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16-03-2020, 05:29 PM
Maccy, are we going to be doing a sweepstake for which GW member kicks it first? Think we'll need 2 prizes because whoever gets Coney will automatically win and take all the fun out of it.

16-03-2020, 05:32 PM
Latest press conference ongoing, it appears the government has performed a 180 and are now suggesting we don't go to the pub! No sport and no pub!

LDG :pal:

16-03-2020, 05:33 PM
Non essential contact or travel.

To work from home where possible.

Funny, if only every other country had thought of this!

Guess those extra 4 days waiting will stop it turning in to a shit show by June.

I think they've finally figured out the more people congregate the more people can get infected. This new information should help them a lot with their planning. Given they were running drills on this very thing a year ago, I was slightly disappointed to hear they have no equipment in reserve to respond to the outbreak and will have to manufacture everything from scratch. It knocks my confidence a bit they are comprehensively unprepared.

16-03-2020, 05:40 PM
Maccy, are we going to be doing a sweepstake for which GW member kicks it first? Think we'll need 2 prizes because whoever gets Coney will automatically win and take all the fun out of it.


Who are we counting?
I'll see you Coney and raise you a theologooner - although he hasn't posted for years so that's cheating a bit.

McNamara That Ghost...
16-03-2020, 05:46 PM
We'll have to rely on someone's friend to inform us they're dead.

That has precedent on GW.

McNamara That Ghost...
16-03-2020, 05:51 PM
I think they've finally figured out the more people congregate the more people can get infected. This new information should help them a lot with their planning. Given they were running drills on this very thing a year ago, I was slightly disappointed to hear they have no equipment in reserve to respond to the outbreak and will have to manufacture everything from scratch. It knocks my confidence a bit they are comprehensively unprepared.

All the science led them to this moment.

All the power for them using their expertise to steer us down the right path.

Marc Overmars
16-03-2020, 06:52 PM
Telling Brits to avoid going to the pub. :lol:

Good luck with that. Bit of a bottle job not putting the country into lockdown. Do it properly or don’t do it all.

16-03-2020, 06:58 PM
I’m just glad the NHS has that extra £350m a week.

16-03-2020, 07:14 PM
I’m just glad the NHS has that extra £350m a week.

Yes and essential supplies can be delivered to people's homes using all those free unicorns we're getting

16-03-2020, 07:33 PM
Brexit :doh:

Trump :doh:

McNamara That Ghost...
16-03-2020, 07:47 PM
Macron might be a snide but he has been firm about a lockdown at least.

Johnson just please asking "Would you mind awfully not going to social gatherings and help your old bezzie Bojo please?"

Shaqiri Is Boss
16-03-2020, 07:52 PM
One day after announcing the closure of pubs, the Irish have developed a test to confirm coronavirus in 15 minutes :lol:

McNamara That Ghost...
16-03-2020, 08:05 PM
Just in time for St. Patrick's. :bow:

McNamara That Ghost...
16-03-2020, 08:05 PM
Stringer Bell has it. :rose:

16-03-2020, 08:13 PM
West End :rose:


16-03-2020, 08:17 PM
Literally a few weeks ago the stupid cunt was saying it was going to disappear within a couple of months.


Honestly. This prick.
Literally cannot believe that he is in a position of power

16-03-2020, 09:51 PM
Macron might be a snide but he has been firm about a lockdown at least.

Johnson just please asking "Would you mind awfully not going to social gatherings and help your old bezzie Bojo please?"

Must be a bit like an episode of The Thick Of It behind the scenes.

"Jesus! You told me to go out there and say wash hands and think of the Queen! - Fuck!, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"See you Johnson! What the fuck are ye doin, ye fucking mop head, fuck, waste of shit on a shoe, stupid fucker! What did I say? What did I say? Keep your fucking trap shut! Which bit did ye not understand ye stupid fat cunt! And as for you you baldy prick..."

16-03-2020, 10:14 PM
BBC, the unthinking, unquestioning propaganda outlet for the British establishment, says it may even be necessary to consider closing schools and universities.

It's a bit like saying, it may even be necessary to have a brief passing thought about discouraging sponsored spit swapping competitions.

You think?

What is the point of no pubs, no theatres, no restaurants, if an army of kids keep marching daily between their families and their schools? Either we need social distancing or we don't. Make the argument either way and provide the evidence. But an in-between approach? How can that possibly be logical or even sane?

16-03-2020, 10:19 PM
100K French cops to hit the streets and start fining people for being out in the curfew. Taxation always finds a way.

Marc Overmars
16-03-2020, 10:23 PM
I’ll still be going to the pub as long as it’s open for business as I’m sure many others will too. This half-in approach doesn’t make sense really. Unless it’s been done to ensure business’ can still make ends meet with some customers coming through the door rather than none. Though even then it’s probably going to cost your average establishment more money to stay open with reduced customers anyway.

All a bit odd really when you see what’s going on across the world. Keep calm and carry on, we’re British.

16-03-2020, 10:51 PM

(Although he did tend to be pissed by 11 in the morning)

16-03-2020, 11:10 PM
If you or any family member has a cough, a temperature or show any signs of being unwell (during the cold and flu season), "You should not go out, even to buy food and essentials."

There it is.

Now what about the government and the scientific community and the retailers and the media urging people not to stock up on supplies? The BBC was laughing at them and equated proper preparation to hoarding loo roll. Absolutely appalling.

Has anyone here not prepared?

17-03-2020, 12:56 AM
The inevitable debate has started to rage about whether governments have the right to force people to remain in their homes.

The unequivocal answer is no, they don't. There can be no argument or debate about this in any society that is founded on liberty, or else the society is not founded on liberty. For authoritarian regimes like that in China, sure, it's natural for them to behave in an authoritarian manner. Even Italy and Spain have long established track records of "soft" authoritarianism. Macron's behaviour is unforgivable though. The nation that sent the Statue of Liberty to the United States, locked down under a curfew. As such, Macron now joins the unsavoury ranks of despots such as Stalin, Mao and Hitler. Governors in the United States, the land of the free and the home of the brave, are on the verge of issuing similar despotic decrees.

Here in the UK, thankfully, we seem to have retained at least some degree of perspective and principle. People who get sick have been asked to stay at home for the good of themselves and everyone else. And, if the character of the British people in general holds true, that's very likely what most will do. And so, the overall aim will be achieved without the need to fall back on petty tyranny. I hope it stays that way. I hope if we end up seeing troops on the street they are there to assist rather than dictate.

After all, we know we can't contain this virus. It's here. It's been here for weeks, thanks mainly to the secretive and deeply damaging behaviour of the despicable regime in China. Their lies, their coverup, their blatant disregard for humanity in general (all hallmarks of authoritarianism) are the main driver behind this disease. That and the increasingly discredited experiment of globalism that, not surprisingly, has found its biggest ally in the government in Beijing. Two horrific bedfellows spreading misery and now disease across the globe. The goal here is to defeat this pandemic without having to resort to the behaviour of the globalists and authoritarians. Because if we fail in that second objective, whatever cost we have to pay in a death toll from a virus will be paid again tenfold under the boot of oppression. You can't get a little bit pregnant, just as you can't be a temporary tyrant.

If falls now on the people of France to overthrow their newly self appointed dictator and I wish them luck in doing so, should they choose to. In truth, they have been trying to oust this shit of an excuse for a human being for some time. I hope that doesn't change.

I'll still be going out and about. I'll take sensible precautions in the process and I won't shun my neighbours. Being informed is the best defence. Government hasn't done much of a job of that so far, so common sense is the best guide. If this virus is primarily a threat to the elderly and infirm then those are the people that need to be protected, and helped by those who are younger and more healthy. The government has at least been forthright enough to admit what we already knew, most of us anyway, that it will ultimately be down to us, the people, to ride out and defeat this threat. There's no point winning that particular war if we come out the other side and see a government pointing guns at us and barking instructions. For all their fuck-ups I haven't seen any indication yet from the British government that they intend to be dicks about this. They could be right, they could be wrong, they certainly aren't telling us the whole story, but at least they aren't stomping up and down in jackboots.

It's becoming a Very British crisis and, in the end, I suppose I wouldn't have it any other way.

I do wish they'd shut the fucking schools though, because that's an easy and effective response that doesn't tread on anyone. It's not as if the kids are going to complain.

17-03-2020, 07:35 AM
The schools thing is tricky.
Most kids won’t complain but they won’t complain if you let them stay up all night or let them have as many sweets as they like or feed them chips every day.
Kids are, famously, idiots.

There is sense in closing the schools and many countries have. But we are getting to the time of year when we are getting to the business end of things like GCSEs and A-Levels. Kids will need certain results to progress with their education. Too much disruption now is going to harm them.
This is an issue the BC are having in countries where we have had to shut down operations. People need to do our exams and do them soon because they need the results to show various universities to whom they need to prove they have a certain level of English. Doing it in 6 months isn’t good enough.

I’m sure there are solutions to some of these problems. In Poland they are attempting to carry on lessons remotely. In this day and age that should be technically possible. Not ideal but better than nothing.

17-03-2020, 07:42 AM
Stringer Bell has it. :rose:

Ye Gods! Not Heimdall too? Is nothing sacred.

17-03-2020, 02:35 PM
The schools thing is tricky.
Most kids won’t complain but they won’t complain if you let them stay up all night or let them have as many sweets as they like or feed them chips every day.
Kids are, famously, idiots.

There is sense in closing the schools and many countries have. But we are getting to the time of year when we are getting to the business end of things like GCSEs and A-Levels. Kids will need certain results to progress with their education. Too much disruption now is going to harm them.
This is an issue the BC are having in countries where we have had to shut down operations. People need to do our exams and do them soon because they need the results to show various universities to whom they need to prove they have a certain level of English. Doing it in 6 months isn’t good enough.

I’m sure there are solutions to some of these problems. In Poland they are attempting to carry on lessons remotely. In this day and age that should be technically possible. Not ideal but better than nothing.

Every kid today probably has at least 12 tech items glued to their face. Phones, laptops, consoles, and there's probably a mountain of kit in the loft too - stuff that is so 2018. It's astonishing the government doesn't already have a plan in place for this. It's almost as if they don't really give a shit. We have war, natural disaster, pandemic, Phil Collins getting the band back together. But all contingencies seem to be focused on saving the economy and letting everyone know who's still in charge. No real practical plans. The Swiss have a survival bunker for almost every family, part of the building code IIRC. At least that's how it used to be when we were all worried about nuclear war. Here, no masks, no gloves, no ventilators, no protective gear for essential service workers, no published plans. I have an old Protect and Survive pamphlet hanging around somewhere, which makes me ultra prepped compared to most, although the wife won't let me take all the doors down and stick bin bags over the window.

It's been a bloody bad show really. And I have no expectation any lessons will be learned or procedures changed after this.

17-03-2020, 04:02 PM
Erm... probably best not to mention this...

New TB cases in 2017 - 10 million
TB deaths among HIV-negative people in 2017 - 1.3 million
Lives saved (a euphemism for global cases I guess) - 54 million through effective diagnosis and treatment between 2000 and 2017

Err, em, 10 million cases and 1.3 million dead? Isn't that more than 10%? In many ways, that seems bad. But it just goes on every year.

After this pandemic is sorted, are we going to do something about this shit too?

Marc Overmars
17-03-2020, 04:09 PM
Been officially told to work from home as of tomorrow. London is pretty much in lockdown now in all but name. Don’t think it will be long before a blanket ban on bars and restaurants tbh.

Don’t think I’ll achieve anything being at home. The wife will probably be happy as she’s on mat leave, so she can go stretch her legs while I look after the screaming baby. FFS.

17-03-2020, 04:12 PM
TB kills 4000 people each day, and 1.5 million people each year. TB is the leading killer of people living with HIV/AIDS. An estimated 10 million people developed TB in 2018, and nearly half a million people developed drug-resistant TB (DR-TB).

China has a large burden of TB. In 2018, an estimated 866,000 people fell ill with TB in China, and 40,000 deaths were reported. As of mid-March, China has reported over 80,000 cases of COVID-19, with over 3000 deaths.

The global COVID-19 response will likely result in diversion of healthcare workforce and resources away from routine TB services, or reduction in the number of health workers because of illness and self-isolation. TB wards could become COVID wards.


17-03-2020, 05:00 PM
Now the church has shut down all meetings!
This really is the end of days!

17-03-2020, 05:55 PM
3 months payment holiday for mortgage owners. Yet again, the banks get protected, just as in 2008. Got to keep those corporate mortgages propped up. Got to support debt and profits during this crisis.

Rent payers? Savers? Fuck 'em. We don't make money from them, so fuck 'em. So landlords will get a 3 month holiday on their mortgage repayments, while their tenants have to keep coughing up (no pun)? That's nice.

17-03-2020, 06:02 PM
Now the church has shut down all meetings!
This really is the end of days!

hopefully people will realise there are better things to do with your sundays than sitting on hard wooden benches singing nursery rhymes

17-03-2020, 06:09 PM
hopefully people will realise there are better things to do with your sundays than sitting on hard wooden benches singing nursery rhymes

Bring back the terraces, get rid of the seats.

McNamara That Ghost...
17-03-2020, 07:04 PM
Our Chancellor has found another spare £330 billion going.

Sounds like he wants it back next year though.

17-03-2020, 08:18 PM
I've just got back from the supermarket where I was partially involved in a verbal between this utter knob and a couple who were just trying to buy kitchen roll. Albeit 10 packs of it :lol: The bloke completely lost it. "It's people like you!!!!" He was foaming at the mouth, the mad fucker. The couple were foreigners and the bloke was like, "Aaaaaaaaayyyyyyeee - fuck you - yes? yes?" A couple of staff there, shelf packers tbf, did nothing. So I told the geezer to fuck off and then he tried explaining it all to me. So I walked off.

Small taster of things to come.


17-03-2020, 08:25 PM
Obviously they're going to close the schools. Loads of teachers are already off and local schools are sending kids home by year. I don't get how the whole year thing works anymore, apparently you start at 8 now instead of one. Fucking schools can't count. But years 8-9 from some local schools are home now, and the rest will no doubt be following soon.

Wish they'd just announce it so I can bunker down here and get the Dustin Hoffman films out. Let's get it over and done with so we can emerge into the post apocalyptic world and get back to buying Apple devices.

17-03-2020, 08:44 PM
Chinese have just announced they are expelling US journalists for spilling the beans on their bullshit story about having the virus under control.

17-03-2020, 09:22 PM
Why is the government issuing advice to avoid gatherings of 10 people or more - while in a packed press room?

17-03-2020, 09:24 PM
Italy arresting people who don't have the correct "papers" when "caught" on the street.

"Never let a crisis go to waste."

17-03-2020, 10:21 PM
The tinpot dictator de Blasio is talking about a "shelter in place ORDER" enforced by the military. Hopefully there are still enough Americans with guns in NY to oppose him.

Katrina on steroids.

Posse comitatus you fuckers. Obey your own law.


17-03-2020, 10:26 PM
Amazon has prioritised medical and essential deliveries.

Despite the retailers blatantly lying about their ability to cope with demand, they absolutely cannot. Supplies will now mostly arrive in batches with significant gaps between. Why? Because physics. Most of it is coming from China. It takes time for the boat to go from A to B and back again.

17-03-2020, 10:49 PM
Lefty loons in California are releasing prisoners and publicly announcing they won't pursue "low level" crimes.

Fuuck. So glad I don't live in that shithole. It's going to be pure hell there.

17-03-2020, 10:54 PM

18-03-2020, 09:59 AM

18-03-2020, 10:25 AM
ILT :bow:

18-03-2020, 10:34 AM
I don't remember ILT being in such good shape

18-03-2020, 11:10 AM
Glastonbury cancelled.

18-03-2020, 11:13 AM
I have a persistent cough and a runny nose this morning.

I've eliminated 200 ciggies a day and a bag of coke as the potential cause. Which only leaves...

Oh no!

18-03-2020, 11:20 AM
French might ban Brits from going there. Promises, promises!

18-03-2020, 11:28 AM
The EU is panicked because they've spent years throwing their borders open to anyone who fancied coming, but now they need to slam everything shut. Funny how a 6 foot, bearded "child" is not seen as a threat, but a microscopic virus is. Their whole centralised control wankery fell apart as each nation did its own thing and ignored them. This crisis has demonstrated how irrelevant, impotent and dispensable they are.

18-03-2020, 11:32 AM
Your lies don't become true just because you repeat them over and over and over and over and over...

18-03-2020, 11:35 AM
Glastonbury cancelled.

This is getting a bit silly now.
When even is that? Some time over the summer. It's a bit of an over-reaction to make the decision this early.

Macca :rose:

18-03-2020, 11:58 AM
Your lies don't become true just because you repeat them over and over and over and over and over...

Brexit means Brexit!

18-03-2020, 12:02 PM
This is getting a bit silly now.
When even is that? Some time over the summer. It's a bit of an over-reaction to make the decision this early.

Macca :rose:

Olympics on though - so far.

As is the Qatar WC, unfortunately.

18-03-2020, 12:27 PM
PMQs - pure panic and opportunism. Elements of the left have decided to use this crisis to push for their universal basic income policies. Why do we need monumental shifts in national policy at a time of crisis? Temporary measures, certainly. Definitely. But we haven't even had the debate about UBI yet. Johnson needs to stand firm against this crap. The left was comprehensively rejected at the last election and must not be allowed to creep through the back door when responsible people are rightly distracted by immediate issues.

Marc Overmars
18-03-2020, 12:38 PM
This is getting a bit silly now.
When even is that? Some time over the summer. It's a bit of an over-reaction to make the decision this early.

Macca :rose:

I think it’s because the preparation for that needed to start now. It’s a huge operation so I’m not surprised.

Marc Overmars
18-03-2020, 12:40 PM
Couldn’t even find a chicken breast yesterday at Sainsbury’s. What a joke.

18-03-2020, 12:52 PM
Couldn’t even find a chicken breast yesterday at Sainsbury’s. What a joke.

Same at Tesco.

Apparently ALDI doesn't use the JIT supply system and still maintains a proper stock. So if you have one of those near you it might be worth a punt. I'll be heading there a bit later to see if I can hunt down and capture a pork chop.

On the positive side, I found a pack of antibacterial wipes I bought for a quid months ago. From rags to riches in one lucky find.

18-03-2020, 12:55 PM
Yesterday you had to sit in a queue for up to 2 hours just to access the Ocado web site. Not even place an order - just access the site. And then there's was virtually nothing in stock. And the earliest delivery date was over 2 weeks from now.

I'm writing a stiff letter of complaint. Slowest web site ever. Awful service.

18-03-2020, 12:59 PM
Health "expert" on Sky saying wearing a mask provides no protection. Maybe it won't filter out the virus if somebody sneezes in your face. But it stops you infecting yourself if you touch your own face, which people can't help doing hundreds of times a day apparently.

This is a really bad time for nose pickers. And eating it is definitely a bad idea.

18-03-2020, 01:08 PM
This is a really bad time for nose pickers.

Oh :(

18-03-2020, 01:44 PM
Yeah! Why is no-one thinking of the billionaires?



18-03-2020, 02:18 PM
Oh :(

And toenail eaters too tbf. This thing doesn't discriminate.

18-03-2020, 02:20 PM
Yeah! Why is no-one thinking of the billionaires?



He's done after this winds out. One of the very first to ditch his staff - despite all those years of going around with that beard telling everyone what a great balloonist (and employer) he is.

Marc Overmars
18-03-2020, 02:20 PM
676 confirmed cases in 24 hours, bringing the total to 2626. :rose:

18-03-2020, 02:24 PM
They're testing 10k people a day now and that's going to double. So a big jump is not surprising really.

Strange days.

18-03-2020, 03:20 PM
More good news


Marc Overmars
18-03-2020, 03:23 PM
Schools in Wales and Scotland set to close.

Why are our schools still open? :wacko:

18-03-2020, 03:28 PM
That's a good question. Friend is at Uni and that is shut down.
Obviously the schools all closing is going to be a big problem in terms of childcare.
But schools being open creates situations completely contrary to the government advice about social interactions.

Marc Overmars
18-03-2020, 03:31 PM
It’s bizarre.

Just seems like the government are making up whatever excuse they can to avoid a lockdown, which is surely inevitable now.

18-03-2020, 04:45 PM
That's a good question. Friend is at Uni and that is shut down.
Obviously the schools all closing is going to be a big problem in terms of childcare.
But schools being open creates situations completely contrary to the government advice about social interactions.

If the schools closed Cripps would have to babysit his girlfriend.

McNamara That Ghost...
18-03-2020, 05:26 PM
676 confirmed cases in 24 hours, bringing the total to 2626. :rose:

104 deaths now.

Little bit concerning.

Work here still won't pull the trigger on us working at home. More dither and delay.

McNamara That Ghost...
18-03-2020, 05:32 PM
475 further deaths in Italy.

They'll have had more than China soon.

McNamara That Ghost...
18-03-2020, 05:39 PM
Schools will be closed now.

Those five days made all the difference.

18-03-2020, 05:43 PM
104 deaths now.

Little bit concerning.

Work here still won't pull the trigger on us working at home. More dither and delay.

The numbers don't make sense in terms of what they are saying about the risk. The numbers suggest the risk is much higher.

Would be nice to know which it is.

People are still wandering around all over the place, supermarkets, Tube, trains and buses, schools until Friday. If what they have said about the risk is wrong, well...

18-03-2020, 05:44 PM
475 further deaths in Italy.

They'll have had more than China soon.

Assuming China is being in any way honest, which would be a first.

18-03-2020, 05:47 PM
Does anyone know if this disease can jump from humans to journalists? Those journos don't seem too bothered about being packed into a room.

18-03-2020, 05:51 PM
Hearing rumours of a complete lockdown coming to a city near you.

18-03-2020, 05:58 PM
Hearing rumours of a complete lockdown coming to a city near you.

Hope not, because that would be a total and utter defeat.

The journalists at this conference (some of them) are despicable beyond words. The cunt that just asked, what do you think of people who aren't distancing themselves - are they immoral? Holy hell. A journalist accusing others of being immoral. Think it was a cunt from the Guardian.

18-03-2020, 07:13 PM
A reassuring message from Sky:

In such challenging times, we wanted to let you know what we're doing at Sky to keep you connected to what matters, when it matters most.

Sky TV connected - check
Didn't lose job - kinda
Didn't die - suppose

McNamara That Ghost...
18-03-2020, 07:59 PM
Couldn’t even find a chicken breast yesterday at Sainsbury’s. What a joke.

Nor here.

No bog roll either.

Humanity. :rose:

Marc Overmars
18-03-2020, 08:02 PM
People are just thick as fuck. There’s no shortage of any of this stuff, so why are they stockpiling? In the event of a lockdown supermarkets will be one of the few places open for business.

Dumb fucks.

McNamara That Ghost...
18-03-2020, 08:16 PM
I just hope they've stockpiled enough so they don't bother showing their stupid faces if there is a lockdown.

18-03-2020, 08:30 PM
You can still get heirloom seeds, water containers, purification tabs, lime, compost, tools, all the things you'll need to support yourself if the government decides to lock things down and then accidentally loses the key. Hydrogen peroxide, flour, yeast, bleach, sawdust, cooking oil, iron and vit supplements, it's still available.

18-03-2020, 08:33 PM
Yay! Just got my 1,000th email from concerned CEOs who assure me their company will continue to support me during these difficult times. If I'd known they cared so much I would have gone around to their houses for dinner. Like friends do.

McNamara That Ghost...
18-03-2020, 08:33 PM
You can still get heirloom seeds, water containers, purification tabs, lime, compost, tools, all the things you'll need to support yourself if the government decides to lock things down and then accidentally loses the key. Hydrogen peroxide, flour, yeast, bleach, sawdust, cooking oil, iron and vit supplements, it's still available.

Can't use any of those to wipe my arse with though.

18-03-2020, 08:43 PM
Can't use any of those to wipe my arse with though.

Running water. Newspaper. Garden leaves. THFC DVD sleeves.

I don't get the loo roll thing either. Wiping your arse is the very least of your worries if the electricity goes down. Because if that goes down the water goes down and then the real problems start.

I have to say, every government around the world has done a horrific job informing the public and containing panic. Either they had no viable plans in place for something that has happened before and will happen again, or this coordinated fuckery is for an unannounced purpose. It couldn't have been more mismanaged.

18-03-2020, 09:08 PM
Running water. Newspaper. Garden leaves. THFC DVD sleeves.

I don't get the loo roll thing either. Wiping your arse is the very least of your worries if the electricity goes down. Because if that goes down the water goes down and then the real problems start.

I have to say, every government around the world has done a horrific job informing the public and containing panic. Either they had no viable plans in place for something that has happened before and will happen again, or this coordinated fuckery is for an unannounced purpose. It couldn't have been more mismanaged.

How do you contain panic. It’s like trying to stop a herd of bison when someone yells “boo!”

People are retards, and mostly like to follow what the first retard does.

So when Boris says “wash your hands”, or “avoid social contact”, you’ll mostly get people exaggerating that. Like washing hands every two minutes, and walking on the other side of the street to each other. It’s loads quieter out there already.

By next week we’ll all be under lockdown...but at least we will have seen it coming...most of us are nearly there anyway, which I think is the plan.

18-03-2020, 09:55 PM
How do you contain panic. It’s like trying to stop a herd of bison when someone yells “boo!”

People are retards, and mostly like to follow what the first retard does.

So when Boris says “wash your hands”, or “avoid social contact”, you’ll mostly get people exaggerating that. Like washing hands every two minutes, and walking on the other side of the street to each other. It’s loads quieter out there already.

By next week we’ll all be under lockdown...but at least we will have seen it coming...most of us are nearly there anyway, which I think is the plan.

You tell the truth.

We've gone from "Mild flu" to global lockdown in the space of a few weeks. So either they lied and now they are panicking, and causing generalised panic, or they were dishonest - again. Trust in government and the media was already at an all time low. It was critical to be honest, to clearly state the facts, the risks and release "the science" that has been "guiding" this bizarre response. Not just here in the UK, but globally.

The Chinese leave it a month, until they can't possibly cover it up any more, to mention they have a serious pandemic on their hands. Does that mean the WHO operates on a faith basis? No monitoring or alert systems, just a phone line where people can ring in if they fancy? Makes no sense.

Then the rest of the world springs into action by doing nothing. Then a few people get sick and we go to global lockdown, albeit at slower motion here in the UK (and that might turn out to be very good sign - I hope). It sounds to me like there IS a virus, that's moderately dangerous, that is now been used as a vehicle to carry every scumbag and his agenda to the promised land. In the end the virus will be a lot less dangerous than the fallout.

If troops and cops hit the streets and start barking orders and pointing guns then we might as well all be dead anyway because everything worth having will have been lost at that point.

I hope none of this is the case, which kind of means I hope they are just incompetent (in which case that bring up a whole load of other problems), I hope they somehow get it under control and whatever is left of society goes back to some normality, if that's even possible with huge numbers of people having lost their jobs.

But I don't trust, for a second, the actions and motives of the worst among us and their ability to turn a crisis into an opportunity.

18-03-2020, 09:57 PM
One of the receptionists at work took this today.
(Obviously she can’t really work at home so is still going in at the moment)

Trafalgar Square, 10am on a weekday


18-03-2020, 10:04 PM
Oh God, no sport so Letters has jumped in with his holiday snaps. Kill me now!

Stamp collection next!

18-03-2020, 10:18 PM
Philately will get you nowhere :sulk:

18-03-2020, 10:20 PM
Philately will get you nowhere :sulk:

That's quite funny, you bastard.

18-03-2020, 10:21 PM
Do you know, all it has taken for us to get back on speaking terms is a global pandemic. It's the little things.

18-03-2020, 10:27 PM
When is the football back on? Enough. Just tell us.


And F1. How are the drivers going to get infected? They are going at 200mph FFS!

18-03-2020, 11:07 PM
Poor little bastards who have to go to school when all the other kids are off. Can you imagine how shitty it is for those kids? I'd have no problem looking after a couple of extra kids while their parents were doing essential work. It's an extra risk I suppose, but how paranoid do we actually have to be about this? Has the society solution even been thought about?

18-03-2020, 11:14 PM
The Guardian has advice on COVID19 and sex.

"If you or your partner is a Covid-19 case, the advice is to steer clear of each other as much as possible."

Fucking hell! One cough and forget about it.

18-03-2020, 11:17 PM
Uh oh, The COVID Support Force.

Why do you need an assault rifle if you are here to provide support?

18-03-2020, 11:23 PM
Sky's crisis music is way better than the BBCs.

18-03-2020, 11:47 PM
Gordon Brown - leftie swine :bow:

Don't sack the staff! He says.

Quite right too. Keep the staff on and see the companies go bankrupt unless... This will FORCE the government to bail out honest businesses as well as dishonest, rapist banks. For a change.

Sane lefties are cool.


19-03-2020, 12:21 AM
Close the fucking stock markets so the ultra rich can't swoop in and buy up everyone else's hard work for pennies on the dollar. In fact, let's shoot these bastards while there's a crisis - nobody will notice.

Marc Overmars
19-03-2020, 05:30 AM
The Tube has been partially closed and 20,000 troops placed on standby. :popcorn:

19-03-2020, 06:08 AM
Poor little bastards who have to go to school when all the other kids are off. Can you imagine how shitty it is for those kids? I'd have no problem looking after a couple of extra kids while their parents were doing essential work. It's an extra risk I suppose, but how paranoid do we actually have to be about this? Has the society solution even been thought about?

What about the kids, who if they stay home, will get the shit kicked out of them every day, or won’t be provided a meal, or will not learn anything other than that Mummy and Daddy like to put shit in their arms.

There are a lot of those kids believe me.

19-03-2020, 06:12 AM

Don’t you know what social distancing is you cunt.

Just leave it on the doorstep like other milkman.

Marc Overmars
19-03-2020, 07:12 AM
Got up crazy early to hit Tesco for a shop.

Queued 30 minutes to get in, the bog roll had already gone and when they bought out a pallet of pasta, it was like a fucking herd of zombies mauling at a carcass. Witnessed some workers getting dogs abuse as well, kicked and shoved out of the way while being shouted at like any of this is their fault. I made a point of telling one guy thank you for his hard work and he managed to get me a bag of pasta. :lol:

It’s official, people have lost their minds.

19-03-2020, 07:41 AM
Got up crazy early to hit Tesco for a shop.

Queued 30 minutes to get in, the bog roll had already gone and when they bought out a pallet of pasta, it was like a fucking herd of zombies mauling at a carcass. Witnessed some workers getting dogs abuse as well, kicked and shoved out of the way while being shouted at like any of this is their fault. I made a point of telling one guy thank you for his hard work and he managed to get me a bag of pasta. :lol:

It’s official, people have lost their minds.

They need to get a hold of this.

Allocate days when certain age groups can access the shop in an orderly fashion, or something.

I know it’s erosion of freedom, but when people can’t look after each other, somebody needs to control them.

19-03-2020, 07:54 AM
Try smaller shops.
People are panic buying at big supermarkets but we have a small Sainsbury’s near us which has been well stocked.
Independent stores are generally better stocked and could do with the custom as they don’t have the resilience of bigger chains to survive in the current climate.

19-03-2020, 08:55 AM
Try sitting at your computer and ordering a nice big shop online like i did from Sainsbury's yesterday - and they're rationing the amounts so people can't stockpile

and regarding LSG's comments about older people's sessions they're doing that too :oldboy:

Keep calm and shop from Sainsbbury's :cool:

19-03-2020, 09:08 AM
and regarding LSG's comments about older people's sessions they're doing that too :oldboy:
LSG :bow:

Lucy in the Sky with Giamonds :dance:

We did a big online ASDA shop - not insane stockpiling amounts, but stuff we need.
Should be coming today although MrsL indicated they've told her that not everything we ordered is in stock.
She's gone out to the local Sainsbury's to see how that is looking.

Marc Overmars
19-03-2020, 09:14 AM
Tried an online shop with a couple of places but a lot of what I needed was out of stock and the earliest delivery slots were in 2 weeks time. :lol:

19-03-2020, 09:50 AM
Girlfriend has come down with fever and cough, so now we're both stuck in her studio flat for the next 2 weeks :ilt:

Related question: what's it like living in a place that has delivery slots available this month?

19-03-2020, 10:08 AM
MrsL got back from Sainsbury's. She went to the Co-op too.
Both have very little stock in. It's crazy. I guess in theory this should calm down.
I mean, if people have already panic bought then they shouldn't need any more stuff for a while so it should leave more stuff for non-idiots?

Sister-in-law to be has apparently a fever so they're going to be staying in for a bit. I haven't been out of the house since Sunday. I'm actually looking forward to going out to a funeral tomorrow :doh:. If that still happens.

19-03-2020, 10:12 AM
Oh FFS :doh:

Bloke went past, out for a jog. Full facemask on. Prick.

19-03-2020, 10:13 AM
Actually co op have a slot for tomorrow so that's a relief. No loo roll though, and only gluten free bread :doh:

19-03-2020, 10:22 AM

My niece-in-law, if that's a thing, is celiac. The good thing is, she doesn't go on about it.

j/k, it's all she ever fucking talks about. She once said, without irony, that she thought it was the worst disease you could get.
I pointed out that I'd heard cancer was pretty nasty.
Stupid bitch.

19-03-2020, 10:43 AM
Yeah, people banging on about medical problems is the bloody worst.

After my ankle sprain a girl at uni leant me her crutches which she has because of her chronic disease which means she has weak ligaments and sprains her joints a lot.

Really nice, generous, helpful thing to do.

But my God do I know a lot of shit about her illness I didn't need to. :lol:

I also know all about her troubles finding a house in Cardiff for her placement next year.

And about how the crutches she leant me are so much better than the ones you get on the NHS.

And I had to put up with all of it as payment for the massive favour she'd done me :crying:

19-03-2020, 10:52 AM

Update from MrsL: Greggs don't have bread either.
Greggs. Greggs the baker.

Holy shit :doh:

Oh, and our ASDA order has all kinds of stuff missing apparently <_<

19-03-2020, 11:13 AM
Annoyingly there's a shop just outside the block of flats that's the kind of local shop that isn't getting raided at the moment, so we may have had some luck getting loo roll there.

Ah well, we'll just use the shower head when the inevitable happens, I guess. :(

19-03-2020, 11:39 AM
They need to get a hold of this.

Allocate days when certain age groups can access the shop in an orderly fashion, or something.

I know it’s erosion of freedom, but when people can’t look after each other, somebody needs to control them.


That's all in the pipeline. Unfortunately. But people were never ever going to behave. That's why I loathe having to live with (most) people, they create so many problems that then have to be solved by other fucking people. These dicks, if they we're putting out a fire with a bucket chain they'd dump the bucket over your head instead. I don't know why they are like that. A life of being stupid and blindly following orders because it's easier than thinking for themselves and being as independent as possible, I suppose. And because they are like that, they force everyone to be like that. Which is clearly being seen in a supermarket near you today.

At Tesco, go as late as possible (my 24 hour store is no longer 24 hours) and shop from the restock trolleys rather than the shelves. If they are still putting those out. It works, the items still go through the till.

Talking of stupid. Like a stupid, naive, knackerbrain moron, for some reason I think our government here in the UK (and ONLY our government here in the UK) is trying to avoid being an absolute fascist dick about this. Famous last words. I fucking hate the government. But I really think they're trying hard not to go full authoritarian, I think they're trying to leave it as much to the people as possible. Fun while it lasted.

19-03-2020, 11:41 AM
Tried an online shop with a couple of places but a lot of what I needed was out of stock and the earliest delivery slots were in 2 weeks time. :lol:

Take it anyway. It'll be worse in 2 weeks. So you'll need it then. If they carry on delivering at all.

19-03-2020, 11:42 AM
Girlfriend has come down with fever and cough, so now we're both stuck in her studio flat for the next 2 weeks :ilt:

Related question: what's it like living in a place that has delivery slots available this month?

The sun's shining, the water is warm, and the people are smiling.

Ah Barbados.

19-03-2020, 11:44 AM
Oh FFS :doh:

Bloke went past, out for a jog. Full facemask on. Prick.

Good idea. Especially when jogging. Always wondered why those people wanted to breathe in all that carbon monoxide.

19-03-2020, 11:46 AM
Kind of hard to concentrate on work. Lots of distracting stuff going on.

19-03-2020, 11:51 AM
ZERO chance of travel restrictions, says Downing Street. ZERO restrictions on people leaving their house. Transport network will NOT be shut down.

Great Britain :bow:

19-03-2020, 12:15 PM
Hmm. Press conference at 3...

Marc Overmars
19-03-2020, 12:52 PM
Bring in Marshall law I say, it’s the only way the twats can be controlled.

19-03-2020, 12:53 PM
Michel Barnier has tested positive. :lol:

19-03-2020, 12:58 PM
Bring in Marshall law I say, it’s the only way the twats can be controlled.

There actually are people calling for this. It beggars belief.

19-03-2020, 12:59 PM
I suppose we should keep pets inside in case the Chinese get hungry.

19-03-2020, 01:21 PM
I suppose we should keep pets inside in case the Chinese get hungry.

lacist :sulk:

19-03-2020, 01:25 PM
lacist :sulk:

Fuk Yoo!

19-03-2020, 01:28 PM
There's a geezer on the news lamenting he had to buy Hellman's Light mayo. "You have to put up with it!", he observes. Tough times.

Also, the EU is getting pissed at us because we're not doing fascism properly.

19-03-2020, 01:45 PM
Our ASDA order have replaced Coke Zero with Pepsi Max.
I'll be writing a strongly worded letter about this...

McNamara That Ghost...
19-03-2020, 05:45 PM
Italy has now overtaken China in the amount of deaths.

Fucking hell.

19-03-2020, 05:56 PM
Shit! When you think of their comparative populations too...

19-03-2020, 06:35 PM
China is throwing out journalists and imprisoning doctors in an attempt to shore up their bullshit cover story. We'll never know how many died over there or are still dying. And because they are such a vile authoritarian regime they could put draconian measures in place to prevent this particular outbreak. But vast areas of the country have no testing, no reporting coming out of them. The true picture is unknown. Comparing civilised nations to China is not possible.

McNamara That Ghost...
19-03-2020, 06:44 PM
Then Italy still have by far the most deaths of any comparable nation.

Anyway, today's press conference is a bit of a placeholder.

Although Johnson thinks we can 'turn the tide' within 12 weeks.


McNamara That Ghost...
19-03-2020, 06:55 PM
Question Time on at 20:00 with no audience.

More like 'Time' really.

19-03-2020, 07:03 PM
According to the BBC Chris Martin has been performing live on instagram to cheer up people self-isolating.

Suicide rates are surging at a greater rate than virus deaths presumably.

Marc Overmars
19-03-2020, 07:21 PM
3269 cases and 144 deaths.

On and on it goes.

McNamara That Ghost...
19-03-2020, 07:33 PM
3269 cases and 144 deaths.

On and on it goes.

This fucking plum.


Shaqiri Is Boss
19-03-2020, 08:39 PM
He's such a fucking tool.

19-03-2020, 09:01 PM
According to the BBC Chris Martin has been performing live on instagram to cheer up people self-isolating.

Suicide rates are surging at a greater rate than virus deaths presumably.

19-03-2020, 09:43 PM
He's such a fucking stool.


19-03-2020, 10:14 PM
There's no food left on Amazon Pantry - just booze, snacks, pet food, toilet cleaner, and Pepsi Max.

No food on Amazon pantry. That crazy, little bit.

19-03-2020, 10:29 PM
There's no food left on Amazon Pantry - just booze, snacks, pet food, toilet cleaner, and Pepsi Max.

No food on Amazon pantry. That crazy, little bit.

I'd never heard of amazon pantry, i tried googling it and got some good pics and videos, though they were a bit off-topic - then i realised i'd left out the 'r'... ;)

19-03-2020, 10:35 PM
This fucking plum.



He’s got absolutely hammered in response :lol:

19-03-2020, 10:36 PM
There's no food left on Amazon Pantry - just booze, snacks, pet food, toilet cleaner, and Pepsi Max.

No food on Amazon pantry. That crazy, little bit.

They never have anything anyway! (Which was probs your point) :lol:

It’s usually multi-packs of some weird crisps nobody has heard of and some knocked off gin!

19-03-2020, 10:40 PM
They never have anything anyway! (Which was probs your point) :lol:

It’s usually multi-packs of some weird crisps nobody has heard of and some knocked off gin!

It's a fair point, well made, but you've overlooked the fact they charge you for delivery even if you are a prime member (as in subscriber rather than major tool).

McNamara That Ghost...
20-03-2020, 07:14 AM

He’s got absolutely hammered in response :lol:

He is doubling down. :lol:

20-03-2020, 07:30 AM
Honestly. Look at this idiot...


20-03-2020, 08:43 AM
MrsL went out early today and had to queue up to get bread.
She got some but bloody hell. Literal bread lines! :doh:

20-03-2020, 08:55 AM
Honestly. Look at this idiot...


He's a fucking idiot.

20-03-2020, 09:02 AM
He's a fucking idiot.

He is.
And people will die because he doesn't know what he's doing
He's the poster boy for Dunning-Kruger

20-03-2020, 09:09 AM
Terrifying statistics from America.

Sixty-eight percent of Democratic voters are worried that an immediate family member might catch the coronavirus, compared with just 40 percent of Republicans who agree. Fifty-six percent of Democrats believe their day-to-day lives will change in a major way, versus only 26 percent of Republicans. And 79 percent of Democrats say the worst is yet to come, versus just 40 percent of Republicans who hold the same opinion.


Fucking cultists :doh:

20-03-2020, 10:42 AM
Republicans are fucking morons. I mean, honestly.

Look at the last 2 republican Presidents! You have to be mentally retarded to vote Republican

20-03-2020, 12:18 PM
Republicans are fucking morons. I mean, honestly.

Look at the last 2 republican Presidents! You have to be mentally retarded to vote Republican

let's face it tmost Yanks are descended from a bunch of nutters who were so barmy that even the rest of the British wanted them to f**k off - it says it all really...

20-03-2020, 12:59 PM


20-03-2020, 01:47 PM
Johnson has botched this so badly. He should resign.

20-03-2020, 02:07 PM
Oh no! - the loony left has shit all over the place. They're all panicking on the news today too.

20-03-2020, 02:21 PM
The media is virtually running a horror script today. "It seems you either catch it and live, or you die. Nothing in between." Shameful. These cunts should be birched. The only other thing they seem keen to hammer home is that China is no longer top of the death charts. Why is that so incredibly important to them and why are they packed in press conferences asking if decisions are "moral" but unquestioningly accepting what's coming out of a despotic regime in China? Sky and the BBC, as bad a s each other.

I was out and about today. Some stocks seem to be returning to shelves, still a lot of stuff unavailable but we managed to get a bit of bread. No panic. Elderly people were out with their shopping baskets. Yeah sure, it might be incredibly dangerous for them to do that, but they seemed the least concerned of all. Alternatively, people could be bunkered down, fearful, avoiding their neighbours. But patient zero emerged in China last November. And then the regime hid that fact for a month. So this thing has had a chance to run unchecked all across the shitty globalised system. It's going to be a lottery. Even for those who have been locked down since day one. Common sense required, but raging panic is as big an enemy as the virus. And the media is going all out for panic.

Just watching Sky now, the despicable, hateful, sonofabitch fuck is trying everything in the book to get a doctor to say they have no supplies and are overwhelmed. The doctor won't have it. He's being sensible, serious. The piece of shit interviewing him has now moved on to talking about the doctor's kids. Good God.

20-03-2020, 04:20 PM
Amazon supply chains are recovering. Seeing -5 days on previous delivery dates. Maybe people have run out of money buying all the things.

20-03-2020, 04:39 PM
Maybe it depends what you order. I ordered some stuff on Monday and it came on Tuesday
(HDMI cable and a cruet set, since you asked)

20-03-2020, 05:07 PM
Maybe it depends what you order. I ordered some stuff on Monday and it came on Tuesday
(HDMI cable and a cruet set, since you asked)

True. Some sellers use Amazon to warehouse their products and if these are still on hand you can actually get a 1 day delivery. But anything that has to be transported from A to B seems to have been going, on average, around 5 days slower - or a month slower from the stuff coming from China. I think that's it though, people have spent all their money so they literally can't buy more. So they system is slowly recovering because demand is slowly slipping back to normal levels. Apart from the day to day stuff. No milk today. No flour. No eggs.

But prices might be an issue. If this plan for dumping money into the economy (very different to quantitive easing) goes ahead then inflation will be the next enemy to face.

20-03-2020, 05:09 PM
Saw a decent deal on a fondue set. Trying not to impulse the shit out of it. I'm thinking if I announce a party nobody would come.

But that was true before the pandemic, so maybe I'll pass.

Marc Overmars
20-03-2020, 05:43 PM
Pubs, bars, restaurants, cafes and practically everything else to close. :rose:

McNamara That Ghost...
20-03-2020, 05:51 PM
Only takeaways remain.

I fancy pizza out of solidarity.

How ironic that Johnson ends up being the one shutting down businesses. :ninja:

In better use MO, you can get some bog roll from Morrison's in Blackburn and I didn't have to deck anyone to purchase my 1x4 roll pack.

20-03-2020, 06:03 PM
They're apparently going to pay 80% of people's wages in certain areas.
Where is all this money coming from? :blink:
This is going to rumble on for years.

20-03-2020, 06:17 PM
They're apparently going to pay 80% of people's wages in certain areas.
Where is all this money coming from? :blink:
This is going to rumble on for years.

Where it always comes from. It's being created from thin air. Cash and current accounts aren't money, they are forms of currency. And current is fiat - let it be, and it is. Trouble is, the more of it you have the more expensive everything gets.

20-03-2020, 06:20 PM
A newly published report suggests that if the Chinese had properly informed the rest of the world when the CHINESE VIRUS first broke out in CHINA - perhaps 95% of current cases could have been avoided. Don't have a clue if that's true or not (I'm just being guided by the science), but if it turns out to be true then I hope the rest of the world does something about it. We can't just go back to business as usual after this.

Marc Overmars
20-03-2020, 06:40 PM
A newly published report suggests that if the Chinese had properly informed the rest of the world when the CHINESE VIRUS first broke out in CHINA - perhaps 95% of current cases could have been avoided. Don't have a clue if that's true or not (I'm just being guided by the science), but if it turns out to be true then I hope the rest of the world does something about it. We can't just go back to business as usual after this.

Never liked those Chinese types. Too loud, obnoxious and inconsiderate. I would say cut all ties with them but they make all our shit, so what can you do eh?

20-03-2020, 06:44 PM
Never liked those Chinese types. Too loud, obnoxious and inconsiderate. I would say cut all ties with them but they make all our shit, so what can you do eh?

Home production, end to outsourcing, jobs for people here in the UK, an ditto for every other nation. Next time this happens, let's be producing our own shit down the road rather than waiting for China to deliver it from thousands of miles away. And the vulture capitalists who rely on Chinese slave labour, like Apple, tough shit, you're out of the slavery business.

20-03-2020, 07:05 PM
Apart from thousands of people dying in agony, which some think is pretty bad (though not elements of the "compassionate left" or the environmental cult), it's certainly starting to become clear there's an intellectual underclass (or you might say semi-sentient classless element) that are rather enjoying proceedings. Unfortunately, they seem to be great carriers for disease (mostly because they shit in the streets and inject themselves with anything on hand), but not so great at dying from it (nature is cruel). Possibly some lab engineered weapon that targets anyone with an IQ below 7 has become thinkable? But where do you draw the line between vital public service and Nazism?

20-03-2020, 07:22 PM
Never liked those Chinese types. Too loud, obnoxious and inconsiderate. I would say cut all ties with them but they make all our shit, so what can you do eh?

good food though... :cool:

20-03-2020, 07:22 PM
In case anyone didn't know, Italy now has more deaths than the truthful China (disclaimers apply). Tune into Sky News and the BBC for the breathless, blow-by-blow body count. Can anyone challenge the Italians or are they going to run away with this? Place your bets. Smart money is on the UK coming up on the rails. The excitement is building.

Tonight, Sky's Team is going into Italy's overwhelmed health service to film the last moments of victims gasping for breath. Like they did last night. I doubt a film crew fucking around will cause problems for the critically pressed staff. Don't forget to tune in.

If you are a fucking ghoul.

I'm on the verge of hoping all these media swine get it, and die. Not quite there yet, but maybe they'll keep going. Maybe they'll continue to be a huge part of the problem.

20-03-2020, 07:22 PM
good food though... :cool:

Some of it. Never liked the fried bat much.

20-03-2020, 07:40 PM
LOL - Sky ghoul was wanking furiously on camera as he was gloating over the economic crash and the costs, he was just about to blast a full load over the camera and then his charts all crashed. Poor bastard. He'll have to get his pipes cleaned by the crisis whore on the main newsdesk.

20-03-2020, 11:42 PM
Home production, end to outsourcing, jobs for people here in the UK, an ditto for every other nation. Next time this happens, let's be producing our own shit down the road rather than waiting for China to deliver it from thousands of miles away. And the vulture capitalists who rely on Chinese slave labour, like Apple, tough shit, you're out of the slavery business.
Aye. Trouble is, people aren't going to put up with paying double for their stuff.
They pass the slavings on to us.
The development team I've worked with in China don't get paid until the work they've done is accepted by the business.
If there are bugs then...sorry chaps but you're not getting paid for that either so you're going to stay there all night till you've fixed it, and you're not getting paid any extra for doing so.
I should stress at this point that these are the rules the manager in China imposes on them, not us.
And you'll be unsurprised to hear it does not lend itself to good quality software. 'Cos if your pay is linked to delivering stuff which looks superficially like it'll work, and if you don't get paid for fixing bugs then you're going to bang stuff out as quickly as you can. And they do. But look under the bonnet and it's a pile of crap.
Cheap though, and people like cheap stuff, so long as it works.

21-03-2020, 12:17 AM
Aye. Trouble is, people aren't going to put up with paying double for their stuff.
They pass the slavings on to us.
The development team I've worked with in China don't get paid until the work they've done is accepted by the business.
If there are bugs then...sorry chaps but you're not getting paid for that either so you're going to stay there all night till you've fixed it, and you're not getting paid any extra for doing so.
I should stress at this point that these are the rules the manager in China imposes on them, not us.
And you'll be unsurprised to hear it does not lend itself to good quality software. 'Cos if your pay is linked to delivering stuff which looks superficially like it'll work, and if you don't get paid for fixing bugs then you're going to bang stuff out as quickly as you can. And they do. But look under the bonnet and it's a pile of crap.
Cheap though, and people like cheap stuff, so long as it works.

So let's ask people when they are being admitted to hospital, do you want the $9.99 ventilator or the $999 one? Care to bet which they'll chose? This understanding has to be passed along in all consumerism, which actually means a return to utilitarianism and the death of perpetual "growth". Growth is a keyword for ponzi profits. We need balance, not growth. I mean, sometimes growth is good. A person invents something useful, everyone wants it, it creates a boom but the piece of shit thing lasts and has function for years, rather than the 10 minutes an Apple device gives you. The whole Apple model is to make their own shit obsolete as quickly as possible so they can make the next sale. That iPhone3 sitting on a scrapheap slowly poisoning Africans has more processing power than the computer than put men on the moon. We can't afford waste like that as a species, for the sake of profits for the few. That's not capitalism. Capitalism is survival of the best idea, delivered to the most people, at economies of scale. Vulture capitalism is the opposite, survival of the most obscene shit fucks, at any cost, to the detriment of most people. And the excuse is - human nature. Well tell that to the HNS staff leaving their kids in potentially infected schools as they go, every day, right into the heart of a global pandemic. ALL people are not bad by nature, this is the huge lie that allows a few people to manipulate everyone else. So how do you even go about bringing this into reality? Information. I think I said around 10 years back (or more) when I first joined this forum. The key to liberty and progress is lifting the stone on the few who do everything to stifle liberty and progress. These scum control governments, media, corporations, all of it. But there are so few of them. If people had facts, enough would act. A tiny percentage of US dwarfs THEM. So, IIRC, I said release ALL top secret documents everywhere, no matter what they say. It's a good, if not bloody, start. But 50K casualties for a better world is a better alternative than 50mill casualties on a regular basis to preserve a shitty world. I'd be happy to volunteer. It really wouldn't bother me. I'd sleep like a baby between shifts. Or else, it just carries on. Hell, even the weirdos like the warmist lot and the wannabe commies would agree with me, for all the wrong reasons but still the desirable outcome.

I guess I could have used paragraphs there, but these are strange times.

21-03-2020, 12:30 AM
I'll tell you what else. I build web sites for a living, put simply. It's a bit more complex than that and it takes a lot of knowledge to do what I do. And I do it well. But basically, I build web sites for people who want to make a lot of money. Other people cure the sick, help the suffering, save lives. You'd have to be seriously afflicted to be confused about which job is more important. And I get paid a lot more than them. I don't know how it has come to this. Something went badly wrong somewhere along the line. Fucking web developers, insurance agents, lawyers, useless fucking people in the grand scheme of things. I won't be criticising the NHS again. I still think the horrific imbalance between administrators and useful staff is criminal. But for those useful staff, out in the front line, good job people. Fucking outstanding. It's at times like this that clarity can be achieved, if you want to look. After this, I'll still be too thick to be a doctor, but I am going to try to stretch myself a bit beyond superficial consumerism.

21-03-2020, 03:03 AM
I'll tell you what else. I build web sites for a living, put simply. It's a bit more complex than that and it takes a lot of knowledge to do what I do. And I do it well. But basically, I build web sites for people who want to make a lot of money. Other people cure the sick, help the suffering, save lives. You'd have to be seriously afflicted to be confused about which job is more important. And I get paid a lot more than them. I don't know how it has come to this. Something went badly wrong somewhere along the line. Fucking web developers, insurance agents, lawyers, useless fucking people in the grand scheme of things. I won't be criticising the NHS again. I still think the horrific imbalance between administrators and useful staff is criminal. But for those useful staff, out in the front line, good job people. Fucking outstanding. It's at times like this that clarity can be achieved, if you want to look. After this, I'll still be too thick to be a doctor, but I am going to try to stretch myself a bit beyond superficial consumerism.

Best post I've read in all my time on this forum.

21-03-2020, 09:15 AM
HNS staff.

You said HNS :haha: :pal:


21-03-2020, 09:19 AM
Kenny Rogers :rose:


Marc Overmars
21-03-2020, 09:54 AM
Front line NHS staff really are incredible. My mother in law is a nurse and she’s probably the most caring and compassionate person I’ve ever met in my life. Works all hours and basically earns peanuts for what she’s doing. Fair play to all those like her. Great people.

21-03-2020, 10:10 AM
It’s pretty crazy how little they get paid.
My job is even more pointless than NQ’s. I used to be more hands on building websites, now I don’t even do that. I’m more in the “architecture” space, whatever that means.
My mother in law was (she just retired) a sister on a hospital ward and didn’t get paid anywhere near what I do.
Not quite sure what you do about any of that, if nurses got large salaries then everyone would lose their collective shit about that and how much tax they have to pay to fund it

21-03-2020, 10:34 AM
Still, I suppose we should get back to more important things like Auba's 300k per week.

21-03-2020, 10:44 AM
Ha. Yes. Similarly


21-03-2020, 11:00 AM
Ooft. Someone on the front line calls in to LBC


21-03-2020, 11:01 AM
Whole family is at home now, but from Monday it's a full week for everyone. Wife is a teacher so she'll be teaching online. Eldest is tele-working. The youngsters will have full days trying to get Microsoft Teams to work. And it's work as usual for me, building the web sites that will get this country and the world back on its feet. The cats seem very pissed at this disruption to their schedule and invasion of privacy. They're going to freak when they find out what's on the menu for next Thursday.

21-03-2020, 11:37 AM
Ooft. Someone on the front line calls in to LBC


Anyone who shuts the door today and stays put will know by around March 31 if they are going to get through this okay. It'll be the next 2-4 weeks where the health services are stretched to the maximum and, most dangerously, beyond. So if they say stay in, help us out, do it! There doesn't need to be a lockdown, just a bit of cooperation.

The kids were in school up until yesterday, so we couldn't do much about it until today. That decision, to leave the schools open, will probably be the biggest mistake of this entire crisis. But from today, we're at home and staying there. Not because I think we're all going to die, but because there are people on my street who are at serious risk from this thing. I didn't have any urge to kill them before this, and I don't have the urge to do it now.

21-03-2020, 12:36 PM
Kenny Rogers :rose:


"And somewhere in the darkness, the Gambler he broke even

But in his final words I found an ace that I could keep

You got to know when to hold 'em

know when to fold 'em

learn when to walk away, and learn when to run

you never count your money when you're sittin' at the table

there'll be time enough for countin' when the dealing's done"

21-03-2020, 12:58 PM
But from today, we're at home and staying there. Not because I think we're all going to die, but because there are people on my street who are at serious risk from this thing. I didn't have any urge to kill them before this, and I don't have the urge to do it now.

I’ve gone a bit less nuclear.
MrsL has woken up today with a sore throat and feeling a bit achey.
My cold is lingering but I basically feel ok.
We have a toddler who is a bit snotty, but it’s a nice day and I didn’t think it was fair to keep him inside all day.
And quite honestly having been inside all week I needed to get out.
Opposite our house there is a field and at the far end of it there’s a little playground.
So the boy took his little balance bike across the field.
A few people were out and about but we kept our distance.
I saw one person I know - we had a shouted conversation from across the road.
We had the playground to ourselves.
We all dutifully washed our hands when we got in.

My church have set up a “studio” from which they will live stream a service tomorrow.
I was going to go and help with the technical side of things but I’ll stay home from that as it would have involves being physically close to people.

If literally everyone stayed inside then this thing would die but it’s unrealistic.
People need to get out for their own wellbeing. Some people have to keep working and can’t do so from home.
You can basically shop online these days but even that is difficult right now with it being difficult to get a delivery slot.

People need to be sensible and people famously aren’t. But I’m trying to be without going completely mad.

21-03-2020, 01:46 PM
I’ve gone a bit less nuclear.
MrsL has woken up today with a sore throat and feeling a bit achey.
My cold is lingering but I basically feel ok.
We have a toddler who is a bit snotty, but it’s a nice day and I didn’t think it was fair to keep him inside all day.
And quite honestly having been inside all week I needed to get out.
Opposite our house there is a field and at the far end of it there’s a little playground.
So the boy took his little balance bike across the field.
A few people were out and about but we kept our distance.
I saw one person I know - we had a shouted conversation from across the road.
We had the playground to ourselves.
We all dutifully washed our hands when we got in.

My church have set up a “studio” from which they will live stream a service tomorrow.
I was going to go and help with the technical side of things but I’ll stay home from that as it would have involves being physically close to people.

If literally everyone stayed inside then this thing would die but it’s unrealistic.
People need to get out for their own wellbeing. Some people have to keep working and can’t do so from home.
You can basically shop online these days but even that is difficult right now with it being difficult to get a delivery slot.

People need to be sensible and people famously aren’t. But I’m trying to be without going completely mad.

Yeah, I'm more talking about the thousands who went out partying in London last night to get a quick one in before the shutdown of pubs and restaurants. Some of those people were definitely infected. And they have definitely spread the infection to others who were there. And those people will now disperse to countless families and spread the disease there. And then, somebody in the hospital they drag themselves to will get infected and won't be able help others, or worse. But they did get a last pint in - which is way more important. And, as one reveller explained, "You have to support local businesses, don't you?"

10% of the victims from the outbreak in China were health workers treating patients, apparently. So we're shut inside, but it's not just about getting infected. If somebody breaks a bone, gets injured or sick in some other way, that may now become a life threatening situation because medical staff are busy treating patients these last order dickheads have donated the virus to. It's a free country, so you can't stop them. But you'd hope they'd have enough sense or regard for others. They don't though, and that's worth remembering for the future.

We have a nice big backyard and a whole field behind that. So we won't be physically staying shut in either. But we won't be going into town or playing knockdown-ginger on the OAPs doors... for a while.

McNamara That Ghost...
21-03-2020, 02:00 PM
Today's press conference is on in a few minutes.

Johnson takes the day off.

McNamara That Ghost...
21-03-2020, 02:08 PM
Pub team deployed today ironically.

21-03-2020, 02:15 PM
They need to be on their game or else the media vermin might trick them into agreeing with martial law and death camps.

21-03-2020, 02:25 PM
Now we have the pro-Chinese propagandists in our own media piping up. What an arse over tits question that was. "The Chinese now say they have halted the rise of infection, have you seen anything to suggest that's not true?"

Well yes. The non-stop flood of lies flowing out of Beijing since this began. Why do they automatically assume the most unlikely reality? The Chinese Virus is 100% the fault of the Chinese regime and they need to be held accountable for that in due course, not apologised for in advance.

Now the media hacks want to know if we are all going to starve. They've just been told that supplies are being maintained. But they don't want to hear that so just ask a more hysterical version of the same question. I guess the headlines will be, minister fails to rule out... The stupid bastard asked if it could be 100% ruled out that we wouldn't need rationing of any kind. Well how the hell can anyone know, at this point? Idiots. Scumbags.

21-03-2020, 02:28 PM
Somebody tell these media cunts there are no Nazi bombers destroying our factories and railways.

21-03-2020, 02:43 PM
Panic buying of toilet roll is leading to blocked sewers because those left without toilet paper are being forced to use alternatives and are disposing of them incorrectly.

The warning comes from water company Northumbrian Water, which said an increasing number of people were flushing wipes, kitchen roll and newspaper down the toilet.

The company said it understood people were "only improvising" but the consequences could be "devastating" to homes and the environment.

JHC This should be bigger news because sanitation problems now would be catastrophic.

Marc Overmars
21-03-2020, 06:01 PM
A further 793 deaths in 24 hours for Italy.


McNamara That Ghost...
21-03-2020, 07:05 PM
1,000+ new cases. 50 more deaths in the UK.

This is where Italy was three weeks ago isn't it?


21-03-2020, 07:25 PM
A further 793 deaths in 24 hours for Italy.


Are they counting that right? This means the mortality rate is much higher than we've been told. At least in Italy anyway. I heard old, young and everyone in-between is now dying over there, possibly more due to the breakdown of the system than the virus itself.

And now it's ravaging South Africa. That's going to be horrific.

21-03-2020, 07:27 PM
Viral Pandemic Global Emergency Special on Sky News. When the only news is COVID-19, do you need a special? Guess it keeps the graphics teams on their toes.

McNamara That Ghost...
21-03-2020, 07:41 PM
Are they counting that right? This means the mortality rate is much higher than we've been told. At least in Italy anyway. I heard old, young and everyone in-between is now dying over there, possibly more due to the breakdown of the system than the virus itself.

And now it's ravaging South Africa. That's going to be horrific.

Taking a hold in India also which will be equally concerning.

21-03-2020, 07:53 PM
Taking a hold in India also which will be equally concerning.

3% mortality rate and limited resources to contain it or treat it. The numbers are quite staggering really. How are we so totally unprepared for this, despite the ample warnings? I don't want to start while the crisis is ongoing, but I hope many more people start looking at our leaders and asking serious questions when this is over. Questions such as, who actually are our leaders and what are their intentions?

21-03-2020, 09:51 PM
Agent Coronavirus needs to cast an eye on Mrs Brown’s boys.

This is new to me, sat at home on a Saturday night. What the fuck is up with TV these days?

21-03-2020, 10:12 PM
3% mortality rate and limited resources to contain it or treat it. The numbers are quite staggering really. How are we so totally unprepared for this, despite the ample warnings? I don't want to start while the crisis is ongoing, but I hope many more people start looking at our leaders and asking serious questions when this is over. Questions such as, who actually are our leaders and what are their intentions?

Bet you've really stocked up on tin foil right? ;)

21-03-2020, 10:31 PM
Agent Coronavirus needs to cast an eye on Mrs Brown’s boys.

This is new to me, sat at home on a Saturday night. What the fuck is up with TV these days?

Dude, don't watch that shit. They warned you in advance it was going to be on. Why didn't you prepare properly?

Only yourself to blame.

21-03-2020, 10:33 PM
Bet you've really stocked up on tin foil right? ;)

I have a few rolls somewhere. But I left the black bin liners, because in one hospital nurses need those because they don't have any protective gowns.

No, I think I'm sticking with the plan to ask questions after this.

21-03-2020, 10:37 PM
People are panic buying booze and the shelves are being stripped. Even the lighter fluid and Avocado has gone. Only thing left is Pepsi Max mixers.


21-03-2020, 10:38 PM
No football.

No beer.

21-03-2020, 11:09 PM
Two ENT consultants are in critical care after being infected while treating patients. It's going to be "the few" again, isn't it? A few people who can, will make whatever sacrifice is required to ensure the rest of us are okay. Damn, what can the rest of us do to help? I suppose just stay inside and don't make the problem worse. Even going to see if your elderly neighbour is okay could be viewed as threatening their lives. Feels pretty useless.

21-03-2020, 11:13 PM
Our mortality rate is now the highest, at this comparable stage. Outstripping both China and Italy. Can that be right?

21-03-2020, 11:16 PM
McLaren F1, and a whole bunch of other companies, are switching production to ventilators. Some expect to start producing up to 1,000 units a day within the next week, to meet the required target of 30,000 units. And human beings are innately bad? Not this time. It's inspiring stuff. Many, many lives will be saved because of this.

21-03-2020, 11:26 PM
I found a possible way to be not quite so useless. The Red Cross has an emergency volunteer operation on standby. Sign up here:

21-03-2020, 11:57 PM
Sky News wants people to be SHAMED by other shoppers if they put the wrong amount of things in their shopping trolley! Nice. That's a clever way to create more grief in the supermarkets and that, in turn, will generate great clickbait opportunities. No details yet on what the shaming quantity levels are, but maybe we don't even need that to get the action rolling.

22-03-2020, 12:27 AM
Didn't get the links for the first two videos (search for yourself because they are useful), even though I did watch them, but if this guy can keep it up (which I seriously doubt) it might become one of the best sources of information available. I hope he can keep this going, but I fear not. I expect he'll be overwhelmed shortly. Whatever, good luck dude. Mean it.


22-03-2020, 07:22 AM
Are they counting that right? This means the mortality rate is much higher than we've been told. At least in Italy anyway.
The mortality rate is really hard to determine.
It seems to vary wildly between countries which makes no sense.
But of course all we really know is how many people tested positive vs how many died.
And for many people they probably have it quite mildly so they are never tested.
Another factors which will vary between countries is how good the health infrastructure and government advice about social isolation and how quickly and strictly that is enforced.
I hear in Spain you literally can’t go out unless it’s to the shops. You get fined if you are caught.
Poland shut their schools before there were many cases in the country.
When the dust has settled there will be a lot of lessons to be learned about what tactics were most effective.
And it’s really important that those lessons are learned because I don’t think this is a one off.
Might not happen every year, maybe not even that often. But it will happen again

22-03-2020, 02:40 PM
TLDR; Coney is fucked.

It sounds like most epidemiologists (I spelled that right the first time, WTF?) agree this will be with us for good now, like the common cold. But immunity will slowly develop and the virus itself will become fewer lethal. So the number of people expected to die from this will die. But the plan is to ensure they all don't die at the same time. And like the common cold, we'll be able to catch it over and over again. Eventually it will be fewer of a problem than the flu, but it'll be there, right alongside the flu, during roughly the same seasonal periods. A lot of this is likely guesswork at this stage, but it sounds realistic.

McNamara That Ghost...
22-03-2020, 04:54 PM
Johnson press conference due soon apparently.

Doubt there will be any other measures at this time.

McNamara That Ghost...
22-03-2020, 05:16 PM
As I thought.

Johnson on repeat.

McNamara That Ghost...
22-03-2020, 05:17 PM
651 is today's number from Italy. :(

Fucking hell.

McNamara That Ghost...
22-03-2020, 05:19 PM
NHS to contact the 1.5 million vulnerable in the UK and ensure they stay home for 12 weeks.

I guess that will include my mum given she is in remission from Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

McNamara That Ghost...
22-03-2020, 05:50 PM
Wash your hands!

Marc Overmars
22-03-2020, 05:56 PM
I think they’ll have to get the police involved because I doubt you’ll get enough people social distancing with any real conviction.

22-03-2020, 06:44 PM
Round my way it’s been ok but I’ve not been too far.
Yesterday I took the boy across the field to a playground.
We had the place to ourselves although he was touching surfaces which could have been contaminate.
Today the playground had quite a few kids in which was a bit concerning.
We just kicked a ball round the field instead.
Few people were out and about both days but people were keeping a sensible distance.

22-03-2020, 06:46 PM
These people are the real victims



22-03-2020, 08:03 PM
NHS to contact the 1.5 million vulnerable in the UK and ensure they stay home for 12 weeks.

I guess that will include my mum given she is in remission from Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Very best wishes for her maccy

My father-in-law isn't diagnosed with anything but he's 84 and normally very sociable, playing bowls, dominos etc, now stuxk in his house with just a trip to the supermarket scrum to look forward to, i almoat wonder how many older and vulnerable people might get depressed and even die earlier as a result of the lockdown as opposed to the virus itself, but i guess they can't just say 'carry on as normal', the 'herd' theory has been pretty much rejected

22-03-2020, 08:30 PM
As I thought.

Johnson on repeat.

And the journotrash. They are speaking with one voice now - MARTIAL LAW!

And if he does it - Prime Minister, is it acceptable for a democracy like the UK to be under the boot of the army? Will you resign?

22-03-2020, 08:51 PM
These people are the real victims



Bargain hunt?

Bargain cunt.

22-03-2020, 09:23 PM
Bargain cunt.

That’s your sister’s nickname, that is


23-03-2020, 07:55 AM
Weinstein test positive :lol:


23-03-2020, 10:00 AM


23-03-2020, 10:37 AM
Day 5 in my girlfriend's studio flat. I wanna die :)

23-03-2020, 10:54 AM


Humorous, but there's no denying how sinister the media is right now. Hitler was probably more indecisive and squeamish when it came to appointing himself supreme overlord. Instead of giving out information in a rational manner they are bypassing the people they are supposed to be informing (writing them off as immoral in the process) and demanding the arrival of the police state. I don't know who they are working for now, but it's not the people of Britain. Sites like the Onion and Newsthump actually have more credibility than them now. Sky News and the BBC are two of the most hateful, anti-humanitarian organisations I have ever witnessed. Don't know about ITN and C4, but I suspect it's exactly the same. All singing from the one songsheet. Oh look, the Euros are stomping around taxing people and locking them up - when are WE going to do that Prime Minister!!!???

23-03-2020, 10:56 AM
Day 5 in my girlfriend's studio flat. I wanna die :)

Daddy hasn't bought you your own place? :(

23-03-2020, 10:58 AM
Weinstein test positive :lol:


Or his lawyers have come up with a ploy even more cynical than the last one.

23-03-2020, 10:59 AM
Daddy hasn't bought you your own place? :(

Trashed during the last toga party.

23-03-2020, 11:03 AM
All singing from the one songsheet. Oh look, the Euros are stomping around taxing people and locking them up - when are WE going to do that Prime Minister!!!???
Gotta say, it's not helped by fuckwits on FB who are pretty much begging to be locked in their houses.
Someone on a local FB group I'm in asked if anyone knew of places who deliver house plants.
Someone else replied, somewhat hysterically, about how house plants aren't an essential item and she shouldn't be ordering anything and...REMAIN INDOORS.
Calm. The fuck. Down!
As the person pointed out, deliveries can be left outside, you don't need to french kiss the delivery driver. It's perfectly possible to have stuff delivered and maintain social distancing. It's perfectly possible to go for a walk and do so too. Just go somewhere quiet. Don't have big house parties or stuff like that.
This isn't rocket salad.

23-03-2020, 11:18 AM
Wow. I know all y’all think I believe some nonsense but Indians really do take bullshit to another level

Reason: Jupiter is conjuncted with Ketu causing viral infection. It will transist on 29th into Capricorn moving away from Ketu relieving the world and we wi witness improvement by end of March or early Apr. Vaccine should be announced around mid April. And when Ketu (Vakri) leaves Sagitarius - the bloody VIRUS will disappear in the end of Sep / Oct this year.

Hey. Genius. If it’s just astrology making this happen then why didn’t you predict it?
Exactly. So shut up.

23-03-2020, 11:27 AM
It's a soft society now. People get mental health issues just by staying at home and mostly getting on with things as normal? I can get how older people literally being locked down for 12 weeks on their own is a challenge. But watching those assholes at the beach shoving ice cream in their overfed faces, that's kind of a mental issue too. Global pandemic. Please, to help other people who are vulnerable, stay inside for a bit. To which they reply, let's go to the seaside! That's scarier than the pandemic, that we've had these assholes living with us all the while, undetected, multiplying, thriving.

And if most people help out in this crisis, and industry can get enough ventilators and supplies into the hospitals, and the staff working 48 hour shifts can give every last ounce of effort, and we get lucky. If all that happens and we somehow contain this...

Then those assholes will say, see, there was nothing for all those OAPs to worry about. And then I'm going to punch them in the face.

23-03-2020, 11:30 AM
Wow. I know all y’all think I believe some nonsense but Indians really do take bullshit to another level

Hey. Genius. If it’s just astrology making this happen then why didn’t you predict it?
Exactly. So shut up.

Yeah, but what if he's right? Does this mean the footy will be back on by the 30th? :ladynana: :woohoo:

23-03-2020, 11:32 AM
Good advice on not French kissing the delivery driver though. I'm going to stop doing that for a while.

23-03-2020, 11:53 AM
I've yet to meet one who I'd want to, tbh.
Was somewhat irked by Pizza Hut yesterday who claimed they have implemented "contactless delivery" where the person would leave your pizzas outside, retreat to a safe distance and call you. In the event the bloke just knocked on our door and gave me them like usual.
I will draft a strongly worded letter to be delivered to them on the event of my death :sulk:

23-03-2020, 11:54 AM
Daddy hasn't bought you your own place? :(

He's paying the rent on my uni accommodation, if that counts :lol:

But even if I did have my own place, I couldn't get there, cos isolation, innit.

23-03-2020, 12:02 PM
Olympics Committee warning the games may have to be postponed. Well that's a bit of a shock. To nobody except them.

23-03-2020, 12:05 PM


So they've asked a load of people to stay at home...but because of that they've reduced the services meaning the trains that are running are as busy as before.

Well done, everyone :clap:

23-03-2020, 12:17 PM
54 new cases in Singapore today. So "the fascism" hasn't been as effective as hoped.

Basically, we're all going to have to catch this thing. Trying to avoid it is a lost cause. Worthwhile in the short term, to keep the infection rate within the bounds of the ability of health services to handle it, but this is going to be be like trying to avoid the common cold. You can't do it unless you are a hermit or Joe Biden.

23-03-2020, 01:52 PM
Canada pull out of the Olympics. Starting to look like it's unlikely it'll go ahead :(

23-03-2020, 03:04 PM
Salmond cleared on all charges. What a massive surprise.