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08-09-2022, 07:19 PM
John Major is on the BBC, using the drama as clickbait. Anyone need a cheap gun? John's your man.

08-09-2022, 07:23 PM
John Major is on the BBC, using the drama as clickbait. Anyone need a cheap gun? John's your man.

Tbh, I’d forgotten he was PM for 7 years.

08-09-2022, 07:24 PM
Tbh, I’d forgotten he was PM for 7 years.

2nd best PM of my lifetime.

08-09-2022, 07:28 PM
Seems the BBC parrots have been told to leave a one second gap between each word. I guess it conveys gravity. How the hell do they train them to do that? Lots of practice and rewards I suppose.

08-09-2022, 07:31 PM
Apparently she was jabbed and boosted. Makes you think.

08-09-2022, 07:33 PM
Apparently she was jabbed and boosted. Makes you think.

You had me at God save the King.

We both know what that means, of course.

Don'y over-egg the pudding comrade.

08-09-2022, 07:35 PM
He'll achieve it in 1 year. Watch.

Usually your predictions on these matters are about as reliable as a Trabant

On the other hand, he really is the most dismal excuse for a human being

08-09-2022, 07:38 PM
Usually your predictions on these matters are about as reliable as a Trabant

On the other hand, he really is the most dismal excuse for a human being

It's almost as if you can't see the world around you. Or don't want to. Probably the latter.

Truss. When we had a referendum?

The economy?


The planet ending in 2012?

Which bit are you still shaky on?

Maybe you need big jumps instead of bit by bit? Maybe bit by bit makes you inattentive?

08-09-2022, 07:41 PM
Apparently she was jabbed and boosted. Makes you think.

You're a GP. You should know

08-09-2022, 07:47 PM
I'm starting to think there are just too many stupid people out there for anyone to stand a chance.
I think there are.
And I don't think you are one of them - but your worldview and biases lead you (in my opinion) to a lot of wrong conclusions.
And you dismiss too many people who don't share that worldview as stupid.
Just because people haven't come to the same conclusions as you, that doesn't mean they're not thinking or not intelligent.

Shaqiri Is Boss
08-09-2022, 07:48 PM
Yeah, anywho.

Bank holidays are a fucking ball ache for anyone who runs weekly payroll. Only fair though, two birthdays, two holidays.

Sad for her, an old woman, like anyone else, who I actually begrudgingly admire. But not for her spawn or the villainous notion she represented.

08-09-2022, 07:56 PM
It's almost as if you can't see the world around you. Or don't want to. Probably the latter.

Truss. When we had a referendum?

The economy?


The planet ending in 2012?

Which bit are you still shaky on?

Maybe you need big jumps instead of bit by bit? Maybe bit by bit makes you inattentive?

The problem for you is this place is a repository. I only need rely on this forum that goes back ten years to point out how full of shit you are

But indulging your constant “white is black and black is white” shtick is a habit I no longer have the mental energy for. You and the angry Scotsman both have that unerring capacity to project opinion as fact

Maybe Stick to the whole Charles III could be the worst monarch ever within a year thing, that actually interests me in a very superficial way

08-09-2022, 08:11 PM

Xhaka Can’t
08-09-2022, 08:21 PM
The best thing is that surely the football will be cancelled this weekend. :pray:

I propose a season of mourning.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-09-2022, 09:32 PM
The problem for you is this place is a repository. I only need rely on this forum that goes back ten years to point out how full of shit you are

But indulging your constant “white is black and black is white” shtick is a habit I no longer have the mental energy for. You and the angry Scotsman both have that unerring capacity to project opinion as fact

Maybe Stick to the whole Charles III could be the worst monarch ever within a year thing, that actually interests me in a very superficial way

Refined denial. Year after year telling you what your compliance actually buys. And now I'm the one full of shit as you scan the panorama of shit wreaked by your politicians and media? Whatever.

There's no black and white, beyond the racism fostered by "progressives" for the need of a divisive cause. There's only the real world. Have a look.

08-09-2022, 10:02 PM
Refined denial. Year after year telling you what your compliance actually buys. And now I'm the one full of shit as you scan the panorama of shit wreaked by your politicians and media? Whatever.

There's no black and white, beyond the racism fostered by "progressives" for the need of a divisive cause. There's only the real world. Have a look.

The irony there being how often you speak in absolutes despite there decrying the notion of black and white precepts

We all have a habit of viewing the past through rose tinted spectacles

At one time you could be amusing, but now you’re just dull. I get the impression at times you think of yourself like the Fool in King Lear where as in reality you’re homilies are reminiscent of Macbeth’s final words “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing”.

Now it doesn’t happen often but for once you piqued my interest, what it is about Charlie boy that will make him the worst monarch of all time.

Xhaka Can’t
09-09-2022, 06:54 AM
I can’t believe they’ve made a man Queen!

Will this woke nonsense never end?

09-09-2022, 09:53 AM

09-09-2022, 01:04 PM
Was going to post summin similar but read this from Wings Over Scotland.

There's no time the BBC is quite so exposed as a state broadcaster as when it's mandating universal national grief over the death of a royal.

I wished no harm upon the Queen, but her death was met with a shrug in my house. She meant no more to me than any other 96-year-old lady. I'm ready to carry on with my life. But apparently no comedy shows are allowed on the BBC for the next 12 days, and anyone not howling with grief is treated as some sort of treasonous freak.

It really shows up what an organ of the establishment it is. When a royal pops their clogs, all pretence is abandoned. Know your place, uppity oiks.

09-09-2022, 01:14 PM
Wings over Scotland?? :haha:

You’re actually a complete fucking caricature aren’t you. About as much common sense and political understanding as Brian Cox when he was performing figurative cunnilingus on Nicola Sturgeon.

Maybe it’s about time you heeded your own advice and don’t comment on things you clearly have no understanding of

It utterly depresses me when people get the impression that Scottish people are anything like you. Rather than understanding what a bunch of empty barrel drumming, plastic tartan skid marks you cybernats actually are.

09-09-2022, 01:40 PM
Was going to post summin similar but read this from Wings Over Scotland.

There's no time the BBC is quite so exposed as a state broadcaster as when it's mandating universal national grief over the death of a royal.

I wished no harm upon the Queen, but her death was met with a shrug in my house. She meant no more to me than any other 96-year-old lady. I'm ready to carry on with my life. But apparently no comedy shows are allowed on the BBC for the next 12 days, and anyone not howling with grief is treated as some sort of treasonous freak.

It really shows up what an organ of the establishment it is. When a royal pops their clogs, all pretence is abandoned. Know your place, uppity oiks.

if the BBC doesn't do exactly that, the Daily Maul and all the other tory lying cunts who want to kill the BBC off will scream to the rafters about 'disrespect' etc

09-09-2022, 01:42 PM

Slags :bow:

09-09-2022, 02:14 PM
if the BBC doesn't do exactly that, the Daily Maul and all the other tory lying cunts who want to kill the BBC off will scream to the rafters about 'disrespect' etc

Intradesting, so the BBC is now under defacto control of the Daily Mail?

They're a publicly funded media who act with a complete disregard for the public who fund them.

09-09-2022, 02:20 PM
no comedy shows are allowed on the BBC for the next 12 days
At least Mrs Brown's Boys will be unaffected.

09-09-2022, 04:18 PM
At least Mrs Brown's Boys will be unaffected.


09-09-2022, 05:33 PM
Thought Charles did pretty well.
4 stars, would curtsey.
Gawd bless ‘im!

Ollie the Optimist
09-09-2022, 05:54 PM
Agreed. Not an easy speech to give at all but thought he was spot on with it.

09-09-2022, 06:22 PM
The few pleasures of this place is being able to say what I think

But what a big girls blouse, I thought he was going to start blubbing

What I liked about the Queen is she kept her emotions in check

But I guess that’s not the style in this brave new world where it’s not done to tell people to man up

Ollie the Optimist
09-09-2022, 06:26 PM
The few pleasures of this place is being able to say what I think

But what a big girls blouse, I thought he was going to start blubbing

What I liked about the Queen is she kept her emotions in check

But I guess that’s not the style in this brave new world where it’s not done to tell people to man up

A tad harsh. He has just lost his mother.

This is not something that has happened in the age of social media. Let’s not forget when the Queen found out about the death of her father it took several days for her to get back to the UK so had time to prepare without constant news footage etc watching every step whereas Charles is having to make a speech less then 24 hours after his mother died.

Most people would be close or in tears when talking about the death of a parent

09-09-2022, 06:37 PM
Now it doesn’t happen often but for once you piqued my interest, what it is about Charlie boy that will make him the worst monarch of all time.

Strange. You generalise me as approaching every argument in black and white terms, yet what you are actually doing is forming a conclusion while openly admitting you skip all steps that might support it. My opinions are based on principle and, as such, can only be black and white. There is no other way to appreciate or apply a principle, or else it is not a principle. That's why I choose my subjects carefully and discard the rest. How often do you see me engaged in the trivia others enjoy (and each to their own)? So yes, I am black and white when it matters, and silent on the rest. This is where your lack of hypothesis, method and results understandably lets down your conclusion so badly. Within my "rants, diatribes and homilies" you might find some evidence underpinning my opinion, but who has time to look at the details when snap conclusions are so cheap and can be had with so little effort? After all, were you to dig deeper and engage in honest debate you might actually have to express your own position and support it with reasoned argument. That takes effort and you already admit you are here for a laugh that anonymity affords you without consequence.

Even so, I have piqued the interest of the great non-debater. Should I be privileged?

Perhaps you inform yourself of current events in the same way you approach debate? And that's why you can't answer your own question about Charles III. This king, contrary to the very nature of the monarchy since it was reformed, will be a political king, just as he has been a political prince for decades. The reason the majority has enduring respect for Elizabeth is because she fulfilled her role and executed her duty with strict impartiality and within the explicit confines of her office. That will not be the case with this king. When enough people grow sick of a politician they can get rid at the ballot box. Not so with an opinionated king who has long operated against the interests of the nation and in service to the globalist agenda. When enough people get sick of this king, for his disrespect for the nation and the office, a great deal of resentment will grow because we can't get rid of the prick. Not unless we get rid of the entire monarchy. And this is where this king is most likely to lead us. Some will cheer the notion, but they don't understand the bonds that hold this nation together (for better or worse) and have no appreciation of the upheaval that can follow fundamental shifts in culture and ideology. Russia was a civilised nation before the Bolsheviks then it became something entirely different.

My hope is this king remembers his place and his duty and rows back from the absolute shite he has been shovelling for years. Can't see it happening, not having witnessed the insanity of Davos, for example.

09-09-2022, 06:42 PM
A tad harsh. He has just lost his mother.

This is not something that has happened in the age of social media. Let’s not forget when the Queen found out about the death of her father it took several days for her to get back to the UK so had time to prepare without constant news footage etc watching every step whereas Charles is having to make a speech less then 24 hours after his mother died.

Most people would be close or in tears when talking about the death of a parent

Mate come on, this is the royal family talking about. From everything I’ve read the Queen and Charles weren’t even particularly fond of each other. Anyone who uses the Crown as a guide to understanding them is a moron but it has some basics right….Andrew is her favourite and that’s why she hasn’t thrown him to the Wolves like she should have done.
She was 96, and his job throughout his entire life was waiting for her to die…it’s only because he’s been taught some dignity that he wasn’t doing air punches in private.
If this was Roman times he wouldn’t have even waited for her to die of natural causes (Nero murdered his own mother)
This was to me every bit a speech attuned to a people who are encouraged to wear their feelings openly….and massive hypocrite that I am given the vitriol I unleash on here, I would prefer a more reserved aloofness.

09-09-2022, 06:50 PM
Strange. You generalise me as approaching every argument in black and white terms, yet what you are actually doing is forming a conclusion while openly admitting you skip all steps that might support it. My opinions are based on principle and, as such, can only be black and white. There is no other way to appreciate or apply a principle, or else it is not a principle. That's why I choose my subjects carefully and discard the rest. How often do you see me engaged in the trivia others enjoy (and each to their own)? So yes, I am black and white when it matters, and silent on the rest. This is where your lack of hypothesis, method and results understandably lets down your conclusion so badly. Within my "rants, diatribes and homilies" you might find some evidence underpinning my opinion, but who has time to look at the details when snap conclusions are so cheap and can be had with so little effort? After all, were you to dig deeper and engage in honest debate you might actually have to express your own position and support it with reasoned argument. That takes effort and you already admit you are here for a laugh that anonymity affords you without consequence.

Even so, I have piqued the interest of the great non-debater. Should I be privileged?

Perhaps you inform yourself of current events in the same way you approach debate? And that's why you can't answer your own question about Charles III. This king, contrary to the very nature of the monarchy since it was reformed, will be a political king, just as he has been a political prince for decades. The reason the majority has enduring respect for Elizabeth is because she fulfilled her role and executed her duty with strict impartiality and within the explicit confines of her office. That will not be the case with this king. When enough people grow sick of a politician they can get rid at the ballot box. Not so with an opinionated king who has long operated against the interests of the nation and in service to the globalist agenda. When enough people get sick of this king, for his disrespect for the nation and the office, a great deal of resentment will grow because we can't get rid of the prick. Not unless we get rid of the entire monarchy. And this is where this king is most likely to lead us. Some will cheer the notion, but they don't understand the bonds that hold this nation together (for better or worse) and have no appreciation of the upheaval that can follow fundamental shifts in culture and ideology. Russia was a civilised nation before the Bolsheviks then it became something entirely different.

My hope is this king remembers his place and his duty and rows back from the absolute shite he has been shovelling for years. Can't see it happening, not having witnessed the insanity of Davos, for example.


Well actually I did read bits of it

Now as I said I was interested in your view of Charles III because despite disagreeing with you on almost everything there are the few instances where we share an accord. What you’ve said of him is that he’s too political and he needs to learn his place, well I completely and totally agree with that assessment and it’s by far my most residing criticism of him. I’m not interested in hearing his views on the environment or on modern architecture. I wasn’t interested in hearing it before and I’m not now.
However what I would say is that he was in his mid 20s when his Great Uncle died, and now there truly I feel was the worst monarch of all time. Movies will try and convince us he was the only royal with sympathies towards the Nazis but definitely not, the difference is as King he lacked the ability to keep quiet on political matters and would have pressed Baldwin and Chamberlain that they could have a friend in Herr Hitler far longer than the time they realised he was not. In a successful invasion of Britain, he would have been installed by Hitler as a puppet sovereign.
This is the arch reason why I think Charles would have to go some way, not that I don’t think he will be a dreadful King he will be as his god awful “touchy, feely” diatribe betrayed this evening.

09-09-2022, 07:11 PM

Well actually I did read bits of it

Now as I said I was interested in your view of Charles III because despite disagreeing with you on almost everything there are the few instances where we share an accord. What you’ve said of him is that he’s too political and he needs to learn his place, well I completely and totally agree with that assessment and it’s by far my most residing criticism of him. I’m not interested in hearing his views on the environment or on modern architecture. I wasn’t interested in hearing it before and I’m not now.
However what I would say is that he was in his mid 20s when his Great Uncle died, and now there truly I feel was the worst monarch of all time. Movies will try and convince us he was the only royal with sympathies towards the Nazis but definitely not, the difference is as King he lacked the ability to keep quiet on political matters and would have pressed Baldwin and Chamberlain that they could have a friend in Herr Hitler far longer than the time they realised he was not. In a successful invasion of Britain, he would have been installed by Hitler as a puppet sovereign.
This is the arch reason why I think Charles would have to go some way, not that I don’t think he will be a dreadful King he will be as his god awful “touchy, feely” diatribe betrayed this evening.

Yes, I see what you mean and I had that at the forefront of my mind when considering this king. The monarchy is an institution. During the time you speak of that institution was stronger than it is today, despite facing broadly similar challenges. Today it is weaker, as are most worthwhile traditions and the national culture in general. If Charles decides to continue his dalliance with (let's be honest about it) his new Nazi friends in Europe, who in our establishment will step in as they intervened on the last occasion? I don't say Charles will be the worst based solely on his character but also in terms of the potential (and probable) consequences of that character and the enemies it empowers. We avoided disaster the last time because those consequences did not come to pass. Perhaps they won't this time either, but there's not much that offers hope. Last time around the people of the nation understood what a nation is and were very much opposed to the ideas of tinpot (though well financed) tyrants. Who understands what a is nation today? It's "racist" to even speak up in support of the nation. And men like Charles have very much cultivated this dystopia. His allegiances abroad are no secret. His friends have the same ambitions as any authoritarian you can name from the past. The real danger here is we'll lose without a shot being fired.

09-09-2022, 07:30 PM
New Nazi friends?

Oh please do indulge yourself in going to explain at great lengths how the Azov Regiment is the true power in Ukraine and how they are all far right freaks who have Zelensky as a puppet ruler. And how Putin had no choice but to set the world to rights because of the mistreatment of Russian speaking Ukranians in the Donbas and Luhansk regions.
How every time Russian has politically interfered in that country in the last twenty years it was all in the interest of routing out the far right elements.
Though I shouldn’t be so cynical, you’ll offer a more convoluted explanation of how both sides are as bad as each other just like they were in Grozny or Aleppo.
But I won’t understand that of course because I’m a simple minded shill who doesn’t understand how the world really works.

09-09-2022, 09:40 PM
New Nazi friends?

Oh please do indulge yourself in going to explain at great lengths how the Azov Regiment is the true power in Ukraine and how they are all far right freaks who have Zelensky as a puppet ruler. And how Putin had no choice but to set the world to rights because of the mistreatment of Russian speaking Ukranians in the Donbas and Luhansk regions.
How every time Russian has politically interfered in that country in the last twenty years it was all in the interest of routing out the far right elements.
Though I shouldn’t be so cynical, you’ll offer a more convoluted explanation of how both sides are as bad as each other just like they were in Grozny or Aleppo.
But I won’t understand that of course because I’m a simple minded shill who doesn’t understand how the world really works.


Where did I mention Ukraine?

I specifically mentioned the globalists. They have all the same aims and intent as the Nazis. They consider themselves to be morally and ethically superior. They imagine they can impose their own vision of the world on the majority of the people who live in it, without recourse to a democratic process. They believe themselves to be intellectually superior. They believe they are in the service of a greater good. And they aren't prepared to tolerate dissent. You can say they haven't yet exterminated Jews in camps. But you could say their grandfathers, who ran the banks and corporations that enabled those camps, gave them enough pointers for the operations of the banks and corporations they run today. Which, I suppose, does bring Ukraine into it. But, judging by your strange response, you don't know anything about that subject.

09-09-2022, 10:24 PM

Where did I mention Ukraine?

I specifically mentioned the globalists. They have all the same aims and intent as the Nazis. They consider themselves to be morally and ethically superior. They imagine they can impose their own vision of the world on the majority of the people who live in it, without recourse to a democratic process. They believe themselves to be intellectually superior. They believe they are in the service of a greater good. And they aren't prepared to tolerate dissent. You can say they haven't yet exterminated Jews in camps. But you could say their grandfathers, who ran the banks and corporations that enabled those camps, gave them enough pointers for the operations of the banks and corporations they run today. Which, I suppose, does bring Ukraine into it. But, judging by your strange response, you don't know anything about that subject.

Apologies been a long week, it’s often hard to predict which tangent you’ll go down

Extremely rich people with little regard to the democratic process you say? That sounds like something we ought to keep an eye on it because it’s definitely not something that has been happening forever. And monarchs and politicians alike definitely haven’t been their best mates forever. It’s not that the populists have come up with the nice spanking new buzzword “Globalist” because it suits their agenda to point at them and scream rather than fellate them as was the style in the past.
So are the death camps coming soon? Or have they been under my nose the entire time and I’ve become so use to the smell of decaying human flesh that I don’t notice it anymore

09-09-2022, 10:51 PM
Intelligent people fighting on the most remote desolate message board on the internet

Gonna change the world

10-09-2022, 04:13 AM
Intelligent people fighting on the most remote desolate message board on the internet

Gonna change the world

Is there? Where?

10-09-2022, 08:16 AM
Just read Charles's speech, no idea what the fuss is about, it's an affirmation of the status quo, lots of stuff about God and royal duties staying the same, as for the bit about Queen Consort, Queen Escort more like, i suppose it's belping them be more environmental as there's now one more bike at the Palace.

10-09-2022, 08:33 AM
I think it was less what was said and more how it was said

I’m of the opinion that a constitutional Monarchy survives by being minimalist. The less the sovereign is seen and heard of the better. In the aftermath of the death of a Queen who for anyone under 70 will be the only Monarch they’ve ever known. There is this emotional need for presence, but it will soon pass rather like the madness that infected Britain when Diana died.

The one area NQ and I agree is that our current King is too political, which is different from being outspoken. His father’s tendency for being outspoken was tolerated and in fact even admired because it was more an expression of frankness that defied the usual call for diplomacy and protocol.

He laid his cards on the table, because he lacks the fortitude to realise that he has unlike the rest of us no right to a public opinion, when your position is ordained by the absurd concept of divine right…it undermines the democratic foundations for an unelected individual to take a position because that position has the risk of unduly influencing the government that has been elected.
Like his great uncle it’s a sign of weakness that the country can Ill afford. A few months before this day, he took a position on the Rwanda resettlement scheme which if he does so as king has the potential to create an apocalyptic constitutional crisis.
In this day and age it is not enough that he not publicly speak his mind, but given the propensity for leaks he cannot privately do so either. And I seriously doubt he has the discipline to keep his thoughts in his own head

His speech last night whilst it fortunately didn’t betray any personal feeling (because if it did it would be that he’s immensely relieved his “mama” is dead) was full of sickly platitude of a kind that is not becoming of a sovereign of the UK. And he’s proved already that his continued presence will grow thin very quickly if not kept to a bare minimum.

10-09-2022, 08:47 AM
I think it was less what was said and more how it was said

I’m of the opinion that a constitutional Monarchy survives by being minimalist. The less the sovereign is seen and heard of the better. In the aftermath of the death of a Queen who for anyone under 70 will be the only Monarch they’ve ever known. There is this emotional need for presence, but it will soon pass rather like the madness that infected Britain when Diana died.

The one area NQ and I agree is that our current King is too political, which is different from being outspoken. His father’s tendency for being outspoken was tolerated and in fact even admired because it was more an expression of frankness that defied the usual call for diplomacy and protocol.

He laid his cards on the table, because he lacks the fortitude to realise that he has unlike the rest of us no right to a public opinion, when your position is ordained by the absurd concept of divine right…it undermines the democratic foundations for an unelected individual to take a position because that position has the risk of unduly influencing the government that has been elected.
Like his great uncle it’s a sign of weakness that the country can Ill afford. A few months before this day, he took a position on the Rwanda resettlement scheme which if he does so as king has the potential to create an apocalyptic constitutional crisis.
In this day and age it is not enough that he not publicly speak his mind, but given the propensity for leaks he cannot privately do so either. And I seriously doubt he has the discipline to keep his thoughts in his own head

His speech last night whilst it fortunately didn’t betray any personal feeling (because if it did it would be that he’s immensely relieved his “mama” is dead) was full of sickly platitude of a kind that is not becoming of a sovereign of the UK. And he’s proved already that his continued presence will grow thin very quickly if not kept to a bare minimum.

I guess you never heard how the late Queen organised a coup in Australia against the elected prime minister Gough Whitlam in 1975
She picked up the phone to the governor general and had him removed. She could be political when needed, especially when it came to the affairs of other countries.

Whitlam was trying to chart a more independent course for Australia, away from the grip of US/UK. As ever the CIA was deep into the plot but it all started with her majesty`s phone call.

My biggest surprise is that the Aussies just took it like that. I was a wee one at the time so I cant say if there were mass protests.

I am hopeful that different times and personalities will mean that Charles III will use a more subtle touch

He could start by getting the 3 Degrees back together then the Spice girls.

10-09-2022, 09:01 AM
I guess you never heard how the late Queen organised a coup in Australia against the elected prime minister Gough Whitlam in 1975
She picked up the phone to the governor general and had him removed. She could be political when needed, especially when it came to the affairs of other countries.

Whitlam was trying to chart a more independent course for Australia, away from the grip of US/UK. As ever the CIA was deep into the plot but it all started with her majesty`s phone call.

My biggest surprise is that the Aussies just took it like that. I was a wee one at the time so I cant say if there were mass protests.

I am hopeful that different times and personalities will mean that Charles III will use a more subtle touch

He could start by getting the 3 Degrees back together then the Spice girls.

Of course no such thing actually happened

The Governor General of Australia wanted to invoke royal decree to break the deadlock and subsequent constitutional crisis that had arisen where Whitlam and his government were no longer able to pass laws, because Malcolm Fraser the liberal leader who would replace Whitlam as prime minister was using the senate to block legislation (like us the Aussies have a bicameral legislature, unlike us both houses are elected)

There was correspondence released which had taken place between the Governor General and Martin Chatteris the Queen’s private secretary exploring whether it was in the Queen’s power to break the deadlock, but ultimately the decision to dismiss Whitlam was taken off the Governor General’s own back.

The letters released two years ago confirm this. And I know you need to completely exaggerate to make it sound sexy and conspiratorial. But a) it wasn’t and b) the function of a constitutional monarchy is in extreme circumstances to act in order to resolve political crises, and if a similar situation occurred here where a government was unable to function but the prime minister refused to resign…a monarch could be called upon to do something similar.

And if your response is there should have been a general election to decide this, there was a month later.

10-09-2022, 09:21 AM
I wont argue the toss as Im not that engaged in Aussie politics or history, but I doubt the governor general who is the Queens representative would just do as he deems fit.

It reeks of CIA nefaria just as the recent coup in Pakistan was. Buy up enough elected members to bring down a government you dont like. They do it all the time.

10-09-2022, 11:43 AM
The monarchy are fuckin scum. It's as simple as that. All this "she led a life of service blah blah...' fuck right off, you bootlicking cunts.

There's one single service those fuckin leeches could offer and it's to stand up and state that the institution is a fuckin sham and has absolutely no place in modern society. That's the single positive offering this vermin has...but they will never, ever do it because, ultimately, they believe that they are better than every single one of you pathetic fuckin serfs that enable them.

10-09-2022, 12:17 PM
Yet the irony is whilst the concept of hereditary superiors should be anathema to most of us, here you come along and prove that some people are naturally inferior

10-09-2022, 01:07 PM
Watched that Elvis biopic last night.

Fuckin wonderful. Very sad though.

Absolute GOAT. No contest.

10-09-2022, 01:55 PM
While i don't have a high opinion of the monarchy i'm not sure I want a President either given this county's habit of voting complete c***s into power

Either way I definitely think Charles' first act should be to abdicate in favour of William - we are now going to have a man who wishes he was a tampon as king, he and the King's Escort are also both of course well-known adulterers, which hardly sets high moral standards to the nation

Shaqiri Is Boss
10-09-2022, 03:45 PM
Bank holiday for the funeral and bank holiday for the coronation?

Bank holidays are a fucking ball ache for anyone who runs weekly payroll. Only fair though, two birthdays, two holidays.


10-09-2022, 03:47 PM
While i don't have a high opinion of the monarchy i'm not sure I want a President either given this county's habit of voting complete c***s into power

Either way I definitely think Charles' first act should be to abdicate in favour of William - we are now going to have a man who wishes he was a tampon as king, he and the King's Escort are also both of course well-known adulterers, which hardly sets high moral standards to the nation

Is there really much of a difference between a president and a PM? I'd depend entirely on the Constitution (which the so called UK doesn't actually have) or whatever other mechanism was in place to define power/authority.

10-09-2022, 05:54 PM
Watched that Elvis biopic last night.

Fuckin wonderful. Very sad though.

Absolute GOAT. No contest.
Do stop being wrong about everything.
While hugely important and influential, and unquestionably a fantastic singer and performer, he is massively overrated. Wasn’t a great musician, didn’t write songs. Didn’t do anything musically that interesting or creative. Compare and contrast with The Beach Boys and The Beatles who actually pushed popular music on into an art form. The latter going from “Love Me Do” to “A Day In The Life” in under 5 years.

Xhaka Can’t
10-09-2022, 05:57 PM
Watched that Elvis biopic last night.

Fuckin wonderful. Very sad though.

Absolute GOAT. No contest.

I took my son to see that - he didn’t even know who Elvis was, but popcorn and free grub is important to him.

He realised fairly quickly in to the movie, that he had heard Elvis songs, and we both loved the film. I had no idea of the stranglehold Col TP had over Elvis - certainly not the extent of it. A complete fucking tragedy. It could have been so much different, and incredibly, there was a chance that the GOAT could’ve been even better. What Elvis achieved, he achieved in spite of that horrible cunt.

Xhaka Can’t
10-09-2022, 06:00 PM
Do stop being wrong about everything.
While hugely important and influential, and unquestionably a fantastic singer and performer, he is massively overrated. Wasn’t a great musician, didn’t write songs. Didn’t do anything musically that interesting or creative. Compare and contrast with The Beach Boys and The Beatles who actually pushed popular music on into an art form. The latter going from “Love Me Do” to “A Day In The Life” in under 5 years.

Your musical taste is the real tragedy of our times.

10-09-2022, 06:05 PM
Your musical taste is the real tragedy of our times.

Yeah. Literally no one likes The Beatles or The Beach Boys.
Elvis :lol:
Awlful fatso

10-09-2022, 06:06 PM
Went in to London today. Was bloody chaos.
The plan was to go up to see the flowers, tug my forelock and come home.
Got stuck on The Mall and waited there about 2 hours. Every 20 minutes or so a band would March past or something. Finally the King went past so I suppose it was sort of worth it.
Sort of.

Gawd bless ‘im

10-09-2022, 07:20 PM
I took my son to see that - he didn’t even know who Elvis was, but popcorn and free grub is important to him.

He realised fairly quickly in to the movie, that he had heard Elvis songs, and we both loved the film. I had no idea of the stranglehold Col TP had over Elvis - certainly not the extent of it. A complete fucking tragedy. It could have been so much different, and incredibly, there was a chance that the GOAT could’ve been even better. What Elvis achieved, he achieved in spite of that horrible cunt.

Unbelievable, eh?

Imagine he was able to tour the world? Incredible, man.

Can't think of any other arena the GOAT is so undisputed.

10-09-2022, 07:24 PM
Do stop being wrong about everything.
While hugely important and influential, and unquestionably a fantastic singer and performer, he is massively overrated. Wasn’t a great musician, didn’t write songs. Didn’t do anything musically that interesting or creative. Compare and contrast with The Beach Boys and The Beatles who actually pushed popular music on into an art form. The latter going from “Love Me Do” to “A Day In The Life” in under 5 years.

Who gies a single fuck about who wrote their own songs, ffs?

Music is for entertainment. Elvis is the most entertaining ever. Who wrote what...couldny give a fuck.

The Beatles are fuckin horrific. Pop trash and churned oot some of the worst sounds ever heard. I believe their cult called this their "experimental phase", ffs :haha:

Beach Boys were decent, tbf. Some absolute gash in there anaw though, but some toe tappers.

10-09-2022, 07:24 PM
GOAT at what?
Performer? I guess he’s in the conversation.
Singer. Ditto, but there have been loads of people with great voices.
Musician - lol
Composer - rofl.

I mean, don’t get me wrong. He did some great stuff and The Beatles wouldn’t exist without him. But he did nothing interesting musically. The GOAT of karaoke maybe, but that’s about it.

10-09-2022, 07:26 PM
The Beatles are fuckin horrific.


Trolling :bow:

10-09-2022, 07:27 PM
GOAT at what?

Music Entertainment.

Literally the only thing that matters with music.

10-09-2022, 07:34 PM
Music Entertainment.

Literally the only thing that matters with music.

Music - not even close.
Entertainment. Meh, I mean he was a great performer. But the music is so uninteresting. Which doesn’t mean it’s bad, but there’s no progression. No great creativity.

10-09-2022, 07:45 PM
Music - not even close.
Entertainment. Meh, I mean he was a great performer. But the music is so uninteresting. Which doesn’t mean it’s bad, but there’s no progression. No great creativity.
Sounds like the kinda pish people who aren't very entertaining come out with, tbh.

10-09-2022, 07:50 PM
Fuck me, are we really having one person saying Elvis was shit and another saying the Beatles were shit

Whether Elvis wrote the songs himself is irrelevant, he was a great performer and his songs great music. I think you’ll get a lot of descendants of black artists who have a legitimate beef over his essentially stealing their act but that’s by the by.

The Beatles equally one of the most consequential bands ever and evolved as a group. Albums like Rubber Soul and Revolver are exceptional.

I don’t really get the need for the comparison and competition, it’s completely subjective who is the greatest. Bands like The Beatles and The Stones were inspired by Elvis as much as they were skiffle and blues music.

10-09-2022, 08:10 PM
Fuck me, are we really having one person saying Elvis was shit and another saying the Beatles were shit
No. We’re having one person trolling, and the other (me) saying Elvis was hugely influential and indisputably a great singer and performer but IMO overrated.
I just have more respect for artists who write songs, who write lyrics and melody and who show creativity in their musical progression. Artists who push the art of music on. Elvis didn’t do any of that, although he inspired the people who did. (EDIT: Lennon recounted how he saw an Elvis film and thought “that’s a good job!”)

10-09-2022, 08:25 PM
Elvis was shit and a nonce.

10-09-2022, 08:29 PM
No. We’re having one person trolling, and the other (me) saying Elvis was hugely influential and indisputably a great singer and performer but IMO overrated.
I just have more respect for artists who write songs, who write lyrics and melody and who show creativity in their musical progression. Artists who push the art of music on. Elvis didn’t do any of that, although he inspired the people who did. (EDIT: Lennon recounted how he saw an Elvis film and thought “that’s a good job!”)

How was Elvis overrated then? Serious question, in what regard?

I've no issue with the Beatles, man. They're just not my kinda music, at all. They're also one of these bands who ended up so far up their own arse they put out some music that was genuinely horrific. Like worst ever type nonsense. But their mainstream stuff, fine, just not for me. Couldn't get into similar groups like Take That or One Direction. I appreciate they're were all hugely popular in their appeal to a certain type of person...I'm just not one of those people.

Xhaka Can’t
10-09-2022, 08:59 PM
No. We’re having one person trolling, and the other (me) saying Elvis was hugely influential and indisputably a great singer and performer but IMO overrated.
I just have more respect for artists who write songs, who write lyrics and melody and who show creativity in their musical progression. Artists who push the art of music on. Elvis didn’t do any of that, although he inspired the people who did. (EDIT: Lennon recounted how he saw an Elvis film and thought “that’s a good job!”)
You’re the one that came wading in with your size three and a half’s spouting shit.

10-09-2022, 09:17 PM
You’re the one that came wading in with your size three and a half’s spouting shit.
If you want to respond to what I actually said, instead of stopping to trolling and abuse then go nuts.
Otherwise don’t bother :good:

Xhaka Can’t
10-09-2022, 09:29 PM
If you want to respond to what I actually said, instead of stopping to trolling and abuse then go nuts.
Otherwise don’t bother :good:

Your first sentence set the tone, and then you fling the troll monicker around you.

And yes, I’ll go to my grave convinced your taste in music is tragically shit.

But hey, Chas or Dave, whichever one of them is still alive, have to make a living, so Saul Goodman.

10-09-2022, 09:33 PM
How was Elvis overrated then? Serious question, in what regard?

I’ve explained in other posts. I just don’t think he did anything that interesting musically.
Which doesn’t mean his stuff isn’t good but there’s no great progression as an artist.
There’s no Sgt Pepper from him. No Pet Sounds. No OK Computer. No Dark Side of The Moon.
He wasn’t a great musician, he wasn’t a composer. And you may say “so what”, which is fine. I just have more respect and regard for people who can write some of the all time classic songs and albums as well as perform them.

Again, his influence can’t be overstated. And I don’t dispute he was a brilliant performer. But you look up the best albums of all time you’re not going to find much Elvis stuff there. (Had a quick look at Rolling Stone’s top 100, there’s an Elvis one around number 78, nothing higher. There are 5 Beatles albums in the top 50.)

Please Please Me, the album, is a good little Rock and Roll album. If they’d done another load of albums like that then they’d have their place in music history but they wouldn’t be on the pedestal they are. The reason they’re on it is they were part of pushing the art of popular music on. You look at the progression album on album from Please Please Me to Sgt Pepper. The increase in complexity and creativity. It went from good little pop albums to pieces of art. Elvis did nothing like that, but he certainly inspired the people who did.

10-09-2022, 09:38 PM
But hey, Chas or Dave, whichever one of them is still alive, have to make a living, so Saul Goodman.
I know you’re not actually stupid so why are you pretending to be?
I’ve backed up my stance, you’ve just resorted to insults and trolling.

People like Chaz N Dave are fun. It’s like fast food. I can enjoy it and also know that while it’s enjoyable, it’s not as good as Sirloin Steak.

10-09-2022, 09:45 PM
I’ve explained in other posts. I just don’t think he did anything that interesting musically.


Xhaka Can’t
10-09-2022, 10:08 PM

Fuck off troll!

11-09-2022, 01:18 AM
I’ve explained in other posts. I just don’t think he did anything that interesting musically.
Which doesn’t mean his stuff isn’t good but there’s no great progression as an artist.
There’s no Sgt Pepper from him. No Pet Sounds. No OK Computer. No Dark Side of The Moon.
He wasn’t a great musician, he wasn’t a composer. And you may say “so what”, which is fine. I just have more respect and regard for people who can write some of the all time classic songs and albums as well as perform them.

Again, his influence can’t be overstated. And I don’t dispute he was a brilliant performer. But you look up the best albums of all time you’re not going to find much Elvis stuff there. (Had a quick look at Rolling Stone’s top 100, there’s an Elvis one around number 78, nothing higher. There are 5 Beatles albums in the top 50.)

Please Please Me, the album, is a good little Rock and Roll album. If they’d done another load of albums like that then they’d have their place in music history but they wouldn’t be on the pedestal they are. The reason they’re on it is they were part of pushing the art of popular music on. You look at the progression album on album from Please Please Me to Sgt Pepper. The increase in complexity and creativity. It went from good little pop albums to pieces of art. Elvis did nothing like that, but he certainly inspired the people who did.

You talk about this creativity and progression like I'm meant to gie a fuck. I don't. I listen to music to be entertained. Elvis is untouchable in this regard. Simply put, he could take any song the Beatles wrote and he'd perform it better than they, or anyone else, could. Simple as that. That's why he's the GOAT.

You can mention all these Beatles albums but they're all shite to me. They actually went from bad to worse, imo. You seem to be mistaking change as progress. Becoming "more complex" was them actually becoming less entertaining...which is the point of music.

11-09-2022, 01:21 AM

Incredible, isn't it, man.

Translated traditionally black music and country into a new genre paired with an expression of performance that had NEVER been seen before...but wasn't interesting or creative.

While he fanboys a boyband :haha:

11-09-2022, 06:09 AM
Fuck off troll!

D’aww. It’s been a while since you two have done your tweedledum and tweedledummer troll routine. You may wish to pause to consider that I’m managing to have a grown up conversation with mandela of all people while you’re acting like a schoolboy. Why don’t you try engaging with what I’m actually saying. Otherwise just stop replying :good:

11-09-2022, 06:31 AM
You talk about this creativity and progression like I'm meant to gie a fuck. I don't.
Well ok then. Music, and enjoyment of it, is subjective.
I just find more complex music more interesting.

Love Me Do is…fine. It’s an ok little pop song. A Day In The Life is a piece of art.
Albums like Sgt Pepper changed and pushed on music as an art form.
Elvis didn’t, but he did inspire the people who did.
If you want to keep listening to “fast food” music then fine, I mean I like it too, it is entertaining. I just prefer steak. It’s more interesting to me.

Elvis did cover some Beatles songs by the way. And they’re…fine, as I said he was an amazing performer. But the original of Yesterday has been played a bazillion times on the radio. Elvis’ cover of it…not so much. (To be fair I don’t know if he released it, possibly just something he did live, you can find it on YouTube).

11-09-2022, 07:53 AM
Fuck me, are we really having one person saying Elvis was shit and another saying the Beatles were shit

Whether Elvis wrote the songs himself is irrelevant, he was a great performer and his songs great music. I think you’ll get a lot of descendants of black artists who have a legitimate beef over his essentially stealing their act but that’s by the by.

The Beatles equally one of the most consequential bands ever and evolved as a group. Albums like Rubber Soul and Revolver are exceptional.

I don’t really get the need for the comparison and competition, it’s completely subjective who is the greatest. Bands like The Beatles and The Stones were inspired by Elvis as much as they were skiffle and blues music.


11-09-2022, 07:54 AM
Do stop being wrong about everything.
While hugely important and influential, and unquestionably a fantastic singer and performer, he is massively overrated. Wasn’t a great musician, didn’t write songs. Didn’t do anything musically that interesting or creative. Compare and contrast with The Beach Boys and The Beatles who actually pushed popular music on into an art form. The latter going from “Love Me Do” to “A Day In The Life” in under 5 years.

The Beach Boys are one of the most overrated bands in hiatory

11-09-2022, 07:57 AM
Poets, priests and politicians
Have words to thank for their positions
Words that scream for your submission
And no one's jamming their transmission
'Cause when their eloquence escapes you
Their logic ties you up and rapes you.

Always been a big fan of "The Police"
Sting knows how to write a song

He has however changed in his later years. Rebels in youth, not so sage with age.
Still have every album though, some in that funny thing called vinyl


The Police were the first band i got into and though i've got into a lot of other stuff since, i still think they're great, saw them twice when they reformed and they were superb, just the three of them blasting out all the classics :bow:

11-09-2022, 08:13 AM
Saw them in Hyde Park - believe it was their last gig in the UK. They were great.
And I’ve separately seen Sting. And I saw a gig Sting did with Paul Simon at the O2 which was all kinds of brilliant

11-09-2022, 08:18 AM
The Beach Boys are one of the most overrated bands in hiatory

:lol: In the mid-60s Brian Wilson and The Beatles were in a kind of arms race. Pet Sounds is a brilliant album. And they’ve done some other good stuff. Seen Brian Wilson a couple of times but the last time was a bit sad, the band carried him through it but he’d “gone” as a performer

11-09-2022, 08:54 AM
Well if it was an arms race then the Beatles had nuclear weapons and the Beach Boys had toy bows and arrows :lol:

11-09-2022, 10:03 AM
Well if it was an arms race then the Beatles had nuclear weapons and the Beach Boys had toy bows and arrows :lol:

I mean, it was Lennon/McCartney vs Wilson - and Harrison was no slouch from the mid-sixties onwards. So I kinda agree. But we shouldn’t underestimate the influence Wilson had on McCartney in particular. Pet Sounds is a brilliant piece of work. Sadly he went a bit mad before he could finish Smile in the 60s

11-09-2022, 10:52 AM
Beach Boys is essentially pop music though, whereas Beatles became something more, though they wrote good songs all the way through

The Beach Boys were picked up in retrospect by many people (not saying that's you) as something they liked that they could think was cool when it really is just pop

11-09-2022, 11:45 AM
Well ok then. Music, and enjoyment of it, is subjective.
I just find more complex music more interesting.

Love Me Do is…fine. It’s an ok little pop song. A Day In The Life is a piece of art.
Albums like Sgt Pepper changed and pushed on music as an art form.
Elvis didn’t, but he did inspire the people who did.
If you want to keep listening to “fast food” music then fine, I mean I like it too, it is entertaining. I just prefer steak. It’s more interesting to me.

Elvis did cover some Beatles songs by the way. And they’re…fine, as I said he was an amazing performer. But the original of Yesterday has been played a bazillion times on the radio. Elvis’ cover of it…not so much. (To be fair I don’t know if he released it, possibly just something he did live, you can find it on YouTube).

I just stuck a day in the life on. Utterly woeful. Actually very jarring on the ear. Not an enjoyable experience, in the slightest. You can call it art because you think you're supposed to enjoy it, because you were told to in Rolling Stone, which you've referenced multiple times. That's cool. Someone shat in a box and called it art. I think art is fuckin nonsense too, for the most part anyway, tbh.

I go back to the point about why we listen to music. I listen to be entertained. From your posts it seems you listen to what you think you need to listen to because it's in a magazine. Bizarre to me. But enjoy your steak, I guess.

11-09-2022, 11:47 AM

The Police were the first band i got into and though i've got into a lot of other stuff since, i still think they're great, saw them twice when they reformed and they were superb, just the three of them blasting out all the classics :bow:

Sting, Phil Collins, The Beatles.

Those are the 3 acts that get turned off instantly, for me. I find them all whiny, boring trash.

11-09-2022, 11:55 AM
The Beach Boys were picked up in retrospect by many people (not saying that's you) as something they liked that they could think was cool when it really is just pop

This is Letters to a T, tbf.

If he read it was cool to like Right said Fred he'd be telling us how I'm Too Sexy is a creative, progressive, piece of art. And looking down his nose at all who didn't agree.

11-09-2022, 12:22 PM
So we’ve still got two cunts trying to pass off their musical opinion as fact.

Day in the Life is an excellent song in my opinion up there with Within you, Without you, Tomorrow Never Knows, Something and Strawberry Fields forever.

I would say anyone who doesn’t appreciate this is a semi retarded mouth breather who can’t acknowledge it because they are beholden to their hatred of all things English.

But I’d just be trolling

Honestly Letters shame on you, do you need this deranged sweaty sock to approve your musical taste. Are you in that much need of validation?

11-09-2022, 12:49 PM
So we’ve still got two cunts trying to pass off their musical opinion as fact.
Literally on the last page

Well ok then. Music, and enjoyment of it, is subjective.

Honestly Letters shame on you, do you need this deranged sweaty sock to approve your musical taste. Are you in that much need of validation?
I don’t care what he thinks. I just happen to think Elvis is overrated so I said so. Which doesn’t mean I think he was “shit”.

11-09-2022, 12:55 PM
This is Letters to a T, tbf.

If he read it was cool to like Right said Fred he'd be telling us how I'm Too Sexy is a creative, progressive, piece of art. And looking down his nose at all who didn't agree.
Oh yeah. I’m well known round here for jumping on all the cool bandwagons.
That’s why my taste in music and fashion is so revered.

11-09-2022, 01:22 PM
Oh yeah. I’m well known round here for jumping on all the cool bandwagons.
That’s why my taste in music and fashion is so revered.

I've no idea what you dress like.

I've always pictured you as a garden gnome though.

11-09-2022, 02:00 PM

Fry :bow:

Xhaka Can’t
11-09-2022, 05:42 PM
D’aww. It’s been a while since you two have done your tweedledum and tweedledummer troll routine. You may wish to pause to consider that I’m managing to have a grown up conversation with mandela of all people while you’re acting like a schoolboy. Why don’t you try engaging with what I’m actually saying. Otherwise just stop replying :good:

Fuck off Tweedletwat.

Xhaka Can’t
11-09-2022, 05:48 PM
So we’ve still got two cunts trying to pass off their musical opinion as fact.

Day in the Life is an excellent song in my opinion up there with Within you, Without you, Tomorrow Never Knows, Something and Strawberry Fields forever.

I would say anyone who doesn’t appreciate this is a semi retarded mouth breather who can’t acknowledge it because they are beholden to their hatred of all things English.

But I’d just be trolling

Honestly Letters shame on you, do you need this deranged sweaty sock to approve your musical taste. Are you in that much need of validation?
I like a fair bit of the Beatles catalogue, but ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’ makes me want to set fire to my ears.

11-09-2022, 05:48 PM

Ollie the Optimist
12-09-2022, 07:51 AM
So is Russia still winning or will globalgunner be about to tell us that losing 2,000km of land to Ukraine is part of the master plan?

12-09-2022, 08:24 AM


12-09-2022, 08:39 AM


Euthanasia or even being buried with their late mistress somehow seems kinder

12-09-2022, 09:06 AM
Euthanasia or even being buried with their late mistress somehow seems kinder

Oh, you mean the dogs? I thought you meant Andrew :d

12-09-2022, 09:14 AM
One way of getting people not to call you for work based enquiries is to spend twenty minutes on the phone to a stranger telling them how you had to call in Anglia Water because of an overflow near your garden shed so loud that everyone in the office can hear this anecdote.

This isn’t me, but a colleague who has such a lack of an outside social life they feel the need to tell complete strangers about their life.

12-09-2022, 09:41 AM
I like a fair bit of the Beatles catalogue, but ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’ makes me want to set fire to my ears.

The Tomorrow version is superb, stripping away all the production frippery and exposing a very good song underneath


12-09-2022, 10:14 AM
IMO, BBQ, TBH there's only one Beatles cover I've seen which I'd argue is better than the original, and it's...


12-09-2022, 11:31 AM
IMO, BBQ, TBH there's only one Beatles cover I've seen which I'd argue is better than the original, and it's...

ok now I really know you have bad taste - that's the worst record ever made :lol:

12-09-2022, 11:33 AM
:lol: Screw you! :p

12-09-2022, 01:46 PM
I like Mumford and Sons :)

Xhaka Can’t
12-09-2022, 01:56 PM
I might do this as I pass a long line of sycophantic boot lickers.

If nothing else, it’ll give the police something to do.

12-09-2022, 04:15 PM
State funeral tbh


12-09-2022, 04:37 PM
State funeral tbh


"the Grange Hill podcast Sausage On A Fork." :lol:

12-09-2022, 05:07 PM
That’s a top name :lol:.
I missed that.

12-09-2022, 05:58 PM
I like Mumford and Sons :)

Then you are lost!

13-09-2022, 08:35 AM


13-09-2022, 08:40 AM
Water is wet

13-09-2022, 09:35 AM
Then you are lost!


13-09-2022, 09:36 AM


Cellophane wrapped petrol station flowers FTW :rolleyes:

14-09-2022, 08:48 AM
nice... anyway long live the king eh?


14-09-2022, 11:36 AM
I mean, it's pretty inevitable that there will be some staff changes. My mate who worked in Number 10 was always nervous when things shifted as his job was sometimes tied to a particular person - like May, although as it happened he was shifted to Boris's team and then left before he was ousted.

But the timing could have been better and the optics aren't good.

14-09-2022, 11:51 AM
I mean, it's pretty inevitable that there will be some staff changes. My mate who worked in Number 10 was always nervous when things shifted as his job was sometimes tied to a particular person - like May, although as it happened he was shifted to Boris's team and then left before he was ousted.

But the timing could have been better and the optics aren't good.

quite, actions speak louder than words and it just shows all the hysteria about his speech is misplaced, this is business as usual - long live the Firm

15-09-2022, 07:18 AM
Went up to see the flowers and hullabaloo last night.
4 stars, would grieve again

Ollie the Optimist
15-09-2022, 07:58 AM
quite, actions speak louder than words and it just shows all the hysteria about his speech is misplaced, this is business as usual - long live the Firm

As Letters said, the optics and timing are not good and could have been much better.

However a lot of these staff are handling things like his charities which he no longer can be involved in as the monarch. These staff surely must have been aware of this when they took their roles and according to some ex employees, their contracts have a clause saying that the contracts terminate 6 months after the demise of the crown unless renewed by the new monarch.

I would suspect however that things like his charities will continue with William and so the staff will likely find new roles with him and i guess many staff who have served the Queen for years will likely move on/retire at this natrual changeover and so staff may be employed again in new roles.

Again though the timing of just 3 days after the Queen’s death is appalling and there is no real defence for that

15-09-2022, 08:30 AM
Went up to see the flowers and hullabaloo last night.
4 stars, would grieve again

Fuck that. I’m staying well away from London until this has blown over

15-09-2022, 08:40 AM
Fuck that. I’m staying well away from London until this has blown over

:lol: It was pretty busy, but not in an uncomfortable way. I walked back along "the queue" for a bit, just to see what it was like. "Long", in a word.
Got as far as Waterloo and then came home. Last I heard it was going back past London Bridge.

15-09-2022, 11:34 AM
They're showing the funeral in Vue's cinemas :lol:
Wonder if the popcorn stand will be open.

15-09-2022, 11:34 AM
:lol: It was pretty busy, but not in an uncomfortable way. I walked back along "the queue" for a bit, just to see what it was like. "Long", in a word.
Got as far as Waterloo and then came home. Last I heard it was going back past London Bridge.



England is basically North Korea at this point.

15-09-2022, 12:00 PM
That would almost make sense if The Queen made policy.
England is a mess because of the people we elect to run things, not because of the figureheads who we don't elect.

15-09-2022, 12:06 PM
The queue is now 4.2 miles, it’s gone past Tower Bridge :lol:

Ollie the Optimist
15-09-2022, 12:17 PM


England is basically North Korea at this point.

Given the queues and thousands of people in Scotland who turned out as well, they are also like North Korea?

Marc Overmars
15-09-2022, 01:07 PM
The queue is now 4.2 miles, it’s gone past Tower Bridge :lol:

My office is around the corner, had a little peak at lunch and it’s ridiculous! :lol:

Xhaka Can’t
15-09-2022, 02:38 PM
They're showing the funeral in Vue's cinemas :lol:
Wonder if the popcorn stand will be open.

The trailers should add another 45 minutes

Xhaka Can’t
15-09-2022, 02:40 PM
That would almost make sense if The Queen made policy.
England is a mess because of the people we elect to run things, not because of the figureheads who we don't elect.

It does make sense though. There are similarities that can’t be denied. Except maybe for the mass hysteria lasting considerably longer in the UK

15-09-2022, 03:01 PM
Given the queues and thousands of people in Scotland who turned out as well, they are also like North Korea?

Edinburgh is plagued by swarms of english, tbf. Good point.

15-09-2022, 03:02 PM
That would almost make sense if The Queen made policy.
England is a mess because of the people we elect to run things, not because of the figureheads who we don't elect.

Naw talking about policy.

Talking about the sycophantic bootlicking tendencies.

Fuckin pathetic.

15-09-2022, 03:33 PM
It does make sense though. There are similarities that can’t be denied. Except maybe for the mass hysteria lasting considerably longer in the UK

There are very obvious differences too which make the comparison spurious.

15-09-2022, 03:50 PM
Naw talking about policy.

Talking about the sycophantic bootlicking tendencies.

Fuckin pathetic.

A lot of people have an affection for someone who they would say, as would I, has tirelessly served this country for 70 years.
It's that simple, I'm sorry you're so "triggered" by that.

15-09-2022, 04:03 PM
He’s a Scottish nationalist who doesn’t even live in the country

Considers Edinburgh English?….presumably considers everywhere but Glasgow English as that’s the only place that voted for independence in 2014.

Small minded bitter anger individual who has nothing but petty imagined grievance to go on. Fairly sure Scotland copes well without his presence, maybe he can take the SNP to America with him. The Yanks like tasteless things

15-09-2022, 04:21 PM
A lot of people have an affection for someone who they would say, as would I, has tirelessly served this country for 70 years.
It's that simple, I'm sorry you're so "triggered" by that.


Fuckin lol. Your breath must fuckin reek of leather, man.

Genuinely, the only difference I see between these cretins in england and in North Korea is there are more paedos in the english crowds.


15-09-2022, 04:25 PM
It does make sense though. There are similarities that can’t be denied. Except maybe for the mass hysteria lasting considerably longer in the UK

The North Koreans were probably forced to or terrified not to. The English are not.

Let's be absolutely real here, people see the images of North Korea and their reaction is one of pity, bewildered or mockery. Are the english so fuckin arrogant to think it's different for them, somehow?

Fortunately people here are talking about how embarrassing and ridiculous it is.

Xhaka Can’t
15-09-2022, 04:25 PM
There are very obvious differences too which make the comparison spurious.

Nope. The mindset is similar.

I’d also add that as you are immersed in this sycophancy, you can have no understanding of how vomit inducing this whole episode of mass hysteria has become.

15-09-2022, 04:27 PM
There are very obvious differences too which make the comparison spurious.

Naw there fuckin isny :haha:

Some unelected cunt who thinks God recognizes them as better than everyone else. The parallels are absolutely blatant. Any attempt to deny this is spurious.

Xhaka Can’t
15-09-2022, 04:29 PM
Also, god save the king because I can’t stomach having to endure this again any time soon.

15-09-2022, 04:30 PM
Nope. The mindset is similar.

I’d also add that as you are immersed in this sycophancy, you can have no understanding of how vomit inducing this whole episode of mass hysteria has become.


He's full drone, man.

Amazing to watch his denial in here.

15-09-2022, 04:32 PM
We changed :goodpost: to : gp : while you weren't around, for future reference.

15-09-2022, 04:52 PM
The reason the Monarchy will endure is because Republicans are such utterly insufferable shits.

Most people have better things to be doing either than queuing for 2.5 miles or whinging about how the head of state which separated from government is a purely ceremonial role is unelected as if it makes the slightest fucking difference.

In fact it’s a bit much coming from someone who chooses to live in a Republic which for the last six years has been giving us all lessons in how a country should not run.

A president is largely an elected king given the atrocious amount of pomp and ceremony from Inauguration Day, state of the union address and all the other shit, but one that has power and who have they elected to it most recently a celebrity narcissist and someone with senility.

Wouldn’t mind if we were the only constitutional monarchy in the world. But we aren’t, not even the only one in Europe

The old woman who died chose to live as a privileged prisoner for 70 years….some people respect that. There’s no need to get angry about it

15-09-2022, 04:57 PM
I’d also add that as you are immersed in this sycophancy.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means...

Xhaka Can’t
15-09-2022, 05:09 PM
I do. And there is a plethora of it about as each person tries to outdo the other with their fawning platitudes.

Here is the thing Richard, and I genuinely mean this. I’ve many times in the past, been critical of the tendency almost exclusively of Royalists, to behave in this sycophantic manner.

But this. This is hands down the most nauseating display I’ve ever seen. Anywhere. Ever. And it isn’t even close. And your head is so far up the royal rectum, you can’t see beyond their tonsils.

15-09-2022, 05:18 PM
I do. And there is a plethora of it about as each person tries to outdo the other with their fawning platitudes.

Here is the thing Richard, and I genuinely mean this. I’ve many times in the past, been critical of the tendency almost exclusively of Royalists, to behave in this sycophantic manner.

But this. This is hands down the most nauseating display I’ve ever seen. Anywhere. Ever. And it isn’t even close. And your head is so far up the royal rectum, you can’t see beyond their tonsils.

What a beautiful post, man.

Marc Overmars
15-09-2022, 05:25 PM
I respected old Liz and her longevity, I think she represented the good that a monarchy can bring. Unfortunately it’s her family have that heavily soured public opinion of the institution.

I kind of liked the fact that she pre-dated pretty much everything in modern society and was this somewhat larger than life character who we didn’t really know anything about.

15-09-2022, 05:30 PM
I respected old Liz and her longevity, I think she represented the good that a monarchy can bring. Unfortunately it’s her family have that heavily soured public opinion of the institution.

I kind of liked the fact that she pre-dated pretty much everything in modern society and was this somewhat larger than life character who we didn’t really know anything about.

Yep I’d say that pretty much sums up my feelings

15-09-2022, 05:56 PM
But this. This is hands down the most nauseating display I’ve ever seen. Anywhere. Ever. And it isn’t even close.
Well, yeah. I mean, it’s the Queen, innit? There is nothing to compare this to.
Never before has a monarch reigned for so long.

For anyone mid 70s or below she’s just always…been there.
And many people, like me, had a lot of affection for her. I think she’s been a tireless servant of the country for 70 years (FAO mandela, “LOL” isn’t a counter argument to that).
So yeah, I’m a bit sad she died.

At the same time, I’ve not spent the last week in black tie (someone at church, who is only early 20s, literally was wearing black last Sunday, he went out to get all the papers before the service and said he’d done so every day since she died. I think he is ridiculous, he’s a bit of an odd bloke).
I raised an eyebrow at a YouTube video on a channel I watch here and there, the lady did a video about the Queen’s death and described it as a “tragedy”. She was a 96 year old who died of natural causes, that isn’t a tragedy.
And I rolled my eyes at Sky cutting out some jokes from Last Week Tonight about the Queen - I posted about that on here. I found the uncut episode on YouTube and his comments were pretty mild, it’s ridiculous they were cut, especially as the cut was so jarring to make it obvious what they’d done.

TL;DR, a lot of people have affection for her, that is being expressed now she’s died. That’s it.
She’s unquestionably been a very important figure for the country and in the world over the last 70 years, a lot of people liked her. One of the Poles said to me that they’re quite fond of her.

Why do you find this all so nauseating? I mean, I felt the same about the outpouring of grief when Jade Goody died. Jade fucking Goody! And a lot of the wailing and gnashing of teeth was from a media who a couple of years previously has been (rightly) hammering her for being a stupid racist.

I have a certain affection for the royals but a lot of that is because of the Queen, I don’t feel the same for Charles. I wonder if the monarchy will survive him. There’s a debate to be had there, they are an anachronism in a modern world. But I happen to love all the pomp and ceremony and tradition. Would we actually be better off without them? Would it actually solve any problems? The decisions which affect our lives would still be made by the clowns in Parliament (what a bunch of clowns).

15-09-2022, 06:12 PM
I respected old Liz and her longevity, I think she represented the good that a monarchy can bring. Unfortunately it’s her family have that heavily soured public opinion of the institution.

I kind of liked the fact that she pre-dated pretty much everything in modern society and was this somewhat larger than life character who we didn’t really know anything about.

Where does this come from?

Respected her longevity, no doubt enabled by the life of utter opulence afforded her at the literal expense of others?

And what is this "good that a monarchy can bring", exactly?

Larger than life? How the fuck was she.

Make absolutely no mistake about this, that old woman was a foul, wretched cunt who thought she was better than you. She thought she was above you. We know this for a fact because if she didn't she'd have done the only positive single thing that family of leeches could ever do and dissolve the utterly archaic, racist, sectarian, elitist mockery that is the monarchy.

Fuck her and every single fuckin thing the abhorrent wee creature stood for.

15-09-2022, 06:17 PM
Well, yeah. I mean, it’s the Queen, innit? There is nothing to compare this to.
Never before has a monarch reigned for so long.

For anyone mid 70s or below she’s just always…been there.
And many people, like me, had a lot of affection for her. I think she’s been a tireless servant of the country for 70 years (FAO mandela, “LOL” isn’t a counter argument to that).
So yeah, I’m a bit sad she died.

At the same time, I’ve not spent the last week in black tie (someone at church, who is only early 20s, literally was wearing black last Sunday, he went out to get all the papers before the service and said he’d done so every day since she died. I think he is ridiculous, he’s a bit of an odd bloke).
I raised an eyebrow at a YouTube video on a channel I watch here and there, the lady did a video about the Queen’s death and described it as a “tragedy”. She was a 96 year old who died of natural causes, that isn’t a tragedy.
And I rolled my eyes at Sky cutting out some jokes from Last Week Tonight about the Queen - I posted about that on here. I found the uncut episode on YouTube and his comments were pretty mild, it’s ridiculous they were cut, especially as the cut was so jarring to make it obvious what they’d done.

TL;DR, a lot of people have affection for her, that is being expressed now she’s died. That’s it.
She’s unquestionably been a very important figure for the country and in the world over the last 70 years, a lot of people liked her. One of the Poles said to me that they’re quite fond of her.

Why do you find this all so nauseating? I mean, I felt the same about the outpouring of grief when Jade Goody died. Jade fucking Goody! And a lot of the wailing and gnashing of teeth was from a media who a couple of years previously has been (rightly) hammering her for being a stupid racist.

I have a certain affection for the royals but a lot of that is because of the Queen, I don’t feel the same for Charles. I wonder if the monarchy will survive him. There’s a debate to be had there, they are an anachronism in a modern world. But I happen to love all the pomp and ceremony and tradition. Would we actually be better off without them? Would it actually solve any problems? The decisions which affect our lives would still be made by the clowns in Parliament (what a bunch of clowns).

Again, what service?

What benefit has she brought to the man in the street?

It's just an empty platitude thrown about by bootlickers.

She's offered no fuckin service of any value. Certainly none that couldn't have been offered by someone else...y'know, like the people most normal countries find to do such nonsense.

15-09-2022, 06:18 PM

Ollie the Optimist
15-09-2022, 06:29 PM
Letters is right, there is nothing to compare this too. The longest serving monarch who has reigned for pretty much the vast majority of hte UK population lives. Not only has she been QUeen but she was working almost until the day she died. It’s only really been the past year or so that she has had to stop doing public engagements. 95 years old and still doing hundreds of engagements, how many others at that age would be doing the same?

Royal visits mean a huge amount to people especially local charities etc and none more so then when the QUeen turns up. In her 70 year reign, just think how many people she would have visited both here & in teh world who would be appreciative and remember her visit for the rest of their lives? If they want to mourn, let them.

Sure i accept that hte 24 hours news coverage of this and other things happening like supermarkets turning bleeps off as mark of respect or the fiasco with centre parks is over the top but this is nothing like North Korea. This is mostly a natural grieving process for many. In North Korea they are forced to all cry loudly etc whereas here, you ahve a choice to attend any of the events. Those in the 5 mile queue are there out of choice. Those who lined the roads in Scotland as her coffin was driven from balmoral to Edinburgh where there out of choice.

Most of hte time, when her coffin has passed the crowds, there has been dignified silence, some applause and yes some people are in tears but its not wailing loudly or screaming on the ground. Yes as with anything, there will be one or two doing silly things but that has largely not been the case here.

I highly doubt there will be the same for Charles when he dies, he wont have the same legacy as the Queen although of course the military aspect will remain the same. This really is a once in a lifetime occurrence.

15-09-2022, 06:30 PM

Exactly what I thought.

15-09-2022, 06:35 PM
Letters is right, there is nothing to compare this too. The longest serving monarch who has reigned for pretty much the vast majority of hte UK population lives. Not only has she been QUeen but she was working almost until the day she died. It’s only really been the past year or so that she has had to stop doing public engagements. 95 years old and still doing hundreds of engagements, how many others at that age would be doing the same?

Royal visits mean a huge amount to people especially local charities etc and none more so then when the QUeen turns up. In her 70 year reign, just think how many people she would have visited both here & in teh world who would be appreciative and remember her visit for the rest of their lives? If they want to mourn, let them.

Sure i accept that hte 24 hours news coverage of this and other things happening like supermarkets turning bleeps off as mark of respect or the fiasco with centre parks is over the top but this is nothing like North Korea. This is mostly a natural grieving process for many. In North Korea they are forced to all cry loudly etc whereas here, you ahve a choice to attend any of the events. Those in the 5 mile queue are there out of choice. Those who lined the roads in Scotland as her coffin was driven from balmoral to Edinburgh where there out of choice.

Most of hte time, when her coffin has passed the crowds, there has been dignified silence, some applause and yes some people are in tears but its not wailing loudly or screaming on the ground. Yes as with anything, there will be one or two doing silly things but that has largely not been the case here.

I highly doubt there will be the same for Charles when he dies, he wont have the same legacy as the Queen although of course the military aspect will remain the same. This really is a once in a lifetime occurrence.

Done a few appearences for charities :haha:

Fuckin hilarious watching the bootlickers scrambling for justifications here, man.

Natural grieving process :haha:

Wall to wall coverage, treated like a pariah if you don't conform. Dignified silence because anyone dissenting is arrested for commiting absolutely no crime.

england is not LIKE North Korea. It IS North Korea.

It's an absolute laughing stock and it's fuckin beautiful to see the utter disbelief the rest of the world is looking on with.

Ollie the Optimist
15-09-2022, 06:37 PM
Again, what service?

What benefit has she brought to the man in the street?

It's just an empty platitude thrown about by bootlickers.

She's offered no fuckin service of any value. Certainly none that couldn't have been offered by someone else...y'know, like the people most normal countries find to do such nonsense.

Ask the charities that have visits from not just the Queen but the rest of the royal family., those that have royal patrons say it greatly helps them with fundraising etc. having the royal contacts to give them publicity means they can achieve more.

Ask the military what serving the Queen meant to them and let us know how you get on with calling her “ foul, wretched cunt”. I suspect not well.

There is also the diplomatic power to assist the government that having a state visit means to other countries. Offering those helped the governemnt of the day smooth things over or secure deals etc.

15-09-2022, 06:41 PM
Ask the charities that have visits from not just the Queen but the rest of the royal family., those that have royal patrons say it greatly helps them with fundraising etc. having the royal contacts to give them publicity means they can achieve more.

Ask the military what serving the Queen meant to them and let us know how you get on with calling her “ foul, wretched cunt”. I suspect not well.

There is also the diplomatic power to assist the government that having a state visit means to other countries. Offering those helped the governemnt of the day smooth things over or secure deals etc.

Why not literally sell the crown jewels and give the money away?

Ollie the Optimist
15-09-2022, 06:41 PM
Done a few appearences for charities :haha:

Fuckin hilarious watching the bootlickers scrambling for justifications here, man.

Natural grieving process :haha:

Wall to wall coverage, treated like a pariah if you don't conform. Dignified silence because anyone dissenting is arrested for commiting absolutely no crime.

england is not LIKE North Korea. It IS North Korea.

It's an absolute laughing stock and it's fuckin beautiful to see the utter disbelief the rest of the world is looking on with.

You really aren’t. Have you been arrested or shunned for not watching the news or going to any of the processions? No you haven’t.

Yes i agree the police at times appear heavy handed with some of the handling of the protestors. It’s completely valid to protest however I suspect in most cases, they are being moved elsewhere to keep the peace. If you go and protest in a place where you protest could escalate a situation, its not surprising the police will try and minimise the risk.

15-09-2022, 06:42 PM
Exactly what I thought.

There is no point engaging with you when you’re in full troll mode.

Ollie the Optimist
15-09-2022, 06:43 PM
Why not literally sell the crown jewels and give the money away?

Ok sure do that. It’s a one off payment and once spent its gone but sure get rid of them.

On the rest of it though, if you get rid of the royal family, you will still have a head of state in some form. Most likely a prime minster too. They will still require state accomdantion travel expenses and they will still cost millions a year. Yes different style but doesn’t instantly save money either

15-09-2022, 06:45 PM
Ask the charities that have visits from not just the Queen but the rest of the royal family., those that have royal patrons say it greatly helps them with fundraising etc. having the royal contacts to give them publicity means they can achieve more.

Ask the military what serving the Queen meant to them and let us know how you get on with calling her “ foul, wretched cunt”. I suspect not well.

There is also the diplomatic power to assist the government that having a state visit means to other countries. Offering those helped the governemnt of the day smooth things over or secure deals etc.

Plenty of charities thrive without the self aggrandizing narcissism of a monarch visiting a food bank before returning to their hundreds of billions of pounds given to them because they're superior to you in the eyes of their fictional God.

The military...naw even sure what your point is here. Are you seriously suggesting people sign up to the military to serve the queen? As fuckin hilarious as that'd be I think it's more a testimony to the stupidity of the typical recruit and how easily indoctrinated they are into bootlicking by equally servile vermin.

Diplomatic power :haha: most countries seem to do just fine without such archaic nonsense...in fact, normal countries think it's fuckin ridiculous. Rightly so.

england is North Korea.

15-09-2022, 06:47 PM
There is no point engaging with you when you’re in full troll mode.

< sigh >

2 decades later and, still, whenever you can't defend a position you revert to "troll".

There is no trolling, Letters. Just plain disagreement that you can't even hope to contest. As demonstrated above. Simple as that.

15-09-2022, 06:48 PM
Ok sure do that. It’s a one off payment and once spent its gone but sure get rid of them.

You don’t get my point. They won’t sell.

How about you still have a royal family, but they have no money and get paid a public wage?

The rest of their wealth goes to charity. If you are all a out charity, then you give don’t you? Don’t fucking turn up and go, “I’m helping because I’m the most famous person in the world, but look at all the gold I have”.

It’s like the boss of BP turning up to a clean air gig and saying he “understands”.

15-09-2022, 06:51 PM
You really aren’t. Have you been arrested or shunned for not watching the news or going to any of the processions? No you haven’t.

Yes i agree the police at times appear heavy handed with some of the handling of the protestors. It’s completely valid to protest however I suspect in most cases, they are being moved elsewhere to keep the peace. If you go and protest in a place where you protest could escalate a situation, its not surprising the police will try and minimise the risk.

I don't live anywhere near the shit holes of Scotland or england for reasons like this, ffs.

Multiple people being arrested and forcefully removed for making statements as simple as "who elected her".


Sound familiar? Happens in North Korea anaw.

Any comedy shows allowed on your state sponsored media yet, btw??

Guess which other country banned laughing when their unelected 'head of state' died?

15-09-2022, 06:55 PM
Ok sure do that. It’s a one off payment and once spent its gone but sure get rid of them.

On the rest of it though, if you get rid of the royal family, you will still have a head of state in some form. Most likely a prime minster too. They will still require state accomdantion travel expenses and they will still cost millions a year. Yes different style but doesn’t instantly save money either

Aye, that one off payment of hundreds of millions would be pointless, eh?

Fuckin hell, man

Fine, give away one of the duchies worth BILLIONS that has an income stream in the millions every fuckin year, from land that is theirs because god said so :haha:

Are you seriously comparing the state accomodations of prime ministers to the monarchy's land, dwellings and concessions?

Mental, man. Utterly fuckin deluded. Can't see out from the boot you're licking, mate.

15-09-2022, 06:56 PM
You don’t get my point. They won’t sell.

How about you still have a royal family, but they have no money and get paid a public wage?

The rest of their wealth goes to charity. If you are all a out charity, then you give don’t you? Don’t fucking turn up and go, “I’m helping because I’m the most famous person in the world, but look at all the gold I have”.

It’s like the boss of BP turning up to a clean air gig and saying he “understands”.

Masturbated reading this.

Ollie the Optimist
15-09-2022, 07:01 PM
You don’t get my point. They won’t sell.

How about you still have a royal family, but they have no money and get paid a public wage?

The rest of their wealth goes to charity. If you are all a out charity, then you give don’t you? Don’t fucking turn up and go, “I’m helping because I’m the most famous person in the world, but look at all the gold I have”.

It’s like the boss of BP turning up to a clean air gig and saying he “understands”.

Ok. Most of the income of the crown estates is given to the country. The monarchy keeps 25% (roughly 85 million a year) of the profits for their expenses, running their offices, travel etc. the other duchys such as the duchy of Cornwall which funds the prince of wales have rules in place that htey can only keep hte income generated by the estate. If they sell it, they cannot keep the proceeds or profit from sale of capital.

So yes, if you take it all back, it wont exactly generate huge income for the government/taxpayer. They might earn some money gernerated from a one off sale or if the income is kept and run by the government, even if you pay the royal family a public wage, the expenses of running the monarchy such as a travel, security etc will still be millions a year.

Ollie the Optimist
15-09-2022, 07:06 PM
Also Mandela you are in the us right?

You realise that presidents lie in state when they die, flags flown at half mast, national day of mourning, military parades, state funerals.

Sounds like North Korea. You best leave just in case

15-09-2022, 07:10 PM
Is that semi coherent boy botherer still raging on?

Comparing England to North Korea because it has a monarchy. Try living there….either by way of comparison or just because hopefully that’s the last anyone will have to hear from you again

Constitutional Monarch or Elected president…it’s still the same tax dodging escapades…only someone who has a hard drive as murky as Pete Townsend could really get this animated

15-09-2022, 07:20 PM
Also Mandela you are in the us right?

You realise that presidents lie in state when they die, flags flown at half mast, national day of mourning, military parades, state funerals.

Sounds like North Korea. You best leave just in case

Mate, Mon tae fuck, man.

1/ I couldny gie two fucks about the US either. I'm here for the weather.

B) Bush Snr died in 2018 (which I had to Google, btw). Are you seriously comparing that to servile nations like england/North Korea (which are interchangeable at this point)?

I hope you're not, man. That 'd be Letters level of serfdom.

15-09-2022, 07:22 PM
Ok. Most of the income of the crown estates is given to the country. The monarchy keeps 25% (roughly 85 million a year) of the profits for their expenses, running their offices, travel etc. the other duchys such as the duchy of Cornwall which funds the prince of wales have rules in place that htey can only keep hte income generated by the estate. If they sell it, they cannot keep the proceeds or profit from sale of capital.

So yes, if you take it all back, it wont exactly generate huge income for the government/taxpayer. They might earn some money gernerated from a one off sale or if the income is kept and run by the government, even if you pay the royal family a public wage, the expenses of running the monarchy such as a travel, security etc will still be millions a year.

Get out.

It’s the principle, not the amount.

I don’t give a fuck whether or not it solves the needs of every poor person of this nation. What I care about, is an elite band of inbred cunts, born into unimaginable wealth and virtually unchallenged self-entitlement to swerve the laws of the land, being fawned upon because they happened to “serve” us.

I know you stand by it….but thats because you go fucking tally ho around the estate with a gun, flat cap and jodpers yourself.

Fuck off pal

Ollie the Optimist
15-09-2022, 07:25 PM
Get out.

It’s the principle, not the amount.

I don’t give a fuck whether or not it solves the needs of every poor person of this nation. What I care about, is an elite band of inbred cunts, born into unimaginable wealth and virtually unchallenged self-entitlement to swerve the laws of the land, being fawned upon because they happened to “serve” us.

I know you stand by it….but thats because you go fucking tally ho around the estate with a gun, flat cap and jodpers yourself.

Fuck off pal

Fair enough. No point trying to debate anything then.


Ollie the Optimist
15-09-2022, 07:27 PM
And yeah i dont hide my background, i am what i am.

I thought you were all decent people when we met for drinks before games but turns out most of you are a complete bunch of cunts

15-09-2022, 07:51 PM

Shaqiri Is Boss
15-09-2022, 08:24 PM
Fucking hell all this spite over a gang of lizards.

I'll give Lizzie an ounce of respect. An ounce. She was an old woman who lived through incredible times.

But them fucks don't give two shits about you or me. The idea they've given us "service" or we owe them a debt of gratitude is sickening. But...but in a purely in an on paper way, I don't subscribe to the idea that they are costing us day to day, because there are enough dumb fucks who come to see them and spend their money doing it. And I'm happy to bleed them dumb fucks dry. Foreign or domestic.

But it is clear old Lizzie still favoured that dirty cunt Andrew. I don't care who you are, some are beyond reproach. They deserve a moment's pause and nothing more.

15-09-2022, 08:38 PM
Get out.

It’s the principle, not the amount.

I don’t give a fuck whether or not it solves the needs of every poor person of this nation. What I care about, is an elite band of inbred cunts, born into unimaginable wealth and virtually unchallenged self-entitlement to swerve the laws of the land, being fawned upon because they happened to “serve” us.

I know you stand by it….but thats because you go fucking tally ho around the estate with a gun, flat cap and jodpers yourself.

Fuck off pal

His amounts entirely neglect the potential revenue that could be realized if all land, property and assets were nationalized similar to what they've done in France. We're talking millions of acres of land, and billions in prime located real estate and that's not even touching the other assets.

It's a monumental amount of resources tied up in these people...because god

15-09-2022, 09:08 PM
His amounts entirely neglect the potential revenue that could be realized if all land, property and assets were nationalized similar to what they've done in France. We're talking millions of acres of land, and billions in prime located real estate and that's not even touching the other assets.

It's a monumental amount of resources tied up in these people...because god

It’s ok. They bring in the tourism.

“Come and see the wonders of Buckingham Palace, and next up in Andrew’s sex den!”

If someone tells me that Harry and “Wills” only waited until married for a finger….I bet those two have torn more hymens than their uncle

15-09-2022, 09:17 PM
Fair enough. No point trying to debate anything then.


What are you debating?

15-09-2022, 09:23 PM
Also, god save the king because I can’t stomach having to endure this again any time soon.

Trust me, people won't be queueing for five minutes, yet alone five hours, to mourn Prince Big Ears and the King's Escort

15-09-2022, 09:24 PM
We changed :goodpost: to : gp : while you weren't around, for future reference.


15-09-2022, 09:26 PM
Trust me, people won't be queueing for five minutes, yet alone five hours, to mourn Prince Big Ears and the King's Escort

She’s already lying in a state, and walking in one, and living with one, with a face like one

15-09-2022, 09:27 PM
You really aren’t. Have you been arrested or shunned for not watching the news or going to any of the processions? No you haven’t.

Yes i agree the police at times appear heavy handed with some of the handling of the protestors. It’s completely valid to protest however I suspect in most cases, they are being moved elsewhere to keep the peace. If you go and protest in a place where you protest could escalate a situation, its not surprising the police will try and minimise the risk.

Now you really are talking cack, to forgive the police for bullying those with harmless nonconformist opinions is just condoning fascism

15-09-2022, 09:28 PM
It’s ok. They bring in the tourism.

“Come and see the wonders of Buckingham Palace, and next up in Andrew’s sex den!”

If someone tells me that Harry and “Wills” only waited until married for a finger….I bet those two have torn more hymens than their uncle


15-09-2022, 09:28 PM
As Letters said, the optics and timing are not good and could have been much better.

However a lot of these staff are handling things like his charities which he no longer can be involved in as the monarch. These staff surely must have been aware of this when they took their roles and according to some ex employees, their contracts have a clause saying that the contracts terminate 6 months after the demise of the crown unless renewed by the new monarch.

I would suspect however that things like his charities will continue with William and so the staff will likely find new roles with him and i guess many staff who have served the Queen for years will likely move on/retire at this natrual changeover and so staff may be employed again in new roles.

Again though the timing of just 3 days after the Queen’s death is appalling and there is no real defence for that

Most of what you've written is immaterial umtil that last para where you agree that Prince Big Ears is being an arsehole

16-09-2022, 09:02 AM
treated like a pariah if you don't conform.
Well this is bullshit. That just isn't happening.

Dignified silence because anyone dissenting is arrested for commiting absolutely no crime.
I have mixed feelings about the protesters and the police response. Some of it does feel heavy handed. Obviously people have a right to peaceful protest but note the emphasis.
If the King is doing a walkabout then the people who turn up to see him are obviously fans. Is that the best time and place to be protesting? Isn't that just likely to lead to trouble?
Try wearing an Arsenal shirt in the home crowd at WHL and trying to get a rousing chorus of "my old man said be a Tottenham fan" going. See how that goes.
As you're dragged out by the stewards/police you're not going to get anywhere by going "BuT My FrEe SpEeCh!!1!"

And holy shit his mum just died, and he's got to do all this public stuff when most people get to process that in private.
This is probably the right time for a conversation about becoming a Republic but is the best way to start that to wave placards and shout out negative stuff at him within a week of the dude's mum dying.
None of these people are in "the Tower", in the regime you're comparing us to these people would be taken out and shot, that's not happening here.

england is not LIKE North Korea. It IS North Korea.
And yet, here you are freely expressing these views, just like you can't in North Korea.
Do you think that now you've changed it from a simile to a metaphor it's a much better and more valid comparison? It isn't.
There is no sensible comparison here - and this is where you are clearly trolling.
IF the Queen was the one who set policy and her only claim to do so was birthright, which now passed to Charles who is now making laws of the land then you'd have a valid comparison.
If people were being forced to queue up for 9 hours to pay tribute.
If the naysayers were being locked up in The Tower and/or being executed.
If all that was happening then you'd have a point.
But none of it is. So you don't. Stop being ridiculous.

Oh, and "banned laughing". More trolling.
Oh noes, the BBC stopped showing Mrs Brown's Boys! Well find it on i fucking player then if you're that bothered. Who watches TV live these days anyway?
I actually flicked through some channels last Thursday - 1 to 5 were wall to wall Queen, but Dave was still doing its thing.
A lot of comedians did cancel their shows that night but they weren't forced to, they just felt it was the right thing to do. Kevin Bridges did his show.
Banned laughing. Honestly, how can you write stuff like that and claim you're not trolling?

It's an absolute laughing stock and it's fuckin beautiful to see the utter disbelief the rest of the world is looking on with.

You genuinely seem to think that you just saying stuff makes it true. When I was in Green Park on Wednesday I saw a Polish flag with a tribute to the Queen from "The Poles". Our dev team is over there so I sent one of them a picture of it, she said they have a lot of fondness for the Queen. There have been tributes to her from around the world. She had a global impact, I'm sorry if that annoys you, but it's true.
I am interested in what people overseas think about all this, the people I've spoken to from other countries aren't looking on at "utter disbelief". At worst they think it's all a bit eccentric. And you know what, they're right. The monarchy is eccentric. It does feel out of place in a modern world. If I started a new country now there's no way I'd have a monarchy. But it's part of our history and tradition and a part that I personally quite like. I certainly don't think removing the royal family would fix any of the problems in the country. Those are mostly caused by the idiots we elect to run things.

16-09-2022, 10:02 AM
Holy shit, they've closed entry to "the queue" now because it reached capacity :lol:

16-09-2022, 10:05 AM
My tuppence worth...

For me the 'hysteria' of the people queuing to see the Queen lying in state isn't even really about whether people are monarchists or not. It's (a) to a great extent an emotional reaction to the passing of an important (objectively) figurehead who was a constant point of reference in most peoples' lives - and a response to change on a phsychological level. Change is unsettling, and just as people mark the passing of a relative or friend by attending a funeral, so many of those who have gone to Westminster Hall have been drawn to do so for similar reasons. Many of these people are also remembering the loss of a loved one - particularly a parent or a grand parent - and the symbolic passing of a way of life. (b) No doubt, some of these people feel the wish to be part of a historical event.

I am pretty neutral about the Monarchy, and would not bother wasting my time queuing on the South Bank, but I wonlt disparage those who feel drawn to do so.

I do feel, however, that the Queen (and the wider Royal Family) are part of this country's history, culture and traditions whether we like it or not. The Monarchy is an inescapable part of what it means to be British. I respect those who feel that it isn't to them personally, but this is nevertheless the case as a collective. Identity is a vital part of the human condition, and is abandoned to our detriment. Throughout history, dictators and occupiers have sought to erase culture and traditions as a way of of exercising control - look at the Uyghurs in China - or what Isis sought to do by destroying historical monuments and artifacts in Iraq and Syria. After the French Revolution, the Monarchy was pretty quickly replaced by the Napoleonic dynasty. It's what humans do.

So for those republicans - to a degree this would only really replace one form of (non political) hierarchy with another. And if we are honest, our Western style of democratically elected leaders or figureheads is hardly working well.

Xhaka Can’t
16-09-2022, 10:16 AM

16-09-2022, 11:02 AM
I am pretty neutral about the Monarchy, and would not bother wasting my time queuing on the South Bank, but I wonlt disparage those who feel drawn to do so.
Right. I mean, I have a certain fondness for the monarchy although a lot of that is wrapped up in the Queen.
When the dust has settled it will be interesting to see how the national mood changes with Charles as King. He is, to say the least, not as popular as the Queen was.

But I don't understand why any of this is annoying people so much. If you're fed up of the BBC's endless coverage then go watch Netflix (other content providers are available). The people moaning probably never watch BBC live anyway. If you don't share people's sadness at her death then OK, no-one is forcing you to. People aren't being rounded up in buses and forced to join the queue. I have a nagging feeling I'll regret not going, but I'm not waiting 9 sodding hours. The fact that so many people are willing to do that shows what she meant to a lot of people in this country. If people don't share that feeling well OK, the funeral isn't mandatory viewing. This whole thing is, at worst, a minor and temporary inconvenience.

Xhaka Can’t
16-09-2022, 11:21 AM
Operations cancelled.
Appointments for medical diagnosis cancelled.
Medical tests cancelled.
Funerals for those grieving actual loved ones, postponed.
People advised they shouldn’t be seen riding a bicycle during the funeral.
All manner of business postponed at short notice.

This isn’t minor inconvenience. The impact on some people is huge and unnecessary.

Some fuckwit even had the nerve to tell me the nature of these cancellations was no different from medical procedures not taking place on Christmas Day. That’s the idiocy we’re arguing against because I can’t recall the last time Christmas was sprung on the entire population as a complete surprise with less than 10 days notice.

16-09-2022, 11:24 AM
Right. I mean, I have a certain fondness for the monarchy although a lot of that is wrapped up in the Queen.
When the dust has settled it will be interesting to see how the national mood changes with Charles as King. He is, to say the least, not as popular as the Queen was.

But I don't understand why any of this is annoying people so much. If you're fed up of the BBC's endless coverage then go watch Netflix (other content providers are available). The people moaning probably never watch BBC live anyway. If you don't share people's sadness at her death then OK, no-one is forcing you to. People aren't being rounded up in buses and forced to join the queue. I have a nagging feeling I'll regret not going, but I'm not waiting 9 sodding hours. The fact that so many people are willing to do that shows what she meant to a lot of people in this country. If people don't share that feeling well OK, the funeral isn't mandatory viewing. This whole thing is, at worst, a minor and temporary inconvenience.

Yes - I'd pretty much agree with you. As a history fan - I watched a bit of TV the day the Queen died and the day after, but I find the wall to wall coverage - particularly on the BBC - a bit much. For me - it's like Comic Relief. I understand it means a lot to some people but it bores me (it's also cheap TV).

Can't really understand why people are so exorcised about it.

As for the committed anti-monarchists, for me there's a lot of tall poppy syndrome. Plenty of people have gained far more wealth than the Monarchy through means as dubious as those on which the Monarchy's traditional and historic wealth is originally based, but don't attract the same degree of antipathy. For me, top footballers and movie stars (for example) earn 10's of millions that are disproportionate to the true value of the work they do - and elected leaders often go on to earn similar amounts by virtue of the offices they once held, and often via what let's face it is institutionalised corruption. But as this is not so high in the poplular consciousness it goes largely under the radar. I understand that King Charles' charities raise more than £100 million annually, but this is rarely balanced against the cost of teh Sovereign Grant - that some take exception to.

But then I am pretty obsessed with balance - which is a rare commodity in debate these days.

16-09-2022, 11:34 AM
Operations cancelled.
This isn’t minor inconvenience. The impact on some people is huge and unnecessary.
You lose points for not mentioning Centre Parcs.
But OK, fine. I agree a lot of that is ridiculous.

Marc Overmars
16-09-2022, 11:49 AM
Just heard on the news the queue is 14 hours. :haha:

Fucking hell.

Xhaka Can’t
16-09-2022, 11:52 AM
There is much more but I haven’t the time.

Suffice to say, there was plenty of time to prepare for and manage the impacts.

But all the preparations were meticulously devoted to ‘show respect’ to someone well over 99% of the populace has never met.

Zero consideration or if there was consideration of the populace, zero fucks were given as to the impact on us.

Your loved one’s funeral, postponed as a mark of respect for someone you never even met.

Your medical condition, you’ve waited months to have treated after almost two years of not being diagnosed because of covid, postponed. Indefinitely.

No governance, after over two months of no governance.

You obviously don’t like comparisons with North Korea, but right now this country is aligned with the mindset of that country. Our priorities are identical to those of that country in many ways.

If anything, the North Koreans are excused their fawning because most of them are compelled to do this to themselves.

This country has no excuse.

16-09-2022, 01:03 PM
You obviously don’t like comparisons with North Korea, but right now this country is aligned with the mindset of that country. Our priorities are identical to those of that country in many ways.

If anything, the North Koreans are excused their fawning because most of them are compelled to do this to themselves.

This country has no excuse.

Wonderful stuff, man.

Shame the debate is against bible thumpers/monarchists.

Like beating a cripple in a fight.

16-09-2022, 01:04 PM
You can't plan for all this stuff in advance. Appointments are planned well in advance, as are funerals. If a bank holiday is declared with a week's notice that is obviously going to affect things and there's no way of planning for that.
One could argue that those things should continue - I'd agree they should. But no-one is dictating they stop.
It's been declared a holiday but it's up to businesses how they respond to that, there is no obligation for them to cancel funerals or any other appointments.

16-09-2022, 01:05 PM
There is much more but I haven’t the time.

Suffice to say, there was plenty of time to prepare for and manage the impacts.

But all the preparations were meticulously devoted to ‘show respect’ to someone well over 99% of the populace has never met.

Zero consideration or if there was consideration of the populace, zero fucks were given as to the impact on us.

Your loved one’s funeral, postponed as a mark of respect for someone you never even met.

Your medical condition, you’ve waited months to have treated after almost two years of not being diagnosed because of covid, postponed. Indefinitely.

No governance, after over two months of no governance.

You obviously don’t like comparisons with North Korea, but right now this country is aligned with the mindset of that country. Our priorities are identical to those of that country in many ways.

If anything, the North Koreans are excused their fawning because most of them are compelled to do this to themselves.

This country has no excuse.

Actually I do agree with this

I think if someone had a loved ones funeral planned for Monday or an urgent medical appointment to have it postponed at short notice is completely unacceptable. I don’t mind in principle a bank holiday being declared because there aren’t enough public holidays in this country to begin with, but I don’t think the ramifications of it were considered at all in the London Bridge planning. And if they were and they decided to do this anyway and the Queen herself signed off on it, it was bloody selfish of her.

16-09-2022, 01:21 PM
Actually I do agree with this

I think if someone had a loved ones funeral planned for Monday or an urgent medical appointment to have it postponed at short notice is completely unacceptable. I don’t mind in principle a bank holiday being declared because there aren’t enough public holidays in this country to begin with, but I don’t think the ramifications of it were considered at all in the London Bridge planning. And if they were and they decided to do this anyway and the Queen herself signed off on it, it was bloody selfish of her.

if it's true about operations etc then it's outrageous, is that definite?

Ollie the Optimist
16-09-2022, 01:29 PM
Actually I do agree with this

I think if someone had a loved ones funeral planned for Monday or an urgent medical appointment to have it postponed at short notice is completely unacceptable. I don’t mind in principle a bank holiday being declared because there aren’t enough public holidays in this country to begin with, but I don’t think the ramifications of it were considered at all in the London Bridge planning. And if they were and they decided to do this anyway and the Queen herself signed off on it, it was bloody selfish of her.

Some articles state taht it is up the local NHS trusts on how to proceed and they are the ones making decisions to cancel operations/appointments etc.

Obviously we can’t criticise the NHS at all, otherwise people get very upset. Such as if you weren’t applauding loudly enough in 2020, sounds a bit North Korea doenst it.

On a serious point, cancelling of appointments is not good especially with the covid backlog. Perhaps the trusts have worked out that double pay or whatever bank holidays are means its too expensive but surely teh costs of delaying further treatment will outweigh those costs. With funerals, articles seem to imply the most of those being postponed are because the family have requested it rather than being told it must be delayed. If thats their personal choices then who are we to argue against them? I would perhaps understand places saying no funerals between 10-12 on Monday while Queens funeral is going on but not the whole day.

The Center parks was a complete fiasco. I suppose given that this hasn’t happened for 70 years no one quite knows how to handle it. I suspect it’s going to be very different when Charles dies as lessons will have been learnt from this.

I do slightly disagree with letters in taht you cant plan for a bank holiday with a weeks notice but most businesses such as NHS should have started to have contingency plans in place, she was 96 so you cant say it was unexpected

Ollie the Optimist
16-09-2022, 01:32 PM

He was a fantastic commentator. The six nations wont be the same without him

16-09-2022, 02:24 PM
A lot of the unnecessary disruption, including last week's football being cancelled (even at kids levels btw so the point about police is BS) is down to terrified organisations engaging in virtue signalling, with people being scared of being tried and found guilty by the right wing media, this has of course been ramped up by the Leave debate where countless businesses which knew full well leaving the EU would fuck the economy were too scared to stand up and say so for fear of being branded traitors

We now have a country where free speech is trumpeted by the right but what they mean is the freedom for them to lie and distort the truth at will, while shouting down and branding as traitors anyone who disagrees with them

16-09-2022, 02:35 PM
I do slightly disagree with letters in taht you cant plan for a bank holiday with a weeks notice but most businesses such as NHS should have started to have contingency plans in place, she was 96 so you cant say it was unexpected
I guess that's fair. I mean, the signs were there that it was getting towards the end game. So it does seem to have come as more of a surprise than it should have and organisations who should have had some plan for this day seem to not have had one. I think it's fair to say that there will be "lessons learned" from this, to be fair we haven't had one of these in 70 years so I guess a bit of unforeseen disruption was inevitable. It's completely unacceptable that any funerals are cancelled but I would note that the cancellations have happened because of the decisions of individual businesses, not because of some edict from on high. When it comes to appointments it does seem that different NHS Trusts are doing different things which seems silly. But from experience with various local governments down the years they do seem to go out of their way to do the same thing in completely different ways.

Ollie the Optimist
16-09-2022, 02:43 PM
A lot of the unnecessary disruption, including last week's football being cancelled (even at kids levels btw so the point about police is BS) is down to terrified organisations engaging in virtue signalling, with people being scared of being tried and found guilty by the right wing media, this has of course been ramped up by the Leave debate where countless businesses which knew full well leaving the EU would fuck the economy were too scared to stand up and say so for fear of being branded traitors

We now have a country where free speech is trumpeted by the right but what they mean is the freedom for them to lie and distort the truth at will, while shouting down and branding as traitors anyone who disagrees with them

I think we all agree cancelling the football last weekend was wrong. I understand sport on the Friday being cancelled especially with the death being announced at 6:30 and decisions having to be made quickly, better to err on side of caution and see how the next day plays out and await government guidance. Once the guidance was sport was ok, cricket, rugby, golf etc quickly said Saturday would be normal. Football was wrong on that.

I would understand more premier league games being cancelled this weekend because of lack of police then last cancelling last week.

But lets not pretend that the cancel culture, virtue signalling you talk about is exclusive to the right. I think we all know that papers like the mail or express would probably have an article or two about people not being sufficiently sad etc but the left are also very good at cancelling people themselves. Just look at JK Rowling who said only women can mentusate and received death threats etc. The Harry Potter reunion even refused to intereview her over it because of fears of backlash by twitter etc. people jumped on the bandwagon to be seen taking hte knee to avoid being cancelled etc. it really isn’t exclusive to the right

16-09-2022, 02:57 PM
Whatever they'd done a section of the media and social media would have complained.
If they'd gone ahead then it would have been ZOMG IT'S SO DISRESPECTFUL!!!!1!!11!
They cancelled so a different lot are going ZOMG WHAT A RIDICULOUS OVERREACTION!!!!1!!11!


16-09-2022, 02:58 PM

Becks :bow:

16-09-2022, 04:19 PM
Entry to the queue has resumed

Expected queuing time is over 24 hours and overnight temperatures will be cold

Better get a move on, Gary, and wrap up warm ##

16-09-2022, 04:19 PM
Whatever they'd done a section of the media and social media would have complained.
If they'd gone ahead then it would have been ZOMG IT'S SO DISRESPECTFUL!!!!1!!11!
They cancelled so a different lot are going ZOMG WHAT A RIDICULOUS OVERREACTION!!!!1!!11!


so we ignore the media and get back to right and wrong - and they were wrong to cancel football becasue they spolit a lot of people's plans unnecesarily, including those who'd made plans adn paid good money to travel to see a game - plus ruined a lot of kids' weekends who wanted to play football

16-09-2022, 04:22 PM
Whatever they'd done a section of the media and social media would have complained.
If they'd gone ahead then it would have been ZOMG IT'S SO DISRESPECTFUL!!!!1!!11!
They cancelled so a different lot are going ZOMG WHAT A RIDICULOUS OVERREACTION!!!!1!!11!


You may be the single greatest serf I've ever encountered, man.

A staggeringly pathetic wee cunt :haha:

16-09-2022, 04:24 PM
so we ignore the media and get back to right and wrong - and they were wrong to cancel football becasue they spolit a lot of people's plans unnecesarily, including those who'd made plans adn paid good money to travel to see a game - plus ruined a lot of kids' weekends who wanted to play football

The only consideration was policing being stretched by the hullaballoo. I do think that would have been an issue in London as there was all that stuff going on last Saturday
Probably not an issue elsewhere.
And yeah, cancelling kids' football is ridiculous, why would they even do that?

16-09-2022, 04:25 PM
You may be the single greatest serf I've ever encountered, man.
The grown ups are talking. :console:

16-09-2022, 04:51 PM
changing the subject, this really works, it's amazing


Marc Overmars
16-09-2022, 05:31 PM
Potentially a 24 hour wait. :blink:

People are weird.

16-09-2022, 05:58 PM
Potentially a 24 hour wait. :blink:

People are weird.

Would genuinely love a terrorist attack, man.

Ollie the Optimist
16-09-2022, 06:26 PM
Would genuinely love a terrorist attack, man.

You want people to die for doing something that has literally no impact on your life whatsoever?

16-09-2022, 06:27 PM

Xhaka Can’t
16-09-2022, 06:34 PM
You want people to die for doing something that has literally no impact on your life whatsoever?

Not people. That would be disgusting.

Just royalists.

Ollie the Optimist
16-09-2022, 06:40 PM
Not people. That would be disgusting.

Just royalists.

Guess we should kill socialists too then


Xhaka Can’t
16-09-2022, 06:47 PM
Guess we should kill socialists too then


I had no idea you were a terrorist!

Still, you live and learn I guess.

16-09-2022, 06:48 PM
You want people to die for doing something that has literally no impact on your life whatsoever?

What, was I not clear?


These people are filth.

16-09-2022, 06:59 PM
And remember, folks, he’s not trolling!

16-09-2022, 07:03 PM
What, was I not clear?


These people are filth.

A lot of times I say things to bait you, believe me when I say that these sentiments are genuine

You’re the fucking scum of the earth. You know who also likes the idea of people being killed for not believing what they do…Islamic jihadists

I’ve actually spoken to people who lost children in the Manchester bombing arena, kids who did nothing wrong apart from going to a concert to enjoy themselves. Their lives ended and the lives of those who love them destroyed

I don’t care whether you’re trolling or serious, you’re a malignant cunt. Do us all a favour…stay in America and don’t fucking come back again

Piece of shit

16-09-2022, 07:23 PM

Xhaka Can’t
16-09-2022, 07:33 PM
It would seem she also brought her school age children, who should be at school.

£60 fine per parent per child.

16-09-2022, 09:03 PM


North Korea is laughing at them at this point, tbh.

16-09-2022, 09:06 PM

Her mum is quite clearly there in the pic :doh:

Manchester accent confusing the BBC.

“I bought my Mum, Sasha, to see The Queen; or at least a box with a big duvet over it”

Shaqiri Is Boss
16-09-2022, 09:24 PM
I mean the funny thing is, apart from this thread, is that there isn't a chance in hell she's even in that fucking box anyway

16-09-2022, 09:43 PM
I mean the funny thing is, apart from this thread, is that there isn't a chance in hell she's even in that fucking box anyway

Absolutely. And it does beg the question, who was in Bill Turnbulls coffin today?

16-09-2022, 09:46 PM
Rather inappropriate headline there. Is she still giving the orders or trying to escape?


Xhaka Can’t
16-09-2022, 10:09 PM
I thought they used a bell for that sort of thing.

16-09-2022, 10:18 PM
I mean the funny thing is, apart from this thread, is that there isn't a chance in hell she's even in that fucking box anyway

Ive heard this a few times

Why wouldn’t she be in there

It’s the body of a 96 year old woman not Gold bullion from the Brink’s-Mat heist

There’s near constant tv surveillance, and 24 hour guard around the coffin

It’s her in there because there’s no reason why it wouldn’t be

16-09-2022, 10:40 PM
My nephew made me aware of this “conspiracy theory”, if that’s even the right phrase for whatever the hell this is. I mean yeah, why wouldn’t she be? And, honestly, why does it even matter? It’s more symbolic than anything.
I am interested why some people always seem to think there has to be some “angle”.

Xhaka Can’t
16-09-2022, 11:12 PM
If only Sean Locke were alive, he could own Jon Richardson in a game of ‘Queen in a Box’.

17-09-2022, 05:43 AM

I miss Sean Locke :(

17-09-2022, 06:07 AM
My nephew made me aware of this “conspiracy theory”, if that’s even the right phrase for whatever the hell this is. I mean yeah, why wouldn’t she be? And, honestly, why does it even matter? It’s more symbolic than anything.
I am interested why some people always seem to think there has to be some “angle”.

If I were rolling out operation tower bridge and I thought there was even the very slightest chance of a cow tipping event, even with every obstacle possible in place, I would not want Queen to make an unplanned performance of “I Want To Break Free”.

17-09-2022, 06:37 AM
Cow tipping :lol:

17-09-2022, 11:01 AM


17-09-2022, 11:10 AM
Sky are doing a live stream of “The Queue”. Over 1000 people were watching just now.
Over a thousand people.
Watching a live stream.
Of a queue :lol:

19-09-2022, 08:04 AM
Just seen how many people are on The Mall already :lol:

Whatever you think of the monarchy, she was the GOAT of monarchs I reckon.

19-09-2022, 09:32 AM
Just seen how many people are on The Mall already :lol:

Whatever you think of the monarchy, she was the GOAT of monarchs I reckon.

Or the current UK population are the most sheeplike of all time

19-09-2022, 12:14 PM
Those two things are not mutually exclusive

19-09-2022, 10:02 PM
Genuinely think the aliens could have landed today and the BBC news wouldn’t have covered it.

20-09-2022, 11:52 AM
Genuinely think the aliens could have landed today and the BBC news wouldn’t have covered it.

The Bodysnatchers came years ago and replaced many previously sensible and analytical Arsenal fans with credulous clapping seals.

I hate to sound like NQ because I’m not a bitter alcoholic pining over a society I’ll never get and wouldn’t be happy in even if I did. But he does have a bit of a point over how the fan base seems to have developed selective amnesia (not even so much people on here)

Ollie the Optimist
21-09-2022, 06:34 AM
So Putin announces a partial mobilisation in Russia which is clearly the actions of a side who is winning.

Some sham referendums will be held in coming days in the areas currently held by Russia. It will be fun watching NQ defend them as completely free & fair referendums while also carrying on the pretence that the US election was fixed etc.

Xhaka Can’t
21-09-2022, 06:48 AM
Expect to hear of someone called Elvira Nabiullina committing suicide or falling out of a window soon.

The latest is that Elvira Nabiullina, the Russian Central Bank governor is or has resigned in response to the “partial full mobilisation’” of men between 18-60. She has provided the economic glue to Russia through their war effort. She initially tried to resign during March this year but her resignation was denied by Putin.

However, full mobilisation is the last straw for her.


21-09-2022, 08:22 AM
What an absolute disaster this war has been for Putin. He looks so weak.

21-09-2022, 08:43 AM
Expect to hear of someone called Elvira Nabiullina committing suicide or falling out of a window soon.

The latest is that Elvira Nabiullina, the Russian Central Bank governor is or has resigned in response to the “partial full mobilisation’” of men between 18-60. She has provided the economic glue to Russia through their war effort. She initially tried to resign during March this year but her resignation was denied by Putin.

However, full mobilisation is the last straw for her.


"According to the Telegram channel Generall SVR, run by a former Russian lieutenant who is now a dissident, Putin’s closest collaborators “are banging their heads against the wall” in an attempt to convince him not to take, or at least postpone, decisions with disastrous consequences."

isn't his head they need to be banging against the wall?

Ollie the Optimist
21-09-2022, 04:27 PM

Obviously the actions of a country where everyone is happy

Ollie the Optimist
21-09-2022, 04:28 PM
What an absolute disaster this war has been for Putin. He looks so weak.

Strong people don’t say “I’m not bluffing” when making threats.

23-09-2022, 09:14 AM

They're doing so much winning.

23-09-2022, 09:22 AM


The King :bow:

23-09-2022, 10:53 AM

The King :bow:

i'm sure the interviewer's grateful for being reminded - oh, he's probably killed himself by now, never mnd...