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Ollie the Optimist
07-01-2022, 04:07 PM
Tube drivers can, as always, fuck the fuck off.

Just make it like the DLR and automate it.

08-01-2022, 10:59 PM
I agree. The more people us leftists can put out of a job the more our society will mirror utopia. Anyone who disrupts the comfortable classes should be punished.

09-01-2022, 09:45 PM
Except automation doesn't actually mean lots of people are jobless. Automation has been going on for a century or more, you don't have half the population out of work now because if it.
Jobs just change and automation creates new roles which didn't exist before.

10-01-2022, 08:09 AM
Except automation doesn't actually mean lots of people are jobless. Automation has been going on for a century or more, you don't have half the population out of work now because if it.
Jobs just change and automation creates new roles which didn't exist before.

Agreed. As Christ himself once said - On yer bike!

10-01-2022, 08:10 AM
Apologies. Herself.

10-01-2022, 08:22 AM
I think they identified as God actually

10-01-2022, 08:24 AM
I think they identified as God actually

How very Faucian. This won't go down well with the atheists.

10-01-2022, 09:27 AM
Agreed. As Christ himself once said - On yer bike!

More seriously, He did say something about the love of money being the root of all kinds of evil
(Bolded the parts people generally miss out when they misquote this).
So, honestly, I don't have much sympathy for Tube Drivers. They get paid very well for doing a relatively easy job. And they repeatedly hold the capital to ransom with strikes.
So I wouldn't be shedding tears were they replaced.

10-01-2022, 01:13 PM
More seriously, He did say something about the love of money being the root of all kinds of evil
(Bolded the parts people generally miss out when they misquote this).
So, honestly, I don't have much sympathy for Tube Drivers. They get paid very well for doing a relatively easy job. And they repeatedly hold the capital to ransom with strikes.
So I wouldn't be shedding tears were they replaced.

Maybe they just want what they had 5 minutes ago, what with inflation being allowed to "rip through" the honest half of the population. Or maybe they need more to pay their increased taxes. Or maybe the reduction in services they have already paid for has forced them to pay twice. Just a shame that everyone isn't on strike but you'll never get that with so many people who are alright, Jack. Has anyone looked into the reason they are on strike or did a BBC expert proclaim greet as the root? Could even be they have all become used to staying at home, hiding from colds and flu and just fancy a few days off. Hard to say in clown world.

13-01-2022, 01:27 AM
What is the new definition of depravity? I don't agree with statues being smashed up all over the place, but to actually defend the icon of kiddie molestation proudly displayed by the BBC, in modern times. That requires a new definition for depravity. The BBC acolytes really are unspeakable.

The artwork versus the artist
By (cunt) Katie Razzall, (anti)culture editor

What defines an artist - their work or their life? Ever since Eric Gill's crimes have come to light, it's been something to ponder as you walk into the BBC's Old Broadcasting House, entering the building under his looming Prospero and Ariel.

But when I arrived at work on Wednesday afternoon, a ladder was leaning up against the building and a man stood on the plinth above the doorway, shouting "paedophile" and attacking the statue with a hammer, feet first.

He was also trying to detach the 10ft (3m) sculpture from whatever anchors it to the BBC offices. On the pavement, another man livestreamed it.

With every loud smash, there'd be a moan or a shout of "stop" from someone in the gathering crowd below. It felt brutal; an assault on beauty.

Eric Gill was a monster, a depraved paedophile who abused his daughters and others. But as a sculptor he made wondrous creations.

At a time when statues across the country are being reassessed, there'll be those who believe that if it's legal to tear down a monument to a prominent slaver, as happened in Bristol, it is also time to do the same to an artwork by a man who committed horrific sexual crimes. If that's the case though, where does it end?

13-01-2022, 08:52 AM
I'm actually related to Eric Gill :lol:

Think he's my great great uncle or something. Got cousins on that side who still have his name.

Btw I think your sig should be "Für Ihre Sicherheit".

Formal rather than informal.

13-01-2022, 09:09 AM
Just a shame that everyone isn't on strike

isn't that all a bit commie-lefty-socialist for you...?

13-01-2022, 09:23 AM
Maybe they just want what they had 5 minutes ago, what with inflation being allowed to "rip through" the honest half of the population. Or maybe they need more to pay their increased taxes. Or maybe the reduction in services they have already paid for has forced them to pay twice.
None of that is unique to Tube Drivers. In the Public Sector we've had 1% rises for a decade, which is effectively a pay cut. Last 2 years we've got nothing at all because of the pandemic.
And the pension has been repeatedly changed to make it less generous. So why don't we all go on strike? Well "we" did (I put the "we" in quotations because I personally didn't, I'm not in the union as they're utterly impotent).
There were strikes and the effect of that was "Meh". No-one cares. What we do isn't important in the grand scheme of things.
Tube drivers repeatedly use their fairly unique position - being able to bring the capital to a standstill - to hold the powers that be to ransom to get themselves far higher wages than they deserve.

Just a shame that everyone isn't on strike but you'll never get that with so many people who are alright, Jack.
That isn't why other people don't go on strike. Others don't go on strike because they don't do anything which anyone cares about enough that they have the leverage for it to be effective.
Or they're in low paid jobs which aren't unionised, they're living month to month and can't afford to be unpaid for a period of time and they're easily replaceable.
Or they're in jobs where they feel a duty of care towards others so they keep at it despite the poor pay and conditions and morale.

Has anyone looked into the reason they are on strike or did a BBC expert proclaim greet as the root? Could even be they have all become used to staying at home, hiding from colds and flu and just fancy a few days off. Hard to say in clown world.
I don't care what the reason is. It's entirely possible that on this occasion they do have a legitimate reason. But they've done it too often.
There are far more worthy causes to support. I moan about my job and I have a point, I'm underpaid for my skills and I did some stuff last year which I don't believe anyone else in the organisation could have done, stuff which generated a shit-ton of money for us. And the thanks I got was an email saying thanks. When I asked about pay they laughed in my stupid face.
So why don't I go elsewhere and get the big bucks? Well, I'm thinking about it, I have a bloody great mortgage and a family to support. BUT, the kids are young, I have a job which is not pressured and is flexible enough that I can see a lot of the family. I don't want a stressful job, I don't want to be doing 70 hour weeks. I am, frankly, pretty lazy. And I am actually paid well enough to support the family. So, on balance, for all my moaning I do appreciate that I'm pretty lucky in the grand scheme of things. I reckon Tube drivers should do the same. When it comes to complaints about pay or conditions there are far, far more worthy groups of workers than them, or me actually.

13-01-2022, 09:28 AM
but to actually defend the icon of kiddie molestation proudly displayed by the BBC, in modern times. That requires a new definition for depravity. The BBC acolytes really are unspeakable.
Firstly, I've never heard of Eric Gill. My guess is most people haven't, although I'll admit I'm not really in to art.
Secondly, this is a statue by him, not of him, isn't it?
It's one thing to think that statues of "bad people" should be torn down. Although that's a tricky area, generally statues are put up of people who do "good" things, but people are complex, some of those people probably did some pretty bad things too. Something something Churchill something.
But this isn't a statue of a "bad person", it a statue by one. Is that the new line?
I mean, I reckon John Lennon was a bit of an arsehole but I'm not going to stop listening to The Beatles.
There is a debate to be had here, which is what that article is about. So... :shrug:

13-01-2022, 09:53 AM
Firstly, I've never heard of Eric Gill. My guess is most people haven't, although I'll admit I'm not really in to art.
Secondly, this is a statue by him, not of him, isn't it?
It's one thing to think that statues of "bad people" should be torn down. Although that's a tricky area, generally statues are put up of people who do "good" things, but people are complex, some of those people probably did some pretty bad things too. Something something Churchill something.
But this isn't a statue of a "bad person", it a statue by one. Is that the new line?
I mean, I reckon John Lennon was a bit of an arsehole but I'm not going to stop listening to The Beatles.
There is a debate to be had here, which is what that article is about. So... :shrug:

if it wasn't outside the BBC no-one would've bothered about it - it's just another right-wing loony attack on the BBC, nothing more or less

Xhaka Can’t
13-01-2022, 04:52 PM

13-01-2022, 04:55 PM

13-01-2022, 05:13 PM
I'd like to pump and dump her ##


13-01-2022, 06:35 PM
Gawd…help ‘im? :unsure:


Xhaka Can’t
13-01-2022, 10:12 PM

I'm gonna start signing off on social media posts, emails and letters with ENDS.


14-01-2022, 12:22 AM
Poor sod. He'll probably starve to death now.

15-01-2022, 07:20 PM
Some money saving tips for you all


16-01-2022, 10:41 AM
Some money saving tips for you all


i'm already saving money by not subscribing to the Times... ;)

16-01-2022, 11:47 AM

21-01-2022, 08:36 AM
Meatloaf :rose:

21-01-2022, 10:24 AM
His name was Robert Paulson

21-01-2022, 10:42 AM
Meatloaf wasn’t his real name?
Who knew?

21-01-2022, 12:12 PM
always remember him being on the bill when Deep Purple reformed and played Knebworth in 1985 - Meatloaf got plastic bottles thrown at him from start to finish :lol:

(Deep Purple were effing brill though and generally it was a very good bill - UFO, Alaska, Mountain, Scorpions, Blackfoot - oh and Mama's Boys who were shite)

still, RIP...

21-01-2022, 12:16 PM
elsewhere, it's good to know people are focussing on the really important things isn't it...


21-01-2022, 01:00 PM
elsewhere, it's good to know people are focussing on the really important things isn't it...


I approve of this. Too chattery drivers/tannoys are annoying.

21-01-2022, 01:37 PM
His name was Robert Paulson


Oh I see.

Me :doh:

21-01-2022, 04:22 PM
I approve of this. Too chattery drivers/tannoys are annoying.

may i suggest you meant 'chatty'...? :lol:

21-01-2022, 05:23 PM

The ones what talk too much :p

24-01-2022, 12:38 AM
The warmongers and profiteers have their eye on the Ukraine. As you will recall, the US and UK overthrew the government of that nation and replaced it with Nazis (look it up). Actual fucking Nazis, no hyperbole required. The Ukraine holds one of Russia's principle ports and strategic military assets. Under no circumstances will Russia abandon Ukraine because it would eliminate their southern military presence. Whether you view that as significant or not is neither nor there, it's a red line for Russia and part of a survival equation nonetheless. The west knows this. Hence the push. The goal is war. If the west wasn't pushing then Russia could relax and let the anti-nazi sentiment in the Ukraine play out.

So you'll be hearing stories about how oppressed the poor Nazis are. And you'll believe them.

Am I wrong?

Ollie the Optimist
24-01-2022, 08:32 AM
Of course, its not Russia’s fault for invading Ukraine, its the wests :rolleyes:

Do you work for stop the war by any chance? They never manage to blame Putin either

24-01-2022, 08:39 AM
The warmongers and profiteers have their eye on the Ukraine. As you will recall, the US and UK overthrew the government of that nation and replaced it with Nazis (look it up). Actual fucking Nazis, no hyperbole required. The Ukraine holds one of Russia's principle ports and strategic military assets. Under no circumstances will Russia abandon Ukraine because it would eliminate their southern military presence. Whether you view that as significant or not is neither nor there, it's a red line for Russia and part of a survival equation nonetheless. The west knows this. Hence the push. The goal is war. If the west wasn't pushing then Russia could relax and let the anti-nazi sentiment in the Ukraine play out.

So you'll be hearing stories about how oppressed the poor Nazis are. And you'll believe them.

Am I wrong?

Latest Joke is the US/UK accussing Russia of plotting to install a puppet government in Ukraine. No irony there. The Russians shouldnt bother invading. They should just go the Venezuela route. Pick one nondescript. MP and name him Prime Minister and transfer all Ukraines assets to him. Invite him to parliament and all, for a garland ceremony as its too dangerous to inaugurate him in Kiev.

The dangerous part is that the Russians are deadly serious about their own red lines this time. We are living in dangerous times

24-01-2022, 08:42 AM
Of course, its not Russia’s fault for invading Ukraine, its the wests :rolleyes:

Do you work for stop the war by any chance? They never manage to blame Putin either

Whose fault for invading, Iraq, Syria. Libya, Afghanistan. I guess the west had no choice but to invade those places. If they didnt Putin would have for sure

24-01-2022, 01:28 PM
Of course, its not Russia’s fault for invading Ukraine, its the wests :rolleyes:

Do you work for stop the war by any chance? They never manage to blame Putin either

I suppose you know London and Washington are pushing Ukraine towards NATO. The same NATO originally designed to defend the west against Soviet aggression, the same NATO now pushing against the Russian border from all sides. An extended reconnaissance, I suppose. You look at a map, you see the reality. You listen to the "news" and reality spins 180 and the nation surrounded on all sides is the aggressor while the nations with boots on almost every spot on the planet are the peacemakers. Makes you want to roll your eyes.

We're very fortunate Putin is not the mad man painted by the propagandists. If we'd tried shit like this back in the Soviet era the missiles would have been flying. In fact they almost did when the Soviets played our present day strategy in Cuba. Saner heads saved the day, the kinds that don't exist in Washington today.

Ollie the Optimist
24-01-2022, 07:34 PM
The only person pushing Ukraine towards NATO is Putin.

He quite literally annexed part of Ukraine which is quite likely to push a country away from you and towards an alliance who may try to protect you from Russia just taking part of your country.

Putin has also put himself in a tricky position. He either has to secure huge concessions from the west in order to move his troops back or invade. Otherwise he will just look weak, not just to the west but also at home in Russia. So if he doesn’t get the concessions he claims he wants, it’ll be war and that’s not going to end well for all of us.

24-01-2022, 11:03 PM
The only person pushing Ukraine towards NATO is Putin.

He quite literally annexed part of Ukraine which is quite likely to push a country away from you and towards an alliance who may try to protect you from Russia just taking part of your country.

Putin has also put himself in a tricky position. He either has to secure huge concessions from the west in order to move his troops back or invade. Otherwise he will just look weak, not just to the west but also at home in Russia. So if he doesn’t get the concessions he claims he wants, it’ll be war and that’s not going to end well for all of us.

Where did you read that? What happened BEFORE "he quite literally annexed part of Ukraine"? And WHEN did NATO start cosying up to the Ukrainians? Before or after Putin "quite literally annexed part of Ukraine"? Or is all of that destined for the memory hole? Cause and effect in the real world, random effects with no precursor from the propagandists. It is NATO jammed up against the Russian border, not the other way around. Maybe you are too young to remember the Iraq bullshit and how the propaganda played out before the bombs started falling. But if you can remember it's astonishing if you are fooled again. You must want to be.

Anyone supporting a war against the Russians should be bullwhipped through the streets. It's like children gleefully playing with fireworks and then their face gets blown off. War with Russia must be beyond your imagination if you are in any way onboard with the warmongers and their latest message.

24-01-2022, 11:44 PM
Don't forget about the gas pipeline in play. The Ukrainian economy is a complete mess and it has long been "borrowing" Russian energy supplies pumped through its territory and destined for Europe. Only recently it threatened to be even more energetic with its pilfering. This instability is one reason why Russia and Germany developed a project to deliver energy via Northern Europe, a project opposed by Washington where the goal is to cripple the Russian economy by disrupting one of its major exports. No thought about it fucking us over here in Europe either. That's what allies are for.

The cost to Russia is access for its fleets via the Black Sea and its energy export markets. Major wars have definitely started for just these types of provocations. The warmongers in Washington set their own project in motion with the overthrow of the Ukrainian government in 2014. It is well worth looking into who they chose to replace the legitimate government with. Take a quick glance and it all starts to smell of Syria and Afghanistan again - they only call them terrorists when they are off the payroll.

25-01-2022, 08:20 AM
The reason why warmongers like war is because it is their livelihood and they are invested in the profits. The reason why ordinary people on the streets would want war is absolutely irrational. Maybe a sense of nationalism or simple jingoism. We are on top, nobody should challenge us. It is simply mindboggling. Nobody who has actually been to war or seen it close hand is ever an advocate of new wars. War unleashes the brutish animal in humans and we know how deep that can run. Ordinary folks jumping for conflict probably think it will be some far off conflict thousands of miles away and nothing will affect their comfy existences beyond new security measures to curtail individual freedom which they will rationalise under "it was necessary". War with Russia, China, North Korea even Iran will not be some contained affair. It will decimate human existence including yours and your loved ones. The top brass have their government provided bolt holes under the mountains of Idaho and Montana or on refitted submarines stocked with Perrier water, Caviar and smoked Salmon, while you will have the safety of your 2 bedroom flat in Ruislip.

If you advocate for war then sign up. The armed forced in UK are actively looking for recruits and Ollie seems young enough

27-01-2022, 11:30 AM

Barry Cryer :rose:

28-01-2022, 03:16 PM
I am considering getting the Australian passport I'm entitled to, just in on the off-chance that this stuff in Ukraine properly kicks off.

28-01-2022, 04:27 PM
I'm entitled to.
Oh aye, how come?

28-01-2022, 04:47 PM
Also. Tell you what, the MILF quality at the boy's school is really poor. There's one mum of a boy in his class who is #decent. The rest are all...meh.
Disappointing. What's the point in having kids if you can't ogle the yummy mummies at the school gates? :sulk:

28-01-2022, 07:40 PM
I am considering getting the Australian passport I'm entitled to, just in on the off-chance that this stuff in Ukraine properly kicks off.

Aussies never saw a US war they couldnt sign up to. Those dingbats even piled in on the Vietnam war and every single one since. They will certainly be in the crossfire. Try Switzerland, best country on the planet, looks wise I must say. Swiss own the best piece of real estate anywhere. I imagine heaven must look very similar.

28-01-2022, 08:48 PM
Also. Tell you what, the MILF quality at the boy's school is really poor. There's one mum of a boy in his class who is #decent. The rest are all...meh.
Disappointing. What's the point in having kids if you can't ogle the yummy mummies at the school gates? :sulk:

Cos I bet they’re all gazing lustfully at the bald midget with the snazzy orange polo

28-01-2022, 09:38 PM
I am considering getting the Australian passport I'm entitled to, just in on the off-chance that this stuff in Ukraine properly kicks off.

Relax. You're experiencing another western media bullshit moment. Literally NONE of the crap they are reporting is real. It'll take at least 6 months for the warmongers to get all the gear they need to overwhelm the enemy with fewer losses than triggers the Nintendo war crowd at home. And then 6 months more to figure out they don't have enough stiffs. The yanks don't fight when the other side can fight back. Not since the lesson in Vietnam. Nothing is happening except the usual suspects flooding the place with weapons so civilians can slaughter each other. That's what our leaders do. They aren't called scum of the earth for nothing.

30-01-2022, 01:14 AM
The warmongers are getting the shit kicked out of them. Maybe enough people do have a memory.


31-01-2022, 01:21 PM
Oh aye, how come?

Mum's a citizen from back when they were bribing nurses with citizenship.

She passed that down to me, we lived there for 8 months when I was 2.

It almost certainly isn't something I'll need to worry about, but just in case I need to really quickly fuck off to the other side of the planet, it's an option.

31-01-2022, 01:21 PM
Relax. You're experiencing another western media bullshit moment. Literally NONE of the crap they are reporting is real. It'll take at least 6 months for the warmongers to get all the gear they need to overwhelm the enemy with fewer losses than triggers the Nintendo war crowd at home. And then 6 months more to figure out they don't have enough stiffs. The yanks don't fight when the other side can fight back. Not since the lesson in Vietnam. Nothing is happening except the usual suspects flooding the place with weapons so civilians can slaughter each other. That's what our leaders do. They aren't called scum of the earth for nothing.

Yeah probably.

But always good to have an option, just in case.

Ollie the Optimist
31-01-2022, 01:42 PM
Mum's a citizen from back when they were bribing nurses with citizenship.

She passed that down to me, we lived there for 8 months when I was 2.

It almost certainly isn't something I'll need to worry about, but just in case I need to really quickly fuck off to the other side of the planet, it's an option.

Until china starts war with Australia :lol:

31-01-2022, 02:47 PM
Sue Gray report

https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1051374/Investigation_into_alleged_gatherings_on_governmen t_premises_during_Covid_restrictions_-_Update.pdf

The 'General Findings' seem pretty damning but the 'Conclusions' in comparison feel like a bit of a cop-out... which is maybe not a bad term to use in the overall context...

Ollie the Optimist
31-01-2022, 02:56 PM
Sue Gray report

https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1051374/Investigation_into_alleged_gatherings_on_governmen t_premises_during_Covid_restrictions_-_Update.pdf

The 'General Findings' seem pretty damning but the 'Conclusions' in comparison feel like a bit of a cop-out... which is maybe not a bad term to use in the overall context...

Tbf its not the full report as it states due to the police investigating so not sure the conclusions can be deemed a cop out just yet

31-01-2022, 02:58 PM
What a missleading headline <_< https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-derbyshire-60076251

31-01-2022, 03:38 PM
What a missleading headline <_< https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-derbyshire-60076251


31-01-2022, 04:01 PM

Ollie the Optimist
31-01-2022, 04:07 PM
I don’t know if anyone is watching this performance from Boris in parliament but it’s difficult to think of a worse performance by a sitting prime minister

31-01-2022, 04:08 PM
I don’t know if anyone is watching this performance from Boris in parliament but it’s difficult to think of a worse performance by a sitting prime minister

Nonsense. Most of the time he's standing up.

31-01-2022, 04:17 PM
His position is untenable. He's taken a kicking from both benches.

Starmer's speech was really powerful.

31-01-2022, 04:25 PM
I miss Bercow :(

Ollie the Optimist
31-01-2022, 06:04 PM
His position is untenable. He's taken a kicking from both benches.

Starmer's speech was really powerful.

Starmer’s best performance in parliament imo.

However, its where he should excel given this type of statement suits his barrister style perfectly.

Remains to be seen if he has the charisma to be a leader which i doubt he can.

Ollie the Optimist
31-01-2022, 06:05 PM
I miss Bercow :(

I dont.

He was bloody awful. For all the complaints that Boris doesnt respect parliament and its a rules, same applies to Bercow. He ripped up conventions which many remainers loudly supported yet it opened the door for boris to do the same

Xhaka Can’t
31-01-2022, 10:41 PM
Starmer’s best performance in parliament imo.

However, its where he should excel given this type of statement suits his barrister style perfectly.

Remains to be seen if he has the charisma to be a leader which i doubt he can.

It isn’t a beauty contest. Who cares about charisma?

I want competence and just a modicum of integrity. Both of which Starmer possess in spades compared to Johnson or any of the toads that are in the running to replace him.

01-02-2022, 08:02 AM
It isn’t a beauty contest. Who cares about charisma?
Voters do, unfortunately.
Or enough do for it to matter in an election

Ollie the Optimist
01-02-2022, 08:23 AM
It isn’t a beauty contest. Who cares about charisma?

I want competence and just a modicum of integrity. Both of which Starmer possess in spades compared to Johnson or any of the toads that are in the running to replace him.

Of course charisma matters. Starmer may be good in debates like yesterday but he needs to convince that he will be a strong leader able to stand up to people like Putin or take decisive action against people like Assad. This was a major failing of Miliband who just looked weak despite having the odd good performance in Westminster (for clarity, Johnson doesnt have this either)

While i dont disagree starmer has more integrity then Johnson, he has questions to answer over it. When his colleagues were being bullied out of the Labour Party, he stayed silent and backed corbyn. Recently one of his MPs has stated she wants to quit the party over abuse she receives over her stance on trans rights. Starmer’s response was an incredible interview where he couldn’t answer if she was right that only women have cervix’s. This to me is starmer’s weakness, when the going gets tough, he just looks weak because he cannot take a decisive stand nor back those who are being wronged.

Xhaka Can’t
01-02-2022, 08:39 AM
Your argument can be thrown right back at you. When it comes to standing up to Putin, most of what gets done is behind the scenes. Not public sabre rattling to satisfy your base. It isn’t your base that you need to influence. You need a strong understanding of your brief and of the facts to push your case. If you don’t and can’t be trusted even where you do, you risk doing untold damage. On a much smaller scale, there is a mother languishing in an Iranian prison as a result of incompetence managing a brief much smaller than the one Boris has now.

I will never claim any political party has it right, but look at the direction Starmer is taking Labour and contrast it with that of his counterpart.

And what does it say about the Tory party where they are content to shore up such an obviously incompetent and demonstrably corrupt person occupying the top office in the land?

What does it say about any potential successor that they stay silent, carrying on their support while police are investigating the leader as well as accusations of blackmail from within?

In 2019, we were presented with no choice.

There is a choice now.

01-02-2022, 12:05 PM
I doubt the machine has changed since the saviour Blair swept into office. Finally, finally, more of the same. The fact Starmer is the leader of the opposition wing of the partying state means he's perfectly unsuitable to represent everyday people.

01-02-2022, 06:15 PM
The BBC "Fact Checking" Boris Johnson's Jimmy Saville claim https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/60213975

01-02-2022, 07:45 PM
The BBC "Fact Checking" Boris Johnson's Jimmy Saville claim https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/60213975

Right. Because it was bollocks.

01-02-2022, 08:22 PM
The BBC "Fact Checking" Boris Johnson's Jimmy Saville claim https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/60213975

Boris ought to be careful he doesn't upset his well-heeled mates who would have had Jimmy's number in their back pockets for those special occasions.

02-02-2022, 12:53 AM

Btw, it's not real. Even if it's accurate.

Xhaka Can’t
02-02-2022, 12:26 PM
That is just another grift in a long line of grifts. I remember way back in 1983 when someone started a campaign to bribe Trudeau senior to resign. Loads of people sent by snail mail, $10.

Of course Trudeau didn’t resign and fuck knows what happened to the money sent in by the rubes.

So, in to the current grift. These ‘patriots’ are stealing food from the homeless. With the money raised, they ought to be dining like the kings of the road. But nope, no money is coming through so truckers are using food banks.

Fucking rubes and retards

Ollie the Optimist
02-02-2022, 02:23 PM
Right. Because it was bollocks.

The clearest sign that it is total bollocks is that neither Dorries nor Raab would repeat it on tv intereviews without parliamentary privilege protecting them.

02-02-2022, 07:56 PM
That is just another grift in a long line of grifts. I remember way back in 1983 when someone started a campaign to bribe Trudeau senior to resign. Loads of people sent by snail mail, $10.

Of course Trudeau didn’t resign and fuck knows what happened to the money sent in by the rubes.

So, in to the current grift. These ‘patriots’ are stealing food from the homeless. With the money raised, they ought to be dining like the kings of the road. But nope, no money is coming through so truckers are using food banks.

Fucking rubes and retards

It doesn't seem the easily verifiable lies from the mainstream are doing the trick this time. And with Zucker heading out the door today there are definite cracks appearing in the legacy fake news media.

More pressure required.

Xhaka Can’t
02-02-2022, 10:37 PM
It’s another in a long line of grifts.

I wish the police would treat them the way these ‘patriots’ would call for cops to treat leftie minorities that don’t follow instructions.

But we all know the police are full of sociopathic wingnuts.

By the way, as much as I hate to give these cunts hits, you’ll love these fuckers.


03-02-2022, 12:01 PM
What's more interesting about the left is the vitriol directed against working people who are demanding some degree of balance be restored in the relationship between the corporate state and the citizenry. Previously a battleground for the left but we seem to have tipped right over. As for what each individual in each truck thinks about minorities, or anything, we don't know and that's what scares the state the most. That's what prompts the comically transparent and increasingly hysterical media lies and smears. The desperate hunt for leaders and labels when what they actually face is a group of normal citizens long since abandoned and consigned to irrelevancy by elitist parasites who dared to believe they were finally untouchable. Not so.

So yesterday we heard it is the Russians lurking behind this assault on Canada's democracy. Talk about a last refuge, a safe room showing its age but as welcoming as ever to those who have exhausted all lines of deceit. I'll be even more impressed than disgusted if they can find anywhere else to go after that.

The ideology of the left is dead and buried and nobody needs to read legacy media to notice.

04-02-2022, 01:33 PM

Actual journalist discovered in Washington DC. Could be the find of the century.

05-02-2022, 01:53 AM
More leftist censorship is proceeding at warp speed.

One wonders, if you have something to say then why the need to stop others saying what they have to say? Especially if what you have to say has validity.

It has been a long, long time since anyone on the left said anything that was worth hearing. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Still, we get to hear them.

But we aren't allowed to hear anything else.

How much validity can you apply to an argument that tolerates no dissent?

Eventually everyone will get this, I suppose. May take a while though.

05-02-2022, 08:24 AM
They got a boner for war in Ukraine. US is always happy to lay waste to other countries and will gladly supply you with the means to destroy your own population...for a fee of course. Happily even the comedian nominally in charge in Kiev can see through the ruse. They wish to create another Afghanistan in Ukraine to tie down the Russians, devastate their economy and a ruse to kick them off Swift. They must so long for the happy days when that drunkard Yeltsin was calling the "shots" of Vodka in the Kremlin.

A few weeks Biden was telling a press conference that he expected the war in Ukraine would be a "prolonged and bloody guerilla war that would cost the Russians dearly...."

Jill later admonished him "Joe. You really shouldn't have said that. Just because its in the briefing I gave you, doesn't mean you can repeat it to the people".

A president so sheltered from reality, that no-one told him theres a meme out there where people were using "Lets go Brandon" to replace "F Joe Biden". Someone repeated it to his face and he said "I agree with that".

So sheltered he could be the first Amish president in US history

08-02-2022, 10:49 AM
Gascoigne has died:


(not that one)

08-02-2022, 11:14 AM
(not that one)

pity :ninja:

10-02-2022, 05:47 PM
Gawd bless our wonderful British bobbies... :rolleyes:


10-02-2022, 05:48 PM
tbh we're pretty safe with the cops round here 'cos we never see them except when they're lugging great loads of fish and chips or supermarket bags into the station...

10-02-2022, 07:08 PM


10-02-2022, 08:38 PM


Well she did cock up a lot :rimshot:

10-02-2022, 08:40 PM


Sadly it wont change anything. Another Muppet will swiftly take her place. I didnt know she was closely involved in the Brazilian electrician chap`s killing some years back. Hers is a sad, corrupt record

12-02-2022, 01:25 PM
Four players sent off in the match between Porto and Sporting the English press are looking into how Arsenal can be blamed.

15-02-2022, 05:37 PM

Gawd bless 'im! :lol:

15-02-2022, 08:47 PM
Nonce sense

16-02-2022, 05:19 PM
Today is the day. The Russians are invading Ukraine.

Any time now.

18-02-2022, 04:05 PM
i take it we're all watchng Big Jet TV right?



18-02-2022, 06:49 PM
Arsenal former coach and scout Steve Burtenshaw sadly passed away yesterday 17/2/22 . :rose:

18-02-2022, 08:07 PM
Oh! I remember him :rose:

18-02-2022, 09:42 PM
BBC is running a fake news piece about Russia trying to stage a false flag attack, inexplicably in a region that's predominantly Russian. If you recall false flags didn't exist, except as conspiracy theory, until a couple of weeks ago. But now they not only exist but are supposedly credible. I guess after Syria and Covid they don't feel the need to make it believable any more. Expect this to be a prelude to the lunatics and their Nazi mates attempting to kick it off. This is beyond crazy. The Americans need to go and physically drag those psychos out of their palaces and string them up before we all pay the price.

18-02-2022, 10:36 PM
Canadians standing firm in the face of Trudeau's imported paramilitary thugs. The criminal state has started arresting people without charge, seizing bank accounts without court orders. The paramilitary thugs are refusing to provide ID, they all have their faces masked and many are fully armed up. In sane times Trudeau would already have been arrested.

18-02-2022, 10:54 PM

Xhaka Can’t
18-02-2022, 11:05 PM
Canadians standing firm in the face of Trudeau's imported paramilitary thugs. The criminal state has started arresting people without charge, seizing bank accounts without court orders. The paramilitary thugs are refusing to provide ID, they all have their faces masked and many are fully armed up. In sane times Trudeau would already have been arrested.

If the ‘protesters’ were black, and that was the US, they’d be dead by now.

Xhaka Can’t
18-02-2022, 11:13 PM
Canadians standing firm in the face of Trudeau's imported paramilitary thugs. The criminal state has started arresting people without charge, seizing bank accounts without court orders. The paramilitary thugs are refusing to provide ID, they all have their faces masked and many are fully armed up. In sane times Trudeau would already have been arrested.

Most - in fact the vast majority of Canadians aren’t. The amount of protesters are minuscule. Remove the articulated trucks and the protest is tiny.

It is hard to understand why.


19-02-2022, 10:01 AM
If the ‘protesters’ were black, and that was the US, they’d be dead by now.

Some of them are black, it's not the U.S and the protest is entirely peaceful. But we do have BLMs track record for comparison, if that's what you really want to bring.

19-02-2022, 10:09 AM
Most - in fact the vast majority of Canadians aren’t. The amount of protesters are minuscule. Remove the articulated trucks and the protest is tiny.

It is hard to understand why.


That's it? One guy? And there was also that Nazi flag, remember? From that other guy. You made your case. Open and shut.

Like I said, arrest without charge, seizure without court order. Pure forms of violence. Any Canadians, majority or otherwise, who stand with that really don't have much of a clue, do they? Not yet anyway. But they will have soon enough.

And it's global. It's about principles that extend beyond borders. More and more people can see now. Mission accomplished.

19-02-2022, 10:18 AM
Trudeau suspends parliament - to keep everyone safe. It has nothing to do with him being unable to justify his actions in law.

Hands up, anyone still got questions?

Here they are, masks off.

Xhaka Can’t
19-02-2022, 12:35 PM
That's it? One guy? And there was also that Nazi flag, remember? From that other guy. You made your case. Open and shut.

Like I said, arrest without charge, seizure without court order. Pure forms of violence. Any Canadians, majority or otherwise, who stand with that really don't have much of a clue, do they? Not yet anyway. But they will have soon enough.

And it's global. It's about principles that extend beyond borders. More and more people can see now. Mission accomplished.

Yes. One guy.

That is all I was able to find after scouring the internet for hours.

Here are the facts.

There are hardly any protestors.

Their impact is magnified beyond all proportion because they turn up at protests in 18 wheelers.

They are violent. They have been violent. They will continue to be violent.

They are doing severe economic damage without any coherent objective beyond severe economic damage.

Most of their funding comes from abroad.

Most of the country - the vast majority of it want them to fuck right off.

19-02-2022, 01:48 PM
Yes. One guy.

That is all I was able to find after scouring the internet for hours.

Here are the facts.

There are hardly any protestors.

Their impact is magnified beyond all proportion because they turn up at protests in 18 wheelers.

They are violent. They have been violent. They will continue to be violent.

They are doing severe economic damage without any coherent objective beyond severe economic damage.

Most of their funding comes from abroad.

Most of the country - the vast majority of it want them to fuck right off.

I think I know what you are saying. But just in case:

There are hardly any protestors. - Untrue, as I have seen from watching many livestreams. The numbers vary from day to day, not everyone can be there 24/7. Estimates for the number of actual truckers range from 10% - 15% of the nation's trucker fleet engaged in protest at the peak. The U.S war of independence was fought by a fraction of the population, it doesn't take an entire populace.

Their impact is magnified beyond all proportion because they turn up at protests in 18 wheelers. - That's the whole point. 18 wheelers can't be bludgeoned into submission by state thugs.

They are violent. They have been violent. They will continue to be violent. - Absolutely, categorically untrue. If there had been any violence it would have been magnified tenfold by the corrupt mainstream media. But they can find any incidents, even with a magnifying glass.

They are doing severe economic damage without any coherent objective beyond severe economic damage. - Already done over 2 years by the puppet Trudeau. The sheer nerve of the tinpot tyrant to blame others for his own actions is astounding. He's the guy who bullies women when they won't go along with his corrupt activities. He's the guy who paints his face black. He's the guy who shut down the economy. He's the guy who reflects his own behaviour on others as a smear.

Most of their funding comes from abroad. - Yes, lots of it does. People all around the world are engaged and supportive, which is why the state is so panicked. Of course, being overt criminals, the state has stolen that funding, twice.

Most of the country - the vast majority of it want them to fuck right off. - Says who? The mainstream media that has floated every lie from Trudeau and his henchmen since this began?

Xhaka Can’t
19-02-2022, 04:06 PM
I think I know what you are saying. But just in case:

There are hardly any protestors. - Untrue, as I have seen from watching many livestreams. The numbers vary from day to day, not everyone can be there 24/7. Estimates for the number of actual truckers range from 10% - 15% of the nation's trucker fleet engaged in protest at the peak. The U.S war of independence was fought by a fraction of the population, it doesn't take an entire populace.

Their impact is magnified beyond all proportion because they turn up at protests in 18 wheelers. - That's the whole point. 18 wheelers can't be bludgeoned into submission by state thugs.

They are violent. They have been violent. They will continue to be violent. - Absolutely, categorically untrue. If there had been any violence it would have been magnified tenfold by the corrupt mainstream media. But they can find any incidents, even with a magnifying glass.

They are doing severe economic damage without any coherent objective beyond severe economic damage. - Already done over 2 years by the puppet Trudeau. The sheer nerve of the tinpot tyrant to blame others for his own actions is astounding. He's the guy who bullies women when they won't go along with his corrupt activities. He's the guy who paints his face black. He's the guy who shut down the economy. He's the guy who reflects his own behaviour on others as a smear.

Most of their funding comes from abroad. - Yes, lots of it does. People all around the world are engaged and supportive, which is why the state is so panicked. Of course, being overt criminals, the state has stolen that funding, twice.

Most of the country - the vast majority of it want them to fuck right off. - Says who? The mainstream media that has floated every lie from Trudeau and his henchmen since this began?

Just so we’re clear. I hate Trudeau. He is the lightweight version of his father - who also was a cunt, it is just that he was a smart cunt.

Take out the large trucks and agricultural vehicles and this is a total nothingburger. And yes, the vast majority want them out. I also know many people who can’t believe they actually want Trudeau to do something.

https://twitter.com/CarlBoucherKnee/status/1493417437311606786?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1493417437311606786%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.calgarypuck.com%2Fshow thread.php%3Ft%3D186649page%3D14

Peaceful. Yeah.

19-02-2022, 06:10 PM
Oh come on. Those are the same weapons they used to prove Saddam was massing at the Saudi border. Same weapons that proved bin Laden did it. Same old weapons as always. Some people might buy into it even now, but be assured those numbers are falling fast.

This has nothing to do with Trudeau any more. This has moved way, way beyond one man dancing on strings. The mask is off for all to see. And they can see. Doesn't mean the tide will start rolling out, not yet. But it brings the day closer.

It's so far beneath you to pull the media card on this.

20-02-2022, 08:22 AM
Trudeau has now pulled the Boris trick of Proroguing his own parliament. Someone needs to take that a-hole to court

Meanwhile in the mother of all democracies a Police bill and nationality bill are quietly slipping under the radar with nary a word from that quisling Starmer.

I see many happy days ahead for you guys

Xhaka Can’t
20-02-2022, 09:42 AM
Proroguing Parliament is more common in Canada. Trudeau has done it before and so did Harper when Dion had the Bloc, NDP and Liberals all gang up on his minority government.

It is a mess, because another election would likely return a similar mix into Parliament. If Trudeau hadn’t called an unnecessary election last year, then this ‘protest’ would’ve probably provided him with ammo to call an election now and win a majority.

It’s a mess in the UK and Canada, but you’re in the US right? The less said about there, the better.

20-02-2022, 10:43 AM
No Im not in the US (thank God). Dont you guys have a titular president like most other parliamentary countries do who can call things to order. A prime minister shouldnt be able to shut down his own parliament. Only Kings and Presidents should be able to do that....I think

Xhaka Can’t
20-02-2022, 12:34 PM
I guess, technically, the Head of State, which insanely in Canada, is a foreigner.

Practically, experience has shown that those in power can do pretty much whatever they want.

Xhaka Can’t
20-02-2022, 12:37 PM
Is it too much to ask that Ms. Windsor makes it to the double bank holiday in June?

20-02-2022, 01:14 PM
Ok. I forgot. Good old Lizzy is your head of state. The lady who in 75 picked up the phone and had the elected Prime Minister of Australia Gough Whitlam thrown out by her Governor general. Not much hope there.

Xhaka Can’t
20-02-2022, 02:43 PM
I don’t think there is much hope anywhere.

But I’ll take any crumb you can throw my way.

20-02-2022, 04:25 PM
I guess, technically, the Head of State, which insanely in Canada, is a foreigner.

Practically, experience has shown that those in power can do pretty much whatever they want.

To a point. After which those in power aren't in power for much longer and usually no longer alive. And it doesn't take a majority to make that happen. Power rests in faith alone because there's never enough strength to enforce it if enough people stand in opposition. That's why we shouldn't allow a cashless society, invasion of privacy, digital IDs, Covid passports, Track and Trace, or any of it. Because the only way the few can control the many with no recourse for the latter is via all-encompassing technology. Which is precisely the road we are on at the moment, with trans-humanism as the ultimate destination. If we ever get there then humanity, let alone democracy, is finished.

Everything is connected by design. The most important people in the world today are the Canadians standing up against the overreach of the state. This can either be the first painful step back towards liberty or the breaking of a dam that will announce authoritarianism as the norm.

More protests around Canada. A very good thing.

20-02-2022, 04:35 PM
Breathing a sigh of relief, it appears Washington's and Westminster's latest attempt to goad Russia into war has fallen flat. Expect the hysteria to ramp up from primary propaganda outlets such as the NYT and BBC. What next I wonder? A chemical weapons attack? A Spetsnaz raid on a Kiev hospital with babies thrown from incubators?

Meanwhile the Russiagate hoax continues to be mercilessly exposed. As always, the ones doing the accusing were the ones who did the deed. Even some on the left can't swallow it any longer. One of the key reasons for the warmongering I suppose.

20-02-2022, 04:48 PM
I don’t think there is much hope anywhere.

But I’ll take any crumb you can throw my way.



20-02-2022, 05:08 PM
Breathing a sigh of relief, it appears Washington's and Westminster's latest attempt to goad Russia into war has fallen flat. Expect the hysteria to ramp up from primary propaganda outlets such as the NYT and BBC. What next I wonder? A chemical weapons attack? A Spetsnaz raid on a Kiev hospital with babies thrown from incubators?

Meanwhile the Russiagate hoax continues to be mercilessly exposed. As always, the ones doing the accusing were the ones who did the deed. Even some on the left can't swallow it any longer. One of the key reasons for the warmongering I suppose.

The Ukraine comedian now says "Im gonna resuscitate my nukes". Lets see if he gets treated with the same opposition as NK and Iran or merely playing out chapter 2 of the charade. We will soon know. Joining NATO is not in Ukraines immediate or short term future

20-02-2022, 06:12 PM


But which Jesus?

20-02-2022, 06:17 PM
The Ukraine comedian now says "Im gonna resuscitate my nukes". Lets see if he gets treated with the same opposition as NK and Iran or merely playing out chapter 2 of the charade. We will soon know. Joining NATO is not in Ukraines immediate or short term future

Mearsheimer is worth a watch, back from before the latest round of incredible, incredulous bullshit started up in the western press. The good thing about Mearsheimer is he's an equal opportunity zealot when it comes to pissing people off. He's the neocon, Jew hating, ultra right wing, leftie, said bye to Harvard type who nobody can get a handle on. Which is not a problem in this case because the issue is so simple to comprehend.


20-02-2022, 07:50 PM
But which Jesus?

I'll be honest, I didn't know there was a range to choose from.

20-02-2022, 07:54 PM
I'll be honest, I didn't know there was a range to choose from.

All hail supply side Jesus!


20-02-2022, 09:09 PM
I'll be honest, I didn't know there was a range to choose from.

Well there's the traditional Jesus who said, "Love thy neighbour", but now we have this new Jesus that apparently said, "I'm alright, Jack" The former Jesus was probably the greatest rebel in history, confronting and denouncing the authoritarian status quo wherever he encountered it. The latter Jesus is more of an icon for virtue signalling. With latter day Jesus you can apologise for every injustice and grovel to every authoritarian Monday through Saturday, and then you can go to the temple and make a huge show of piety on a Sunday. I'm not surprised stuffy old Jesus went out of fashion in favour of the new brand.

20-02-2022, 09:17 PM
All hail supply side Jesus!


Supply side Jesus. I wish I'd thought of that one. It's rare the pedophile Franken says anything humorous.

20-02-2022, 09:36 PM
Don't know who this bloke is, might be a raving Nazi for all I know. But he makes are rather obvious point quite well in this clip. I mean how hard is any of this? This is straight up good vs evil. All the evidence is in now, for all who care to look. To advocate authoritarian mandates at this late stage is not just ludicrous but evil. There's a sadistic element to this, like when a cat catches a bird and then plays a while, even letting the featherless victim attempt flight before pouncing again. It's why I don't fully credit Darwin's theories because by now, surely, every bird would be born with a stick of dynamite up their arsehole and a fuck you attitude towards cats? One day maybe all people will evolve a spine.


Just to recap, regardless of who parked where (which is the FULL extent of this "emergency" in practical terms). This is an "emergency" of inconvenience. The bridges are open, after a couple of days closed to make a rather pertinent and often forgotten point. Access lanes are open in Ottawa except around the sewer in which His High Lord and Emperor Trudeau slithers and crawls. So what we have here is a noise problem and some parking violations.

The response has been extraordinary and singularly revealing. Finally for all but the ones who poked their own eyes out to avoid seeing, behold the state in its true form.

20-02-2022, 09:51 PM
Supply side Jesus. I wish I'd thought of that one. It's rare the pedophile Franken says anything humorous.

Hadn't noticed that's who'd written it :lol:

20-02-2022, 10:19 PM
The truth will out!

At least the sanctioned "truth".

I guess one way to preserve the dinosaur propaganda mainstream media is to ensure it is the only game in town. We all know Putin is a bad guy. But do we ever think why? And then compare with our own wise guys?


21-02-2022, 01:35 AM
They're he-eeeere!


Keep on endorsing those "representative" leaders. Thank you sir, please may I have another!

Xhaka Can’t
21-02-2022, 10:28 PM
Today is the day. The Russians are invading Ukraine.

Any time now.

Turns out it was today.

21-02-2022, 10:41 PM
Turns out it was today.

Christ, have they really gone that far?

Have the created an invasion out of thin air?

22-02-2022, 06:05 AM
I’ll be honest, I was hoping WW3 would start after my trip to Poland

22-02-2022, 08:11 AM
Don't worry all the politicians of NATO are getting ready to fight in a war personally and will not ask solders to risk their lives... (That's they way it works right?) :blink:

22-02-2022, 09:20 PM
Representatives of the British military are in Ukraine meeting with our new allies.


It's a small step up from funding ISIS in Syria, I suppose.

23-02-2022, 10:37 AM
Here we go. Right on schedule. Let no manufactured crisis go to waste.


I trust you can translate the mainstream media at this late stage and take measures to protect yourself and your family.

23-02-2022, 10:45 AM
So is the establishment going to speed up the process for a "Cashless society"?

23-02-2022, 10:54 AM
Hope so. Can't remmeber the last time I carried cash on me.

23-02-2022, 05:34 PM
So is the establishment going to speed up the process for a "Cashless society"?

Can't imagine it could go any faster than it already is. Canada is a good taste test for what the cashless society promises. It takes cancellation beyond the realm of social media and into the real world. You don't need thugs to deter protest if the press of a few keys can wipe you out.

We still have a few idiots in shops in the town who put gloves on when they handle cash. Epic conditioning. They used to tear your arm off for it. Shows how quickly the fundamentals can be changed.

23-02-2022, 09:30 PM
Can't imagine it could go any faster than it already is. Canada is a good taste test for what the cashless society promises. It takes cancellation beyond the realm of social media and into the real world. You don't need thugs to deter protest if the press of a few keys can wipe you out.
Isn’t that true whether people pay by card or cash?
Unless you keep all your money stuffed in your mattress - maybe you do, but pretty much no one does - your money’s all in the bank anyway. So whether you use a card to pay for things (which I tend to, for convenience), or you get money out here and there to pay for things, most of your money is still in the bank. So there’s not that much difference.

Xhaka Can’t
23-02-2022, 09:30 PM
I can charge goods and services in over 86 countries.

Ollie the Optimist
24-02-2022, 08:56 AM
Breathing a sigh of relief, it appears Washington's and Westminster's latest attempt to goad Russia into war has fallen flat. Expect the hysteria to ramp up from primary propaganda outlets such as the NYT and BBC. What next I wonder? A chemical weapons attack? A Spetsnaz raid on a Kiev hospital with babies thrown from incubators?

Meanwhile the Russiagate hoax continues to be mercilessly exposed. As always, the ones doing the accusing were the ones who did the deed. Even some on the left can't swallow it any longer. One of the key reasons for the warmongering I suppose.

So im going to assume you will still be blaming the US & UK etc for Putin starting war with Ukraine yesterday?

24-02-2022, 10:11 AM
Went to Poland on Monday. I put this on FB on Tuesday:

"Oi, Putin. Any chance of postponing World War 3 till I’m a bit further west? Fanx"

Got back last night.

TL;DR, I reckon Putin must follow me on FB.

24-02-2022, 10:19 AM
So im going to assume you will still be blaming the US & UK etc for Putin starting war with Ukraine yesterday?

You assume incorrectly. The US and UK, as nations consisting of citizens, have nothing to do with starting wars. Governments and corporations do that. So, relying strictly on the facts, the globalist corporations that control national governments are responsible for starting wars, including the war in Ukraine which most certainly did not start yesterday, btw. It has been ongoing since 2014 when the corporations staged a coup in that part of the world which, for a short time, has been a nation but has historically been an integral part of the Russian empire.

Or, put another way, you'll need more than the BBC to figure this one out.

24-02-2022, 10:28 AM
Isn’t that true whether people pay by card or cash?
Unless you keep all your money stuffed in your mattress - maybe you do, but pretty much no one does - your money’s all in the bank anyway. So whether you use a card to pay for things (which I tend to, for convenience), or you get money out here and there to pay for things, most of your money is still in the bank. So there’s not that much difference.

There's a huge difference. If you remove £200, say, from your bank the state is aware of the fact. However, from that point forward (theoretically at least, notwithstanding the surveillance state that you think is all all about advertising) the state loses track of that currency. If Joe comes along and mows your lawn and you slip him a tenner you have excluded the state from your private transaction, as should always be the case. However, if Joe has a chip implanted in his arm and you swipe your chip across his, the state not only tracks that transaction but can now relate it to a thousand other data points connected to both private individuals. if the state disapproves it can remotely terminate your ability to conduct commerce, and it won't be a human making the decision. See China for details.

Only the rich have money. The poor uses currency. Two different things. Cash is a currency backed by faith (not value). Provided that faith is maintained by the majority it can pass freely from hand to hand offering a choice of whether to inform the state of your own private business or not. No such choice exists with electronic currency, not even Bitcoin as we have just witnessed in Canada.

In fact take a quick glance at Canada to fully understand why the cashless society is catastrophic.

24-02-2022, 10:31 AM
A good summary of the choice we now face as individuals. Do we ignore reality in favour of comfortable delusion?


Xhaka Can’t
24-02-2022, 06:42 PM
You do realise that a vast majority of Canadians hate Trudeau?

An even larger majority support the actions against the truckers.

Xhaka Can’t
24-02-2022, 06:44 PM
Anyways a trucker protest is the least of our worries.

Putin has indicated pretty clearly he is prepared to deploy nuclear weapons against us.

The good news is he is a lying cunt.

The bad news is he’s clearly a psychopath.

24-02-2022, 07:01 PM
We should immediately carpet bomb Moscow

24-02-2022, 07:20 PM
You do realise that a vast majority of Canadians hate Trudeau?

An even larger majority support the actions against the truckers.

The ones who support action against the truckers don't register on the intelligence scale. And I already knew a small majority "elected" the puppet Trudeau into servitude.

Anyone who is for the action taken against the "truckers" (meaning those driving trucks and absolutely anyone else if they step out of line) are so clueless as to their own position it's painful and embarrassing to observe them. But I do understand why they are they way. I don't condemn them for being afraid.

24-02-2022, 07:21 PM
Anyways a trucker protest is the least of our worries.

Putin has indicated pretty clearly he is prepared to deploy nuclear weapons against us.

The good news is he is a lying cunt.

The bad news is he’s clearly a psychopath.

Don't be so silly. You are making yourself look very foolish and there's no call for it.

24-02-2022, 07:26 PM
I'll find you some resources so you can learn what's happening.

But for the cliff notes, don't be so agitated. The west has won this one, in the short run. Russia wins in the mid term, when it is all forgotten. And China ulimately wins the whole game.

The west (US and UK) are involved to shut down a pipeline, make money and slap Germany. That's it. Mission accomplished.

The Russians are involved to stop their people being slaughtered by actual Nazis, to create a buffer against the aggressive "defensive" NATO, and to ensure their energy supplies can reach Europe once the media has moved on to measuring the length of Cardi B's cock.

China is in it to progress the globalist agenda which is 100% focused on its governmental model. When its enemies are in conflict China's agenda progresses unopposed. Which means the globalist agenda progresses unopposed.

So you can relax.

24-02-2022, 07:28 PM
We should immediately carpet bomb Moscow

You already won the ultimate twat award. You have nothing more to prove.

24-02-2022, 07:29 PM
Went to Poland on Monday. I put this on FB on Tuesday:

"Oi, Putin. Any chance of postponing World War 3 till I’m a bit further west? Fanx"

Got back last night.

TL;DR, I reckon Putin must follow me on FB.

Did you notice anything different about Poland?

Xhaka Can’t
24-02-2022, 09:13 PM
Don't be so silly. You are making yourself look very foolish and there's no call for it.

Ukraine was never going to pose a danger to Russia. Inside or outside of NATO. That said, I’d always been against them joining NATO, but now…would they be at war if they had?

As for Putin being a liar: Said he wasn’t going to invade Ukraine. Invaded Ukraine.

Alluded to using nuclear weapons against any country interfering with the invasion. Hopefully still a liar.

Now, I don’t know a great deal about spying. But I reckon you have to be one terrifying fucker to climb your way to the top of the Russian Spy Agency. When he was ‘questioned’ by Putin, he himself was terrified. He could barely be coherent and was visibly shaken.

And Putin loved it. Psychopath.


24-02-2022, 09:21 PM
Ukraine was never going to pose a danger to Russia. Inside or outside of NATO. That said, I’d always been against them joining NATO, but now…would they be at war if they had?

As for Putin being a liar: Said he wasn’t going to invade Ukraine. Invaded Ukraine.

Alluded to using nuclear weapons against any country interfering with the invasion. Hopefully still a liar.

Now, I don’t know a great deal about spying. But I reckon you have to be one terrifying fucker to climb your way to the top of the Russian Spy Agency. When he was ‘questioned’ by Putin, he himself was terrified. He could barely be coherent and was visibly shaken.

And Putin loved it. Psychopath.


Are you saying Putin is spawned from a drunken union between Satan and a jackal? Yes, he was.

But what does that have to do with anything at all?

25-02-2022, 06:47 AM
Ukraine was never going to pose a danger to Russia. Inside or outside of NATO. That said, I’d always been against them joining NATO, but now…would they be at war if they had?

As for Putin being a liar: Said he wasn’t going to invade Ukraine. Invaded Ukraine.

Alluded to using nuclear weapons against any country interfering with the invasion. Hopefully still a liar.

Now, I don’t know a great deal about spying. But I reckon you have to be one terrifying fucker to climb your way to the top of the Russian Spy Agency. When he was ‘questioned’ by Putin, he himself was terrified. He could barely be coherent and was visibly shaken.

And Putin loved it. Psychopath.


So many things wrong with this statement but none of it surprising. Majority of people in the west function mostly on the basis of a sense of self importance handed down from their countries blood soaked history of savage imperialism. You know what your ancestors did and you wouldnt want anyone doing the same to you now or in the future. Canada jumped in on WW2, Korean war and Vietnam not to mention Im sure the other dastardly wars on Iraq, Libya and Syria. In which of those wars was Canada attacked directly?. None. You just piled on because you were secure in the knowledge that none of those countries could fight back, None of them could bomb, Ottawa, Montreal or Toronto.

Do you realise that if Ukraine joins NATO, them US missiles would then get placed on Russias border. How would you like some Russian missiles facing you from Cuba.

This war was and is unnecessary in as much as it was instigated by design. Zelensky sadly is not in charge of his own military, The Azov brigade Nazis that started to bomb the Russian regions take their commands directly from Washington, thats why Biden was confident in predicting the exact day and hour the war would start, Cos they told their lackeys to start it. What! You just expected Putin to stand by and watch ethic Russians get blitzed to pieces by Nazis, the same people that in 1939 tried to take over Russia itself

Biden wanted this war and hopes to use it to embroil Russia in a protracted conflict. sadly the punks they supplied with the best US arms folded like the steroid jacked bullies they are. All that's going to happen is that Russia will seize more of Ukrainian territory, create a buffer zone and stop this from ever happening again. Ukraine also threatened to start building Nukes. That is also never going to happen on Russian borders just as the US and NATO would never accept it on theirs. What's so hard to comprehend?

As for Putin being a Psychopath, Maybe its true, He sure is not a democrat, but when has that stopped the West from cosying up to the worst kind of brutal dictators all over the globe?. People with short memories that erase their own countries recent past and make accusations about others behavior are getting their information as well as their opinions from mass media. People need to think otherwise you will put your children in more future peril than you live in today.

in 1990 after the Soviet bloc collapsed, the US interfered in Russia and installed that drunkard Yeltsin in power, a man who in a constant stupor allowed the west to raid and plunder Russia. Most of the oligarchs that Boris Johnson is tiptoeing around with these paper tiger sanctions were created in that period. Most of them carted their stolen wealth to the west. Putin stopped that, that pissed many off. They wanted the money train to continue, leaving the Russian people poor and backward. In 20 years Putin has reversed that. You can be a billionaire if you want but it only gives you 1 vote, you cant bribe politicians, you cant sponsor political parties. basically you stay in your lane. Same thing applies in China. Money politics is ruining the west. Money people decide policies to the detriment of the general society, you see it and yet are powerless to do anything. You keep putting your oppressors back in power and lament your situation.

Russia and China know that if they allow unfettered Western style politics in their countries the west will use it to dismember both countries, split them up into smaller malleable nations, just like they did to Yugoslavia. Because in every country there are hundreds if not thousand of scummy asshole politicians ready to sell out their own country for a helicopter of boatload of cash to buy apartments in Monaco and townhouses in London. This is the strategy and when it happens you lot will say, "Well thats democracy".

The US dollar strategy is about ruining other countries economies through democracy, Making souless billionaires who are ghosting for Western multinationals and bleeding their own countries dry, Cheap raw materials exports for expensive imports. Stock exchange daily records while millions are losing their jobs and houses. Germany is shooting itself in the foot by stopping a gas pipeline its economy really needs but Germany is a captive nation. This would never have happened if Merkel was still in charge but the US waited her out.

The biggest losers however are Ukraine as a people and a country. I pray their misery is short lived.

25-02-2022, 07:24 AM
The biggest losers however are Ukraine as a people and a country. I pray their misery is short lived.

It's a video war for most people, served up by the media with tales of patriotic grandmothers defending a nation younger than they are. The blinding hypocrisy is as disposable as the history. The current narrative resets all else as we settle down to watch others die for our latest bout of supreme virtue and breathless entertainment. 800AD never existed. 1200AD never existed. 1991 never existed. 2014, just doesn't exist. The media make it simple, bite-sized and devoid of distracting context. Who needs any of that when War Series X has great graphics, a compelling storyline and a pounding soundtrack? Already looking forward to War 2 where the genius plot twist has Ukraine playing the master boss villain. Yay! Boo! Yay! Boo! It never gets old. Still think they ripped off Iraq 2.0 though.

25-02-2022, 09:20 AM
Did you notice anything different about Poland?

No. I mean, some of them were a bit nervous about the unfolding situation, it's a bit close to home for them. But overall life was pretty normal there.
The only Covid restrictions were needing a negative test and Covid Pass to get in and in some indoor situations people were wearing masks - not that much actually although I didn't go shopping. The team lead out there is Ukrainian though, I checked in with him this morning - he took yesterday and today off as he has family in Kyiv so he had stuff to deal with. This morning he said:

"my parents are on their way to PL border. My brother stayed in Kyiv to fight. There are Russian troops on the streets of Kyiv. Explosions and missiles. My brother tells me that he hears the blasts all the time, even at suburbs where he lives"

Holy shit :upset:

Marc Overmars
25-02-2022, 09:53 AM
Imagine just going about your daily life and things start getting blown up around you, having no idea if you’ll survive or not. FFS.

25-02-2022, 03:34 PM
Started a new job on the 31st of January.

Did actual work for the first time yesterday.

25-02-2022, 05:00 PM
Started a new job on the 31st of January.

Did actual work for the first time yesterday.

Shit happens.

25-02-2022, 05:06 PM


Pray lunatics like this are nowhere near the button. The nutter is literally hyperventilating.

25-02-2022, 05:08 PM
Now, I don’t know a great deal about spying.

That's exactly what a spy would say... :ninja:

25-02-2022, 05:14 PM
F1 has cancelled this year's boring processionrace in Russia. Was there even a race planned? Hard to know what with the maximum cash payout lottery that now passes for a season schedule. It's nice to see them stand on principle (for the first time). Any day now they will be cancelling Saudi too. Though don't hold your breath in case the announcement is indefinitely postponed.

What a bag of dicks.

25-02-2022, 05:33 PM
It's finally and officially impossible to determine what is happening in the world.

I have watched news sources from the extreme left through the alleged centre and all the way to the extreme right. And I'm still no wiser about what is actually happening on the ground in Ukraine.

The laughable BBC is simultaneously reporting the RussianNazi advance has stalled due to the heroic actions of the actual NazisUkrainian forces. However, the Russians have also advanced and entered Kiev. I guess everyone gets to make their own fake news and they all just pile in.

Live streamers on the ground are walking around Kiev with not a soldier or explosion in sight. Although I've seen at least one location, claimed to be in Kiev, that is reduced to rubble.

I can't tell what Fox news is saying because there's cum all over the screen on their side, accompanied by load moaning noises and screams of yes, Yes, YES!

The Guardian is flat up lying about everything, in the most ridiculous and transparent way. That rag is worse than the Sun.

Talking of which, they seem to have spent most of their time trying to cook up (supposedly) witty headlines.

Last I checked RT had been taken off the net entirely.

The NYT is reporting that Trump is bad.

Seriously though, it is extremely worrying that not a single "news" outlet seems capable of simply stating the facts. It's not news any more, it's just a cesspit of opinion.

On average, it seems like Russian forces have surrounded the Ukraine at all four compass points, launched extensive air attacks against Ukrainian military infrastructure and attempted to arrange, through Belarus, talks with the Ukrainian government.

Continuing to search for something, anything, that can be trusted.

Xhaka Can’t
25-02-2022, 07:01 PM
Sounds like you found the first casualty.

25-02-2022, 07:42 PM
That'll show ‘em!


25-02-2022, 07:47 PM
Even with what's happening they would've still got more points than us :)

25-02-2022, 07:59 PM
Even with what's happening they would've still got more points than us :)


25-02-2022, 09:54 PM
Looks like Boris has been transformed from a scumbag, lying fuck and nest featherer into a champion of democracy. Well done him.

I don't think we have much of a chance long term given what so many people are prepared to swallow literally from minute to minute.

Xhaka Can’t
25-02-2022, 11:03 PM
So many things wrong with this statement but none of it surprising. Majority of people in the west function mostly on the basis of a sense of self importance handed down from their countries blood soaked history of savage imperialism. You know what your ancestors did and you wouldnt want anyone doing the same to you now or in the future. Canada jumped in on WW2, Korean war and Vietnam not to mention Im sure the other dastardly wars on Iraq, Libya and Syria. In which of those wars was Canada attacked directly?. None. You just piled on because you were secure in the knowledge that none of those countries could fight back, None of them could bomb, Ottawa, Montreal or Toronto.

Do you realise that if Ukraine joins NATO, them US missiles would then get placed on Russias border. How would you like some Russian missiles facing you from Cuba.

This war was and is unnecessary in as much as it was instigated by design. Zelensky sadly is not in charge of his own military, The Azov brigade Nazis that started to bomb the Russian regions take their commands directly from Washington, thats why Biden was confident in predicting the exact day and hour the war would start, Cos they told their lackeys to start it. What! You just expected Putin to stand by and watch ethic Russians get blitzed to pieces by Nazis, the same people that in 1939 tried to take over Russia itself

Biden wanted this war and hopes to use it to embroil Russia in a protracted conflict. sadly the punks they supplied with the best US arms folded like the steroid jacked bullies they are. All that's going to happen is that Russia will seize more of Ukrainian territory, create a buffer zone and stop this from ever happening again. Ukraine also threatened to start building Nukes. That is also never going to happen on Russian borders just as the US and NATO would never accept it on theirs. What's so hard to comprehend?

As for Putin being a Psychopath, Maybe its true, He sure is not a democrat, but when has that stopped the West from cosying up to the worst kind of brutal dictators all over the globe?. People with short memories that erase their own countries recent past and make accusations about others behavior are getting their information as well as their opinions from mass media. People need to think otherwise you will put your children in more future peril than you live in today.

in 1990 after the Soviet bloc collapsed, the US interfered in Russia and installed that drunkard Yeltsin in power, a man who in a constant stupor allowed the west to raid and plunder Russia. Most of the oligarchs that Boris Johnson is tiptoeing around with these paper tiger sanctions were created in that period. Most of them carted their stolen wealth to the west. Putin stopped that, that pissed many off. They wanted the money train to continue, leaving the Russian people poor and backward. In 20 years Putin has reversed that. You can be a billionaire if you want but it only gives you 1 vote, you cant bribe politicians, you cant sponsor political parties. basically you stay in your lane. Same thing applies in China. Money politics is ruining the west. Money people decide policies to the detriment of the general society, you see it and yet are powerless to do anything. You keep putting your oppressors back in power and lament your situation.

Russia and China know that if they allow unfettered Western style politics in their countries the west will use it to dismember both countries, split them up into smaller malleable nations, just like they did to Yugoslavia. Because in every country there are hundreds if not thousand of scummy asshole politicians ready to sell out their own country for a helicopter of boatload of cash to buy apartments in Monaco and townhouses in London. This is the strategy and when it happens you lot will say, "Well thats democracy".

The US dollar strategy is about ruining other countries economies through democracy, Making souless billionaires who are ghosting for Western multinationals and bleeding their own countries dry, Cheap raw materials exports for expensive imports. Stock exchange daily records while millions are losing their jobs and houses. Germany is shooting itself in the foot by stopping a gas pipeline its economy really needs but Germany is a captive nation. This would never have happened if Merkel was still in charge but the US waited her out.

The biggest losers however are Ukraine as a people and a country. I pray their misery is short lived.

You have got so much wrong there. I don’t know where to begin.

I’d go point by point, but that would be a waste of time. So,I’ll just post this:


26-02-2022, 12:32 AM

26-02-2022, 01:20 AM
You have got so much wrong there. I don’t know where to begin.

I’d go point by point, but that would be a waste of time. So,I’ll just post this:


Canada was very much embroiled in the Vietnam war. It profited from selling arms and equipment to the belligerents, like all the other war profiteers before and after. Plenty of Canadians crossed the border to sign up and there were dead Canadian bodies to prove involvement. Did the government officially participate beyond making a buck? No. So the media propagandist is partly right and partly wrong, same as the bubblehead he's talking to.

There are no clean hands. Ever.

Xhaka Can’t
26-02-2022, 07:24 AM
Canada was very much embroiled in the Vietnam war. It profited from selling arms and equipment to the belligerents, like all the other war profiteers before and after. Plenty of Canadians crossed the border to sign up and there were dead Canadian bodies to prove involvement. Did the government officially participate beyond making a buck? No. So the media propagandist is partly right and partly wrong, same as the bubblehead he's talking to.

There are no clean hands. Ever.

That is quite a stretch to prove a point. But it isn’t even just Vietnam where he is wrong. Or Coulter for that matter.

@ Global - To be clear however, I’m not comparing you Coulter.

@ NQ of course there are no clean hands ever. There never will be. Especially amongst those that rise to power. There are no altruists out there - just con artists with promises that are only designed to manipulate the vast majority that only want to hear what they believe and want. And within that, there is a subset that are far more dangerous. People joining political parties are by far the worst - particularly the intelligent. They know that a party will have to appeal to their base, so they manipulate and ultimately rise in the ranks. The stupid that join are just that - stupid. They’ll never get influence, just crumbs and a feeling of elation when their team wins. Then they get bent over and fucked like the rest of us.

My entire voting life has been dominated by voting for who I think is going to fuck me less.

26-02-2022, 06:06 PM
That is quite a stretch to prove a point. But it isn’t even just Vietnam where he is wrong. Or Coulter for that matter.

@ Global - To be clear however, I’m not comparing you Coulter.

@ NQ of course there are no clean hands ever. There never will be. Especially amongst those that rise to power. There are no altruists out there - just con artists with promises that are only designed to manipulate the vast majority that only want to hear what they believe and want. And within that, there is a subset that are far more dangerous. People joining political parties are by far the worst - particularly the intelligent. They know that a party will have to appeal to their base, so they manipulate and ultimately rise in the ranks. The stupid that join are just that - stupid. They’ll never get influence, just crumbs and a feeling of elation when their team wins. Then they get bent over and fucked like the rest of us.

My entire voting life has been dominated by voting for who I think is going to fuck me less.

My point to my mind still remains. This Trudeau emergency act scandal enlightened me with a lot of stuff that I didnt know. Premier Kennedy when denouncing Trudeaus power grab mentioned that Canada also had the same internment camps in the 1940s for Japanese Canadians even though Pearl harbour took place in US territory. The wafer thin difference between Ottawa and Washington shows no widening. The only major policy difference I can think of in recent times is on the Cuban embargo where Canada was never fully in but didnt ever step far out of line. I realise that its unfair to tarnish a people with the actions of its government but realistically how do you divorce them?

I also cant understand why you think Putin is the problem here. You demonise him just as your media do. What do you want in this world. A unipolar system where everyone does whatever the US wants. Is that going to be good for this planet?...Really. Empires are rarely benevolent...Im yet to hear of one in human history.

Looking back....we were all safer under the cold war period...but communism is anathema to basic human existence. It just couldnt last. China and Russia are doing what they need just not to get swamped. I can see it from their point of view. Any student of history who knew what the British and US did to China in the 1800s leading up to the boxer revolt and the Opium wars and how China was made absolutely beggardly by these 2 nations will realise why the CCP will never let that happen again. Times may have changed but the humans remain the same. The people on the receiving end rarely forget past atrocities.


26-02-2022, 06:52 PM
My point to my mind still remains. This Trudeau emergency act scandal enlightened me with a lot of stuff that I didnt know. Premier Kennedy when denouncing Trudeaus power grab mentioned that Canada also had the same internment camps in the 1940s for Japanese Canadians even though Pearl harbour took place in US territory. The wafer thin difference between Ottawa and Washington shows no widening. The only major policy difference I can think of in recent times is on the Cuban embargo where Canada was never fully in but didnt ever step far out of line. I realise that its unfair to tarnish a people with the actions of its government but realistically how do you divorce them?

I also cant understand why you think Putin is the problem here. You demonise him just as your media do. What do you want in this world. A unipolar system where everyone does whatever the US wants. Is that going to be good for this planet?...Really. Empires are rarely benevolent...Im yet to hear of one in human history.

Looking back....we were all safer under the cold war period...but communism is anathema to basic human existence. It just couldnt last. China and Russia are doing what they need just not to get swamped. I can see it from their point of view. Any student of history who knew what the British and US did to China in the 1800s leading up to the boxer revolt and the Opium wars and how China was made absolutely beggardly by these 2 nations will realise why the CCP will never let that happen again. Times may have changed but the humans remain the same. The people on the receiving end rarely forget past atrocities.


They did the same to Russia when the wall came down.

I've been realising a few things too. Or reinforcing what I already realised. At some point, Now, later, but eventually, we MUST have a revolution in this country and the yanks must do the same. It's the only way to stop lunatics who have locked themselves into an unsustainable cycle (and I'm not talking global warming) from taking the whole species down. When you compare the Russian and Chinese leaders to ours it's terrifying. Because greed is now the only attribute required in the west to qualify as a leader and elite, the stupidest, most undisciplined, reckless, self absorbed, immoral and unethical edge cases of humanity have ended up steering a ship that was the work of millennia. Plainly they have absolutely no idea what they are doing or why and it doesn't seem they care provided they get paid. This can't be allowed to continue for very obvious reasons.

Only today the monumental idiots are talking about disconnecting Russia from the Swift system. The implications for every man, woman and child in the west should such a blind stab of idiocy occur are incalculable. The only thing holding up this slow motion shipwreck is the petrodollar and if that goes down we won't even get a controlled beaching, it'll be full speed impact into the rocks. The mere fact these idiots even contemplate such a move confirms to me they are ignorant, unfit and criminally irresponsible. Just as Trudeau confirmed they are instinctive and emotional fascists at heart.

These are fucking dangerous people, as in nuclear war dangerous. Drunk drivers racing down the road to the next free drink. They absolutely need to be removed and it's our duty to remove them.

Then I look around at the brave men and women standing up in the face of looming crisis, stiff upper lip, prepared to sacrifice for the greater good, safe in their ability to choose what's right no matter what.

And I wake up from the dream and I see them all watching the BBC and realise, we are going to sleepwalk into catastrophe and there's nothing anyone can do about it because nobody is in the least bit aware or bothered.

But it only takes 3% to stage a revolution. Can we even get that many? It must happen. I don't know how, but somebody out there must have a clue and that's the leader I want to talk to.

26-02-2022, 08:12 PM
Thank fuck for Aaron Mate. And Glen Greenwald. And the other lefties that have enough spine to speak the truth and mention history. Here you can listen to Mate calmly deconstruct western propaganda and expose the endless efforts to provoke the war they now have.


It's safe to watch. Mate hates Trump and condemns Putin. So it's safe. Totally safe. It's okay. You'll be fine. Nothing bad will happen if you listen and then (if I may be so bold) think for yourself.

Meanwhile, on the right, who do we have? Carlson. I think that's it. Even he's censoring himself such is the bloodlust and armchair heroism in the US and the UK.

26-02-2022, 08:23 PM
Even so, I still don't hear Mate discussing the stolen election in 2020. He has to know that that's how these neocon crazies managed to seize the levers in the first place. 2020 is a live wire that still can't be touched. At the time explained what would happen and now here we are. Not that it's wasn't entirely obvious given Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria. But whatever. Most people have goldfish memories and have no trouble fighting imaginary Nazis on their street while cheering for heroic Nazis in Ukraine.

26-02-2022, 11:06 PM
Just watched the Josh Taylor vs Jack Catterall fight and the judges will surely get jobs in VAR they are just as incompetent. Tayor never won that fight.

Xhaka Can’t
27-02-2022, 11:01 AM
My point to my mind still remains. This Trudeau emergency act scandal enlightened me with a lot of stuff that I didnt know. Premier Kennedy when denouncing Trudeaus power grab mentioned that Canada also had the same internment camps in the 1940s for Japanese Canadians even though Pearl harbour took place in US territory. The wafer thin difference between Ottawa and Washington shows no widening. The only major policy difference I can think of in recent times is on the Cuban embargo where Canada was never fully in but didnt ever step far out of line. I realise that its unfair to tarnish a people with the actions of its government but realistically how do you divorce them?

I also cant understand why you think Putin is the problem here. You demonise him just as your media do. What do you want in this world. A unipolar system where everyone does whatever the US wants. Is that going to be good for this planet?...Really. Empires are rarely benevolent...Im yet to hear of one in human history.

Looking back....we were all safer under the cold war period...but communism is anathema to basic human existence. It just couldnt last. China and Russia are doing what they need just not to get swamped. I can see it from their point of view. Any student of history who knew what the British and US did to China in the 1800s leading up to the boxer revolt and the Opium wars and how China was made absolutely beggardly by these 2 nations will realise why the CCP will never let that happen again. Times may have changed but the humans remain the same. The people on the receiving end rarely forget past atrocities.


I don’t know what to say to you if you can’t understand why I and pretty much everybody on the planet is demonising Putin. I mean, he is severely psychotic - look how terrified he had his own head of spying (who I’m assuming would be quite the bastard himself) and look how much he was enjoying the fear he unleashed.

Canada has a lot of skeletons in its closet, look in to how the railway was built and the crushing of the Metis if you want to learn a bit more - more recently Rwanda. But that is completely outside the scope of what is happening now in Ukraine.

We aren’t heading to a Unipolar world - far from it. The US is well past peak power and when China takes the mantle, we will see a very different world. With the technology that will be available to them once they achieve their potential - I hope not to be around to witness that.

Your point you think that still stands despite being engulfed by a quicksand of inaccuracy isn’t even relevant to what Russia is inflicting on Ukraine.

27-02-2022, 01:06 PM
I don’t know what to say to you if you can’t understand why I and pretty much everybody on the planet is demonising Putin. I mean, he is severely psychotic - look how terrified he had his own head of spying (who I’m assuming would be quite the bastard himself) and look how much he was enjoying the fear he unleashed.

Canada has a lot of skeletons in its closet, look in to how the railway was built and the crushing of the Metis if you want to learn a bit more - more recently Rwanda. But that is completely outside the scope of what is happening now in Ukraine.

We aren’t heading to a Unipolar world - far from it. The US is well past peak power and when China takes the mantle, we will see a very different world. With the technology that will be available to them once they achieve their potential - I hope not to be around to witness that.

Your point you think that still stands despite being engulfed by a quicksand of inaccuracy isn’t even relevant to what Russia is inflicting on Ukraine.

Supporting a war with materials and tech that you didnt send troops to is at best a cop out and seriously disingenious. The Canadians that volunteered to fight the Vietnam war. Were they prosecuted on return or lauded as veterans. Id like to know. Does Canada have any war Vets, If so. In which war were they active. My statement was that you piled on in a war where you were not attacked. What part of that is untrue, even if no detachment of soldiers were sent. Each countries military is supposed to be defensive. Soon as you fight on far away shores its not defence
Putin is a psychopath on the basis of one 5 min video which enables you to make a clinical diagnosis of his mental make up. Dont give up your day job Dr Freud

The same press you claim are demonising Putin were just a few weeks ago demonising Truckers who simply didnt want to take a medical procedure that almost everyone is now disavowing. Outside the western bubble no-one round here is demonising Putin. Most are clowning the comedian Zelensky who thought Biden and the other NATO club had his back. He didnt check with Georgia to see how it went when they thought picking a fight with Russia would bring the cavalry up behind them. NATO doesnt fight when the other guy can hit back

27-02-2022, 01:19 PM
I explained to you who the demons are during the 2020 coup in Washington and what they would provoke if the door was opened for them again. If you can tear away from Trump and Putin for a split second, take a glance at the "good" guys who presented the world with Afghanistan (twice), Iraq (twice), Libya, Syria and now Ukraine. Do you not consider the possibility you happen to hate the same figures as the mainstream media advises you to hate could be more than coincidence? We can all become embroiled in the endless flow of bullshit from our own propaganda agencies that are still considered "authoritative" due to inertia.

I watched the live streams and dug deep through as many sources as possible again last night. I can just about piece together what is actually happening and of course it is very different from the bullshit being put out by Sky News and the BBC. A few things to consider, from a common sense perspective that can usefully inform. Water is not out in Kiev. Power is not out in Kiev. Communications are not out in Kiev. So this is not some "shock and awe" intervention. We are not seeing anything similar to the devastating assault on the civilian infrastructure that occurred in the first few nights of our "humanitarian intervention" in Iraq. The live feeds from the city reinforce the difference. It seems a single oil and gas facility on the outskirts of the city was attacked, whether by Russian forces or maybe by Ukrainian forces to deny access to the Russians is unknown. But the fires were obvious enough. So we can determine with a high degree of certainty the western media is lying, again, when it throws out ridiculous claims of slaughter and genocide. But it doesn't take Sherlock to figure that one out.

What actually seems to have happened is Russian forces moving into the east to curtail the activities of the western backed neo-Nazi militias that had previously been assaulting Russian backed separatists and the civilian population. Allegedly the neo-Nazis are now in retreat and are being encircled, hopefully to be annihilated, but perhaps to be captured. Russian force have also moved up through the Crimea and taken up holding positions around Odessa. Russian forces from the north and east have dug in around Kiev and are holding. It seems everything was put on hold to allow the Ukrainian government to respond to Russian demands for talks which were rejected by the Ukrainians, no doubt on instructions from Washington. Apparently the venue is in dispute.

It is unclear what Ukrainian forces are actually up to. Most of the air force was destroyed during the opening hours of the campaign, though not as thoroughly as the Russians had hoped. Many Ukrainian units have already surrendered or disbanded, but the majority of ground forces are still operational though highly disorganised. Most of the command and control infrastructure, the airfields and fuel depots have been destroyed or incapacitated. Civilian casualties appear to be surprisingly light and even though much of the population is bunkered down there's still plenty of civilian activity on the streets of the major cities.

It seems the main Ukrainian effort to date is a propaganda campaign somewhat similar to Comical Ali's that has given us the "Ghost of Kyiv" and claims of hundreds of tanks and vehicles destroyed (no evidence) and multiple aircraft shot down (one piece of evidence showing a Ukrainian jet that was shot down in a friendly fire incident). The rather silly propaganda effort seemingly cooked up by the western media where a group of Ukrainian defenders fought to the last man was debunked even by the Ukrainian government.

So it's a fairly static situation at the moment, with the main drama being invented in western newsrooms. It's horrific to watch all the same people who were conned by Covid now jumping into their new passion as they declare themselves to be "Brothers with the brave Ukrainian fighters" and "Go Ukraine GO! The general IQ in the west has plummeted and being a non-thinking and compliant sheep is a virtue. Still, very depressing.

The EU idiots and the lap dog Johnson have rolled out more sanctions against Russian banks, including cancelling them from the Swift messaging system. This will have zero effect on the Russian banks that have prepared for such an outcome. However, it could result in catastrophic and existential consequences for the USA and its allies if the Russians, Chinese and Indians decide to accelerate their effort to kick the dollar off its reserve currency perch. There can be no explanation for such a stupid move other than to assume our so-called leaders are entirely ignorant and unfit to lead.

A far more effective measure has been Turkey's blockage of transit into the Black Sea. This is a very dangerous development and will mean returning Russian naval units will not be able to make it back to port or support the Odessa operation if it develops. Turkey is a member of NATO, for some inexplicable reason. Turkey is an unstable hellhole that plays both sides of the political fence. This is a dangerous development.

But that's my take on it.

If you want to listen to somebody who has studies these issues in great depth and is not bought and paid for by the war machine, here you go:


You might also have a read of Zbigniew Brzezinski's The Grand Chessboard which explains the strategic importance of Ukraine and also spills the beans on why Afghanistan happened. Yes, I know, Brzezinski was ejaculated straight from Satan's scrotum, but even though he's an evil fuck his book is still required reading for anyone wanting to understand the west's motivation for mayhem.

27-02-2022, 01:36 PM
But the underlying point I would make, Xhaka, is very simple and something everyone with an interest (meaning all of us) should be able to rally around. There are no "good guys" in control. If the whole world wants to demonise Putin then the whole world has missed the point and lost focus. Whether our leaders are nutters or their leaders are nutters, or 12D chess masters or whatever is of no consolation when you check out the history books. The Cuban missile crisis is a razor thin rarity. Very rarely do these elitist adventures remain in control of the players who start the game. Events on the ground quickly overwhelm them. If they haven't left themselves escape routes they are drawn inevitably into unavoidable consequences that are rarely paid for by themselves (depending on what rung of the elitist ladder they stand). Take Tony Blair, for instance. How many died? And how did Tony make out? Millions. And like a bandit.

If this gets out of control it will be small consolation to wave a fist at Putin. It won't soothe your third degree burns or grow your hair back to scream at the Sky in defiance of Donald Trump or some trucker who parked in the wrong spot.

It's the complacency in all of us that caused this crisis, when you trace it all back. If we allow such "leaders" when the choice is supposedly ours then we can always expect the worst. And if we pin our faith and understanding in such liars then we become ignorant, but we should never be proud of it as some so clearly are. If we get out of this one alive, wouldn't it be a good idea to actually do something to ensure we prevent the next crisis? And I don't mean by getting vaccinated and buying an electric car.

Haven't we seen enough by now? Isn't it time for people to stand up?

27-02-2022, 01:47 PM
I got bored watching for evidence of looping or other trickery. The individual cams show the correct timestamps and run sequences and correspond to the time of day. The shots correspond with Google maps. There are about 12 such feeds that I can find, two of them that were up as general feeds before the crisis escalated. One was shut down when a drone owner started flying banners around the camera.


Xhaka Can’t
27-02-2022, 02:24 PM
Supporting a war with materials and tech that you didnt send troops to is at best a cop out and seriously disingenious. The Canadians that volunteered to fight the Vietnam war. Were they prosecuted on return or lauded as veterans. Id like to know. Does Canada have any war Vets, If so. In which war were they active. My statement was that you piled on in a war where you were not attacked. What part of that is untrue, even if no detachment of soldiers were sent. Each countries military is supposed to be defensive. Soon as you fight on far away shores its not defence
Putin is a psychopath on the basis of one 5 min video which enables you to make a clinical diagnosis of his mental make up. Dont give up your day job Dr Freud

The same press you claim are demonising Putin were just a few weeks ago demonising Truckers who simply didnt want to take a medical procedure that almost everyone is now disavowing. Outside the western bubble no-one round here is demonising Putin. Most are clowning the comedian Zelensky who thought Biden and the other NATO club had his back. He didnt check with Georgia to see how it went when they thought picking a fight with Russia would bring the cavalry up behind them. NATO doesnt fight when the other guy can hit back
You’re all over the place and where most wrong, are just doubling down.

One five minute video? You want me to find more examples? I can. Then it’ll be just 5 5 minute videos/articles, then it’ll be just 10. And so on. I put that five minute video out there as an example, not the sum total. You’re smarter than that.

You know little of the truckers and what they wanted or their backgrounds. If you want to hold them up as an example, then do a bit of digging. Check out their leaders. And don’t even bother checking the lame stream media. Go right to the source.

27-02-2022, 06:15 PM
You’re all over the place and where most wrong, are just doubling down.

One five minute video? You want me to find more examples? I can. Then it’ll be just 5 5 minute videos/articles, then it’ll be just 10. And so on. I put that five minute video out there as an example, not the sum total. You’re smarter than that.

You know little of the truckers and what they wanted or their backgrounds. If you want to hold them up as an example, then do a bit of digging. Check out their leaders. And don’t even bother checking the lame stream media. Go right to the source.

You are also just spitting words without countering any of my points. I long ago conceded that Putin might be a psychopath. Im only disputing your locus standi to make that diagnosis. Which world leader of note ISNT a power crazed junkie?. Is it the baby faced Trudeau?. The proroguing Boris, the demented Biden. Like I said you are simply defending your country`s position when you had no hand in making any of the leading decisions. Maybe you should ask yourself why that is? Is it because you were told by the media that he is hell bent on world domination or you have come to that conclusion after analysing all events leading up to this crisis.

27-02-2022, 07:02 PM
Ukraine has agreed to peace talks. I'm glad this is happening before a major assault begins. Zelenskyy is a clown and a puppet but he's done two things that have elevated him beyond the pathetic status of the posturing prats in Europe and the US. He's stayed instead of running. And he's defied the US in order to save his people. Putin has precisely zero plans to overthrow the Ukrainian government (although he's entirely justified in doing so, by current global protocols) nor plans to occupy Ukraine. He's said this repeatedly and he's issued very clear demands. These are:

1. No more talk of Ukraine joining NATO and the EU.
2. No more western forces or weapons in Ukraine. When he talks of disarming, he's referring to the warmongers in the west keeping their profiteering snouts out, not the Ukrainian national forces standing down (excluding the neo-Nazi elements).
3. Recognition of the two states that have already indicated they want to break away.
4. De-Nazification. Ignorant people laugh at that demand, they can't be bothered to read a book or visit the UN or Amnesty's web site.

These are entirely reasonable demands given the reality of Ukraine's historical relationship to Russia and the ongoing expansion of NATO.

If the US is smart it gets out right now. As we know, the crazies working Biden's strings are not smart. Look at their track history of devastation and inhumane incompetence. Although if you judge their performance on profit alone I suppose you could call them geniuses.

Very latest update, the peace talks have actually started, according to Ukrainian sources.

27-02-2022, 07:08 PM
I hope Victoria Nuland is not supplying the tea and cookies

Xhaka Can’t
27-02-2022, 07:08 PM
You are also just spitting words without countering any of my points. I long ago conceded that Putin might be a psychopath. Im only disputing your locus standi to make that diagnosis. Which world leader of note ISNT a power crazed junkie?. Is it the baby faced Trudeau?. The proroguing Boris, the demented Biden. Like I said you are simply defending your country`s position when you had no hand in making any of the leading decisions. Maybe you should ask yourself why that is? Is it because you were told by the media that he is hell bent on world domination or you have come to that conclusion after analysing all events leading up to this crisis.

I think you are choosing not to take in what I’m saying. I backed up my positions and called you out when you based conclusions on at best, incomplete information. Although I will concede in what is supposed to be the Information Age, it is very difficult to obtain unbiased information.

I don’t expect you to have read every post, but my views on Trudeau are not what you seem to assume.

I haven’t offered blanket defence - I’ve provided plenty of avenues to explore that demonstrate just how cruel, elements of Canadian history are.

I think we can agree that this isn’t good vs evil - nobody is wearing a white hat - but there are degrees of evil and in that respect - Putin is white hot.

27-02-2022, 07:13 PM
I hope Victoria Nuland is not supplying the tea and cookies

Somebody needs to tap that bitch twice so she can't go for the trifecta. How such a useless cunt has been allowed to pollute the global stage is beyond mystery. It suggests the US prefers mayhem to order. Probably to try and conceal the mayhem of their own collapsing, Ponzi scheme, globalist agenda and long since bankrupt "economy".

27-02-2022, 07:15 PM
I think you are choosing not to take in what I’m saying. I backed up my positions and called you out when you based conclusions on at best, incomplete information. Although I will concede in what is supposed to be the Information Age, it is very difficult to obtain unbiased information.

I don’t expect you to have read every post, but my views on Trudeau are not what you seem to assume.

I haven’t offered blanket defence - I’ve provided plenty of avenues to explore that demonstrate just how cruel, elements of Canadian history are.

I think we can agree that this isn’t good vs evil - nobody is wearing a white hat - but there are degrees of evil and in that respect - Putin is white hot.

You are arguing an extremely minor point of even more limited significance. In the process you are bypassing issues that are infinitely more significant, perhaps because the facts speak for themselves.

27-02-2022, 07:17 PM
Btw, I too thought Canada was involved in Vietnam, based on videos I've seen that glorified the brave Canadians in the field that were rolling back the red tide. I was young. Impressionable.

27-02-2022, 07:36 PM
This is how confident the "good guys" are of their position:

And the anonymous hacking group? Fuck, I laugh at those bastards. The real assets went out and did something less boring instead over a decade ago. Leaving script kiddies to abuse the name. The fucking tools don't even get that "anonymous" meant just that and there were no groups at all.

27-02-2022, 07:36 PM
Ukraine has agreed to peace talks. I'm glad this is happening before a major assault begins. Zelenskyy is a clown and a puppet but he's done two things that have elevated him beyond the pathetic status of the posturing prats in Europe and the US. He's stayed instead of running. And he's defied the US in order to save his people. Putin has precisely zero plans to overthrow the Ukrainian government (although he's entirely justified in doing so, by current global protocols) nor plans to occupy Ukraine. He's said this repeatedly and he's issued very clear demands. These are:

1. No more talk of Ukraine joining NATO and the EU.
2. No more western forces or weapons in Ukraine. When he talks of disarming, he's referring to the warmongers in the west keeping their profiteering snouts out, not the Ukrainian national forces standing down (excluding the neo-Nazi elements).
3. Recognition of the two states that have already indicated they want to break away.
4. De-Nazification. Ignorant people laugh at that demand, they can't be bothered to read a book or visit the UN or Amnesty's web site.

These are entirely reasonable demands given the reality of Ukraine's historical relationship to Russia and the ongoing expansion of NATO.

If the US is smart it gets out right now. As we know, the crazies working Biden's strings are not smart. Look at their track history of devastation and inhumane incompetence. Although if you judge their performance on profit alone I suppose you could call them geniuses.

Very latest update, the peace talks have actually started, according to Ukrainian sources.

Most sources I follow havent reported this. I hope its true. Ordinary folks in Ukraine have had no part in this and just want to live in a normal country Im sure.

27-02-2022, 07:38 PM
Actually, the biased reporting on RT is considerably less biased than the BBC. Watch for yourself if you are in the free nation of England (for now). Quite impressed, though I know how to filter the bullshit. At least it's not 100% bullshit like Sky "News".

27-02-2022, 07:41 PM
Most sources I follow havent reported this. I hope its true. Ordinary folks in Ukraine have had no part in this and just want to live in a normal country Im sure.

Warmongers do what they do.

27-02-2022, 07:51 PM
Here you are:

Now, answer this. Why is the east not entitled to their own version of this doctrine? It's a serious question. Can anybody answer?

27-02-2022, 08:05 PM
UK fake news media and pandering MPs now calling for RT to be shutdown because... drumroll...

... It spreads disinformation.

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

No really.

27-02-2022, 08:10 PM
I recently learnt that DW a supposedly German state broadcaster is actually being run by the Americans. They took it over after WW2 and have not given it back. Mind boggling

Xhaka Can’t
27-02-2022, 08:11 PM
You are arguing an extremely minor point of even more limited significance. In the process you are bypassing issues that are infinitely more significant, perhaps because the facts speak for themselves.

I’m only responding to the points. You are right though. The facts do speak for themselves. But if you think you know the facts, I don’t know what to say. Since WW2, the USSR has been an existential danger to the countries around them.

Dark times to most.

The good old days for Putin.

27-02-2022, 08:17 PM
I’m only responding to the points. You are right though. The facts do speak for themselves. But if you think you know the facts, I don’t know what to say. Since WW2, the USSR has been an existential danger to the countries around them.

Dark times to most.

The good old days for Putin.

I detailed many facts above. You have responded by saying Putin bad. I didn't require a thesis, just an acknowledgement of history, the recorded record and the easily obtainable facts.

You seem to be operating on blind emotion rather than informed reason. Of course you aren't the only one, or even the only half a billion. It's very troubling how easily lies are sold and how easily lies are bought. It really is worse than any time I can recall or recall reading about.

Xhaka Can’t
27-02-2022, 08:26 PM
I was replying to GG

Xhaka Can’t
27-02-2022, 08:28 PM
Also I’m trying to watch a hockey game.

27-02-2022, 08:30 PM
I was replying to GG

I have moved on. Its obvious you have Putin fever

27-02-2022, 08:35 PM
I recently learnt that DW a supposedly German state broadcaster is actually being run by the Americans. They took it over after WW2 and have not given it back. Mind boggling

When you stand back and look at Germany from a distance. The US never left. Germany is still occupied to this day. I trained on a German base years ago when I was still in school. I found it odd because guys with American accents were guarding the gates. It's the Colgate form of occupation. They smile and say no when you ask to live your own life. Just like they are doing now with this crisis where it hurts Germany immeasurably to be at odds with Russia.

27-02-2022, 08:37 PM
I was replying to GG

Oh. Well don't mind me then. I thought when you quoted me you were referring to me.

Xhaka Can’t
27-02-2022, 08:38 PM
Ukraine has agreed to peace talks. I'm glad this is happening before a major assault begins. Zelenskyy is a clown and a puppet but he's done two things that have elevated him beyond the pathetic status of the posturing prats in Europe and the US. He's stayed instead of running. And he's defied the US in order to save his people. Putin has precisely zero plans to overthrow the Ukrainian government (although he's entirely justified in doing so, by current global protocols) nor plans to occupy Ukraine. He's said this repeatedly and he's issued very clear demands. These are:

1. No more talk of Ukraine joining NATO and the EU.
2. No more western forces or weapons in Ukraine. When he talks of disarming, he's referring to the warmongers in the west keeping their profiteering snouts out, not the Ukrainian national forces standing down (excluding the neo-Nazi elements).
3. Recognition of the two states that have already indicated they want to break away.
4. De-Nazification. Ignorant people laugh at that demand, they can't be bothered to read a book or visit the UN or Amnesty's web site.

These are entirely reasonable demands given the reality of Ukraine's historical relationship to Russia and the ongoing expansion of NATO.

If the US is smart it gets out right now. As we know, the crazies working Biden's strings are not smart. Look at their track history of devastation and inhumane incompetence. Although if you judge their performance on profit alone I suppose you could call them geniuses.

Very latest update, the peace talks have actually started, according to Ukrainian sources.

I’m amazed at how sure you are that Putin has no plans to occupy or overthrow the Ukrainian government. Are you as sure as you were when you laughed off western claims he was about to invade?

I don’t know the answer, but I’d hardly be as cock sure as you are.

I agree that Ukraine and NATO should never have been in talks. But Ukraine wanting to be in NATO seems entirely reasonable when you see what has transpired.

In point 2, there was a lot of weaponry supplied to Ukraine. The bulk of it Russian.

Point 3. That has been fuelled by Russia. Self determination for those regions is something that should however be on the table.

Point 4. You’re just parroting Putin. That’s embarrassing given the criticism you have of others parroting our government lines.

Xhaka Can’t
27-02-2022, 08:51 PM
I have moved on. Its obvious you have Putin fever

Epic burn.

I need an ice pack

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Xhaka Can’t
27-02-2022, 08:55 PM
Oh. Well don't mind me then. I thought when you quoted me you were referring to me.

If I did, it was my error. On a phone and just finished watching a game

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

27-02-2022, 09:01 PM
I’m amazed at how sure you are that Putin has no plans to occupy or overthrow the Ukrainian government. Are you as sure as you were when you laughed off western claims he was about to invade?

I don’t know the answer, but I’d hardly be as cock sure as you are.

I agree that Ukraine and NATO should never have been in talks. But Ukraine wanting to be in NATO seems entirely reasonable when you see what has transpired.

In point 2, there was a lot of weaponry supplied to Ukraine. The bulk of it Russian.

Point 3. That has been fuelled by Russia. Self determination for those regions is something that should however be on the table.

Point 4. You’re just parroting Putin. That’s embarrassing given the criticism you have of others parroting our government lines.

I’m amazed at how sure you are that Putin has no plans to occupy or overthrow the Ukrainian government.

Not 100% sure about overthrow (I would in his position, only way to be sure), but occupation is certainly not on the cards because, Chechnya, Afghanistan. You think Putin is a rabid, unthinking psychopath (even though psychopaths are very calculating). He's not. You should watch the Mearsheimer video I provided and everything is explained. Russia has a GDP in par with Italy - again just the facts that make all western talk of "a greater Russia" beyond hysterical. Russia cannot afford to occupy Ukraine, in terms of costs in manpower and money. I suspect this might be the Brzezinski playbook policy of the crackpots in Washington but Putin, unlike them, can at least balance a chequebook.

Ukraine wanting to be in NATO is so insane it's hard to wrap your head around it. Did they want somebody else to fight their battles if Russia came knocking again? Sure. But what fool would volunteer? Only a fool that had no comprehension of the consequences that might arise. Put it another way. Trudeau sucks Chinese dick, right? How would the US respond if the great eunuch threw in his lot with the CCP and abandoned its cultural and political past? I'm thinking they'd be pissed and would throw down some red lines of their own. Though we don't need to speculate because Cuban missile crisis.

Self determination for the separatist states is a demand in every bit as legitimate as Ukraine's own demand for independence (which was never ratified btw). They did vote on it after all. They wanted to preserve their language, which Kiev sought to eliminate, their culture, which Kiev sought to eliminate, and their lives, which the neo-Nazi militias sent by Ukraine and funded by the west sought to snuff out. See the UN web site for details.

I already gave details of the brigades operating in the east of Ukraine. Not even the mainstream media denied this prior to the last few day's events. So why do you attempt to deny it? I could say you are parroting Biden - which would not be a good look. I'll always support those who are in the right. And Russia is 100% in the right on this one. Russia didn't expand NATO eastwards - NATO did that, on the orders of warmongers in Washington. Russia did not slaughter civilians in the Donbas, Kiev did that with the support of Washington. Is the UN web site blocked on your browser, or otherwise impaired?

Does that mean I support Russia? No. In much the same way as I wouldn't invite a criminal to dinner if the CPS didn't gather enough evidence to bang him up, or, on the rare occasion he was actually innocent of a fitted up charge. But give me the same guy when he is bang to rights and the evidence proves it and I'll be happy with the death penalty. It's fact versus emotional projection. With the media vomiting every last propaganda trick in the book across the whole vista I get why some people are confused. But I'm not because I have a memory.

But if it makes you feel better to do what those tired and pathetic "progressives" do, then call me an asset of Moscow. It changes nothing.

27-02-2022, 09:07 PM
If I did, it was my error. On a phone and just finished watching a game

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It happens. It was because your answer referred directly to the points I raised that got me confused and caused me to make this careless mistake. My apologies of course.

27-02-2022, 09:17 PM
First watch.


Now think.

Do you get it?

(Comments turned off on the free thinking Telegraph channel btw - just in case anyone spots the obvious)

27-02-2022, 09:23 PM
Here's another one for you. Watch closely the first minute. Did you spot it? Clue - the "Ghost of Kyiv"


Meanwhile a 3km convoy is a minor troop movement, especially if logistics are tagging along. When we see an advance across a wide swathe of territory with at least a couple of reserve formations in support, then we know something is happening.

These "news" gigs are laughable.

But sadly effective.

27-02-2022, 09:31 PM
This is also worth a watch from a journalist on the ground in Kyiv


27-02-2022, 10:00 PM
This is also worth a watch from a journalist on the ground in Kyiv


The Ghost of Kyiv will turn the tide. Said so on the BBC.

Actually I'm incredibly depressed at the catastrophic response from people I thought were already dumbed down from covid and couldn't dig any further. I honestly don't know what can be done. Maybe this is all we are. I'm afraid for my kids. Not afraid of Putin, but afraid of the people around me.


27-02-2022, 10:27 PM
Watch the Duran btw. I mean watch them because it's useful, but also keep an eye out. They speak 99% truth and then slip a 1% whopper. They are professionally seductive, very amiable, very effective. I watch them and I find it mostly informative, but I almost have to check every sentence.

I'm actually finding RT to be be very useful. Not the actual reports themselves in most cases, but as a staging point to dig for myself. The stuff they detailed about Yanukovych today was highly informative and presented casually without reference to the current conflict. I learned (and verified) a few things from that one piece.

I know, I know. That makes me a Russian.

Tucker is good for getting a hard nosed, entirely self-interested American perspective outside the lamestream left.

UK Column News is generally excellent for the British perspective.

The Ukrainians don't really have a perspective because they banned all their media.

27-02-2022, 10:57 PM
He gets it. Only one person to blame, and that's you.


27-02-2022, 11:56 PM
Deathly silent in major cities in Ukraine again. So far. Interrupted by the occasional air raid siren that is never followed by explosions.

Not saying it won't change. Just saying the western media is a seething mass of lying maggot fucks.

Xhaka Can’t
28-02-2022, 07:47 AM
Deathly silent in major cities in Ukraine again. So far. Interrupted by the occasional air raid siren that is never followed by explosions.

Not saying it won't change. Just saying the western media is a seething mass of lying maggot fucks.

I woke up to reports that the curfews had been lifted. I used the western media to find that out.

Perhaps it is the behind the scene talks in preparation for the talks.

Hope it pans out well.

28-02-2022, 08:56 AM
I woke up to this:

Kyiv survives another night: 'Demoralised' Russian troops suffer 'heavy losses' as they FAIL to breach Ukrainian capital's defences despite city being 'carpet bombed' – as negotiators prepare to meet on Belarus border for 'talks'

Obviously the feeds in various Ukraine towns have been hacked in some way by Putin.

28-02-2022, 09:45 AM
Western Media reported that the weather forecast here was going to be 28 and sunny, I hope they arent lying as I have put 3 loads of washing on.

28-02-2022, 10:21 AM
Western Media reported that the weather forecast here was going to be 28 and sunny, I hope they arent lying as I have put 3 loads of washing on.


28-02-2022, 06:06 PM
Those neocon lunatics are going for regime change in Russia. The Pentagon has requested a hotline with the Kremlin. This could get out of hand very quickly.

28-02-2022, 06:23 PM
Got the email from the criminal energy profiteers now they have been let of the leash:

Electricity - £522.80 increase
Gas - £743.18 increase

This means the combined bill will have gone from approx. £890 per annum in 2020 to close on £3,500 in 2022 after 3 prices rises and an enforced contract following the monopolistic consolidation last year.

Let's shut down some more power stations maybe?

Xhaka Can’t
28-02-2022, 09:46 PM

28-02-2022, 09:51 PM

No, Wanker Cunts PLC. Although I believe one of their aliases is E-ON.

28-02-2022, 10:14 PM
Kiev still quiet, despite the ongoing carpet bombing. And still with Internet access, power, water. Even though this invasion was Made in the USA, it lacks a certain indiscriminate and destructive flavour that might spice up the CNN coverage. Stupid Russians can't even get that right.

28-02-2022, 11:21 PM
Saw a good quote today which sums up virtue signalling, long distance warriors quite nicely.

"The outrage you are feeling now is the outrage you should feel when the United States [sic] (and, my addition, the Democratic People's [sic] Kingdom of the United Corporations) bombs or occupies a country - WHICH IS EVERY DAY."

Well said. Never heard.

I made a huge assumption and saved up all your tears for Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest. I put them all in a reservoir and went on a giant virtue signalling tour on your behalf, because I guess you were too busy to do it yourself. You can thank me later. GO UKRAINE! If only I could fly over and support those national supremacists directly, but I'm having my hair done on that day and every day. But my soul walks with them and now here's an advert for Pfizer.

You are all heroes to me.

28-02-2022, 11:27 PM
Mate just said what I said almost word for word. Swear I didn't watch it first. I guess humanity has a common strand.


Well done you lefty bastard Jimmy Dore. You haven't been afraid to tell the truth for the worst two years and I respect you for it. Though I don't agree with any of your lefty stuff. If he can do it, why don't other have the guts to just tell the truth? Maybe it's an IQ thing.

28-02-2022, 11:40 PM
KIEV still quiet. Mostly because Putin's carpet bombs are made of carpet. No sound when they land. General Ripper was on Fox News today explaining how the barothermic bombs the foul WWII allies are dropping on innocent Nazis suck up all the air. A bit like the mainstream media really.

I would rate this war to be as accurate as the covid pandemic, in terms of the western media accounting.

When the city is suddenly destroyed I'll post pics. So get your cocks ready.

01-03-2022, 12:05 AM


You glorious Nazi bastards. We're with you! Kill the JewsRussians, at least until they are our allies again. In which case kill somebody else for money.

Interesting reference to the New Hitler in Hedge's speech. He used to be a friend but now he's fucking with our oil. Serves him right.

Xhaka Can’t
01-03-2022, 07:04 AM
No, Wanker Cunts PLC. Although I believe one of their aliases is E-ON.

Ha! I got a similar email from them. I haven’t looked into it yet but Martin Lewis is on about their price fix. It may be worth looking into given the further price increase likely in October. https://twitter.com/martinslewis/status/1498309542077157380?s=21

01-03-2022, 08:34 AM


You glorious Nazi bastards. We're with you! Kill the JewsRussians, at least until they are our allies again. In which case kill somebody else for money.

Interesting reference to the New Hitler in Hedge's speech. He used to be a friend but now he's fucking with our oil. Serves him right.
Hey! We have a match thread now!


Xhaka Can’t
01-03-2022, 10:05 AM
NQ is a lone wolf who dances to nobody’s tune.

01-03-2022, 10:18 AM
Well done you lefty bastard Jimmy Dore. You haven't been afraid to tell the truth for the worst two years and I respect you for it..
I'm not going to comment on this particular video because, honestly, I don't feel I understand any of the politics and history around all of this.
But I don't understand why you hold up Dore as this bastion of truth. I went through one prior video where he deliberately cherry picked from an article and in one part changed what it actually said to make the article say the exact opposite of what it actually said. Had the MSM done that you'd have been all over it, and rightly so.

You made a post a few pages back where you said that it's basically impossible to know the truth any more. Sadly that is increasingly true.

01-03-2022, 10:56 AM
NQ is a lone wolf who dances to nobody’s tune.

No, he's a reminder that won't go away.

01-03-2022, 10:57 AM
I'm not going to comment on this particular video because, honestly, I don't feel I understand any of the politics and history around all of this.
But I don't understand why you hold up Dore as this bastion of truth. I went through one prior video where he deliberately cherry picked from an article and in one part changed what it actually said to make the article say the exact opposite of what it actually said. Had the MSM done that you'd have been all over it, and rightly so.

You made a post a few pages back where you said that it's basically impossible to know the truth any more. Sadly that is increasingly true.

What's it with you? We already had this conversation. Twice before.

You are not going to wear me down.

01-03-2022, 11:09 AM
Ha! I got a similar email from them. I haven’t looked into it yet but Martin Lewis is on about their price fix. It may be worth looking into given the further price increase likely in October. https://twitter.com/martinslewis/status/1498309542077157380?s=21

The prices being shown in those quotes are fucking bonkers. Plus you need to have a "smart" meter installed to qualify for the Bruising Anal Rape Plan and avoid the coming Chainsaw Crack-splitting Shitspray Special. These gangsters are bold, arrogant. Obviously they don't feel threatened or constrained. The money they are stealing from me was destined for my daughter at college. It will cost twice as much to replace it as the government steals half of everything I earn. They'll be taking the cap off school fees too, and increasing them by the prevailing rate. Gawd bless runaway inflation.

But I'm capable of dealing with it, this time, the last time, the time before, probably even next time. For other people, I don't know. This will surely force some over the edge. But never fear, have heart! We have the Labour Party to defend working people from monopolistic gangsters. Over to you Sir Whatsit!

01-03-2022, 11:15 AM
What's it with you? We already had this conversation. Twice before.

You are not going to wear me down.
It's just bizarre that you continue to extol the virtue and truth telling who someone who demonstrably lies.
It's really not subjective, in the example I cited you simply have to compare the quotes in the video to the source.
I'm not trying to wear you down but I am trying to make you think about that a bit.

01-03-2022, 11:47 AM
It's just bizarre that you continue to extol the virtue and truth telling who someone who demonstrably lies.
It's really not subjective, in the example I cited you simply have to compare the quotes in the video to the source.
I'm not trying to wear you down but I am trying to make you think about that a bit.

We had the whole damn conversation. Lies by omission, the courage to speak at all, the measure of success when the twitter classes send their smear squads. Most NPCs are so mind fucked they won't speak out about Biden, for example. Even on something as obvious as that, they are too fucked to speak. Instead they cancel "traitors" from the ranks who dare to state the obvious. The fact it's obvious is what they hate the most. It shames them that they don't have the courage to state the obvious themselves, that they are bought (sometimes for zero dollars) and it hurts them as their ratings continue to free-fall. So yeah, getting beyond the "fact" checkers who are paid by Facebook and Google, the act of speaking remains incredibly important. That's why they went after Joe Rogan too. Now the champions of free speech want RT gone because... misinformation. Anyone who speaks out against the message in dark times like these deserves to be applauded, or at least listened to with an open ear, not picked over to see if tomato was pronounced properly.

Example. The virus came from a lab. Fact check - FALSE. So when I say the virus came from a lab I am "demonstrably" lying. Right? According to the good people in charge of facts. And I'll continue to tell "lies" like that for obvious reasons until, magically, I'm telling the truth.

There are no WMD in Iraq - Fact Check - FALSE. Some old chemical rounds were found buried from the time of the Iran war. Sold by the US. The best part is, now that I have lied about WMD, everything else I have to say is a lie by extension. You see how it works? That's the game. But people like Dore don't care anyway. The major league liars would much prefer he said nothing at all, and soon they'll be able to make that happen when the cashless society and the social credit score system arrives. But for now, if they can hire "fact" checkers to smear him by picking apart the details with a lie made truth by consensus, that'll do. Even better if they can encourage masses of people to work for them for free.

Nothing in that video by Dore is a lie. It's the plain and embarrassing and shameful truth.

01-03-2022, 01:08 PM
Example. The virus came from a lab. Fact check - FALSE. So when I say the virus came from a lab I am "demonstrably" lying. Right?
I'd say you're stating it with a level of confidence you can't possibly have.
Because, honestly, I've heard so much claim and counter-claim about that. As you noted in the post I mentioned above it's damn near impossible to pick apart truth from fiction these days

But for now, if they can hire "fact" checkers to smear him by picking apart the details with a lie made truth by consensus, that'll do. Even better if they can encourage masses of people to work for them for free.
Come on dude, this was hardly nit picking. There was an entire video in which he cherry picked from an article, deliberately leaving out the parts which didn't suit his agenda.
And at one point he actually changed what the article said to make one paragraph appear to say the exact opposite of what it actually said when you read the source article.
You don't think that's worth raising an eyebrow at? If the MSM do stuff like that you call them out on it, and rightly so.

Here's the point: Dore has an agenda. He has biases, as we all do. Him being "independent" doesn't make him reliable.
It's entirely possible he's serving up content to pander to his followers for the clicks which translates into money. His content should be scrutinised and cross checked just as much as the MSMs
I have no comment on this latest video and I am more or less keeping out of the Ukraine situation because, honestly, I don't know what I'm talking about. I probably should read more and form an opinion but my knowledge of politics, geography and politics is pretty poor. I don't feel qualified to say who are wearing the white hats although my gut feeling is no-one is.

Xhaka Can’t
01-03-2022, 01:14 PM
The prices being shown in those quotes are fucking bonkers. Plus you need to have a "smart" meter installed to qualify for the Bruising Anal Rape Plan and avoid the coming Chainsaw Crack-splitting Shitspray Special. These gangsters are bold, arrogant. Obviously they don't feel threatened or constrained. The money they are stealing from me was destined for my daughter at college. It will cost twice as much to replace it as the government steals half of everything I earn. They'll be taking the cap off school fees too, and increasing them by the prevailing rate. Gawd bless runaway inflation.

But I'm capable of dealing with it, this time, the last time, the time before, probably even next time. For other people, I don't know. This will surely force some over the edge. But never fear, have heart! We have the Labour Party to defend working people from monopolistic gangsters. Over to you Sir Whatsit!

They’ll probably chain a smart meter to every quote a portion of a percentage below extortion.

01-03-2022, 02:09 PM
I'd say you're stating it with a level of confidence you can't possibly have.
Because, honestly, I've heard so much claim and counter-claim about that. As you noted in the post I mentioned above it's damn near impossible to pick apart truth from fiction these days

Come on dude, this was hardly nit picking. There was an entire video in which he cherry picked from an article, deliberately leaving out the parts which didn't suit his agenda.
And at one point he actually changed what the article said to make one paragraph appear to say the exact opposite of what it actually said when you read the source article.
You don't think that's worth raising an eyebrow at? If the MSM do stuff like that you call them out on it, and rightly so.

Here's the point: Dore has an agenda. He has biases, as we all do. Him being "independent" doesn't make him reliable.
It's entirely possible he's serving up content to pander to his followers for the clicks which translates into money. His content should be scrutinised and cross checked just as much as the MSMs
I have no comment on this latest video and I am more or less keeping out of the Ukraine situation because, honestly, I don't know what I'm talking about. I probably should read more and form an opinion but my knowledge of politics, geography and politics is pretty poor. I don't feel qualified to say who are wearing the white hats although my gut feeling is no-one is.

You are missing the point. Dore doesn't provide a "news" service (neither does the mainstream media, but that's another issue). He's a stand-up comedian, that's how he earns his money. His main gig is to comment and poke fun at the sheer hypocrisy and bias, the overt censorship, the grubby profiteering of an industry that's supposed to be standing up and highlighting the sheer hypocrisy and bias, the overt censorship, the grubby profiteering of politicians that are supposed to be working for us.

A big reason we're in the shit we're in is because the mainstream media won't do its job, a job they were granted many dispensations to perform. Dispensations they now abuse. And my question is, why are you attacking (for free) a comedian who is prepared to stand up in the face of the cancel culture left and call out the bastards you quote as authorities, even though you know they are lying their backsides off because they have been caught doing it over and over again? Why is it important for you to defend demonstrable liars and profiteers. Unbidden?

It's absolutely ridiculous to be focused on flaws in Dore's OPINIONS (which, incidentally, can easily be shown to have validity by the actions and outcomes associated with those he exposes) but comfortable with highly financed operations that lie for a living and actually campaign for free speech to be curtailed.

You can accuse Dore of being a capitalist in a capitalist system, yes he needs money like the rest of us, or you can ask if he has a point? Are his targets hypocrites. Of course they are. Do they lie? Of course they do. Do they want to shutdown anyone who disagrees with them? Yes. Does it take courage in this grim environment to stand up and call these bastards out? Absolutely.

That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm applauding. He's a leftie that can see right through the bullshit of the modern day left and he says so. Which is why he has butthurt twitter drones following him around and pissing on the trees so nobody looks at the forest.

02-03-2022, 07:30 PM
Chelsea fans :pal:


03-03-2022, 07:34 PM

The virtuous (or vaccinated, whichever you prefer) are pro LGBT, etc, etc, anti-fascist, anti-racist, pro BLM, they hate nationalism,...


They also love Ukraine, which means they endorse anti-LGBT, etc, etc, pro-fascist, racist, haters of blacks, Jews, Romanis, and they cream themselves over brave ultra nationalists.

Oooooooooo-kay then. I understand completely.

And Trump and Putin are the bad guys?

Talk about fucked in the head.


A couple of days ago Facebook decreed it was okay to "praise" Azov provided it was done in an anti-Russian context.

In other news, Russian cats are now banned from international cat competitions and Boeing has found a new way to kill people by withdrawing maintenance and safety cooperation with Russia's airlines.

And, just like the thieves looted the Afghan national bank, the globalists are going after the Russian national bank.

Guess who is going to pay for all of this? Have a guess.

Do you give up? Or are you going to keep digging?

03-03-2022, 07:43 PM
Fantastic video, but not for the reasons the creator thinks.

So many clues and indicators for anyone who has even the most basic understanding of warfare and how it works. I means basic, basic, basic.

Now contrast with the western media.


Almost every minute of this video shows, in innocent format, how the media is lying to you.

03-03-2022, 08:28 PM
How stupid are the airheads at the Guardian? Or how clever are they?

They've spent the last week putting out totally contradictory bullshit. Is it because they are thick and being told what to report? Or is it because they assume you are thick and will lap it up anyway?

Have a look at this one. Oops :doh:


03-03-2022, 08:30 PM
do you ever get bored of the sound of your own typing?

03-03-2022, 08:31 PM

The virtuous (or vaccinated, whichever you prefer) are pro LGBT, etc, etc, anti-fascist, anti-racist, pro BLM, they hate nationalism,...


They also love Ukraine, which means they endorse anti-LGBT, etc, etc, pro-fascist, racist, haters of blacks, Jews, Romanis, and they cream themselves over brave ultra nationalists.

Oooooooooo-kay then. I understand completely.

And Trump and Putin are the bad guys?

Talk about fucked in the head.


A couple of days ago Facebook decreed it was okay to "praise" Azov provided it was done in an anti-Russian context.

In other news, Russian cats are now banned from international cat competitions and Boeing has found a new way to kill people by withdrawing maintenance and safety cooperation with Russia's airlines.

And, just like the thieves looted the Afghan national bank, the globalists are going after the Russian national bank.

Guess who is going to pay for all of this? Have a guess.

Do you give up? Or are you going to keep digging?

Its also okay to seize any Russian persons assets, Ships, Cars, houses football clubs. Soon it will be ok to punch one in the face

03-03-2022, 08:59 PM
do you ever get bored of the sound of your own typing?

Depends. If your typing, as you share your crucial opinions on botox celebrities, word puzzles and who will or won't sign up to a cash-sucking business posing as a football club, sounds exciting then maybe I'm not hitting those heady heights. Then again, I never claimed to as substantial or significant as you.

03-03-2022, 09:01 PM
Its also okay to seize any Russian persons assets, Ships, Cars, houses football clubs. Soon it will be ok to punch one in the face

A duty even.

Most people have lost it. They've lost all grasp of their own senses and are totally open and exposed to each new absurdity, which they embrace with clenched fists and shouts of rage. They are like hypnotised prey at a vampire's rape orgy.