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18-04-2020, 01:05 PM
well if it's tied to performance next season then i guess the answer is 'yes' it's permanent, as they're basically restructuring the wages

i heard that the players initially rejected the proposal but i think that was prior to the executivee also agreeing to pay cuts (though i suspect those aren't permanent... especially if they are at a level of c33%)

If it's tied to performance they're going to end up owing the club millions.

18-04-2020, 03:29 PM
Even the reduced value would still not be sustainable if this goes on for say the whole of this year remaining. No footballer should earn more than 100k pw, its ridiculous and no season ticket should cost more than £500. It will be a whole new world after this virus abates, or at least it should be. People will reassess their life priorities. Football had become a runaway snowball in the last 20 years getting bigger as it heads towards distingration at the bottom of the hill..

18-04-2020, 03:46 PM
The bubble was bound to burst at some point

18-04-2020, 03:56 PM
No footballer should earn more than 100k..

None of them should be earning anything like that much.
I saw debates about Saka’s contract on FB where some people were shaking their head that we were “only” offering him £20k a week, or whatever it was. :blink:

We are talking, remember, about an 18 year old who has achieved nothing in the game.
Lots of potential, obviously, but still.
It’s been crazy for decades. Hopefully all this will see a big readjustment.

18-04-2020, 04:37 PM
no season ticket should cost more than £500. ..


18-04-2020, 07:25 PM
The house of cards was always going to come crashing down.

18-04-2020, 08:47 PM
You’d have thought so although who knew it would take a global pandemic?
Even then while I’d like to think this whole situation will change things, my gut feel is that by this time next year, probably even late this year, things will pretty much be back as they were.

18-04-2020, 09:39 PM
You’d have thought so although who knew it would take a global pandemic?
Even then while I’d like to think this whole situation will change things, my gut feel is that by this time next year, probably even late this year, things will pretty much be back as they were.

In general i don't think people's behaviours will change much, but i wonder if football might have to adjust a bit, after all it's a fact people will have less money in general and it could affect ticket sales

Ollie the Optimist
19-04-2020, 07:56 AM
You’d have thought so although who knew it would take a global pandemic?
Even then while I’d like to think this whole situation will change things, my gut feel is that by this time next year, probably even late this year, things will pretty much be back as they were.

It might not change so much next year but i think when the next TV deal is up for negotiation, that’ll be a key sign as to the future.

If over the next two years, sky BT etc. All see a drop in subscribers, then they wont be paying such large amounts for it. Other companies such as amazon may no longer have the spare cash to spend on football after this pandemic.

20-04-2020, 01:10 PM
Apparently it's 2 years to the day since Wenger announced he was leaving Arsenal.

Sorry N_Q that you can't have a street party but I hope you'll enjoy the day regardless.

20-04-2020, 01:44 PM
Apparently it's 2 years to the day since Wenger announced he was leaving Arsenal.

Sorry N_Q that you can't have a street party but I hope you'll enjoy the day regardless.

He ANNOUNCED - but he hadn't actually left. So street party may still happen.

20-04-2020, 02:10 PM
Apparently it's 2 years to the day since Wenger announced he was leaving Arsenal.

Sorry N_Q that you can't have a street party but I hope you'll enjoy the day regardless.

LITERALLY ANYONE could have done a better job.

Except for the guy who came in and did worse.

20-04-2020, 05:35 PM
LITERALLY ANYONE could have done a better job.

Except for the guy who came in and did worse.

You missed the meaning of literally. It means there could be exceptions. Case in point, Emery.

Marc Overmars
21-04-2020, 01:30 PM
Ozil and 2 other players have rejected the performance incentive pay cut the club have implemented. :lol:

No surprises there, imagine him having to put in a shift and earn his money back. Too much of an ask.

21-04-2020, 01:32 PM
If it was performance related pay Ozil would be in debt.

KSE Comedy Club
21-04-2020, 01:45 PM
Its quite disgusting of him tbh, and he is quite rightly being shown up for the robbing charlatan that he is by some of the press.

And the other two players whoever the fuck they are

21-04-2020, 01:55 PM
Its quite disgusting of him tbh, and he is quite rightly being shown up for the robbing charlatan that he is by some of the press.

And the other two players whoever the fuck they are

it's utterly indefensible of him of all people to turn it down - if it was the most poorly paid player they might have a slight - but not very good - argument, but not Mr-£350k-per-week

as for the other two, i wonder if it's the other alleged members of Ozil's little clique - Mustafi and Kola

21-04-2020, 02:12 PM
These are exceptional conditions. Force majeure. I'm pretty sure the club can impose the conditions on all of them. Let the leaching sucker go to court. Fk him

21-04-2020, 02:36 PM
Ozil and 2 other players have rejected the performance incentive pay cut the club have implemented. :lol:

No surprises there, imagine him having to put in a shift and earn his money back. Too much of an ask.

Just furlough the cunt.

21-04-2020, 02:44 PM
"Ozil – the club’s highest earner on £350,000-a-week – is understood to have made it clear he is willing to contribute, but does not want to rush into a decision and wants to see the full financial impact of the COVID pandemic before he commits."


Honestly. He's getting a million pounds every 3 weeks and has been for a long time. And he needs to see what the financial impact will be before he makes a decision?

Shitting hell, how far removed from reality are these people?

21-04-2020, 03:34 PM
Ozil and "two other players"? I smell the stench of the mainstream media at work.

Where did they get this information? It can only have come from within the club. In which case, there's a much bigger rat than Ozil at large. One that needs to be identified and sacked on the spot. As I already said, now that the clubs have stopped trying to dump staff in the shit, I don't see what the purpose of players taking wage cuts is. They aren't obliged to. Are other people, outside football, who haven't lost their jobs taking wage cuts? You know me and what I think of footballers and their crazy money, but what's the argument for them taking pay cuts? I don't have any sympathy for them, but I have even less sympathy for the clubs that have been fleecing the fans for years and now say they don't have enough stashed away to ride out a few months without revenue? What about the shareholders at Arsenal? Isn't it their role to take the losses as well as all those gains? Has Kroenke done anything to support the club? Beyond talk?

Before everyone jumps on Ozil and the "two other players", let's get the whole story. Sounds fishy as hell to me. The media has been trying to destroy Ozil from day one, because he joined the wrong club.

21-04-2020, 03:50 PM
Are other people, outside football, who haven't lost their jobs taking wage cuts?
If they've been furloughed they have, yes. And a bigger pay cut than the one Ozil is being asked to take.
Why shouldn't they be furloughed? I wouldn't have a problem with clubs furloughing staff so long as it applied to the players.
Making the poor sod on the turnstile take a cut while the players keep getting trucks of money delivered to their houses each week is hugely taking the piss.
Neither of them are doing their jobs right now. It's not their fault but if you're going to furlough, furlough both.

He's earning £350,000 a week. A WEEK!
The amounts these guys earn take the piss at the best of times. Right now while so many people are losing their jobs and struggling to pay the bills it takes the piss if any of them refuse to take a bit of a hit - especially when it isn't really a hit at all. It will make zero difference to him.
Even if it's just about perception, take the sodding cut, ffs! It's less of a cut than people who are furloughed are being asked to take.

21-04-2020, 04:07 PM
Has Ozil refused the cut because he wants to review the impact on his own situation? Or has he demanded to see Arsenal's financial position before taking a cut? The story seems to differ depending on the source. If the latter, that seems reasonable to me.

Also has Piers Morgan taken a pay cut? I genuinely don't know. But if he hasn't then he urgently needs to shoot himself in the face.

21-04-2020, 04:22 PM
Are other people, outside football, who haven't lost their jobs taking wage cuts?

Some have, yes.

21-04-2020, 04:22 PM
Is it reasonable, though?
I mean, from a purely logical point of view I guess if your employer can keep paying you then why shouldn't they?
But when there are so many people out there struggling to pay the bills right now and this cut - which is less than what people who are Furloughed are being asked to take - isn't going to make a scrap of different to him, just do it FFS!
'Cos frankly he looks like a dick saying no, even if there is logic in him doing so.

(In other news, I've been a bit worried recently, I've seen Piers Morgan talking sense a couple of times :( )

21-04-2020, 04:23 PM
Some have, yes.

Yep. Mate of mine has taken a 15% pay cut till the end of the year.

21-04-2020, 04:25 PM
Supposedly TWENTY SEVEN Arsenal players resisted a pay cut and instead wanted a deferral, Ozil being ONE of them. And there are three remaining who are still negotiating. NOBODY has refused to take a pay cut. So shits like Piers Morgan, Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher need to shut their pie holes and wait to see how this plays out, rather than dive on one player when most of the squad didn't want to accept cuts.

21-04-2020, 04:26 PM
Supposedly TWENTY SEVEN Arsenal players resisted a pay cut and instead wanted a deferral, Ozil being ONE of them. And there are three remaining who are still negotiating. NOBODY has refused to take a pay cut. So shits like Piers Morgan, Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher need to shut their pie holes and wait to see how this plays out, rather than dive on one player when most of the squad didn't want to accept cuts.

That's fair, but if true then it just means they can all fuck off if you ask me.

21-04-2020, 04:35 PM
Is it reasonable, though?
I mean, from a purely logical point of view I guess if your employer can keep paying you then why shouldn't they?
But when there are so many people out there struggling to pay the bills right now and this cut - which is less than what people who are Furloughed are being asked to take - isn't going to make a scrap of different to him, just do it FFS!
'Cos frankly he looks like a dick saying no, even if there is logic in him doing so.

(In other news, I've been a bit worried recently, I've seen Piers Morgan talking sense a couple of times :( )

So people can buy food and put it in a food bank, or donate to a charity. Why leave the money with the bosses, unless the company really needs to make cuts to survive? In which case the company can approach the staff and make the case. Which is what has been happening at Arsenal.

Ozil earns 350K a week? That's a piss in a bucket in this age of wealth inequity. Let's work down from the top of the list until we get to Ozil. Bill Gates, richest man in the world. Has he taken a pay cut? I hear the mega banksters have all suspended their bonuses for this year. But did they take a pay cut. CEO of Shell. Tim Cook. Suckerberg. How about Bezos? Between them these guys have enough money to pay the world's wages for the rest of the year. Why aren't outraged wankers like Piers Morgan hassling them?

Ozil probably gives more to charity that ALL of these bastards combined. REAL charity, not strategic investments posing as charity, or tax avoidance vehicles.

This is a joke. If we're going to single out one guy then let's go for them all. We can start at ITV where that wanker Morgan works. They have asked us to pay their staff's wages. What does Morgan think about that?

21-04-2020, 04:41 PM
That's fair, but if true then it just means they can all fuck off if you ask me.

Well yeah, there's that. None of them should be getting wheelbarrows of cash for what they do. But it's us that fills the barrow and chucks it at them. Walk up to any kid in the street and bung a suitcase of cash at him. He's not going to give it back.

If Morgan is so outraged then he can stop watching football and contributing to such an outrageous industry, can't he? But won't he be the first to hit Twatter when the first ball is kicked again? And won't Neville and Carragher be there too, talking about "the best league in the world"?

Hell, we're about to see Saudi human rights abusers welcomed to the party with open arms. Amnesty International is begging the PL to investigate before allowing these scumbags into the "beautiful" game. Football's a dirty, dirty business, fawned over by the maggoty media. But Ozil is the bad guy.

21-04-2020, 06:02 PM
Ozil earns 350K a week? That's a piss in a bucket in this age of wealth inequity.

Ozil’s relationship is with the fans.
The fans don’t care that other people might earn more money than him.
As you have noted, they pay his wages. (I say “them” as I’ve long since stopped going to games or subscribing to sports channels so I’m not contributing much if at all).
Some of them make sacrifices to do so.
To a lot of fans £1,000 a year or more - plus all the travel, etc - is a significant amount of money.

I don’t know or care if Bill Gates has taken a pay cut (does he even take a salary now?)
If he was earning millions and being asked to and refused then I’d probably think he was being a dick too, but pointing at other people and saying “well what about them” is the definition of whataboutism.
It’s not valid. You can’t excuse person A’s behaviour by pointing out that person B is also behaving badly or even worse.

If your point is why is Ozil being particularly singled out, well that’s a fair question but I guess it’s because he’s been a target for fan criticism for a while and is our higher earner. It makes a better headline than if it was someone less high profile.
So I guess I vaguely agree that singling him out is unfair.
But I also think he’s being a dick if he is refusing to take a 15% pay cut. Which doesn’t mean other people aren’t also being dicks.

21-04-2020, 06:17 PM
No business can survive on the basis of money going out and nothing coming in. The company Can dip into its savings, but for how long. We all know the balance of the Arsenal accounts and last I read, the surplus was not that much. Something has to give, the players are basically being paid to do nothing except not eat burgers. Salaries have to be cut. They are the bulk of footballs expenses.

Feel sorry for the Spuds (not). Huge mortgage, just started kicking in with no revenue to support it. Hope they go under...but then again why lose out on so much fun ribbing a club that no longer exist. Good thing they were kicked out of the CL before all this otherwise they would be claiming they were odds on to win it, based on nothing really.

21-04-2020, 07:08 PM
Let's get real about it for a minute, Ozil's relationship is with the club not the fans. It has been a long time since any of these players were down in the local boozing it up with fans. They might as well have been playing behind glass since the PL began. The gap between the fans and the fantasy footballer has grown wider every year.

The club have come to Ozil, who they have a contract with, and said hey, we're in shit, can you help bail us out? Stitching together the common pieces of the sensationalised media coverage it appears as if Ozil has said, okay, show me the numbers. Then we'll talk.

The fans have all been whipped up by the media to demand Ozil, and every other player with a contract, simply says sure, cut my wages. As a virtue signalling publicity stunt that might be the smart move. As a decision for a multi-millionaire businessman, like the others I previously mentioned, it might not be a smart move. Depends on the numbers. Depends on what is agent is telling him, and his accountant, and his lawyer, and whoever else he has in his entourage that manages these things.

It's just another super dumb, fake news story by the mainstream media. AGAIN. Stripped of context. Turned into a witch-hunt. Clickbait. A "scoop" from a piece of shit you'd wipe from your shoe, leaked by a rat who should be the real focus of the story. Arsenal says this will be settled in 48 hours and they have announced the 12.5% pay cut. So in 48 hours there will be a factual story to report. A nice window for the fake news media to stir the pot and drag up old hatreds they've had since day one.

Ozil and "two other players". It gives the game away. Think back on the other fake bullshit they thrown at Ozil in the past.

If Ozil and "two other players" reach agreement in the next 48 hours, which it sounds like they will, then Ozil and "two other players" plus the rest of the squad will be the first PL team to take a cut. And the other clubs? Are there "two other players" in any of those clubs who aren't keen? From a whole league they've settled on Ozil and Arsenal, who will likely be the FIRST to take the cut.

Reminds me a bit of CNNs fake smear of Elon Musk last week. They spread their shit, cause grief and division and then move on to the next pile of garbage to dig through.

And if Kroenke is supporting the club, has he got his wallet out yet? Maybe that's what Ozil wants to see? Maybe we would all like to see that?

21-04-2020, 07:22 PM
For balance...


21-04-2020, 08:35 PM
Let's get real about it for a minute, Ozil's relationship is with the club not the fans. It has been a long time since any of these players were down in the local boozing it up with fans. They might as well have been playing behind glass since the PL began. The gap between the fans and the fantasy footballer has grown wider every year.?
True, but the fans still have a relationship with the players even if it is more at arms length than it was in days of yore.
I think (see the Metro article above) you've called this one right.
Looks like Ozil is still sorting out the details but isn't against the principle of taking a cut. So I was a bit premature.

21-04-2020, 09:01 PM
So I was a bit premature.

That's what she said

21-04-2020, 09:09 PM
This is starting to bounce back on Piers Morgan. Rightfully so. But not that he'll give a shit because for him, all publicity is good publicity. Soak it up and move on to the next cunning stunt.

Anyone know the name of the "journalist" who first broke this shite? He/she/it/fudgebrownie needs to be called out.

And all the Arsenal lot who were spewing on Twatter. I can't believe what a cesspit that place is. With this CCP virus on the loose I've been forced to use Twatter and Faceboot because, for some bonkers reason, that's what most people are using. FB seems okay provided you stick to your group and don't wander into is labyrinth of sewers. But Twatter is one giant sewer form end to end with no respite. It doesn't have a single redeeming quality.

22-04-2020, 05:55 AM
This whole thing has shown where the balance of power lies these days.
The clubs are having to negotiate with the players to stop driving trucks of money to their houses every week despite them not being able to do their job right now.
Even then, it’s only the size of truck they’re negotiating about, the trucks will still come.

Back in the day they’d have been furloughed.
They were employees and their employer, the club, called the shots.
Further back they didn’t even get paid in the summer because they weren’t working.

This power shift where the clubs are clearly shit scared of their players is part of all that is wrong in football.

22-04-2020, 09:25 AM
Also has Piers Morgan taken a pay cut? I genuinely don't know. But if he hasn't then he urgently needs to shoot himself in the face.

he's needed to do that anyway for a very, very, very long time...

23-04-2020, 01:29 PM
Let's get real about it for a minute, Ozil's relationship is with the club not the fans. It has been a long time since any of these players were down in the local boozing it up with fans. They might as well have been playing behind glass since the PL began. The gap between the fans and the fantasy footballer has grown wider every year.

The club have come to Ozil, who they have a contract with, and said hey, we're in shit, can you help bail us out? Stitching together the common pieces of the sensationalised media coverage it appears as if Ozil has said, okay, show me the numbers. Then we'll talk.

The fans have all been whipped up by the media to demand Ozil, and every other player with a contract, simply says sure, cut my wages. As a virtue signalling publicity stunt that might be the smart move. As a decision for a multi-millionaire businessman, like the others I previously mentioned, it might not be a smart move. Depends on the numbers. Depends on what is agent is telling him, and his accountant, and his lawyer, and whoever else he has in his entourage that manages these things.

It's just another super dumb, fake news story by the mainstream media. AGAIN. Stripped of context. Turned into a witch-hunt. Clickbait. A "scoop" from a piece of shit you'd wipe from your shoe, leaked by a rat who should be the real focus of the story. Arsenal says this will be settled in 48 hours and they have announced the 12.5% pay cut. So in 48 hours there will be a factual story to report. A nice window for the fake news media to stir the pot and drag up old hatreds they've had since day one.

Ozil and "two other players". It gives the game away. Think back on the other fake bullshit they thrown at Ozil in the past.

If Ozil and "two other players" reach agreement in the next 48 hours, which it sounds like they will, then Ozil and "two other players" plus the rest of the squad will be the first PL team to take a cut. And the other clubs? Are there "two other players" in any of those clubs who aren't keen? From a whole league they've settled on Ozil and Arsenal, who will likely be the FIRST to take the cut.

Reminds me a bit of CNNs fake smear of Elon Musk last week. They spread their shit, cause grief and division and then move on to the next pile of garbage to dig through.

And if Kroenke is supporting the club, has he got his wallet out yet? Maybe that's what Ozil wants to see? Maybe we would all like to see that?

Can't believe i'm going to say this but :gp:

25-04-2020, 10:05 AM
NLD has been postponed, for anyone who was planning to go to that. Lucky escape for the spuds.

DVD on the way, "The Day Arsenal Didn't Turn Up at the Toilet Bowl"

27-04-2020, 09:29 AM
Training restarted at London Colney


27-04-2020, 03:47 PM
Project Restart



28-04-2020, 12:40 PM
Football?. What kind of sport is that?

30-04-2020, 07:51 PM
Will we get our wish. If football can’t restart for sometime, indeed if sport in general everywhere can’t restart for some time, surely it’s gonna kick Stan right in the spuds after a while.

Much as I’d love Arsenal to flourish...I’d be quite happy if somehow the game could be handed back to the fans by way of Stan’s share plummeting faster than Harry Kanes face

04-05-2020, 06:28 PM
Some intereating stats here, though not all good for us, we're losing the second highest amount after Moan U in terms of matchday revenue

In better news spuds have far and away the biggest operating loss :lol:


Got to say i really don't know why they're saying there won't be any fans for the whole of the next season, that really will be taking it too far surely...

04-05-2020, 06:43 PM
Will we get our wish. If football can’t restart for sometime, indeed if sport in general everywhere can’t restart for some time, surely it’s gonna kick Stan right in the spuds after a while.

Much as I’d love Arsenal to flourish...I’d be quite happy if somehow the game could be handed back to the fans by way of Stan’s share plummeting faster than Harry Kanes face

We need the shares to drop a lot slower than Kane goes down. If they went down that fast then Stan would have nothing to lose, so he'd hang on. But if they go down gradually but steadily, like Vardy getting fouled on the halfway line and running all the way to the box before collapsing, Stan will get out while the going is good.

And some Arab will waltz in and we'll get banned from Europe for laundering money for AlQaeda.

15-05-2020, 01:49 PM
Anniversary of the day we became the Invincibles today
Us :bow:
Wenger :bow:

Marc Overmars
15-05-2020, 06:01 PM
Didn’t think we’d be waiting 16 years and counting back then that’s for sure.

To think there’s a generation of young fans now who only know us to be this banter club. :lol:

15-05-2020, 06:35 PM
I checked the league table from that season. Spurs finished something like 14th on 45 points.

15-05-2020, 10:39 PM
Kenny Sansom in hospital - not corona-related though apparently


16-05-2020, 06:43 AM
His is a very sad story :(

16-05-2020, 09:47 PM

Xhaka Can’t
17-05-2020, 12:48 AM
Didn’t think we’d be waiting 16 years and counting back then that’s for sure.

To think there’s a generation of young fans now who only know us to be this banter club. :lol:

We sure squandered the best opportunity to build a dynasty we are ever likely to see in our lifetimes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

17-05-2020, 07:25 PM
He must be having a laugh...


17-05-2020, 07:28 PM
We sure squandered the best opportunity to build a dynasty we are ever likely to see in our lifetimes.

If I have one criticism of Wenger during that era it's that he rested on his laurels too much after we won titles.
We really should have won 3 titles in a row from 2002-4

17-05-2020, 11:39 PM
He must be having a laugh...


I want to like Lacazette, he does try, but he isn’t the goal scorer we thought he would be. This is the second time he has inhaled that shite.

McNamara That Ghost...
18-05-2020, 05:48 AM
Knew he was high last this season.

18-05-2020, 07:44 AM
I want to like Lacazette, he does try, but he isn’t the goal scorer we thought he would be. This is the second time he has inhaled that shite.

I don't really care if he does. Adams used to turn up pissed, he still put a shift in. Not ideal, obviously.
I don't think this is going to affect his performance. Obviously there are generally issues with his performance. He does try hard but his shooting boots have gone lamentably missing of late.

18-05-2020, 07:48 AM
I like Laca, but I don't even think he's better than the last Frenchman we had.

18-05-2020, 08:04 AM
I don't really care if he does. Adams used to turn up pissed, he still put a shift in. Not ideal, obviously.
I don't think this is going to affect his performance. Obviously there are generally issues with his performance. He does try hard but his shooting boots have gone lamentably missing of late.

i can't understand the fuss about it either - can't say it's my thing but if it makes him laugh and keeps him sane in this crazy time then whatever

if they want to have a go at him, how about the fact that he can't score for shite?

18-05-2020, 09:36 AM
if they want to have a go at him, how about the fact that he can't score for shite?
I know. He hasn't scored for months! :angry:

18-05-2020, 12:56 PM
Maybe he was feeling down about the 12.5% pay cut.

18-05-2020, 06:26 PM
I was hunting around for Stan's major cash injection but can't find it anywhere. Don't suppose anyone has seen it?

18-05-2020, 11:40 PM
It's in the mail :good: I fully trust Stan that it is coming...

19-05-2020, 08:33 AM


26-05-2020, 01:57 PM
Happy St Thomas's Day!

26-05-2020, 02:13 PM
great 12-minute video here: https://www.arsenal.com/news/anfield-89-drama-passion-glory

i still get a shiver down my spine and punch the air when THAT goal goes in... :lol:

26-05-2020, 03:38 PM
It's good but it's no AGUEROOOO

26-05-2020, 03:57 PM
Agreed. Nothing before the PL really happened anyway.
My favourite bit of Anfield '89 was when Kanu jumped clean over Wiltord.

I am invisible
26-05-2020, 05:33 PM
great 12-minute video here: https://www.arsenal.com/news/anfield-89-drama-passion-glory

i still get a shiver down my spine and punch the air when THAT goal goes in... :lol:
I can still see my Dad sprinting out of the house and running the full length on the street when the final whistle went - never saw him move so fast in my life!

06-06-2020, 05:16 PM

Can’t sing as well as they could defend but quite good fun


McNamara That Ghost...
06-06-2020, 05:39 PM
We hammered Charlton 6-0 in a friendly.

Lee Bowyer. :haha:

Aubameyang, Lacazette, Nketiah hat-trick and Willock with the goals.

06-06-2020, 05:39 PM
We hammered Charlton 6-0 in a friendly.

Lee Bowyer. :haha:

Aubameyang, Lacazette, Nketiah hat-trick and Willock with the goals.


06-06-2020, 05:49 PM
Pretty sure that makes us favourites for the Citeh game.

06-06-2020, 06:18 PM
We hammered Charlton 6-0 in a friendly.

Lee Bowyer. :haha:

Aubameyang, Lacazette, Nketiah hat-trick and Willock with the goals.

Laca scored?

McNamara That Ghost...
07-06-2020, 08:51 AM
He scored quite a few prior to the season dying, well comparatively given how bad he was earlier in the season.

McNamara That Ghost...
07-06-2020, 08:51 AM
Pretty sure that makes us favourites for the Citeh game.

0-10 is inveitable.

McNamara That Ghost...
10-06-2020, 06:48 PM
Arsenal 2-3 Brentford. :lol:

Willock and Lacazette with our goals.


10-06-2020, 07:28 PM
Arteta OUT!

11-06-2020, 08:40 AM
Arsenal 2-3 Brentford. :lol:

Willock and Lacazette with our goals.


i had to read that twice to take the score in...

not too bad a starting lineup apart from Mustafi: Leno; Bellerin, Mustafi, Pablo Mari, Tierney; Willock, Ceballos, Saka; Pepe, Nketiah, Aubameyang

but no Xhaka anywhere, even on the bench - don't tell me our dreams have come true and he's gone, or at least long-term injured?

I am invisible
11-06-2020, 09:21 AM
Sounds like all of their goals came in the last 20, after we'd made 5 changes at half time, and another 6 subs on 60 minutes - I'm guessing the team that finished the game was a bit of a mishmash of players getting minutes in their legs?

Worrying that a lot of the same players are still making individual errors with City up next, but I don't suppose there's much to be done with them now, other than ship them out asap. Hopefully useful for confirming to Arteta who he can rely on and who's still a liability, if nothing else.

12-06-2020, 10:59 AM
i had to read that twice to take the score in...

not too bad a starting lineup apart from Mustafi: Leno; Bellerin, Mustafi, Pablo Mari, Tierney; Willock, Ceballos, Saka; Pepe, Nketiah, Aubameyang

but no Xhaka anywhere, even on the bench - don't tell me our dreams have come true and he's gone, or at least long-term injured?

Xhaka must be struggling with a knock, hasn't been involved in either friendly I don't think.

I am guessing this will be close to our starting line up against City as Mikel will want to use the players with the most minutes over the two friendlies. Suspect Luiz will start over Mari, and another midfielder (Guendouzi?) brought in with Saka shifting to the left and Auba leading the line.

12-06-2020, 06:08 PM
Xhaka must be struggling with a knock, hasn't been involved in either friendly I don't think.

I am guessing this will be close to our starting line up against City as Mikel will want to use the players with the most minutes over the two friendlies. Suspect Luiz will start over Mari, and another midfielder (Guendouzi?) brought in with Saka shifting to the left and Auba leading the line.

I'd prefer Mari stayed in and Mustafi was left out, also would prefer Torreira ahead of Guen

I am invisible
13-06-2020, 10:34 AM
Auba won’t come central - moving him left doesn’t seem to make any great difference to his goalscoring output, whereas Laca and Eddie need to play through the middle to be a genuine goal threat (and we desperately need that extra goal threat from somewhere).

I’d like to see Willock get a decent run as an 8 for the rest of this season - I really think him and Smith Rowe would dovetail well in a 3 man midfield next season (although I’m not sure who my choice for midfielder no. 3 would be yet). Really hope those two live up to their potential.

13-06-2020, 10:56 AM
still not sure about Willock and Laca's form is still suspect - i'd actually go with Nketiah or maybe Martinelli although not sure if that's quite the right position for him - i.e. is he best coming in on goal from the wing?

I am invisible
13-06-2020, 01:24 PM
still not sure about Willock and Laca's form is still suspect - i'd actually go with Nketiah or maybe Martinelli although not sure if that's quite the right position for him - i.e. is he best coming in on goal from the wing?
Yeah, Willock’s still raw, but he’s also only 20, and the first part of this season under Emery didn’t make anyone look good. The season before I thought he looked really promising whenever he came on so I think there’s a player there. At least it looks like there’s goals in him.

What I see in him is an 8 who can push forward as a 10, which is kind of the opposite of what I see in Smith Rowe, ie a 10 who can drop deeper as an 8 (and also play down either flank). Its just a suspicion, but I can see the two of them working really well together.

(I also have a suspicion that the more of those academy grads you play together, the better they’ll get?)

Tbh, I think you’ll get the same job from Martinelli wherever he plays a across the front - really don’t think it would bother him. I’ve seen a lot of people compare him to RvP, but he reminds me more of Suarez n that respect. CF might be a bit of an ask straightaway, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where he ends up - the kid looks like he has it all!

13-06-2020, 03:44 PM
Yeah, Willock’s still raw, but he’s also only 20, and the first part of this season under Emery didn’t make anyone look good. The season before I thought he looked really promising whenever he came on so I think there’s a player there. At least it looks like there’s goals in him.

What I see in him is an 8 who can push forward as a 10, which is kind of the opposite of what I see in Smith Rowe, ie a 10 who can drop deeper as an 8 (and also play down either flank). Its just a suspicion, but I can see the two of them working really well together.

(I also have a suspicion that the more of those academy grads you play together, the better they’ll get?)

Tbh, I think you’ll get the same job from Martinelli wherever he plays a across the front - really don’t think it would bother him. I’ve seen a lot of people compare him to RvP, but he reminds me more of Suarez n that respect. CF might be a bit of an ask straightaway, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where he ends up - the kid looks like he has it all!

yes without doubt Martinelli is special - and i agree with your academy grads point - I remember that Emery's most exciting teams to watch were those early-round sides he put out in the EL and League Cup, which had a lot of those younger players

18-06-2020, 09:31 AM
They're now saying 'some fans' could be allowed back to games for next season

apart from whether anyone would actually want to go to watch Arsenal at the moment, i think our stadium is big enough to allow for distancing as there are enough entrances and exits for there to be designated routes in and out of the ground and match area, plus people being two seats apart etc


18-06-2020, 12:38 PM
They're now saying 'some fans' could be allowed back to games for next season

apart from whether anyone would actually want to go to watch Arsenal at the moment, i think our stadium is big enough to allow for distancing as there are enough entrances and exits for there to be designated routes in and out of the ground and match area, plus people being two seats apart etc


I would be surprised if that happens, would need to see it happen in Germany first and copy how they do it.

24-06-2020, 08:17 AM
Luiz signs a one year contract extension :haha:


They do say the secret of good comedy is timing.

24-06-2020, 09:04 AM
Well I'm not laughing so the timing must be stilll out. Luiz it has been said has played most of our games this season, would have played in more if he wasn't either banned/injured or shit :good:

24-06-2020, 11:25 AM
Luiz signs a one year contract extension :haha:


They do say the secret of good comedy is timing.

And the other exciting news is that Pablo Mari has signed a permanent contract! I can wait to see him in action.........in 3 months time after his ankle op :d

24-06-2020, 01:23 PM
Luiz signs a one year contract extension :haha:


They do say the secret of good comedy is timing.

another reason for everyone else to laugh at us... does the club even think about the way they embarrass the fans when they do f*****g stupid things like this :(

Mari is good news though he looks good

The Wengerbabies
24-06-2020, 09:15 PM
One of our most famous fans has clearly had enough and defected https://talksport.com/football/efl/721994/osama-bin-laden-cardboard-cut-out-leeds-crowd/

24-06-2020, 09:42 PM
One of our most famous fans has clearly had enough and defected https://talksport.com/football/efl/721994/osama-bin-laden-cardboard-cut-out-leeds-crowd/

What a great atunt :lol:

Leeds :pal:

Master Splinter
06-07-2020, 06:53 PM
Good article on Martinez here:


The stuff about Arteta is especially interesting.

The Wengerbabies
11-07-2020, 07:12 AM
Arsenal 'lined up for Community Shield' - regardless of whether they win FA Cup


11-07-2020, 10:00 AM
Arsenal 'lined up for Community Shield' - regardless of whether they win FA Cup


It proves it's a meaningless trophy, even if Maureen thinks it counts :lol:

The Wengerbabies
11-07-2020, 11:13 AM
It proves it's a meaningless trophy, even if Maureen thinks it counts :lol:

It is meaningless but I didn't know we'd won it more than anyone else :scarf:

Us :bow:

11-07-2020, 11:31 AM

11-07-2020, 11:55 AM
It proves it's a meaningless trophy, even if Maureen thinks it counts :lol:

Of course it’s meaningless.

Especially when compared to the Norwich Hospital Charity Cup (shared)

Spuds :haha:

I am invisible
12-07-2020, 11:56 AM
My 7yo nephew has just had his first football training session, and spent the whole car ride home telling my sister what he was going to buy with his first PL pay cheque - that didn’t take long...

The Wengerbabies
15-07-2020, 08:23 AM

Don't know who any of these people are all I know is I've seen some clips of that black guy from AFTV and he is insufferable, hope he's the one that's been sacked.

Also I never knew DVD was a racist term.

15-07-2020, 09:34 AM

Don't know who any of these people are all I know is I've seen some clips of that black guy from AFTV and he is insufferable, hope he's the one that's been sacked.

Also I never knew DVD was a racist term.

no Claude is the big fat bald white guy

tbh the most embarassing fact in that article is where it says AFTV is "a channel that has millions of viewers around the world"

us :pal:


23-07-2020, 09:16 AM
New home kit launched today. Looks quite nice.

We will apparently wear it for the final league game and the cup final.

Marc Overmars
23-07-2020, 11:25 AM
Looks nice but I don’t like the addition of “fly better” to the Emirates logo.

23-07-2020, 11:38 AM
Me either, we don't have much say in that unfortunately.

23-07-2020, 02:32 PM
New home kit launched today. Looks quite nice.

We will apparently wear it for the final league game and the cup final.

:lol: Arsenal just posted a picture of Ozil wearing it on FB.
Obviously he won't be wearing it for the final league game and the cup final :rolleyes:

Xhaka Can’t
23-07-2020, 07:08 PM
I hope he didn’t injure himself taking it off.

23-07-2020, 07:45 PM
That's 350k earned this week then. He works hard for the money.

23-07-2020, 09:50 PM
It's funny how often he's still used in publicity, the website etc - clearly no-one's told the Arsenal PR people he's persona non grata

Xhaka Can’t
24-07-2020, 07:13 AM
I remember the days when no Arsenal catalogue was complete without the Arsenal legend, Junichi Inamoto on the cover.

I am invisible
24-07-2020, 12:46 PM
If he can shift £20m of Özil shirts in Turkey then we're laughing!

The Wengerbabies
24-07-2020, 05:22 PM
I like it.

Not keen on the new sponsor style though.

How much do these things retail for now? Not that I'll get one.

24-07-2020, 05:53 PM
Was a bit gutted when i saw Anthony Taylor is reffing the FAC final, although apparently he was also the ref when we beat Chelsea in 2017

Still i'd rather have had someone else though...

Marc Overmars
24-07-2020, 06:26 PM
Well he allowed Alexis’ goal to stand despite the handball assist. :lol:

25-07-2020, 12:43 AM
Was a bit gutted when i saw Anthony Taylor is reffing the FAC final, although apparently he was also the ref when we beat Chelsea in 2017

Still i'd rather have had someone else though...

They are all equally bad. Who.was the ref that gave the pen against Utd in their last match. I'll like to have him. At least he isn't totally blind.

McNamara That Ghost...
25-07-2020, 11:39 AM
The FA have us on 12 FA Cup wins despite listing all 13 of them.



25-07-2020, 11:55 AM
The FA have us on 12 FA Cup wins despite listing all 13 of them.



I just sent them a message about it using this: https://help.thefa.com/support/tickets/new

The c***s don't even publish a mail address that i can see so i just picked the 'FA Education topic and sent them the following:

"You state that Arsenal have 12 FA Cup wins but actually they have 13

Please correct your website


Maybe if a few of us do it they'll actually take notice

Marc Overmars
25-07-2020, 12:01 PM
Relax, it’s a mistake.

Don’t be such a Karen.

25-07-2020, 12:06 PM
Relax, it’s a mistake.

Don’t be such a Karen.

Well it's a shit mistake that would never happen if it was Moan U or Liverpool that had the most wins, it's typical of the FA's attitude to us

And mistake or not, what's wrong with asking them to put it right?

Marc Overmars
25-07-2020, 12:34 PM
Well it's a shit mistake that would never happen if it was Moan U or Liverpool that had the most wins, it's typical of the FA's attitude to us

And mistake or not, what's wrong with asking them to put it right?

It doesn’t matter?

Everyone knows we’re the most successful club in this competition.

25-07-2020, 12:44 PM
It doesn’t matter?

Everyone knows we’re the most successful club in this competition.

Well it matters to Maccy and it matters to me, so i'll just get on and do something about it if that's ok with you...?

Marc Overmars
25-07-2020, 01:21 PM
Crack on mate. :unsure:

McNamara That Ghost...
25-07-2020, 01:48 PM
It's quite a dumb mistake though, this is the page supposed to be providing its rich history. :lol:

Obviously it has been like this for quite some time unchecked given they've put on two different winners since then!

Xhaka Can’t
25-07-2020, 01:48 PM
Well it matters to Maccy and it matters to me, so i'll just get on and do something about it if that's ok with you...?

Save yourself some time and avoid duplication of effort by waiting a few days when it’ll be 14.

McNamara That Ghost...
25-07-2020, 01:52 PM
Save yourself some time and avoid duplication of effort by waiting a few days when it’ll be 14.

How can you be sure it won't go down to 11? :ninja:

25-07-2020, 07:39 PM
Well it's a shit mistake that would never happen if it was Moan U or Liverpool that had the most wins, it's typical of the FA's attitude to us


25-07-2020, 09:00 PM

Oh come on you and NQ love a good conspiracy theory :;

25-07-2020, 09:00 PM
Save yourself some time and avoid duplication of effort by waiting a few days when it’ll be 14.

Good point :)

28-07-2020, 06:57 AM
League table since Arteta took over


Not great, not terrible #chernobyl

Xhaka Can’t
28-07-2020, 07:39 AM
The thing that jumps out the most from that table is how it looks as if Manure are getting their shit together.

Pun intended.

Ollie the Optimist
28-07-2020, 07:50 AM
League table since Arteta took over


Not great, not terrible #chernobyl

I think its difficult to judge him properly on this season. The club was a mess when he took over thanks to Emery destroying most of the players confidence and they basically hadn’t got a clue what formation to play or what was required from them etc.

So Arteta had to effectively rebuild from scratch and he joined at a difficult time in terms of fixtures. I think it was just before Christmas so the games were thick & fast and always difficult to really rebuild during that time. The club had stupidly delayed making a decision for a while so that didnt help.

Obviously the Covid break didn’t help either & it looks like there won’t be much of a preseason this year to help him really get to grips with the players. The next season starts on 12th September so there is a six week break between the fa cup final & opening game. While appreciating the players had a few months off mid season, he has to be careful not to burn them out by making them train fully especially with the Euros next summer. You could have a situation where a lot of players play non stop from June this year until June 2022. That isn’t healthy.

There were signs of improvement, take the Liverpool & city games and he clearly has some idea of what he wants to do and is working on it. With emery, there wasn’t any idea of what he was trying to achieve but Arteta seems to know what he wants on the pitch. The Club needs to back him in the transfer window & some deadwood needs to go but i think given this season & the mess he inheritated, its harsh to judge too much.

if we havent improved by January then fair game

28-07-2020, 07:59 AM
League table since Arteta took over


Not great, not terrible #chernobyl

Random I know, and of course doesnt help, however, as an old time Gooner (53 years old), I have seen these ups and downs many times.

I used to stand on a half empty North Bank during the Terry Neil and Don How era and it was terrible. Similar to now, we would finish in the top ten and win the occasional FA Cup.

The only difference is now I guess is that people are angry because we left our beloved Highbury and were promised that we would be competing with the very best. Then Kroenke arrived and had other ideas.

We might have to get used to this for a few years my friends :upset:

28-07-2020, 08:51 AM
Just note that the table puts Southampton in 5th ... i.e. it's pretty meaningless

all we know about Arteta is:

- he's probably slightly less crap than Emery, mainly because he looks a bit cooler and can speak English

- he's just as susceptible to brown-nosing from the likes of Xhaka, Mustafi and Kola

- like Emery he wants to play 'who's got the biggest willy' with our £350k per week most creative player

- he also won't play Guendouzi, the only player who actually shows any passion on the pitch, because he dared to talk back

- he also insists on playing our best striker on the left wing which then prevents our newly-resigned creative left-winger, Saka from playing in his best position

- he won't play Sokratis despite his probably being our best available CB at the moment

The only thing i can think of on the plus side is one good performance against City, plus he's got Ceballos playing much better - that's a player i think we really need to keep

I am invisible
28-07-2020, 01:51 PM
20 games isn't a big enough sample size to judge anything really. I saw that same table going around a couple of weeks ago and it had us 3rd, behind only Liverpool and City - a couple of weeks later and we're down to 6th. Things change fast when the numbers are so small. It's encouraging, in as far as it goes - we're not languishing down the bottom or anything - but that's about all it tells you.

My take on it is I don't think Arteta has really started yet - not properly, anyway. I think the 2nd part of this season has mostly been about getting a grip on the shockingly casual attitude within the club and the appalling lack of professional (and personal) standards, and giving the players we're currently stuck with a crash-course in basics like shape, spacing between lines, making yourself available as an option, how to receive a f--king pass, and pressing (as well as trying to get the fitness levels up a bit).

Personally speaking, I'm just glad we've hired someone who a) recognises the problems, b) doesn't try to throw dust in our eyes about the gulf between us and the teams above us, and c) is approaching things in a methodical order. The thing I feared most about a new hire was that they would try to take us from zero to masterplan without addressing any of the many, many fundamental problems with the foundations that they're building on, and that it would all blow up after 6 months, same as it always does. Arteta (I hope!) looks like he's at least trying to do things the correct way round, and is trying to work on the foundations before he does anything else - boring AF to watch, but it needs to be done. We've already put it off for over a decade.

I'm not overly concerned about his rookie status and lack of in-game management experience - we're looking at at least 3 year rebuild, imo, so I think we can afford to let him learn that side of things while the team grows. My main concern with him is that I worry that he's going to be young and naive enough to think that he can change some of these players, when the truth is a lot of them are simply lost causes. Then again, maybe he won't have much choice but to work with them? I really have no idea how much (if anything) we're going to be able to do this summer at this point...

28-07-2020, 09:46 PM
That last part is right, we should have a clearout but i don't think it will happen

I for one won't believe we're going anywhere until we get rid of Xhaka and Mustafi, plus a few others

05-08-2020, 11:22 AM



05-08-2020, 11:29 AM



Favourite goal scored?

"When I scored against Peter Schmeichel when he was playing for Aston Villa in 2002.

"I received a long ball from Freddie Ljungberg, I put the ball over George Boateng and when I was in front of Schmeichel I lobbed him. I think he was furious about this."


Schmeichel :pal:

05-08-2020, 11:40 AM
I LOVE that goal. Big fan of lobbed goals.
Schmeichel always looked pretty annoyed when he conceded a goal.
When he was lobbed he was fuming :lol:

Pires :bow:

05-08-2020, 12:49 PM
I remember it like yesterday....Good times

05-08-2020, 01:16 PM

There's no money, guv.

05-08-2020, 01:38 PM

There's no money, guv.

55 redundancies. Does that equal 1 Ozil?

05-08-2020, 01:47 PM
55 redundancies. Does that equal 1 Ozil?


Ozil earns £18m a year.

05-08-2020, 01:58 PM

Ozil earns £18m a year.

Oh shit!
You could employ 606 people on £30k a year for what Ozil earns.


05-08-2020, 02:09 PM
Oh shit!
You could employ 606 people on £30k a year for what Ozil earns.


And of course the word "earns" is doing a lot of heavy lifting.

05-08-2020, 02:19 PM
And of course the word "earns" is doing a lot of heavy lifting.

:lol: Yes, sorry. "Gets".

Marc Overmars
05-08-2020, 02:19 PM
If you’re one of those staff being laid off you’ve got to wonder how the fuck Ozil still has a contract. I know it’s not as easy to dump him but still. :lol:

05-08-2020, 02:34 PM
They should make Ozil tell these people to their faces.

05-08-2020, 03:19 PM
55 redundancies. Does that equal 1 Ozil?

hopefully the redundancies include Mustafi

05-08-2020, 08:20 PM
55 redundancies which will save us a few million.

In unrelated news...


Honestly. Football is so shit :(

Xhaka Can’t
05-08-2020, 09:38 PM
They should make Ozil tell these people to their faces.

Well said.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

McNamara That Ghost...
06-08-2020, 04:21 AM
As likely as the guy that is worth $10 billion and owns us.

I am invisible
06-08-2020, 10:27 AM
Özil needs to fuck off as soon as possible, but this is entirely on the owners and the people running the club, IMO.

I suspect a lot of these redundancies will turn out to be either match-day contractors who no longer have anything to do, or will be down to the restructuring of the scouting / recruitment department that's clearly going on behind the scenes, but the timing is still really shit. Not a good look off the back of securing a load of extra income from European football and details being leaked of a big contract offer to Willian.

06-08-2020, 11:03 AM
agreed that could be the cause of some/all of the redundancies but they should have thought about the PR element more as you say

I've been lenient on the Kroenkes up to now but this is also hard to justfiy given his net worth has risen

"Kroenke’s net worth stands at $8.3bn – which would pay the UK average wage to 55 people for approximately 4,300 years – while the proposed Willian contract is worth a reported £100,000-a-week and £7.5m per year."


06-08-2020, 12:13 PM
Seems like most of the scouts have been let go.

06-08-2020, 12:22 PM
Seems like most of the scouts have been let go.

so our signings will be just from Raul's dodgy agent mates - great...

I am invisible
06-08-2020, 12:25 PM
agreed that could be the cause of some/all of the redundancies but they should have thought about the PR element more as you say

I've been lenient on the Kroenkes up to now but this is also hard to justfiy given his net worth has risen

"Kroenke’s net worth stands at $8.3bn – which would pay the UK average wage to 55 people for approximately 4,300 years – while the proposed Willian contract is worth a reported £100,000-a-week and £7.5m per year."


To try and justify it as an unavoidable measure to maintain investment in the squad was disgusting, and more than a little patronising if they expect anyone to swallow it. I don't know what the saving is from these redundancies, but I doubt it amounts to more than £3m/yr - that isn't making any difference to anything. Frankly, anyone who co-signed that statement owes those people, the fans and the playing staff an apology.

Seriously, what a bizarre statement to make? If they'd just said the club were restructuring the way we scout and recruit then I don't think anyone would have looked into it too much. If they'd said that because crowds won't be allowed back into stadiums any time soon then, regrettably, a number of jobs are now redundant, then I think most people would have understood - it's still shitty news, but I think most people would get that no business is going to pay someone a wage if there's not actually a job there for them to do. But what they've come out with is just stupid. It's a massive PR own goal, and they deserve all the blow-back they get.

Marc Overmars
06-08-2020, 12:28 PM
so our signings will be just from Raul's dodgy agent mates - great...

I think that’s actually the strategy now. I read an article that suggested we’ve made a conscious decision to go down a more “contacts based” route, rather than the old school scouting style. More about who you know rather than what you know.

If it means more Martinelli's then great. More players with their best days behind them looking for a last big contract, then no.

McNamara That Ghost...
06-08-2020, 12:29 PM
Seems like most of the scouts have been let go.

Not allowed in the stadiums now I guess.

06-08-2020, 12:53 PM
I think that’s actually the strategy now. I read an article that suggested we’ve made a conscious decision to go down a more “contacts based” route, rather than the old school scouting style. More about who you know rather than what you know.

If it means more Martinelli's then great. More players with their best days behind them looking for a last big contract, then no.

Martinelli was scouted. He's one of Francis Caggigao's signings, who has just been let go.

06-08-2020, 12:58 PM
They should make Ozil tell these people to their faces.

06-08-2020, 01:05 PM
Seems like most of the scouts have been let go.

They've just replaced them with one man...



Marc Overmars
06-08-2020, 04:04 PM
Martinelli was scouted. He's one of Francis Caggigao's signings, who has just been let go.

Oh. Well in that case. :doh:

06-08-2020, 06:38 PM
Well the scouts responsible for us signing players like Mustafi and Xhaka deserve to go :coffee:

06-08-2020, 06:46 PM
Well the scouts responsible for us signing players like Mustafi and Xhaka deserve to go :coffee:

They don't deserve to go, they deserve to get their heads smashed in :threaten:

I am invisible
11-08-2020, 01:00 PM
Interesting... opinion on those scouting redundancies now seems to be shifting in favour of it being a smart move by Edu. The general feeling is that the previous set up was bloated and out-dated, with large, unnecessary teams of scouts in every country, going to watch players in person, and that we're moving towards something a little leaner, based around data and preliminary video assessments, before we sent anyone to watch a player in person. Guess that makes sense.

I've also heard that Caggigao and others were going beyond scouting and actually getting involved in brokering the deals, which seems unnecessary when we're hiring other people to sort out contracts.

Finally, I've seen some people suggest that adopting the 'contacts book' approach might actually be us getting ahead of the game for once? There's a growing feeling that dealing with agents is inevitable now, and that even 16/17yo nobodies from u23 sides are now well-represented in almost every league. I guess that's true when you look at kids like that Joelson at Lisbon that we've been sniffing around? Nobody's claiming that it's an ideal solution for clubs, but it sounds like me have to be pragmatic about it if we want to be in the running for the top talent.

Guess we'll have to wait and see whether we're being modernised or conned. In principal, I'm not actually opposed to this seemingly unholy alliance of data-driven scouting and super-agents - my concern is less about having to deal with agents, and more to do with the one specific agent that we always seem to go through. Hopefully this arrangement with Kia, whatever it is, will turn out to be short-term as we get this new thing up and running. Wolves had a similar arrangement with Mendes, but they're fans seem to think they're now starting to separate themselves from him a little now...

11-08-2020, 01:38 PM
My issue with the data approach is that it's exactly what leads to signing players like Mustafi amd Xhaka, whose pass completion rates are high because mostly all they do is safe little passes backwards and sideways, but they don't create anything and when they get it wrong it leads to opposition chances like we've seen countless times when one of them fucks up

I am invisible
11-08-2020, 04:53 PM
My issue with the data approach is that it's exactly what leads to signing players like Mustafi amd Xhaka, whose pass completion rates are high because mostly all they do is safe little passes backwards and sideways, but they don't create anything and when they get it wrong it leads to opposition chances like we've seen countless times when one of them fucks up

That's not the data's fault - that's the arseholes who punched in the wrong parameters and/or signed-off on the players without looking. The data is just numbers - you still need competent people there to analyse it and give it context. It just means that you don't need quite so many people, and don't need to travel anywhere near as much.

17-08-2020, 10:07 AM
Great news


17-08-2020, 10:09 AM
Official snacking partner of Arsenal football club. :lol: :popcorn:

17-08-2020, 10:11 AM
It's absurd, but this is the type of area we need to improve.

Man Utd have so many random sponsors. Official pie, official tractor, etc.

Marc Overmars
17-08-2020, 10:27 AM
Official snacking partner. :haha:

I am invisible
17-08-2020, 10:54 AM
How many dollar-bucks do we get?

17-08-2020, 01:11 PM
It's absurd, but this is the type of area we need to improve.

Man Utd have so many random sponsors. Official pie, official tractor, etc.

What about their official diving equipment partner?

I am invisible
17-08-2020, 01:18 PM
What would be brilliant is if the players and manager had to shamelessly plug all of these products in their pre- and post-match interviews.

A bit of shameless product-positioning wouldn't go amiss either.

17-08-2020, 02:31 PM
So now I can eat chocolate as part of supporting Arsenal?

I, for one, welcome our chocolatey overlords.

McNamara That Ghost...
20-08-2020, 08:13 AM
We should not have a mainly white away shirt.


20-08-2020, 08:15 AM
I thought there would be a massive outcry when we first had a blue one but after a bit of tutting no-one seemed to care much really.
I think people should care and we should stick to red home and yellow away, tradition and club colours and all that.
But people have got so used to being dicked around by clubs these days they don't seem to care enough. Shame really.

(All that said, I kinda like the new kit although agree about the colour)

20-08-2020, 08:27 AM
We should not have a mainly white away shirt.


I can see this one going down in club history as the 'raspberry ripple'

Can't say i like it myself, interesting they're using Laca to sell it though, i thought he was on the way out...

20-08-2020, 09:19 AM
Looks alright with the dark red shorts.

It is weird, though.

McNamara That Ghost...
20-08-2020, 09:46 AM
It's good for Halloween I guess.

20-08-2020, 10:09 AM
We should not have a mainly white away shirt.


Disgraceful. Money first, shit on everything else. But blame the fans if they are dumb enough to buy it.

20-08-2020, 10:28 AM
Disgraceful. Money first, shit on everything else. But blame the fans if they are dumb enough to buy it.

Exactly this. Can you imagine them trying to change our away shirt to blue in the 70s? :lol:
Good luck with that.
Now...people grumble a bit and then dutifully shell out £50 :shrug:

20-08-2020, 10:52 AM
Exactly this. Can you imagine them trying to change our away shirt to blue in the 70s? :lol:
Good luck with that.
Now...people grumble a bit and then dutifully shell out £50 :shrug:


I am invisible
20-08-2020, 11:00 AM
We should not have a mainly white away shirt.

A HUNDRED POUNDS?!! I should say good day to you, sir.

20-08-2020, 11:09 AM
A HUNDRED POUNDS?!! I should say good day to you, sir.

Holy shit, it is too!

Marc Overmars
20-08-2020, 11:16 AM
Adidas smashed it last season home and away. This year the home is ok, nice but nothing special. The away is shite though.

McNamara That Ghost...
20-08-2020, 11:26 AM
£100 quid. :haha:

I hadn't noticed that.

And as GP referred to: It's £65 for the long sleeve shirt. Not as much material used, charge more. :bow:

20-08-2020, 11:34 AM
That's for the "Authentic" one, whatever the hell that means.
For us common folk it's only £60 :lol:

Think I'll stick to the orange one, thanks <_<

I am invisible
20-08-2020, 11:47 AM
That's for the "Authentic" one, whatever the hell that means.
For us common folk it's only £60 :lol:

Think I'll stick to the orange one, thanks <_<

That means it'll fit like a sausage skin and make you look like a fat bastard (unless you happen to be a professional sportsman or a model).

I believe I shall stick with my retro 70s kit that I bought in my 20s and can only assume still fits perfectly.

20-08-2020, 11:50 AM
That means it'll fit like a sausage skin and make you look like a fat bastard
I see.
And that costs £100, does it?
I don't need any help looking like a fat bastard so I think I'll pass.

McNamara That Ghost...
20-08-2020, 11:52 AM
That's for the "Authentic" one, whatever the hell that means.
For us common folk it's only £60 :lol:

Think I'll stick to the orange one, thanks <_<

Ohhh it's the official match shirt that is £100. It all makes sense now.

Except we haven't had a match in it yet and with Covid we're not going to be wearing someone elses anyway. :doh:

McNamara That Ghost...
20-08-2020, 11:53 AM
That means it'll fit like a sausage skin and make you look like a fat bastard (unless you happen to be a professional sportsman or a model).

I believe I shall stick with my retro 70s kit that I bought in my 20s and can only assume still fits perfectly.

Kolasinac's would obviously be bigger than Saka's though. What a load of crap.

Arsenal like money.

20-08-2020, 11:56 AM
Ohhh it's the official match shirt that is £100. It all makes sense now.

Except we haven't had a match in it yet and with Covid we're not going to be wearing someone elses anyway. :doh:

I don't think that literally means one of our players has worn it, I think it's something to do with the cut which as i am invisible indicated, may not be an optimal look unless you have a, ahem, certain physique. Which I do not.

McNamara That Ghost...
20-08-2020, 12:00 PM
Fair enough. If you did have the physique to go for it though, would you pay the extra £40 when you could just get a smaller size? :lol:

I am invisible
20-08-2020, 12:01 PM
Yeah, it's probably the fitted cut, the type of moisture-wicking fabric they use, etc - probably doubles up as compression gear or something equally useless when you're watching a match down the juicer.

I am invisible
20-08-2020, 12:05 PM
I guess I could just read the product description, but I'm worried I might get charged just for being on the page and looking at it.

I am invisible
20-08-2020, 12:08 PM
When it comes to workout training wear the new Arsenal 20/21 Authentic Away Shirt has everything you need to boost your potential. The form-fitting design with heat-sealed Arsenal club badge and adidas logo make the shirt ultra lightweight and the absorbent fabric features cooling adidas technology that will work with your body to help regulate temperature.

Wear your shirt with pride and show your support for the Gunners.

Why not make it your own by having your chosen name and number printed on the back?

• Breathable, air-cooling HEAT.RDY
• Heat-transfer club badge to show your support
• Heat-transfer adidas logo, 3-stripes and sponsor name
• Slim fit - curved dove-tail hemline
• Design emblem on upper back featuring the iconic cannon within the 1930s club badge
• Ribbed crew-neck with high sleeve cuffs

Colour: White

There you go.

20-08-2020, 12:11 PM
Wear your shirt with pride and show your support for the Gunners, and give us another £100 of your money, your lovely, lovely money.


Marc Overmars
20-08-2020, 02:04 PM
I remember when my mum bought me an authentic kit for my birthday years ago. Poor cow had no idea what she was buying, she thought replica meant fake in the shop and shelled out a ton for the expensive one instead and was very proud to tell me it was the “real” kit. :lol:

To be fair I did prefer the fit but all the “technology” bollocks that came with it was exactly that.

20-08-2020, 03:03 PM
There you go.

You've gotta feel for the intern in the marketing department they make come up with this shit.

I am invisible
20-08-2020, 04:22 PM
You've gotta feel for the intern in the marketing department they make come up with this shit.
If only! That’ll be some senior copywriter churning it out with his eyes closed for £400 a day - probably wrote it in 5 minutes from the cafe and then put his feet up.

I am invisible
20-08-2020, 04:22 PM
That’s the one :good:

20-08-2020, 07:01 PM
Arsenal posting a picture of Ozil wearing the new away kit on FB :haha:
They are Zim level trolls

20-08-2020, 07:47 PM
Arsenal posting a picture of Ozil wearing the new away kit on FB :haha:
They are Zim level trolls

Well got to sell some of the kits in Turkey :good:

22-08-2020, 02:35 PM
Freddie has left the club.


McNamara That Ghost...
22-08-2020, 03:17 PM
Certainly another summer of huge changes.

All in the non-playing positions.

22-08-2020, 03:38 PM
obviously he was and remains an Arsenal legend, but it's got to be said he didn't seem to have a clue when he stepped in after Emery left.

it's all very well saying he had a small coaching team, but how many people do you need to know how pick the right players and give them a decent game plan?

22-08-2020, 04:19 PM
Did he leave off his own back or was it "Mutual constent"?

I am invisible
22-08-2020, 04:20 PM
obviously he was and remains an Arsenal legend, but it's got to be said he didn't seem to have a clue when he stepped in after Emery left.

it's all very well saying he had a small coaching team, but how many people do you need to know how pick the right players and give them a decent game plan?

It wasn’t just a small team - we had to borrow Mertesacker from the academy and ask some random goalkeeping coach to pitch in! I think Emery took something like 12 coaches with him when he went, so it really did completely gut the first team coaching setup. Not that any of the useless fuckers will be missed - I’m pretty sure the players could have trained themselves better.

Tbh, I don’t blame Freddie for his team selections - I don’t think there was a decent team for him or anyone to pick - but the game plan and being out of his depth points are absolutely fair. When you look at how Arteta played the same shitty hand you can see they’re absolutely levels apart as coaches.

Speaking of Arteta, is he still putting his coaching team together? I think he only brought a couple of guys with him himself when he joined, didn’t he? Wouldn’t be surprised if he starts filling his staff out a little bit now he has a moment to catch his breath.

I am invisible
24-08-2020, 06:47 AM
This is coming from the Sun, so take it with a massive pinch of salt, but they’re saying that Arteta wants Bergkamp on his coaching staff...

I am invisible
24-08-2020, 06:49 AM
Oh, and we’re also bringing in a set piece specialist coach from Brentford. What’s going on? It’s like we’re addressing obvious problems or something?

24-08-2020, 08:20 AM
Oh, and we’re also bringing in a set piece specialist coach from Brentford. What’s going on? It’s like we’re addressing obvious problems or something?

Yeah, we'll be leaving a man up when we defend corners next :)

Marc Overmars
24-08-2020, 09:08 AM
Good luck to Freddie. Hopefully he becomes a decent coach and comes home one day. Top man.

24-08-2020, 09:23 PM
Hard life.

I am invisible
24-08-2020, 09:47 PM
Jesus, the things people would rather have than money.

25-08-2020, 11:47 AM
First pre-season game is tonight vs. MK.

Streamed live here:


25-08-2020, 11:54 AM
We need to lose so I can roll out my excellent "Dons Go Breaking My Heart" headline :cool:

25-08-2020, 12:52 PM
Fuck everything about that club, hope we batter them.

25-08-2020, 01:17 PM

My in-laws live up that way so have been to see them a few times, including the game which was a promotion decider between them and Mansfield (the Dons won :bow:)

I don't really care about their past but I do know what you're getting at. They have a pretty nice stadium actually, there's lots of potential there. It's a one club town with a big population.

25-08-2020, 02:57 PM
Fuck everything about that club, hope we batter them.


I am invisible
29-08-2020, 01:12 PM
Oh, and we’re also bringing in a set piece specialist coach from Brentford. What’s going on? It’s like we’re addressing obvious problems or something?
OK, so there were actually 3 coaching hires this week...

• Andreas Georgson - set piece specialist from
Brentford (hope he’s as good as the GK coach that Mickey nabbed from Brentford has been)

• Miguel Molina - tactical analyst from At. Madrid

• Carlos Cuesta - individual development coach from Juventus (formerly At. Madrid, and others)

Interesting. Encouraging.

29-08-2020, 07:27 PM
I can't wait to see Arteta's WAP


31-08-2020, 06:15 PM
AMN the Arsenal representative for England :bow:


Let's hope Iceland and Denmark kick the shit out of all the others

I am invisible
31-08-2020, 06:50 PM
British core! :bow:

Kieran Gibbs :pal:

01-09-2020, 10:07 AM
Ken Friar has retired.


01-09-2020, 10:12 AM
Ken Friar has retired.


Wenger IN! :ninja:

01-09-2020, 12:14 PM

02-09-2020, 10:06 AM
The club's published how it's going to run the season ticket process


it sounds as though every game will be done by ballot

so you could be lucky and see half the games - or be unlucky and see one home tie against Bumley...

02-09-2020, 11:06 PM


03-09-2020, 07:34 AM
I will. :d

That was the season after they got promoted, having been relegated a year or two earlier.

...and they didn't even win the 2nd Division when they were in it :lol:

03-09-2020, 08:28 AM
Always enjoy a Spuds thumping. The Totts-Bayern CL game was on yesterday 2-7. Gnabry with 4. Warms me cockles everytime watching that.

03-09-2020, 09:58 AM
am i the only one who gets angry at how the media constantly refer to spuds by their nickname, even in official info like league tables etc - even the FPL does it

no other team gets referred to by their nickname - 'Tottenh*m' is not a longer word than Newcastle and they don't get called 'the Toon' constantly, so why do they do it with spuds?

it really pisses me off

03-09-2020, 10:14 AM
It's not like the media have to spell the full name when reporting a trophy win as it's is a very rare :good:

04-09-2020, 06:59 AM
Sanchez :pal:


04-09-2020, 08:52 AM

It's simple, no other team was going to just let him run around, constantly losing the ball and giving away free kicks, just to have a few great goals in return, Wenger gave him much more freedom than amyone else would, i was glad when he went, he was getting really annoying

04-09-2020, 11:43 AM
The spirit of Walcott lives on..


I am invisible
04-09-2020, 11:49 AM
Sanchez :pal:


I can't even be bothered wheeling the Zombieland GIF out any more.

McNamara That Ghost...
05-09-2020, 06:49 PM
Arsenal 2-3 Villa in a friendly. :lol:

Auba with our goals, of course.

05-09-2020, 06:51 PM
Ozil played as well :yikes:

McNamara That Ghost...
05-09-2020, 06:55 PM
We also apparently played QPR on Tuesday and won 4-3?

Covid is really fucking with the ability to see and find out about friendlies.

I am invisible
05-09-2020, 09:33 PM
Ozil played as well :yikes:
Remember when Wenger used to make us train with 10 men vs 11 too?

I am invisible
05-09-2020, 09:44 PM
On the plus side Dani played so it doesn’t look like he has to quarantine

05-09-2020, 09:46 PM
We also apparently played QPR on Tuesday and won 4-3?

Covid is really fucking with the ability to see and find out about friendlies.

Apparently we deliberately kept it quiet and didn't want any tv, to keep tactics/lineups secret or something

Marc Overmars
06-09-2020, 06:06 AM
I wonder if Ozil’s recent social media activity and his appearance in the friendly means he’s going to feature again.

06-09-2020, 09:03 AM
I wonder if Ozil’s recent social media activity and his appearance in the friendly means he’s going to feature again.
Why not?
We should use him because he is costing us 350,000 a week.

He will probably have a blindind season and we will re-sign him on a 5 year deal ;)

06-09-2020, 09:11 AM
My guess is he's winning the battle with Arteta, whose 'work hard in training or you're out ' mantra has worked on everyone else but Ozil has just sat tight, knowing they can't shift him so he'll need to be used again

It would indeed be great if suddenly he clicked, and we know he can, but I'd agree with those who say we've had too many false dawns with Ozil for it to be that likely

I am invisible
06-09-2020, 09:32 AM
I saw a theory going round a few weeks ago that Raul might have had more to do with Özil being frozen out than Arteta? The logic was that he was being selected before lockdown, but then disappeared once the disaster of no match day income and tv revenue started to become a reality, and it became more urgent to get him off the wage bill?

Not sure I believe that myself - this feels more like a simple olive branch being offered - but I dare say this will add fuel to that rumour.