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29-05-2020, 10:12 AM
This is classical trump Derangement Syndrome.....Everything Trump is bad. everything was hunky dory until Trump came along. the Democrats always pick the worst possible candidate and expect people to fall in line...cos Trump. trump is the creation of the Dems decades of lying mendacity pretending to be the peoples champions while participating wholescale in the routine raping and pillaging of economies, foreign and domestic. Hillary was a terrible candidate and they scoured the nether regions of their stash of awful candidates and found another just as bad.

Biden. Copied a Neil Kinnock speech word for word and claimed it as his own
Biden. Claimed he graduated "top of his class" when he actually came 175th out of 185
Biden. Claimed he went to South Africa and was arrested protesting for Mandela`s freedom. Not found in any public records
Biden. Used his VP office to make cash grabs for his son and get a prosecutor fired.

and Letters. pls stop showing your ignorance by claiming Hillary won the public vote. Its nonsense because that is not the game at all. You can win the vote and lose the election. Thats what the system is. Same as first past the post in UK. How many popular votes have Tories lost and still occupy the PM slot

And he ACTUALLY grabbed her by the pussy. But so far no live televised show trials. Any day now I guess.

29-05-2020, 10:13 AM
Wasn't true? WTF?

He said that "There is no way (zero) that mail-in ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent"

My emphasis. There may be evidence of fraud and cause for concern for postal voting but substantially? Is there evidence of that? Bear in mind that Trump has previous on this, claiming without any basis that there were 2 million fraudulent votes in the last election.

And the arbiter of truth, by the way, is truth
That's a completely meaningless statement. How do we know what the truth IS? We all read things, see things, hear things. How do we know whether those things are true?

29-05-2020, 10:14 AM
Trump only won the last one because the "other guy" was Hillary Clinton. Even then she won the popular vote.
If the Dems put up anyone half decent they will wipe the floor with him, but I fear they won't :(

So name a Dem who is half decent.

29-05-2020, 10:15 AM
and Letters. pls stop showing your ignorance by claiming Hillary won the public vote. Its nonsense because that is not the game at all. You can win the vote and lose the election. Thats what the system is. Same as first past the post in UK. How many popular votes have Tories lost and still occupy the PM slot

surely the point is that yes, the system delivered the White House to Trump, but it's a mistake to think he was elected on a tidal wave of support, and becasue that wasn't the case it means he is that much more vulnerable next time round.

29-05-2020, 10:18 AM
This is classical trump Derangement Syndrome.....Everything Trump is bad. everything was hunky dory until Trump came along.
Complete straw man, literally no-one is saying that.

and Letters. pls stop showing your ignorance by claiming Hillary won the public vote.


Umm. She did. :shrug:. It wasn't a claim, it's a documented fact.

29-05-2020, 10:26 AM
He said that "There is no way (zero) that mail-in ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent"

My emphasis. There may be evidence of fraud and cause for concern for postal voting but substantially? Is there evidence of that? Bear in mind that Trump has previous on this, claiming without any basis that there were 2 million fraudulent votes in the last election.

That's a completely meaningless statement. How do we know what the truth IS? We all read things, see things, hear things. How do we know whether those things are true?

LOL. Only 2 million? It's not like him to be so reserved. Voter fraud is, and has been, rampant in the States for decades. On both sides. Either side has its favoured method. There are several, excellent journalists who have tracked and carefully documented this for many years. But they don't get the coverage because fraud is part of the game. A fundamental part. But you're doing your misdirection thing again - to avoid the points I raised. One being, you can't fact check an opinion about a future event. And should you try to pull such a ridiculous stunt, it's probably best not to use the fake news media to verify your fortune telling.

You know what truth is by doing the legwork, rather than waiting for some authority figure to spoon-feed you. You can also understand the truth, minus any facts, when it is a moral or ethical issue. You may never get to the whole truth and nothing but the truth, some truths are unknowable. But you can often arrive in the vicinity of the truth, which in turn assists with revealing other truths or paths to other truths. I've constantly encouraged you to do just that, but your instant response is to run to authority to "prove" the truth.

29-05-2020, 10:26 AM
surely the point is that yes, the system delivered the White House to Trump, but it's a mistake to think he was elected on a tidal wave of support, and becasue that wasn't the case it means he is that much more vulnerable next time round.

Nobody is saying that, at least not me. Trump and the Republican had run the numbers on the day before the election and had already accepted defeat. They couldnt believe it when they won. Every opinion poll said they would lose. How is that not a tideswell of unknown support?. These people have majorly not left him and the Democrats cant get the independents to come out and vote for Biden. who the fk wants Biden for president that is under 65 years of age. Im pretty sure it will be another landslide. If you analyse the total results of 2016. I think Republicans won like 70% of all the contests across the board. Hold 33 out of 50 governors and just recently won 2 by elections in the house(I think) there is no rush to vote for Biden, hence the Corona home vote tactic.

29-05-2020, 10:30 AM
Complete straw man, literally no-one is saying that.


Umm. She did. :shrug:. It wasn't a claim, it's a documented fact.

..and so what?. She lost the electoral college 320 to 206 or something. You dont play table tennis when the game is at Wimbledon. and not Wimbledon FC before you start again.

29-05-2020, 10:35 AM
The truly amazing thing is, everybody should be delighted that freedom of speech is being defended - at long last. After years of erosion. Whether anything will come of it is another matter, but at least a move has finally been made. Something that benefits us all and something we can all get behind. Or so you would think.


29-05-2020, 10:45 AM
..and so what?. She lost the electoral college 320 to 206 or something. You dont play table tennis when the game is at Wimbledon. and not Wimbledon FC before you start again.

So as hated as Clinton was, a lot of people voted for her - probably because they didn't want Trump.
And a lot of people voted for Trump because they didn't want Clinton.

Like a lot of elections, it was about choosing the least bad option. My point was if the Dems could find a decent candidate then they'd probably win quite easily. As NQ alludes to though, that's easier said than done.

29-05-2020, 10:51 AM
your instant response is to run to authority to "prove" the truth.
Bless. You still think that because your authorities are not "mainstream" that you are doing something different to me.

29-05-2020, 11:43 AM
Everything Trump is bad.


29-05-2020, 11:46 AM

His daughters are quite cute though. At least give him that

29-05-2020, 11:59 AM
His daughters are quite cute though. At least give him that

That's why he raped them.

29-05-2020, 12:03 PM
Bless. You still think that because your authorities are not "mainstream" that you are doing something different to me.


WTF are you talking about? Do you not know how investigative journalism and research works? You really can't get beyond the idea that you need to be TOLD what's factual or truthful by sources you eventually settle on as authoritative. No thought required on your part beyond the acceptance of the authority.

That is NOT how investigation and research works. Every single authoritative source on the planet can be stating a "fact" or a "truth" and can still be wrong. The same is equally true for (supposedly) non-authoritative, non-mainstream sources. The "authority" in such cases comes from exposure, not established track records of veracity. "Mainstream" means visible, consumed by a broad range of the population, broadly cited. Facts and truth are not connected to these definitions at all. These sources, regardless of their exposure and acceptance, must choose to deal in fact and truth - or not. By merely being "authoritative" and mainstream does not confirm such sources as honest by default, nor does it discount non-mainstream information out of hand, despite your habits.

The Iraq war is a classic and enduring example of the basic principles stated above. Fact. Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Every major media source confirmed this because every authoritative source they relied upon stated it as established fact. But this mass consensus did not make it truth. The "facts" were wrong, the truth was missing. And not by mistake. These "facts" were gathered and the "truth" established by carefully selecting information and testimony (remember Scott Ritter, they tried to pin a sex offence on him because they disliked his testimony so much) and studiously ignoring other available information and testimony. If ALL of this information and testimony had been taken into account, a very different set of facts would have emerged and a real truth would have been reached. Real investigation. Real research. The sort of work journalists like Fisk, for example, have been undertaking for decades. His information and testimony was roundly ignored most recently when he advised the Syrian chemical attacks were a staged crock of shit. Another great lie spun by authoritative mainstream media (or the fake news, to give them their proper name).

Dummies on the Internet shovel fake news too, but nowhere near the rate the approved sources pump it out. So authoritative and mainstream are they, our reality is shaped by their lies and omissions. And it takes far more work than you are seemingly prepared to do to work past that, find all the missing information and testimony, collate it, verify it using multiple sources and references (which in turn must be collated, verified) and so on. Getting to any truth in a world full of professional liars is a strenuous undertaking.

I don't blame people for not being up to the challenge - after all, we are kept so busy with so much bullshit. But I do blame those who try to undermine those who have the heart to do the work. Disagreement, dispute, discussion, debate, all fine. Dismissal out of hand - bush league. A discredit to the one attempting to discredit.

Marc Overmars
30-05-2020, 08:25 AM
Seems like America has totally gone to shit over these George Floyd protests. That cop has been charged with murder though.

30-05-2020, 09:00 AM
I hope justice is done and that cop gets released.

30-05-2020, 09:53 AM
He has already been sacked. unless i mistake your meaning and you are actually hoping he gets to walk home scot free?

30-05-2020, 10:44 AM
Blue lives matter

30-05-2020, 11:11 AM
Seems like America has totally gone to shit over these George Floyd protests. That cop has been charged with murder though.

This sort of thing happens too much in the US but this case feels different, maybe the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Can you imagine if he gets acquitted?!

30-05-2020, 11:43 AM
[QUOTE=Letters;4513170]This sort of thing happens too much in the US but this case feels different, maybe the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Can you imagine if he gets acquitted?![/QUOTE

Some us we remember the LA riots after the Rodney King trial will probably be worse time.

30-05-2020, 12:09 PM
"Mixed emotions, buddy. Like Larry Wildman going off a cliff in my new Maserati."

Bad coppers need to be kicked off the force. But all the sympathy for looters posing as protesters in a bit sickening.

30-05-2020, 01:30 PM
"Mixed emotions, buddy. Like Larry Wildman going off a cliff in my new Maserati."

Bad coppers need to be kicked off the force. But all the sympathy for looters posing as protesters in a bit sickening.

Yeah the looters just sweep the rug out of everything. Idiots

30-05-2020, 02:33 PM
"Mixed emotions, buddy. Like Larry Wildman going off a cliff in my new Maserati."

Bad coppers need to be kicked off the force. But all the sympathy for looters posing as protesters in a bit sickening.

aren't they fighting back against big business corporations, the man etc by nicking overpriced stuff for nothing?

thought you'd support that?

30-05-2020, 03:20 PM
aren't they fighting back against big business corporations, the man etc by nicking overpriced stuff for nothing?

thought you'd support that?

No - LOL. They are destroying their own communities and robbing everything they can get their hands on, rather similar to the behaviour of the big corporations in many ways.

These losers keep on voting Democrat, keep on getting screwed over and now they're doubling down by volunteering to be cannon fodder on the front lines of the latest, desperate Democrat election strategy.

If they really wanted to protest they'd set up their own political party, a third party to rival the one two-faced political system, and run the table. They have the numbers. But that's too hard and it takes sustained collaboration which most people aren't prepared to do unless it's an online game or a twatter storm.

You buy into the corrupt political system, the mainstream media bullshit and the useless bread and circuses and you're going to end up too stupid to find real solutions. That's what these people are, desperate because they are too stupid, too gullible to use their numbers in a constructive manner.

A lot of them will be dead soon anyway, so it doesn't much matter.

30-05-2020, 03:32 PM
Britain's a pretty great place to be, tbf.

No matter what shit happens here, we queue quietly. Not because we're morons, but because there are enough brain cells going around to realise smashing stuff up doesn't help. Okay, so we've had that shit before, but the vast majority shun it. It can be infuriating, it can be mistaken for complacency, but there's a stiff resolve to the British character too - waning but still there. If it ever came to it, I suspect we'd have a very quiet but very determined revolution. But it wouldn't end in flames. Maybe I'm naive, but it's the sense I get of how things are here. And, for me, it's still the best country in the world to live in.

The U.S (the Democrat areas), France, even Germany to a degree, these are tinder boxes and it could go downhill very fast.

You can't beat the military at war. We're way beyond that possibility. Stupid arses who think they are Rambo, or think they are safe because of numbers, will soon see how quickly those numbers can be viciously subdued. If you want to fight the government, don't fight on their pitch. That's just dumb. And it's mostly dumb people who start smashing and robbing stuff when some agitator tells them bad shit has happened. They probably couldn't even explain why they are rioting - beyond remarking that Target has that new 60 inch TV in stock - while stocks last.

01-06-2020, 07:57 AM
By the way, I finally called Sky yesterday.
I'm paying something like £89 a month right now for TV, phone and broadband.
Except we literally never use the landline and our broadband speed sucks - just about good enough for Netflix or a Zoom call and for most of what we do that's ok but even then it doesn't always work well and on principle it's ridiculous how slow our connection is given how much we're paying.
Anyway, after speaking to the first bloke who didn't seem to be able to do much (why do they do that? Surely it's a waste of my and their time as pretty much everyone knows you have to persist and talk to the second person) I spoke to someone else.
So now it'll be £42 a month, I lose HD (although frankly my eyes aren't HD ready so that's fine) and some channels but not ones I ever watched. I lose some of the phone deal with free calls but like I said we literally never use the land line. And we get faster broadband.
In brief: Hurrah!

Feel a little silly how long it's taken me to do this tbh.

01-06-2020, 08:45 AM
How is it you have Sky problems every couple of months and you still haven't changed providers?

01-06-2020, 09:02 AM
How is it you have Sky problems every couple of months and you still haven't changed providers?

I don't have Sky problems every couple of months. Crappy broadband speed aside (which isn't the biggest problem, I'm able to WAH OK and Netflix works OK) I don't have any particular problems with them. I'm just paying for things I don't use and just generally am overpaying.
I haven't sorted it out before because I'm an idiot.

01-06-2020, 09:14 AM
You really can't get beyond the idea that you need to be TOLD what's factual or truthful by sources you eventually settle on as authoritative. No thought required on your part beyond the acceptance of the authority.
I did want to respond to this bit by the way.

Any information has a source. And with most of the things we have an opinion about that source is not the horse's mouth, so to speak.
I don't have the resources or ability to do climate research so while not wishing to get into a debate about that, all I can do to form an opinion is to read sources. Even then I'm probably not going to understand the actual science, I'll be reading a version written for lay people.
And yes I do need to consider the source, there are some science journals which I'd give more weight to than a site like tinfoilhat.com
[Ha, I just checked to see if that's a real website, it is but it's a one man band web designer - is that you?!]
And it's a good idea to cross reference between different sources. And over time we probably have an idea in our head about what sources are generally accurate and which are not.

Something being mainstream doesn't make it accurate of course and something being more fringe doesn't make it wrong. I don't know what you mean by my "habits", you posted some videos, I watched them, checked some of the things he was saying and found them wanting.

The WMD thing - the media reported about the dossier that claimed there were WMDs (obviously The Sun did so in a more hysterical way than most but if that's the standard of "journalism" you are happy with then that's on you). But the meida also reported when it was exposed as lies
[I'd recommend Black Box Thinking, Matthew Syed uses that and Blair's continued insistence that the WMDs existed as an example of Cognitive Dissonance].
Tony Blair didn't make the decision to go to war because the media reported about a dossier, it was the other way around.

01-06-2020, 09:31 AM
I don't have Sky problems every couple of months. Crappy broadband speed aside (which isn't the biggest problem, I'm able to WAH OK and Netflix works OK) I don't have any particular problems with them. I'm just paying for things I don't use and just generally am overpaying.
I haven't sorted it out before because I'm an idiot.

You seem to post about this sort of thing all the time though, you have some success story about being previously overcharged for something, calling up to complain and getting a chunk knocked off your bill.

Then a few months go by and the you post another version of the same story.

From my memory this has been happening since the invision days.

Wha gwarn?

01-06-2020, 09:53 AM
I did want to respond to this bit by the way.

Any information has a source. And with most of the things we have an opinion about that source is not the horse's mouth, so to speak.
I don't have the resources or ability to do climate research so while not wishing to get into a debate about that, all I can do to form an opinion is to read sources. Even then I'm probably not going to understand the actual science, I'll be reading a version written for lay people.
And yes I do need to consider the source, there are some science journals which I'd give more weight to than a site like tinfoilhat.com
[Ha, I just checked to see if that's a real website, it is but it's a one man band web designer - is that you?!]
And it's a good idea to cross reference between different sources. And over time we probably have an idea in our head about what sources are generally accurate and which are not.

Something being mainstream doesn't make it accurate of course and something being more fringe doesn't make it wrong. I don't know what you mean by my "habits", you posted some videos, I watched them, checked some of the things he was saying and found them wanting.

The WMD thing - the media reported about the dossier that claimed there were WMDs (obviously The Sun did so in a more hysterical way than most but if that's the standard of "journalism" you are happy with then that's on you). But the meida also reported when it was exposed as lies
[I'd recommend Black Box Thinking, Matthew Syed uses that and Blair's continued insistence that the WMDs existed as an example of Cognitive Dissonance].
Tony Blair didn't make the decision to go to war because the media reported about a dossier, it was the other way around.

Are you serious? They endlessly beat the drums for war, repeated every bullshit lie handed down to them by "insider sources", and omitted every serious counterargument and the details of the historical relationships between the west and Iraq, and the idealogical conflicts between Iraq and Islamic terrorism.

But they blamed somebody else when the lie was exposed!


If you can apologise for this, you can apologise for literally anything. There's not a single tinfoilhat site on the net that has come within a million miles of the fakery you'll see every day on the authoritative, approved, official, mainstream media.

And it's not a one-off indiscretion. What about Russiagate, as a current example? Same shit, all over again.

I already said I can understand how people don't have time to really dig in beyond the bullshit to get somewhere close to the reality. I get that. What I objected to was the speed at which uninformed people condemn those who have a shovel and the willingness to dig. You can legitimately say, okay, I believe this, that, or the other. And you are at liberty to state you don't believe this, that or the other. But it's entirely illegitimate to proclaim deviation from the approved source is some sort of mental affliction without at least considering the alternative viewpoint. Sometimes very little consideration is required - Martians stole my homework. Other times it's the height of ignorance to be so dismissive - Scott Ritter, ex-arms inspector in Iraq, smeared as a sex offender because of the credible, firsthand information he was courageous enough to supply in the face of a lock-step "authoritative", approved, official mainstream media and the baying mob in tow.

01-06-2020, 09:57 AM
Bah. This was at WMUG, obvs.

I hardly ever post about this, I'm too busy bickering with NQ, saying how amazing Wenger was/is and being right about everything.
I did post about Sky a while back and the above was an update. Maybe when there are conversations in this area I chip in with "lolz, yeah I'm getting terrible value for money but am too dumb/lazy to do anything about it". But all the time?!

I did have a whine when I moved house and they took for bloody ever to fit a Sky dish and, AND you can't use your box without one. You can't even play the stuff you've recorded even though it is physically on the box. That was partly my fault though as I didn't tell them I was moving till too late and had wrongly thought there was already a dish here. And that was 3 and a half years ago!

01-06-2020, 10:01 AM
Bah. This was at WMUG, obvs.

I hardly ever post about this, I'm too busy bickering with NQ, saying how amazing Wenger was/is and being right about everything.
I did post about Sky a while back and the above was an update. Maybe when there are conversations in this area I chip in with "lolz, yeah I'm getting terrible value for money but am too dumb/lazy to do anything about it". But all the time?!

I did have a whine when I moved house and they took for bloody ever to fit a Sky dish and, AND you can't use your box without one. You can't even play the stuff you've recorded even though it is physically on the box. That was partly my fault though as I didn't tell them I was moving till too late and had wrongly thought there was already a dish here. And that was 3 and a half years ago!

I can recall at least 15 occasions where you have posted about changing your contract. Verified by insider sources at Sky, BT, Virgin and CupAndString Media.

01-06-2020, 10:03 AM

01-06-2020, 10:06 AM

Triple sourced, with testimony provided by WMUG. What are YOUR sources?

Marc Overmars
01-06-2020, 10:43 AM
Bought a £500 coffee machine.

I don’t know whether this will prove to be one of my wiser decisions...

01-06-2020, 10:51 AM
Will you stop banging on about buying coffee machines all the time :sulk:

Sounds like a lot to spend on a coffee machine, that's nearly 6 months worth of my Sky Subscription at my old tariff. But then I don't like coffee. For people into coffee I've heard a good coffee machine is a big win.

Marc Overmars
01-06-2020, 11:02 AM
Me and the wife are pretty hooked on coffee. We get through so much whether it’s from a shop or our current machine. I’ve done the sums and I’m sure this is more cost effective in the long run, especially now I’m working at home for the foreseeable future.

01-06-2020, 11:09 AM
Will you stop banging on about buying coffee machines all the time :sulk:

Sounds like a lot to spend on a coffee machine, that's nearly 6 months worth of my Sky Subscription at my old tariff. But then I don't like coffee. For people into coffee I've heard a good coffee machine is a big win.

Stop trying to change the narrative by blaming decisive coffee machine consumers for your lack of direction with respect to telecommunications products and services.

01-06-2020, 11:14 AM
Me and the wife are pretty hooked on coffee. We get through so much whether it’s from a shop or our current machine. I’ve done the sums and I’m sure this is more cost effective in the long run, especially now I’m working at home for the foreseeable future.

Pressing a button and receiving a freshly ground cup of coffee is one of life's little essentials. I've met people who don't have proper coffee machines.

01-06-2020, 11:28 AM

Did I mention I'll be saving £47 a month AND will be getting faster broadband?
Well I will.
Me :bow:

01-06-2020, 11:38 AM
16 occasions.

01-06-2020, 02:07 PM
Is it possible we could solve environmental problems by using science, instead of garbage, faith and consensus based doctrine that pretends to be science?


01-06-2020, 02:19 PM
Will you stop banging on about buying coffee machines all the time :sulk:

Sounds like a lot to spend on a coffee machine, that's nearly 6 months worth of my Sky Subscription at my old tariff. But then I don't like coffee. For people into coffee I've heard a good coffee machine is a big win.

a decent kettle and some good-quality instant is all you really need - Douwe Egberts for example

the other stuff is all so much faff for not much gain

01-06-2020, 02:36 PM
Crazy Alex Jones was banned from just about every platform for "glorifying violence", when he suggested people should keep a gun by the bedside because a herd of leftie loser zombie loons would eventually shuffle and shamble to the door.

Yesterday the champagne socialists were posting up names and addresses of conservative journalists. These hobby revolutionaries are trying to help out the peaceful, justice seeking protesters anyway they can, buy paying bail bonds, suggesting targets for violence, paying for the transport to ship peaceful rioters and looter between hotspots, doing a CNN and denying the protests are violent (even as cars and buildings burn behind them). Provided the zombie herds don't come to their door, of course, as was the case with Chris Martin Palmer (https://swarajyamag.com/insta/my-locality-holier-than-thou-espn-nba-reporter-faces-flak-for-hypocritical-tweet-about-george-floyd-protest) when his joyful encouragement of the violence quickly turned to panic as the herd rolled up to his gated community.

Last night the zombie herd responded to the noise of the elitist liberal Guevaras and trampled to Cassandra Fairbank's home, she's a journalist who had been doxed earlier in the day. Gunshots and fireworks were directed at the house. The cops couldn't help because, apparently there was a riot in progress - which is strange because CNN and MSLSD searched high and low with their eyes clamped shut and ears stoppered, but no riots.

These scrawny, chicken limbed, unwashed maggot people who tirelessly campaign for peace and justice (sandwiched between looting sprees) are brave indeed. You can tell by the way they always seem to run up from behind, aim a limp-wrist punch at an oblivious target, and then run a mile. As few as hundreds of them will often stand up to one homeless man attempting to prevent them burning his meagre possessions. But last night they didn't have the numbers to tackle one woman and her 9 year old daughter, because mummy had a firearm herself. I suppose she'll be sleeping with it by her bed, in case a herd of leftie loser zombie loons shuffle and shamble to her door. Again.

The lefties had best hope patience holds firm with those who know how to actually use those guns. Because if patience snaps, the zombie herd will be mowed like an overgrown lawn.

01-06-2020, 02:37 PM
a decent kettle and some good-quality instant is all you really need - Douwe Egberts for example

the other stuff is all so much faff for not much gain

Crazy talk.

01-06-2020, 02:59 PM
a decent kettle and some good-quality instant is all you really need - Douwe Egberts for example

the other stuff is all so much faff for not much gain

I have one of those Nespresso machines because I'm susceptible to advertising. Nice cofffee, though.

01-06-2020, 03:25 PM
I have one of those Nespresso machines because I'm susceptible to advertising. Nice cofffee, though.

is that the one with those throwaway plastic pods? - they're horribly wastefull

01-06-2020, 04:03 PM
is that the one with those throwaway plastic pods? - they're horribly wastefull

No, 100% aluminium pods. I send all the used pods for recycling.

01-06-2020, 07:57 PM


01-06-2020, 09:16 PM
He was clearly dangerous.

01-06-2020, 09:20 PM


What happened afterwards? The video cuts before we know why he walked off with the coppers.

02-06-2020, 06:41 AM
What happened afterwards? The video cuts before we know why he walked off with the coppers.

There was a crowdfunding campaign to pay his bail.

There's a whole load of that going on: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1X4-YS3vFn5CLL9QtJSU0xqmTh_h8XilXgOqGAjZISBI/mobilebasic

Marc Overmars
02-06-2020, 07:52 AM
He was clearly dangerous.

Yep, clearly a deranged individual.

02-06-2020, 07:57 AM
He sounded a bit bonkers in the nut but dangerous? I mean, potentially, but he wasn't doing anything wrong or endangering anyone.

02-06-2020, 08:29 AM
He was clearly guilty of being black.

02-06-2020, 08:31 AM
"George Floyd protesters tear-gassed so Trump can walk to church"


:lol:. Surely the Trumpiest headline of all time.

02-06-2020, 10:08 AM
More editorial from the BBC instead of news.

02-06-2020, 10:09 AM
More editorial from the BBC instead of news.

trust you to shoot the messenger and ignore the message

02-06-2020, 10:15 AM
trust you to shoot the messenger and ignore the message

The message was 2 paragraphs long. All editorial. A typical BBC hit piece in the now infamous Emily Witless style.

02-06-2020, 10:53 AM
Joe Exotic :pal:


Baskin :bow:
Tigers :bow:
Baskin's husband :rose:

02-06-2020, 11:31 AM
Another site like Cameo


Paul Chuckle :lol:
£30, quite tempted tbh.

02-06-2020, 11:33 AM
The fun house twins £35? :haha:
I know there's two of them but still, more than Paul Chuckle? :sulk:

02-06-2020, 11:34 AM
Biggins only £25?! :haha:

This site is brilliant.

02-06-2020, 11:49 AM
Jet from Gladiators for fifty quid!

Wonder what she'd do for a hundred...

02-06-2020, 11:55 AM

David Weekender - never 'eard of him, described as IBIZA Weekender Reality Star, £100.
That's 4 Biggins's or nearly 7 Zammo from Grange Hills :blink:

02-06-2020, 05:32 PM
The message was 2 paragraphs long. All editorial. A typical BBC hit piece in the now infamous Emily Witless style.

and a video - you're supposed to watch the video too you know...

02-06-2020, 08:23 PM
When I grow up, I want to be a principle or a caterpillar.

04-06-2020, 06:50 AM


04-06-2020, 07:35 AM
The parents done it.

Case closed.

Bake 'em away, toys.

04-06-2020, 08:02 AM

"Will humans keep getting smarter?"


Have they seen this place? (No offence, fellas)

04-06-2020, 09:33 AM

"Will humans keep getting smarter?"


Have they seen this place? (No offence, fellas)

Judging by election results here and the US in recent years, we are obviously getting much more stupider.

04-06-2020, 09:45 AM
Hey, I'm learnding :angry:

04-06-2020, 04:15 PM
Now there's a headline!


04-06-2020, 10:04 PM


04-06-2020, 10:06 PM
Kneeling to blacks and leftists seems to be the new craze. If you don't do it, a mob of zombies descends and demands it. Celebs are on-board, sportsmen are on-board, makes sense financially I suppose. Cops are kneeling, politicians are kneeling.

So it comes down to the people. Provided we don't kneel, this new virus that causes instant insanity won't spread.

If some racist cunt comes up to me and demands I kneel, I probably will. Better angle for a punch shot to the balls.

Then again, they don't have balls, do they?

05-06-2020, 12:42 AM
This Floyd bloke, not only a druggie but also a criminal. What a surprise. The more you find out about this low life the more it becomes great news he's gone. Good riddance to bad rubbish, the worlds a better place. Don't pretend for a second you'd want trash like that living next door to you.

I wonder why the leftie loons can't find a hero that isn't a total piece of shit?

05-06-2020, 12:44 AM
And the cop was indicted, so a bad cop is off the streets. Why are there riots? Everyone won.

Oh yeah, I forgot, the SJWs need new Nikes.

05-06-2020, 07:15 AM
Hoi, there's a thread :angry:

05-06-2020, 07:23 AM
Black Lives Matter threads Matter :angry:

05-06-2020, 09:57 AM
You've segregated all posts about blacks into a separate thread?

05-06-2020, 10:03 AM
Oh holy shit. We're just having an update from someone up high who has started by talking about this incident.

05-06-2020, 10:09 AM
Oh holy shit. We're just having an update from someone up high who has started by talking about this incident.

Do you have to kneel while he is speaking from on high?

McNamara That Ghost...
05-06-2020, 11:11 AM
BBC have appointed some Pepsi guy as Director General. :lol:

Commercial product adverts to follow. Maybe.

05-06-2020, 12:50 PM
BBC have appointed some Pepsi guy as Director General. :lol:

Commercial product adverts to follow. Maybe.

Pepsi Max?

McNamara That Ghost...
05-06-2020, 01:52 PM
Don't mind if I do.

Although I probably drink too much of it.

Cherry flavour. :bow:

05-06-2020, 02:31 PM
Pepsi Max :lol:

Awful Coke Zero

05-06-2020, 04:28 PM
This is fun. Dock with the ISS!


It's even got a Flat Earth mode for lunatics :lol:

05-06-2020, 05:43 PM
Had this email yesterday

Greetings!Im glad you are reading this,if only you would be interested in this letter.Call me Aimeny.Im a very gentlemanlike person.Nature gifted me a model type looking.Now I live in a far country called Azerbaijan.I guess you want to know my age, well its 25.Why am I here? I need a friend!I need somebody special.My dream is to settle down.If you are looking for a funny and wise woman thats me!Will you like me? I dont knowIf you dont need a girlfriend, I understand.If Im right its ok.But if there is something you wanna say.I would like to know you more.Id be glad to tell you more about myself.Its so exciting to wait for your answer!.It would be great if this is the beginning of something magicalStay safe, my friend!I will wait for you!Best wishes!

Me :bow:

05-06-2020, 06:53 PM
I thought you'd blocked me?

05-06-2020, 07:01 PM
Oh :(

Have now.

McNamara That Ghost...
05-06-2020, 07:03 PM
Pepsi Max :lol:

Awful Coke Zero

I'll have that too.

05-06-2020, 09:42 PM
Had this email yesterday

Me :bow:

That's nothing, some nigerian mailed me to say i'm in line for £1m - i've sent him all my bank details, quit my work and ordered a new Merc :cool:

08-06-2020, 04:13 PM
i was looking for cycling glasses on amazon and discovered these - they seem to suit every activity... :lol:


08-06-2020, 04:14 PM

What does that even mean?!

08-06-2020, 06:00 PM
I'm guessing they were just trying to get more hits ...

08-06-2020, 06:42 PM
i was looking for cycling glasses on amazon and discovered these - they seem to suit every activity... :lol:


They also love you long time.

Amazon doing a great job policing these Chinese accounts, as usual.

McNamara That Ghost...
10-06-2020, 08:21 AM
Who knew the beauty pageant contest "Miss Hitler" was a thing?


10-06-2020, 08:22 AM
She doesn't look anything like Hitler :sulk:

McNamara That Ghost...
10-06-2020, 08:24 AM
Sorry, I should have said Hitler miss.


10-06-2020, 08:30 AM
Who knew the beauty pageant contest "Miss Hitler" was a thing?


Reading past the juvenile input from the journalist, I notice that none of those imprisoned committed any actual crime. All they have done is hate Jews, tell people they hate Jews and be part of a club that hates Jews. No mention of violence, no mention of any criminal activity other than victimless acts which the state decrees to be criminal.

Yet black votes matter can hit the streets and call all whites racist. What's the difference between insulting all Jews and insulting all whites? In criminal terms?

10-06-2020, 08:42 AM
More seriously, and not wanting to go full NQ - one should never go full NQ - this is a bit concerning.
She's been put in prison for being part of a group which is banned because they have the "wrong" opinions.
And I agree, they are wrong, but should that be illegal?

10-06-2020, 09:23 AM
This is just the kind of high-quality TV we need right now


“Other games require enormous, imaginative sets, like ‘Don’t Get Tired’, where the contestants have to answer questions to avoid getting run over by a huge tyre speeding down a hill. "


13-06-2020, 05:50 PM


13-06-2020, 06:11 PM


That's great

1.2m views - clearly striking a chord :lol:

13-06-2020, 06:17 PM
I don’t like his songs that much (although that one is quite good)
Bit fan of his unfinished London and politics unboringed series though :d

13-06-2020, 06:30 PM
I don’t like his songs that much (although that one is quite good)
Bit fan of his unfinished London and politics unboringed series though :d

Was wondering where I had seen him before. Didnt knew he sang too

13-06-2020, 09:48 PM
EasyJet have officially cancelled my flights which were supposed to be in a couple of weeks.
They had previously offered a voucher in case they needed to cancel but that was really code for "thanks for your money, we'd like to keep it if that's OK with you"
Well no, EasyJet, it isn't OK with me because you could go bust at any minute so SHOW ME THE MONEY.
So I just went through the refund process and it takes about 4 or 5 steps to get to the bit where you can request a refund. They take every opportunity to say

Sod off!

13-06-2020, 10:07 PM
you should take the MYSTERY BOX!

16-06-2020, 10:35 AM

This video is 30 years old but captures the current social climate perfectly.

16-06-2020, 11:41 AM
Lovely one. Hope it speaks to a few on here that need an epiphany

16-06-2020, 12:00 PM
Saw that from Cleese yesterday. Let's see if the censorious mob listen and relent.

McNamara That Ghost...
17-06-2020, 07:51 AM
RIP Willie Thorne. :(

17-06-2020, 07:53 AM

His hair, famously, had all gorn.

17-06-2020, 10:21 AM
Get him on the COVID stats.

17-06-2020, 12:08 PM
Maccy :hug:


18-06-2020, 09:07 AM
Vera Lynn



18-06-2020, 09:17 AM
Vera Lynn



was it from Coronavirus?

18-06-2020, 10:14 AM
Vera Lynn



She's better off. Having to watch these punks run around the place calling everyone from her generation racist and smashing statues of those who knew real adversity must have been hard to bear.

18-06-2020, 10:33 AM
She was probably more offended by snowflakes like you.

18-06-2020, 10:34 AM
I get Bill Gates snuck into her room and personally strangled her :sulk:

18-06-2020, 12:00 PM
She was probably more offended by snowflakes like you.

Do you think?

No, I mean, do you think?

18-06-2020, 12:04 PM
Do you think?

No, I mean, do you think?

Someone has to.

18-06-2020, 12:10 PM
Someone has to.

But it's not going to be you, right?

Your sum worth in terms of meaningful contribution amounts to some decent pics of the new cars at the start of each F1 season. Beyond that, 25K short interludes of sarcasm and self congratulatory wit? (is it?). Do you stay up late crafting each moment? Somebody has to, I suppose.

Who are you saving up to impress?

18-06-2020, 12:13 PM
I get Bill Gates snuck into her room and personally strangled her :sulk:

Doubt he'd have the time. So many kids to kill or injure in forgotten places.

18-06-2020, 12:55 PM
But it's not going to be you, right?

Your sum worth in terms of meaningful contribution amounts to some decent pics of the new cars at the start of each F1 season. Beyond that, 25K short interludes of sarcasm and self congratulatory wit? (is it?). Do you stay up late crafting each moment? Somebody has to, I suppose.

Who are you saving up to impress?

You realise this is a football forum with about 5 users?

18-06-2020, 01:44 PM
You realise this is a football forum with about 5 users?

Well let's say 4 and a half if we include you.

18-06-2020, 01:48 PM
Now now, play nicely you two :sulk:

18-06-2020, 02:32 PM
Maybe if I wrapped tin foil around my head and talked bollocks into a webcam from my mum's basement he'd take me more seriously.

18-06-2020, 02:33 PM
Now now, play nicely you two :sulk:

Or don't :lol:

18-06-2020, 03:01 PM
Maybe if I wrapped tin foil around my head and talked bollocks into a webcam from my mum's basement he'd take me more seriously.

Poor lamb.

Maybe one day you'll grow up to be a sheep.

19-06-2020, 06:16 PM
Hopkins :pal:


19-06-2020, 06:19 PM
The tadpoles in the pond have turned into teeny tiny froggies and it's the best thing to happen this year.

19-06-2020, 07:02 PM
Hopkins :pal:


It's funny because she's a hideous cunt.

19-06-2020, 07:03 PM
It's funny because she's a hideous cunt.

That IS why it's funny!

19-06-2020, 07:04 PM
The tadpoles in the pond have turned into teeny tiny froggies and it's the best thing to happen this year.

There's not been much competition for good things this year, but I agree

19-06-2020, 07:28 PM
That IS why it's funny!

There's absolutely nothing funny about censorship, and if you think there is, it just means you haven't thought things the whole way through. There's no possible excuse for it.

19-06-2020, 07:31 PM
It's funny because she's a hideous cunt.

She's not easy viewing, that's true enough. But she has your kind identified, which is important. More and more people have your kind identified. Finally. It's genuine progress.

19-06-2020, 07:41 PM
There's absolutely nothing funny about censorship, and if you think there is, it just means you haven't thought things the whole way through. There's no possible excuse for it.

Any online forum has rules. This one does. We are pretty lax, but there is a limit.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything you like.

Xhaka Can’t
19-06-2020, 07:56 PM
Any online forum has rules. This one does. We are pretty lax, but there is a limit.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything you like.

Well, you can. But that doesn’t mean there should be freedom from repercussions.

Twitter has rules, you agree to them when you sign up.

If you don’t like the rules, you can always post elsewhere. Those places may not be as popular because they are full of cunts (to an even greater degree than on Twitter).

KH can say what she likes, but equally, a business can decide what is and is not acceptable on their platform.

19-06-2020, 07:57 PM

Pretty much


19-06-2020, 07:58 PM
Any online forum has rules. This one does. We are pretty lax, but there is a limit.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything you like.

Excuses like that, for instance. The cake and eat it excuse. Twitter is a ChinesAmerican company, it enjoys certain protections under the law. Right now, if one of its members posted up a direct call for insurrection (yes, there are many, many) Twitter is not liable. It enjoys these protections on the understanding it is a content platform, rather than content publisher. Therefore, it doesn't need to ban anyone, it doesn't need to censor anyone, unless the service itself is in some way being impaired or an individual member is being harmed (stalking, death threats, the usual shit). The only reason Twitter censors is because it has a political agenda. Anyone can see this, if they care to look. When you excuse them, as you are doing here, you excuse bias and endorse monopoly. It's a poor position to take.

GW is a different matter entirely, because we're in a country that doesn't protect your arse. Sometimes you need to remove content because it would end up getting you sued. But if you simply started removing legal content because you didn't like what it said, as you did with my posts related to Wenger, well that places you on par with Twitter. Evil. And that's the right word for it. Pure evil. Because when you use whatever power you have, no matter how great or limited, to abuse instead of enable, you choose evil over good.

19-06-2020, 07:59 PM
Well, you can. But that doesn’t mean there should be freedom from repercussions.

Twitter has rules, you agree to them when you sign up.

If you don’t like the rules, you can always post elsewhere. Those places may not be as popular because they are full of cunts (to an even greater degree than on Twitter).

KH can say what she likes, but equally, a business can decide what is and is not acceptable on their platform.

That's a bold statement. I can't think of another web site in history that hosts a greater collection of cunts than Twitter. Surely nothing else comes within a million miles?

Xhaka Can’t
19-06-2020, 08:02 PM
That's a bold statement. I can't think of another web site in history that hosts a greater collection of cunts than Twitter. Surely nothing else comes within a million miles?

I guess I should clarify:

I was completely wrong.

19-06-2020, 08:03 PM
But if you simply started removing legal content because you didn't like what it said, as you did with my posts related to Wenger, well that places you on par with Twitter.
Please stop lying about that. I simply moved them into a separate thread.
Nothing was removed - you literally have a link to that thread in your sig, you silly sod!

And what Gary said. If Hopkins wants to keep spouting bile which she almost certainly doesn't believe because somehow she's managed to make a living as a troll then fine. Twitter are well within their rights to say she can't do it on their platform. You sign up to rules when you join any online community.

19-06-2020, 08:05 PM
Please stop lying about that. I simply moved them into a separate thread.
Nothing was removed - you literally have a link to that thread in your sig, you silly sod!

And what Gary said. If Hopkins wants to keep spouting bile which she almost certainly doesn't believe because somehow she's managed to make a living as a troll then fine. Twitter are well within their rights to say she can't do it on their platform. You sign up to rules when you join any online community.

This is a subject that is quite obviously far beyond your grasp.

19-06-2020, 08:10 PM
I will bet there are millions of extremists out there who are delighted when they wake up in the morning to find some censorious cunt has removed their content. Otherwise, that content would remain, for all to see. And that's how you deal with extremism. When you sweep it under a rug, or worse, favour one brand of extremism over another as Twitter does, it appears as if there is no extremism at all. That's a dangerous state of affairs. And that's just extremism. Political speech is another matter, but Twitter applies great bias to censor that too. It's unpleasant to see people endorsing this. It speaks more about the censor than the extremist, in fact it defines what an extremist actually is.

McNamara That Ghost...
19-06-2020, 08:34 PM
I don't know, if I am someone like Katie Hopkins that clearly says all the shit she does knowing full well she is trying to get a rise out of people, you're not going to be given that platform forever.

She's a great businesswoman allegedly, she can start her rival company. Shitter maybe.

19-06-2020, 08:37 PM
She's not easy viewing, that's true enough. But she has your kind identified, which is important. More and more people have your kind identified. Finally. It's genuine progress.

Oh, you think she believes what she says?



19-06-2020, 08:51 PM
Oh, you think she believes what she says?



But that's not what I said, is it. I said something else. About you.

19-06-2020, 08:52 PM
Sorry, I had my tinfoil hat on so it didn't get through.

I'd blog into my webcam for you but I don't want to wake my mum.

19-06-2020, 09:00 PM
Sorry, I had my tinfoil hat on so it didn't get through.

I'd blog into my webcam for you but I don't want to wake my mum.

You've done that one. Boring!

19-06-2020, 09:01 PM
I'll keep posting the same nonsense over and over even though no one reads it.

Just like you.

19-06-2020, 09:02 PM
I'll keep posting the same nonsense over and over even though no one reads it.

Just like you.

Odd though, because certain assholes constantly do the "like NQ" thing. It's almost as if they are reading my posts.

That wouldn't be you though. It's just a coincidence when you bleat.

19-06-2020, 09:04 PM
Sorry mate I can't blog in my basement in front of a map and try to flog my brain pills tonight.

19-06-2020, 09:06 PM
You should leave a gap between posts. You'd be able to come up with better material.


I mean, what the fuck are you even talking about now?

19-06-2020, 09:10 PM
Fine, I'll send you my affilliate link for brain force pills if it'll make you happy.

You'd have to be a soy boy not to take them.

19-06-2020, 09:18 PM
Fine, I'll send you my affilliate link for brain force pills if it'll make you happy.

You'd have to be a soy boy not to take them.

Ahhh, brain force. Now I see. You're so limited you imagine anyone who steps on your items of faith is an InforWarrior? Is that it? That's unexpectedly limited, isn't it? Can't criticise me for not thinking small enough.

News for you. It's a BIG world out there. Even bigger than your microscopic imaginings. The world is bigger than GP and his buddies vs InfoWars. But you'll have to take my word for it.

Interesting though. I didn't twig the brain force thing straight off. You must be more familiar with that source than I am, I guess.

19-06-2020, 09:47 PM
Gab, Twatter's main rival (though tiny by comparison) has just been blacklisted by VISA for... no reason. Which, let's face it, is the default reason big corporations use these days to stifle speech that drifts from the approved line. I know you probably don't like Gab, because people with different opinions use it. And we all know what THOSE people are like - right? Bloody different opinion people. Whilst it's a great idea for everyone to only have ONE opinion about EVERYTHING, there's still no law that enforces this. Not yet. So it's a bit shitty that companies that haven't broken laws that haven't been made yet are penalised under these future laws. So it would be great if you would sign up with Gab and donate so they can keep going. I know you'll never use it. I know you don't agree with it. But that's what principle is all about, isn't it. I mean REAL principle. Speech for everyone or no speech at all. Can you support that? Is it worth supporting? Or is it best to just let the natural course of things flow until nobody can speak at all?


If you believe you are in the right then you will do right. A small thing that could make a big difference. If you are so inclined to do something. Anything.

Xhaka Can’t
19-06-2020, 10:22 PM
Should I go all in and save 89% by becoming a lifetime patriot?

19-06-2020, 10:25 PM
Should I save 89% by becoming a lifetime patriot?

Yes! Get your 3 month supply of Brain Force Plus* and Bacofoil and no longer be a sheep!

*contains soy

Xhaka Can’t
19-06-2020, 10:34 PM
High-profile participants include former Breitbart writer and polemicist Milo Yiannopoulos;[88] former British National Party leader Nick Griffin;[89] Australian neo-Nazis Blair Cottrell and Neil Erikson;[26] and white supremacists Richard B. Spencer,[18][4] Tila Tequila,[41] Vox Day,[90] and Christopher Cantwell.[91] Far-right political parties and party candidates, including Britain First[92] and UKIP candidates such as Mark Meechan[7] and Carl Benjamin,[93] are other prominent participants.

Sounds great, I hope they do meet ups!

19-06-2020, 10:39 PM
Should I go all in and save 89% by becoming a lifetime patriot?

It's a free choice.

19-06-2020, 10:40 PM
High-profile participants include former Breitbart writer and polemicist Milo Yiannopoulos;[88] former British National Party leader Nick Griffin;[89] Australian neo-Nazis Blair Cottrell and Neil Erikson;[26] and white supremacists Richard B. Spencer,[18][4] Tila Tequila,[41] Vox Day,[90] and Christopher Cantwell.[91] Far-right political parties and party candidates, including Britain First[92] and UKIP candidates such as Mark Meechan[7] and Carl Benjamin,[93] are other prominent participants.

Sounds great, I hope they do meet ups!

I don't think the meet-ups are compulsory. But just so long as they can speak, that's the main thing. Unless it's not.

19-06-2020, 10:41 PM
Yes! Get your 3 month supply of Brain Force Plus* and Bacofoil and no longer be a sheep!

*contains soy

Tired. It's like when you are in the deep end and you toes just won't reach.

Lightweight. Send me someone worthwhile.

19-06-2020, 10:46 PM
High-profile participants include former Breitbart writer and polemicist Milo Yiannopoulos;[88] former British National Party leader Nick Griffin;[89] Australian neo-Nazis Blair Cottrell and Neil Erikson;[26] and white supremacists Richard B. Spencer,[18][4] Tila Tequila,[41] Vox Day,[90] and Christopher Cantwell.[91] Far-right political parties and party candidates, including Britain First[92] and UKIP candidates such as Mark Meechan[7] and Carl Benjamin,[93] are other prominent participants.

Sounds great, I hope they do meet ups!

I'll pop round Antifa HQ tomorrow and let them know.

20-06-2020, 09:01 AM
I don't know, if I am someone like Katie Hopkins that clearly says all the shit she does knowing full well she is trying to get a rise out of people, you're not going to be given that platform forever

Right. Exactly this.
She’s not been banned because “they” are trying to suppress different opinions.
She’s been banned because she’s a troll who spouts bile she doesn’t believe* in order to get clicks and followers and to deliberately provoke outrage.
It’s depressingly effective but adds nothing to debate about anything.

*it is probably based on things she does believe, but becomes a complete caricature of herself.



20-06-2020, 10:42 AM
She’s been banned because she’s a troll who spouts bile she doesn’t believe* in order to get clicks and followers and to deliberately provoke outrage.
It’s depressingly effective but adds nothing to debate about anything.

Like CNN, you mean? Or is their bullshit okay? Is their clickbait acceptable? Are the millions dead at their hands less offensive than the zero people killed by unauthorised trolls?

Does anyone have the balls to apply these righteous standards with an even hand? Or is it just posturing and posing?

20-06-2020, 02:55 PM
Orange Man :pal:


20-06-2020, 03:03 PM
Orange man senile

21-06-2020, 12:35 PM
Unfortunately, orange man's opponent also senile.

Bernie :rose:

21-06-2020, 03:46 PM
Unfortunately, orange man's opponent also senile.

Bernie :rose:

Amazing how a nation of 300m people always present it's people with 2 lousy choices

Xhaka Can’t
21-06-2020, 04:05 PM
Amazing how a nation of 300m people always present it's people with 2 lousy choices

It’s not like we got a choice between Mensa’s finest.

21-06-2020, 04:41 PM
It’s not like we got a choice between Mensa’s finest.

Boris is pretty smart tbf.
An evil, incompetent cunt, unfortunately, but he’s not thick.

21-06-2020, 05:15 PM
Amazing how a nation of 300m people always present it's people with 2 lousy choices

There are two factions. Money buys the presidency. This is obvious to all but the masses. Choose. Either globalism, and all the evil that it brings. Or nationalism, and all the evil that it brings. These are your two choices, whether you like it or not. You can moan about it as much as you wish, but nobody is listening - you must be absolutely clear on that reality. If you choose globalism, you get communism. Excuse it all away as much as you want, but it's all bullshit and you know it. Choose nationalism and you get vulture capitalism.

Which one do you think you stand a chance of living through best?

If you picked communism then you have massively underestimated your enemy. At least under vulture capitalism you can play by THEIR rules and seek to change those rules. Under communism, you have no chance whatsoever, because those scum don't apologise for their authoritarianism, they make it a virtue.

The left is really stupid. I can't believe how stupid and gullible the people on the left are. A complete sellout like Saunders comes along and you all cream your pants. Then he sells you out, for a second time (no lessons learned there then) and you still lament his self imposed defeat.

Do you know, Saunders could have strolled to a win if he had one ounce of conviction. But he doesn't even have that. And yet the hapless and clueless lefties lament his passing.

It's very fucking simple. Do you need me to explain each step point by point?

When you have a central bank controlling the economy, and the legitimacy and supremacy of that central bank is unchallenged from all sides (Gordon Brown, check out his record with the central banks) then you cannot possibly have any type of change. Don't you get this? How deeply are you looking into politics? Is it just a glance across the surface PR?

21-06-2020, 05:19 PM
It’s not like we got a choice between Mensa’s finest.

Mensa is a measure of IQ, not gullibility. Intelligent people get fooled too - most of the time. The clue is in the word "politician". When they call themselves that, you know they are lying. Go with that golden rule and you don't need to be enrolled in Mensa. You have figured out all there is to know about politics.

When you vote, you endorse a liar. Show me a case where this isn't so.

21-06-2020, 05:21 PM
Orange man senile

Do you do this every day? Fret on the orange man?

There's bad news. He doesn't know you exist. He cares even less about your whining.

Want to beat him? Come up with something more than crying.

21-06-2020, 06:02 PM
You seem awfully upset.

21-06-2020, 06:30 PM
You seem awfully upset.


21-06-2020, 06:54 PM
Indeed. Don't worry, you'll get over it eventually.

21-06-2020, 07:23 PM
Indeed. Don't worry, you'll get over it eventually.

Lame. Do you have anything at all?

21-06-2020, 07:50 PM
My dignity.


21-06-2020, 07:51 PM
My dignity.


No dude, I own your dignity. And it was an easy win. Got anything else I can take like candy from a baby?

21-06-2020, 08:34 PM
Laura Loomer is 9pts ahead in her race. LOL.

Crazy bitch. But's she's committed, or ought to be. Hope she wins it. Laugh a minute.

21-06-2020, 09:00 PM
Black person calling out a white male. So true by default, yes?

See Indian and South American court records. 500,000 Indian kids paralysed. Some quarter million South American women sterilised without consent. And those are just the cases that broke surface.


Xhaka Can’t
21-06-2020, 10:38 PM
Boris is pretty smart tbf.
An evil, incompetent cunt, unfortunately, but he’s not thick.

I just went with Mensa’s finest because I couldn’t and can’t be bothered to list all deficiencies in the choices we had.

There was literally no outcome to the last election I would have had confidence in, or be happy with.

Yet I’m meant to have a moral obligation to get out and choose the least worst smelling turd because people died for my right to choose between syphilis and gonorrhoea and, if I don’t do that I have no right to complain.

24-06-2020, 09:53 AM
Moving to Manchester on Friday. Should be fun.

And by fun, I mean terrifying.

24-06-2020, 10:08 AM
Manchester's alright tbf. We have an office there which I've visited on occasion.

24-06-2020, 10:22 AM
Yeah it's not bad, my girlfriend's been living there for the last year while I've been in Lancaster. Still though, this is the first time I'll be moving into my own place in a new city and being all grown up n shit.

Also I hate their football teams.

24-06-2020, 12:19 PM
Black person calling out a white male. So true by default, yes?

See Indian and South American court records. 500,000 Indian kids paralysed. Some quarter million South American women sterilised without consent. And those are just the cases that broke surface.


I cant say for Bill Gates true intentions but this woman may have her own agenda too, maybe to get a mass following online or maybe as a front for these religious cults that dont believe in population control. All i know is what i can see plainly everyday with my own eyes.

The planet cannot sustain infinite population increase. We are currently at 7 billion. On target to reach 11 Billion at least by end of the century if current trends continue.
Governments around the world are cutting social services everyday as we speak. Medicaid cuts in the US/ Social security in the UK, even school lunches are being targeted. This is our reality. Why because governments cannot keep up with the obligations of an ever increasing citizenry. Housing, education, health, even infrastructure is under strain from the burden. They could if they wanted to but have decided to spend available funds elsewhere.

People cannot be relied on to self caution. Even with all the available birth control aids. All i see is kids having kids. In my days in Uni in the 80s I used to shake my head at the Jamaican girls pushing prams all over the place some with 2 kids and dragging another barely able to walk in tow. When I return nowadays i see its a universal thing now both black and white. 1 girl with 4 kids by 3 different fathers and young males with 2 or 3 kids by 2 or 3 different women. WTF?!. I know the women do it to get ahead of the queue for social housing and to get more benefits. But now those council houses are gone and benefits are being cut, what happens to those waifs with zero supervision?. What do they grow up to be with no free school or job prospects?. All we do is lay the ground for the coming armageddon when millions of poor people decide that their lives have become worthless. A human being is a very energy intensive organism. It requires food and resources and transportation and cubic space to occupy and its hopes and dreams have to be given latitude to emancipate his existence. Who is planning for all that?

In the 3rd world its 100 times worse. There we have indolent governments that have absolutely no plan for tomorrow. Social infrastructure is bad to non existent. laissez faire administrations allow greedy politicians to brazenly pocket the peoples commonwealth with no consequences. People survive on less than 1$ a day. Education, health are abysmal. Yet. farmers, mechanics, tailors, shoemakers routinely have 5, 6 or even 8 children some even marry more than 1 wife because here every woman wants to be married and will accept the first plausible proposal even from an already married man. Being a Mrs is a cloak to cover social stigma even if the so called husband in only occasionally present. She will allow him to come and go as he pleases while bearing him kids with reckless abandon. Waifs that roam the streets half naked. Girls that fall easy prey to rape and coercion mostly because they are desperate and hungry. Boys that become your neighbourhood thugs, scammers and random opportunists

These are the people you see that want to get into Europe by any and every means. Some will risk foot treks across the Sahara desert to get to the now lawless Libya and risk crossing the mediterranean in floating nightmares. These are the people that are scaring the populations of Europe into voting right wing governments to keep the tide out. Its all interconnected you see. Libya has slave markets all over the place. People who spent their life savings on a traffickers promise of European salvation but are now in a nightmare limbo.

I love my country. Even though i was brought up in UK, I like here just fine. i am fortunate to have been born in the 60s when things were still good. I got an English education and have been able to do the same for my kids courtesy of 20 years in an oil multinational. But i spent every dime I had and so did my wife. I have 3 kids, which by my own philosophy is 1 too many but I love all of them and would have been just as happy with 2 (Dont tell the little one) I now have to send her to Uni too

Having as many kids as you want is not a human right. It is a civic and social responsibility. Have the number of kids that you know you can feed, educate, treat, house all without government help. Because a future is already upon us where government will absolve itself of this responsibility. Most billionaires i know have 2 or 3 kids but poor to middle class workers will be having 4 or 6. In the 3rd world the poor tailor uses his wife as the evenings entertainment even in a single room apartment with 1 bed and 3 kids sleeping on the floor. How will kids not be overtly sexualised as infants?

In many European nations they are actually experiencing negative growth rates. Italy for example, but all that does in make them more agoraphobic. They want to keep things the way they always were. I agree. i don't want to go to Milan in 20 years and see it looking like Nairobi or Mumbai. I dont want to visit Edinburgh and see more of my own kind than Scots. i believe where you were born is where your creator intended you to be. It is incumbent upon you to rise to the challenge of that place. Let all countries be its own citizens paradise. Lets visit each others countries, sample each others culture and return home blessed for the experience. People are afraid of foreigners mostly because they think they are taking over. I am lucky you may say because I had the luxury of time and place. I just want my kids to have the same opportunities I had. Of leaving Uni with 3 job offers instead of none. All because the government made no plans for a population explosion that it indolently let happen.

24-06-2020, 01:31 PM
Read that with great interest. Deserves an equally thoughtful response, but right now my bastard clients are putting the hammer down.

I'll be back.

24-06-2020, 02:02 PM
here every woman wants to be married and will accept the first plausible proposal even from an already married man. Being a Mrs is a cloak to cover social stigma even if the so called husband in only occasionally present. She will allow him to come and go as he pleases while bearing him kids with reckless abandon. Waifs that roam the streets half naked. Girls that fall easy prey to rape and coercion mostly because they are desperate and hungry.

Sounds terrible.

Where is this exactly? Asking for a friend.

24-06-2020, 03:15 PM

24-06-2020, 03:16 PM


24-06-2020, 03:20 PM

24-06-2020, 04:48 PM
Bah. Another video from a local street displaying community spirit. Doing the conga - within their family groups - as they put the bins out! Ha ha ha! Aren’t they whacky! Hoo hoo hoo! Ahahaha ha ha...of fuck off you pricks.

24-06-2020, 08:49 PM

24-06-2020, 09:05 PM
I think I was always a bit of a grumpy bastard to be fair, probably got worse as I've got older though


25-06-2020, 05:01 PM
Read that with great interest. Deserves an equally thoughtful response, but right now my bastard clients are putting the hammer down.

I'll be back.


27-06-2020, 07:05 PM
Got a pack of jizzles today. They work a treat.

The Wengerbabies
27-06-2020, 10:36 PM
Can't believe it's been 9 years since we moved to this place.

Pretty dead these days, huh.

28-06-2020, 07:09 AM
The whole concept of message boards is dying out tbh.
People tend to talk bollox on other places like FB instead.

28-06-2020, 08:25 AM
Orange Man :pal:

You can’t always get what you want, Donald


28-06-2020, 10:47 AM
I heard about this thing called Trump Derangement Syndrome.

It's where someone is so deranged they actuaally think Trump is doing a good job.

I am invisible
05-07-2020, 07:41 AM
Kanye’s running for President now - this is literally the year that keeps on giving for the writers of South Park!

05-07-2020, 08:50 AM
Kanye’s running for President now - this is literally the year that keeps on giving for the writers of South Park!

He will have a banging first lady dont you think?. She can bang with the best of them

05-07-2020, 09:18 AM
Moved into the new place with the girlfriend.

Inside, it's great. Outside, it's a building site and a crack house.

The Wengerbabies
05-07-2020, 04:14 PM
Moved into the new place with the girlfriend.

Inside, it's great. Outside, it's a building site and a crack house.

Pics or GTFO

The Wengerbabies
05-07-2020, 04:15 PM
Also what happened to the rep system?

McNamara That Ghost...
05-07-2020, 04:15 PM
It's still there, just not used at all. :lol:

The Wengerbabies
05-07-2020, 04:19 PM
Oh yeah but why can't we neg anymore?

05-07-2020, 05:07 PM
Tbh I never used it and I didn't think anyone else did either.
I don't think we deliberately changed it.

McNamara That Ghost...
05-07-2020, 05:56 PM
Oh yeah but why can't we neg anymore?

Don't think it's needed. If someone stays where they are and everyone else moves up, says it all really tbf.

As Letter said though, nobody used it.

The Wengerbabies
05-07-2020, 07:10 PM
Definitely has been used I was just messing around looking at my account settings and shit and came across this


and wondered what happened. You're right though it's not really needed we all know who makes quality posts and who talks out of their arse.

The Wengerbabies
06-07-2020, 06:01 PM
We need a strategy to get this place more active again.

Make GW Great Again!

The Wengerbabies
06-07-2020, 08:47 PM

Not a fan of his but Jesus Christ!

06-07-2020, 09:02 PM
Who cares?

Do you?

The Wengerbabies
06-07-2020, 09:10 PM
Who cares?

Do you?

About this specifically, not really but I am sick of everything, especially comedy, being cancelled.

Xhaka Can’t
06-07-2020, 09:17 PM
Too much stuff is going under the banhammer without thought given to context and nuance. It only serves to undermine and deflect away from genuine grievances which undeniably exist. It just provides a superficial signal of doing something while achieving nothing.

06-07-2020, 09:34 PM
About this specifically, not really but I am sick of everything, especially comedy, being cancelled.

It's some random bint on Twitter. Who gives a shit?

Your trolling might be more convincing if you didn't over do it with pointless shit like this.

The Wengerbabies
06-07-2020, 10:42 PM
It's some random bint on Twitter. Who gives a shit?

Your trolling might be more convincing if you didn't over do it with pointless shit like this.

Duly noted.

07-07-2020, 12:15 AM
It's some random bint on Twitter. Who gives a shit?

Your trolling might be more convincing if you didn't over do it with pointless shit like this.

Says the troll. Oh the ironing.

Ollie the Optimist
07-07-2020, 07:54 AM
Too much stuff is going under the banhammer without thought given to context and nuance. It only serves to undermine and deflect away from genuine grievances which undeniably exist. It just provides a superficial signal of doing something while achieving nothing.

The problem has been that over the last few years, whenever someone has said something, there are a select few (mainly on social media tbh) who instead of engaging & debating the issue, immediately call for said person to be banned/sacked from jobs/boycotted. Just look at what is happening to JK Rowling who has upset the trans community.

There is no middle ground anymore, its either one side demanding something is banned or other demanding the opposite. There is no debate anymore. Going back to the JK Rowling issue, she wrote an essay explaining why she had said what she did and tbh when reading it, it seemed perfectly reasonable. While not expecting everyone to agree with what she said, she laid her argument in a clear way. She didnt insult anyone yet when you see some of the response on social media wishing death on her etc, you do have to wonder which side is being hateful!

I really detest this cancel culture where instead on engaging in debate, people just demand others are sacked. Now there are arguments when people should be sacked, take the David Starkey interview last week with his comments “those dam blacks”. We all make mistakes so a one off might be a warning etc but this isn’t the first time he has made racist comments.
However, wanting JK Rowling to be sacked/boycotted because some don’t agree with her comments on Trans people is just wrong. Perhaps if she had come out and said “all trans are nazi’s” there might be a case but she has done nothing of the sort.

ALthough one person got someone sacked from the booker prize committee for homophobia but was rather upset when tweets he had written insulting trans people a few years ago were brought up and he got the sack too. You reap what you sow i suppose.

But it goes back to your point about no context or nuance. There are too many bandwagons that are being jumped on without fully understanding why. Many people are getting into trouble because they say if you are born a man & transition, you still can’t menstruate. It’s a fact of life that but anyone who dares to think that, should be sacked etc.

07-07-2020, 08:45 AM

Completely agree Ollie. There's no debate any more. Opinion is so polarised.
Brexit was a good example - a friend noted there used to be a bell curve of opinion about the EU, some extremely against, some extremely for but lots of shades of grey in the middle. The referendum polarised things, you were either IN or OUT and there was no balance or nuance in the debate on either side.
The EU were either brilliant and we had to stay in or the sky would fall in, or they were our evil overlords who we had to leave before they took us over.
The truth is obviously somewhere in the middle as it almost always is.

Too often in debate it doesn't actually matter if what you're saying is true any more. All a bit depressing.

Ollie the Optimist
07-07-2020, 09:00 AM

Completely agree Ollie. There's no debate any more. Opinion is so polarised.
Brexit was a good example - a friend noted there used to be a bell curve of opinion about the EU, some extremely against, some extremely for but lots of shades of grey in the middle. The referendum polarised things, you were either IN or OUT and there was no balance or nuance in the debate on either side.
The EU were either brilliant and we had to stay in or the sky would fall in, or they were our evil overlords who we had to leave before they took us over.
The truth is obviously somewhere in the middle as it almost always is.

Too often in debate it doesn't actually matter if what you're saying is true any more. All a bit depressing.

I agree with the comments on brexit. It wasn’t a fun time to discuss any opinion.

I met my wife’s Spanish mother just a few days after voting leave. That could have gone badly :lol:

But then again, it just shows that people can tolerate other opinions. My wife is obviously a remainer given her Spanish blood but we can openly discuss our opinions of brexit and we don’t always agree.

The other issue, and i blame the corbynites such as Owen Jones, Ask Sakar etc for this, is the political divide became enhanced under Corbyns leadership. So many people were told to “fuck off & join the tories” for daring to suggest that Corbyn might not be suitable or was wrong on a policy. Given labour needed to win over many swing voters from the tories, it was an interesting election strategy!

It just entrenched this idea of no compromise & this continued with the brexit deal negotiated by May. There was no room for negotiation on either side. The ERG & Farage demanded a no deal & the remain side demanded revoke/second referendum. I still maintain that if the remain campaign had come out on the 24th June and said, we have lost & will respect the result by campaigning for a Norway style deal for example, it would have been easier. They would have been compromising, brexit would have been delivered. Even Farage had advocated the Norway deal so it would be hard for him to argue against it when two months before he wanted it!

Edit: not to say some tories dont act like the corbynites did. All sides are guilty

07-07-2020, 09:22 AM
Maccy, Gary - TO THE BATCAVE!


07-07-2020, 09:26 AM
There was no way any kind of soft brexit was ever on the cards. Remainers had no say over the process. May negotiated a rock hard brexit and even that wasn't hard enough for the headbangers in her own party who voted down the deal. We ended up completely capitulating to the EU under Johnson. There was no benefit to Brexit then and that remains true now.

Ollie the Optimist
07-07-2020, 10:19 AM
There was no way any kind of soft brexit was ever on the cards. Remainers had no say over the process. May negotiated a rock hard brexit and even that wasn't hard enough for the headbangers in her own party who voted down the deal. We ended up completely capitulating to the EU under Johnson. There was no benefit to Brexit then and that remains true now.

That wasn’t quite the point i was making.

several remainers called for a second referendum pretty much the day after the first one. They offered no compromise etc. They just thought it was wrong that electorate dared to vote differently to what they wanted.

now, if they have spent the next two years calling for a Norway style deal for example, they might have found a lot of support. Given high profile brexiteers like farage had called for it in the referendum, May might have felt emboldened to go for it. That way the leave campaign still got brexit & teh remain campaign delivered a softer brexit and accepted the result.

07-07-2020, 11:08 AM
Tut! I didn't really want to get into a debate about Brexit! I guess the main point I was picking up on was the quality of debate, or lack thereof.
That definitely applied to Brexit where the level of debate was "THE EU IS EVIL AND TRYING TO TAKE US OVER" or "YOU'RE A THICK RACIST IF YOU VOTE FOR BREXIT AND THE SKY WILL FALL IN IF YOU DO".

But it applies to everything. Look at the debate in the BLM around the David Starkey comments. By the generally understood definition of genocide, of course the slave trade wasn't one. They were trying to sell people, not kill them. By the definition GlobalGunner found then I concede it could be considered as such. But it took a long time to get a sensible response, the initial squeal of horror and ad hom attacks were the initial response, it was hard to get anyone to actually engage with the debate. It didn't matter about the truth of what was said, all the focus was on how he said it.

The Wengerbabies
07-07-2020, 03:48 PM
The problem has been that over the last few years, whenever someone has said something, there are a select few (mainly on social media tbh) who instead of engaging & debating the issue, immediately call for said person to be banned/sacked from jobs/boycotted. Just look at what is happening to JK Rowling who has upset the trans community.

There is no middle ground anymore, its either one side demanding something is banned or other demanding the opposite. There is no debate anymore. Going back to the JK Rowling issue, she wrote an essay explaining why she had said what she did and tbh when reading it, it seemed perfectly reasonable. While not expecting everyone to agree with what she said, she laid her argument in a clear way. She didnt insult anyone yet when you see some of the response on social media wishing death on her etc, you do have to wonder which side is being hateful!

I really detest this cancel culture where instead on engaging in debate, people just demand others are sacked. Now there are arguments when people should be sacked, take the David Starkey interview last week with his comments “those dam blacks”. We all make mistakes so a one off might be a warning etc but this isn’t the first time he has made racist comments.
However, wanting JK Rowling to be sacked/boycotted because some don’t agree with her comments on Trans people is just wrong. Perhaps if she had come out and said “all trans are nazi’s” there might be a case but she has done nothing of the sort.

ALthough one person got someone sacked from the booker prize committee for homophobia but was rather upset when tweets he had written insulting trans people a few years ago were brought up and he got the sack too. You reap what you sow i suppose.

But it goes back to your point about no context or nuance. There are too many bandwagons that are being jumped on without fully understanding why. Many people are getting into trouble because they say if you are born a man & transition, you still can’t menstruate. It’s a fact of life that but anyone who dares to think that, should be sacked etc.

The problem is social media, you'd always have the odd loon but now they all have a voice and find each other and actually think their opinion matters.

Trouble is because they are so loud those in power actually listen to them.

I agree with the left eating their own being hilarious.

08-07-2020, 03:26 PM

Food :bow:

08-07-2020, 04:30 PM
What the fuck? I'm now, literally, going to be paying for people to have a free lunch!!!!!????? Bring the whole family, knock yourselves out! Christ, I had no idea how generous I am.

Anything else people need? Give me a shout and I'll do some extra work.

08-07-2020, 04:40 PM
Anything else people need? Give me a shout and I'll do some extra work.

Cool. We have loads of little DIY things which need doing.
Will PM you my address.

Xhaka Can’t
08-07-2020, 07:59 PM
I guess I shouldn’t have dropped the guts of £200 at the restaurant on Saturday night.

08-07-2020, 08:12 PM
Creating a new account just to agree with yourself is a bit weird.

The Wengerbabies
08-07-2020, 09:41 PM
Ghislaine Maxwell Allegedly Has Video of Prince Andrew

Accused Jeffrey Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell allegedly has secret video of Britain’s Prince Andrew — and might just give it to prosecutors, a relative of the prince claimed in an interview published Tuesday.

The account, reported in the New York Post, says Christina Oxenberg, who has identified herself as a onetime friend of Maxwell and Epstein, told The Sun that Maxwell previously boasted to her about lining up girls for the multimillionaire. She also told of making secret recordings.

Andrew, the Queen’s son, was allegedly a friend of Maxwell and Epstein who came under the hidden surveillance, according to the report described in the Post.

“He is one of many johns, all of whom were videotaped by Ghislaine,” Oxenberg told The Sun.

“He is not a victim here, but Ghislaine was never his friend, she was taping him,” she further said, the Post reported. “Friends don’t tape friends."

Maxwell was arrested by federal authorities last week. She is the subject of a six-count indictment for sex trafficking and perjury.



McNamara That Ghost...
08-07-2020, 09:56 PM
Eat out to help out. :sarcy:

Could do with thinking about the phrasing a bit better on that one really.

The Wengerbabies
08-07-2020, 10:04 PM
It's only up to £10 though.

I'd have preferred that rumoured £500 voucher for everyone. I'd have sold mine to some pauper for £450.

08-07-2020, 10:08 PM
It's only up to £10 though.

I'd have preferred that rumoured £500 voucher for everyone. I'd have sold mine to some pauper for £450.


15-07-2020, 01:25 PM
Apple :bow:


15-07-2020, 02:52 PM
Apple :bow:


In Wednesday's ruling, the Luxembourg-based General Court sided with that position, saying there was not enough evidence to show Apple had received illegal state aid or minimised its tax bill.

The irony, Luxembourg being one of the biggest tax havens and money laundering services in the world. The correct procedure would now be to prosecute Ireland for illegal financial dealings and then go to the next logical step and prosecute Luxembourg too. Which would hit not just Apple but also Amazon. And probably every major European company that runs massive tax avoidance and evasion scams.

Or, even better, scrap taxation altogether. If the big corporations don't have to pay then why should anyone else. Replace all revenue and income based taxes (and all subsidiary taxes) with a consumption tax. Those that consume the most, pay the most. And tax it at the point of sale so evasion is impossible. No offsets, no refunds. Food and medicines, school books, and Scotch Whisky exempt so the essentials aren't clobbered. Otherwise if you consume, you pay. Big cars, big houses, yachts, expensive restaurants, multiple properties, stock purchases (especially), art,.. want to make people pay according to what they can afford? That's how you do it. Solves the whole problem overnight and is 100% fair because the poorest don't consume nearly as much and therefore will have a lower or non-existent tax bill. Meanwhile, those really driving excessive consumption (while advising others not to because it's bad for the planet) can pony up. I'd be up for it. I don't consume much anyway because unnecessary consumption is a sign of poor character.

15-07-2020, 02:55 PM
That actually doesn't sound too unreasonable :lol:


15-07-2020, 03:11 PM
Will never happen because it's simple (no loopholes) and fair (targets the right people). If we must have tax at all - which, as we all should know, is a serious criminal offence according to our common law and, if you like that sort of thing, religious doctrine.

16-07-2020, 01:03 PM
If you listen closely you can hear the Daily Mail explode.


Ollie the Optimist
17-07-2020, 09:11 AM
If you listen closely you can hear the Daily Mail explode.


Surely though there can be no argument that when she does return to this country, she will be immediately arrested for treason/terrorist offences etc. & will spend the time waiting for her appeal in prison?

On the interviews she gave to sky, she showed no remorse & doesnt appear to think she has done anything wrong. She joined a terrorist state & there should be consequences for that. She is certainly a security risk and it would make a mockery of the system if upon her return she is allowed to remain free pending appeal of her citizenship

17-07-2020, 09:14 AM
Or if she's not sent straight to prison she should be placed under house arrest with the Judge that said she could return it sure would be a blast...

Marc Overmars
17-07-2020, 09:17 AM
Prison is the best case scenario for her. If she’s allowed into society she’ll be lucky to survive a week without getting her terrorist face caved in.

17-07-2020, 09:19 AM
Prison is the best case scenario for her. If she’s allowed into society she’ll be lucky to survive a week without getting her terrorist face caved in.

Well that is a second option.

17-07-2020, 09:39 AM
As with all victims of grooming, I hope she gets the help she deserves.