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28-09-2021, 04:16 PM
I don't class distractions as good times by default. Has to be worthwhile, has to galvanise and energise and give fuel for the more common daily grind. If it saps your will to live then it's a distraction too far. A good book remains reliable.
For me, Sunday was all those things.

It was the return of fans to football, time spent with new and old faces after far too long, another cherished memory with my Dad who's not getting any younger. It was certainly galvanising and energising given that I didn't stop singing for 3 hours, and it certainly gave me fuel for the grind, I was walking on air for the whole day yesterday.

I get that sort of thing from football and nothing else.

28-09-2021, 07:20 PM
For me, Sunday was all those things.

It was the return of fans to football, time spent with new and old faces after far too long, another cherished memory with my Dad who's not getting any younger. It was certainly galvanising and energising given that I didn't stop singing for 3 hours, and it certainly gave me fuel for the grind, I was walking on air for the whole day yesterday.

I get that sort of thing from football and nothing else.

That's good news for you, not me. I don't begrudge you. But you were making suggestions about how I should be, which I do object to.

29-09-2021, 11:08 AM
That's good news for you, not me. I don't begrudge you. But you were making suggestions about how I should be, which I do object to.

Not my intention, sorry.

Intention was to show that that sort of thing can still be found through football.

29-09-2021, 11:32 AM
Not my intention, sorry.

Intention was to show that that sort of thing can still be found through football.

Not blaming you. We've all done it, myself included. I was the world's biggest fan back in the day, according to me. If you are getting enjoyment and escapism from football that's good for you. Would never stand in your way. But I look for value in the few things I feel have not been corrupted. My personal opinion, of course. Boxing, football and F1 were my things. Boxing went long ago. Football went about a year ago, although I'd been losing interest at an inverse rate to the player pay rises. The ESL thing nailed it for me and showed the true face of the club I invested so much in over the years. The pay-off was piss in the face. So I've logged the whole experience away as a collection of memories, like something that has died. I try to stick with F1, hoping young drivers can bring something of the original sport back to the track. Then Russell went and joined Mercedes and I get why but it indicates there's no real hope left for F1 either.

I did have a look at my local football club as maybe an outlet and a throwback. The costs for a lower league game are absolutely ridiculous. The cost of the train to go just a few miles. Ludicrous. The cost of a beer? A joke. We had a local team who played down the road on a school pitch. Just kids having fun with their dads egging them on. I did that a couple of times. Property developers bought the school and now they are building "affordable" houses at £500K a pop. The fun went out of it at that point.

So I read non-electronic books, early editions where possible.

29-09-2021, 11:58 AM
Not blaming you. We've all done it, myself included. I was the world's biggest fan back in the day, according to me. If you are getting enjoyment and escapism from football that's good for you. Would never stand in your way. But I look for value in the few things I feel have not been corrupted. My personal opinion, of course. Boxing, football and F1 were my things. Boxing went long ago. Football went about a year ago, although I'd been losing interest at an inverse rate to the player pay rises. The ESL thing nailed it for me and showed the true face of the club I invested so much in over the years. The pay-off was piss in the face. So I've logged the whole experience away as a collection of memories, like something that has died. I try to stick with F1, hoping young drivers can bring something of the original sport back to the track. Then Russell went and joined Mercedes and I get why but it indicates there's no real hope left for F1 either.

I did have a look at my local football club as maybe an outlet and a throwback. The costs for a lower league game are absolutely ridiculous. The cost of the train to go just a few miles. Ludicrous. The cost of a beer? A joke. We had a local team who played down the road on a school pitch. Just kids having fun with their dads egging them on. I did that a couple of times. Property developers bought the school and now they are building "affordable" houses at £500K a pop. The fun went out of it at that point.

So I read non-electronic books, early editions where possible.

Fair enough, I get you.

The corruption thing is why I asked you if you'd heard of AFC Wimbledon.

Theirs is, I think, the tale of fighting the corruption of football and rubbing it back in its face.

Team gets stolen to another city, fans of the club say fuck off, make their own club, get back to the football league in only 9 years, then get promoted to the same division as the team that used to be them, beating them in the process, then building their own ground 200 yards from the site of their old stadium.

All while remaining fan owned.

Can't say better than that.

The ESL thing was disgusting, no doubt about it, and something that had been in the works for years.

But it revealed that despite everything, the fans as a collective still have a shitload of power. We got it canned, and the bastards ran away with their tails between their legs.

It's a little disappointing that we didn't push back further and get them out entirely, taking control ourselves, but maybe that was a little much to ask straight away. Hopefully that day will come, until then, I'll carry on enjoying and despising football in equal measure with other fans.

29-09-2021, 01:01 PM
The exact same thing happened (at a lower level) with the Enfield team I go and see sometimes.
The "old" Enfield moved away and the new Enfield sprang up, it's all fan owned. It feels more fun than top level football.
That said, as jaded as I am by it all I certainly had a spring in my step on Monday :d

29-09-2021, 02:16 PM
The exact same thing happened (at a lower level) with the Enfield team I go and see sometimes.
The "old" Enfield moved away and the new Enfield sprang up, it's all fan owned. It feels more fun than top level football.
That said, as jaded as I am by it all I certainly had a spring in my step on Monday :d

Ooh yeah, just looked it up, does seem like a very similar situation. I do like that they're in a higher division than the old club :d

I went to an AFC Bury game a while back, similar thing happened there except the old club doesn't even exist any more, except on paper.

29-09-2021, 05:05 PM
The shortages are really starting to bite now :(


29-09-2021, 07:30 PM
The shortages are really starting to bite now :(


There's plenty of them in Westminster haha lol

30-09-2021, 11:59 AM
Sarah Edwards killer get whole life sentence https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-58747614
Apart from the death penalty this is the next best thing :good:

Ollie the Optimist
01-10-2021, 08:06 PM
Sarah Edwards killer get whole life sentence https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-58747614
Apart from the death penalty this is the next best thing :good:

I know barristers have to defend their clients but his barrister said that in mitigation there are worse crimes.

Bar genocide, I’m struggling to think of many worse crimes then abducting someone, raping them & then murdering them

02-10-2021, 06:37 AM
I suppose then that Hitler wasn't as bad as they said it's not like he killed all the Jews himself :unsure:

04-10-2021, 03:16 PM

Amazing :d

04-10-2021, 03:21 PM
who'd have thought he'd finally make it into space ... in a giant dildo... :rolleyes:

04-10-2021, 03:32 PM
who'd have thought he'd finally make it into space ... in a giant dildo... :rolleyes:

Takes one to know one.

04-10-2021, 05:16 PM
How am I supposed to be an Influencer with this sort of thing going on? :(


04-10-2021, 05:22 PM
Thought something was up I usually find out about these things on FB or Whatsapp :yikes: thank you gw :scarf: (calm down Letters) ;)

05-10-2021, 10:35 AM

Okay, so we don't don't know what caused the outage. But what about the elephant that wandered into the room while we were examining the flea?

1.5billion accounts? Can that be right? That would surely represent the greatest data breach in history. Wouldn't be the first time, or even the 5th or 50th. But at this scale? And does that mean they have the entire user base consolidated rather than segmented and gated behind distinct layers of security? Do they even apply any security, given their woeful track record?

And the elephant's wife. How the hell can a trillion dollar company have zero resiliency in the infrastructure? That's impossible in a professional organisation and incompetence at the most fundamental level even for a ramshackle shitshow like FedBook.

05-10-2021, 10:43 AM
Internet sleuths quickly figured out it was an issue with Facebook’s DNS server, the infrastructure responsible for routing every user to Facebook’s location.

Journalist Brian Krebs confirmed that “the DNS records that tell systems how to find Facebook.com or Instagram.com got withdrawn this morning from the global routing tables,” in a tweet. “Can you imagine working at FB right now, when your email no longer works & all your internal FB-based tools fail?”

We still have no idea what caused the chaos. Krebs suggested in a follow-up tweet that it could have “been the result of an internal, system wide change or update that went awry,” but admitted that “it’s all speculation at this point.”

“For those asking — more often than not with this kind of thing, it’s not a cyberattack(tm), it’s somebody made a boo-boo,” Beaumont explained in a follow-up.

If any of this is true it means there are staff at FedBook with permissions for global DNS entries that are so unprofessional it beggars all credibility. Even a novice tech knows you don't run a blanket update against DNS. You run against test infrastructure, verify, then check, double check and triple check the production update and run it past several eyes before applying it. These pimply little fucks know how to be woke but they can't update a DNS server without bringing the Internet down?

Doesn't sound right to me. And if it is right then expect things to get progressively (no pun intended) worse as more idiots posing as network specialists emerge from their gender studies course to play at being engineers.

06-10-2021, 06:08 AM
7am shift this week after 10am shifts last week = :yawn:

06-10-2021, 07:18 AM
7am shift this week after 10am shifts last week = :yawn:

I’ll see your 7am shift and raise you a poorly boy who was sick all over me at 5am :(

06-10-2021, 07:47 AM
If any of this is true it means there are staff at FedBook with permissions for global DNS entries that are so unprofessional it beggars all credibility. Even a novice tech knows you don't run a blanket update against DNS. You run against test infrastructure, verify, then check, double check and triple check the production update and run it past several eyes before applying it. These pimply little fucks know how to be woke but they can't update a DNS server without bringing the Internet down?

Doesn't sound right to me. And if it is right then expect things to get progressively (no pun intended) worse as more idiots posing as network specialists emerge from their gender studies course to play at being engineers.

I don't know what organisations you've worked in, but the ones I have are not blessed with competent staff or fool proof processes.
I went from a small organisation where we had decent processes but were not that technically mature to a large, multinational one. I expected things to be much more organised but nope, if anything the processes were worse. The system I worked on when I first joined had so many manual steps when you wanted to do a live release it was a miracle it ever worked. One time we did forget to update a config file and left the Prod system running against the UAT database :lol: :doh:. Thankfully we have got better since and I'm not technically hands on these days, which I think we can all agree is a good thing. But we still get fairly regular outages because of infrastructure issues.
TL;DR - I don't think you're ever going to completely avoid human error and make things perfect. These outages are very rare which implies that overall there's enough resilience to catch most balls ups before they end up causing downtime.

06-10-2021, 11:56 AM
I’ll see your 7am shift and raise you a poorly boy who was sick all over me at 5am :(


I used to drink energy drinks during these weeks.

Then my heart started doing funny things, so I had to stop. Now I just deal with the tiredness.

No vomit is yet involved, thankfully.

06-10-2021, 11:57 AM
One time we did forget to update a config file and left the Prod system running against the UAT database :lol: :doh:

You absolute muppet.


06-10-2021, 12:13 PM
You absolute muppet.


Actually wasn't me on that occasion.

But on another occasion I did forget the WHERE clause in a delete statement which means it deleted all the rows in a database table rather than the one I meant to. Whoopsie! Not putting things in a TRANSACTION :doh:
Anyway...the client were jolly nice about it and I managed to restore the table from the last night's backup - thankfully it wasn't a table which changed much so I got away with it.

TL;DR - probably for the best I'm not longer technically hands on. I was pretty good actually, but not that good and I was a bit gung ho with database stuff - partly because I was pretty good at it and didn't generally make mistakes.

06-10-2021, 03:01 PM
Actually wasn't me on that occasion.

But on another occasion I did forget the WHERE clause in a delete statement which means it deleted all the rows in a database table rather than the one I meant to. Whoopsie! Not putting things in a TRANSACTION :doh:
Anyway...the client were jolly nice about it and I managed to restore the table from the last night's backup - thankfully it wasn't a table which changed much so I got away with it.

TL;DR - probably for the best I'm not longer technically hands on. I was pretty good actually, but not that good and I was a bit gung ho with database stuff - partly because I was pretty good at it and didn't generally make mistakes.


08-10-2021, 06:54 AM
Not as nerdy as these guys, but Computerphile’s take…


08-10-2021, 12:21 PM
Oh brilliant. So she's released another album whining about a failed relationship


08-10-2021, 01:38 PM
slightly nervous about what "simplified most menus and folder views." mean, if it's another way of saying fewer options...

in any case am not sure my PC will have this 'security chip' anyway...


08-10-2021, 05:11 PM
slightly nervous about what "simplified most menus and folder views." mean, if it's another way of saying fewer options...

in any case am not sure my PC will have this 'security chip' anyway...


Lucky for me my 6 year old laptop is too backward to handle the upgrade so I will have to soldier on with my ancient windows 10

08-10-2021, 11:44 PM
Lucky for me my 6 year old laptop is too backward to handle the upgrade so I will have to soldier on with my ancient windows 10

If you don't need all the bullshit bells and whistles that amuse fools, try a real operating system, linux. It will be like giving your 6 year old incredible piece of technology (that is powerful beyond comprehension yet handicapped by idiocy and the idiots that demand it) a mega-steroid boost. You'll reclaim the full power of the machine and do it securely and with stability you can't imagine (considering you are currently using MS junkware). Something like linux mint kicks the arse out of any Windows infected machine.

09-10-2021, 07:58 PM
You have to know what you’re doing if you want to use Linux.
No non techie is going to use it.

Xhaka Can’t
09-10-2021, 07:59 PM
I wish I was a nerd.

09-10-2021, 08:55 PM
You have to know what you’re doing if you want to use Linux.
No non techie is going to use it.

Wrong. That was 10 years ago. Today you just stick the USB in the socket, type a command and you are good to go. And then go do that on another machine, and another and another. Doesn't cost you a dollar on any occasion. Anyone who pays MicroSoft or Apple for their bugware is missing the easiest trick in the book.

09-10-2021, 08:58 PM
That said, if you have to use bloatware from racketeers like Adobe, you are forced into the ShitApple environment. Most of the people I work with are so dumb they don't know how to function unless they are in front of a Mac. So I am forced to be 1000x less efficient as a result.

The good things in life actually are free. The rest is the biggest pile of crap you could ever imagine. And it costs big.

09-10-2021, 09:01 PM
I wish I was a nerd.

I have a sneaky suspicion you are, in spirit at least. A nerd is abnormal - one of the most worthwhile things you can be in this age of conformity. I always tell my kids, be anything you want to be, but never, ever be normal. That represents a total waste of the glorious gift of life.

09-10-2021, 09:13 PM
Wrong. That was 10 years ago. Today you just stick the USB in the socket, type a command and you are good to go. And then go do that on another machine, and another and another. Doesn't cost you a dollar on any occasion. Anyone who pays MicroSoft or Apple for their bugware is missing the easiest trick in the book.

To be fair, I've never actually tried Linux. I used UNIX at Uni and struggled with it a bit. It was all quite command line based which I'd suggest is not particularly friendly for your average Joe. But maybe things have moved on since in that world.

09-10-2021, 09:29 PM
To be fair, I've never actually tried Linux. I used UNIX at Uni and struggled with it a bit. It was all quite command line based which I'd suggest is not particularly friendly for your average Joe. But maybe things have moved on since in that world.

UNIX is a totally different ballgame. It's hardcore for sure. 100% command line. 100% fucking epic. The way it should have been done from day one, but then we had those cunts Gates and Jobs come along to set the industry back a thousand years.

Modern Linux is 100% GUI if you want it to be that way. But if you ever need to say fuck you computer and drop back to the command line for some real power or an override, it's always there.

And it's FREE! And maintained by people who have a deep passion for the code, not the profits.

09-10-2021, 09:32 PM
That said, some of the Linux lot did go woke a while back. But they got shot to shit by serious people who live in the real world.

11-10-2021, 07:46 AM
Pexit means Pexit! :d


11-10-2021, 01:31 PM
An innocent man :bow:


11-10-2021, 02:21 PM

11-10-2021, 10:09 PM
So far they only have Andrew on shagging a 17 year old, whereas there's a list from here to the moon of all sorts who are accused of stuff that would make you choke on your own vomit. Hanging out one guy for doing what many people will see as borderline is probably the main tactic here. Keep him in the spotlight with a 17 year old girl while the judge and the 2 year old slip quietly by. It'll be interesting when the turned Maxwell gives her "evidence" (sometime in October 2024 I assume). It's be a whitewash and a wishlist all in one.

12-10-2021, 02:19 PM
Get saving, everyone!


12-10-2021, 03:29 PM
Nah. I'll be dead by then.

12-10-2021, 04:35 PM
Most people will be, not many of us will still be alive around the 90 y/o retirement age :unsure:

12-10-2021, 04:51 PM
Most people will be, not many of us will still be alive around the 90 y/o retirement age :unsure:

Coney :bow:

Marc Overmars
13-10-2021, 11:38 AM
I really hope someone runs over one of these Insulate Britain cretins

13-10-2021, 11:58 AM


13-10-2021, 01:54 PM
Nah. I'll be dead by then.

Hopefully long before.

13-10-2021, 01:55 PM
I really hope someone runs over one of these Insulate Britain cretins

Don't worry, they'll be dead in 2012201820202025 from global warming.

16-10-2021, 01:23 AM
What is government? Really?

It's not what you think it is and it's not what you lie to yourself about every day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, government will look after you, think for you, direct you and it's all good. You get mobile phones, Netflix and all the other things that make life worth avoiding.

But really. Just how evil can government be? Oh, and save the planet, right?


16-10-2021, 01:28 AM

22-10-2021, 08:12 PM
A concise demonstration of how the warmism loons are deliberately misleading otherwise decent people. This is how they get their hockey sticks. Blatant fraud.


22-10-2021, 10:05 PM
Don't worry, they'll be dead in 2012201820202025 from global warming.

That’ll teach em!

Although, better than being consumed by the almighty Sarlacc

24-10-2021, 10:23 PM
Gunther :rose:


25-10-2021, 03:00 PM
Gunther :rose:


I did try, but I can't think of anything more meaningless than this, given everything else that's going on right now. I mean WTF?

25-10-2021, 03:00 PM
And it does seem you spend an awful lot of time on the BBC. Which explains a lot.

25-10-2021, 04:11 PM
And it does seem you spend an awful lot of time on the BBC. Which explains a lot.

and you spend a lot of time watching lunatics on Youtube - which also explains a lot...

25-10-2021, 04:51 PM
and you spend a lot of time watching lunatics on Youtube - which also explains a lot...

And you are shit scared yo name the "lunatics" you refer to. Despite being asked many times.

You are shit on my shoe. A sad queer who wished he had a woman.

Xhaka Can’t
25-10-2021, 06:13 PM
And you are shit scared yo name the "lunatics" you refer to. Despite being asked many times.

You are shit on my shoe. A sad queer who wished he had a woman.

The last sentence doesn’t make sense.

That’s not like you at all.

25-10-2021, 07:21 PM
The last sentence doesn’t make sense.

That’s not like you at all.

That's a fair cop.

25-10-2021, 07:22 PM
I probably meant to say, wished he was a woman.

25-10-2021, 07:22 PM
No, hold on, he could be a lesbian, right? I mean SHE.

Shaqiri Is Boss
25-10-2021, 07:31 PM

25-10-2021, 07:55 PM
No, hold on, he could be a lesbian, right? I mean SHE.

Assuming someone’s pronouns :doh:


26-10-2021, 12:18 AM
Assuming someone’s pronouns :doh:


It's a joke and all. But I assume everyone knows it's insane?

Or is that a bridge too far?

I think we need to snap back to reality. It hasn't been fun, for me anyway, but you can carry a joke too far.

27-10-2021, 07:10 PM
Pulled a sickie at the weekend.

Am now actually ill.

Karma's a bitch.


27-10-2021, 07:19 PM
Or would be if it existed :ninja:

27-10-2021, 07:35 PM
Christ, was I really that unfunny back in the day?

27-10-2021, 07:38 PM
You’re still that unfunny :hug:

27-10-2021, 07:50 PM

29-10-2021, 08:50 AM
Meta :bow:

29-10-2021, 10:36 AM

30-10-2021, 11:43 AM


31-10-2021, 01:10 PM
Extra hour in bed when you have young children :haha:



31-10-2021, 06:48 PM
They should make this day a Monday.

Make the extra hour mean something.

LDG incoming.

Ollie the Optimist
01-11-2021, 08:04 AM
So the world leaders all flew into Rome to have a meeting before now flying to Glasgow to have another meeting with teh same people but this time to lecture us on climate change and no doubt find the only solution to solve it is to pay more tax.

There was a video of Biden’s 85 car motorcade driving through Rome while lecturing the rest of us on how we should make meetings a zoom call instead of travelling etc.

They say actions speak louder then words and so far, their actions do not match their words. This COP 26 will be a failure

01-11-2021, 08:35 AM
What do you think they should do, sail and cycle?
I always think this is a bullshit argument.
I mean, 85 cars I agree seems excessive but if climate change is a thing then the changes to fix it are going to have to be massive. A few flights here and there isn’t going to cut it, there’s going to have to be a real commitment to renewable energies and reducing pollution. If the world leaders commit to that and fly to the conference where they do that then so what?

Ollie the Optimist
01-11-2021, 08:40 AM
What do you think they should do, sail and cycle?
I always think this is a bullshit argument.
I mean, 85 cars I agree seems excessive but if climate change is a thing then the changes to fix it are going to have to be massive. A few flights here and there isn’t going to cut it, there’s going to have to be a real commitment to renewable energies and reducing pollution. If the world leaders commit to that and fly to the conference where they do that then so what?

Why couldn’t they have that meeting in Rome? Why do they all need to fly to rome to have one meeting & then fly to Glasgow to have another the next day?

Ollie the Optimist
01-11-2021, 08:41 AM

Private jets flying into this event will produce more emissions then Scotland does in a year.

how does that go along with the message of we all need to act to save the planet ?

01-11-2021, 09:17 AM
Just repeating the argument doesn’t make it valid.
Even if there is some hypocrisy - and I don’t disagree that there is - that doesn’t invalidate the argument that steps are needed to address climate change and world leaders getting together to discuss that is a good thing.

Whether anything meaningful will come out of it is a different matter.

01-11-2021, 10:28 AM
Private jets flying into this event will produce more emissions then Scotland does in a year.

Which is less than 1% of what America produces.
And China produce more than double what the US does.
Again, I’m not particularly defending the modes of travel but from the above if the US commits to a 1% reduction then in just one year that offsets the emissions from this conference. And that’s just one country in one year. I suspect the pledges made will be significantly more ambitious than that and will cover numerous countries ongoingly

You’re having a go at someone dropping a piece of litter on the ground while going to litter pick all day. I mean, you’re right they shouldn’t have dropped the litter but overall haven’t they done a good day’s work in terms of cleaning things up?

Ollie the Optimist
01-11-2021, 11:31 AM
Which is less than 1% of what America produces.
And China produce more than double what the US does.
Again, I’m not particularly defending the modes of travel but from the above if the US commits to a 1% reduction then in just one year that offsets the emissions from this conference. And that’s just one country in one year. I suspect the pledges made will be significantly more ambitious than that and will cover numerous countries ongoingly

You’re having a go at someone dropping a piece of litter on the ground while going to litter pick all day. I mean, you’re right they shouldn’t have dropped the litter but overall haven’t they done a good day’s work in terms of cleaning things up?

But these pledges are unlikely to cover China & Russia (possibly India) the largest polluters.

I think the UK emits 1% of the worlds emissions which is a small amount yet some of these policies they want us to sign up to will bankrupt us. Take the heat pump issue, they want us to install heat pumps & are prepared to cover 5k of costs towards this yet they cost around 12k. Who has 12k to install these? Most people do not. So either these are funded by even more borrowing & therefore higher taxes or people go more into debit while china continue polluting without giving a shit.

Climate change is not black & white either yet it is treated as if it is. There is a coal mine they want to open in Cumbria which would produce coke for steel production. Now we produce lots of steel (unless we are banning that but unlikely) so therefore need this coal which mostly is imported from china, so not only do we still use the coal but we give china more money & have the emissions from shipping it across the world. Yet everyone is against this coal mine being opened. It would reduce our emissions (we are still using the coal but save on shipping it) employs people locally so more money in the local economy but because its a coal mine, all the green lobby oppose it.

01-11-2021, 12:16 PM
Letters never met an authoritarian agenda he didn't like.

01-11-2021, 12:30 PM
Letters never met an authoritarian agenda he didn't like.

Are you still whining about being locked in your house while the door is wide open?
You seen the army yet? They appear to be running late...

01-11-2021, 12:38 PM
The meeting could have been done by conference. Not everyone going is even going to have a say so why bother. These meetings are what the UN was set up for and if you insist on country reps being present. Well the ambassadors of almost every country are already present in London. Its more waste for a photo op that ignores the real substance. Stop travelling by car to pick up a bag of lettuce and by the way the US defence department is the worlds single biggest polluter. More than several countries

01-11-2021, 01:07 PM
But these pledges are unlikely to cover China & Russia (possibly India) the largest polluters.

I think the UK emits 1% of the worlds emissions which is a small amount yet some of these policies they want us to sign up to will bankrupt us. Take the heat pump issue, they want us to install heat pumps & are prepared to cover 5k of costs towards this yet they cost around 12k. Who has 12k to install these? Most people do not. So either these are funded by even more borrowing & therefore higher taxes or people go more into debit while china continue polluting without giving a shit.

Climate change is not black & white either yet it is treated as if it is. There is a coal mine they want to open in Cumbria which would produce coke for steel production. Now we produce lots of steel (unless we are banning that but unlikely) so therefore need this coal which mostly is imported from china, so not only do we still use the coal but we give china more money & have the emissions from shipping it across the world. Yet everyone is against this coal mine being opened. It would reduce our emissions (we are still using the coal but save on shipping it) employs people locally so more money in the local economy but because its a coal mine, all the green lobby oppose it.

OK, well now you're making a different argument, one which has more merit.
I am also sceptical whether any pledges will be made at this thing which will really make a difference, or enough difference.
Doing nothing doesn't really feel like an option, but it's not clear what the right thing to do is. As you say, it's complicated.
I've heard Elon Musk opine that dealing with the consequences of climate change will be cheaper than trying to stop it. Impossible to know if he's right but it's an interesting opinion.

02-11-2021, 09:05 AM
Are you still whining about being locked in your house while the door is wide open?
You seen the army yet? They appear to be running late...

Hilarious. The guy running around claiming the word is going to end is lecturing on the nature of reality.

You may well have PERMISSION to walk through your open door - for now. But I'd get under the bed if I were you. One minute to midnight dude! SCARY!

02-11-2021, 09:11 AM
The meeting could have been done by conference. Not everyone going is even going to have a say so why bother. These meetings are what the UN was set up for and if you insist on country reps being present. Well the ambassadors of almost every country are already present in London. Its more waste for a photo op that ignores the real substance. Stop travelling by car to pick up a bag of lettuce and by the way the US defence department is the worlds single biggest polluter. More than several countries

There's also the small matter of hundreds of millions of deaths should these lunatics get their way. Energy, agriculture, economies smashed so polluting "green" (CO2 required for green, but don't tell them that) non-alternatives that don't work (as demonstrated time and again) can be temporarily implemented at huge cost and profit. Costs go one way, profits the other. Same old story but on the biggest scale yet.

Meanwhile not a single thing will be done to stop the multinationals polluting the shit out of the planet.

It's at least suspicious and worthy of consideration, but we don't have time because the world's about to end. Drink up!

02-11-2021, 09:12 AM
OK, well now you're making a different argument, one which has more merit.
I am also sceptical whether any pledges will be made at this thing which will really make a difference, or enough difference.
Doing nothing doesn't really feel like an option, but it's not clear what the right thing to do is. As you say, it's complicated.
I've heard Elon Musk opine that dealing with the consequences of climate change will be cheaper than trying to stop it. Impossible to know if he's right but it's an interesting opinion.

I guess you didn't hear what else Musk had to say, just the other day. VERY INTERESTING. Far more relevant to the motley crew massed in Glasgow.

02-11-2021, 09:15 AM
Great quote about the global warming scam I saw today. The one weapon they can't evade. Damn history, damn record keeping. So inconvenient when you are trying to market a panic.

"...if it wasn’t for books humans would believe anything!"

The Wengerbabies
02-11-2021, 01:42 PM
COP26 is nothing but virtue signalling nonsense.

Sleepy Joe driving round in his 20+ motorcade. BoJo flying back and forth between London and Glasgow, Ursela von whoever using her private jet 31 times this week etc.

At least we have the great shining light that is Greta!

The Wengerbabies
02-11-2021, 02:36 PM
Also the covid lockdowns were a trial run. They've seen what they can get away with expect climate lockdowns in the near future, to save the planet, to save lives, for your own good. Meanwhile the elites will still be off doing whatever tf they like yet the masses will comply. SAD!

03-11-2021, 12:10 AM
COP26 is nothing but virtue signalling nonsense.

Sleepy Joe driving round in his 20+ motorcade. BoJo flying back and forth between London and Glasgow, Ursela von whoever using her private jet 31 times this week etc.

At least we have the great shining light that is Greta!

It is FAR, FAR more than that. It is the opening salvo of the next great scam. Covid has almost run its course. Four major bills were passed through what passes as law. Job done. The morons are running around cheering because they don't have to wear a mask - almost as if mask wearing was compulsory at some point in a fantasy past.

But the climate scam is so much bigger. Covid showed that science and reason could be chucked in the bin. Warmism will show that fascism is a welcomed and cheerful solution to psychological warfare. The morons were played and there are many morons. Sane people are going to have a hard time of it from here on.

This is not nonsense. It's catastrophic.

03-11-2021, 12:30 AM
Also the covid lockdowns were a trial run. They've seen what they can get away with expect climate lockdowns in the near future, to save the planet, to save lives, for your own good. Meanwhile the elites will still be off doing whatever tf they like yet the masses will comply. SAD!

Didn't see this before I posted. Congrats. You state the obvious. But it is eternally surprising how few get the obvious.


But the morons will follow the BBC.

What can you do?

03-11-2021, 07:40 AM
Aww. It’s kinda sweet how a year ago you were confidently predicting army on the streets, curfews, checkpoints. Because, of course, you know better than us “morons”. You’re the one that really knows What’s Going On . Because you don’t follow the MSM, you follow YouTube channels which confirm your world view, parrot what they tell you and then pretend you have an independent thought in your head do your own research.

The exact opposite of all that happened and here we are, you still pretending you got it all right and you know What’s Going On . Yep. We’re definitely the morons.

Introspection is overrated, I guess.

Ollie the Optimist
03-11-2021, 08:43 AM
Also the covid lockdowns were a trial run. They've seen what they can get away with expect climate lockdowns in the near future, to save the planet, to save lives, for your own good. Meanwhile the elites will still be off doing whatever tf they like yet the masses will comply. SAD!

Except that wont happen.

People complied with lockdowns because there was a clear message & people could see that the NHS was in danger of collapse.

Part of the reason why people struggle now with ideas of restrictions is that they no longer see the NHS is as close to collapse as it was in 2020 hence why people are not buying into the need for restrictions.

How on earth would the government justify lockdowns for climate change? No one would support that and they wouldn’t be enforced

03-11-2021, 09:13 AM
Of course it won’t happen :lol:
1940s Wengerbabies would have been saying how rationing during the War was a trial run and was here to stay - and remember that rationing went on long after the War ended, so people like him would have been “proved right”. But, of course, it took a while after a bloody great world war for things to recover and in the end rationing wasn’t needed so it stopped.
Same with Covid restrictions. The government have imposed restrictions when they’ve needed to control the situation. They’ve made a hash of it IMO but the restrictions have consistently depended on the data.

But hey, I’m sure the army will arrive any day now. You’ll see! (you won’t!)

03-11-2021, 09:37 AM
Part of the reason why people struggle now with ideas of restrictions is that they no longer see the NHS is as close to collapse as it was in 2020 hence why people are not buying into the need for restrictions.

Right. I don’t think there should be restrictions right now, but they shouldn’t rule them out at some point this winter depending on the data. That’s the issue I have with Boris. He’s doing what he did last year “don’t worry, won’t happen”. Then he cancelled Christmas a week before the day because it was happening, by then it was far too late for any restrictions to be effective.

This year they need to keep a closer eye on the data and impose restrictions if needed to avert the shitshow we had last winter. And round about this time last year I was saying no restrictions were needed because I was keeping an eye on the data and the death rate wasn’t significantly above the average. But that grew and grew over the next couple of months. By Christmas it was something like 30% above average and by mid February it was something like 44% above. I’d suggest that restrictions earlier could have averted some of that. Obviously the difference this year is the vaccine so maybe this year Boris will get away with his do nothing and hope it all goes away approach.

03-11-2021, 05:16 PM
Aww. It’s kinda sweet how a year ago you were confidently predicting army on the streets, curfews, checkpoints. Because, of course, you know better than us “morons”. You’re the one that really knows What’s Going On . Because you don’t follow the MSM, you follow YouTube channels which confirm your world view, parrot what they tell you and then pretend you have an independent thought in your head do your own research.

The exact opposite of all that happened and here we are, you still pretending you got it all right and you know What’s Going On . Yep. We’re definitely the morons.

Introspection is overrated, I guess.

You know very well we have been over this again and again, to the point where I advised I wouldn't go over it again and then predicted - you'd go over it again, as if nothing that went before even existed. And here we are. Silly, unproductive and deliberate.

Focus on one lie and repeat it, over and over. Ignore all else. Rational people are immune, but mentally insane people, such as yourself, can use the single lie as a focal point and the crucial glue that prevents disintegration.

It is now possible to summarise your position on life, the universe and everything, as stated by you, in your own words, on this very forum. Not a pretty picture.

03-11-2021, 05:18 PM
Of course it won’t happen :lol:
1940s Wengerbabies would have been saying how rationing during the War was a trial run and was here to stay - and remember that rationing went on long after the War ended, so people like him would have been “proved right”. But, of course, it took a while after a bloody great world war for things to recover and in the end rationing wasn’t needed so it stopped.
Same with Covid restrictions. The government have imposed restrictions when they’ve needed to control the situation. They’ve made a hash of it IMO but the restrictions have consistently depended on the data.

But hey, I’m sure the army will arrive any day now. You’ll see! (you won’t!)

You are such a dishonest individual it's hard to predict the levels you'll stoop to. Just to win the Internets. I mean I doubt you are getting paid to post your staunch defence of evil - on all fronts.

Comparing WWII to the covid scam is pure shit, even by your non-existent standards.

03-11-2021, 05:21 PM
And if you actually want to persist with comparison, let's get real. YOU, and a huge number of sheep people, would have surrendered before the first shot was fired. And that's all you need to know. You'd claim otherwise, because you are a liar. But there's all your bullshit here to show in the starkest terms what a coward and a slave you are.

03-11-2021, 05:23 PM
Except that wont happen.

People complied with lockdowns because there was a clear message & people could see that the NHS was in danger of collapse.

Part of the reason why people struggle now with ideas of restrictions is that they no longer see the NHS is as close to collapse as it was in 2020 hence why people are not buying into the need for restrictions.

How on earth would the government justify lockdowns for climate change? No one would support that and they wouldn’t be enforced

Hate to break it to you, but the NHS has completely collapsed. Not because of disease with a 99.98% survival rate, but because of deliberately destructive state policies and the compliance of cowards.

03-11-2021, 05:39 PM

03-11-2021, 06:55 PM
Du jour fun :letters:

J R Hartley


04-11-2021, 08:44 PM
Lionel Blair :rose:


Xhaka Can’t
04-11-2021, 08:52 PM
Lionel Blair :rose:


I thought he was already dead.

Oh well. He’s with Pat now. :rose:

Xhaka Can’t
04-11-2021, 08:52 PM
Is anyone else’s Netflix down?

04-11-2021, 09:26 PM
Is anyone else’s Netflix down?

We watched an episode of "You" earlier and it was OK then :shrug:

04-11-2021, 09:29 PM
Well. He got his wish :lol: :rose:


Xhaka Can’t
04-11-2021, 09:40 PM
It’s back up now - checked down detector and there were issues

Xhaka Can’t
04-11-2021, 09:44 PM
Watched an episode of Workin Moms

04-11-2021, 09:51 PM
Any good half hour comedy series I should watch? We just finished Superstore

Xhaka Can’t
04-11-2021, 09:56 PM
Workin Moms is pretty funny - Superstore is great

Xhaka Can’t
04-11-2021, 09:56 PM
Have you tried F is for Family?

04-11-2021, 10:01 PM
No. Will have a look. Ta :good:

04-11-2021, 10:06 PM
I like F is for Family.

05-11-2021, 09:03 AM
Any good half hour comedy series I should watch? We just finished Superstore

Sunderland Til I Die.

05-11-2021, 10:05 AM
I thought he was already dead.

Oh well. He’s with Pat now. :rose:

Same here. Didn't he already die years ago? Maybe they dug him up to vote democrat.

05-11-2021, 10:44 PM
It is now possible to summarise your position on life, the universe and everything, as stated by you, in your own words, on this very forum.
Go on then.

05-11-2021, 10:47 PM
Comparing WWII to the covid scam is pure shit, even by your non-existent standards.

That would work way better as a criticism were you not the one who did exactly that in the early days of the Covid thread when you talked about the blackout and compared people breaking lockdown to people breaking the blackout.
I can quote that post too if you want so you can pretend you never said it like you are about the "army on the streets" post, despite me quoting it verbatim and exposing your lie about how you were talking generally and not in the context of this country alone. Clear bullshit as you said the 10pm closing time for pubs - which was a UK policy at the time - was part of preparing us for the dystopia you predicted.

The Wengerbabies
06-11-2021, 11:15 AM
Clear bullshit as you said the 10pm closing time for pubs - which was a UK policy at the time - was part of preparing us for the dystopia you predicted.

Of course it was preparing us. Two years ago you'd never think it would be illegal to hug your parents, or any of the other bullshit, now we're waiting, condition to expect and accept another lockdown. Part of the new normal.

And it will be. Climate lockdowns are next on the cards, we have to save the planet, Greta is not happy with us, but it's okay now we've been condition to accept such Draconian overreach. The new normal.

The push for everyone to get the vax is also part of the new dystopian future.

Vax passports on our phone are to get us used to checking in at every location, soon that will be the new normal. Anywhere you go, you check in, we'll have our carbon footprint on these passports and our social credit too. Driven too much that week, time to stay home, you'll be refused entry anywhere. Said something mean online, time to stay home, you'll be refused entry anywhere.

Of course this is not happening all in one go but little by little a new layer is added.

06-11-2021, 12:47 PM
Of course it was preparing us. Two years ago you'd never think it would be illegal to hug your parents, or any of the other bullshit, now we're waiting, condition to expect and accept another lockdown. Part of the new normal.

Right. And before the War no one would have thought that you could be fined for opening your curtains at night, or that the government would restrict what you can buy. Those were unprecedented restrictions on liberty, but they made sense in the context of a War.

The restrictions over the last 18 months have made sense in the context of a pandemic where the virus is airborne. If people mix less then clearly that will slow transmission.
It’s notable that practically every country in the world imposed similar restrictions on their citizens. So either every country simultaneously took a lurch towards authoritarianism or, and I’m just throwing this out there, they were all dealing with the same situation.

Now, you can certainly debate whether the government got things right here. Did they impose the right restrictions and do so at the right times? That would be a hard no from me. But was their motive control? No. The restrictions imposed make no sense in that context.
Firstly, you think the government care if you hug your parents or dance at a wedding?
Secondly, the restrictions have consistently corresponded to the data. As they have in every other country. Countries where lockdowns were far harder than ours are now back to business as usual.
Not clear if you are in the UK at the moment but right now there are virtually no restrictions. MrsL and me had a date night recently, we went out for a meal in Chinatown and then to the theatre. No restrictions were evident, some people were wearing masks but not many. London felt normal again.
Last night I was at a fireworks night, many of the big ones are on this year.
Will there be restrictions this winter? My gut feel is there may be but it depends on the data.

The rest of your post is a ramble about things which won’t happen so I’m not sure how to respond to that other than say “none of that is going to happen”.

Xhaka Can’t
07-11-2021, 07:05 PM
Terence Wilson of UB40 is with Pat now. :rose:

08-11-2021, 11:44 AM
I don’t know what to make of our NHS. Sometimes I think it’s broken and hopeless, other times I think it’s remarkable.

MrsL spent half an hour earlier trying to get a doctor’s appointment for the boy.
At one point she was something like 70th in the queue and when she did get to speak to someone all the appointments were gone. He’s not that ill, he has some skin infection, probably hand, foot and mouth. We just wanted a diagnosis and, if necessary, some treatment.

So I took the boy to the walk in centre at the hospital. We were seen within 15 minutes, they have a special room for young children and put some kids’ program on a screen while he’s being seen. They prescribed some antibiotics and gave me some advice about when he might be contagious. I went to the pharmacy at the hospital to pick up the antibiotics and that was that. I was there less than an hour. It was all free (well ok, £2 for parking). Amazing.

09-11-2021, 12:36 PM
NQ, this is how you do it if you want to opt out of society


09-11-2021, 07:00 PM
NQ, this is how you do it if you want to opt out of society


Apart from the bit where he keeps getting rescued at tax payers expense. He seems ok with that.

Xhaka Can’t
10-11-2021, 09:16 PM
First post!!!!!

10-11-2021, 09:17 PM

Xhaka Can’t
10-11-2021, 09:20 PM
I thought you were old school

10-11-2021, 10:14 PM
Just old :(

11-11-2021, 08:13 AM
How do you reply?

11-11-2021, 11:15 AM
Brian :bow:

11-11-2021, 05:32 PM
bury Santa experience


I didn’t even know he was ill :(

11-11-2021, 06:21 PM
bury Santa experience


I didn’t even know he was ill :(


11-11-2021, 06:51 PM
bury Santa experience


I didn’t even know he was ill :(

Still trying to be the popular kid at all costs? Personal dignity no obstacle?

11-11-2021, 07:15 PM
The utter inconvenience of historical fact - in the words of the bed wetters themselves. At what point will YOU realise you are being scammed? That's an interesting science experiment in itself.


Heller has loads of these videos btw. Every time the for-profit doom-mongers open their traps he flashes up a newspaper article from before the time the media was controlled by two investment funds. It must be a pain in the arse for the prophets, but at least he's shadow banned so can't reach the audience handed on a plate to the propagandists. Even so, it makes you wonder why they change their stories so often.

Or does it? Probably not. Time to go back to sleep, if you ever woke up at all.

11-11-2021, 10:06 PM
Still trying to be the popular kid at all costs? Personal dignity no obstacle?

Wow the lack-of-self-awareness-ometer just exploded...

The Wengerbabies
12-11-2021, 08:31 AM
Youtube removing dislikes from public view. Allegedly for "mental health" of creators, yet they will still be able to see the #of dislikes so that doesn't make sense.

It couldn't possibly be for things like this could it?



12-11-2021, 10:07 PM
That makes no sense.

12-11-2021, 11:05 PM
Still trying to be the popular kid at all costs? Personal dignity no obstacle?

Another very telling post.
You just can't wrap your head around the idea that I and other people on here sometimes post things which we find amusing and hope others will too for no other reason than to pass the time of day. For you it always has to be about wanting to be the "popular kid" or to win internet points.
How strange to go through life thinking so many people have ulterior motives or are even out to get you - this vague paranoia is the root of a lot of your errors.

Oh and yes, Heller does have load of those videos. That would be Tony Heller, aka Steven Goddard, the well known and respected climatologist who has many published peer reviewed scientific art...nah, just kidding. He's got no credentials in climate science at all and certainly doesn't have any published peer reviewed papers. He's just a conspiracy theorist bloke who started a YouTube channel and writes blogs denying climate change but what he's saying confirms your agenda so you lap it up. It's good confirmation bias, isn't it?

18-11-2021, 09:14 PM
Another very telling post.
You just can't wrap your head around the idea that I and other people on here sometimes post things which we find amusing and hope others will too for no other reason than to pass the time of day. For you it always has to be about wanting to be the "popular kid" or to win internet points.
How strange to go through life thinking so many people have ulterior motives or are even out to get you - this vague paranoia is the root of a lot of your errors.

Oh and yes, Heller does have load of those videos. That would be Tony Heller, aka Steven Goddard, the well known and respected climatologist who has many published peer reviewed scientific art...nah, just kidding. He's got no credentials in climate science at all and certainly doesn't have any published peer reviewed papers. He's just a conspiracy theorist bloke who started a YouTube channel and writes blogs denying climate change but what he's saying confirms your agenda so you lap it up. It's good confirmation bias, isn't it?

And here you are doing just about the only thing you are capable of, beyond posting trivia. Shooting the messenger, second handed of course, whilst trying to pretend you were in possession of the facts before hitting Google. Yes, I know you well. And it comes across as obvious, btw, just in case you stop to congratulate yourself for your subtlety.

What Heller does, which drives the warmist nuts right out of their shells, is to take the past words of propagandists and compare them to what is being said today. That's it. It's super effective, anyone could do it and it ought to be mortally embarrassing for so-called scientists and journalists to be starkly exposed in such a manner, but they have no shame anyway, much like yourself. If Kermit the Frog was presenting the video instead it would be just as valid because it's not about Heller, it's about the weasel words and blatant contradictions that plague these scientists and journalists for hire. Of course you know that, but because being a warmist if popular right now - that is the way, of course, you'll go.

Don't make the mistake of thinking I view everyone as a massive arsehole like you, btw. I know plenty of people whose word I respect and pay notice to.

18-11-2021, 09:18 PM
Here's another one from the crackpot warmists. Man made warmism is a fact because the outer layers of the atmosphere are colder than the inner layers - this proving (using The Science) the warming originates from the earth and not the sun. Ta-da! They don't go on to explain the man-made bit, but neither does the boy describe the colour of the dog that ate his homework.

Literally, that's the level of "science" these nutters operate on.

19-11-2021, 11:16 AM
Yes, I know you well.
No, you don't. I've met quite a few of the gang on here and none of them have been exactly what I imagined from their online posts. At best you know an online version of me. But even then you are once again overestimating your abilities here. You have made lots of incorrect assertions about my motivation behind certain posts. I know those assertions are incorrect because, well, I'm the one making the posts and I know what my motivation is - I've even explained it, it's mostly to pass time when I'm bored at work. But you continue to believe you have me pegged. I do find it interesting how rock solid your faith in your abilities is when you have demonstrably got many predictions wrong. Nothing wrong with that of course, but you somehow manage to claim you were right all along and so it doesn't shake your faith in your abilities. You don't seem to do much introspection.

What Heller does, which drives the warmist nuts right out of their shells, is to take the past words of propagandists and compare them to what is being said today. That's it.

Well, that's not it. I've looked him up a bit and another thing he does is write about and comment on climate science - a subject he is not an expert on.
As for past words compared to current words - I'm sure you can cherry pick some more alarmist comments from the past. But this is a pretty good video about past models and how they matched up against what has happened. It even deals with why people think that past models weren't accurate - they cherry pick one forecast from a model which made a certain assumption, a worst case scenario, and ignore a different forecast from the same model making a different assumption in terms of CO2 output which is pretty close to what has happened


because being a warmist if popular right now - that is the way, of course, you'll go.
I could equally claim that you're going against it because it's "popular"
Although I don't know if it's popular, it just happens to be the prevailing view amongst scientists who are experts in the relevant field - I think that's pretty relevant. And the climate has noticeably changed in my lifetime.

19-11-2021, 01:06 PM
I'm stealing that video to send everywhere. It's perfect, the best example of reflection I've seen to date.

19-11-2021, 01:25 PM
Yeah, he's got a PhD in climate physics, I didn't think you'd like it.

20-11-2021, 10:18 AM
Yeah, he's got a PhD in climate physics, I didn't think you'd like it.

Which, as we know, automatically erases all the bullshit people like him have been spouting in the past which Heller casually exposes. Having letters kills 99.9% of history stone dead. I mean who needs history anyway? Just do what the clever people tell you. No need to see, hear or even think.

22-11-2021, 12:11 PM
Which, as we know, automatically erases all the bullshit people like him have been spouting in the past which Heller casually exposes. Having letters kills 99.9% of history stone dead. I mean who needs history anyway? Just do what the clever people tell you. No need to see, hear or even think.

So this is interesting. You think what he's saying is bullshit because he has qualification in the relevant field.
As for the history, he deals with that in the video. He goes through all the historic models and how they have been more accurate than some people with a certain agenda are making when they dishonestly take the worst case scenario forecast and ignore the other forecasts in the same report. Another tactic is they take a short term trend which goes in the direction which fits their agenda and dishonestly ignore the much longer trend which very much goes in the opposite direction.
It's not about just doing what the clever people tell you, but expertise in a certain field is surely relevant.
Think you might have a touch of the Dunning Krugers, dude.

23-11-2021, 12:05 AM
So this is interesting. You think what he's saying is bullshit because he has qualification in the relevant field.
As for the history, he deals with that in the video. He goes through all the historic models and how they have been more accurate than some people with a certain agenda are making when they dishonestly take the worst case scenario forecast and ignore the other forecasts in the same report. Another tactic is they take a short term trend which goes in the direction which fits their agenda and dishonestly ignore the much longer trend which very much goes in the opposite direction.
It's not about just doing what the clever people tell you, but expertise in a certain field is surely relevant.
Think you might have a touch of the Dunning Krugers, dude.

And here's letters ignoring what I said and instead framing a new argument which he then uses to change the subject. The actual topic is about letters shooting the messenger and ignoring what that messenger delivers. The new argument he has created is about me shooting the messenger. It's a very progressive thing.

Heller takes THEIR facts from yesterday and compares them to THEIR facts today. That's the part that gets him shot, not the fact he's a geologist - the profession that built the body of climate science before it was perverted.

As for the part about taking short term trends... that's just priceless. They very essence of modern climate science.

Rule of thumb with letters. Whenever you see him pointing the finger, stick a mirror in front of him and then his words suddenly become honest.

The Wengerbabies
23-11-2021, 12:46 AM
So this is interesting. You think what he's saying is bullshit because he has qualification in the relevant field.

Not watched the video but often scientists will do this, they'll say whatever the politicians want to hear to get funding to spend on what they really want to study.

They can be among the least trustworthy people.

23-11-2021, 09:35 AM
Right. The really trustworthy people are some bloke on YouTube with no qualifications and experience in the relevant field and just by coincidence happens to be saying something that fits what you want to believe. Those are the people to listen to :good:

This is how Brexit happened, you know.

23-11-2021, 10:03 AM
By the way, and yes yes it's the BBC so :blah:, but I'm sure there are other sources of this.


Countries are lobbying scientists to downplay the effects of fossil fuels. Because of course they are. An NQ says, follow the money. Yes, there's a lot of money to be made in green technologies but you know where else there's a lot of money? Oil. Have you seen Dubai?

The Wengerbabies
23-11-2021, 10:51 AM
Right. The really trustworthy people are some bloke on YouTube with no qualifications and experience in the relevant field and just by coincidence happens to be saying something that fits what you want to believe. Those are the people to listen to :good:

This is how Brexit happened, you know.

How about other scientist that the MSM don't give a platform to?

I've worked in science I know how it goes.

23-11-2021, 11:30 AM
How about other scientist that the MSM don't give a platform to?

I've worked in science I know how it goes.

You're always going to get some debate and range of opinions in a scientific community. If 'x' percent of scientists in a certain field agree on something then the higher 'x' gets the more likely it is to be right.
With the caveat that science should always be open to the possibility that it's wrong.
It's unlikely that 'x' will ever be 100% so sure, you can always wheel out someone to present a counter argument. Should the MSM give a platform to every outlying opinion? There are still young earth creationists around, should that be taught as an equally plausible idea as an old earth and evolution?

In the video I posted the dude goes through some old models - ones which are sometimes claimed to have been inaccurate as part of the narrative that these climate scientists don't know what they're doing.
He shows that actually the model wasn't bad, but the model is dishonestly misrepresented by some people with a certain agenda - the model made 3 predictions, one was a worst case scenario, one was a middle ground and one was a more optimistic one, depending on the rate of CO2 emissions and whether countries cut back on them or not. The middle prediction was about right, as were a bunch of other models he mentions in the video.
That does give some confidence that they do know what they're doing. And sure, you can find some hysterical stuff about how we'll all be dead in 10 years, but that doesn't mean the underlying science is wrong.

23-11-2021, 11:43 AM
Right. The really trustworthy people are some bloke on YouTube with no qualifications and experience in the relevant field and just by coincidence happens to be saying something that fits what you want to believe. Those are the people to listen to :good:

This is how Brexit happened, you know.

And there it is - some bloke on YouTube, as if our Christian hero hadn't used his own "bloke on YouTube" to shoot the messenger. Get the mirror. And the repetition of the diversion. Some "bloke on YouTube" takes a newspaper article by Professor Ethical written in 1990 and then comments on the stunning reversal and absolute contradictions of Prof. Ethical's 2020 claims. What's needed here is a bullet in the head of the bloke on YouTube because, the damn nerve. And anyone who listens to him is mentally ill. The only sane people in this piece is the guy who contradicts himself annually and the disciple who follows him around.

Good to know.

23-11-2021, 11:57 AM
By the way, and yes yes it's the BBC so :blah:, but I'm sure there are other sources of this.


Countries are lobbying scientists to downplay the effects of fossil fuels. Because of course they are. An NQ says, follow the money. Yes, there's a lot of money to be made in green technologies but you know where else there's a lot of money? Oil. Have you seen Dubai?

Here our hero is equating the corruption and endless profit incentive of one notorious industry in an attempt to paint another notoriously corrupt and endlessly profit hungry industry as virtuous by default. The argument goes, oil companies are evil therefore their competition must be saintly. He doesn't seem to know the "green" corporations are owned, lock, stock and oil barrel, by the same major shareholders who are now earning double bubble. Two pigs rolling in the same muck, so letters gets his lipstick out and picks a pig.

He probably also believes electric cars run on magic and we can all survive on the food Saint Gates is glooping into existence in his Frankenstein lab. In the meantime there are plenty of bugs out there that granny can eat while she's freezing to death for the cause of mock virtue. We're not sure when the earth is due to end next, after a string of false alarms, but we do know that Blackrock will profit all the way to the apocalypse with people like letters cheering them on. It's an easy fan club for the wilfully uneducated.

23-11-2021, 05:13 PM
And here's letters ignoring what I said and instead framing a new argument which he then uses to change the subject. The actual topic is about letters shooting the messenger and ignoring what that messenger delivers. The new argument he has created is about me shooting the messenger. It's a very progressive thing.

You don't seem to understand how conversation works online. There isn't "a" focused topic and I didn't ignore what you said.
I did shoot the messenger and I explained why - that bloke doesn't have any credentials in climate science. But I did also deal with his videos, there's a whole paragraph about it which you completely ignored.

Heller takes THEIR facts from yesterday and compares them to THEIR facts today.

That's not what he does in the video you posted. He talks about some historic extreme weather events which isn't a million miles away from "it's snowing today, checkmate warmists!"
But the other thing he does is misrepresent climate science. He makes the claim about CO2 levels increasing after temperature increases. He is correct, but he's talking about the pre-Industrial world when natural temperature changes kick started processes which in turn led to CO2 increases. That is very different to the post-Industrial world where CO2 has risen and that has caused warming.

So yeah, I shot your messenger and his message. You then shot my messenger and ignored his message. I shot your messenger because he's a conspiracy theorist - not just about climate stuff. So I see why you like him. But he has no relevant credentials in climate science. You shot my messenger seemingly because he has relevant credentials.

And there it is - some bloke on YouTube, as if our Christian hero hadn't used his own "bloke on YouTube" to shoot the messenger.

It's interesting how you claim I misrepresent you and then you post stuff like this. It's so dishonest. It's not that your messenger is "some bloke on YouTube".
What I said is "some bloke on YouTube with no qualifications and experience in the relevant field"
See how you "accidentally" left out the part in bold?

anyone who listens to him is mentally ill
Again, if you're going to complain about being misrepresented then you probably shouldn't start making shit like this up.
Confirmation bias and Dunning Kruger are not mental illnesses, they are psychological effects. Ones that we are all subject to up to a point. The only way to mitigate that is by introspection, something you repeatedly show yourself unable of.

23-11-2021, 07:50 PM
Yeah well obviously I'm not touching that mess of excuses.

So instead, some bird on the internet (of colour - so be very careful what you say about her). She explains how there are experts and "experts".


I'm not even hoping to make you snap back to reality today letters, not when there are posts on here with you apologising for people being rounded up by the army and put in camps. All I'm doing is placing markers so when even you have to confront the inevitability of your blind compliance you may think back and find some sort of foothold back to humanity.

23-11-2021, 09:56 PM
Literally said (about the Australian response to the pandemic) that while it has worked in terms of death numbers:

at what cost to liberty, mental health and their economy.

And I was clear that I'm glad our government haven't gone down that route. But keep lying if you like.

24-11-2021, 10:11 AM
The apology:

Well, Australia have consistently been very hard line in their response to this pandemic. One could argue it's worked. They've had 76 deaths per million, we've had 2105 (source, worldometer).

The arse cover:

But as I said above at what cost to liberty, mental health and their economy.

The lie?

24-11-2021, 11:04 AM
It's called nuance, man.

24-11-2021, 11:35 AM
It's called nuance, man.

Aye. It’s something NQ doesn’t understand.
In his world things are GOOD or BAD and there are no shades of grey in between.

David Mitchell wrote an interesting piece about this in the light of some judge saying that a burglar was brave and then being criticised by everyone from David Cameron down.


For some it seems it’s impossible to understand that a thing like burglary is bad but that doesn’t mean that every negative adjective must apply to the person who does it.


24-11-2021, 11:44 AM
The lie?
That it was an apology.
“Hitler was good at art” isn’t an apology for the things he did.
Come on, dude, it’s not that hard.

Obviously I’ve picked an extreme example there, but a policy can have good and bad aspects to it. One can debate whether one outweighs the other but it’s rare that a policy is 100% good or bad.

24-11-2021, 10:34 PM
Women :lol:

Know your place :d


24-11-2021, 10:51 PM
Still less a shit show than the shit show that's going on here.

25-11-2021, 12:59 AM
It's called nuance, man.

Ah, you mean the nuance of tyranny? I'm sure every tyrant had a thousand reasonable motivations on the way to what even the most unobservant would consider atrocity. We're talking about people being rounded up by the army and put in camps. If you can find nuance in that then you have a rare gift.

25-11-2021, 01:02 AM
That it was an apology.
“Hitler was good at art” isn’t an apology for the things he did.
Come on, dude, it’s not that hard.

Obviously I’ve picked an extreme example there, but a policy can have good and bad aspects to it. One can debate whether one outweighs the other but it’s rare that a policy is 100% good or bad.

If you can find a sliver of a counterbalance to evil then you have embraced evil. There's a lot of grey between any given point and a line in the sand. But once that line is crossed, all grey becomes black and white. You may argue the line is arbitrary and subject to individual opinion. I would argue that people have been taken by the army to camps. If you can't see that particular line then you probably don't have a line. There will always be some excuse to keep it grey.

25-11-2021, 01:03 AM
Or an apology, if you prefer.

25-11-2021, 01:04 AM
Aye. It’s something NQ doesn’t understand.
In his world things are GOOD or BAD and there are no shades of grey in between.

David Mitchell wrote an interesting piece about this in the light of some judge saying that a burglar was brave and then being criticised by everyone from David Cameron down.


For some it seems it’s impossible to understand that a thing like burglary is bad but that doesn’t mean that every negative adjective must apply to the person who does it.


and seriously, what the fuck is that about? Or are you just revelling in that which you crave most of all?

25-11-2021, 10:55 AM
We're talking about people being rounded up by the army and put in camps. If you can find nuance in that then you have a rare gift.
The nuance is in the reason for it, the conditions in the camps and the temporary nature of people's stay there.

Saying people are being rounded up in to camps - and Wengerbabies calling them concentration camps - is emotive language designed to invoke shades of the Holocaust. Obviously this is nothing like that. There's a clear difference between people being rounded up into camps because of their race, treated like animals or worse in those camps and then being killed and what is happening in Australia.

The reason people were being rounded up in Nazi Germany is because their was a policy to exterminate an entire race of people. I would argue that's a bad thing. The reason for the policies in Australia are because they are trying to contain a pandemic. I would argue that's a good thing. And their hardline policies have demonstrably worked - their death numbers are orders of magnitude better than ours.

Overall do I think the policy is good or bad - if you want to be binary about it then I agree, it's bad.
If there's a global pandemic which is airborne then there are different ways of handling that. One extreme is to basically do nothing, keep the borders open, let it rip through the population naturally, hope herd immunity sorts itself out. In the case of Covid I don't believe that would have been the right approach. Listening to testimony from people who work on the front line, this this feels like a situation which required some response.
The other extreme is lock everything down. Close the borders, literally lock everyone in their houses. That is clearly going to work - if people aren't meeting then a virus is not going to spread. But it's not practical and is an unreasonable restriction on people's liberties.

So I would suggest some middle ground is needed - which is what pretty much every country has done.

Some governments - like ours - have in my view erred towards the former approach. It seems like Johnson didn't want to lock people down, he wanted to go full herd immunity before realising things were getting pretty grim and then locking things down too late. He did it twice last year. The result of that was we were for some time in the "top" 5 countries in the world in terms of deaths per million.

Australia have erred towards the other extreme. Yes, it has worked. They've had very few deaths. But was it worth the effect on people's mental health and the economy? Was it worth restricting people's liberties for so long? I don't think so.

What was the "right" thing to do? It's really hard to say, this is a complicated situation, no-one alive has any experience of dealing with something like this. But I think locking down harder and earlier would have been better. Closing the borders - or at least implementing some quarantine - earlier would have been better. Hopefully then we'd have got away with shorter lockdowns, fewer restrictions on our lives.

But the underlying point here is that all countries were dealing with a situation. That is the reason they have done these things. Australia aren't putting people in camps because they've suddenly gone full Hitler. Johnson didn't ban weddings and close pubs because he wanted to stop us enjoying ourselves. He might be a self-serving incompetent oaf but he's not actually a tyrant. So sure, we can discuss whether our government - or any government - got things right. We can lament the way they dished out PPE contracts etc to their mates. You have a point about some of the legislation they have slipped through when no-one was looking. But to suggest that this is a "slippery slope" into an authoritarian regime is a stretch. There has been no slippery slope, the restrictions have consistently followed the data. Right now we can basically do what we want. Boris is doubling down on his "do nothing and hope it all goes away" from last Winter. He might just get away with it this year.

27-11-2021, 08:17 PM

Ray Stubbs :rose:

27-11-2021, 11:54 PM
The nuance is in the reason for it, the conditions in the camps and the temporary nature of people's stay there.

Saying people are being rounded up in to camps - and Wengerbabies calling them concentration camps - is emotive language designed to invoke shades of the Holocaust. Obviously this is nothing like that. There's a clear difference between people being rounded up into camps because of their race, treated like animals or worse in those camps and then being killed and what is happening in Australia.

The reason people were being rounded up in Nazi Germany is because their was a policy to exterminate an entire race of people. I would argue that's a bad thing. The reason for the policies in Australia are because they are trying to contain a pandemic. I would argue that's a good thing. And their hardline policies have demonstrably worked - their death numbers are orders of magnitude better than ours.

Overall do I think the policy is good or bad - if you want to be binary about it then I agree, it's bad.
If there's a global pandemic which is airborne then there are different ways of handling that. One extreme is to basically do nothing, keep the borders open, let it rip through the population naturally, hope herd immunity sorts itself out. In the case of Covid I don't believe that would have been the right approach. Listening to testimony from people who work on the front line, this this feels like a situation which required some response.
The other extreme is lock everything down. Close the borders, literally lock everyone in their houses. That is clearly going to work - if people aren't meeting then a virus is not going to spread. But it's not practical and is an unreasonable restriction on people's liberties.

So I would suggest some middle ground is needed - which is what pretty much every country has done.

Some governments - like ours - have in my view erred towards the former approach. It seems like Johnson didn't want to lock people down, he wanted to go full herd immunity before realising things were getting pretty grim and then locking things down too late. He did it twice last year. The result of that was we were for some time in the "top" 5 countries in the world in terms of deaths per million.

Australia have erred towards the other extreme. Yes, it has worked. They've had very few deaths. But was it worth the effect on people's mental health and the economy? Was it worth restricting people's liberties for so long? I don't think so.

What was the "right" thing to do? It's really hard to say, this is a complicated situation, no-one alive has any experience of dealing with something like this. But I think locking down harder and earlier would have been better. Closing the borders - or at least implementing some quarantine - earlier would have been better. Hopefully then we'd have got away with shorter lockdowns, fewer restrictions on our lives.

But the underlying point here is that all countries were dealing with a situation. That is the reason they have done these things. Australia aren't putting people in camps because they've suddenly gone full Hitler. Johnson didn't ban weddings and close pubs because he wanted to stop us enjoying ourselves. He might be a self-serving incompetent oaf but he's not actually a tyrant. So sure, we can discuss whether our government - or any government - got things right. We can lament the way they dished out PPE contracts etc to their mates. You have a point about some of the legislation they have slipped through when no-one was looking. But to suggest that this is a "slippery slope" into an authoritarian regime is a stretch. There has been no slippery slope, the restrictions have consistently followed the data. Right now we can basically do what we want. Boris is doubling down on his "do nothing and hope it all goes away" from last Winter. He might just get away with it this year.

Yeah, I didn't call them concentration camps - though I fail to see what relevance the name of the camp has. I believe they are actually called "National Resilience" facilities. LOL. So, anyway, I didn't read the rest of it because you can't resist framing the argument. When you learn that basics of honesty let me know.

28-11-2021, 10:14 AM
Exactly. When challenged you simply can’t defend your position.
I argue with facts and data, you argue with paranoia and conspiracy theories.
If you can’t understand that there’s a difference between a mugger stabbing to harm and a surgeon cutting to ultimately heal then I don’t know how to help you.
You simply can’t understand nuance, it’s all black and white to you.

29-11-2021, 12:35 AM
Exactly. When challenged you simply can’t defend your position.
I argue with facts and data, you argue with paranoia and conspiracy theories.
If you can’t understand that there’s a difference between a mugger stabbing to harm and a surgeon cutting to ultimately heal then I don’t know how to help you.
You simply can’t understand nuance, it’s all black and white to you.

Delivered to you straight from the horse itself. It's not like they have a 100% record for lying, but I guess you are a trusting soul. A christian, I hear.

But you have a fair point, I have a problem with finding the nuance in detention camps for law abiding citizens. Should I be seeking help for that? Or should it be the people apologising who book an appointment?

29-11-2021, 12:37 AM
You're on the wrong side asshole. You know it, I know it. But you have an Internets to win so morality, ethics, humanity be damned. Rack up the points!

And then go and kneel in front of God and tell him how worthy you are. Unless the church is empty, because where would be the point?

29-11-2021, 10:00 AM
Delivered to you straight from the horse itself.
It was data you were happy to use round about last October when you noted that the death rate wasn't out of the ordinary.

(EDIT: Here's the exchange, it was actually last November:

At the time you wrote that, you were correct. I was of the same mind. I had a conversation with my nephew at the time. Throughout this he has been a "hide under your bed, there'll be piles of bodies on the street" kinda guy. I told him he was being ridiculous. While he was somewhat overstating things, he was more right than I was. I kept an eye on the data and the death rate grew and grew, it was something like 40% above the average by mid-Feb. The data changed so I changed my opinion. That's the sensible thing to do. What you do is use data when it fits your narrative and dismiss the same data when it doesn't. You do this with all evidence. Your bloke on YouTube is right because he's saying what you want to believe. My bloke on YouTube is wrong because he doesn't.

I have a problem with finding the nuance in detention camps for law abiding citizens. Should I be seeking help for that?
Well, you could try reading my post where I outline it. I gave you another hint above.

You're on the wrong side asshole
I'm not on a side.

29-11-2021, 12:20 PM
Cripps :bow:


29-11-2021, 12:33 PM
And then go and kneel in front of God and tell him how worthy you are.
By the way, this is literally the opposite of the Christian message. It's about God reaching out to us despite us being unworthy.

29-11-2021, 01:01 PM
It was data you were happy to use round about last October when you noted that the death rate wasn't out of the ordinary.

(EDIT: Here's the exchange, it was actually last November:

At the time you wrote that, you were correct. I was of the same mind. I had a conversation with my nephew at the time. Throughout this he has been a "hide under your bed, there'll be piles of bodies on the street" kinda guy. I told him he was being ridiculous. While he was somewhat overstating things, he was more right than I was. I kept an eye on the data and the death rate grew and grew, it was something like 40% above the average by mid-Feb. The data changed so I changed my opinion. That's the sensible thing to do. What you do is use data when it fits your narrative and dismiss the same data when it doesn't. You do this with all evidence. Your bloke on YouTube is right because he's saying what you want to believe. My bloke on YouTube is wrong because he doesn't.

Well, you could try reading my post where I outline it. I gave you another hint above.

I'm not on a side.

Yeah, we weren't talking about that little ramble you just went on, were we? I don't care about your imaginary friend. We are talking about the trustworthiness of the source based on the easily verifiable historical record and the inability of the "data" it provides to stand up under scientific (or even logical, common sense) scrutiny. But this has reached a ridiculous level now. It's a deep dive with a straight face into how Santa gets into houses without chimneys.

We've had the human immune system disappear, the magic vaccine going from guaranteed salvation to irrelevance, the switch in hysterical focus from deaths to so-called cases, but above all else the censorship. In an open scientific forum criticism is paramount - it's the foundation of science. With "The Science" criticism has no place. We just accept "the data", regardless of how much science has to be thrown under a bus to do so - change the definitions when required, arbitrarily trash the protocols, hide safety behind a wall of corporate intellectual property rights, whatever it takes to drive the relentless narrative. Yet it's all good. "The Data" is not to be questioned because it can't be.

I'm the one who changed my opinion, in a logical and rational manner. In the absence of information caution is sensible, discovery is sensible. At the other end of the scale, when information is available, analysis and the scientific principle is sensible.

You've changed nothing. Still here hauling the establishment line, saying stupid things like being "allowed" to go clubbing is proof this is about health and not control. You can't even see how your own words explode your argument. Allowed to go to church? Allowed to go to the pub? Allowed to travel?

Anyway, you have your new variant now which can be used to explain away every last inconvenience that has the potential to disturb utopia.

29-11-2021, 01:02 PM
By the way, this is literally the opposite of the Christian message. It's about God reaching out to us despite us being unworthy.

That's right.

29-11-2021, 04:10 PM
I don't care about your imaginary friend.
Holy shit, are you now claiming I'm making up my own nephew? :lol:
Dear me.

We are talking about the trustworthiness of the source based on the easily verifiable historical record and the inability of the "data" it provides to stand up under scientific (or even logical, common sense) scrutiny.
The data I'm talking about are the government stats on hospitalisations and deaths. I don't know what scrutiny one can apply to that.
My point was and remains, you were happy to use that data when it backed up what you wanted to believe.
Later, when it didn't, you called it in to question. Now, to be fair you didn't give a source for your data in the posts I linked to, but if it wasn't official data then I don't know what else it could have been, you talked about hospitalisations and deaths, where else can you get national statistics from?

"The Data" is not to be questioned because it can't be.
Question it if you like, but have some basis for doing so. If the statistics show that hospitalisation rates are going through the roof and you know some ICU doctors in major cities who are sitting around playing Candy Crush then that would be a reasonable basis for questioning the official line. As I said, the ICU doctor I spoke to very much backed up the official line, there was a situation going on - unprecedented in his career. Is he a "crisis actor"?
It's like when the BBC were reporting that things were getting grim in India. I have many colleagues in India and when I spoke to them they all confirmed that yes, things were bad there. If they'd said "What are you talking about? Everything is fine" then that would be basis for questioning the story.
If you have an alternative data source then I'd be keen to see it.

saying stupid things like being "allowed" to go clubbing is proof this is about health and not control. You can't even see how your own words explode your argument. Allowed to go to church? Allowed to go to the pub? Allowed to travel?
But your argument was always that these things were not going to be allowed.
You said they'd shut my church down. They demonstrably haven't.
You said the stuff in Birmingham with army going door to door was to "get us used to troops on the street". That hasn't happened.
You said that a general curfew "wasn't far off". That was over a year ago. That didn't happen.

And there is a reason you were wrong about these things - you are a bit paranoid and think that the government are out to control us.

In normal times you're right, I don't think of it as being "allowed" to go to church. But these are not normal times.
Stopping people going to church makes no sense in the context of trying to control us - unless you're living in a proper authoritarian regime and you surely agree we are not.
You might not like government and might have ideological issues with it but you surely agree that as these things go it's hardly an oppressive regime,

In the context of a pandemic where they're trying to limit people meeting in large groups a ban on gatherings like church does make sense.
All the measures they've taken have made sense in that context. You can argue about whether they were consistent (they weren't), whether they implemented them at the right time (they didn't).
But they haven't done anything like say, I dunno, mandate hopping on Tuesdays. I'm being silly, but I'm trying to think of a rule which would make no sense in the context of a pandemic.
All the rules have been about preventing people from mixing - in the context of an airborne pandemic they made some sense.

As we've discussed, in the War you couldn't buy anything you wanted, you were rationed. You couldn't open your curtains at night with the lights on.
Were these measures about control or were they an extreme response to an extreme situation? Clearly the latter. When the situation changed the restrictions were removed. As I've noted previously, rationing lasted long after the War. I can only imagine the 1950s Wengerbabies saying it would never end. But it did. And most of the Covid restrictions have already ended. You keep going on about "two weeks to flatten the curve" months after every restriction was lifted.
I reckon this winter they might have to take some measures, I don't think it will be full lockdown again, I certainly hope not.
But it depends on the data. If they're faking the data then what, do you think they also faked low numbers of cases/hospitalisations/deaths so they could remove restrictions too? That makes no sense.

30-11-2021, 01:33 PM
WTF? They DID shut your church down! Has that been erased from your memory somehow? Or is it a natural gift?

And now they have ALLOWED you to go back to your church.

Did you stay away from your church when ordered to do so? Did all your Christian Soldiers do the same?

Did you go back to your church when permitted to do so? Did all your Christian Soldiers do the same?

Do you even know what the definition of control is?

And then you say, you know, if the uncensored data produced by the establishment warrants it, we may not be allowed to go to church in the future. But it has nothing to do with control, it's the data. The state has their uncensored data and the state is better placed to make personal choices for the rest of us. Let's call this thing that is certainly not control, "measures". Which is handy, because that's the word the state uses too. So we're all on the same page, as is always the case when choice is removed.

How do we analyse this? We could say the state has a problem with churches and wants to stop people attending them. So it created a pandemic to shut churches down. Mission accomplished. But... you would have to be me to believe something like that, right? Crazy me who relies on in-control you to set me straight on the realities.

The debate thus framed and reduced to a ridiculous proposition so the protagonist can be mocked, we can go home now (and stay there if the state has its way). Internet points in the bag, fawning fan club satiated. (Where is Mac btw, doesn't he usually chuck up a grovel smilie by this stage?)

But what if I don't go home, then what?

What if I insist on revisiting the actual point of this debate? Control.

The churches are an incidental symptom. They can be dismissed in terms of the fundamental principle, though in a wider context they are significant because breaking social bonds and the ongoing assault on religion is a prominent weapon for the resurgent communists. That's a different argument, not THIS argument. But you did, in your haste to argue both sides, inadvertently touch on some relevancy.

Churches aside though. Let's talk about "allowed" and "not allowed".

When was the last time the state told you you weren't allowed to go to church (for example)?

When was the last time the state told you you WERE allowed to go to church?

How would you signify the relationship between you and your church, in terms of availability and attendance, you and the state and your church and the state? Who holds the whip hand, would you say?

Would you think it unreasonable for people to decide for themselves whether they wished to go to church (for example), or leave their home, or ride a train, or do any of the things that constitute typical daily life - without direct intervention by the state?

If you are afraid of getting sick you can hide indoors, Yes? Your choice. These days you can take a vaccine, right? Or wear a mask. Or stand 2 metres away from everyone, or only go to isolated places, or whatever the fuck you want really. Lots of choices.

If you feel there's little risk from a disease with a 99.9% survivability rate you might make other choices. All about the choices.

The state could and ought to give timely and accurate advice. Useful. The media could do the same. Help people to make informed individual choices.

Does this seem like an unreasonable hypothetical world? Who is in control in this hypothetical world?

Tell me again why we might be expecting the state to "allow" or "not allow" personal choice based on uncensored data it has collected? Has the disease become more dangerous, is the what the data is saying? Do the vaccines not protect people? What about vaccines plus boosters? No good?

Ah, I know! We have to protect the NHS? Right? So we ditch the data and instead go for a practical argument based on resources.

In the 600+ days this has been unfolding, I assume the state, being so concerned with the public health, has finally sorted out all those problems that historically beset the NHS every winter? It's okay, we can pretend none of that ever happened and we can limit the focus from 0BC (Before Covid) to the present.

They built those Nightingale hospitals, right? No good. Once the contractors were paid off they shut the hospitals down. Because there was no money to pay staff. I guess there's no money left after paying AZ and Pfizer and all the other humanitarian corporations that have rushed to the rescue with medicine... that we already said might not work? Bummer.

But, this being a health crisis, the state has done everything to bolster staffing and beds in public hospitals. That would be an obvious move, a no-brainer. But that one must have slipped off the pile. In fact, regrettably, they've had to chuck a bunch of health care professionals out the door because they wouldn't get their vaccinations, that might not work.

Okay. You seem to have a point. The NHS is in CRISIS! The old ones are still the best ones.

Personal choice and a sane and reasonable response MIGHT have to be abandoned (at the state's discretion, even though this is NOT about control) because the state did fuck all to improve hospital capacity, spunked all our cash on vaccines that don't work but, happily, at least managed to put in place several parliamentary bills that expanded their power and diminished ours.

Seems reasonable.

So it's not about the churches. The churches are a symptom and your distraction. And, as we all know too well, it's not about the NHS either which is half sold to the yanks, packed full of pen pushers and haunted by diminishing underpaid, overworked actual healthcare workers who shuffle in zombie fashion from one 14 hour shift to the next. Making it about the NHS is like saying, now I've sold the umbrella we are going to get wet. Just take one look at the NHS for a wake-up slap in the face and a clear picture of just how much the state cares about public health. Or must we keep pretending?

It's about graft. And corruption. And lies. And criminal behaviour. And a total disregard for public health and science. It's about control. Controlling the narrative (through ever increasing censorship), controlling the citizen (through emergency powers that are renewed to the laughter of a dozen MPs in an otherwise deserted parliament), controlling the fear (through media mouthpieces).

14 trillion transferred from all of us to a few of them. (That's who "they" are btw, the next time you are mocking the observant. "They" are the ones with our extra 14 trillion dollars.) That doesn't happen without guiding hands. Controlling hands.

They'd never lie about the data though. "The Science" can't be refuted, not if you want to stay on Twitter or Facebook, at least. It was only the other day Fauci reminded us... he IS the science. And with men like him in charge, how could we ever doubt the data? Vallance and Whitty will be appreciating the data for sure, on stocks.com.

All, so, very, reasonable. Nothing to see while we frolic in our liberty. It's at times like this complacency comes in handy.

Which leaves me. The cynic. Paranoid. Coming up with these imaginary notions that the powerful want to control the rest of us to enrich themselves. I honestly don't know where I get it from. I need help. From the BBC. To make it all go away. To go to sleep.

01-12-2021, 02:33 PM

TL;DW: We're all screwed.


01-12-2021, 03:41 PM
Joke's on you, I'll probably be dead by then :cool:

01-12-2021, 04:25 PM

TL;DW: We're all screwed.


i like this one in the comments :lol:

Sean Whearty
5 days ago
Hey guys. If we work really hard, we can achieve that goal by 2030

02-12-2021, 10:29 AM
WTF? They DID shut your church down! Has that been erased from your memory somehow?
Well...a common Christian cliché is that a church is the people, not the building. So in that sense the government didn't shut it down, nor do they have the ability to. But yes, the rules meant that services had to move online and we had lots of Zoom meetings, we couldn't meet physically for a time.

Did you stay away from your church when ordered to do so? Did all your Christian Soldiers do the same?
Did you go back to your church when permitted to do so? Did all your Christian Soldiers do the same?

We met online when we had to, we met in person when we were able.

Your issue seems to be ideological. Which is fine. You don't believe that there should be a government which can tell people they can't meet up.
We've had this conversation - it's the price of living in a society.
But almost all the time the government do basically just leave us alone to get on with things. Sure, you pay your taxes but you get services and infrastructure. Which aren't perfect, but they're necessary and they're better than nothing.
There's a clear difference between a government in somewhere like China and here.
In China when they shut down the church they shut down the church.
Here they mostly let us get on with things. It's not the controlling or authoritarian regime you seem to imagine.
We've been facing an extreme situation which required an extreme response. One can argue that the response was wrong, but I think it's hard to make a case that no response was required.

Would you think it unreasonable for people to decide for themselves whether they wished to go to church (for example), or leave their home, or ride a train, or do any of the things that constitute typical daily life - without direct intervention by the state?

All those things seem perfectly reasonable, and almost all the time we do have those freedoms.

The state could and ought to give timely and accurate advice. Useful. The media could do the same. Help people to make informed individual choices.
Does this seem like an unreasonable hypothetical world? Who is in control in this hypothetical world?

That all seems reasonable up to a point. And that point is when the NHS starts to get overwhelmed - and no, not in a way it is most winters, the admission stats last winter in London were out of the ordinary. So were the death numbers, last April they were 220% the average for the time of year. That suggest some action was required. And actually the state and media did give people advice. Before lockdown it was all "wash your hands and sing happy birthday twice, keep your distance where possible". But people are idiots, they're not going to follow advice - some will of course but you're the one who declared lockdown over way before it officially was when you noted that a lot of people going about their business.
So they did start by giving advice, when the numbers started to grow exponentially they took further action.

Tell me again why we might be expecting the state to "allow" or "not allow" personal choice based on uncensored data it has collected? Has the disease become more dangerous, is the what the data is saying? Do the vaccines not protect people? What about vaccines plus boosters? No good?

Are you talking about the mask thing here? If so then it seems to be a response to the new variant. It seems like a sensible precaution when a new variant emerges which little is known about. Last year the government were far too late to take action, if they're not making the same mistake this year then I regard that as a good thing. And all they've done is ask people to wear masks - most supermarkets aren't going to enforce it anyway. Is it really so onerous? I mean, I don't like them but I've had to get over it. As we've noted it's far less draconian than the measures some governments have taken like in Australia.

The government make mistakes, they're corrupt and self-serving. But they're not totalitarian.
And sure some people will use a situation like this to enrich themselves. That doesn't mean it's not a real situation.
There's a difference between a government who implement temporary measures to deal with an extraordinary situation and one which actually oppresses the population. Ours is the former

In dealing with this every government has had to balance liberty with containing the pandemic. Australia have gone very hardline - I don't believe they're right to, but I don't believe that any of their measures are permanent either. Nor are ours - in fact most of them have already been lifted.
When you start talking about curfews and checkpoints - and yes, you were talking about this country - and you keep going on about "two weeks to flatten the curve" months after basically every restriction was lifted then yes you do come across as paranoid.

One danger I do see is the vaccine stuff - the thought of mandating it, or only being able to properly participate in society if you have had it. That is something I agree we do need to collectively guard against.

02-12-2021, 12:37 PM
That was a party political message from the Conservative Party.

And now the BBC weather.

02-12-2021, 12:42 PM

02-12-2021, 12:43 PM

TL;DW: We're all screwed.


Seems like if we take the one and only option, Build Back Better, we'll all be saved. Good to know.

I wonder what the data would be like if they added human corruption to the analysis?

I like the injection of comedy though, to lighten the mood. All they had to work with back then was the actual problem, pollution. But things have moved on and now we can replace and ignore that with something far more ominous and sexy.

02-12-2021, 12:49 PM

Oh sorry, were you expecting me to spend time addressing that mess of yours? When you chopped out the entire segment that destroyed the excuse you then went on to provide I figured you weren't in the least bit serious about having an honest debate.

Many more people can see. More each day. Safe to say, you'll never be one of them. All through history there are certain types the worst of the worst can always rely on.

02-12-2021, 01:26 PM
Oh sorry, were you expecting me to spend time addressing that mess of yours?
Do what you like, just don't whine about me not replying to your posts when you are unable to address any of the points I made.
I chopped out a segment for brevity but I responded to the points you made in that segment.
As I have in this post. I don't have to quote every single line to respond to the comments made in them.

02-12-2021, 01:49 PM
Do what you like, just don't whine about me not replying to your posts when you are unable to address any of the points I made.
I chopped out a segment for brevity but I responded to the points you made in that segment.
As I have in this post. I don't have to quote every single line to respond to the comments made in them.

The lies. I didn't say you weren't replying to my posts, I said you were ignoring them. Honesty is your allergy.

Chopped for brevity. LOL. Break out the antihistamine.

You're funny.

02-12-2021, 01:54 PM
It's hard to take you seriously when you repeatedly ignore the points in my posts.
Like in the other thread you repeated the lie about Covid having a 99.9% survival rate. I referred to the data which shows this is simply incorrect and you simply ignored it.
Your go to tactic when you run out of argument is "LETTERS BAD" or "PANTS ON FIRE".
And then you have the gall to accuse me of not wanting an honest debate.

02-12-2021, 02:25 PM
I didn't say you weren't replying to my posts, I said you were ignoring them.

Wait...so you're saying I'm replying to your posts and ignoring them?
Are these Schrödinger's posts? :lol:

03-12-2021, 02:57 PM
Finally saw the John Lewis Christmas Ad.
I refuse to watch them in November.


03-12-2021, 03:12 PM
It's hard to take you seriously when you repeatedly ignore the points in my posts.
Like in the other thread you repeated the lie about Covid having a 99.9% survival rate. I referred to the data which shows this is simply incorrect and you simply ignored it.
Your go to tactic when you run out of argument is "LETTERS BAD" or "PANTS ON FIRE".
And then you have the gall to accuse me of not wanting an honest debate.

The keyword here is REPEATEDLY. You're right, I won't repeatedly cover the same points over and over again just because you keep raising them as if they are fresh and haven't been dealt with on numerous occasions. That's the real tactic on display, the repetition of the same party line and the posts that most certainly exist that provide counter argument but which are buried away so the line can be dusted off and presented again as novel.

You state data as if it is unquestionable. Doesn't matter about all those posts on the test procedures, the medical protocols that have puffed up the toll to a ludicrous degree, the suppression of counter data, the inherent corruption of segments of the scientific community not just with covid but also warmism. Details posts all through the last 2 years and now we get to - here's the data, it's a fact, you are ignoring it, I win.

Alright, you win. Nothing is happening, everything is normal and there's nothing to see. I don't promise to think that though, but I'll say it here to avoid the relentless repetition.

06-12-2021, 09:51 AM



06-12-2021, 12:39 PM
The keyword here is REPEATEDLY. You're right, I won't repeatedly cover the same points over and over again just because you keep raising them as if they are fresh and haven't been dealt with on numerous occasions. That's the real tactic on display, the repetition of the same party line and the posts that most certainly exist that provide counter argument but which are buried away so the line can be dusted off and presented again as novel.

I kinda feel like you're gaslighting me here because this is exactly how I feel about your posts.
You post something - often without citing a source. I deal with it, you ignore that and then later you post the same thing and round and round we go.
A good example is the survival rate from Covid. You keep citing the 99.9% survival rate. That number simply isn't true. Over 80 countries have reported that more than 0.1% of their population have died from Covid. So even if everyone in the country caught it, which seems implausible, there's a death rate of more than 0.1%. And all the scientific papers I've seen about this cite a much higher mortality rate.

I pushed you on that and you did explain how you got your figure - you divided the number of deaths by the population of the entire planet.
I explained why that was a meaningless number and you went off on some sarcastic riff about how you could calculate the percentage in different ways to make it look worse and worse. Maybe meaningless is too strong, but you don't base policy in what percentage of the entire world might die. Ebola kills a tiny number of people each year but it's still taken very seriously when there's an outbreak because it kills a high percentage of people who get infected. Mercifully it's not airborne and thus a lot easier to contain than Covid. The relevant metrics in assessing how serious this sort of situation is are:

1) How transmissible is the virus?
2) What's the IFR?

In the case of Covid the answer to 1 is "very" because it's airborne, and the answer to 2 is "it depends" - notably on your age. But the overall rate in a developed country (i.e., with a population which has a lot of old people in) is around 1%. Low enough that we don't need to all hide under our beds, high enough that it's a situation which I would suggest requires a response. Obviously the nature of that response can be debated.

You state data as if it is unquestionable. Doesn't matter about all those posts on the test procedures, the medical protocols that have puffed up the toll to a ludicrous degree, the suppression of counter data, the inherent corruption of segments of the scientific community not just with covid but also warmism. Details posts all through the last 2 years and now we get to - here's the data, it's a fact, you are ignoring it, I win.

Of course you can question the data. But have some basis for doing so. Your basis seems to be basically THE ESTABLISHMENT ALWAYS LIE.
Which isn't true. And that doesn't mean they always tell the truth either.
If you have some alternative source of data then great, let's see it - I'm always asking you for your data sources.

I have no ability to collect mortality data or hospitalisations data. But as I've said, I had a conversation with an ICU doctor which led me to believe that there was a situation going which was out of the ordinary - certainly in his experience. If he'd told me he'd had a quiet winter and didn't understand what all the fuss was about then that would be a basis for thinking that there was something funny going on. But he didn't. His hospital was full. People were dying at a rate he'd never seen before. And these weren't people in their 80s and 90s, there were a lot of younger people in there too. I have no ability to collect this data myself, but I can try and cross-check it with my experiences and those of people I know. The conversation I had with the ICU tallies with other anecdotal evidence I've heard from other medical staff.

Let's take just one of those examples above, the tests. You keep saying they don't work. When I point out that the cases correlate quite nicely with hospitalisations and deaths - and thus they must be detecting something - we're back to it's fake data. There's the Mullis quote but that seems to have been leapt on and wildly misrepresented by people with a certain agenda - I dealt with that at the time you posted about it. At one point you said that the WHO had admitted the tests don't work. You didn't provide a source for that claim so I had a look and it took me one minute to find a video on the WHO web site which said that the PCR tests were the most accurate ones but needed to be used properly. Basically, RTFM - if you do two many cycles then you're going to get too many false positives. I don't believe you responded when I pointed all that out, so I can't agree I'm ignoring your posts. I dealt with it all and you just repeat the claim that the tests don't work.

Alright, you win. Nothing is happening, everything is normal and there's nothing to see. I don't promise to think that though, but I'll say it here to avoid the relentless repetition.
I can think of many adjectives for the last couple of years, "normal" is certainly not one of them.
Obviously a lot has happened over the last couple of years. As I've said, I'm convinced this is a situation which demanded a response.
And sure, people have used the situation to enrich themselves. Twas ever thus. But that doesn't mean this wasn't a real situation.
But I don't believe that our government - or many others - are using this as an excuse to implement some totalitarian regime. As I keep saying, the restrictions on our lives have varied depending on the data. You have ideological issues with the idea of a government which can "allow" people to meet, or restrict them from doing so. Do you think they should have just asked people to be sensible? Have you met people? As I said elsewhere, they did do that at first, it was only when things started to get out of control they started implementing actual restrictions (too late to do much good, IMO). But there were never curfews, we didn't have checkpoints or the army on the streets. Because fundamentally we don't have a government who are interested in restricting people going out their day to day business. I do agree there's a danger with this vaccination stuff. So far we don't seem to have looked too seriously at forcing people into it, if they do then I'll be with you in pushing back on that.

06-12-2021, 01:12 PM



His penis must be microscopic.

09-12-2021, 09:31 AM
Finland have a PMILF!


15-12-2021, 06:02 PM
this just came up on my Facebook feed :lol:


16-12-2021, 11:41 AM
this just came up on my Facebook feed :lol:


I had seen that before but forgot the punchline :lol:
Dave Allen :bow:

16-12-2021, 12:53 PM
I had seen that before but forgot the punchline :lol:
Dave Allen :bow:

i didn't see it coming at all - just brilliant

16-12-2021, 05:46 PM
When I saw him headed towards the cafe, I thought, Genius move, he`s going to pour a cuppa over the frozen note.

16-12-2021, 08:19 PM
We are currently piloting something at work and part of the process involves facial recognition to check ID. This is how it’s going:

“ID scanning issue-same as yesterday – where genuine IDs were not accepted but a cat face was approved.”


17-12-2021, 05:47 PM


21-12-2021, 09:58 AM
My last working day of the year today :dance:

I use the word "working" in the loosest sense of that word.

Xhaka Can’t
21-12-2021, 10:02 AM
Does that mean we won’t be seeing you on here?

21-12-2021, 10:20 AM
No :lol:

I'll be around here and there.

21-12-2021, 12:51 PM
No need to thank me


22-12-2021, 10:27 PM
Tell you who can piss off.


22-12-2021, 10:34 PM

24-12-2021, 06:20 PM
As I was saying…


24-12-2021, 09:17 PM
I haven't given a fuck about the charts for about 40 years

24-12-2021, 09:18 PM
I remember in my teens I’d watch ToTP and think I’d always be interested in it. But you’re right. No one really gives a monkeys about it these days.

25-12-2021, 12:32 AM

25-12-2021, 06:22 AM



25-12-2021, 10:02 AM
MrsL just tested positive :lol:


I tested negative, but it’s going to bollox up our plans over the next week.

25-12-2021, 11:19 AM

25-12-2021, 11:20 AM


25-12-2021, 11:49 AM
Yeah. I didn’t do the Christmas smileys this year.

25-12-2021, 12:40 PM
MrsL just tested positive :lol:


I tested negative, but it’s going to bollox up our plans over the next week.

Blimey, oh well, best wishes to Mrs L

And Merry Xmas everyone

Am just pausing between stages of cooking xmas lunch - 15 mins off schedule already....

25-12-2021, 01:27 PM
I am now having a slow, boring argument with my sister about whether I can come to a family do on the 27th. Her husband feels funny about it because of MrsL’s test, but I tested negative and I’m vaccinated so the advice is I don’t have to self-isolate
It’s all going to become this massive family diplomatic incident


26-12-2021, 08:17 AM
Tutu :rose:


Shaqiri Is Boss
26-12-2021, 10:30 AM
I am now having a slow, boring argument

I find that hard to believe.

26-12-2021, 12:25 PM
I find that hard to believe.


Rude :angry:

26-12-2021, 12:59 PM
Tested positive on the 19th so couldn't go to my uncle's for Christmas, but tested negative today, so we're off tomorrow :d

27-12-2021, 07:39 PM
Just seen an article when Klopp again is asking for 5 subs to be used but managers like Sean Dyche says this will give the bigger clubs an advatage. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11669/12504605/jurgen-klopp-liverpool-boss-says-players-are-at-the-edge-but-believes-clubs-will-not-allow-more-subs

27-12-2021, 08:41 PM
Just seen an article when Klopp again is asking for 5 subs to be used but managers like Sean Dyche says this will give the bigger clubs an advatage. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11669/12504605/jurgen-klopp-liverpool-boss-says-players-are-at-the-edge-but-believes-clubs-will-not-allow-more-subs

Dyke can f**k off

27-12-2021, 08:43 PM
Well if they don't have the manpower or funds to compete they shouldn't be in the premier league we all have a squad of 25 not our fault they they're shit.

31-12-2021, 08:56 PM

31-12-2021, 11:13 PM

04-01-2022, 08:24 AM


04-01-2022, 08:24 AM
Well, that didn’t work :lol:

04-01-2022, 10:05 AM
No, no it didn't

Xhaka Can’t
04-01-2022, 02:40 PM
I thought it worked very well.

What was it?

04-01-2022, 02:47 PM
It was something I saw on another board (yes, i am cheating on you - I've decided we are in an open relationship).
It formatted the text in a maths way, I wondered if it worked here.
More out of interest than anything, I doubt I'd ever had occasion to use it.

04-01-2022, 03:31 PM


The Wengerbabies
04-01-2022, 03:35 PM
It was something I saw on another board (yes, i am cheating on you - I've decided we are in an open relationship).
It formatted the text in a maths way, I wondered if it worked here.
More out of interest than anything, I doubt I'd ever had occasion to use it.

You need a LaTeX extension. Thats what the [tex] code is for.

Not necessary for this board though as none of you morons understand science anyway. You just follow The Scienceᵀᴹ

04-01-2022, 03:42 PM
Yeah, the board I saw this on is more sciencey.
I haven't looked at LaTeX since Uni, and it scared the shit out of me then!

06-01-2022, 02:57 PM

Gays :pal:

Cakes :bow:

06-01-2022, 04:46 PM
and you're looking at the BBC News NI site why exactly?

06-01-2022, 04:48 PM
I'm not especially, it was just a story on the BBC site and that's the link to it :shrug:

06-01-2022, 04:53 PM
It was something I saw on another board (yes, i am cheating on you - I've decided we are in an open relationship).
It formatted the text in a maths way, I wondered if it worked here.
More out of interest than anything, I doubt I'd ever had occasion to use it.


06-01-2022, 05:22 PM
I'm not especially, it was just a story on the BBC site and that's the link to it :shrug:

ah ok... :getcoat:

07-01-2022, 11:29 AM

07-01-2022, 02:48 PM
going out in London :rose:


07-01-2022, 02:50 PM
Tube drivers can, as always, fuck the fuck off.

07-01-2022, 03:48 PM

Poitier :rose: