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28-02-2018, 02:27 PM
I don’t need to defend a position

I’m not even making a political argument. Just a statement of fact

Trying to debate with you on it is pointless when you are saying everything government touches turns to shit, look at how this shit government turned over control to someone else.

Give me a case where that's not true.

28-02-2018, 02:29 PM
Not when you're spending almost all your time trying to find out whether a man has had a poo or not.

Far better use of my time than having a political discussion with NQ

28-02-2018, 02:30 PM

The French and the Germans have never been and will never be our partners and have always been our rivals. It's a cultural thing. Which is why the globalists are trying to eliminate culture. Germany continues to see itself as the centrepiece of Europe and the ridiculous French have gone along with it despite having been invaded and subjugated by the cunts. It takes a spine of a particular kind of jelly to forgive and forget the nature of the German after such an indecent span of time since the war.

I really don't get half the British. They have a mountain of evidence easily available that shows over and over again how influential this nation can be. And yet they curl up in a corner, whimpering, we can't do anything alone, we can't survive without some German pulling us along by the nose. This didn't happen because the people lost their nerve. This happened because the people placed all their trust in government, and even worse, they abdicated their own responsibilities and because weak and pliable. Now you hear the same remoaners going on about calamity should Britain ever be required to stand on its own two feet again. And why is that I wonder? Because half the fucking nation are pathetic pussies. She men and feminists and lefty loons, communists and marxists and fantasy la-la land types who think the fuckers lording over them have their best interests at heart, despite there being every proof to the contrary.

Maybe we can have some form of unification. Maybe the French and the Germans and the Poles and the Romainians with a backbone could come over here and the wimps could go the other way and disappear into their utopia. There would have to be a clear rule set in advance though - no WWIII to bail them out when the authoritarians start marching them into work camps.



28-02-2018, 02:32 PM
Give me a case where that's not true.

I don’t take issue with you believing that. Your hatred of government is well known and something I couldn’t give a shit enough to try and divest you of that view (even if I didn’t think that would be an even bigger waste of time than this current discussion)

I just think it’s amusing that you believe both that and believe that government are shit for deciding it’s no longer going to turn something to shit by touching it are equal and consistent truths

That’s not even defending the sell offs, unnecessary and shit. But if I was a libertarian I’d be in favour every time government took its hands off something

28-02-2018, 02:41 PM
I don’t take issue with you believing that. Your hatred of government is well known and something I couldn’t give a shit enough to try and divest you of that view (even if I didn’t think that would be an even bigger waste of time than this current discussion)

I just think it’s amusing that you believe both that and believe that government are shit for deciding it’s no longer going to turn something to shit by touching it are equal and consistent truths

That’s not even defending the sell offs, unnecessary and shit. But if I was a libertarian I’d be in favour every time government took its hands off something

That's the point. They haven't taken their hands off it, they just robbed the people of these assets and handed them over to their monopolistic friends that are waiting for them on the other side of the revolving door. These monopolies exist because of government. The lobbying, the legislation, the excruciating burden of bureaucracy that stifles genuine competition. Government and the corporate welfare crowd, one and the same. Communism at its finest. Shuffling ownership between two sides of the same team makes zero odds to people on the ground, they get fucked either way and none of the legislation goes away as a result. Usually it gets transformed into something worse as these monopolies get government endorsed passes to scalp their captive audiences.

Whole thing is a scam and none of it could work without government.

So why don't you give one example of anything at all that's better because government is involved?

28-02-2018, 02:41 PM
I really don't get half the British. They have a mountain of evidence easily available that shows over and over again how influential this nation can be. And yet they curl up in a corner, whimpering, we can't do anything alone, we can't survive without some German pulling us along by the nose. This didn't happen because the people lost their nerve. This happened because the people placed all their trust in government, and even worse, they abdicated their own responsibilities and because weak and pliable. Now you hear the same remoaners going on about calamity should Britain ever be required to stand on its own two feet again. And why is that I wonder? Because half the fucking nation are pathetic pussies. She men and feminists and lefty loons, communists and marxists and fantasy la-la land types who think the fuckers lording over them have their best interests at heart, despite there being every proof to the contrary.

That paragraph really should be read while Nigel Farage sings "Land of Hope and Glory" in the background.

28-02-2018, 02:46 PM
That paragraph really should be read while Nigel Farage sings "Land of Hope and Glory" in the background.

I wonder when and where you developed your loathing for your own nation? School, was it? Or maybe being around paper shuffling zombies for so long?

28-02-2018, 02:46 PM
Monopolies wouldn’t exist without government? :haha: so deregulation is evidence of government encroachment is it?

I can’t be bothered to get into same asinine debate with you, when you are prepared to build your own roads and hospitals come back to me.

Government is any example of any decision made by individuals representing a community whether small or big.

28-02-2018, 02:50 PM
I wonder when and where you developed your loathing for your own nation? School, was it? Or maybe being around paper shuffling zombies for so long?

Says the shut in alcoholic

You belong to a nation in the majority of cases by happenstance of Birth

Speaking for myself I don’t hate this nation, and I don’t see that as a necessary prerequisite of thinking that any collaborative effort with any other nation should make me fearful of cultural dilution.

Same applies to you, I know full well that you don’t hate people because of where they come from you hate them because they meet your tick list for being a cunt.

28-02-2018, 02:50 PM
Monopolies wouldn’t exist without government? :haha: so deregulation is evidence of government encroachment is it?

I can’t be bothered to get into same asinine debate with you, when you are prepared to build your own roads and hospitals come back to me.

You think the government builds roads and hospitals? The pen pushers in Westminster? Here's a secret you may not be aware of - WORKERS build roads and hospitals and the same WORKERS would be quite capable of doing the same should the government disappear. What an amazing state of affairs when adults genuinely believe it takes a government to get a road built. Quite incredible. It shows just how deep the indoctrination runs.

By the way, those hospitals and roads would be HALF the price were it not for government. And we'd have TWICE as much money to spend on them.

The only asinine aspect of this debate is your belief that having to sustain a massive bureaucracy that inserts itself into every human transaction is somehow competitive or efficient.

28-02-2018, 02:54 PM
You think the government builds roads and hospitals? The pen pushers in Westminster? Here's a secret you may not be aware of - WORKERS build roads and hospitals and the same WORKERS would be quite capable of doing the same should the government disappear. What an amazing state of affairs when adults genuinely believe it takes a government to get a road built. Quite incredible. It shows just how deep the indoctrination runs.

By the way, those hospitals and roads would be HALF the price were it not for government. And we'd have TWICE as much money to spend on them.

The only asinine aspect of this debate is your belief that having to sustain a massive bureaucracy that inserts itself into every human transaction is somehow competitive or efficient.

So who plans where the hospitals are built, where the roads are built

Or should someone just build a hospital wherever they feel like it even if it’s next door to another hospital?.

I don’t like this area...tell you what let’s have no roads going there

Don’t want to pay money to use this hospital? Oh you’ve got a stab wound. Fuck off and die outside

Don’t want to pay money to use and maintain this road?. Our heat seeking missles will be with you presently.

28-02-2018, 02:56 PM
Says the shut in alcoholic

You belong to a nation in the majority of cases by happenstance of Birth

I don’t hate this nation, and I don’t see that as a necessary prerequisite of thinking that any collaborative effort with any other nation should make me fearful of cultural dilution.

Same applies to you, I know full well that you don’t hate people because of where they come from you hate them because they meet your tick list for being a cunt.

I wasn't talking to you.

But those who voted remain, even if they don't hate the nation are certainly traitors to it. They've literally pissed on the graves of all those who had that spirit and spine we were discussing earlier. And they can try to excuse themselves however they wish, but excuses are only excuses in the end.

And you might want to head up to Birmingham and maybe stop at Luton on the way, then ride up to Bradford or take in any number of towns and cities to see if you can spot cultural dilution. Cultural extermination more like. And has it brought the peace and prosperity that was promised? You know, there are lefties out there who would actually claim yes. Again, it's quite unbelievable.

28-02-2018, 03:04 PM
I wasn't talking to you.

But those who voted remain, even if they don't hate the nation are certainly traitors to it. They've literally pissed on the graves of all those who had that spirit and spine we were discussing earlier. And they can try to excuse themselves however they wish, but excuses are only excuses in the end.

And you might want to head up to Birmingham and maybe stop at Luton on the way, then ride up to Bradford or take in any number of towns and cities to see if you can spot cultural dilution. Cultural extermination more like. And has it brought the peace and prosperity that was promised? You know, there are lefties out there who would actually claim yes. Again, it's quite unbelievable.

Not really sure how the EU contributed to more Asian people in the places you mentioned

Given how Asian immigration into these parts of the country have existed longer than our membership

Plus traitor to what? You can only commit treason against a monarch or a state

The state? The state which you despise so much

Traitor to being white? I am white by default, I didn’t take a pledge of allegiance to being white

28-02-2018, 03:05 PM
So who plans where the hospitals are built, where the roads are built

Or should someone just build a hospital wherever they feel like it even if it’s next door to another hospital?

I don’t like this area...tell you what let’s have no roads going there

If you had total liberty right now, would you just build a hospital for the sake of it? Would you?

So why the silly argument about building hospitals on a whim? Do you have no better argument?

Nevertheless, I'm sure you find hospitals handy every now and again. So you probably want one fairly nearby.

The question then, is it possible for the people in your area to somehow, by some means, collaborate to build a hospital?

Wait a second. There used to be this thing called the corporation. It was designed so that social projects could be organised and realised, with the strict understanding the corporation only lasted for as long as it was required to complete the project. But then the corporation was granted the same (or even more) rights as the person. And so the great scam unfolded.

And do you think building hospitals and roads is what the government mainly concerns itself with? Really? So why has the government, without reference to us at all, embroiled us in this European project? Legislation extends far beyond the production of social resources and into the very identity of the nation itself. Who said all these economic migrants could flood in here? Who tell us what our kids can and can't learn in schools? Who tells us what is socially acceptable and unacceptable? Who locks up people for growing plants or ingesting natural substances? On and on and on. It's not just about roads and hospitals, is it? The roads and the hospitals are childishly simple challenges. It's the other stuff that's tougher. Converting this society back from a nanny state to a free nation of responsible individuals.

28-02-2018, 03:08 PM
I wonder when and where you developed your loathing for your own nation? School, was it? Or maybe being around paper shuffling zombies for so long?

What is wrong with you? Why can you only think in binary?

28-02-2018, 03:10 PM
Plus tell me exactly what British culture is

Is it pre or post Roman, Viking, Saxon, Norman invasion?

Is it pre or post The Act of Union between England and Scotland?

Am I betraying my culture by not consulting my local Druid on certain matters and giving the right propitiation to the right tribal god.

If I believe the far right, my culture is Christian. But I think Christianity is bullshit (and exported bull shit as it came from foreigners) so another act of treason on my part.

Maybe it’s because if I don’t hate brown people enough, I’ll live my life dictated to by the Hadith?

28-02-2018, 03:12 PM
If you had total liberty right now, would you just build a hospital for the sake of it? Would you?

So why the silly argument about building hospitals on a whim? Do you have no better argument?

Nevertheless, I'm sure you find hospitals handy every now and again. So you probably want one fairly nearby.

The question then, is it possible for the people in your area to somehow, by some means, collaborate to build a hospital?

Wait a second. There used to be this thing called the corporation. It was designed so that social projects could be organised and realised, with the strict understanding the corporation only lasted for as long as it was required to complete the project. But then the corporation was granted the same (or even more) rights as the person. And so the great scam unfolded.

And do you think building hospitals and roads is what the government mainly concerns itself with? Really? So why has the government, without reference to us at all, embroiled us in this European project? Legislation extends far beyond the production of social resources and into the very identity of the nation itself. Who said all these economic migrants could flood in here? Who tell us what our kids can and can't learn in schools? Who tells us what is socially acceptable and unacceptable? Who locks up people for growing plants or ingesting natural substances? On and on and on. It's not just about roads and hospitals, is it? The roads and the hospitals are childishly simple challenges. It's the other stuff that's tougher. Converting this society back from a nanny state to a free nation of responsible individuals.

But who colloborates and makes decisions, whose opinions on where the roads and hospital goes are more valid.

What if a lot of people suddenly state fuck it I don’t want to be consulted on every single detail amongst millions. I’ll nominate this guy and a load of others to represent my interests on this.

The corporation? So who headed up this corporation? Who decided it’s interests were their interests?. Did people defer responsibility to this corporation?

It’s all another name for a form of centralised planning or in other words a government

And as someone who is holding up the sovereignty of the nation state and the homogenous culture within as most important, name me any nation state that’s ever existed where there’s never been any form of centralised planning

28-02-2018, 03:13 PM
Not really sure how the EU contributed to more Asian people in the places you mentioned

Given how Asian immigration into these parts of the country have existed longer than our membership

Plus traitor to what? You can only commit treason against a monarch or a state

The state? The state which you despise so much

Traitor to being white? I am white by default, I didn’t take a pledge of allegiance to being white

Yes, that's what the pedophile did, he committed treason against a state that itself has usurped the powers of the nation. Which doesn't make the actions of the state legitimate, but neither does it legitimise the pedophile or his fellow travellers. And anyone who has collaborated with him is guilty of the same.

The state and the nation are different things. We, the people, are the nation. The state is our longstanding and unnatural enemy, not a new thing and not even an unlawful thing if it were not for its unlawful behaviour. Nevertheless, it is preferable to have a local and smaller enemy than a remote and larger one.

I don't know where the white thing came from. I was talking about culture.

28-02-2018, 03:16 PM
What is wrong with you? Why can you only think in binary?

You believe I should embrace the nuances of a fool that parrots the establishment line every time his tail is pulled?

I can't remember how you voted, but it's a safe assumption to say you went with the Germans instead of your own kind. So what else is there to say about it? Where are the finer points being overlooked?

28-02-2018, 03:20 PM
Yes, that's what the pedophile did, he committed treason against a state that itself has usurped the powers of the nation. Which doesn't make the actions of the state legitimate, but neither does it legitimise the pedophile or his fellow travellers. And anyone who has collaborated with him is guilty of the same.

The state and the nation are different things. We, the people, are the nation. The state is our longstanding and unnatural enemy, not a new thing and not even an unlawful thing if it were not for its unlawful behaviour. Nevertheless, it is preferable to have a local and smaller enemy than a remote and larger one.

I don't know where the white thing came from. I was talking about culture.

What defines a nation other than a man made border?.

Was the Union with Scotland treasonable. If Scottish and English are two different nationalities any attempt to harmonise them would be treachery by your logic

You can’t even define what culture is in this regard.

Given you consider any outside culture coming in to this country as cultural extermination colour would come into it.

28-02-2018, 03:25 PM
Plus tell me exactly what British culture is

Is it pre or post Roman, Viking, Saxon, Norman invasion?

Is it pre or post The Act of Union between England and Scotland?

Am I betraying my culture by not consulting my local Druid on certain matters and giving the right propitiation to the right tribal god.

If I believe the far right, my culture is Christian. But I think Christianity is bullshit (and exported bull shit as it came from foreigners) so another act of treason on my part.

Maybe it’s because if I don’t hate brown people enough, I’ll live my life dictated to by the Hadith?

The old argument that eventually ends back at some primordial pool in an electrical storm. The conceit of Stewart Lee, funny as he is with it.

You really can't distinguish the British culture from, say, the Pakistani "culture"? Yes, in quotes because look at that shithole and what they have done to what was once a prominent culture. Well they are doing it here now and all over Europe, and the lefties (broad term used for convenience) have not only welcomed them in but hijacked the political stage to ensure that anyone protesting it is cast as extreme. The demonic inversion at play again.

Your culture can have derived from a Christian foundation without you being a Christian. That's fairly obvious.

28-02-2018, 03:28 PM
:lol: you lot have too much time on your hands.

28-02-2018, 03:31 PM
What defines a nation other than a man made border?.

Was the Union with Scotland treasonable. If Scottish and English are two different nationalities any attempt to harmonise them would be treachery by your logic

No it wasn't treasonable because the king retained the divine right - again, right or wrong that was the standing at the time.

Our national borders are not and never have been man made - look at a map. The borders of our empire, well that's a sad and different story.

Other than geography, there's language, religion, tradition, food, music, sport, literature and so on. This is quite easy to understand. Why are you making a point of it?

28-02-2018, 03:32 PM
:lol: you lot have too much time on your hands.

I have actually just blow a load of time when I should have been working.

But, on the other hand, some work and no play is never a good thing.

28-02-2018, 03:34 PM
Other than geography, there's language, religion, tradition, food, music, sport, literature and so on. This is quite easy to understand. Why are you making a point of it?
You understand that all these things evolve and change over time?

28-02-2018, 03:42 PM
But who colloborates and makes decisions, whose opinions on where the roads and hospital goes are more valid.

What if a lot of people suddenly state fuck it I don’t want to be consulted on every single detail amongst millions. I’ll nominate this guy and a load of others to represent my interests on this.

The corporation? So who headed up this corporation? Who decided it’s interests were their interests?. Did people defer responsibility to this corporation?

It’s all another name for a form of centralised planning or in other words a government

And as someone who is holding up the sovereignty of the nation state and the homogenous culture within as most important, name me any nation state that’s ever existed where there’s never been any form of centralised planning

Come off it. Like I asked before, are you hankering to suddenly build a hospital in some random place using your own resources? I doubt it.

Seriously. People can't remember even recent history. Why did roads EVER get built? Because a government decreed it? No, it was so a merchant could get his goods from A to B or an army could march at twice the rate. Roads are supposed to serve a purpose. Therefore that purpose has to exist. And when it does, so a road will be built. When you have genuine competition, absent government, the road will be build cheaply and quickly. Why? Because if it's not there is always somebody waiting who will do the job properly. Right now those somebodies are shut out by excessive legislation and bureaucracy and back room stitch ups. And who's responsible for all that I wonder?

Would people who live in the arsehole of nowhere have a hospital built near them? Nope. No demand.

Does a person in the arsehole of nowhere have a hospital today? Nope.

Are hospitals in heavily populated areas being shut down because of a lack of funding. Yes. Incredible really, considering our health service is so horribly expensive. Absolute daylight robbery, and still you can't get a decent service. The NHS sucks. Everybody knows it. Nobody will say it. A system hijacked by crooks and lifer bureaucrats. It could easily be replaced by a private health system ten times as efficient at half the cost. But not if government is not abolished too, because they'd intervene to stitch it all up again.

Got to get rid of government, it's the only way. Doesn't mean we can't have centralised agencies. But they have to be specific and accountable, rather than nebulous and cash sucking piss takes.

28-02-2018, 03:42 PM
No it wasn't treasonable because the king retained the divine right - again, right or wrong that was the standing at the time.

Our national borders are not and never have been man made - look at a map. The borders of our empire, well that's a sad and different story.

Other than geography, there's language, religion, tradition, food, music, sport, literature and so on. This is quite easy to understand. Why are you making a point of it?

All these things have changed over time, they have been added to and taken away

You regard it as a fixed moment in time

Our heritage as human beings is fleeing the African Savannah’s so in many respects we are an itinerant species

Cultures change, people change

Do I agree somewhat that we need a crucible to burn off the less desirable cultural practices (figuratively speaking) yes of course.

But this idea of treachery to a culture constantly in flux is laughable

28-02-2018, 03:43 PM
You understand that all these things evolve and change over time?

I do indeed. And I suppose you understand such change tends to happen gradually, in stages?

Is this you trying to excuse the influx of the dregs of the Muslim world at breakneck pace?

28-02-2018, 03:51 PM
Come off it. Like I asked before, are you hankering to suddenly build a hospital in some random place using your own resources? I doubt it.

Seriously. People can't remember even recent history. Why did roads EVER get built? Because a government decreed it? No, it was so a merchant could get his goods from A to B or an army could march at twice the rate. Roads are supposed to serve a purpose. Therefore that purpose has to exist. And when it does, so a road will be built. When you have genuine competition, absent government, the road will be build cheaply and quickly. Why? Because if it's not there is always somebody waiting who will do the job properly. Right now those somebodies are shut out by excessive legislation and bureaucracy and back room stitch ups. And who's responsible for all that I wonder?

Would people who live in the arsehole of nowhere have a hospital built near them? Nope. No demand.

Does a person in the arsehole of nowhere have a hospital today? Nope.

Are hospitals in heavily populated areas being shut down because of a lack of funding. Yes. Incredible really, considering our health service is so horribly expensive. Absolute daylight robbery, and still you can't get a decent service. The NHS sucks. Everybody knows it. Nobody will say it. A system hijacked by crooks and lifer bureaucrats. It could easily be replaced by a private health system ten times as efficient at half the cost. But not if government is not abolished too, because they'd intervene to stitch it all up again.

Got to get rid of government, it's the only way. Doesn't mean we can't have centralised agencies. But they have to be specific and accountable, rather than nebulous and cash sucking piss takes.

So basically you resent the form government takes rather than the concept of centralised planning in general

Would have been easier for you to say that in the first place

Plus unfortunately competition is not always the key driver, there are certain things called natural monopolies

Unless you have competing roads, competing hospitals, competing transport infrastructure. And that’s also denying the fact that sometimes with certain services it’s not possible to both make a profit and offer a good service.

You talk to me as if I have any time for government inefficiency, lobbying, clandestine deal making.

I just accept that when you are talking of communities of millions you cannot give total liberty to one without encroaching seriously on the liberties of another (competing interests) and that central planning is required to defer as much as possible to the utilitarian principle.

This is the foundation of every single society that’s ever existed

28-02-2018, 03:53 PM
I do indeed. And I suppose you understand such change tends to happen gradually, in stages?

Is this you trying to excuse the influx of the dregs of the Muslim world at breakneck pace?

How are you proposing to deal with it. I’m sure a lot of these Muslim dregs as you call them were born here and are results of generations popping up after the original settlement.

28-02-2018, 03:56 PM
All these things have changed over time, they have been added to and taken away

You regard it as a fixed moment in time

Our heritage as human beings is fleeing the African Savannah’s so in many respects we are an itinerant species

Cultures change, people change

Do I agree somewhat that we need a crucible to burn off the less desirable cultural practices (figuratively speaking) yes of course.

But this idea of treachery to a culture constantly in flux is laughable

Constantly in flux. Like the Himalaya are "constantly in flux"? It's a nice turn of phrase, well suited to delivering its devious payload. It might even work on somebody other than me.

There's a difference between cultural change, which of course is a reality, and an invasion of undesirables. The Nazis were undesirables, we all know what kind of cultural change they wanted to treat us to. And the Muslims are the same. Worse. At leat we had some commonality with our Aryan rivals. We have none with the backward Muslims. And go right ahead, claim the Muslims are enlightened and blah, blah, blah. Go for it. Fewer people believe it as more people encounter them. And try the racist angle - even though Islam is a religion - but I'll tell you I have nothing against individuals until I encounter them as an individual. And on that basis I can clearly see the collection of individuals that are here unwelcome by half the nation are deeply undesirable. Has nothing to do with race or religion, I use the world Muslim because that's what they call themselves. Couldn't care less if they were Martian, but it is highly undesirable to have them diluting and polluting the culture as it stands with their anti-cultural beliefs and behaviour.

By the way, there are many Asian and African and Caribbean and European sub-cultures that are integrated and accepted without a passing thought. Which only raises the question, if that's possible then what gives with the Muslims?

I'm being honest. You aren't. That's the main foundation of this debate. You want to be politically correct, I couldn't give a shit about that.

28-02-2018, 03:58 PM
How are you proposing to deal with it. I’m sure a lot of these Muslim dregs as you call them were born here and are results of generations popping up after the original settlement.

Throw them out. Simple. By force if necessary. Just as I'd throw somebody out of my own home if he pitched up and claimed he had a right to the top floor bedroom and could I make him a free lunch.

28-02-2018, 03:59 PM
So basically you resent the form government takes rather than the concept of centralised planning in general

Would have been easier for you to say that in the first place

Plus unfortunately competition is not always the key driver, there are certain things called natural monopolies

Unless you have competing roads, competing hospitals, competing transport infrastructure. And that’s also denying the fact that sometimes with certain services it’s not possible to both make a profit and offer a good service.

You talk to me as if I have any time for government inefficiency, lobbying, clandestine deal making.

I just accept that when you are talking of communities of millions you cannot give total liberty to one without encroaching seriously on the liberties of another (competing interests) and that central planning is required to defer as much as possible to the utilitarian principle.

This is the foundation of every single society that’s ever existed

This is a better conversation now and there are points you are raising I can accept.

But it's for another day because I just fucked myself posting here instead of working.

28-02-2018, 04:06 PM
Throw them out. Simple. By force if necessary. Just as I'd throw somebody out of my own home if he pitched up and claimed he had a right to the top floor bedroom and could I make him a free lunch.

Not really a libertarian point of view

What would be the threshold for doing this? Renounce Islam or fuck off

For someone who has been making slippery slope arguments all afternoon that’s pretty sinister :haha:

Would that be extended to everyone who doesn’t conform absolutely with your monoculture.

28-02-2018, 04:09 PM
I do indeed. And I suppose you understand such change tends to happen gradually, in stages?

Is this you trying to excuse the influx of the dregs of the Muslim world at breakneck pace?

If you didn't destroy their homes and make them refugees maybe they wouldn't come?

28-02-2018, 04:09 PM
Throw them out. Simple. By force if necessary. Just as I'd throw somebody out of my own home if he pitched up and claimed he had a right to the top floor bedroom and could I make him a free lunch.


28-02-2018, 04:10 PM
Not really a libertarian point of view

What would be the threshold for doing this? Renounce Islam or fuck off

For someone who has been making slippery slope arguments all afternoon that’s pretty sinister :haha:

Would that be extended to everyone who doesn’t conform absolutely with your monoculture.

NQ :rose:

Makes me laugh all these EDL types :lol:

'We don't want refugees'. Stop creating them then :lol:

28-02-2018, 04:15 PM
NQ :rose:

Makes me laugh all these EDL types :lol:

'We don't want refugees'. Stop creating them then :lol:

Well in fairness he’d agree with you there

I wouldn’t

The refugees from Syria for instance have come as a result of our flat refusal to deal with a guy gassing and bombing his own people

If we don’t want them here, make sure they have a home worth going back to

28-02-2018, 04:33 PM
The deep problem here is you guys believe we're the government and the government is us.

Did you vote to bomb Syria?

Did you vote to bomb Iraq?

Did you vote to invade Afghanistan?

But these things happened anyway.

And then I'm told I should stop bombing people? The guy who wants government gone? Told by the people who defend the existence of government?

Do you see the deep psychological problem you have? And that's before you ever step up to try to make an argument.

As for the Assed gassing his own people thing - the level of ignorance is catastrophic.

28-02-2018, 04:38 PM
The deep problem here is you guys believe we're the government and the government is us.

Did you vote to bomb Syria?

Did you vote to bomb Iraq?

Did you vote to invade Afghanistan?

But these things happened anyway.

And then I'm told I should stop bombing people? The guy who wants government gone? Told by the people who defend the existence of government?

Do you see the deep psychological problem you have? And that's before you ever step up to try to make an argument.

As for the Assed gassing his own people thing - the level of ignorance is catastrophic.

I’m not claiming to have been to Damascus or Aleppo or Ghouta

Unless you are, your claim to superior knowledge is what? George Galloway?, John Pilger or some unsourced alt right article claiming the white helmets going around slitting peoples throats.

Are you stating that every single refugee from that country is an IS agent?. If so they’ve been pretty fucking slow about completing their mission.

Stun me with your acumen about how woke you are

28-02-2018, 04:40 PM
Not really a libertarian point of view

What would be the threshold for doing this? Renounce Islam or fuck off

For someone who has been making slippery slope arguments all afternoon that’s pretty sinister :haha:

Would that be extended to everyone who doesn’t conform absolutely with your monoculture.

So now we get to be libertarians? How convenient.

I'm forced to argue in a non-libertarian environment and the, when I make the argument, it's not libertarian enough. Now that's hilarious.

As a libertarian I want NO BORDERS, NO NATIONS, NO AUTHORITY, just LIBERTY and the consequences of liberty.

But, as we have argued so many times before, we're nowhere near that and most of the people are terrified of having responsibility for their own lives. So we argue in the CONTEXT of what we have. And to try to paint these 49 year old "children" coming over and demanding their Muslim rights as "refugees" is a despicable lie. There are specific rules governing refugee status, and none of these people meet the criteria. In fact it should almost be impossible for the UK to ever receive refugees based on the legal criteria.

The economic migrants in Calais are, by legal default, not refugees. Do you get that much at least?

And yes, I'm mixing is two responses here so don't take it personally because it could be meant for the other retard.

28-02-2018, 04:41 PM
If you didn't destroy their homes and make them refugees maybe they wouldn't come?

Absolute bullshit. A throwaway lefty talking point designed to cover all evils.

You need to read up on Turkey, Poland, Hungary etc to begin to get a grasp of what the word "refugee" actually means.

28-02-2018, 04:45 PM
So now we get to be libertarians? How convenient.

I'm forced to argue in a non-libertarian environment and the, when I make the argument, it's not libertarian enough. Now that's hilarious.

As a libertarian I want NO BORDERS, NO NATIONS, NO AUTHORITY, just LIBERTY and the consequences of liberty.

But, as we have argued so many times before, we're nowhere near that and most of the people are terrified of having responsibility for their own lives. So we argue in the CONTEXT of what we have. And to try to paint these 49 year old "children" coming over and demanding their Muslim rights as "refugees" is a despicable lie. There are specific rules governing refugee status, and none of these people meet the criteria. In fact it should almost be impossible for the UK to ever receive refugees based on the legal criteria.

The economic migrants in Calais are, by legal default, not refugees. Do you get that much at least?

And yes, I'm mixing is two responses here so don't take it personally because it could be meant for the other retard.

Have you ever taken anything I’ve said personally?

28-02-2018, 04:51 PM
I’m not claiming to have been to Damascus or Aleppo or Ghouta

Unless you are, your claim to superior knowledge is what? George Galloway?, John Pilger or some unsourced alt right article claiming the white helmets going around slitting peoples throats.

Are you stating that every single refugee from that country is an IS agent?. If so they’ve been pretty fucking slow about completing their mission.

Stun me with your acumen about how woke you are

No. Not George Galloway. Beneath you that one.

Syrian activists on the ground who know full well what's going on. Syria is being partitioned, as per the usual plan. The US, currently in the midst of a domestic coup attempt, is desperately propping up Al Qaeda (who barely get a mention these days despite being significant players in Syria), ISIS and the Kurds (who are being pressed by the Turks). The goal of the off-book CIA is to stop the Russians stabilising Assad's control of the entire nation.

Do you know American forces have actually killed Russian forces on the ground? And the Russians have let it slide because they know what the aims of the CIA are and they refuse to play to that.

A simple logical checklist will tell you why Assad would never, ever deploy chemical weapons. First, he doesn't need to. If the Americans stopped attacking his forces he'd have ISIS and Al'Qaeda mopped up by now and would be able to turn on the despicable Kurds (who Syria welcomed with open arms in times past and have been rewarded for their hospitality by a knife in the back). Secondly, it would legitimise the US actions in Syria. Thirdly, he'd lose Russian support which is absolutely vital to his survival. But even an idiot could work this out so I don't know why I'm telling you.

28-02-2018, 04:51 PM
Have you ever taken anything I’ve said personally?

No. Never.

And I assume the reciprocal is true.

28-02-2018, 05:14 PM
No. Not George Galloway. Beneath you that one.

Syrian activists on the ground who know full well what's going on. Syria is being partitioned, as per the usual plan. The US, currently in the midst of a domestic coup attempt, is desperately propping up Al Qaeda (who barely get a mention these days despite being significant players in Syria), ISIS and the Kurds (who are being pressed by the Turks). The goal of the off-book CIA is to stop the Russians stabilising Assad's control of the entire nation.

Do you know American forces have actually killed Russian forces on the ground? And the Russians have let it slide because they know what the aims of the CIA are and they refuse to play to that.

A simple logical checklist will tell you why Assad would never, ever deploy chemical weapons. First, he doesn't need to. If the Americans stopped attacking his forces he'd have ISIS and Al'Qaeda mopped up by now and would be able to turn on the despicable Kurds (who Syria welcomed with open arms in times past and have been rewarded for their hospitality by a knife in the back). Secondly, it would legitimise the US actions in Syria. Thirdly, he'd lose Russian support which is absolutely vital to his survival. But even an idiot could work this out so I don't know why I'm telling you.

So the chemical attack on Khan Shaykun

A) didn’t happen

B) Was some American espionage plot?

I don’t think George Galloway is a low blow, if you believe what John Pilger has to say...Gorgeous George the genuflecter to middle eastern thugs is the next logical step.

I could ask you a series of questions on what you’ve said including do you believe that the opposition to Assad’s rule was just a western imperialist plot backed by terrorist groups as both Putin and Assad would like you to believe

Why wouldn’t Assad gas his own people, apart from the token destruction of an airfield it’s not exactly been full on repurcussions for him. Why would he do to Aleppo what the Soviet army did in the siege of Stalingrad only with civilians instead of soldiers

What interest do the Russians have in securing Assad other than securing the warm water port of Tartus as a naval base as well as the oil.

Dead Russians? Considering they have bombed Aid convoys and threatened any NATO jet found west of the Euphrates with being shot down. I can’t imagine you’d expect me to care about that.

28-02-2018, 05:15 PM
No. Never.

And I assume the reciprocal is true.


28-02-2018, 05:20 PM
Where did I say it didn't happen. Why do you use these tricks in your argument when you could just state your case?

Didn't say it was an espionage plot either. I said the CIA is funding equipping Al Qaeda and ISIS (now common knowledge for interested parties that has even hit the mainstream) and the goal is to prevent Assad reconstituting regions of Syria.

And because everything else you say is based on your carefully constructed straw men, there's no real response available until you interject some honesty.

You don't care about Americans bombing Russians? By accident, of course. About the 20th such accident in the last year.

Look, in all honesty, you seem to have no idea whatsoever what's going on over there. You don't even know who the protagonists are.

28-02-2018, 05:26 PM
Where did I say it didn't happen. Why do you use these tricks in your argument when you could just state your case?

Didn't say it was an espionage plot either. I said the CIA is funding equipping Al Qaeda and ISIS (now common knowledge for interested parties that has even hit the mainstream) and the goal is to prevent Assad reconstituting regions of Syria.

And because everything else you say is based on your carefully constructed straw men, there's no real response available until you interject some honesty.

You don't care about Americans bombing Russians? By accident, of course. About the 20th such accident in the last year.

Look, in all honesty, you seem to have no idea whatsoever what's going on over there. You don't even know who the protagonists are.

I’m asking you what your explanation for it is. You’ve stated that Assad wouldn’t gas his own people, well what’s your counter conclusion. Did I forget the terrorists? (I didn’t)

In all honesty, talking to you on this subject is like conversing with a cockroach about the weather. Lines of communication are too far apart
The protagonists? This isn’t a Saturday morning cartoon with the Autobots and Decepticons.

But suffice to say if you think the Russians are the “protagonists”. Yeah I think that’s a world view as far apart as Johannesburg and Vladivostok

And notice I say If which is a conditional. I’m not telling you what you are saying

28-02-2018, 05:37 PM
Absolute bullshit. A throwaway lefty talking point designed to cover all evils.

You need to read up on Turkey, Poland, Hungary etc to begin to get a grasp of what the word "refugee" actually means.

Do you think people from Syria wanted to come here? To leave their homes? They had homes, businesses, communities and families back there. Once they were all destroyed they had no choice to flee.

28-02-2018, 05:37 PM
I’m asking you what your explanation for it is. You’ve stated that Assad wouldn’t gas his own people, well what’s your counter conclusion. Did I forget the terrorists? (I didn’t)

In all honesty, talking to you on this subject is like conversing with a cockroach about the weather. Lines of communication are too far apart
The protagonists? This isn’t a Saturday morning cartoon with the Autobots and Decepticons.

But suffice to say if you think the Russians are the “protagonists”. Yeah I think that’s a world view as far apart as Johannesburg and Vladivostok

And notice I say If which is a conditional. I’m not telling you what you are saying

I don't understand any of that. I'm not certain you do either.

I stated clearly why Assad would never be stupid enough to fire off chemical weapons. And if you listen to the Twitter feed and watch the videos of Syrians talking about Syria then it's very clear they know who is and isn't firing around chemical attacks too. They aren't fooled. They aren't supposed to be. Only those reading mainstream propaganda in the west are supposed to be fooled.

Yes, the Russians are quite important in this, considering Assad would be gone now were it not for them. Thank God then, because for the sake of the Syrians who need another American led shit show? Look at Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Now tell me again how Assad and the Russians are the bad guys. I mean yes, they are bad guys, but they are not THE bad guys.

Fucking Kurd maggots too. You know who the PPK are, right? Well the Kurds and them and US money is one of the other sides of the fight.

And Turkey is in it single-handedly.

And AlQaeda, ISIS, US know how and Saudi money.

Your protagonists.

No, it's not a cartoon. I agree with that at least.

28-02-2018, 05:43 PM
Do you think people from Syria wanted to come here? To leave their homes? They had homes, businesses, communities and families back there. Once they were all destroyed they had no choice to flee.

I hate to agree with NQ

But it’s a bit of a lefty talking point

It follows along the lines of there would be no Islamic extremism if not for the big bad west

Syrian refugees are caught in a pincer between IS and Assad

We have fought IS whilst simultaneously ignoring our good friend Saudi Arabia arming them (and indirectly arming them ourselves because of arms deals with Saudi)

But the left won’t tell you how they ignore the Syrians who dare to speak up at their anti war rallies about Assad because anti western dictators are never evil and they regard Putin as the nearest thing to the rebirth of the Soviet Union.

The same way they ignored the Iraqi dissidents who begged for help and solidarity in their stand against Saddam and were equally ignored by the Americans for decades.

The true crime of the west is not intervention. It’s lack of intervention until some geo political criteria is met

28-02-2018, 05:48 PM
Do you think people from Syria wanted to come here? To leave their homes? They had homes, businesses, communities and families back there. Once they were all destroyed they had no choice to flee.

Please stop.

The one size fits all, media bullshit isn't worth the time.

I'm not saying there aren't some refugees in the mix. But most of the refugees from the war affected nations are in neighbouring states.

Refugees are supposed to halt and seek asylum at the first available refuge. So it's near on impossible for that to be the UK. But these people are making their way across Europe, bypassing safe havens, so they can benefit from the economic conditions in the UK. Therefore they are not refugees, they are economic migrants and they have no rights and no status as a result. Only the intervention of the shit wad left has opened the door to these people.

Does it mean their country wasn't bombed? No? Does it mean our filthy scumbag politicians didn't have a hand in that? No.

But stop using the word refugee when they aren't refugees in any sense other than the manufactured mainstream media bullshit.

And why is such a large proportion of these "refugees" military age males? Are you aware that the majority of these migrants are male and many of them are claiming to be children even when they have fucking beards (which their fucked up anti-culture demands)?

And have you seen the effects on the ground once they set up residence? How whole sections of towns and cities are utterly transformed, always for the worst?

If some kid has been bombed out of his house and comes to me and says he's hungry, sure, as a human being I'm going to help. No question asked or needed.

That's not what's going on here except in the cases that have been trumpeted by the globalist mainstream media.

If I see some 30 year old, fucking ex-ISIS tool pitch up going, "refugee, refugee, refugee", the I kick the fucker in the bollocks ad drag him to the first boat out. And so should you if you know what's good for you.

28-02-2018, 05:49 PM
Homes have been turned into rubble. That is because of the west.

The likes of Saddam, Gaddafi etc were all tyrannical leaders but they kept control of their country and prevented the crap we are seeing today. It's absolute free fall and everyone trying to gain control.

28-02-2018, 05:51 PM
Homes have been turned into rubble. That is because of the west.

The likes of Saddam, Gaddafi etc were all tyrannical leaders but they kept control of their country and prevented the crap we are seeing today. It's absolute free fall and everyone trying to gain control.

I don’t even understand why you and NQ are at loggerheads

You are both using different words to say the same thing

28-02-2018, 05:54 PM
I don’t even understand why you and NQ are at loggerheads

You are both using different words to say the same thing

:lol: this is goonersweb. We have to argue about something :shrug:

28-02-2018, 05:55 PM
Please stop.

The one size fits all, media bullshit isn't worth the time.

I'm not saying there aren't some refugees in the mix. But most of the refugees from the war affected nations are in neighbouring states.

Refugees are supposed to halt and seek asylum at the first available refuge. So it's near on impossible for that to be the UK. But these people are making their way across Europe, bypassing safe havens, so they can benefit from the economic conditions in the UK. Therefore they are not refugees, they are economic migrants and they have no rights and no status as a result. Only the intervention of the shit wad left has opened the door to these people.

Does it mean their country wasn't bombed? No? Does it mean our filthy scumbag politicians didn't have a hand in that? No.

But stop using the word refugee when they aren't refugees in any sense other than the manufactured mainstream media bullshit.

And why is such a large proportion of these "refugees" military age males? Are you aware that the majority of these migrants are male and many of them are claiming to be children even when they have fucking beards (which their fucked up anti-culture demands)?

And have you seen the effects on the ground once they set up residence? How whole sections of towns and cities are utterly transformed, always for the worst?

If some kid has been bombed out of his house and comes to me and says he's hungry, sure, as a human being I'm going to help. No question asked or needed.

That's not what's going on here except in the cases that have been trumpeted by the globalist mainstream media.

If I see some 30 year old, fucking ex-ISIS tool pitch up going, "refugee, refugee, refugee", the I kick the fucker in the bollocks ad drag him to the first boat out. And so should you if you know what's good for you.

Tl;dr. I'm too tired from work to read an essay :lol:

28-02-2018, 05:59 PM
I hate to agree with NQ

But it’s a bit of a lefty talking point

It follows along the lines of there would be no Islamic extremism if not for the big bad west

Syrian refugees are caught in a pincer between IS and Assad

We have fought IS whilst simultaneously ignoring our good friend Saudi Arabia arming them (and indirectly arming them ourselves because of arms deals with Saudi)

But the left won’t tell you how they ignore the Syrians who dare to speak up at their anti war rallies about Assad because anti western dictators are never evil and they regard Putin as the nearest thing to the rebirth of the Soviet Union.

The same way they ignored the Iraqi dissidents who begged for help and solidarity in their stand against Saddam and were equally ignored by the Americans for decades.

The true crime of the west is not intervention. It’s lack of intervention until some geo political criteria is met

No, it's the intent behind each intervention. It was never pure and it was never for the people. Everyone can think the mainstream media for playing their dutiful role in convincing us otherwise.

Fuck, I hate the media more than government.

And when you look at stuff like this, Well Wenger is a loveable pussycat that has scarcely harmed a hair on any head.

Perspective, perspective.

Need to remember perspective.

28-02-2018, 06:02 PM
I don’t even understand why you and NQ are at loggerheads

You are both using different words to say the same thing

He's defending the leftist position. Which means the argument itself is important, not the people on which it is based.

There are no onion layers with the left, only the surface issues.

Me, I can't remember which layer I'm on from day to day, there are so many. As you dig deeper you can even reach the point where you fervently disagree with what you believed higher up the layers.

We are all deeply, deeply ignorant of what's going on at the centre. Deeply ignorant. But you can be sure, it's even more horrible than the layers we have gained access to. Unimaginably horrible.

28-02-2018, 06:06 PM
No, it's the intent behind each intervention. It was never pure and it was never for the people. Everyone can think the mainstream media for playing their dutiful role in convincing us otherwise.

Fuck, I hate the media more than government.

And when you look at stuff like this, Well Wenger is a loveable pussycat that has scarcely harmed a hair on any head.

Perspective, perspective.

Need to remember perspective.

But I don’t give a fuck what other people tell me the justifications are for

Like Iraq....weapons of mass destruction? From whom?. Saddam had ceased to be a threat beyond his own borders since the early 1990s.

But fuck him. Used chemical weapons on his own people. Kanan Makiyas book The Republic of Fear tells you everything you need to know about Saddams Iraq. And what United the Americans and the left? They both ignored him.

Same view with Assad

28-02-2018, 06:13 PM
But I don’t give a fuck what other people tell me the justifications are for

Like Iraq....weapons of mass destruction? From whom?. Saddam had ceased to be a threat beyond his own borders since the early 1990s.

But fuck him. Used chemical weapons on his own people. Kanan Makiyas book The Republic of Fear tells you everything you need to know about Saddams Iraq. And what United the Americans and the left? They both ignored him.

Same view with Assad

So Saddam is a cunt. So let's take him out and plunge Iraq into desolation. How does that serve the people, beyond Saddam not being around to compound their now excruciating daily misery? You really think they took Saddam out because he menaced and abused his own people?

So yes, same as Syria. The Syrians are far, far better off under Assad than they would be under an American boot. Not a great place to be either way, but in once scenario they might live to fight another day, in the other they are dead, dying or destitute with no hope whatsoever.

No, the Iraq war was a crime whichever way you look at it. No excuses, no justification, no forgiveness.

The American, Brits, French, Saudi, Israelis, Russians, Chinks, all of them need to get the fuck out of sovereign territories. I thought that was what the fucked up UN was supposed to achieve, but we've seen just as much suffering since that shop for whores was set up.

If only we could do something. Something humanitarian.

Like refusing to endorse the cunts who do this shit.

But, you know, you're apathetic if you don't rubber stamp evil.

28-02-2018, 06:21 PM
Just booked tickets to see The Muppets* at the O2 in July.

*Add your own Wenger/Arsenal related joke here

28-02-2018, 06:53 PM
So Saddam is a cunt. So let's take him out and plunge Iraq into desolation. How does that serve the people, beyond Saddam not being around to compound their now excruciating daily misery? You really think they took Saddam out because he menaced and abused his own people?

So yes, same as Syria. The Syrians are far, far better off under Assad than they would be under an American boot. Not a great place to be either way, but in once scenario they might live to fight another day, in the other they are dead, dying or destitute with no hope whatsoever.

No, the Iraq war was a crime whichever way you look at it. No excuses, no justification, no forgiveness.

The American, Brits, French, Saudi, Israelis, Russians, Chinks, all of them need to get the fuck out of sovereign territories. I thought that was what the fucked up UN was supposed to achieve, but we've seen just as much suffering since that shop for whores was set up.

If only we could do something. Something humanitarian.

Like refusing to endorse the cunts who do this shit.

But, you know, you're apathetic if you don't rubber stamp evil.

Ok I think we can end the discussion there. You think it’s permissable to leave brutal dictators in power who perpetuate constant terror and brutality on their people I don’t.

Read Republic of Fear would be my suggestion. Frankly even if something is as botched as badly as Iraq was, being killed by an American bomb would be a form of deliverance after living under Saddam

There are worse things than dying, that’s what I learnt from reading that

Also genocide? Oh well let it happen if anyone tries to stop it, it will make it far worse

Rwanda, Srebrenica and now Aleppo can be added to that list

As for the UN, it’s their refusal to stop this shit that means the Americans end up botching it

28-02-2018, 07:07 PM
John Major :bow:

28-02-2018, 07:25 PM
John Major :bow:

Telling it like it is.

28-02-2018, 07:56 PM

The world's gone mad :lol:

28-02-2018, 08:12 PM

The world's gone mad :lol:

First they banned Conkers, now Snowball fights. Are Marbles still allowed?. That is potentially lethal. Girls should also be banned from playing Hopscotch. Totally unsafe.

28-02-2018, 08:16 PM

The world's gone mad :lol:


Jesus, I mean snowball fights there are the least of your concerns

Teen pregnancy and Knife fights? More likely

28-02-2018, 08:38 PM

28-02-2018, 10:23 PM
Ok I think we can end the discussion there. You think it’s permissable to leave brutal dictators in power who perpetuate constant terror and brutality on their people I don’t.

Read Republic of Fear would be my suggestion. Frankly even if something is as botched as badly as Iraq was, being killed by an American bomb would be a form of deliverance after living under Saddam

There are worse things than dying, that’s what I learnt from reading that

Also genocide? Oh well let it happen if anyone tries to stop it, it will make it far worse

Rwanda, Srebrenica and now Aleppo can be added to that list

As for the UN, it’s their refusal to stop this shit that means the Americans end up botching it

"Botching it". Seriously? All a mistake then? I'm so relieved. You're right, we can't talk if you can't even accept these things are done by design.

28-02-2018, 10:29 PM
First they banned Conkers, now Snowball fights. Are Marbles still allowed?. That is potentially lethal. Girls should also be banned from playing Hopscotch. Totally unsafe.

But at least they are teaching them that trannies are normal, which is the main thing.

01-03-2018, 07:25 AM
Are we done with the hysteria from Siberia? OK, I know some people had it bad.

01-03-2018, 07:28 AM
But at least they are teaching them that trannies are normal, which is the main thing.

I do find it odd the way schools are normalising these issues. Not that they don't exist, but I think young minds are impressionable and they don't need to be worried about such things. Maybe adults just being aware of it so they can help youngsters who are struggling is the way to go. It doesn't stop the bullying that could ensue, I suppose the powers that be think that if children grow up aware of it, they will accept it.

01-03-2018, 08:12 AM
I do find it odd the way schools are normalising these issues. Not that they don't exist, but I think young minds are impressionable and they don't need to be worried about such things. Maybe adults just being aware of it so they can help youngsters who are struggling is the way to go. It doesn't stop the bullying that could ensue, I suppose the powers that be think that if children grow up aware of it, they will accept it.

1 in 17,000 suffer from gender dysphoria apparently

In an average secondary school there are about 1,000 pupils

And as for primary schools, you are just confusing kids

01-03-2018, 08:19 AM
1 in 17,000 suffer from gender dysphoria apparently

In an average secondary school there are about 1,000 pupils

And as for primary schools, you are just confusing kids

I was thinking about Primary schools when I made the post.

01-03-2018, 08:36 AM
I was thinking about Primary schools when I made the post.

Pervert :sulk:

Working at home today. Trains are all over the shop and more snow is forecast so...

SNOW DAY!!Working at home.

Marc Overmars
01-03-2018, 08:45 AM
Again my train was fine, if a little delayed.

Work shy people. :sulk:

01-03-2018, 08:45 AM
Pervert :sulk:

Working at home today. Trains are all over the shop and more snow is forecast so...

SNOW DAY!!Working at home.
Hmm, and I thought I'd entered a grown up discussion!!

01-03-2018, 09:07 AM
Hmm, and I thought I'd entered a grown up discussion!!

Are you new here? :unsure:

01-03-2018, 09:10 AM
Are you new here? :unsure:

Does that make a difference to having a grown up discussion?

01-03-2018, 09:10 AM
Hmm, and I thought I'd entered a grown up discussion!!

Don’t be absurd

01-03-2018, 09:14 AM
Don’t be absurd


01-03-2018, 09:59 AM
Does that make a difference to having a grown up discussion?

No, but unless you are you shouldn't be surprised that grown up discussions are few and far between on here.

01-03-2018, 10:12 AM
Snow was fun for 1 day. Can it go away now?

01-03-2018, 10:18 AM
No, but unless you are you shouldn't be surprised that grown up discussions are few and far between on here.

Join date August 2016 and somebody has to keep you people in check.:shrug::d

01-03-2018, 10:23 AM
Because this isn’t a political debating forum, despite my debates with NQ

It’s totally dependent on my mood and largely a 50/50 split whether I say something seriously or not

For example I say insulting things about certain ethnicities and gay people because it’s the one of the few places where people don’t get uptight about such remarks. I personally don’t give a shit if someone is black or gay or both.
If they make their blackness or their gayness their key defining characteristic there is a good chance they are a dick head, but if it’s just something they happen to be....ok good for you.

A persuasive point.

01-03-2018, 10:48 AM
Because this isn’t a political debating forum, despite my debates with NQ

It’s totally dependent on my mood and largely a 50/50 split whether I say something seriously or not
I don't care. I'd like a bit more sensible debate in the Arsenal section (not that there is much to actually debate these days)
On this bit though, I don't really care.

01-03-2018, 10:56 AM
I don't care. I'd like a bit more sensible debate in the Arsenal section (not that there is much to actually debate these days)
On this bit though, I don't really care.

Sensible debate?

What's to be said once we've all done Wenger Out?

That's the only sensible thing going on at Arsenal right now, the fans demanding Wenger GTFO.

And nothing else sensible can happen until that happens.

That's the whole problem, there's nothing left to say about the club or the ridiculous time loop it is stuck in. All been said to death.

You can't have sensible and Wenger, they are mutually exclusive.

01-03-2018, 10:59 AM
And besides, there have been plenty of decent debates.

But it's like debating whether it's a good idea to dive in front of a car on the M1 motorway. Most agree no, very bad idea. Many suggest ways to avoid diving in front of said car, usually sensible.

But that doesn't stop Wenger diving in front of cars on the M1 motorway.

And before you start, it's a metaphor. He doesn't actually dive in front of cars on the M1 motorway.

It's the M25.

01-03-2018, 11:02 AM
And besides, there have been plenty of decent debates.

But it's like debating whether it's a good idea to dive in front of a car on the M1 motorway. Most agree no, very bad idea. Many suggest ways to avoid diving in front of said car, usually sensible.

But that doesn't stop Wenger diving in front of cars on the M1 motorway.

And before you start, it's a metaphor. He doesn't actually dive in front of cars on the M1 motorway.

It's the M25.

Video clip or it didn’t happen

01-03-2018, 11:04 AM
Video clip or it didn’t happen

He may not have technically dived. I might have swerved and accidentally hit him. Would have taken video, but illegal to use phone while running people down.

01-03-2018, 11:38 AM
He may not have technically dived. I might have swerved and accidentally hit him. Would have taken video, but illegal to use phone while running people down.

No Dash cam?

01-03-2018, 01:18 PM
Dele Alli will dive anywhere.

01-03-2018, 01:33 PM
No Dash cam?

Lost it.

01-03-2018, 08:49 PM
Driving in snow is fucking awesome, until you get stuck behind somebody who is fucking useless at driving (which is most people today).

Seriously though, up and down country roads was mega fun today.

01-03-2018, 09:56 PM
I'm too scared to drive with all this nonsense going on.
Housebound Letters :rose:

Yes yes, Swift :lol:

Marc Overmars
01-03-2018, 11:07 PM
The roads have been drivable where I am, it was much worse when we had that snowfall before Christmas. I couldn’t get the car out of the drive then.

02-03-2018, 08:33 AM
Looks a bit better today but more snow forecast for later.

Also, we have now declared war on the storm



U-S-A! U-S-A!

02-03-2018, 11:14 AM
I blame Boris Johnson.

02-03-2018, 02:18 PM
I blame Boris Johnson.

I blame Boris Johnson's dad. Should have used a condom.

02-03-2018, 03:10 PM
I blame Boris Johnson's dad. Should have used a condom.

We’ve all made that mistake

That’s what stairs are for

02-03-2018, 04:01 PM
Join date August 2016 and somebody has to keep you people in check.:shrug::d

This website is like Wenger. Stale after all this time and looking the same week in week out. Same few people making the same whining noises and shouting down anyone who does not agree.

02-03-2018, 04:04 PM
Leaving work early :bow:

02-03-2018, 04:17 PM
This website is like Wenger. Stale after all this time and looking the same week in week out. Same few people making the same whining noises and shouting down anyone who does not agree.


02-03-2018, 04:20 PM
Why do you look at me? :sulk:

02-03-2018, 10:20 PM
Poo man is in risk to his health now, been told he needs surgical intervention

Is there some significance to the fate of this anti-scatologist? The reason we care whether he lives, dies or takes a crap is...

Xhaka Can’t
02-03-2018, 10:24 PM
This website is like Wenger. Stale after all this time and looking the same week in week out. Same few people making the same whining noises and shouting down anyone who does not agree.

Thank you for your interest in our affairs. :coffee:

02-03-2018, 10:35 PM
Poo man is in risk to his health now, been told he needs surgical intervention

In what sense? Surgically remove the poo? :lol:

02-03-2018, 10:37 PM
In what sense? Surgically remove the poo? :lol:

Yes. It takes hours. They literally insert a thingy up the thingy and chip away bit by bit. I know because I go down on Fridays to observe. Only as a hobbyist - I'm not an expert.

02-03-2018, 11:07 PM
Yes. It takes hours. They literally insert a thingy up the thingy and chip away bit by bit. I know because I go down on Fridays to observe. Only as a hobbyist - I'm not an expert.

You sound like you're experienced:coffee:

03-03-2018, 08:47 AM
Yes. It takes hours. They literally insert a thingy up the thingy and chip away bit by bit. I know because I go down on Fridays to observe. Only as a hobbyist - I'm not an expert.

So you don't just talk shit?


04-03-2018, 12:59 PM
Roger Bannister has died. As an athlete, I always admired him for is first sub-for minute mile.

04-03-2018, 09:55 PM
Water pressure is really low. Anyone else in London the same? :unsure:

Xhaka Can’t
05-03-2018, 07:51 AM

Homes across the UK are facing water supply problems - with thousands of people in Wales and south-east England urged to use as little as possible.
Water companies say a weather thaw has resulted in low pressure issues, and a number of burst water mains and leaks.
About 5,000 homes are without water in Kent, thousands of properties are affected in Wales, while about 12,000 homes in London lost water overnight.

05-03-2018, 10:29 AM
He’s actually pissing me off. My dad spent most of last year recovering from bowel surgery through no fault of his own and my mum who died two and a half years ago was refusing medical treatment in the same way this horrible cunt is.

05-03-2018, 10:35 AM
He’s actually pissing me off. My dad spent most of last year recovering from bowel surgery through no fault of his own and my mum who died two and a half years ago was refusing medical treatment in the same way this horrible cunt is.

You're shitting me! That's crappy.

05-03-2018, 10:37 AM
This is where human rights, although not in itself a bad thing, becomes a bit silly. There has to be some common sense in all this, this bloke is wasting a ludicrous amount of resources
Back in the day I imagine he'd have long since been "dealt with"

05-03-2018, 10:42 AM
This is where human rights, although not in itself a bad thing, becomes a bit silly. There has to be some common sense in all this, this bloke is wasting a ludicrous amount of resources
Back in the day I imagine he'd have long since been "dealt with"

This is where human rights become silly.

Silly old human rights.

05-03-2018, 10:48 AM
The irony is in respecting his rights we are condemning him to a tortuous slow painful death

Now on the surface I have no particular issue with this, but it’s causing us no end of inconvenience

Then remove the inconvenience. But you can't remove the rights. Respecting or not respecting human rights is irrelevant, the rights remain anyway. All you can do is suppress rights. You can't award them, remove them. This is the second biggest evil of government, after the tribute placed on labour. Some fools who simply don't understand what human rights are believe they can legislate them. That's how dumb some of our politicians are. Literally that stupid and ignorant.

05-03-2018, 11:03 AM
The irony is in respecting his rights we are condemning him to a tortuous slow painful death

Now on the surface I have no particular issue with this, but it’s causing us no end of inconvenience

Need a much looser definition of lacking capacity, at the moment he knows what he’s doing and what the ramifications are. Short of him telling us he has Marcus Garvey living in his head telling him not to shit because he will go to Nigger Hell, we can’t say he lacks capacity

What do you think will happen to him?

05-03-2018, 11:05 AM
Well regardless of what you think of the current system. Yes rights exist whether or not they are enshrined in law, but in any society unless they are enshrined in law there is no penalty for interdicting on them.

We established in our argument last week that get rid of the evil of government and you would still have to have some kind of central planning. Unless you believe that free of government people would stop killing each other, stop stealing from each other etc

05-03-2018, 11:06 AM
What do you think will happen to him?

He's going to explode.

Poo is going to go everywhere.

05-03-2018, 11:06 AM
What do you think will happen to him?

He’s going to die, how long it will take I don’t know

05-03-2018, 11:09 AM
He's going to explode.

Poo is going to go everywhere.


05-03-2018, 11:13 AM
Well regardless of what you think of the current system. Yes rights exist whether or not they are enshrined in law, but in any society unless they are enshrined in law there is no penalty for interdicting on them.

We established in our argument last week that get rid of the evil of government and you would still have to have some kind of central planning. Unless you believe that free of government people would stop killing each other, stop stealing from each other etc

Better to let government kill and steal then? Because that's what it does, doesn't it? Look at the record. And you don't need government to prevent rights being trampled. Indeed it's almost always government doing the trampling. You need the ability to defend your own rights and this can be achieved through social cooperation or by the individual, a mix of both would be most effective.

Doubt I said, "planned".

05-03-2018, 11:22 AM
Better to let government kill and steal then? Because that's what it does, doesn't it? Look at the record. And you don't need government to prevent rights being trampled. Indeed it's almost always government doing the trampling. You need the ability to defend your own rights and this can be achieved through social cooperation or by the individual, a mix of both would be most effective.

Doubt I said, "planned".

Do you actually believe what you right? You don't want government? Have you learnt nothing from what's happening in places like Somalia and Syria?

05-03-2018, 11:29 AM
This website is like Wenger. Stale after all this time and looking the same week in week out.
Same few people making the same whining noises and shouting down anyone who does not agree.

TBF an Arsenal website can't do much in this respect faced with the Arsenal groundhog day...

05-03-2018, 11:30 AM
Do you actually believe what you right? You don't want government? Have you learnt nothing from what's happening in places like Somalia and Syria?

I don't believe what many have been drip-fed into believing, that authoritarianism is the only option for a civilised society. Especially when it has never yet delivered a civilised society. Governments cause wars, foreign and domestic. The turmoil you speak of is planned, not accidental.

05-03-2018, 11:37 AM
I don't believe what many have been drip-fed into believing, that authoritarianism is the only option for a civilised society. Especially when it has never yet delivered a civilised society. Governments cause wars, foreign and domestic. The turmoil you speak of is planned, not accidental.

So what is your solution?

05-03-2018, 11:51 AM

So this is a thing, apparently :rolleyes:

05-03-2018, 11:56 AM
So what is your solution?

Ultimately? Libertarianism. But, during the recovery period following authoritarianism, traditional corporations (with a shelf life predetermined by law), localised and non-political cooperative efforts and genuine free trade. Nothing would change on a practical level, except maybe in the very short term as existing monopolies collapsed and were replaced. The cost of everything would be reduced by at least 50%, wages would rise by at least 50% and monopolies would be starved to death.

But who could we get to organise this?

You! And the bloke next door. That's the whole point of a non-authoritarian society. You have to take responsibility yourself. And if you won't then expect nothing in return. And if you think the weak would suffer as a result (as if they don't suffer right now) then ask yourself why that would be the case? Because you'd be one of the people in charge and therefore responsible for that situation.

Personal responsibility would allow you to determine once and for all, are you a good man or a bad man. Better than leaving it in the hands of cunts who are beyond redemption. That's what we do now, claim we are good men and then wash our hands as these cunts that supposedly represent us go on a rampage of murder, looting and general mayhem.

The evidence is in. Government is a blight on humanity. The facts can't be argued against they can only be denied.

05-03-2018, 11:59 AM
Ultimately? Libertarianism. But, during the recovery period following authoritarianism, traditional corporations (with a shelf life predetermined by law), localised and non-political cooperative efforts and genuine free trade. Nothing would change on a practical level, except maybe in the very short term as existing monopolies collapsed and were replaced. The cost of everything would be reduced by at least 50%, wages would rise by at least 50% and monopolies would be starved to death.

But who could we get to organise this?

You! And the bloke next door. That's the whole point of a non-authoritarian society. You have to take responsibility yourself. And if you won't then expect nothing in return. And if you think the weak would suffer as a result (as if they don't suffer right now) then ask yourself why that would be the case? Because you'd be one of the people in charge and therefore responsible for that situation.

Personal responsibility would allow you to determine once and for all, are you a good man or a bad man. Better than leaving it in the hands of cunts who are beyond redemption. That's what we do now, claim we are good men and then wash our hands as these cunts that supposedly represent us go on a rampage of murder, looting and general mayhem.

The evidence is in. Government is a blight on humanity. The facts can't be argued against they can only be denied.

That is so unrealistic. What would happen is civil war and splinter groups trying to take control, like Somalia and Syria. It would be utter chaos.

05-03-2018, 11:59 AM

So this is a thing, apparently :rolleyes:

Leftists hate a meritocracy. It's their next worst fear behind from genuine equality. It's all identity for them, black, white, male, female, gay, straight. Without these divisions that they cultivate so tirelessly they'd have nothing to say.

05-03-2018, 12:00 PM
That is so unrealistic. What would happen is civil war and splinter groups trying to take control, like Somalia and Syria.

Sorry, are you saying there was no government in Somalia or Syria?

Where do you think these "splinter groups" came from? Who's funding them?

05-03-2018, 12:05 PM
Where do you think these "splinter groups" came from? Who's funding them?

Well I've had my suspicions. But I think it's Usmanov.

05-03-2018, 12:16 PM
Well I've had my suspicions. But I think it's Usmanov.

No, he's poured all his resources into destroying Everton.

05-03-2018, 12:30 PM
Leftists hate a meritocracy. It's their next worst fear behind from genuine equality. It's all identity for them, black, white, male, female, gay, straight. Without these divisions that they cultivate so tirelessly they'd have nothing to say.

Liberals and leftists used to want meritocracy

In terms of civil rights era politics they had a point. But the analogy I used the other day was it’s like arriving late to the Berlin Wall being taken down and setting fire to a nearby car because all the fun has already been had

The irony is they use the word inclusion, but actually inclusion means focusing on peoples similarities rather than their differences. This isn’t helping anyone, if you are black or gay why on earth would you want that to define you unless there is literally nothing remarkable about you apart from irrelevant differences set against a society which is majority white and majority heterosexual.
The left lost their way decades ago and now the word liberal is being perverted to mean authoritarian progressivism.

I consider myself liberal because I don’t want someone to lose their jobs or be publically pilloried for having an opinion I might not agree with. I consider myself liberal because I think calling people bigots or Nazis is just a convenient way of closing down debate.

I don’t get upset at insults and abuse I find it amusing.

I once got a death threat from a Muslim and I was super excited.

05-03-2018, 12:41 PM
Liberals and leftists used to want meritocracy

In terms of civil rights era politics they had a point. But the analogy I used the other day was it’s like arriving late to the Berlin Wall being taken down and setting fire to a nearby car because all the fun has already been had

The irony is they use the word inclusion, but actually inclusion means focusing on peoples similarities rather than their differences. This isn’t helping anyone, if you are black or gay why on earth would you want that to define you unless there is literally nothing remarkable about you apart from irrelevant differences set against a society which is majority white and majority heterosexual.
The left lost their way decades ago and now the word liberal is being perverted to mean authoritarian progressivism.

I consider myself liberal because I don’t want someone to lose their jobs or be publically pilloried for having an opinion I might not agree with. I consider myself liberal because I think calling people bigots or Nazis is just a convenient way of closing down debate.

I don’t get upset at insults and abuse I find it amusing.

I once got a death threat from a Muslim and I was super excited.

Big deal. Everyone gets those.

But you're right. It's time the left took back the words these... whatever they are... have hijacked. Who is going to stand up on the left and proclaim the left is NOT about centralisation, it's NOT about identity politics, it's NOT anti-libertarian? The recent crop of "leftist" heroes in this nation have been big business, big banking, big government, anti-labour and anti-diversity. And they have traded off their traditional base and the divisions the right used to monopolise in order to drag a half asleep collective into this... we don't actually have the words to describe whatever shit this is or is supposed to be. Monster Raving Looney is about the closest I can think of, but even that's not suitable because of the lack of humour.

Are you certain Nazi is not acceptable to describe the modern left? It looks a lot like that to me.

05-03-2018, 12:54 PM
Don’t piss on my bonfire you cunt

That death threat was super special to me

05-03-2018, 02:27 PM
I've just had brussels sprouts and I'm farting. Is that acceptable?

05-03-2018, 02:32 PM
[QUOTE=Vieira;4442373]I've just had brussels sprouts and I'm farting. Is that acceptable?[/QUOTEd

Depends if you like the people you work with or not

05-03-2018, 03:05 PM
Having brussel sprouts is never acceptable.

05-03-2018, 03:09 PM
Umm, I think you you mean Sovereignty Sprouts?

05-03-2018, 03:46 PM
We've got our horrible vegetables back :bow:

05-03-2018, 03:47 PM
Post-Brexit Britain is going to be like that Monty Python sketch, just instead of spam, it's sprouts.

05-03-2018, 03:51 PM
Brexit :haha:

Xhaka Can’t
05-03-2018, 04:47 PM
I like sprouts

Marc Overmars
05-03-2018, 04:48 PM
Yes, mixed with some butter and seasoned with salt and pepper they are lovely.

05-03-2018, 05:11 PM


05-03-2018, 05:14 PM


"I phoned Camelot and they fobbed me off with some story that -6 is higher - not lower - than -8 but I'm not having it."



This is like the time I had some idiot on FB arguing with me that pi = 22/7. You can't argue about this stuff, you moran.

05-03-2018, 05:19 PM


I might team up with some hardy travellers and try to establish an armed compound somewhere. Before the public rips me to shreds and devours my intestines. I assume that's where this is heading.

05-03-2018, 05:21 PM
"Big thaw leaves thousands without water in parts of UK" - The BBC.

Shouldn't a thaw mean they have loads of water? :unsure:

05-03-2018, 05:27 PM
"I phoned Camelot and they fobbed me off with some story that -6 is higher - not lower - than -8 but I'm not having it."



This is like the time I had some idiot on FB arguing with me that pi = 22/7. You can't argue about this stuff, you moran.

It's the bit at the bottom where the maths bloke quoted is basically calling people retards that cracks me up :lol:

Marc Overmars
05-03-2018, 05:54 PM
Next Arsenal manager?


05-03-2018, 06:23 PM
I might team up with some hardy travellers and try to establish an armed compound somewhere. Before the public rips me to shreds and devours my intestines. I assume that's where this is heading.

If you’d only asked. I’d have advised you to do that long ago

The compound has to have a fighting ring marked out with four empty gas canisters that make a hollow chime when kicked

05-03-2018, 07:05 PM
Next Arsenal manager?


Is that Theo?

05-03-2018, 07:24 PM
Next Arsenal manager?


Koscielny wouldn't last 2 minutes there :lol:

05-03-2018, 07:54 PM
Bradley Wiggins :doh:

05-03-2018, 08:32 PM
Congratulations to Italy. Welcome to the club.

Spain - may we have your votes please?

05-03-2018, 09:41 PM

I'm sure N_Q will be the first to congratulate the happy couple.

05-03-2018, 09:50 PM
They should be locked up for premeditated child abuse. If they want to pump each others shithole that's one thing, and (provided they don't do it anywhere near me or try to serve me food or do anything else that requires hygiene) that's their business. But inflicting it on a child. It really is quite amazing how social services will persecute law abiding people in secret courts but ignore overt child abuse that happens under their noses.

05-03-2018, 10:00 PM
Fucking faggots.

05-03-2018, 10:01 PM
It's interesting.
I don't have much time for The Daily Mail but Richard Littlejohn wrote a piece about this questioning why this was being considered as "normal" and this sort of nonsense was the reaction:



"Center Parcs says it was 'completely unacceptable' its ads appeared next to piece which told readers not to 'pretend two dads is the new normal'"



It's funny how the most intolerant people now seem to be those who rail against intolerance while refusing to accept any other view than their own. Only one opinion is allowed now. Even questioning it is no longer allowed.

05-03-2018, 10:02 PM

05-03-2018, 10:05 PM
"downloading his sperms in my butt"


05-03-2018, 10:24 PM
You have to love countries with institutionalised hatred of queers :haha:

05-03-2018, 10:25 PM
It's interesting.
I don't have much time for The Daily Mail but Richard Littlejohn wrote a piece about this questioning why this was being considered as "normal" and this sort of nonsense was the reaction:





It's funny how the most intolerant people now seem to be those who rail against intolerance while refusing to accept any other view than their own. Only one opinion is allowed now. Even questioning it is no longer allowed.

This is a new tactic that has been going on for months (years probably). But it is becoming a huge issue, especially online. YouTube has hired the Southern Poverty Law Group to root out all dissent to the lefty mania and shut it down. They don't even make a pretence any more. The left has been intolerant of anything bar their own agenda for ages now. They're even intolerant of their own kind when their own kind shows any tolerance. Division and intolerance is what they thrive on.

Their attacks aren't only directed against those who disagree with them, but also against those who don't FULLY agree with them, in every respect. So you see the New Statesman claiming the right wants to deny a couple of fags their moment of happiness, when that's not what people are concerned about or focused on at all. Pretty much everyone now says, fags, okay, let them get on with it. We put up with them on TV, in the films, flouncing around the workplace and nobody says boo to them. The environment has changed beyond recognition but that's not enough for them. Now they want kids, the very thing they deliberately deny themselves biologically when they opt to fuck each others arseholes instead of procreate naturally with a female. And they, nor the fucked up New Statesman, couldn't give a shit about that kid. The kid is just the political statement. It's extreme child abuse but overridden and apologised for because the gay agenda is so powerful now - the very opposite of discrimination.

What people will realise (too late) is the gays were the gateway to the trannies and the trannies will be the gateway to the pedos. That's the ultimate aim of all this. To legitimise pedophilia. And then all those "leaders" won't be guilty of anything, will they? They'll be "normal" like the rest of us. This is why they are trying to kill of the Christians and the ONLY pedos they want to talk about are in the church. Convenient. No?

05-03-2018, 10:29 PM
So when homosexuality was legalised in this country in 1967 the secret clandestine puppet masters said to each other “this is the paving stone on the road to making fucking children acceptable. We may never live to see this day but it will come”

Marc Overmars
05-03-2018, 10:33 PM
You have to love countries with institutionalised hatred of queers :haha:

Awful abominations.

My wife is a bit of a queer sympathiser and always tells me I’m going to be cursed with a gay kid such is my intolerance of them. I’d be devastated tbh.

05-03-2018, 10:34 PM
So when homosexuality was legalised in this country in 1967 the secret clandestine puppet masters said to each other “this is the paving stone on the road to making fucking children acceptable. We may never live to see this day but it will come”

Nope. Never said that, as well you know.

But, like all political movements, it has been hijacked and taken to the extreme.

05-03-2018, 10:36 PM
Awful abominations.

My wife is a bit of a queer sympathiser and always tells me I’m going to be cursed with a gay kid such is my intolerance of them. I’d be devastated tbh.

Joking aside. I genuinely don’t care

I’m not interested what you and your wife get up to, so similarly why should I care what a man gets up to with another man

If you genuinely think it’s wrong, I don’t care either it’s your view and your entitled to it. Can’t pretend to understand the interest people have in who other people fuck and in what position but it’s also none of my business.

05-03-2018, 10:36 PM
So when homosexuality was legalised in this country in 1967 the secret clandestine puppet masters said to each other “this is the paving stone on the road to making fucking children acceptable. We may never live to see this day but it will come”

Btw, I think homosexuality is now politically incorrect. I believe the correct term is now men who prefer men. Although, personally, I find the term "men" to be sexist.

05-03-2018, 10:39 PM
Nope. Never said that, as well you know.

But, like all political movements, it has been hijacked and taken to the extreme.

No the problem is it’s treated as a political movement by those in favour of it and those against it

If I see Two guys kissing on tv I don’t think it’s political correctness gone mad but neither do I think it’s a great progressive step forward, I just think “if this doesn’t stop soon I’m going to change the channel”

05-03-2018, 10:42 PM
Joking aside. I genuinely don’t care

I’m not interested what you and your wife get up to, so similarly why should I care what a man gets up to with another man

If you genuinely think it’s wrong, I don’t care either it’s your view and your entitled to it. Can’t pretend to understand the interest people have in who other people fuck and in what position but it’s also none of my business.

But WHO is actually saying they give a fuck about what fags get up to as adults in their own private space?

Literally nobody cares. Maybe 0.0000001% of the population has a problem with it, to the extent they'd actually do something about it. It's probably on the same scale as the percentage of nutters who'd track down and murder somebody for leaving the toilet seat up, or stirring tea in an anti-clockwise direction.

Where's the huge discrimination against buggery? Nowhere. It's eradicated. There are tons of laws to stop people discriminating against it in any way.

So now the next step is to force approval. That's what's really going on here. Do you APPROVE of gays? Do you ENDORSE their behaviour. Do you think their behaviour is EQUAL to your behaviour? If the answer is yes, yes, yes then all is well. If not then you have suddenly become less equal than everyone else.

And now the child abuse angle. The New Statesman demands we approve of that too. Or at least shut up and say nothing, have no opinion.

05-03-2018, 10:46 PM
No the problem is it’s treated as a political movement by those in favour of it and those against it

If I see Two guys kissing on tv I don’t think it’s political correctness gone mad but neither do I think it’s a great progressive step forward, I just think “if this doesn’t stop soon I’m going to change the channel”

What about if your favourite character from your favourite program suddenly turns queer and starts chasing fags around the place? You can turn it off, fair enough. But now you don't have your favourite program any more. You lose out. Is it okay if we get to the point where queers are obligatory in every TV show? And that's not at all a crazy supposition. Look at what those Hollywood loons were up to - with their diversity quotas. The quality of film is going to decline, isn't it? Because actors are going to be increasingly chosen based on colour, sex or some other irrelevancy rather than their ability. And this goes well beyond Hollywood.

World's being fucked up. Eventually you won't be able to turn it off.

05-03-2018, 10:49 PM
But WHO is actually saying they give a fuck about what fags get up to as adults in their own private space?

Literally nobody cares. Maybe 0.0000001% of the population has a problem with it, to the extent they'd actually do something about it. It's probably on the same scale as the percentage of nutters who'd track down and murder somebody for leaving the toilet seat up, or stirring tea in an anti-clockwise direction.

Where's the huge discrimination against buggery? Nowhere. It's eradicated. There are tons of laws to stop people discriminating against it in any way.

So now the next step is to force approval. That's what's really going on here. Do you APPROVE of gays? Do you ENDORSE their behaviour. Do you think their behaviour is EQUAL to your behaviour? If the answer is yes, yes, yes then all is well. If not then you have suddenly become less equal than everyone else.

And now the child abuse angle. The New Statesman demands we approve of that too. Or at least shut up and say nothing, have no opinion.

But who gives a fuck. You’re going to say what you like about it and the worst that will happen is that people whose opinions you don’t care about think you’re a bigot.

It makes zero impact on your life

As for gays being accepted, in this part of the world definitely but that Ugandan newspaper clip as hilarious as it was wasn’t a parody piece.

That country within the last five years tried to introduce a death penalty law for gays

For me that’s what the left don’t get or don’t want to get. If you really care about women’s rights and queer rights maybe start campaigning for them in these shit holes

05-03-2018, 10:52 PM
What about if your favourite character from your favourite program suddenly turns queer and starts chasing fags around the place? You can turn it off, fair enough. But now you don't have your favourite program any more. You lose out. Is it okay if we get to the point where queers are obligatory in every TV show? And that's not at all a crazy supposition. Look at what those Hollywood loons were up to - with their diversity quotas. The quality of film is going to decline, isn't it? Because actors are going to be increasingly chosen based on colour, sex or some other irrelevancy rather than their ability. And this goes well beyond Hollywood.

World's being fucked up. Eventually you won't be able to turn it off.

I genuinely wouldn’t give a shit. You can watch a character on tv and find them amusing or interesting but unless you’re a kid you don’t want to start Emulating them so literally don’t get what difference it makes.

I genuinely like the character of Frank Underwood in House of Cards, apart from skipping twenty seconds where he gets it on with another dude, I can genuinely say it hasn’t diminished my viewing experience.

The only thing that would bother me is if it’s being done overtly in a way to tick a diversity box, and there are examples of that clearly but it doesn’t really spoil the narrative or try to push a political agenda with it.

05-03-2018, 10:56 PM
But who gives a fuck. You’re going to say what you like about it and the worst that will happen is that people whose opinions you don’t care about think you’re a bigot.

It makes zero impact on your life

As for gays being accepted, in this part of the world definitely but that Ugandan newspaper clip as hilarious as it was wasn’t a parody piece.

That country within the last five years tried to introduce a death penalty law for gays

For me that’s what the left don’t get or don’t want to get. If you really care about women’s rights and queer rights maybe start campaigning for them in these shit holes

But how can they do that? Blacks are beyond criticism, eternally oppressed and entirely innocent of their own behaviour.

Laws follow on from acceptance. The point where I'll have to care about it is when it becomes illegal to hold an opinion that diverges from the officially approved one. And that time is very close, if not here already. For example, consider the holocaust (can I get arrested for not using a capital H there?) And even then, I could keep my mouth shut. Until the truth commissions arrived and demanded an interview. Then I would have to lie to survive. It has happened before and it'll happen again. These things are best nipped in the bud. There's no substitute for liberty.

05-03-2018, 11:01 PM
I genuinely wouldn’t give a shit. You can watch a character on tv and find them amusing or interesting but unless you’re a kid you don’t want to start Emulating them so literally don’t get what difference it makes.

I genuinely like the character of Frank Underwood in House of Cards, apart from skipping twenty seconds where he gets it on with another dude, I can genuinely say it hasn’t diminished my viewing experience.

The only thing that would bother me is if it’s being done overtly in a way to tick a diversity box, and there are examples of that clearly but it doesn’t really spoil the narrative or try to push a political agenda with it.

Yeah, but you've picked a show that (in real life as in fiction, as it turns out) is all about a depraved dirtbag. So of course it doesn't distract, it's part of the plot.

05-03-2018, 11:01 PM
But conversely the freedom to voice an opinion is also the freedom to say something is wrong and shouldn’t be allowed

Uganda is like most African countries staunchly homophobic but laws like the one I mentioned received outside sponsorship from American evangelicals

The same cunts who give money to the biggest fundamentalist nut cases in Israel

05-03-2018, 11:05 PM
Yeah, but you've picked a show that (in real life as in fiction, as it turns out) is all about a depraved dirtbag. So of course it doesn't distract, it's part of the plot.

He’s an anti hero rather than a villain or a hero

I prefer that type of character to all round heroic figures whether they go in via the tunnel or the funnel

As for Kevin Spacey correct he is a degenerate dirt bag

However I love this need people have to cleanse themselves of liking whatever he appeared in, I love house of cards and I like other films he’s been in. I don’t judge my liking of tv/film as to whether the actor is a cunt or not.

05-03-2018, 11:08 PM
But conversely the freedom to voice an opinion is also the freedom to say something is wrong and shouldn’t be allowed

Uganda is like most African countries staunchly homophobic but laws like the one I mentioned received outside sponsorship from American evangelicals

The same cunts who give money to the biggest fundamentalist nut cases in Israel

You can say something shouldn't be allowed if you want to. You can say anything at all. But you can only morally act on it in self defence or in the defence of somebody who can't defend themselves - like a child. So fags can bugger themselves to death, it's not really my business. But they can't abuse a child because that's morally wrong and it falls to us to protect children. And here's where the agenda comes into play. If enough people can be browbeaten into accepting it is moral to abuse children, then it actually becomes moral (to all intents and purposes) to abuse children. That's why people should speak out and say fine, go and fuck yourselves silly, but leave the kids alone.

05-03-2018, 11:10 PM
He’s an anti hero rather than a villain or a hero

I prefer that type of character to all round heroic figures whether they go in via the tunnel or the funnel

As for Kevin Spacey correct he is a degenerate dirt bag

However I love this need people have to cleanse themselves of liking whatever he appeared in, I love house of cards and I like other films he’s been in. I don’t judge my liking of tv/film as to whether the actor is a cunt or not.

I watched the first 3 seasons, I think, and the got bored and gave up. I think I commented to that effect on this forum. Had nothing to do about him being a degenerate. He's a Hollywood celeb. Hardly a surprise. The only real surprise about Hollywood celebs is where they find the nerve to criticise the rest of us.

05-03-2018, 11:12 PM
I watched the first 3 seasons, I think, and the got bored and gave up. I think I commented to that effect on this forum. Had nothing to do about him being a degenerate. He's a Hollywood celeb. Hardly a surprise. The only real surprise about Hollywood celebs is where they find the nerve to criticise the rest of us.

Lot of people got bored by it by that point. It’s no where near as good

It’s like prison break. Always do yourself a favour stop after series 1 and you’ve probably watched one of the best tv programs ever made.

05-03-2018, 11:15 PM
Apparently the new Bond film is gay. Moneypenny is a man.

05-03-2018, 11:20 PM
You can say something shouldn't be allowed if you want to. You can say anything at all. But you can only morally act on it in self defence or in the defence of somebody who can't defend themselves - like a child. So fags can bugger themselves to death, it's not really my business. But they can't abuse a child because that's morally wrong and it falls to us to protect children. And here's where the agenda comes into play. If enough people can be browbeaten into accepting it is moral to abuse children, then it actually becomes moral (to all intents and purposes) to abuse children. That's why people should speak out and say fine, go and fuck yourselves silly, but leave the kids alone.

I read what Littlejohn said and have to agree with Letters that even though he is a prick I actually agreed completely with what he said.
There is of course a fundamental difference between gays having kids and sexually or physically abusing a child...and I certainly don’t think these individuals are custom making a child to pray upon. And I don’t I’m sorry to say agree with you that one is in anyway a precursor to the other
However I think it’s quite a selfish thing to use a woman as a baby making factory only for her to then to have no involvement in that child’s life.
Like Littlejohn I think the choice between a child being in care or adopted by a gay couple is no choice
But if you can’t conceive children naturally between you and your partner I am dubious about third party involvement

I have no fear in saying that wherever. And if people think of me as a bigot, would have to go a long way to find something I care less about.

05-03-2018, 11:21 PM
Apparently the new Bond film is gay. Moneypenny is a man.

That would be the example of tokenism I mentioned

06-03-2018, 07:58 AM
But who gives a fuck. You’re going to say what you like about it and the worst that will happen is that people whose opinions you don’t care about think you’re a bigot.

It makes zero impact on your life

Not entirely true. This dude was suspended for calling a girl a girl


Then there were the bakers successfully sued for not making a cake endorsing gay marriage. NQ is right, it’s not enough that we have equality, you have to actively endorse these things. No other opinion is allowed and there are consequences if you don’t comply.

06-03-2018, 08:56 AM
Do you know why Ashers lost the court case.....not on discrimination grounds but false advertising

They advertised that they would make any custom cake and they didn’t make this one, so whilst I think it was an utter disgrace that it went to court in that respect they had no one to blame but themselves

And as for the other case? Click bait. I am prepared to fight for liberty and freedom of speech but what I won’t do is hide behind slippery slope arguments. Social justice warriors need to be given the rope to hang themselves and shown for the authoritarians they are, any attempt to interrupt freedom of speech by them should be exposed for what it is

The problem is striking a balance and not in fear handing authority to people just as unpleasant and authoritarian as they are

My conclusion is when you make Richard Littlejohn seem considered and reasonable, you genuinely have lost.

06-03-2018, 09:43 AM
Interesting about the bakers and I'll concede they made their own problems there if they didn't give any disclaimers.
Tell you one thing for free, if they'd refused to make a cake anti gay marriage then it wouldn't have got anywhere near court.
If anything they might have been sued if they HAD made an anti gay marriage cake for "hate speech", because that opinion is NOT ALLOWED.

I don't agree the other case is clickbait. The bloke didn't subscribe to the idea that just because a girl "identifies with" a different gender she (yes, she, gender is not subjective) should be addressed differently.
But that opinion is NOT ALLOWED and there was a consequence for him.

06-03-2018, 09:59 AM
Interesting about the bakers and I'll concede they made their own problems there if they didn't give any disclaimers.
Tell you one thing for free, if they'd refused to make a cake anti gay marriage then it wouldn't have got anywhere near court.
If anything they might have been sued if they HAD made an anti gay marriage cake for "hate speech", because that opinion is NOT ALLOWED.

I don't agree the other case is clickbait. The bloke didn't subscribe to the idea that just because a girl "identifies with" a different gender she (yes, she, gender is not subjective) should be addressed differently.
But that opinion is NOT ALLOWED and there was a consequence for him.

It is though it’s clearly all for publicity. If this guy was really Josef K would he really be going onto This Morning to defend his position.

He will either get reinstated, get a job elsewhere or become some kind of media commentator. The school suspending him is in line with its own policies.

And why would they have got sued for making the anti gay marriage cake? By whom?. More likely not to have made the cake in the first place

06-03-2018, 10:01 AM
Do you know why Ashers lost the court case.....not on discrimination grounds but false advertising

They advertised that they would make any custom cake and they didn’t make this one, so whilst I think it was an utter disgrace that it went to court in that respect they had no one to blame but themselves

And as for the other case? Click bait. I am prepared to fight for liberty and freedom of speech but what I won’t do is hide behind slippery slope arguments. Social justice warriors need to be given the rope to hang themselves and shown for the authoritarians they are, any attempt to interrupt freedom of speech by them should be exposed for what it is

The problem is striking a balance and not in fear handing authority to people just as unpleasant and authoritarian as they are

My conclusion is when you make Richard Littlejohn seem considered and reasonable, you genuinely have lost.

Legal trickery, as usual. Can't prove a case using law, then find a technicality. The reason it ended up in court in the first place wasn't altered. Show me the man and I'll find you a crime. Those bakers offered to give the dirty bastards all the ingredients so they could make their own cake. That's called compromise and should be taken into account by the law, but it isn't any more.

Everything is relative. The loons are now so intolerant that, relatively speaking, Littlejohn has become reasonable. He himself hasn't moved, it's the loons who have rushed past him on fire.

06-03-2018, 10:06 AM
Lamarr Chambers aka Poo man released from police custody on bail

Whether he can shit naturally or requires laparoscopic surgery who knows

Maybe he finally decided to empty his bowels although at this point for him to have done it under his own steam

I have no idea what this is about and I'm not going to find out. How has this person made such an impact on the news cycle? There's so much going on in the world. The media really is a joke now, working overtime to keep people diverted and uninformed.

06-03-2018, 10:33 AM
Lamarr Chambers Vs. Arsene Wenger.

Both due to serve up masses of shit.

06-03-2018, 11:36 AM
tbf this has hardly been a big news story. HCZ is my primary source of information.
It's not been anywhere near as big news as the woman who flung her turd out of the window then got stuck trying to retrieve it.

06-03-2018, 11:48 AM
Apart from the fact that no one would really spent any time talking about it without me mentioning it, may not have even read about it.
Why have I mentioned it? The guy has been part of my job for the last month.

So you're saying you're worse than the media?

06-03-2018, 11:52 AM
So you're saying you're worse than the media?

Did you ever doubt it?

06-03-2018, 11:57 AM
tbf this has hardly been a big news story. HCZ is my primary source of information.
It's not been anywhere near as big news as the woman who flung her turd out of the window then got stuck trying to retrieve it.


06-03-2018, 11:58 AM
Ah yes.

De one we dem de read well well

06-03-2018, 12:02 PM
Did you ever doubt it?

No, but I like to double source my facts.

06-03-2018, 01:06 PM
Lamarr Chambers aka Poo man released from police custody on bail

Whether he can shit naturally or requires laparoscopic surgery who knows

Maybe he finally decided to empty his bowels although at this point for him to have done it under his own steam

Serious?! What was the reason behind that decision? How can you charge him with no evidence?

06-03-2018, 01:11 PM
Serious?! What was the reason behind that decision? How can you charge him with no evidence?

Because that wasn’t the only thing he was charged with

06-03-2018, 01:14 PM
This really has become a thing, hasn't it?

06-03-2018, 01:22 PM
This really has become a thing, hasn't it?

A thing as it’s something that’s actually happening yes

A thing as it has any real relevance in the grand scheme of things No

But unless the brief of this thread is only things pertinent to the bigger picture I must admit I failed to read between the lines.

If you think it’s irrelevant you’d be right, if you think it uninteresting don’t contribute

06-03-2018, 01:40 PM
Because that wasn’t the only thing he was charged with

Evading a charge through shit abstinence :bow:

Lamarr :bow:

06-03-2018, 02:19 PM
The Simpsons :bow:


06-03-2018, 03:03 PM
The Simpsons :bow:


It’s a perfectly crumulent word

Master Splinter
06-03-2018, 06:15 PM
It’s a perfectly crumulent word

I think you'll find crumulent is not at all cromulent.

06-03-2018, 06:17 PM
I think you'll find crumulent is not at all cromulent.

Check the definition of cromulent and it fits perfectly

Yes even made up words have definitions

06-03-2018, 09:33 PM

06-03-2018, 09:54 PM
Who's he?

06-03-2018, 10:44 PM
Who's he?

It identifies at the 13th letter in that LGBTQQQ... thingy.

Hope that helps. The anti-Q formerly known as the oppressed Hermione Grainger.

06-03-2018, 10:44 PM
And it's a fucking muggle :doh:

06-03-2018, 11:48 PM
And it's a fucking muggle :doh:

You’re a fucking mug(gle)

07-03-2018, 10:08 AM
Who the f*ck keeps deleting my posts, moving them, changing thread titles?

07-03-2018, 10:27 AM
I deleted one post because it was literally nothing to do with the thread and I couldn't be arsed moving it to where it belonged.
I don't "keep" doing it.

07-03-2018, 10:30 AM
Oh. I see you simply reposted it. I've deleted it again. Please don't do that again or I'll just ban you from the thread.

Marc Overmars
07-03-2018, 10:32 AM
What was the post? :popcorn:

07-03-2018, 10:35 AM
He just commented that Liverpool qualified last night. But it was in the match thread for the AC Milan game so nothing to do with anything.

07-03-2018, 10:40 AM
Well it clearly did.

It was a European game and we are playing a European tie tonight. On a forum where activity has dwindled over the years and the post was trying to foster chat, I'm baffled as to why you'd delete the post.

Next time, move my post instead of deleting it, and when you do, write an edit to explain why. It's called common courtesy.

07-03-2018, 10:49 AM

And thank you for your interest in our affairs :tiphat:

07-03-2018, 10:58 AM

And thank you for your interest in our affairs :tiphat:

I’m starting to think you two don’t actually like each other very much

07-03-2018, 11:11 AM
I’m starting to think you two don’t actually like each other very much

It's like Scotland and England. He's Scotland.
He hates me, I'm fairly indifferent to him.

07-03-2018, 11:16 AM
Damn Scots!

They ruined Scotland!

07-03-2018, 11:18 AM
It's like Scotland and England. He's Scotland.
He hates me, I'm fairly indifferent to him.

So that's why you claim everyone is Scottish :doh:

07-03-2018, 11:38 AM
http://m.quickmeme.com/img/13/13de1431d9bd5411b631fb39065784ddca399d239f106834be 053ef0fc6089b3.jpg

07-03-2018, 02:00 PM


08-03-2018, 09:36 AM
International women's day :lol:

08-03-2018, 09:40 AM
International women's day :lol:

There’s no need to go around upsetting people

08-03-2018, 09:54 AM


I concur :blink:

08-03-2018, 10:07 AM
There’s no need to go around upsetting people

The women at work all gathered in the kitchen for a celebration :lol:

You couldn't make it up :lol:

Marc Overmars
08-03-2018, 10:08 AM
Women. :lol:

Thinking they have rights and all that.

08-03-2018, 10:10 AM
They'll be giving them the vote and letting them drive next. :rolleyes:
Where will this madness end? :sulk:

08-03-2018, 10:15 AM
The women at work all gathered in the kitchen for a celebration :lol:

You couldn't make it up :lol:

All single?

The type of mid thirties women who spend their evenings wearing Pyjamas with Disney character prints and gorging themselves on chocolate and prosecco. Who sign up to all this feminist nonsense and yet blame their being singletons on the “patriarchy” because men can’t stand career women?

And by career they mean admin monkey in some wanky 9-5, which they consider professional because every now and again they wear trousers and suit jacket and tie their hair in a bun.

And they are left celebrating Pyrrhic victories with a load of women that 90% of the time they irrationally hate for being slightly more attractive.

08-03-2018, 10:21 AM
All single?

The type of mid thirties women who spend their evenings wearing Pyjamas with Disney character prints and gorging themselves on chocolate and prosecco. Who sign up to all this feminist nonsense and yet blame their being singletons on the “patriarchy” because men can’t stand career women?

And by career they mean admin monkey in some wanky 9-5, which they consider professional because every now and again they wear trousers and suit jacket and tie their hair in a bun.

And they are left celebrating Pyrrhic victories with a load of women that 90% of the time they irrationally hate for being slightly more attractive.

:lol: spot on

08-03-2018, 10:24 AM
A feminist FB friend has posted a picture of her today proudly wearing a T-shirt with the slogan:


emblazoned on it. What the hell does that even mean?!

08-03-2018, 10:26 AM
A feminist FB friend has posted a picture of her today proudly wearing a T-shirt with the slogan:


emblazoned on it. What the hell does that even mean?!

It means the human race is coming to an end

And it feels like a just outcome

08-03-2018, 10:30 AM
Her "husband", who I'll concede I've not met, but just from their interaction on FB, is the most simpering cuckolded "yes, dear", pathetic excuse for a man you could ever hope to avoid.
I guess you'd have to be to be married to that.

08-03-2018, 10:34 AM
Her "husband", who I'll concede I've not met, but just from their interaction on FB, is the most simpering cuckolded "yes, dear", pathetic excuse for a man you could ever hope to avoid.
I guess you'd have to be to be married to that.

I have no sympathy for him. He has chosen to emasculate himself.

08-03-2018, 10:44 AM
I concur. They're the sort of couple who will probably bring up a child "gender neutral" and let said child "decide" when they're old enough.

08-03-2018, 10:47 AM
I concur. They're the sort of couple who will probably bring up a child "gender neutral" and let said child "decide" when they're old enough.

Thats where you come up with the alternative to abortion and have people like that forcefully sterilised

08-03-2018, 10:50 AM
Men are just as bad, too many pretend to be on board with their irrational nonsense because they mistakenly believe it puts them in pole position for a shag. Even if it were true and it most certainly is not, is it really worth your self respect.

You see the absolute fear even in private polling. For instance the question was asked about whether men or women should be responsible for the lions share of child care or whether it should be shared?

What? I’m sorry but this only divides on class lines. Either the woman looks after the child or if you have the money you employ some heavy handed illiterate Eastern European as an au pair.

Saudi Arabia have got it right :bow:

08-03-2018, 10:55 AM
Saudi Arabia have got it right :bow:

Jokes aside no they don’t have it right

But ask your average Feminist and they don’t give a shit about actual oppression of women. They just care about perceived slights here.

If international women’s day wasn’t a giant self congratulatory backslap to every silly cow who calls herself a feminist. And was used to raise awareness of honour killings, acid attacks, domestic abuse, the mass murder of female babies in China due to the one child policy, rape and generally being treated of less worth than cattle.

I might just take it seriously

08-03-2018, 11:05 AM
An appropriate way to mark the day

"An Iranian woman who publicly removed her veil in protest against Iran’s compulsory headscarf law has been sentenced to two years in prison, the judiciary said on Wednesday."


08-03-2018, 11:06 AM
A feminist FB friend has posted a picture of her today proudly wearing a T-shirt with the slogan:


emblazoned on it. What the hell does that even mean?!

It means we're all fucked, metaphorically. Thought never physically, of course.

08-03-2018, 11:08 AM
All single?

The type of mid thirties women who spend their evenings wearing Pyjamas with Disney character prints and gorging themselves on chocolate and prosecco. Who sign up to all this feminist nonsense and yet blame their being singletons on the “patriarchy” because men can’t stand career women?

And by career they mean admin monkey in some wanky 9-5, which they consider professional because every now and again they wear trousers and suit jacket and tie their hair in a bun.

And they are left celebrating Pyrrhic victories with a load of women that 90% of the time they irrationally hate for being slightly more attractive.

"Slightly" being the operative term.

08-03-2018, 11:08 AM
An appropriate way to mark the day

"An Iranian woman who publicly removed her veil in protest against Iran’s compulsory headscarf law has been sentenced to two years in prison, the judiciary said on Wednesday."


You’ll have to search far and wide to see a feminist mention that, it’ll be the fictional gender wage gap or the equally fictional patriarchy.

08-03-2018, 11:09 AM
Men are just as bad, too many pretend to be on board with their irrational nonsense because they mistakenly believe it puts them in pole position for a shag. Even if it were true and it most certainly is not, is it really worth your self respect.

You see the absolute fear even in private polling. For instance the question was asked about whether men or women should be responsible for the lions share of child care or whether it should be shared?

What? I’m sorry but this only divides on class lines. Either the woman looks after the child or if you have the money you employ some heavy handed illiterate Eastern European as an au pair.

At least you get a shag if you have an au pair.

08-03-2018, 11:09 AM
"Slightly" being the operative term.


08-03-2018, 11:11 AM
At least you get a shag if you have an au pair.

Don’t be so naive

You honestly think if a couple hire an au pair, the wife won’t handpick someone who is substantially more hideous than her