL, they have been ruthless and put the football club first.

05-03-2017, 06:11 PM
The number of people who attended the protest is reported to have been between five and eight.
Zim couldn't get a plane ticket at late notice?

05-03-2017, 06:22 PM
The day that is announced is going to be fun.

You'd have to LOL cos what else is there to do. It's such a ludicrous situation.

I won't let it ruin my life, in all likelihood I'll just switch off even more than I have done the last couple of years.

05-03-2017, 06:25 PM
Myles Palmer apparently been told that Wenger has already signed his contract extension, and that this delay is just waiting for a break in bad results to announce it.

I'm guessing he signed it directly after typing it out. Why wait to make bank?

10-03-2017, 09:27 AM
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has revealed that the club made an approach for Monaco starlet Kylian Mbappe last season.

The 18-year-old French forward, who only made his debut last season, has scored an impressive 13 goals for the Ligue 1 side this term.

And Wenger, speaking in his press conference ahead of Arsenal's FA Cup quarter-final tie with Lincoln City on Saturday, has revealed that he approached Mbappe last year.


We approached the player, his club said, "This is not going to be free!", we moved away from the player. Now we can wait for somebody else to sign the player and then add him to our Almost Signed World 11.

What is the purpose of constantly talking about who we almost signed? Yes I know journos bring this up, but shut the fuck up Wenger. You are just making it worse by giving us a long list of players that you were never going to bring to the club because you are too conservative and too tight.

10-03-2017, 09:29 AM

that will give ammunition to the Cult of Arsene

10-03-2017, 09:31 AM

that will give ammunition to the Cult of Arsene

It was probably them who started this rubbish. Any fan who wants to see Arsenal dumped out of the cup by non-league Lincoln hates the manager more than they love the club. Besides, they just have to wait until the semis.

Power n Glory
10-03-2017, 09:58 AM

We approached the player, his club said, "This is not going to be free!", we moved away from the player. Now we can wait for somebody else to sign the player and then add him to our Almost Signed World 11.

What is the purpose of constantly talking about who we almost signed? Yes I know journos bring this up, but shut the fuck up Wenger. You are just making it worse by giving us a long list of players that you were never going to bring to the club because you are too conservative and too tight.

Really not sure why he does it. I'm sure the press are in on it and ask as some sort of running joke or they're running bets. 'I bet Arsene approach him first but failed'. He needs to stop.

Marc Overmars
10-03-2017, 10:24 AM
It was probably them who started this rubbish. Any fan who wants to see Arsenal dumped out of the cup by non-league Lincoln hates the manager more than they love the club. Besides, they just have to wait until the semis.

It would be pretty funny though. :ninja:

10-03-2017, 10:27 AM
No it wouldn't, it would add fuel to the scumbag fan narrative and give Wenger sympathy he doesn't deserve

10-03-2017, 10:34 AM
I love how the media paints gooners as ungrateful brats for our 'impatience' with Wenger even though they are the ones who lay into him most.

I doubt there are many who would want to lose to Lincoln though, but there are a lot who have gone past caring.

Marc Overmars
10-03-2017, 10:39 AM
No it wouldn't, it would add fuel to the scumbag fan narrative and give Wenger sympathy he doesn't deserve

Relax bro, it was tongue in cheek.

10-03-2017, 04:39 PM

We approached the player, his club said, "This is not going to be free!", we moved away from the player. Now we can wait for somebody else to sign the player and then add him to our Almost Signed World 11.

What is the purpose of constantly talking about who we almost signed? Yes I know journos bring this up, but shut the fuck up Wenger. You are just making it worse by giving us a long list of players that you were never going to bring to the club because you are too conservative and too tight.

:lol: "This is not going to be free!" is that all it takes to scare us away, no wonder we never sign anyone top notch if that's the case. I'm wondering whether Wenger just makes these things up, what a ridiculous story, if it's true we look incompetent, if it's a lie it's a pretty poor effort.

Funny how Wenger almost signs all of these top notch players but then manages to sign these not so great players all the time.

10-03-2017, 04:41 PM
I do wonder how you simultaneously hold in your head the two thoughts that Wenger is cheap and won't spend money and Wenger spends far too much on players who aren't worth it.

10-03-2017, 08:45 PM
I do wonder how you simultaneously hold in your head the two thoughts that Wenger is cheap and won't spend money and Wenger spends far too much on players who aren't worth it.


a) He generally won't sign established players as they cost too much
b) He signs players for 10-15 million (because they are relatively cheap who aren't good enough) and basically when they don't work out it's wasted money we could have put towards quality players, we also pay kids way too much.

He's cheap in a sense that he won't pay market rate, he's happy to stock up sub standard players that cost 10-15 million though :good:

11-03-2017, 11:54 AM
He's signed plenty of players for far more than that and he pays very high wages to players who I think we all agree dont deserve it. So how is he 'cheap'? You can more reasonably accuse him of spending money unwisely but you can't have it both ways and simultaneously accuse him of spending too much and being "cheap"

11-03-2017, 12:43 PM
He's signed plenty of players for far more than that and he pays very high wages to players who I think we all agree dont deserve it. So how is he 'cheap'? You can more reasonably accuse him of spending money unwisely but you can't have it both ways and simultaneously accuse him of spending too much and being "cheap"

He's cheap in the sense he sets his valuations low. Everyone else will pay the going rate, Wenger feels he has some magic formula that lowers this rate and he effectively takes himself out of the active market so he can passively wait for the bargains and leftovers. The Ozil and Alexis signings - we thought - were the exception. Supposedly the start of this big new post-stadium move era. Nope. When it came to stumping up the cash to get that striker we heard the thousand and one names but no bids went in. He has a history of not paying the going price, even when the margin is a couple of million. I don't think he accepts that football is a pretty brash and vulgar business where you kick your cash in and take a gamble on getting a return. Instead he views it as an economic exercise, you calculate all the variables, apply a formula, if you get the right answer back then knock off 10% and make a derisory offer that pisses people off.

He's convinced himself we can't play in the big leagues with the likes of the chavs and the gypos. This is bullshit though because you don't have to go head to head with them, you can find other ways to assemble a good squad but sometimes that means taking a risk by paying that little extra. The joke is, once the panic stage of the transfer window comes around and we only have a few days to act, the clubs we are trying to buy from see us over the barrel and take the piss. Wenger's caution and prevarication often costs him rather than saves him money.

Everybody gets the job is a little more difficult than pressing + and - buttons and clicking the MAKE OFFER button, especially when you don't have the infinite money cheat code. But he's gone from being a prime spotter of talent (e.g. Anelka) to a doddery old git (e.g. the striker we have needed for HOW LONG NOW). And it's because he has an aversion to spending the big money that gets you into the title hunt. We could spent it (look at the 90 mill last window) but he'd rather go for 5 second tier options than one premium solution. He's a multipack, special offers guy, or so he thinks. Because I don't call 30+ mill for Mustafi much of a bargain, for example.

AFC Leveller
12-03-2017, 09:08 AM
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17103786_698960600309538_8682548073287982220_n.jpg ?oh=ddff99a6c207cf0375f33df9ff725854&oe=592EC8B7

16-03-2017, 12:29 PM

Very good and well thought out article.

16-03-2017, 12:57 PM

Very good and well thought out article.

Thanks. I really enjoyed that.
Sir Chips!. What a vegetable!

16-03-2017, 01:00 PM

Very good and well thought out article.

Nice trip back through memory lane.

17-03-2017, 07:02 AM
Theo dropped from the England squad on his 28th birthday. Seems like the epitaph to a wasted career. Poor sod never had a chance under Wenger but in truth the desire to improve himself technically has never been there. The fact that Defoe can be selected at 34 shows that there is still hope at any age, but Theo will have to leave Arsenal to improve. Would he be prepared to go to Everton or West Ham at half of what he is currently getting......NO way.

Other good news is that the fat overpaid turd Rooney is also out...in his case I hope permanently. China beckons methinks.

17-03-2017, 08:44 AM

17-03-2017, 05:12 PM

"did you support arsenal before the brain injury?"

:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::h aha::haha: on so many fucking levels, oh Louis

17-03-2017, 06:26 PM
"did you support arsenal before the brain injury?"

::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:: haha: on so many fucking levels, oh Louis

:lol: certainly didn't think we'd win the title before the brain injury

18-03-2017, 11:02 AM
:lol: certainly didn't think we'd win the title before the brain injury

As in a sane person their right mind would not decide to start supporting Arsenal

21-03-2017, 04:28 PM

AFC Leveller
22-03-2017, 03:53 PM

03-04-2017, 12:11 PM
After Sagna, we now have liability Clichy telling us how bad things could be after Wenger. Didnt these 2 shitheads leave Arsenal in order to win things?. Mindblowing hypocrisy,

AFC Leveller
04-04-2017, 08:07 AM
�� Alexis Sanchez has made Chelsea FC his number one choice for summer move - but faces battle with Arsenal [Telegraph]

Power n Glory
04-04-2017, 09:43 AM
He'd be a beast over there.

04-04-2017, 09:50 AM
�� Alexis Sanchez has made Chelsea FC his number one choice for summer move - but faces battle with Arsenal [Telegraph]

This is what we call the media echo chamber. It sounds to me like something Alexis has said "i want to stay in London but play for a team that wants to win" - which could just as easily mean that he wants Arsenal players to have the same hunger he has, to mean he wants to go to Chelsea.

Whilst it's never good to trust anything Wenger says, i'd like to believe the club is as good as it's word that it will never sell one of it's players to a premier league rival now it can afford not to. I could be the one being ridiculously naive.....but there doesn't seem to be much to this story other than media guess work.

04-04-2017, 09:57 AM
I don't think we'll sell to Chelsea. There's no reason to.

If he sees out his contract and then goes there, well that's another story.

04-04-2017, 09:59 AM
The rest of us might as well pack up and go home if they get Sanzhez.
Never really trust paper talk though.

Marc Overmars
04-04-2017, 10:19 AM
It would be a disgraceful move if we sold to Chelsea. A real fuck you to all the fans.

I think the club would probably sell if the right offer came in from a foreign club though.

04-04-2017, 10:26 AM
It would be a disgraceful move if we sold to Chelsea. A real fuck you to all the fans.

I think the club would probably sell if the right offer came in from a foreign club though.

I agree, I definitley think we would sell to Bayern Munich, Juventus or PSG if the offer was sufficient. And probably the right thing to do if Alexis isn't going to sign a new deal (not that I in anyway blame him for not wanting to)

04-04-2017, 11:10 AM
This is what we call the media echo chamber. It sounds to me like something Alexis has said "i want to stay in London but play for a team that wants to win" - which could just as easily mean that he wants Arsenal players to have the same hunger he has, to mean he wants to go to Chelsea.

Whilst it's never good to trust anything Wenger says, i'd like to believe the club is as good as it's word that it will never sell one of it's players to a premier league rival now it can afford not to. I could be the one being ridiculously naive.....but there doesn't seem to be much to this story other than media guess work.

The thing with this Sanchez Saga if you want to call it that is that he hasn't once come out and said he wants to stay. Where he goes or wants to go is anyone's guess and to be brutally honest would we really let him sulk and leave on a free to stop him from moving to Chelsea?

This is Arsenal we are talking about here, we pride ourselves on being professional :rolleyes:

I honestly wouldn't be that surprised if we sold Sanchez to Chelsea...seriously.

04-04-2017, 01:42 PM
You cant sell a player to a club he doesnt want to go. These are not the 70`s any longer. If he wont go where we want he stays, kicks his legs in the resrves for a year and leaves on a free to Chelsea with a 20m signing bonus or £400k pw.
Arsenal have little say in the matter.

04-04-2017, 01:51 PM
Seems like it all hinges on Hazard. If he decides to go to Spain the chavs will move fast for his replacement and Alexis is ideal, unsettled and PL tested. The player wants to win and there's not the slightest hint he can do that at Arsenal. So I'd think if the Hazard deal happens then the Alexis deal will be on rails. One last humiliation as we cement the also-ran status Wenger has toiled tirelessly to achieve.

04-04-2017, 01:51 PM
You cant sell a player to a club he doesnt want to go. These are not the 70`s any longer. If he wont go where we want he stays, kicks his legs in the resrves for a year and leaves on a free to Chelsea with a 20m signing bonus or £400k pw.
Arsenal have little say in the matter.

But if he goes to Chelsea on a free that's not us selling him to Chelsea is it? :shrug:

And anyway what would we surmise that he will only go to Chelsea upon?......that he says he's happy in London which is a statement that is pretty ambigious

04-04-2017, 02:00 PM
But if he goes to Chelsea on a free that's not us selling him to Chelsea is it? :shrug:

And anyway what would we surmise that he will only go to Chelsea upon?......that he says he's happy in London which is a statement that is pretty ambigious

Move a few yards down the road for more cash and carry on playing in the highest profile league in football, for the champions? There's a certain lure to it I'm sure. What are we offering in return? A demand for professionalism, if you listen to Wenger's thinly veiled criticisms this morning.

04-04-2017, 02:02 PM
But if he goes to Chelsea on a free that's not us selling him to Chelsea is it? :shrug:

And anyway what would we surmise that he will only go to Chelsea upon?......that he says he's happy in London which is a statement that is pretty ambigious

We won't let him run down his contract, we spent what 35million on him and he's been on 140k per week in wages since he's been here...that is too big an investment for us to let him walk away for free.

We will sell him this summer and IMO he will go where he wants as long as the buying club meets our valuation.

He has us by the balls.

04-04-2017, 02:07 PM
And in my opinion you are basing yours on baseless newspaper reports

I think he'll go, but it will be to a club abroad. In 2014 we had the option to sell Vermaelen to Manchester United, we sold him to Barcelona.

04-04-2017, 02:16 PM
And in my opinion you are basing yours on baseless newspaper reports

I think he'll go, but it will be to a club abroad. In 2014 we had the option to sell Vermaelen to Manchester United, we sold him to Barcelona.

Obviously you are basing your opinion on the conversation going on in your head. We sold Van Persie didnt we?

04-04-2017, 02:24 PM
And in my opinion you are basing yours on baseless newspaper reports

I think he'll go, but it will be to a club abroad. In 2014 we had the option to sell Vermaelen to Manchester United, we sold him to Barcelona.

Sanchez holds all the cards though, it's totally different to the Vermaelen situation. Our only hope is that he would rather move abroad than join a PL rival because if he wants to join a rival then that's what he will do, we won't risk losing him for free.

04-04-2017, 02:45 PM
Alexis won't have any hang-ups about joining a rival. He hasn't grown up with PL rivalries, he hasn't been here long enough to become invested in the club, his priority will be what's best for him. Can't blame him. Everything about football is commercial these days so little surprise when those involved make commercial decisions.

04-04-2017, 03:02 PM
Sanchez holds all the cards though, it's totally different to the Vermaelen situation. Our only hope is that he would rather move abroad than join a PL rival because if he wants to join a rival then that's what he will do, we won't risk losing him for free.

I think considering the absolute flaming torch and pitchforks response from fans if we sold him to chelsea i think we would risk losing him for free

04-04-2017, 03:04 PM
I think the flaming torch and pitchforks would be aimed squarely at Wenger and the board in this instance, not the player. No-one would blame him for going and why shouldn't he go to Chelsea? They're not our historic rivals, they've bought their way to the top table but why wouldn't he want to join a successful club?

04-04-2017, 03:09 PM
I think the flaming torch and pitchforks would be aimed squarely at Wenger and the board in this instance, not the player. No-one would blame him for going and why shouldn't he go to Chelsea? They're not our historic rivals, they've bought their way to the top table but why wouldn't he want to join a successful club?

That's the point. This time the player wouldn't be blamed it would be the club, the attempt to shift blame onto the player in the media has failed

And i think selling him to Chelsea would cause a fallout no amount of PR and spin would be able to control.

04-04-2017, 03:30 PM
Wenger should be suicide bombed.

04-04-2017, 03:35 PM
Wenger should be suicide bombed.

Are you volunteering.?

04-04-2017, 03:39 PM
Wenger should be suicide bombed.

:ninja:That sounds like a great idea brother

I'm certainly in no way reporting you to the security services now.

04-04-2017, 03:43 PM
I think considering the absolute flaming torch and pitchforks response from fans if we sold him to chelsea i think we would risk losing him for free

They don't care about the fans Herb. The board have offered the Manager a 2 year contract and literally none of the fanbase want him to stay.

Selling another one of our stars to Chelsea is nothing in their eyes...it's all about money, there is no way we will let him run down his contract, they won't give away an investment a year later just to appease the fanbase.

04-04-2017, 03:44 PM
Are you volunteering.?

Rubber dinghy rapids, bro!

04-04-2017, 03:48 PM
They don't care about the fans Herb. The board have offered the Manager a 2 year contract and literally none of the fanbase want him to stay.

Selling another one of our stars to Chelsea is nothing in their eyes...it's all about money, there is no way we will let him run down his contract, they won't give away an investment a year later just to appease the fanbase.

I think they care about people renewing season tickets and half empty stadiums and people buying club merchandise

Plus they don't like the hassle of these protests.

They sold Van Persie, Nasri and Fabregas because they were able to sell it as necessary for the clubs finances

Do they want a pliant fan base? Will they allow Wenger to sign on despite the fans reaction? Probably yes but they are saturating the media with the changes that are going to be made. Even if not true why would you come out with this if you didn't acknowledge that without the fans the whole self sustaining model crumples.

I think in the current state it's not just as simple as replacing people who don't renew their season tickets further down the waiting list, some of these people were placed on the waiting list years ago absolutely no guarantee they will take up the offer.

I am sure they would like to be in a position where they don't give a fuck about the fans, but it's not viable

04-04-2017, 04:08 PM
If Sanchez wants to go to Chelsea, he'll go, we saw it with Ashley Cole before him and we'll probably get screwed over like we did then too (and with Fabregas). Players usually get what they want, especially at a club like ours, we've seen it many times.

Fact is we'll sell and if he doesn't want to go abroad and wants to stay in London we'll take the money, Kroenke won't let 35 million disappear. Yes sure Wenger will say this and that like he has many times before, but they're just empty words, when he's confident someone will stay they more often than not leave.

Chelsea will be Champions, win stuff, have top players and aren't scared to spend and will pay him the big wages, pretty simple decision for him if he wants to win stuff.

Power n Glory
04-04-2017, 05:43 PM
I think the flaming torch and pitchforks would be aimed squarely at Wenger and the board in this instance, not the player. No-one would blame him for going and why shouldn't he go to Chelsea? They're not our historic rivals, they've bought their way to the top table but why wouldn't he want to join a successful club?

I dunno. That should be the case but Cesc gets stick for playing for Chelsea despite it be us that rejected a move to bring him back. Before he left most people could understand why he'd want to leave considering the lame League Cup final defeat and Cesc not even being selected for the final.

With RVP, everyone was on side with the player until that open letter. Those guys did a lot more for Arsenal than Sanchez and I can't see him escaping the backlash.

04-04-2017, 06:49 PM
I dunno. That should be the case but Cesc gets stick for playing for Chelsea despite it be us that rejected a move to bring him back. Before he left most people could understand why he'd want to leave considering the lame League Cup final defeat and Cesc not even being selected for the final.

With RVP, everyone was on side with the player until that open letter. Those guys did a lot more for Arsenal than Sanchez and I can't see him escaping the backlash.

Difference now is far fewer people give a shit, one way or the other. I remember Stapleton was a jaw dropper that had a lasting effect for months. Cole was a kick in the balls but he's such a dislikable shit it wasn't a huge surprise he'd stab us. RvP was a killer, finally reaching his potential and then buggering off - to Utd! To win them a title. That showed a lot really. RvP in a shit team with a good manager could win a title. But under a shit manager even he couldn't swing things enough in our favour. But that's an aside. The main thing is, many more fans were still deeply caught up in the whole Arsenal thing when these players left. Now that we realise this club is all about one man and fuck anyone else, I suppose it doesn't matter who leaves or where they go. It's just a reminder that any hint of progress is illusion, soon to be followed by the stark reality. And we've suffered enough humiliations by now that piling on more has virtually zero net effect. I think a giant MEH is the most suitable backlash to all this.

04-04-2017, 06:56 PM
Nobody in their right minds can begrudge any top player for leaving Arsenal. We are a graveyard for ambitions. No ambitious player wants to spend 5 seasons coming 4th. Unless you are Ramsey, Walcott Giroud. being paid 3 times what you are really worth.

Delusions:.You say Sanchez has done little for us?. My, oh my. Where would we be these last 2 seasons and this without his goals?

Power n Glory
04-04-2017, 07:24 PM
Nobody in their right minds can begrudge any top player for leaving Arsenal. We are a graveyard for ambitions. No ambitious player wants to spend 5 seasons coming 4th. Unless you are Ramsey, Walcott Giroud. being paid 3 times what you are really worth.

Delusions:.You say Sanchez has done little for us?. My, oh my. Where would we be these last 2 seasons and this without his goals?

Talk about a misrepresentation. I said Cesc and RVP have done a lot more for the club in comparison. I didn't say Sanchez has done little for us. I make the comparison because we have two players that we watched grow as kids to captains, a much deeper connection with the club and fans but that didn't stop fans from turning on them despite knowing that they had to make a hard choice.

Marc Overmars
04-04-2017, 08:28 PM
If we needed confirmation how little importance is placed on a captain here...



04-04-2017, 09:03 PM
If we needed confirmation how little importance is placed on a captain here...



No words.....crazy shit TBH.

04-04-2017, 11:46 PM
They should have just handed the armband to Gunnersaurus. He has been at the club longer than anyone.

05-04-2017, 02:03 AM
They should have just handed the armband to Gunnersaurus. He has been at the club longer than anyone.

Second longest serving dinosaur at the club :bow:

05-04-2017, 07:12 AM

Wenger being indirectly critical of Gazidis and the fans forum held on Sunday

That and the need to change the structures at the club

Marc Overmars
05-04-2017, 07:18 AM
Poor old Ivan. Has there ever been a more pointless CEO in football than him?

05-04-2017, 08:30 AM
Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

05-04-2017, 08:31 AM
Sanchez holds all the cards though, it's totally different to the Vermaelen situation. Our only hope is that he would rather move abroad than join a PL rival because if he wants to join a rival then that's what he will do, we won't risk losing him for free.

I agree

05-04-2017, 08:51 AM


05-04-2017, 09:26 AM


meh lazy and forced

05-04-2017, 09:27 AM
meh lazy and forced

Yeah but enough about Ozil

05-04-2017, 09:29 AM

Wenger being indirectly critical of Gazidis and the fans forum held on Sunday

That and the need to change the structures at the club

Wenger is so arrogant, it's mind-blowing sometimes. He honestly speaks as if everything is fine and nothing needs to change, it beggars belief.

Those quotes do kind of confirm that there is some sort of power struggle going on between Wenger and Gazidis.

05-04-2017, 09:45 AM
Wenger is so arrogant, it's mind-blowing sometimes. He honestly speaks as if everything is fine and nothing needs to change, it beggars belief.

Those quotes do kind of confirm that there is some sort of power struggle going on between Wenger and Gazidis.

Because everything is fine and nothing needs to change.

Everybody has an opinion but what's important is results, and results are not great but if we miss out on the top 4 it will be the first time ever under me, and if you listen to Pep Guardiola you will realise that finishing top 4 is not as easy as everyone thinks it is

We will need to finish outside the champions league for at least ten years before you can start to question me, and even then the board don't set me targets i finish as high as i can. And with financial doping, i have massively over achieved

05-04-2017, 09:46 AM
The quotes confirm that Wenger will never be part of a solution. "He does not even see the problem"

Marc Overmars
05-04-2017, 10:20 AM
The quotes confirm that Wenger will never be part of a solution. "He does not even see the problem"


This is why it's impossible for us to ever kick on with him in charge. In his eyes, he is doing an exceptional job.

05-04-2017, 10:44 AM
Magic Mirror on the wall, who is little bit best manager of them all?

05-04-2017, 11:21 AM
Because everything is fine and nothing needs to change.

Everybody has an opinion but what's important is results, and results are not great but if we miss out on the top 4 it will be the first time ever under me, and if you listen to Pep Guardiola you will realise that finishing top 4 is not as easy as everyone thinks it is

We will need to finish outside the champions league for at least ten years before you can start to question me, and even then the board don't set me targets i finish as high as i can. And with financial doping, i have massively over achieved


He basically sets his own targets, he said as much in a quote I read in the Evening Standard yesterday. His target is to finish has high as up the table as possible, he has no targets set from those above him, those were his direct quotes!

He is basically a law to himself, he sets his own targets and decides whether he should be the manager or not....the whole thing is one big sham, it's a complete mess!

05-04-2017, 11:23 AM
I think for the first time we're seeing the board distance themselves a bit from the manager.

Someone needs to take charge.

05-04-2017, 11:39 AM
I think for the first time we're seeing the board distance themselves a bit from the manager.

Someone needs to take charge.

I'll do it.

05-04-2017, 11:40 AM
Someone rational.

05-04-2017, 12:12 PM
I'll do it.

05-04-2017, 12:25 PM
Someone with a half decent face.

05-04-2017, 12:27 PM


05-04-2017, 12:35 PM
I'm doing it

Stan Kroenke is just a front for a shell corporation owned by me

Enjoy the football dicks :d

05-04-2017, 12:37 PM
I'm doing it

Stan Kroenke is just a front for a shell corporation owned by me

Enjoy the football dicks :d

Somebody who is not fat.

05-04-2017, 12:38 PM
Somebody who is not fat.

Yeah i'm fat alright, fat off the share values of the club

05-04-2017, 12:39 PM
Enjoy the football dicks :d
What's a football dick?

Commas :bow:

Grammar :bow:

Power n Glory
05-04-2017, 12:40 PM
Is it still right to assume a deals on the table but we're waiting for Wenger to sign? We've now heard from Gazidis and Sir Chips that it's a mutual decision. Gazidis has talked about a change, the press have been running with stories about staff shake ups with coaches leaving and a director of football being introduced but Wenger seems pretty rejected such ideas. Also, prior to his recent statement, Gazidis said Arsene Wenger is not Arsenal, along the same lines of the slogan of 'Arsenal FC not Arsene FC'. Somethings going on in the background. Really not sure about this talk of a deal being on the table otherwise Wenger would just sign. It's quite clear he doesn't give a damn about the negative atmosphere surrounding the club.

05-04-2017, 12:48 PM
Is it still right to assume a deals on the table but we're waiting for Wenger to sign? We've now heard from Gazidis and Sir Chips that it's a mutual decision. Gazidis has talked about a change, the press have been running with stories about staff shake ups with coaches leaving and a director of football being introduced but Wenger seems pretty rejected such ideas. Also, prior to his recent statement, Gazidis said Arsene Wenger is not Arsenal, along the same lines of the slogan of 'Arsenal FC not Arsene FC'. Somethings going on in the background. Really not sure about this talk of a deal being on the table otherwise Wenger would just sign. It's quite clear he doesn't give a damn about the negative atmosphere surrounding the club.

They were all the same during the knife fights over the shares. Them first, them second, fuck the rest.


05-04-2017, 12:48 PM
Hard to say, a deal was on the table three years ago and Wenger did not sign it right up until the final moment, whether he'd have signed on anyway without top 4 or the fa cup hard to say (he seemed to suggest he would have walked away but then his current statements appear to contradict this).

Although if i remember correctly did not the club openly admit a deal was there for Wenger to sign?

Gazidis' comments seemed to suggest no deal was currently waiting to be signed, but realistically i tend to think if there was going to be any outcome other than him staying the wheels would already be in motion (which maybe they would, but it's hard to believe the media would have absolutely no idea of it going on).

But then again, this club with a total vacuum at the top....who knows what's actually going on. The depressing thing is it's unlikely Wenger would have come out what he did if he was not confident he would have the backing of the majority share holder, so again educated guess only that he's throwing Gazidis' words back in his face.

05-04-2017, 12:57 PM
It is apparent that Wenger cares more about himself than the club. If not an amicable solution would be to kick him upstairs and bring another in. What faith can we have in him re vamping the club when he has failed for so many years. Due to his ego he has totally failed to embrace modern tactics. I genuinely believe he does not think he is in anyway to blame.

05-04-2017, 01:10 PM
It is apparent that Wenger cares more about himself than the club. If not an amicable solution would be to kick him upstairs and bring another in. What faith can we have in him re vamping the club when he has failed for so many years. Due to his ego he has totally failed to embrace modern tactics. I genuinely believe he does not think he is in anyway to blame.

Unfortunately that wouldnt work with Wenger. He thrives, nay craves the daily tactile machinations of running a football club. Hundreds of staff treating him deferentially and harkening to his every word. The bantz with the media. He would be a lousy DOF. He himself would probably agree. He needs to leave amicably or bruisingly. Its the only way the club can progress in this decade.

05-04-2017, 01:19 PM
Hard to say, a deal was on the table three years ago and Wenger did not sign it right up until the final moment, whether he'd have signed on anyway without top 4 or the fa cup hard to say (he seemed to suggest he would have walked away but then his current statements appear to contradict this).

Although if i remember correctly did not the club openly admit a deal was there for Wenger to sign?

Gazidis' comments seemed to suggest no deal was currently waiting to be signed, but realistically i tend to think if there was going to be any outcome other than him staying the wheels would already be in motion (which maybe they would, but it's hard to believe the media would have absolutely no idea of it going on).

But then again, this club with a total vacuum at the top....who knows what's actually going on. The depressing thing is it's unlikely Wenger would have come out what he did if he was not confident he would have the backing of the majority share holder, so again educated guess only that he's throwing Gazidis' words back in his face.
I agree I think all this means he is staying, if he was going to leave it would be announced and some planning would be going on and the media would know about it. Also if he said he was leaving then I think performances would actually pick up, the fans would celebrate the achievements he has made over the years and I do think there would be a more positive atmosphere around the club.

Uncertainty helps no one.

05-04-2017, 02:23 PM
Hard to say, a deal was on the table three years ago and Wenger did not sign it right up until the final moment, whether he'd have signed on anyway without top 4 or the fa cup hard to say (he seemed to suggest he would have walked away but then his current statements appear to contradict this).

Although if i remember correctly did not the club openly admit a deal was there for Wenger to sign?

Gazidis' comments seemed to suggest no deal was currently waiting to be signed, but realistically i tend to think if there was going to be any outcome other than him staying the wheels would already be in motion (which maybe they would, but it's hard to believe the media would have absolutely no idea of it going on).

But then again, this club with a total vacuum at the top....who knows what's actually going on. The depressing thing is it's unlikely Wenger would have come out what he did if he was not confident he would have the backing of the majority share holder, so again educated guess only that he's throwing Gazidis' words back in his face.

I dont think Gazidis will be around come this summer. Just my feeling.

05-04-2017, 03:20 PM
I dont think Gazidis will be around come this summer. Just my feeling.

Same here. Was just thinking that this morning. In that world your reputation (deserved or mythical) is super important for the next role as you move up the ladder. If Wenger stays and nothing of real importance changes, Ivan will be shown to be a lame duck if he sits there and accepts it.

05-04-2017, 03:39 PM
Same here. Was just thinking that this morning. In that world your reputation (deserved or mythical) is super important for the next role as you move up the ladder. If Wenger stays and nothing of real importance changes, Ivan will be shown to be a lame duck if he sits there and accepts it.


I think its either Wenger or Gazidis at this point, and Kroenke will keep Wenger around.

Marc Overmars
05-04-2017, 03:47 PM
Of course Gazdis is getting turfed, his role at the club is completely diluted by Wenger. He's easily expendable.

05-04-2017, 03:47 PM
Same here. Was just thinking that this morning. In that world your reputation (deserved or mythical) is super important for the next role as you move up the ladder. If Wenger stays and nothing of real importance changes, Ivan will be shown to be a lame duck if he sits there and accepts it.

Yep, I think Gazidis is being kicked into touch. His comments the other day were his first publically since the Arsene FC comment he came out with in October 2016, he has had zero backing from Sir Chips and Silent Stan.

Gazidis is a Goner IMO.

Gazidis wants change and rightly so but Wenger is digging his heels in. There will only be one winner, Wenger wouldn't be so brazen and arrogant if he knew he didn't have the backing.

20-04-2017, 11:54 PM
Watch this one, Starts off, ho hum, then hmmmmmm, the a grin that just gets bigger and bigger.


Btw, Wenger, those last 4. THAT'S the standard. K?

21-04-2017, 11:57 AM
That's the problem, there's no doubt even in the last ten years even if trophies have been lean pickings the football and goals up until the last few years has been good....I don't think any Arsenal fans wants to feel the resentment and emnity towards Wenger because there has been so much to enjoy about his tenure as manager even if it has gone on far too long now.

Watching Henry and Bergkamp especially have been the greatest privileges as a football fan.

I just want him to go so he can be remembered for bringing us that, not the poison and toxicity

21-04-2017, 01:16 PM
Watch this one, Starts off, ho hum, then hmmmmmm, the a grin that just gets bigger and bigger.


Btw, Wenger, those last 4. THAT'S the standard. K?

Eduardo would have been brilliant for us. If not for a loathsome butcher. He had a lot of class.

Xhaka Can’t
21-04-2017, 06:24 PM
I just want him to go so he can be remembered for bringing us that, not the poison and toxicity

That ship has sailed for a lot of people.

I know I've seen the golden age of Arsenal football which was delivered by the team Wenger put together. It really was a privilege to witness first hand.

But even, with those memories, the longer this drags on, the more those memories are replaced by animosity at how he is dragging us rudderless into an abyss.

He is singlehandedly pushing a lot of fans away from the Club.

This has to stop. But it probably won't.

21-04-2017, 08:06 PM
That ship has sailed for a lot of people.

I know I've seen the golden age of Arsenal football which was delivered by the team Wenger put together. It really was a privilege to witness first hand.

But even, with those memories, the longer this drags on, the more those memories are replaced by animosity at how he is dragging us rudderless into an abyss.

He is singlehandedly pushing a lot of fans away from the Club.

This has to stop. But it probably won't.

The ship sailed, sank, was re-floated and towed back to port. Then the fucker rigged up a cheap outboard engine, hired Sanogo as first mate and drifted out into the nearest storm he could find.

21-04-2017, 08:08 PM
Eduardo would have been brilliant for us. If not for a loathsome butcher. He had a lot of class.

Was quite surprised Anelka only bagged 28 goals. Was also shocked Lord Nick wasn't in there.

21-04-2017, 08:10 PM
Eduardo would have been brilliant for us. If not for a loathsome butcher. He had a lot of class.

He's not that kind of loathsome butcher.

Mr. Lahey
21-04-2017, 11:42 PM
That ship has sailed for a lot of people.

I know I've seen the golden age of Arsenal football which was delivered by the team Wenger put together. It really was a privilege to witness first hand.

But even, with those memories, the longer this drags on, the more those memories are replaced by animosity at how he is dragging us rudderless into a shit abyss.

He is singlehandedly pushing a lot of fans away from the Club.

This has to stop. But it probably won't.


22-04-2017, 08:10 AM
He's not that kind of loathsome butcher.

Wiltord is also severely underatted by many fans. He was here when we had Henry and Bergkamp. Not a lot of room in there for an extra striker. He will forever be golden for that goal at OT. Those were the days....The days when we could go to any club in the land and NOT expect to be beaten.

28-04-2017, 06:11 PM
Arsenal legend Robert Pires says his former club will sign talented teenager Kylian Mbappe from Monaco.
The striker has been linked to several of Europe's top clubs, but the French side's £100m price-tag has so far proved a sticking point.
But Pires says Mbappe will head to the Emirates, and that Arsene Wenger is the best man to help him develop.


Bobby has been hired to prop up Wenger's sorry arse. Mbappe has already said he's going to Marketing. There's no race. This is just more of the same bullshit we are getting so used to. Shame to see Bobby dishing it though.

Xhaka Can’t
28-04-2017, 06:21 PM
This is what you see when you look in the shit abyss.

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
29-04-2017, 01:52 PM
Apparently Pires saying we'll sign Mbappe.

04-05-2017, 12:09 AM

Another player we almost signed to add to the pile.

04-05-2017, 06:14 AM
Mourinho is saying he is going to play a weakened side in the league going forward starting Sunday against Arsenal.

Marc Overmars
04-05-2017, 06:29 AM
They've got a better chance of winning the EL than making the top 4 so it makes sense I guess.

Not that it helps Wenger who will certainly still struggle to take 3 points off him.

04-05-2017, 08:02 AM

Another player we almost signed to add to the pile.

This has to be a wind up.

04-05-2017, 08:20 AM
Lucky escape for Mbappe. Wenger would have turned him into another no-shoot passing drone

04-05-2017, 08:34 AM
Apparently Pires saying we'll sign Mbappe.

I think that piece was lost in translation. I think it meant to say we would like to sign him. We don't stand a chance, we are not attractive enough and can't afford him. I was reading that Wenger went to his house last summer to try and convince him to sign and he still didn't sign for us. What chance do we stand now?

04-05-2017, 08:36 AM
Season ticket sales must be slow.

04-05-2017, 08:49 AM

05-05-2017, 03:35 PM
We're going to get beaten by Utd's kids. Aren't we?

05-05-2017, 03:36 PM
We're going to get beaten by Utd's kids. Aren't we?


05-05-2017, 03:54 PM
If we don't win this one then Wenger is in danger of some of the fans starting to think about maybe turning against him at some point.

05-05-2017, 06:21 PM
If we don't win this one then Wenger is in danger of some of the fans starting to think about maybe turning against him at some point.

They could form a committee and table a motion to tentatively and provisionally disagree with what's been going on.

05-05-2017, 06:23 PM
Then hit him with an aggressive leafleting campaign.

05-05-2017, 06:32 PM
Then hit him with an aggressive leafleting campaign.


05-05-2017, 06:37 PM
Arsenal fan base.


05-05-2017, 06:48 PM
