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19-05-2022, 08:21 AM


Yes a gaffe and an understandable one considering how consumed he was with war at the time. But did you hear him say, "Iraq too", in what looked like an almost extinct moment of truth?

19-05-2022, 05:32 PM
The artful shoe dodger is obviously losing his marbles and to think he was working with a half bag full from birth it quite a state he is in. Now instead of spewing lies he is mistakenly blurting out the truth

19-05-2022, 09:48 PM
Or it could be that sometimes a stoopid figurehead stops you from seeing whats going on?

I mean, it couldn’t be contrived could it? That a retard is made the all powerful….

Ah yeah, Biden too….

20-05-2022, 06:27 AM
The guy (Bush) also got pranked by some chaps pretending to be V Zelinsky too. The same guys that duped the British defence minister Wallace a few weeks ago. GeeW started talking all kinds of nonsense again

27-05-2022, 12:45 AM
So we did Russia/ Ukraine.

What's the next big thing?

Not Davos or the WHO mandate for fascism, that's for sure. Barely worth a mention. Indeed, no mention at all. I notice.

Maybe it's tranny breast feeding? Anyone got any sage opinions on that?

27-05-2022, 12:51 AM
As an aside (hardly worth noting apart from the signal fire that heralds the death of the US dollar and all the undesirably complex fallout that should never be discussed in polite and utterly stupid society) did you know that Germany and Italy are buying energy with Rubles?

Me, being a pedant, wonders where inflation goes if the over-printed dollar can't rely on the freebie of being the global currency. There are a LOT of dollars out there, rapidly becoming more of a liability than an asset. Thrown like confetti because the counterfeiters assumed everyone would need the product.

27-05-2022, 03:02 PM
Is that dick Johnson trying to start a nuclear war to distract from his bullshit and cowardly behaviour at home?

Well a nuclear war would do it I suppose.

27-05-2022, 04:26 PM
Is that dick Johnson trying to start a nuclear war to distract from his bullshit and cowardly behaviour at home?
Isn't he throwing scraps to poor families to try and do that?

The Wengerbabies
28-07-2022, 08:28 AM

Don't let a small thing like a war get in the way of a Vogue cover shoot.

28-07-2022, 07:08 PM
Cute couple. I see Z managed to wipe all traces of white powder from his face this time

Xhaka Can’t
28-07-2022, 09:28 PM

Don't let a small thing like a war get in the way of a Vogue cover shoot.

Yeah, he’s been doing fuck all.

Looks like you’ve found something to nail at last.

02-08-2022, 07:38 PM
Yeah, he’s been doing fuck all.

Looks like you’ve found something to nail at last.

It's coincidental your opinion changed at the precise moment the mainstream opinion changed.

I suppose?

He was ALWAYS a piece of shit. A puppet to be used. That was explained at an early stage, but it takes the stamp of approval from establishment sources to tell you what to think and when to think it.

The clown learned too late, like many past clowns, dealing with the "good guys" can leave you out in the cold once your usefulness has expired. The cost of his incompetence? His nation. A price the west has long been prepared to pay, as was obvious to anyone who isn't a clown.

Xhaka Can’t
02-08-2022, 09:04 PM
I was not being serious.

02-08-2022, 09:07 PM
I was not being serious.

Makes me a dick then, I suppose.

Xhaka Can’t
02-08-2022, 09:12 PM

02-08-2022, 09:29 PM
Sometimes I use posts to illustrate points, even if the OP is innocent.

02-08-2022, 09:32 PM
I'm mostly talking to Letters, you understand. He's like the poster child for a broken world.

You need to open up that Currents thread (currently locked, some degree of irony possibly present) so I can respond to his, "What the psycho means is..." apology.

02-08-2022, 09:45 PM
Weird. No idea how that happened. I think I’ve unlocked it?

The Wengerbabies
08-02-2024, 07:16 PM

As an open minded individual it'd be good to finally hear the other side in Western media.

08-02-2024, 07:39 PM

As an open minded individual it'd be good to finally hear the other side in Western media.

If Tucker Carlson wants to be a fluffer for Putin for clicks, that’s his own business. I don’t have to pretend to be interested though. Putin’s side of events, means as much to me as Ted Bundy blaming violent porn for killing and raping women (and yes it was in that order). If someone credulous wants to believe it…good for them.

The Wengerbabies
08-02-2024, 08:00 PM
If Tucker Carlson wants to be a fluffer for Putin for clicks, that’s his own business. I don’t have to pretend to be interested though. Putin’s side of events, means as much to me as Ted Bundy blaming violent porn for killing and raping women (and yes it was in that order). If someone credulous wants to believe it…good for them.

I don't doubt that it will be heavily biased but to this day I have absolutely no idea what the whole thing is about. All I ever hear is Putin bad, I have never heard what the justification (reasonable or otherwise) for the invasion is.

09-02-2024, 09:51 AM
Putin is a top manipulator I’ll give him that. By blaming Johnson by saying he wanted to end the war 18 months ago, he will have people believing him because Johnson is such an unbelievable liar himself.

The fact is, the way Johnson has got into bed with Trump because he knows which way the wind is blowing. If peace was on the table 18 months ago, that blustering fat berg would have taken it. Imagine thinking though that he persuaded Zelensky not to accept it, as if Zelensky was ever going to accept anything other than Russian withdrawal both from Crimea and from Donetsk and Luhansk

16-02-2024, 02:22 PM
Really unfortunate for Tucker that Alexei Navalny should snuff it the week he decides to do his Lord Haw Haw tour of Russia. My personal favourite is his visit to the supermarket trying to claim that Russians pay less for their grocery bill than Americans. Forgetting of course that it doesn’t matter if your groceries are cheaper but it accounts for a far higher percentage of your income because the average Russian earns over five times less than the average American

17-02-2024, 09:42 PM
Really unfortunate for Tucker that Alexei Navalny should snuff it the week he decides to do his Lord Haw Haw tour of Russia. My personal favourite is his visit to the supermarket trying to claim that Russians pay less for their grocery bill than Americans. Forgetting of course that it doesn’t matter if your groceries are cheaper but it accounts for a far higher percentage of your income because the average Russian earns over five times less than the average American

You didn't know who Alexei Navalny was beforehand. Go on - lie about it. Yet the media pushes a line and here you are. How sad. You are.

17-02-2024, 09:43 PM
If you don't have the balls to dig in and are simply content with scraping shit from the surface then spare us all. Do the right thing. Be ignorant in your own company.

17-02-2024, 09:44 PM
I don't doubt that it will be heavily biased but to this day I have absolutely no idea what the whole thing is about. All I ever hear is Putin bad, I have never heard what the justification (reasonable or otherwise) for the invasion is.

I can tell you if you like. And I'll give you both sides. But it's a HUGE endeavour.

Do you really want to know?

The Wengerbabies
18-02-2024, 02:39 AM
I can tell you if you like. And I'll give you both sides. But it's a HUGE endeavour.

Do you really want to know?

Please would be nice to get a balanced view on what my taxes are paying for.

The Wengerbabies
17-03-2024, 10:23 PM
Putin wins reelection with 87% of the vote. He seems pretty popular.

17-03-2024, 11:03 PM
Putin wins reelection with 87% of the vote. He seems pretty popular.

87%? That’s nothing…he can come back and boast when he gets 99.73% of the vote on a 99.71% turnout. That’s what old Adolf managed in Austria, when he held a referendum to ratify the Anschluss.

31-03-2024, 07:46 PM
Biden got 81 million votes. That's the funniest ever. But I suppose it depends on who are for or against as to what seems reasonable (as in entirely unreasonable) and what is batshit insanity. The most crooked electoral system in the world right ow is EASILY the USA.

31-03-2024, 08:11 PM
Please would be nice to get a balanced view on what my taxes are paying for.

Well, I wasn't talking about taxes. That's a different subject. Taxes are what frightened people pay in tribute to evil people. And that's all there is to that. Could write a million words about it, but it boils down to the same outcome.

Okay, here we go.

In the 50's through 90's (possibly 80's but the Soviets were gone by the 90's) both the US and Soviets understood and respected spheres of infleunce. Spheres of influence were the rules that allowed shit tyrannies like the worst of the worst ever USA and the close behind Soviets to claim whole nations as being theirs and inviolable in terms of actual troops on the ground from the opposite side. It worked quite well. Poland was Russian, Turkey was American, etc. So the Americans would always be trying covert shit in Poland, and the Soviets would always be trying covert shit in Turkey. But there would never be actual protagonist boots on the ground. Those were the understood rules.

In 2014 the Americans changed the rules. The Soviets were gone but Russia still had a key interest in Ukraine, a prior sphere of influence. Not least of which was the presence of the Black Sea fleet in Sevaststopol, their only outlet to the southern battle theatre. Hence the overriding importance of the Crimea. So when the yanks tried to seize control of the entire region, via the "ballot box" LOL, the Russians said, fuck that, and secured Sevastopol. The BBC decided this was a brutal attack on the Russian people in Crimea who welcomed the Russians with open arms, because the Nazis (we'll get to that) has decided being Russian in the Ukraine was fucked up. Anyway, Russia was 100% justified, and INVITED, to "seize" (secure) Crimea before the yanks did. It's a bit like the US government "seizing" Texas from an invading force. Of course they fucking would, where's the mystery?

With Nuland's coup successful in KIEV (no such thing as a chicken kyiv), and having used historical Banderas worshipping Ukrainian Nazis in the front like to achieve the "democratic" transfer of power, the deadbeat comedian Zelensky was ushered into office behind the knives and guns of the ACTUAL NAzI thugs who led the lines on the day of the coup. Deals were truck, the Nazis got around 33% of the seats in the new "democratic" government. Don't believe me? Look up mainstream media articles from 2015 that lamented the Nazi elements if the Ukraine government.

Anyway - being Nazis and all, and having a hatred of the Russians for historical reasons going all the way back to Banderas - the little goose-steppers decided to band the Russian language and shit all over Russian culture inside the long Russian state (artificially created) of Ukraine. And Russuan people in the artificially created state got a bit pissed about that and started a revolution in the east. They wanted independence. The nasty little Nazi cunts in KIEV (because there's no such thing as a chicken kyiv) called up their NAZI thugs, who were now 1/3rd of the "democratically elected" government and dispatched them to the Donbas region in the east where Russians were claiming they could speak whatever fucking language they decided. And the Nazis started shelling towns and villages and kiiling 17,000 civilians. So the governments in the Donbass regions, REQUESTED help from the Russians, to defend Russians.

So Putin "invaded" (sme as a UN peacekeeping mission, you'll notice) and fucked-up, big time, the Nazis bastards who were slaughtering civilians. And the Nazis went of crying to the Americans and British and the latter wankers started sending guns and tanks and ammo so Russians could be "bled". YES - we are officially supporting Nazis. Not even a joke, That's EXACTLY what is happening.

Just like we supported ISIS in Syria.

And there's so much more to this but that's the 10,000ft view.

Does it make Putin a hero. No. He's just like our cunts. But doe it make our cunts heroes? Well, the answer to that question is ever obvious.

The Wengerbabies
01-04-2024, 05:26 PM