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31-07-2024, 01:39 PM

The Wengerbabies
31-07-2024, 03:21 PM
From Cardiff lol, the gaslighting is unreal

Axel Muganwa Redakubana

Daffyd he ain't

We have a serious problem in this country.

31-07-2024, 03:28 PM
From Cardiff lol, the gaslighting is unreal

Axel Muganwa Redakubana

Daffyd he ain't

We have a serious problem in this country.

Where did you get that name?


31-07-2024, 03:28 PM
From Cardiff lol, the gaslighting is unreal

Axel Muganwa Redakubana

Daffyd he ain't

We have a serious problem in this country.

So going to make this an immigration problem because of where his parents were from Rwanda, maybe the problem is you all gaslit yourselves and don’t want to let go of your precious narrative

Oh please feel free to tell me how the Rwandan genocide provided him with the cultural imprimatur to stab up children. Or maybe you can explain that Black people are genetically predisposed to murder and how the greater melanin count brings that about

Over to you fuck face :lol:

The Wengerbabies
31-07-2024, 03:34 PM
Where did you get that name?


A journalist doesn't reveal their sauces.

The Wengerbabies
31-07-2024, 03:35 PM
So going to make this an immigration problem because of where his parents were from Rwanda, maybe the problem is you all gaslit yourselves and don’t want to let go of your precious narrative

Oh please feel free to tell me how the Rwandan genocide provided him with the cultural imprimatur to stab up children. Or maybe you can explain that Black people are genetically predisposed to murder and how the greater melanin count brings that about

Over to you fuck face :lol:

Rwandan genocide was 30 years ago this lad is 17.

31-07-2024, 03:45 PM
A journalist doesn't reveal their sauces.

Unlike ketchup and BBQ, there are some bad sauces. You do have a history of believing ones which fit your agenda.


31-07-2024, 03:45 PM
Rwandan genocide was 30 years ago this lad is 17.

Exactly. So what’s your diagnosis for how immigration is the issue here aside from we shouldn’t have let his parents in because many years later there was a risk that a yet unborn son could go ballistic

31-07-2024, 04:20 PM
Oh and RIP Ismail Haniyeh…:haha: seriously though, send us a postcard from Hell, let us know how hot it is

31-07-2024, 04:23 PM
Exactly. So what’s your diagnosis for how immigration is the issue here aside from we shouldn’t have let his parents in because many years later there was a risk that a yet unborn son could go ballistic

Also i note that one of the kids concerned had a name which suggests that at least part of her family originated in another country (shock horror) - where does that leave wengerbabies? :shrug:

or is it just as simple as one fu*ked up person committed a horrendous crime?

31-07-2024, 04:27 PM
Oh and RIP Ismail Haniyeh…:haha: seriously though, send us a postcard from Hell, let us know how hot it is

So, a man goes down to Hell and is shown two rooms - one is full of people upside down in excrement, the other is full of people sitting having tea and biscuits

A demon says - "which room do you choose?" so the guy says "i'll go with the tea room"

so he's sat there for about ten minutes thinking "this isn't so bad" when a demon shouts out "ok everyone, tea break's over..."

01-08-2024, 12:04 PM
Axel Muganwa Redakubana
Fair play.
That is the dude's name :good:

Obviously only people of foreign heritage commit crime.

01-08-2024, 01:19 PM





'kin loving this pile-on :lol:

02-08-2024, 08:26 AM

I don't understand the issue here. The dude was arrested and is clearly guilty, by his own admission now.
But you surely shouldn't be sacking someone for an arrest - that would imply and presumption of guilt and isn't that the exact opposite of how things are supposed to work around here?

02-08-2024, 08:52 AM

I don't understand the issue here. The dude was arrested and is clearly guilty, by his own admission now.
But you surely shouldn't be sacking someone for an arrest - that would imply and presumption of guilt and isn't that the exact opposite of how things are supposed to work around here?

Let’s be fair his career with the Beeb was finished before this latest stuff came to light. Big name in a public sector broadcaster and with the beeb’s history of sweeping shit under the carpet. It just looks bad

02-08-2024, 09:19 AM
I can see it looks bad. But innocent till proven guilty is an important principle.
That said... he'd not actually been doing his job for some time so one could argue that would have been a better reason to stop paying him.

02-08-2024, 11:44 AM
Situation I have to say I’ve not previously been familiar with. Interviewed for a job yesterday, money better than I am on now. And they were impressed enough to make me an offer, but I turned them down. A lot of red flags came up in the interview.

02-08-2024, 12:06 PM
Interesting. What were the flags?

02-08-2024, 12:19 PM
Interesting. What were the flags?

Child sacrifice on a Tuesday

Which obviously goes against my beliefs

It should always be on a Friday

02-08-2024, 09:00 PM
Interesting. What were the flags?

They asked how wide his anus could spread.

02-08-2024, 09:04 PM
Racist thugs going ape - lock the fuckers up and throw away the key that's what I say

02-08-2024, 09:07 PM
Racist thugs going ape - lock the fuckers up and throw away the key that's what I say

Ignorant as always. Britain always in the top 3 race tolerant nations on the planet. Yet you haters keep pulling the racist card. It's because you have no reasonable arguments.

02-08-2024, 09:20 PM
Ignorant as always. Britain always in the top 3 race tolerant nations on the planet. Yet you haters keep pulling the racist card. It's because you have no reasonable arguments.

They're rioting because they were misinformed it was a muslim who murdered those kids, would they have rioted otherwise? If the answer's no (which you know it is) they're racist, pure and simple

02-08-2024, 09:34 PM
They're rioting because they were misinformed it was a muslim who murdered those kids, would they have rioted otherwise? If the answer's no (which you know it is) they're racist, pure and simple

No they aren't, that's just what the BBC imported direct to your brain, you being the willing subject. They are using force against force because the so-called representative of the people has failed to represent them for years. So now their voice has been taken away in the parliament they are not only free to, but honour bound to, resist enemies foreign and domestic. How long did you seriously think you could get away with it? And I suppose you though all British were betas like you? Bad, bad mistake.

02-08-2024, 09:57 PM
No they aren't, that's just what the BBC imported direct to your brain, you being the willing subject. They are using force against force because the so-called representative of the people has failed to represent them for years. So now their voice has been taken away in the parliament they are not only free to, but honour bound to, resist enemies foreign and domestic. How long did you seriously think you could get away with it? And I suppose you though all British were betas like you? Bad, bad mistake.

Begs the question Oliver Cromwell, why aren’t you out there with them?

02-08-2024, 10:42 PM
Begs the question Oliver Cromwell, why aren’t you out there with them?

The assumptions you make. We know you lot aren't doing anything constructive because you spend all your time wanking each other off here.

03-08-2024, 08:09 AM
No they aren't, that's just what the BBC imported direct to your brain, you being the willing subject. They are using force against force because the so-called representative of the people has failed to represent them for years. So now their voice has been taken away in the parliament they are not only free to, but honour bound to, resist enemies foreign and domestic. How long did you seriously think you could get away with it? And I suppose you though all British were betas like you? Bad, bad mistake.

Actually through fellow anger-inciting racists like Fuckrage, they do now have a presence in Parliament

03-08-2024, 10:43 AM
They asked how wide his anus could spread.

I don’t know what job interviews you’ve been going for

The Wengerbabies
03-08-2024, 03:16 PM


They're literally taking over, given prominent roles in British institutions and they still hate us.

04-08-2024, 12:27 AM
Actually through fellow anger-inciting racists like Fuckrage, they do now have a presence in Parliament

Forget Farage, he's another puppet who wants to play by the one-sided rules. And even if you want to go there, Reform got half as much support from the people as the marxists, 4 million to 9 million votes, but only 5 seats compared to 411. So don't bother with the bullshit. If the British people were really represented in parliament the likes of you would be deported to wherever it is you crawled in from. 4 million of us compared to 9 million of you, that's not in any way a fair fight. See you soon.

04-08-2024, 09:28 AM
The Labour party under Starmer is about as marxist as Thatcher, try getting up to speed

04-08-2024, 10:43 AM
The Labour party under Starmer is about as marxist as Thatcher, try getting up to speed

The argument will be that Labour is captured by woke ideology which has cultural Marxism at its roots. When I say the argument will be, it’s not an argument I hold to. One because it’s overly simplistic to ascribe modern social justice theory to Marx because it’s a mixture of loads of different French and American sociological theories. Second there’s a doubt to the extent of which Labour buy into this stuff (or in Starmer’s case spend that much time thinking about it). They’ve rightly in my view retained a ban on puberty blockers and gained a lot of anger from people to their left.

They have in my view been totally irresponsible in returning funding to UNRWA (which even if you take away the questions it has to answer over the extent of its complicity in October 7th, is an organisation that plays into this idea that Palestinians living in Gaza or the West Bank are refugees who are waiting to return home…how the fuck can you be a refugee for eighty years. This kind of thinking prevents any hope of a two state solution just as much as Hamas or the settlers). Then there is the embargo on arms to Israel (which is fortunate that the Israelis don’t rely on us for that, but they could easily decide the pharmaceuticals they export to us - should stop)

In terms of dealing with this thuggery, Labour perhaps hasn’t helped itself by Not taking an equally strong stance against the riots in Harehills a fortnight ago (although Starmer did say the other day Crime is Crime and we make no distinction). But these marches are organised by the far right regardless of whether everyone who attends is or not. Just as the pro Palestinian marches were organised by extremists even if perhaps not everyone who attended was.

There can be an accusation of two tier policing, which I think is far more about police over correcting for their own racist behaviour in the past rather than any overt political bent. And I think this accusation long predates a Labour government that is less than a month old.

The Wengerbabies
04-08-2024, 04:29 PM
Strange how suddenly the courts can find the extra capacity :rolleyes:

04-08-2024, 05:12 PM
The one thing that can be taken as a positive from this atavistic savagery, is that we can another term to the collection of terms applied ironically.

Legitimate concerns will take its place alongside such greats as Stunning and Brave and Religion of Peace.

For instance in Liverpool city centre I see there are people with legitimate concerns that there may in fact be too many sausage rolls in Greggs and Bath Bombs in Lush

04-08-2024, 05:33 PM
The thing is, there are some legitimate concerns around immigration and a failure to integrate into English society. But going round smashing things up and setting things on fire isn’t a way to express those, that’s just being a load of thugs and racist wankers.
I vaguely agree with NQ’s assertion that we are, overall, one of the more tolerant nations when it comes to immigration. But the events in Southport have given a load of racist thugs an excuse to be racist thugs. Which is stupid because this was clearly a kid who isn’t right in the head. Which is nothing to do with his race or religion

04-08-2024, 05:53 PM
The thing is, there are some legitimate concerns around immigration and a failure to integrate into English society. But going round smashing things up and setting things on fire isn’t a way to express those, that’s just being a load of thugs and racist wankers.
I vaguely agree with NQ’s assertion that we are, overall, one of the more tolerant nations when it comes to immigration. But the events in Southport have given a load of racist thugs an excuse to be racist thugs. Which is stupid because this was clearly a kid who isn’t right in the head. Which is nothing to do with his race or religion

The point is the term legitimate concern is doing some very heavy lifting in order to provide a mitigation for violent atavism.

It’s like how people tried to explain away the 2011 riots by going on about inequality, social exclusion and racism (because that cunt Mark Duggan happened to be black).

What is a concern is the growing sectarianism in certain areas, I mentioned it on July 5th when I decried political Islamists getting into parliament. And these scum exploit the racial/religious identitarianism just as much as the reform lot exploit the growing white identitarianism “we are in danger of becoming a minority in our own country”

This is a direct result of both left and right making hay out of exemplifying differences. But It’s not to say mass immigration has played no part, I said last year I felt uncomfortable walking around Whitechapel…not because of the colour of people’s faces but because it felt more like Sylhet than London (especially with the entrance to the station marked in Bengali as well as English).

But legitimate concerns means nothing but glib justification for violence, vandalism and looting in this context

I also think this country is one of the most tolerant and least racist in the world. We also tend not to have much in the way of social unrest either, largely because Britain is culturally attuned to be non-revolutionary.

Marc Overmars
05-08-2024, 07:58 AM
I was in Liverpool on the weekend and witnessed some pretty shameful stuff.

How shit and insignificant of a life have you got to lead to feel compelled to go out and destroy city centres and assault innocent people for no reason. I think everyone agrees that immigration needs to be controlled but most of these knuckle draggers are just getting involved for the sake of causing chaos. Not only that but you’ve got feral kids running around looting and setting off fireworks in public spaces. Embarrassing state this country is in right now.

05-08-2024, 08:17 AM
The point is the term legitimate concern is doing some very heavy lifting in order to provide a mitigation for violent atavism.
Yes, I get what point you're making.

We are a pretty tolerant country, as these things go. But I do understand concerns about immigration - I've posted on here how it increasingly feels like we are in the minority in some areas. "We" being white British. Back in the day you'd have immigrants of course - you'd have the Italian kid or the Indian kid or whatever at school. But because there weren't that many they were fairly isolated so just became ingrained in British culture. Now you have round my way a Turkish community, a Greek community and so on. It would be an exaggeration to say they don't mix with others, but it is true that they're less integrated than they used to be and it does cause feelings of being out of place. A bit like how we have basically taken over the Costa del Sol and now it's all Irish Bar and Joe's Caff. I would imagine that pisses off the locals there, I guess they tolerate it because it's good for them economically. But I can understand how the recent incident can spark this sort of unrest. It's obviously bullshit justification for violent thugs to be violent thugs

The big issue is you have people like Farage telling people that it's because of immigrants that you're poor, it's because of immigrants that you can't see a doctor. It's obvious bullshit but they're an easy scapegoat for certain people to use. That all sows the seeds of division and resentment so it doesn't take much of an incident to cause it all to boil over.

05-08-2024, 09:28 AM
Yes, I get what point you're making.

We are a pretty tolerant country, as these things go. But I do understand concerns about immigration - I've posted on here how it increasingly feels like we are in the minority in some areas. "We" being white British. Back in the day you'd have immigrants of course - you'd have the Italian kid or the Indian kid or whatever at school. But because there weren't that many they were fairly isolated so just became ingrained in British culture. Now you have round my way a Turkish community, a Greek community and so on. It would be an exaggeration to say they don't mix with others, but it is true that they're less integrated than they used to be and it does cause feelings of being out of place. A bit like how we have basically taken over the Costa del Sol and now it's all Irish Bar and Joe's Caff. I would imagine that pisses off the locals there, I guess they tolerate it because it's good for them economically. But I can understand how the recent incident can spark this sort of unrest. It's obviously bullshit justification for violent thugs to be violent thugs

The big issue is you have people like Farage telling people that it's because of immigrants that you're poor, it's because of immigrants that you can't see a doctor. It's obvious bullshit but they're an easy scapegoat for certain people to use. That all sows the seeds of division and resentment so it doesn't take much of an incident to cause it all to boil over.

30% of the UK is either the child or grandchild of immigrants. So if people are targeting immigration on those grounds (which they appear to be doing with this stabby nut case) that’s going to create huge problems if these halfwits are going to claim that just over two thirds of those living in Britain are actually British.

What you’ve said about concern for areas not feeling like the same areas you grew up in and Integration not being apparent is all legitimate in my view, but it has zero to do with Southport or the subsequent violence…

Integration has always been more my concern more than number (although as you’ve observed greater number contributes to integration taking longer) I think the social justice mindset and this idea of embracing multiculturalism I don’t think helps. It’s not that I expect people abandon their own culture but it shouldn’t be in competition with British values and monocultural enclaves are hugely undesirable

But as I repeat, this violence has as much to do with this as the 2011 riots had to do with the Police killing Mark Duggan. People with legitimate concerns don’t attack police, set fire to civic buildings, loot from shops and commit arson and attempted murder.

05-08-2024, 09:50 AM
Farage is a grifter no more no less, he will always look for something to latch onto. In 2020 he made an abortive attempt to set up a political movement from being Anti Lockdown but he couldn’t get the traction about it. A year after Brexit he also remarked that immigration wasn’t the key issue for voters anymore. And until the small boats coming here largely spent his time taking money to record personalised messages for people.
Even if Integration had been more successful, and people weren’t minded to come up with conspiratorial explanations for mass migration other than the true reasons, because of low birth rates leading to an ageing population and to create economic growth. In this social media there would always be some grievance to exploit real or imagined. And with all grievances there’s always a grain of truth.

The fact is globalisation isn’t a conspiracy, it’s a natural occurrence of technological development. And whilst the global south is on an upward trajectory in terms of better living conditions on the whole it’s still behind the western world in terms of overall poverty, life chances etc.

Human beings are also naturally itinerant, we didn’t just leave the African savannahs to avoid heat death. The idea that everyone was always just going to stay in the same place is daft. And plenty of Brits migrate to Europe, the Anglosphere and even areas of South East Asia and the Arab gulf for work purposes (not in the same number admittedly)

My argument is that if we don’t want people coming here, we need to a) address the low pay gig economy that prevents the “indigenous” British from taking up certain jobs, and put more money into vocational training so that we aren’t having to import a skilled work force and b) Need to rethink the way we do foreign aid which at the moment allows corrupt dictators to pocket the money and do nothing for the people there

We also need governments to stop speaking out of both sides of their mouth on the issue. The immigration issue was centrered on the small boats and the government did draconian gesture politics with the expensive and ineffective Rwanda scheme. But the vast spite in immigration were people invited here to supplement the work force in the care sector (another side effect from having an ageing population) and bring the money into universities from foreign students

05-08-2024, 11:12 AM
Cricketer Graham Thorpe dies he was only 55 :( RIP :rose: https://www.skysports.com/cricket/news/12123/13191069/graham-thorpe-former-england-and-surrey-batter-dies-aged-55

05-08-2024, 11:42 AM
If you want proper riots, go to Bangladesh. They don't mess around over there.

05-08-2024, 11:43 AM
If you want proper riots, go to Bangladesh. They don't mess around over there.

Neither I imagine do the police

05-08-2024, 01:36 PM
Cricketer Graham Thorpe dies he was only 55 :( RIP :rose: https://www.skysports.com/cricket/news/12123/13191069/graham-thorpe-former-england-and-surrey-batter-dies-aged-55

That's really sad, excellent player from probably the last playing generation before the showoffs took over

05-08-2024, 01:42 PM
That's really sad, excellent player from probably the last playing generation before the showoffs took over

By show offs you mean better players ?

No age to die, and Thorpe was definitely a player who could dig you out of a hole with a good knock

05-08-2024, 02:27 PM
I mean people like Stokes whose 'tribute' is to post a picture of errr, Ben Stokes, rather than Thorpe himself


05-08-2024, 04:15 PM
I mean people like Stokes whose 'tribute' is to post a picture of errr, Ben Stokes, rather than Thorpe himself


It’s an image of him wearing a shirt with Thorpe on it, not that I’d ever accuse you of nitpicking when it comes to you taking against certain sportsmen :lol:

05-08-2024, 04:53 PM
It’s an image of him wearing a shirt with Thorpe on it

...well it's just Thorpe's England number but anyway again it's all about him rather than Thorpe, why not just a picture of Thorpe?

showoffs like him and Pietersen before him just put me right off English cricket tbh

05-08-2024, 05:25 PM
...well it's just Thorpe's England number but anyway again it's all about him rather than Thorpe, why not just a picture of Thorpe?

showoffs like him and Pietersen before him just put me right off English cricket tbh

I think you might need to go and speak to someone about these arbitrary dislikes you have…:lol:. I think Pietersen is a Wally (but then so are a lot of white Saffas…the end of Apartheid really had a monumental effect on their self esteem) but this is no way detracted from my enjoyment of some of the best cricket England produced in thirty years. Certainly didn’t sully my enjoyment watching him get a century at the Oval against Australia that guaranteed we won the Ashes.

08-08-2024, 07:51 AM


I hope he's having a succulent Chinese meal somewhere.

08-08-2024, 08:09 AM
He basically admitted that it was all put on so that they thought he was nuts

A bit like Eduard Khil with “Trolollol” he managed to spend the last few years of his life dining out on that, and why not

08-08-2024, 09:23 AM
No they aren't, that's just what the BBC imported direct to your brain, you being the willing subject. They are using force against force because the so-called representative of the people has failed to represent them for years. So now their voice has been taken away in the parliament they are not only free to, but honour bound to, resist enemies foreign and domestic. How long did you seriously think you could get away with it? And I suppose you though all British were betas like you? Bad, bad mistake.

Yeah. All these big brave men.



08-08-2024, 11:34 AM
total fucking kudos with bells on to all those people who turned up to face down the racists - I was at the Leverkusen game but on the way home through Walthamstow you could hear them :clap:

oh and... https://x.com/DachshundColin/status/1821310756165705908


08-08-2024, 11:57 AM
total fucking kudos with bells on to all those people who turned up to face down the racists - I was at the Leverkusen game but on the way home through Walthamstow you could hear them :clap:

oh and... https://x.com/DachshundColin/status/1821310756165705908


Ah yes the Anti Fascists and Anti Racists who were at pains to tell us that the riots of the last week were all a Zionist conspiracy. And in Finsbury the Anti Fascist campaigner explicitly spoke about driving out the Zionists from the area (which over 90% of British Jews are).

I don’t believe there is two tier policing in the sense that people of different skin colour are police differently. But there’s too often the naive assumption that on the right it’s all hate but on the left it’s all social justice

I’m freedom of speech outside of incitement to violence, and when a guy shouts to a crowd that Zionists should have their throats slit…it’s going to really feed into the rights narrative if he’s not arrested for that

Oh and even better the guy’s a Labour councillor. Cunt

The Wengerbabies
08-08-2024, 02:17 PM
total fucking kudos with bells on to all those people who turned up to face down the racists - I was at the Leverkusen game but on the way home through Walthamstow you could hear them :clap:

oh and... https://x.com/DachshundColin/status/1821310756165705908



Such peace, such tolerance.


08-08-2024, 03:04 PM
I thought that was going to be a video of them smashing stuff up.
Is that the best you've got? :lol:

08-08-2024, 03:35 PM
I thought that was going to be a video of them smashing stuff up.
Is that the best you've got? :lol:

In terms of criminal violence, clashes with police, vandalism etc no there’s absolutely no comparison

My argument is that these people should not be treated as an antidote to the far right thugs when (and this is far from a single incident) they are openly using antisemitic tropes and advocating for violence against “Zionists”

My contention is that they are cunts just like the far right cunts, even if on the whole they are relatively better behaved cunts

And if the police do not want to cement this two tier policing accusation, they will arrest this cunt

Edit - He has now in fact been Arrested. Good

08-08-2024, 04:29 PM
My contention is that they are cunts just like the far right cunts, even if on the whole they are relatively better behaved cunts
I don't think there's any real comparison. No-one smashing things up over the last week, having running battles with police, attacking mosques, setting fire to hotels with families and kids in - none of that is people peacefully expressing "legitimate concerns", it was yobs being yobs. And it wasn't a few bad apples, it was what they were there to do.
That bloke in the video is obviously a dick and I agree it's good he's been arrested, but it was clearly a largely peaceful crowd and people are actively commending their behaviour.

08-08-2024, 04:47 PM
In terms of criminal violence, clashes with police, vandalism etc no there’s absolutely no comparison
I don't know if you added this in the edit or whether I just can't read.

08-08-2024, 04:52 PM
I don't think there's any real comparison. No-one smashing things up over the last week, having running battles with police, attacking mosques, setting fire to hotels with families and kids in - none of that is people peacefully expressing "legitimate concerns", it was yobs being yobs. And it wasn't a few bad apples, it was what they were there to do.
That bloke in the video is obviously a dick and I agree it's good he's been arrested, but it was clearly a largely peaceful crowd and people are actively commending their behaviour.

I heard the largely peaceful crowd thing about the pro Palestinian demonstrations, my contention is at what point when you see week after week the most horrendous anti Jewish slogans written on placards, hear vile chants all the time (or pretend not to hear them in the case of your selectively deaf friend) and yet you continue to show up at these demonstrations does the benefit of the doubt disappear and the assumption made that you basically either approve of the messages because at the most charitable I can be, you’re too stupid to realise that this is just as bad as racism against blacks or Asians.

If you condemn far right thuggery yet constantly find yourself marching with them I have questions as to the sincerity of your condemnation, why should this be any different

It’s like Corbyn all over again, the gaslighting that took place that he had to be the world’s unluckiest non racist. “Oh he’s sharing a platform with someone who has repeated the blood libel, and with another guy who denied the holocaust?. I can’t believe how unlucky poor Jezza is”

The reason we rightly condemn far right apes, and defend these lot is in my view a form of classism and the subconscious attitude that racism by non white people isn’t as bad, because they’ve had to deal with racism themselves

08-08-2024, 04:56 PM
I don't know if you added this in the edit or whether I just can't read.

No I didn’t add it later. There’s no question they are in their behaviour less of a threat to public order and public safety…so in that regard any comparison is apples and oranges

But I don’t think these are good people, and I don’t think they should be celebrated as the antidote to far right thuggery. Simple as that

08-08-2024, 05:16 PM
or pretend not to hear them in the case of your selectively deaf friend
Please stop calling my mate a liar.
It was a big protest, he saw and heard what he saw and heard. He mentioned at the time some dodgy placards, he didn't hear the chants you mentioned at the time. Which doesn't mean they didn't occur but it was over a big area in central London and I seriously doubt the entire group of people marching were chanting it.

If you condemn far right thuggery yet constantly find yourself marching with them I have questions as to the sincerity of your condemnation, why should this be any different
Because the far right thuggery isn't just about marching, it's about violence and disorder and harming people.
Imagine a protest being sparked by a kid stabbing children and the response being to burn down a fucking hotel which has children in, because they're not English children. Holy shit!

The reason we rightly condemn far right apes, and defend these lot is in my view a form of classism and the subconscious attitude that racism by non white people isn’t as bad, because they’ve had to deal with racism themselves
No. I'll defend these lot because they are mostly peaceful and actually trying to bring harmony and peace - not all of them, that bloke wasn't doing that and I'm not defending him.
The far right are trying to do the opposite. There are some people who I DO think have legitimate concerns, but they're not out there marching or smashing shit up.

08-08-2024, 05:25 PM
Please stop calling my mate a liar.
It was a big protest, he saw and heard what he saw and heard. He mentioned at the time some dodgy placards, he didn't hear the chants you mentioned at the time. Which doesn't mean they didn't occur but it was over a big area in central London and I seriously doubt the entire group of people marching were chanting it.

Because the far right thuggery isn't just about marching, it's about violence and disorder and harming people.
Imagine a protest being sparked by a kid stabbing children and the response being to burn down a fucking hotel which has children in, because they're not English children. Holy shit!

No. I'll defend these lot because they are mostly peaceful and actually trying to bring harmony and peace - not all of them, that bloke wasn't doing that and I'm not defending him.
The far right are trying to do the opposite. There are some people who I DO think have legitimate concerns, but they're not out there marching or smashing shit up.

No I said he had selective hearing , it’s not the same thing as calling him a liar. It’s saying you see what you choose to see and hear what you choose to hear. People do figuratively wander around with their eyes closed when it suits them….especially when they are high on their own sense of righteousness.

You can choose to defend who you like, in my view even people with the most repugnant and ignorant views can also be peaceful in their behaviour. You think they are good people? Fine I think you’re naive. I don’t think that impasse is going to be broken

But again you fixate on this idea that I’m saying that they are as bad as the far right lot, in terms of behaviour absolutely not. I’m saying again that in my view these aren’t good people, they’ve been told repeatedly what from the river to the sea means and they still chant it, many of them ignore the vile Islamists in their presence and they shroud it under the pretence of social justice. If they are the antidote to the far right, then this country is fucked in my view

08-08-2024, 05:53 PM
No I said he had selective hearing , it’s not the same thing as calling him a liar. It’s saying you see what you choose to see and hear what you choose to hear. People do figuratively wander around with their eyes closed when it suits them….especially when they are high on their own sense of righteousness.
This is nonsense. My mate wasn't oblivious to the dodgy placards. Again, it was a large march spread over a large area. Literally last season there was talk of something happening in the Emirates (someone being booed? I forget the details). People on here said they didn't hear it and implied it didn't happen. It probably did happen, but if it happened the other side of the ground to them they probably didn't hear it. Not because of selective hearing, because of physical distance and the fact it was probably quite isolated.

You think they are good people?
You're talking about a large crowd. Saying "these aren’t good people" is a ridiculous generalisation about a group of people. There's going to be a range of attitudes. I think most of them have good intentions, want to end violence, want to bring harmony. I am not saying they all are, an example has been provided of someone who wasn't. The more violent protests - I'm happy to believe that some of them wanted to peacefully protest but I'd suggest a significantly higher percentage were violent yobs.

You might not think they're as bad as each other but you seem quite scathing about a whole group of people on the left when I'd suggest your ire should only be directed at a minority of them.

08-08-2024, 06:17 PM
This is nonsense. My mate wasn't oblivious to the dodgy placards. Again, it was a large march spread over a large area. Literally last season there was talk of something happening in the Emirates (someone being booed? I forget the details). People on here said they didn't hear it and implied it didn't happen. It probably did happen, but if it happened the other side of the ground to them they probably didn't hear it. Not because of selective hearing, because of physical distance and the fact it was probably quite isolated.

You're talking about a large crowd. Saying "these aren’t good people" is a ridiculous generalisation about a group of people. There's going to be a range of attitudes. I think most of them have good intentions, want to end violence, want to bring harmony. I am not saying they all are, an example has been provided of someone who wasn't. The more violent protests - I'm happy to believe that some of them wanted to peacefully protest but I'd suggest a significantly higher percentage were violent yobs.

You might not think they're as bad as each other but you seem quite scathing about a whole group of people on the left when I'd suggest your ire should only be directed at a minority of them.

Yeah absolutely I have nothing but contempt for them. We are well past the point of giving them the benefit of the doubt, and I’m judging them by the standards they would use to judge the right. When someone attends a march that is even condemned by the local Labour MP when it contains explicit hatred against what it calls Zionists (90% of British Jews identify as Zionist) no I’m not going to describe them as good people because they aren’t.

As I’ve said, this is the same gaslighting that went on when people went on about Corbyn being a decent guy when the evidence to the contrary was constantly there, that there wasn’t a crank world view that he wouldn’t have some connection to as long as it was explicitly Anti-Israel…and again the most charitable I can be is that these people are so self-deluded that they think their world view is a morally good one and are useful idiots for the most malign ideologies and regimes.

I don’t know how many marches of this ilk your mate attends, but yeah I think it’s fair to say that if he’s attended more than one that he’s likely choosing to ignore the available evidence of the type of people who organise the march and the types of people he’s marching with. We delude ourselves collectively into thinking the worst thing about the left is that they might be a bit out there with some of their beliefs, we totally discount that groups like the Socialist Worker party (who are often responsible for organising these so called Anti Fascist demonstrations) are the some of the most vile people in existence…who engaged on industrial level cover up of sexual abuse within their organisation and would support and fund not only just the IRA but were pro Saddam Hussein as well as supportive of regimes like Assad in Syria and Maduro in Venezuela.
It’s called the horseshoe effect. Doesn’t matter if it’s left or right…the more extreme you move away from the centre the more you’re going to be open to conspiracy theory, racial sectarianism and be ok with violence. The left in this country don’t generally become all that violent unless it’s against the far right (I’m good with that, let them kill each other for all I care) but France, Germany and recently in America that’s simply not the case.

08-08-2024, 06:29 PM
Sam Harris who I think is one of the few prominent public intellectuals who hasn’t either gone completely fucking insane or pretending at least to be to appeal to that online demographic, is more charitable than me describing the student protesters in America and the belief systems embraced by the modern left as being in a state of “moral confusion”. I think the time has long since passed where they can be given the excuse of ignorance to fall back on.

But then maybe I’m guilty of failure of imagination of doubting the extent of people’s credulity. They are likely on average better educated than those on the right, that’s not the same as being more intelligent

But yeah I think left wing tribalism and right wing tribalism are cancers on western society that erode clear thinking, and condemns us all to a world where objectivity and consistency are no longer things we even strive for

08-08-2024, 08:28 PM
Yeah absolutely I have nothing but contempt for them.
Which is stupid. You're judging a whole group of people who will have a wide range of opinions and outlooks on life. And you're saying you have contempt for all of them. It's a sweeping, meaningless generalisation. It's like saying you don't like football fans. What does that even mean? Sure, some football fans are violent thugs. Most aren't. So saying you have contempt for all of them would be pretty silly.

If you're saying extremism is bad then OK, I can get on board with that. But most of the people marching against the far right aren't extreme.

08-08-2024, 08:30 PM
total fucking kudos with bells on to all those people who turned up to face down the racists - I was at the Leverkusen game but on the way home through Walthamstow you could hear them :clap:

oh and... https://x.com/DachshundColin/status/1821310756165705908


Good job cunts like you weren't calling the shots in 1939. Just because you are a coward doesn't mean nobody is British.

08-08-2024, 08:35 PM
Good job cunts like you weren't calling the shots in 1939. Just because you are a coward doesn't mean nobody is British.

I genuinely don't even know what that typically offensive garbled rubbish is trying to say

08-08-2024, 08:49 PM
I genuinely don't even know what that typically offensive garbled rubbish is trying to say

Means you are a cunt and don't deserve to even have your feet on this hallowed ground. Fuck off maybe, before you are made to.

08-08-2024, 09:00 PM
Which is stupid. You're judging a whole group of people who will have a wide range of opinions and outlooks on life. And you're saying you have contempt for all of them. It's a sweeping, meaningless generalisation. It's like saying you don't like football fans. What does that even mean? Sure, some football fans are violent thugs. Most aren't. So saying you have contempt for all of them would be pretty silly.

If you're saying extremism is bad then OK, I can get on board with that. But most of the people marching against the far right aren't extreme.

I’m saying I know the types of people who show up for these events, how they organise and the kind of messaging that brings them to said events

They aren’t people from all walks of life and they don’t have a wide range of outlooks and world views, they often move in the same online circles…there’s a fag paper in difference of opinion and they call themselves anti racist despite curiously becoming hard of hearing and vision when it’s racism against Jews. Although it’s really hard to say that the white ones are fully non racist to blacks and Asians they have this patronising, paternalistic attitude


08-08-2024, 09:00 PM
Means you are a cunt and don't deserve to even have your feet on this hallowed ground. Fuck off maybe, before you are made to.

Still making empty threats to people ?

08-08-2024, 09:02 PM
Still making empty threats to people ?

Didn't say I'd be the one correcting him. I don't do all that, not any more.

08-08-2024, 09:05 PM
Didn't say I'd be the one correcting him. I don't do all that, not any more.

Well if it’s just a prediction and it’s as accurate as most of your other predictions. He has nothing to worry about

08-08-2024, 09:10 PM
hallowed ground.
There's nothing particularly hallowed about this ground, you know.

08-08-2024, 09:14 PM
There's nothing particularly hallowed about this ground, you know.

I'm not too shabby on my history. If you were so versed you might have a bit of self dignity.

08-08-2024, 09:15 PM
Well if it’s just a prediction and it’s as accurate as most of your other predictions. He has nothing to worry about

Depends. If he pushes. Check the record. This ALWAYS turns out the same way.

08-08-2024, 09:15 PM
They aren’t people from all walks of life and they don’t have a wide range of outlooks and world views
Yes they are and yes they do. I mean, maybe not that wide, but certainly a range.
To suggest that tens of thousands of people are all exactly aligned and you know what they're all like is ludicrous

08-08-2024, 09:15 PM
I’m saying I know the types of people who show up for these events, how they organise and the kind of messaging that brings them to said events

They aren’t people from all walks of life and they don’t have a wide range of outlooks and world views, they often move in the same online circles…there’s a fag paper in difference of opinion and they call themselves anti racist despite curiously becoming hard of hearing and vision when it’s racism against Jews. Although it’s really hard to say that the white ones are fully non racist to blacks and Asians they have this patronising, paternalistic attitude


You know the types? Hilarious.

08-08-2024, 09:17 PM
Yes they are and yes they do. I mean, maybe not that wide, but certainly a range.
To suggest that tens of thousands of people are all exactly aligned and you know what they're all like is ludicrous

Get back on message - you fuck. Everyone who doesn't agree with whatever the party hasn't scrubbed in the Ministry of Truth is the enemy. You know that much at least, surely?

Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right, Far right.

08-08-2024, 09:18 PM
You know the types? Hilarious.

Yes, basically they are you but with polar opposite views

08-08-2024, 09:23 PM
Yes, basically they are you but with polar opposite views

So describe me. Seeing as you "know".

08-08-2024, 09:31 PM
So describe me. Seeing as you "know".

I don’t know you at all. I only know what you present as on here

But basically you’re the person who claims to see through the quagmire of bullshit, like with the left the enemy is this nebulous establishment that completely brainwashes everyone else to go against their own interests and somehow you’re immune.

For them the problem is the evil Zionist media and its super rich backers, for you it’s an equally shadowy cabal of people who want to legitimise nonces or whatever else….although the two probably overlap quite a lot.

I tend to tune out if you write more than a couple of paragraphs. It’s a bit like reading the rantings of my well meaning but batshit cousin. He tends not to go on about his violent fantasies as much as you do though

There does seem to be a lot that sounds like it’s lifted verbatim from the garden variety populists on Twitter.

08-08-2024, 09:37 PM
I don’t know you at all. I only know what you present as on here

But basically you’re the person who claims to see through the quagmire of bullshit, like with the left the enemy is this nebulous establishment that completely brainwashes everyone else to go against their own interests and somehow you’re immune.

For them the problem is the evil Zionist media and its super rich backers, for you it’s an equally shadowy cabal of people who want to legitimise nonces or whatever else….although the two probably overlap quite a lot.

I tend to tune out if you write more than a couple of paragraphs. It’s a bit like reading the rantings of my well meaning but batshit cousin. He tends not to go on about his violent fantasies as much as you do though

There does seem to be a lot that sounds like it’s lifted verbatim from the garden variety populists on Twitter.

I read your first sentence and it doesn't actually make any sense. WTF? Do it again. I'm not being a dick, but read that sentence and tell me it makes sense.

08-08-2024, 09:38 PM
I read your first sentence and it doesn't actually make any sense. WTF? Do it again. I'm not being a dick, but read that sentence and tell me it makes sense.

Yes it makes sense

08-08-2024, 09:38 PM
Means you are a cunt and don't deserve to even have your feet on this hallowed ground. Fuck off maybe, before you are made to.

charming, i take it from your resort to basic abuse and threats you know you've well and truly lost the argument - whatever it was... :shrug:

08-08-2024, 09:39 PM
The Zionist thing is fucking crazy. That's more of a callback to yourself don't you think? For sure, Zionists are scum, but only part of the scum crowd. Where do I do the Zionist thing to any notable degree? Provide some evidence will you? Not just a random post, but link it in with the "conspiracies" I'm pushing.

08-08-2024, 09:40 PM
charming, i take it from your resort to basic abuse and threats you know you've well and truly lost the argument - whatever it was... :shrug:

I'm not having an argument, I'm making a statement.

08-08-2024, 09:42 PM
Yes it makes sense

No it doesn't cunt. "Like with the enemy that is nebulous establishment"? That's just a pile of crap. Unless that was your intention. At least make a coherent argument.

08-08-2024, 09:43 PM
I read your first sentence and it doesn't actually make any sense. WTF? Do it again. I'm not being a dick, but read that sentence and tell me it makes sense.

He's saying all we know about you is what you present on here. That doesn't mean we know the real you.
Most people online present a persona to some extent. I'm not saying you're playing a character on here - although some people do that online - but most people I've met in real life from here haven't quite been what I was expecting.

08-08-2024, 09:48 PM
He's saying all we know about you is what you present on here. That doesn't mean we know the real you.
Most people online present a persona to some extent. I'm not saying you're playing a character on here - although some people do that online - but most people I've met in real life from here haven't quite been what I was expecting.

Well now your commie mate is in charge, thanks to 30% of the anti-British vermin who voted him in, and thanks to the fact the Brits still stupidly believe in rigged elections, you'll soon know all about me and I'll know all about you. And I'm pretty damn hot with IT, so once the state gets all your shit into a database, HELLO!

If you ever meet me you'll either get a kiss or a punch in the face. There's nothing else.

08-08-2024, 09:49 PM
I hate very, very, very few people. Tony Blair. Pure hate. That's my benchmark.

08-08-2024, 09:49 PM
The Zionist thing is fucking crazy. That's more of a callback to yourself don't you think? For sure, Zionists are scum, but only part of the scum crowd. Where do I do the Zionist thing to any notable degree? Provide some evidence will you? Not just a random post, but link it in with the "conspiracies" I'm pushing.

Ok…we’ve established you can’t read what I’ve actually written

08-08-2024, 09:51 PM
I hate very, very, very few people. Tony Blair. Pure hate. That's my benchmark.

Ok just putting it out there. You give off the impression that there’s very, very, very few people you don’t hate

I don’t hate most people, because I don’t consider them worthwhile of the emotional investment

08-08-2024, 09:53 PM
Ok…we’ve established you can’t read what I’ve actually written

So probe it. Where do I do the Zionist thing? Or is that YOUR shit leaking out?

Ah, I see, is this some sort of anti-semitic slur? Well you have to be careful these days because one bunch of semites are lobbing missiles at another bunch. So which bunch do you think I'm ragging against? You goy any argument in there chum? Or just a bunch of non-stick pejoratives?

08-08-2024, 09:54 PM
And I'm pretty damn hot with IT, so once the state gets all your shit into a database, HELLO!
I'm pretty sure all my shit is already in multiple databases.

If you ever meet me you'll either get a kiss or a punch in the face. There's nothing else.
Can we not try a handshake?

08-08-2024, 09:55 PM
Ok just putting it out there. You give off the impression that there’s very, very, very few people you don’t hate

I don’t hate most people, because I don’t consider them worthwhile of the emotional investment

Well we almost agree, leaving aside your comedy psych routine. I only hate people that hate me AND can have an effect on my life. Who do you hate?

08-08-2024, 09:55 PM
So probe it. Where do I do the Zionist thing? Or is that YOUR shit leaking out?

Ah, I see, is this some sort of anti-semitic slur? Well you have to be careful these days because one bunch of semites are lobbing missiles at another bunch. So which bunch do you think I'm ragging against? You goy any argument in there chum? Or just a bunch of non-stick pejoratives?

If you were able to read what I’d written, it wasn’t you I was accusing of doing the Zionist thing. But as we’ve established you can’t….

08-08-2024, 09:55 PM
I'm pretty sure all my shit is already in multiple databases.

Can we not try a handshake?

No, tongues or nothing.

08-08-2024, 09:58 PM
If you were able to read what I’d written, it wasn’t you I was accusing of doing the Zionist thing. But as we’ve established you can’t….

Oh really? You are doing that? Setting up the target then doing "them" - the media does that all the time. Nobody is fooled. Of course you never called me one of "them", you just associated me with "them" which is entirely pure an innocent and with the best intentions. Like I said, honesty is key.

08-08-2024, 10:02 PM
Well we almost agree, leaving aside your comedy psych routine. I only hate people that hate me AND can have an effect on my life. Who do you hate?

I hate people who I actively want to die. Most people in my direct sphere of influence only have an effect on my life if I permit them to.

So there’s Jihadists people like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Bashar Al-Assad, The Al-Sauds, The Ayatollah Khomenei and his regime, Nicolas Maduro.

Please feel free to go on at length at how I only hate these people because of my naive media diet etc etc and I’ll definitely listen.

08-08-2024, 10:04 PM
Oh really? You are doing that? Setting up the target then doing "them" - the media does that all the time. Nobody is fooled. Of course you never called me one of "them", you just associated me with "them" which is entirely pure an innocent and with the best intentions. Like I said, honesty is key.

Cool, so we are going with paranoid fantasies rather than just basic reading. At least if I don’t bother to read your ramblings, I don’t try and pretend I know what you said in them

08-08-2024, 10:08 PM
Cool, so we are going with paranoid fantasies rather than just basic reading. At least if I don’t bother to read your ramblings, I don’t try and pretend I know what you said in them

Ah, onto paranoia? It's a veritable feast from the premium menu. And we drift further and further from the original point. It would be fun if this was the first time. But boring now.

08-08-2024, 10:09 PM
Anyway, let's rattle through conspiracy theorist, far right, threat to the state and Putin lover because I haven't got all day.

08-08-2024, 10:11 PM
Ah, onto paranoia? It's a veritable feast from the premium menu. And we drift further and further from the original point. It would be fun if this was the first time. But boring now.

You had a point?

Yes if someone says this is what you meant when you said this, and it isn’t. I’m going to think them paranoid. Also going to remind you, that you took umbrage when you stated I was telling you what you think. Stones being thrown in glass houses and all that

08-08-2024, 10:13 PM
Anyway, let's rattle through conspiracy theorist, far right, threat to the state and Putin lover because I haven't got all day.

I don’t really need to be here for this do I?

If you’re going to argue against how you’ve interpreted what I’ve said. You go for it, and I’ll go to bed

08-08-2024, 10:16 PM
I don’t really need to be here for this do I?

If you’re going to argue against how you’ve interpreted what I’ve said. You go for it, and I’ll go to bed

Quite right. Useless waste of time.

08-08-2024, 10:18 PM
Quite right. Useless waste of time.

Finally! You've understood what this place is for :good:

08-08-2024, 10:25 PM
Finally! You've understood what this place is for :good:

Nothing to boast about.

09-08-2024, 07:37 AM
Nothing to boast about.

It wasn't a boast, it was just a statement. You seem to constantly expect very serious discussions about the important matters of the day.
I keep explaining that's not really why people come here.

09-08-2024, 07:47 AM
It wasn't a boast, it was just a statement. You seem to constantly expect very serious discussions about the important matters of the day.
I keep explaining that's not really why people come here.

Let’s be fair we don’t even have broad agreement on what constitutes the important issues of the day

Fuck me he’s hard work, just look at the debate we had on the changing nature of football. Why I avoid engaging with the cunt usually.

14-08-2024, 05:49 PM
Let’s be fair we don’t even have broad agreement on what constitutes the important issues of the day.

You say that:


14-08-2024, 09:28 PM
You say that:


I'm quite proud of the fact I've never heard of either of them

The Wengerbabies
15-08-2024, 01:11 AM


15-08-2024, 05:02 AM
Wengerbabies: “Wake up, sheeple! Stop letting the MSM tell you what to think!”

Also Wengerbabies: “Ooh look! GB News! I agree with them, they can tell me what to think!”


Just to address one piece of obvious bullshit, the thing about taxi drivers being banned from flying the England flag. The actual truth of that is there was some warning about drivers attaching ANY flag to their car in an unsafe way in case it fell off and caused a hazard. It was actually nothing to do with the England flag specifically but of course that’s how the right wing media spun it and a certain demographic (hello, Wengerbabies) ate it up. What a free thinker…

The Wengerbabies
15-08-2024, 05:13 AM
Wengerbabies: “Wake up, sheeple! Stop letting the MSM tell you what to think!”

Also Wengerbabies: “Ooh look! GB News! I agree with them, they can tell me what to think!”


Just to address one piece of obvious bullshit, the thing about taxi drivers being banned from flying the England flag. The actual truth of that is there was some warning about drivers attaching ANY flag to their car in an unsafe way in case it fell off and caused a hazard. It was actually nothing to do with the England flag specifically but of course that’s how the right wing media spun it and a certain demographic (hello, Wengerbabies) ate it up. What a free thinker…

I didn't actually watch the video. My main outrage was the shutting of roads for Pakistan independence day, I couldn't find a story about it anywhere else (wonder why... :rolleyes: )

Absolutely ridiculous.

Obviously I have to watch my words these days #twotierkeir

but if you're celebrating independence from Britain how about doing it over there and not over here, you're celebrating the end of British rule, or is this signifying a shift, a real end of British rule and a complete turning of the tables, if you get my meaning. It's very hard to articulate myself in a way that will not offend #twotierkeir

To put it politely why not go back to Pakistan?

15-08-2024, 09:23 AM
I didn't actually watch the video.
Well why post it then, you silly sausage?

My main outrage was the shutting of roads for Pakistan independence day
It's interesting how People Like You who go on about how you "can't say anything these days" in case someone is offended are so easily outraged.

I couldn't find a story about it anywhere else (wonder why... :rolleyes: )
You don't know why you didn't see the story elsewhere? Well let me help. It's because it isn't a story. It's clickbait by an overtly racist network, intended to enrage People Like You and sow yet more seeds of division. And People Like You who like to think of yourselfs as "free thinkers" lap it up and fall for it.

Obviously I have to watch my words these days #twotierkeir
You don't though, do you? It's weird how People Like You . Always say "you can't say anything these days" while saying exactly what they like at all times.

To put it politely why not go back to Pakistan?
I suspect a lot of them have grown up here.

15-08-2024, 09:30 AM
I'm quite proud of the fact I've never heard of either of them

Assumed (as it turns out correctly) that he was related to Tyson Fury. And just thought, don’t care either way but if he’s anything like his brother he’s probably a massive cunt.

15-08-2024, 09:37 AM
I didn't actually watch the video. My main outrage was the shutting of roads for Pakistan independence day, I couldn't find a story about it anywhere else (wonder why... :rolleyes: )

Absolutely ridiculous.

Obviously I have to watch my words these days #twotierkeir

but if you're celebrating independence from Britain how about doing it over there and not over here, you're celebrating the end of British rule, or is this signifying a shift, a real end of British rule and a complete turning of the tables, if you get my meaning. It's very hard to articulate myself in a way that will not offend #twotierkeir

To put it politely why not go back to Pakistan?

The creation of Pakistan was a British thing, we redrew the map of the Indian subcontinent and created the partition that led to the creation of Pakistan.

The double standard is that the creation of Pakistan and the creation of Israel share a rather similar history, lots of anger at the proposed dividing lines, lots of intransigence and lots of violence. Yet we don’t get people claiming that Pakistan shouldn’t exist and that the whole area should become India again.

Pakistanis don’t consider themselves refugees in their own land, and the UN doesn’t assist in perpetrating that delusion

The Wengerbabies
15-08-2024, 04:24 PM
I suspect a lot of them have grown up here.

And therein lies a huge part of the problem. Parallel societies where they have more loyalty to a 3rd world *censoredbyKeith* they may never have even been to then the country they were born and raised in.

15-08-2024, 04:41 PM
And therein lies a huge part of the problem. Parallel societies where they have more loyalty to a 3rd world *censoredbyKeith* they may never have even been to then the country they were born and raised in.

Would you feel the same if we were talking about Irish people who even when they were born here identify more as Irish than English?

I don’t like Pakistan especially as a country, its prioritised blasphemy laws over dealing with its shamefully low adult literacy and poverty levels. It harboured Bin Laden for years and too many people there are sympathetic to jihadist terrorism.

But this country is full of different people who have cultural ties to other countries.

As long as they can speak the language, respect our laws and don’t demand we respect their silly religion, I lack the required level of insecurity to be bothered by people celebrating foreign cultural ties.

The Wengerbabies
15-08-2024, 06:03 PM
Would you feel the same if we were talking about Irish people who even when they were born here identify more as Irish than English?



But you also know that is different and they are far more culturally compatible.

15-08-2024, 07:43 PM

But you also know that is different and they are far more culturally compatible.

Are they?

I’ve met all different kinds of British Pakistanis, most of them (especially those who were born here) are quite well integrated. Dont get me wrong there are issues in monocultural enclaves. But I wouldn’t want to make any generalisations about Pakistanis than I would Irish (although as I’m part Irish I feel comfortable calling them a bunch of bogtrotting cunts)

The Wengerbabies
15-08-2024, 08:44 PM
Are they?

15-08-2024, 09:00 PM
Are they?

I’ve met all different kinds of British Pakistanis, most of them (especially those who were born here) are quite well integrated. Dont get me wrong there are issues in monocultural enclaves. But I wouldn’t want to make any generalisations about Pakistanis than I would Irish (although as I’m part Irish I feel comfortable calling them a bunch of bogtrotting cunts)

This coy type of compliant conformism is old. Just look at a map if you can't wrap your head around the very obvious differences. And go and ask an Indian for an opinion, they'll open your eyes PDQ. One of my closest associates is a Pakistani, another is an Irishman, nothing can be judged on an individual basis beyond your own individual relationship. But I have zero illusions about the acceptable (even though we fought wars) Irish community and the entirely unacceptable Pakistani community in general. Don't forget, the Irish community are as brainwashed by their demons and the Pakistani community are brainwashed by theirs. The latter have far more fearsome demons and if only 1% accept the call we have utter carnage. We are also brainwashed by our respective demons. The difference, I have concluded, is if Irish and British demons were revealed we'd reject them. I can't same the same for other demons and reactions. We saw this after 9/11 (even though the Americans did that themselves and it had nothing to do with Muslims, other than the people hired and the banks that financed it).

What I'd really like to see is British people overthrowing their tyrannical government and Irish people overthrowing their tyrannical government and Pakistani people overthrowing their tyrannical government and then all these people going to live in their own lands sans the threat of the one thing that causes all these problems, government. Diversity really is amazing, which is why everybody should go back to where they are culturally comfortable and progress those cultures.

15-08-2024, 09:04 PM
I hate people who I actively want to die. Most people in my direct sphere of influence only have an effect on my life if I permit them to.

So there’s Jihadists people like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Bashar Al-Assad, The Al-Sauds, The Ayatollah Khomenei and his regime, Nicolas Maduro.

Please feel free to go on at length at how I only hate these people because of my naive media diet etc etc and I’ll definitely listen.

Sorry, but this is truly crazy. The bold bit. WTF are you on about? I'll get to your message later, but for the love of God, please try toi make sense of what you said there and then try to make it make sense to me. There are limits.

15-08-2024, 09:05 PM
Cool, so we are going with paranoid fantasies rather than just basic reading. At least if I don’t bother to read your ramblings, I don’t try and pretend I know what you said in them

Why even make such childish claims in an actual response? If you don't read what I say, how the hell can you respond to it? It's just dumb. Your brain is broken.

15-08-2024, 09:09 PM
It wasn't a boast, it was just a statement. You seem to constantly expect very serious discussions about the important matters of the day.
I keep explaining that's not really why people come here.

I cannot emphasise enough to you how much you will regret wasting your time and intellect on the trivial as the cage closed around you. You'll realise in the end, but it will be far, far too late. The confidence in which you express your complacency is chilling. All you seem to want to do is win arguments on the Internet. That seems to be a life reward. The last word, the final trivial remark, the dedication to mundanity as events of great import swirl around your oblivious form. Until the day you finally look around you and ask, "How did this happen?" Let me spare you the question.

YOU did it.

15-08-2024, 09:22 PM
I'm pretty sure all my shit is already in multiple databases.

Can we not try a handshake?

No! We can't. I started with a handshake, with everyone. And the response was, SURE, if we agree on everything then we can shake hands - otherwise you are a racist, conspiracy theorist, misogynistic, blah. Your lot don't do reason.

The way you just accept you are in multiple databases, like that's just normal. Why can't I access the privileged communications of MPs so I can see what they are up to as they "represent" me? Wouldn't you think thtat was far more appropriate than them building a database on you and me? We're in charge, right? They do what we say?

You believe that just as much as I believe it. But you still need it to be true.

They are very, very bad people and under no circumstances is it valid to endorse or support them.

BECAUSE you. endorse and support them, and because they are very, very bad people (mountains of evidence already provided), and even (if you want) because we are Christians - WE HAVE A DUTY. It is not a choice.

But you abandon that duty and then ask me to shake your hand. How can you expect me to do that? Why would you even suggest it?

Do you think I do the Christian thing because I have a secret bias against Christians that I'm trying to seep into the conversation? Or do you think I do the Christian thing because I'm absolutely fucking serious? Can a man who endorses evil and tries to convert those to his evil honestly expect to pass through the eye of that particular needle?

I think you have no idea what is coming, even though I informed you at every step.

15-08-2024, 09:25 PM
Racist thugs going ape - lock the fuckers up and throw away the key that's what I say

I thought you supported BLM and antifa? Why the sudden change of heart?

15-08-2024, 09:31 PM
charming, i take it from your resort to basic abuse and threats you know you've well and truly lost the argument - whatever it was... :shrug:

No, you are a traitor to the nation. That's no small thing. Detested all through history. There was never anything worse than a traitor to the nation. Not because it had borders and a flag and some poxy government, but because this is where your family grows and thrives and the neighbours around you build the community that provides security and cultural interaction that makes these few short years on the planet worth it. People who feel an urgency to destroy that are rightly despised.

As for threats, wouldn't even waste my time on a beta like you. Be a man, don't hit girls, don't support the spuds - these were already rules to live by, so you are safe darling.

The Wengerbabies
15-08-2024, 09:49 PM
This coy type of compliant conformism is old. Just look at a map if you can't wrap your head around the very obvious differences. And go and ask an Indian for an opinion, they'll open your eyes PDQ. .

Anyone who claims Pakistanis are more culturally similar to the British then the the Irish are is being a deliberately obtuse virtue signaller

The Wengerbabies
16-08-2024, 06:35 AM

The UK :rose:

for what it was not what it became

16-08-2024, 06:36 AM

I’d rather have the English-Pakistani family that live next door but one from me than have a load of pikeys from Ireland living across the road in the field opposite.

If you’re saying Irish culture is preferable to Pakistani culture I won’t argue with that, but it’s also not what I’m saying. It’s just easier and more accurate to take people as you find them than judge them by the entirety of their cultural heritage

The Wengerbabies
16-08-2024, 07:06 AM


Marc Overmars
16-08-2024, 08:41 AM


What’s wrong with this? It’s a bit of fun. Beats having stones and bricks hurled at you by some brain dead idiots.

16-08-2024, 08:47 AM
I’d rather have the English-Pakistani family that live next door but one from me than have a load of pikeys from Ireland living across the road in the field opposite.

If you’re saying Irish culture is preferable to Pakistani culture I won’t argue with that, but it’s also not what I’m saying. It’s just easier and more accurate to take people as you find them than judge them by the entirety of their cultural heritage

And it's also obvious that if you have one resident from a foreign culture in a street of a hundred native residents it is likely the cultural effect of the foreign family will be close to insignificant. You could say there's a 1% impact at most if the foreign resident is determined not to integrate in any way. Or a zero significance if he starts drinking tea, playing cricket and wearing bowler hats.

Now move 24 natives out and 24 foreigners in. What do the dynamics look like now? How about 50/50? What if you suddenly find that just a handful of these new neighbours spend their day staring at your 12 year old daughter and following her down the street? Or shouting at her because she won't dress the way they demand? What if you wake up one morning and there are strange wails blaring across the street? That would be cultural enrichment I suppose?

You can take each individual as you find them, and that's a decent policy. But it doesn't stop your street being transformed. What do you think happens when you are the last native on that street? What do you think that will mean for your daughter, or your wife? Will you just sit there and wait for it to happen and trust, because of your good behaviour, the sentiment will be returned by this new population and they'll just say, well, in the case of you and your daughter, we'll just forget about the laws our god demands of us - as they pray five times a day to demonstrate that devotion?

Would you say your policy is prudent or risky? Bound for success or doomed to failure? Is it a good idea to even find out?

Not according to the likes of Starmer. Even raising the issue affiliates you with this new far-right. So you don't. You keep your head down and wait out the last days of your culture.

16-08-2024, 11:50 AM
Uh-oh, looks like they'll be coming for me. Somebody just got charged today with one of the charges being posting "anti-establishment rhetoric" on social media. I suppose I may have been a bit anti-establishment from time to time, though truth isn't necessarily rhetoric.

I wonder how blatant and ridiculous this has to get before the normies start noticing? Depend what's on telly I suppose.

16-08-2024, 11:57 AM
What’s wrong with this? It’s a bit of fun. Beats having stones and bricks hurled at you by some brain dead idiots.

In the current climate though, it's highly provocative and it's fair to accuse them of stirring the pot. I mean it's not going to endear them to those who rightly claim there's an obvious two-tier system in place. Their "impartial" actions here will embolden one side and aggravate the other, in many cases.

I assume that gathering remained peaceful, but I wonder what the coppers would have done had anything kicked off? Maybe run away, as in other instances? Or even keep dancing, the same as when they took the knee for BLM "mostly peaceful" types?

That's if the video is even real. Nothing can be trusted these days.

Marc Overmars
16-08-2024, 01:53 PM
In the current climate though, it's highly provocative and it's fair to accuse them of stirring the pot. I mean it's not going to endear them to those who rightly claim there's an obvious two-tier system in place. Their "impartial" actions here will embolden one side and aggravate the other, in many cases.

I assume that gathering remained peaceful, but I wonder what the coppers would have done had anything kicked off? Maybe run away, as in other instances? Or even keep dancing, the same as when they took the knee for BLM "mostly peaceful" types?

That's if the video is even real. Nothing can be trusted these days.

To be fair the police have regularly be seen indulging in many cultural celebrations. Notting Hill probably being the best example. Provocative? I guess it could be seen that way by those who are of the “two tier” belief but this was simply a celebration, not a protest or act of defiance of any kind. Nothing was ever going to kick off there and if it did I’d wager it wouldn’t have been instigated by those out there celebrating.

16-08-2024, 02:36 PM
Not really provocative at all, unless celebrating Pakistan Independence Day involved openly celebrating the rape and grooming of kafir girls, and the beheading of blasphemers.

In fact it’s no more laudable than saying that if Police took part in Shavuot celebrations, it would be provocative because Muzzas are upset about Gaza

It’s provocative to those who want an excuse to say they were provoked

16-08-2024, 03:51 PM
To be fair the police have regularly be seen indulging in many cultural celebrations. Notting Hill probably being the best example. Provocative? I guess it could be seen that way by those who are of the “two tier” belief but this was simply a celebration, not a protest or act of defiance of any kind. Nothing was ever going to kick off there and if it did I’d wager it wouldn’t have been instigated by those out there celebrating.

My point is, people are actually being arrested and jailed right now for simply retweeting shit, and some of it is far from hate speech. So there's an iron fist for anyone who protests the multicultural narrative. You'll never EVER see a copper join in with peaceful gatherings that celebrate national identity, such as the entirely peaceful gatherings in London recently. If anything, the coppers try to start problems at those sort of events, using their kettling BS tactics and the like. So when we see them dancing at other cultural celebrations it simply reinforces the blatant and obvious two-tier attitude and approach that you seem to be hinting you don't think is real, despite the overwhelming evidence.

16-08-2024, 03:53 PM
Not really provocative at all, unless celebrating Pakistan Independence Day involved openly celebrating the rape and grooming of kafir girls, and the beheading of blasphemers.

In fact it’s no more laudable than saying that if Police took part in Shavuot celebrations, it would be provocative because Muzzas are upset about Gaza

It’s provocative to those who want an excuse to say they were provoked

Call me when they take part in celebrations of the native culture, which they will never do. Diversity and multiculturalism are the biggest and most destructive lies ever sold in the modern era, which is why we see the two opposing approaches from the government, its media and the muscle they hire to enforce their agendas.

16-08-2024, 06:39 PM
Seems as if the demons are serious about this monkeypox, or mpox, scam. Looks like they are going to play their hand and without shame. If the majority of people fall for it then, fuck, we are done. The covid scam should have been a big enough wake up call, but if not enough people woke up I guess we are done. If the US 2024 elections are stolen again there is no going back.

The Wengerbabies
17-08-2024, 01:35 AM
And it's also obvious that if you have one resident from a foreign culture in a street of a hundred native residents it is likely the cultural effect of the foreign family will be close to insignificant.

Or with this particular culture merely practising taqiyya.

17-08-2024, 01:43 AM
Or with this particular culture merely practising taqiyya.

The "good"people are avoiding this. They only want to comment on trivia. I don't mind turkeys voting for Christmas, up to them. Stupid is what stupid does. But the fact they label turkeys who are even wary of Christmas as "far-right" is what gives the marxists punching power. It's not the silly, small penis types like Starmer that are the problem. It's the brainwashed masses that give numbers to his bullshit. Those turkeys will have to see the chopping block before they engage their brains.

20-08-2024, 12:40 PM
I cannot emphasise enough to you how much you will regret wasting your time and intellect on the trivial as the cage closed around you. You'll realise in the end, but it will be far, far too late.
Oh yes? When do the army arrive then? They seem to be running a little late.

The confidence in which you express your complacency is chilling.
The confidence in which you express your doom-mongering is baffling given your past record of predictions.

All you seem to want to do is win arguments on the Internet. That seems to be a life reward.
Literally all you know about me is what is on here. As I keep explaining, this is not where I come to do anything important. I mostly post on here to waste time when I should be working. Hence me not replying to some of your posts last week because I was on leave and I have better things to do.

No! We can't. I started with a handshake, with everyone. And the response was, SURE, if we agree on everything then we can shake hands - otherwise you are a racist, conspiracy theorist, misogynistic, blah. Your lot don't do reason.
I pretty much do nothing but reason with you. You pretty much ignore it all.
But you ARE a conspiracy theorist - there is pretty much no conspiracy theory you won't jump on the bandwaggon.
Misogynist and racist I'm less sure about. You act like you are sometimes on here but I suspect it's just for show, I'm not sure you really are.

The way you just accept you are in multiple databases, like that's just normal.
It is normal. The more pertinent question is whether it's a bad thing. Personally, I don't care. Via GDPR we have the right to see what data is held about us and the right to be forgotten if you're that bothered. What are they going to do, advertise to me? They already do and despite all this data they have about me their algorithms suck. They're mostly trying to extract more money from me but they're not doing a very good job. If they get better at it and show me more things I'm interested in in then fine with me. They're not forcing me to buy anything, if I see more stuff I like then I might buy more of it but it's stuff I like so... :shrug:

Why can't I access the privileged communications of MPs so I can see what they are up to as they "represent" me? Wouldn't you think thtat was far more appropriate than them building a database on you and me? We're in charge, right? They do what we say?
You can find out loads of information about what your MP says and does.

They are very, very bad people and under no circumstances is it valid to endorse or support them.
They mostly aren't.

Do you think I do the Christian thing
I don't think you do the Christian thing.

I think you have no idea what is coming, even though I informed you at every step.
Yeah yeah. When's the curfew again?

22-08-2024, 07:44 AM
That's this year's Bowie :rose:


The Wengerbabies
24-08-2024, 04:27 PM

Part and parcel

25-08-2024, 11:38 AM
The war in the Middle East has opened up a new front (well officially) Hezbollah has been targeting Israel with Rockets constantly over the past ten months. And now Israel has decided to start targeting South Lebanon where the strikes are coming from. No doubt the usual people will start decrying Israel for its aggression because it decided it wasn’t going to allow Hezbollah to keep firing rockets unanswered to the point where large parts of Northern Israel lie abandoned.

What this means for the Gazan war who knows, Netanyahu will probably want to conclude things as quickly as possible which whilst it will leave Hamas out of power in the area, will allow it to keep on existing so invariably it can grow back like Japanese knotweed and thus make it so everyone who died on October 7th and subsequently will have died in vain. That revolting human carcinoma Yaryar Sinwar will probably manage to escape with his life (happy to allow Palestinians to die, and directly murder them himself but demands any ceasefire agreement means he won’t have to surrender himself)

For so called peace-niks, I’m afraid this conflict is going nowhere thanks to Iran. An old saying in the Middle East “Iran will fight Israel to the last Arab” (keep in mind Persians are not Arabs)

Marc Overmars
27-08-2024, 08:55 AM
Oasis reunion next year. :bow:

27-08-2024, 05:51 PM
My wife said to me “will you please stop singing Wonderwall by Oasis.”
I said “maybeeeee”


Will probably try to get tickets - I imagine that will be carnage but they are playing a load of dates so there’s a decent chance. Definitely not in the “mosh pit” though. I’m too old for all that shit and I could do without spending the evening being jostled by 20,000 Manc twats all “mad fer it”

28-08-2024, 08:14 AM
been there seen it done it - i'll leave it to all the balding 40-and-50 somethings with saggy jeans who want to pretend they're cool and spend £25 on a t-shirt that falls apart after a couple of washes

Marc Overmars
28-08-2024, 08:29 AM
I’ve seen them twice before and I’m as pumped now as I was now back in the day. A lot of younger people are also excited because they’ve followed the brothers solo careers so it’s a great opportunity for them. I’m a bit of an Oasis simp I can’t lie. I think the first two albums are masterpieces and will always evoke feelings from my youth and that era on the whole.

28-08-2024, 09:41 AM
I’ve seen them twice before and I’m as pumped now as I was now back in the day. A lot of younger people are also excited because they’ve followed the brothers solo careers so it’s a great opportunity for them. I’m a bit of an Oasis simp I can’t lie. I think the first two albums are masterpieces and will always evoke feelings from my youth and that era on the whole.

all fair, agreed re the first two albums, hope you get tickets!

The Wengerbabies
28-08-2024, 01:35 PM
Oasis reunion next year. :bow:

One hit wonders

28-08-2024, 06:23 PM
One hit wonders


28-08-2024, 08:34 PM
I’ve always thought the rift between Liam and Noel quite performative, I’m sure they are both a pair of dickheads when it suits them. But it generates interest..

The Wengerbabies
28-08-2024, 11:56 PM

You may think so but other than wonderwall I have no idea what other songs they have srs

29-08-2024, 11:34 AM
You may think so but other than wonderwall I have no idea what other songs they have srs

Yes mate, I completely believe you’ve never heard of Don’t Look Back In Anger :yawn:

29-08-2024, 11:36 AM
I’ve always thought the rift between Liam and Noel quite performative, I’m sure they are both a pair of dickheads when it suits them. But it generates interest..

I think Liam is the big dickhead. But I don’t think they’re bright enough to fabricate a rift for this long just so they can cash in on the reunion payday this long after

29-08-2024, 11:55 AM
I think Liam is the big dickhead. But I don’t think they’re bright enough to fabricate a rift for this long just so they can cash in on the reunion payday this long after

apparently they've only announced the first part of the tour just to see if the two of them can actually get along...

Liam needs the money more I should think and as he's the bigger dickhead as you say, maybe that will help him keep a lid on it

29-08-2024, 12:31 PM
apparently they've only announced the first part of the tour just to see if the two of them can actually get along...

Liam needs the money more I should think and as he's the bigger dickhead as you say, maybe that will help him keep a lid on it

I generally don’t think the fallout was ever as big as either claimed. Have they gone through periods of massive flaming rows? Oh definitely….its bad enough being on tour for weeks with a non family member, but brothers will always row and fight. But I think the extent of the rift was performative. Liam is a childish dickhead, Noel is up his own arse….but being famous (especially famous musicians) almost encourages people to become the worst version of themselves because they have people blowing smoke up their arse constantly and therefore they think they are entitled to, what realistically for all their talent they’ve been lucky to achieve

The Wengerbabies
29-08-2024, 02:19 PM
Yes mate, I completely believe you’ve never heard of Don’t Look Back In Anger :yawn:

Fair enough but the fact you had to mention it for me to recall it proves my point.

I couldn't tell you how it went but I recognise the title and I'm sure if I heard it I'd recognise the song but I wouldn't know what it was off the bat.

One hit wonders.

29-08-2024, 02:37 PM
More importantly who gives a fuck what music anyone likes or doesn’t like, it’s totally subjective anyway

Personally whilst I appreciate that their first two albums are considered their best work (preferred what’s the story to definitely maybe) I personally prefer a lot of their slightly later stuff. I really like Standing on the Shoulders of Giants as an album (and the consensus amongst music critics is that this album is average at best)

I remember some dickhead down the pub declaring nothing Led Zepellin did after Led Zepellin IV was worth listening to….yeah in your opinion mate. I couldn’t even be bothered to argued, just did the whole insincere nod

29-08-2024, 03:20 PM
Lee Carsley has shown how much he wants the England job be recalling Harry McGuire :lol:

29-08-2024, 03:34 PM
Yes mate, I completely believe you’ve never heard of Don’t Look Back In Anger :yawn:

'yawn' is right, it's one of the most overrated songs in history, an almost indescribably boring dirge of a number

29-08-2024, 04:27 PM
Lee Carsley has shown how much he wants the England job be recalling Harry McGuire :lol:

Has anyone here ever cut themselves deliberately in order to feel something?

Would you recommend?

29-08-2024, 07:43 PM
More importantly who gives a fuck what music anyone likes or doesn’t like, it’s totally subjective anyway
Correct, but they were the UK’s biggest band for 20 years, had 5 consecutive number one albums and 14 singles which got to number 1 or 2, 8 were number ones.
That’s not subjective, that’s just numbers.
Wengerbabies’ trolling continues to be boring and tiresome.

I heard an interesting thing on The Rest is Entertainment podcast. They were talking about…possibly Taylor Swift. She is indisputably one of the biggest acts around right now and 85% of the population, possibly more, could not give a shit about her. I am part of that 85%. Their point was even the biggest acts in the world are only loved by a relatively small percentage of the population

The Wengerbabies
29-08-2024, 07:52 PM
Wengerbabies’ trolling continues to be boring and tiresome.

Someone doesn't agree with me they must be trolling :rolleyes:

Fact is they haven't had the same staying power as say the Spice Girls.

29-08-2024, 08:09 PM
Someone doesn't agree with me they must be trolling :rolleyes:

Fact is they haven't had the same staying power as say the Spice Girls.

“How dare you accuse me of trolling despite the fact that, that’s clearly what I’m doing”

Maybe if the word Trolling bothers you, we can give it a rebrand and call it engagement mining

29-08-2024, 08:12 PM
I joined the Online Arsenal forum three days ago because this place is about as active and thriving as Pripyat

Took me three and a half days to get my account suspended. I’ll be honest, I thought you guys were a bunch of cunts…but you can always encounter a bigger cunt

29-08-2024, 08:29 PM

Screw you for cheating on us :sulk:
Serves you right

29-08-2024, 08:54 PM
Someone doesn't agree with me they must be trolling :rolleyes:
When you call them “One Hit Wonders” you are trolling.
It’s demonstrably untrue.
When you say:

Fact is they haven't had the same staying power as say the Spice Girls.
That isn’t a fact, it’s an opinion. But it is something which can be discussed.
They both have an enduring legacy, one could argue that The Spice Girls with all the girl power stuff have had a greater cultural impact. But Oasis are said to be doing 8 gigs at Wembley as part of their reunion tour. I don’t think they’ll have too much problem selling out and I’m not sure The Spice Girls have ever had quite that scale of following. Embarrassingly I did see The Spice Girls back in the day, that was at Wembley Arena. (I was trying to impress someone, didn’t work)

29-08-2024, 09:44 PM

Screw you for cheating on us :sulk:
Serves you right

It’s not cheating we never agreed exclusivity

It probably didn’t help that in response to someone saying they agreed with the outdoor smoking ban and would take it even further I responded with “calling you an authoritarian is probably more polite than calling you a cunt”

That and when the guy claimed he wasn’t threatening to ban me he was “reminding me that there were consequences to my behaviour” I responded “oh right, I guess you can polish a turd then”

30-08-2024, 08:41 AM
It’s not cheating we never agreed exclusivity

It probably didn’t help that in response to someone saying they agreed with the outdoor smoking ban and would take it even further I responded with “calling you an authoritarian is probably more polite than calling you a cunt”

That and when the guy claimed he wasn’t threatening to ban me he was “reminding me that there were consequences to my behaviour” I responded “oh right, I guess you can polish a turd then”

sounds like the kind of civilised place where they don't allow base abuse to take the place of sound reasoning - might give it a try... ;)

30-08-2024, 08:46 AM
sounds like the kind of civilised place where they don't allow base abuse to take the place of sound reasoning - might give it a try... ;)

As a counsellor we have a rule that we wouldn’t recommend anything that we haven’t first tried ourselves

Something for you to reflect on

Also there’s no shame in you admitting you have no hope of competing with me on an intellectual level, if for no better reason it would be pretty hard for me to think less of you than I already do.

30-08-2024, 09:27 AM
:lol: You two.

That sort of behaviour would have seen you banned immediately when this place first started, HCZ.
But much like dogs come to look like their owners (or is that the other way around?), this place has come to look its members. It has somewhat devolved since it started but those few of us who remain seem to like it that way so who am I to clamp down? I could wield my banhammer more, but those who didn’t like it being the Wild West have already pissed off, so… :shrug:

30-08-2024, 09:47 AM
:lol: You two.

That sort of behaviour would have seen you banned immediately when this place first started, HCZ.
But much like dogs come to look like their owners (or is that the other way around?), this place has come to look its members. It has somewhat devolved since it started but those few of us who remain seem to like it that way so who am I to clamp down? I could wield my banhammer more, but those who didn’t like it being the Wild West have already pissed off, so… :shrug:

I think regardless of how busy this place is or isn’t. My feeling is towards light touch regulation of posting. If I was making truly personal remarks towards Mac76 based on his actual life or any of his family members then yeah that would qualify as abuse and harassment. I won’t lie, based on our interactions here I don’t especially like the guy, I cannot imagine ever wanting to socialise with someone like that in real life, but anything I say about him is based on observation of his postings. I don’t know him, I never will…he doesn’t know me, he never will.

And I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that everything I’ve expressed about him is reciprocated or if he’s smarter than I take him to be, he doesn’t care about me at all.

Doxxing, Bot Accounts and what counts as abusive/persistent harassment is what should be targeted. It’s not unknown for me or Mac76 to discuss things sensibly when neither of our egos are in play

30-08-2024, 12:26 PM
"Someone like that" :haha:

30-08-2024, 12:46 PM
"Someone like that" :haha:

Well I do keep trying to tell you, there’s almost nothing unique or original about you :)

30-08-2024, 02:18 PM
Just remember, you’re unique.
Just like everyone else


30-08-2024, 02:18 PM
Also, just got back from the Isle of Wight - hence the lack of posting over the last week.
What a lovely place. It helped that the weather was splendid.

30-08-2024, 02:46 PM
Just remember, you’re unique.
Just like everyone else


You’re not his mum, it’s not your job to lie to him like that

30-08-2024, 03:13 PM
Ah, poo.
There's a pre-sale for Oasis. But you had to register and being away I missed all that so I guess I'll have to join the scramble tomorrow morning.

The Wengerbabies
30-08-2024, 03:36 PM
I joined the Online Arsenal forum three days ago because this place is about as active and thriving as Pripyat

Took me three and a half days to get my account suspended. I’ll be honest, I thought you guys were a bunch of cunts…but you can always encounter a bigger cunt

Goonersworld is where it's at.

30-08-2024, 03:39 PM
Goonersworld is where it's at.

Filthy apostate :censored:

30-08-2024, 04:05 PM
I looked up Arsenal online instead of online Arsenal and got this :lol:


looks ok although 2d shooters are a bit boring imo

30-08-2024, 04:06 PM
Also, just got back from the Isle of Wight - hence the lack of posting over the last week.
What a lovely place. It helped that the weather was splendid.

The closest thing possible to travelling in time to the past... :lol:

but yes have also been there and it was decent - did you go and see the needles?

30-08-2024, 04:21 PM
did you go and see the needles?
We did. I believe that is all but mandatory.
Yes, it is a bit like being in the past but I don't regard that as a bad thing. My mum lives on the Isle of Man and it's worse there. Very beautiful but good luck doing anything of an evening or if it's not holiday season.

30-08-2024, 04:26 PM
I looked up Arsenal online instead of online Arsenal and got this :lol:


looks ok although 2d shooters are a bit boring imo

After Wolfenstein and Doom, there was just no going back

30-08-2024, 04:28 PM
We did. I believe that is all but mandatory.
Yes, it is a bit like being in the past but I don't regard that as a bad thing. My mum lives on the Isle of Man and it's worse there. Very beautiful but good luck doing anything of an evening or if it's not holiday season.

The Manx Triskellion looks like the symbol of a dystopian dictatorship

I’ve heard they are a bit peculiar there. I don’t know in what way, people never elaborate

30-08-2024, 04:30 PM
I think regardless of how busy this place is or isn’t. My feeling is towards light touch regulation of posting.
I do post elsewhere - not an Arsenal forum, for the record, just another little obsession of mine.
Anyway, the moderation there is a bit silly if you ask me. It's so easy to get banned, any posts which don't toe the party line get booted into a junk section.
I don't post much there and nor does anyone else, I suspect their moderation style puts a lot of people off.

30-08-2024, 04:31 PM
I’ve heard they are a bit peculiar there. I don’t know in what way, people never elaborate
I must admit at times it did feel a bit...Wicker Man.
But we were tourists mostly mixing with other tourists so I didn't really get a feel for what the locals are like.

30-08-2024, 04:52 PM
I must admit at times it did feel a bit...Wicker Man.
But we were tourists mostly mixing with other tourists so I didn't really get a feel for what the locals are like.

So you weren’t propositioned by the landlord’s daughter

30-08-2024, 06:06 PM

I wish <_<

30-08-2024, 06:16 PM

Christopher Lee often stated that out of all the films he appeared in, this was his favourite.

30-08-2024, 07:35 PM
Absolutely love that film.
Am a bit annoyed they remade it and refuse to watch the new version.

30-08-2024, 08:33 PM


30-08-2024, 08:49 PM
Absolutely love that film.
Am a bit annoyed they remade it and refuse to watch the new version.

Oh you mean the Nicholas Cage one?

It’s worth watching, but basically because it’s absolutely hilariously terrible. Like the Room Terrible.

Marc Overmars
30-08-2024, 09:01 PM
Ah, poo.
There's a pre-sale for Oasis. But you had to register and being away I missed all that so I guess I'll have to join the scramble tomorrow morning.

Got 4 tickets. :dance:

30-08-2024, 09:30 PM
Well done :angry:

Unfortunately being away I missed the memo about the presale. Bah. Will have a go tomorrow

31-08-2024, 07:32 AM
TicketMaster and SeeTickets have both died on their arse this morning :(

31-08-2024, 08:48 AM
Got 4 tickets. :dance:

enjoy :good:

31-08-2024, 06:49 PM
Fuck TicketMaster
Fuck SeeTickets
And really really fuck resale sites


01-09-2024, 06:34 PM
Got 4 tickets. :dance:

Sell them and retire.

02-09-2024, 01:36 PM
First call of the day a colleague moaning about how she, too, failed to get tickets. I don't know anyone who got them.
MO doesn't count as he cheated by being in the presale :sulk:

02-09-2024, 06:42 PM
First no Oasis tickets and and now this


03-09-2024, 12:49 PM

She has...aged. But I guess it's not the 80s any more.

03-09-2024, 06:09 PM
In Kensington, watching Jeremy Vine (ugh) interview Nate Silver

03-09-2024, 07:24 PM
The Nate Silver? Wow! I can’t believe you’re seeing someone I’ve never heard of.

03-09-2024, 08:12 PM
The Nate Silver? Wow! I can’t believe you’re seeing someone I’ve never heard of.

I can’t be held responsible for who you’ve heard of or not

Basically he’s an American who had a statistical modelling site called 538 (based on the Amount of electoral college points there are in US elections). He’s quite famous in America for election forecasts.

03-09-2024, 08:19 PM
Well that all sounds riveting ;)

03-09-2024, 08:23 PM
Well that all sounds riveting ;)

Meh I didn’t pay for the tickets, and I used to listen to his podcast loads. And interesting (in my view) to get his insight into things like AI, effective altruism, and the differences between the village (the political and cultural elites) and the river (the high risk takers, the tech giants and disrupters etc).

04-09-2024, 05:17 PM
Oasis just announced 2 more dates!

05-09-2024, 10:06 PM
Oasis just announced 2 more dates!

Ticketmaster will be delighted

The Wengerbabies
05-09-2024, 11:10 PM
Don't really know much about these guys and never actually watched anything from them before but this explains why they're being hounded on trumped up charges https://x.com/ronin21btc/status/1831252825390690605

06-09-2024, 11:32 AM

Not going to lie, I did think this story was utter bollocks when I first heard it. But her husband freely admits to what he did, and this poor woman has shown admirable spirit to waive anonymity and say “I’ve nothing to be ashamed of, the people that did this to me have”.

Hopefully all of them are convicted

06-09-2024, 11:49 AM
Ooft. That's all pretty grim

08-09-2024, 07:38 PM
Oasis just announced 2 more dates!

Which you need some code to access the sale for which I didn’t even get an email to join the ballot for


09-09-2024, 07:10 AM
Which you need some code to access the sale for which I didn’t even get an email to join the ballot for


Face it man, God does not want you to see Oasis in concert

09-09-2024, 07:18 AM
It would certainly appear that way <_<.
Although I’m sure MO has a spare ticket I can nab. :popcorn:

09-09-2024, 08:27 AM
I think I've seen them but can't remember for sure, it might have been at Glastonbury very early on but those days are all a bit blurry :) - talking of which i definitely saw Blur there mid-afternoon, ditto Verve (as they were called back then).

But i do remember well sitting in my back garden when i was living right by Finsbury Park and listening to the Oasis concert there, whenever that was, it feels like I was there

09-09-2024, 08:54 AM
I saw Blur back in the day at Hyde Park, that was a good gig.

09-09-2024, 09:33 AM
Speaking of dickheads, I really can’t stand Damon Albarn….any further up his own aris he could nibble on his tonsils

I do like Blur as a band though

09-09-2024, 10:22 AM
Because of all the kerfuffle around Oasis I have been reminded what utter knobs they are.
But I feel the same about John Lennon. I don't really care, I just like their music, I don't have to have a drink with them.

09-09-2024, 10:30 AM
Speaking of dickheads, I really can’t stand Damon Albarn….any further up his own aris he could nibble on his tonsils

I do like Blur as a band though

i was at a gig of an African band (who tbf he did know) and he just turned up stoned and just walked up onto the stage and played one of the keyboard things you blow into (don't know what it's called) - all a bit out of tune and added nothing - really arrogant

he's a big guy though, you wouldn't take him on...

I only liked Blur early on when they were a bit shoegaze, before all that parklife crap, the Glastonbury set i saw was good as it was that early era

09-09-2024, 10:32 AM
Because of all the kerfuffle around Oasis I have been reminded what utter knobs they are.
But I feel the same about John Lennon. I don't really care, I just like their music, I don't have to have a drink with them.

yeah there's a reason why they say 'never meet your heroes' - that's really true in music - i once met a musician i really admiered and they annoyed me so much i sold all their stuff and never listened to them again :D

09-09-2024, 10:36 AM
i was at a gig of an African band (who tbf he did know) and he just turned up stoned and just walked up onto the stage and played one of the keyboard things you blow into (don't know what it's called) - all a bit out of tune and added nothing - really arrogant

he's a big guy though, you wouldn't take him on...

I only liked Blur early on when they were a bit shoegaze, before all that parklife crap, the Glastonbury set i saw was good as it was that early era

In fairness, I wasn’t planning to fight the guy :lol:

I personally liked Think Tank, but then I also liked Standing on the Shoulders of Giants so there we go

But yeah I think on the whole, Blur’s earliest stuff is their best

And Gorillaz was a complete vanity project on Albarn’s part

09-09-2024, 10:39 AM
Because of all the kerfuffle around Oasis I have been reminded what utter knobs they are.
But I feel the same about John Lennon. I don't really care, I just like their music, I don't have to have a drink with them.

Totally agree, even though I think Roger Waters is one of the biggest cunts going (I love that Dave Gilmour’s wife absolutely unloaded on what a complete fuck face he is on Twitter a year or so ago)…I also think Dark Side of the Moon is a truly iconic album….and far better than Water’s maudlin self regarding shite in The Wall and The Final Cut

09-09-2024, 11:08 AM
I once met a Spurs fan called Sol Campbell.

09-09-2024, 12:10 PM
Totally agree, even though I think Roger Waters is one of the biggest cunts going (I love that Dave Gilmour’s wife absolutely unloaded on what a complete fuck face he is on Twitter a year or so ago)…I also think Dark Side of the Moon is a truly iconic album….and far better than Water’s maudlin self regarding shite in The Wall and The Final Cut

Yes Waters is a cunt and his Floyd stuff is shite but tbh i think even DSotM, while good, isn't as good as all the praise it gets. As usual it's a case of no-one knowing all the other music beong made around it at the time and just seeing it in isolation, a bit like Sergeant Pepper tbh

Give me Piper at the Gates of Dawn any day, that's proper psychedelia

09-09-2024, 01:07 PM
DSotM, while good, isn't as good as all the praise it gets.
You do have a habit of stating opinion as fact.
It's my all time favourite album, but I have a friend whose musical tastes are in general quite aligned with mine who can't stand it, so... :shrug:

09-09-2024, 01:07 PM
I once met a Spurs fan called Sol Campbell.

That must have been initially brilliant and then terrible.
Presuming he's old enough to remember when Sol was at Spurs.

09-09-2024, 01:23 PM
Yes Waters is a cunt and his Floyd stuff is shite but tbh i think even DSotM, while good, isn't as good as all the praise it gets. As usual it's a case of no-one knowing all the other music beong made around it at the time and just seeing it in isolation, a bit like Sergeant Pepper tbh

Give me Piper at the Gates of Dawn any day, that's proper psychedelia

My opinion but it’s better than most of the stuff they did under Syd Barrett when they were kind of acid prog rock. I like Meddle as an album but most of the stuff after Dark side of the Moon is self indulgent shite. Shine on you crazy Diamond, an ode to someone who was such a petulant dickhead that he engaged in a forty year strop living with his mum.

In some ways I actually like some of the stuff they did after Walters fucked off, it wasn’t anything special but it was just genuine music not self referential pretentious shit. Learning to Fly for example is just an uncomplicated feel good song

09-09-2024, 01:32 PM
You do have a habit of stating opinion as fact.
It's my all time favourite album, but I have a friend whose musical tastes are in general quite aligned with mine who can't stand it, so... :shrug:

Mate of mine is down on DSOTM. Thinks stuff like the Great Gig in the Sky is cringe

I don’t know how true it is. But when they’ve sampled all those people they interviewed (I think at bbc studio) they also asked Paul and Linda McCartney who happened to be around at the time recording something, the same questions like “are you frightened of dying?” “When you last got into a fight, were you in the right?” But it didn’t make the Final Cut, because they were taking the piss

I always thought the woman who responds “that geezer was cruising for a bruising” at the end of Money was Linda McCartney

09-09-2024, 01:35 PM
That must have been initially brilliant and then terrible.
Presuming he's old enough to remember when Sol was at Spurs.

He was a couple of years younger than me and I barely remember him playing for them, so I don't think he does.

He certainly remembers getting abusive messages from fellow Spurs fans who'd typed his name into various social media search bars.

09-09-2024, 02:02 PM
My opinion but it’s better than most of the stuff they did under Syd Barrett when they were kind of acid prog rock. I like Meddle as an album but most of the stuff after Dark side of the Moon is self indulgent shite. Shine on you crazy Diamond, an ode to someone who was such a petulant dickhead that he engaged in a forty year strop living with his mum.

In some ways I actually like some of the stuff they did after Walters fucked off, it wasn’t anything special but it was just genuine music not self referential pretentious shit. Learning to Fly for example is just an uncomplicated feel good song

that's a bit hard to follow but Barrett was an acid casualty who essentially can't be blamed if he ended up living with his mum, the guy partly lost his mind - it happens

he was also a creative genius, whereas Waters desperately wants to be one but isn;t

but Shine on.. is a crap song (IMO)

09-09-2024, 02:04 PM
You do have a habit of stating opinion as fact.
It's my all time favourite album, but I have a friend whose musical tastes are in general quite aligned with mine who can't stand it, so... :shrug:

I don't make a habit of stating opinion as fact but in this case, yes i should have said 'IMO' :good:

there's a lot worse LPs to have as your favourite

09-09-2024, 02:04 PM
That must have been initially brilliant and then terrible.
Presuming he's old enough to remember when Sol was at Spurs.

oh i thought he meant he'd actually met Sol Campbell :lol:

09-09-2024, 02:16 PM
that's a bit hard to follow but Barrett was an acid casualty who essentially can't be blamed if he ended up living with his mum, the guy partly lost his mind - it happens

he was also a creative genius, whereas Waters desperately wants to be one but isn;t

but Shine on.. is a crap song (IMO)

Acid Casualty? Interesting term for him. Very little evidence of Psychiatric Illness. Apart from anything else, even his family vehemently denied there was anything wrong with him mentally, and when he did see a psychiatrist as an outpatient the conclusion was he didn’t require medication or further therapy. Id say it was more likely he had a personality problem, now I’ve no doubt that may have been exacerbated by drug taking. But some people are just difficult and eccentric, and Barrett was one of those. And creative genius is definitely a matter of opinion….grossly overrated would be mine.

I wouldn’t call Walters a creative genius either, I just think Pink Floyd had better creative output once Barrett had gone.

09-09-2024, 02:17 PM
I don't make a habit of stating opinion as fact but in this case, yes i should have said 'IMO' :good:

there's a lot worse LPs to have as your favourite

It’s literally what you’re known for on here :lol:

Although I will qualify that, by saying that’s more with football you do that. In fairness on this subject, I’m well aware that you’re just expressing your opinion

09-09-2024, 02:23 PM
oh i thought he meant he'd actually met Sol Campbell :lol:

Actually so did I

09-09-2024, 02:26 PM
It’s literally what you’re known for on here :lol:

Although I will qualify that, by saying that’s more with football you do that. In fairness on this subject, I’m well aware that you’re just expressing your opinion

in all seriousness if every time anyone expressed an opinion on here they had to say "in my opinion" it would get a bit dull - I think we all know people are expressing opinions - you as much, if not more, as anyone

that said it's when someone says it more emphatically, or it's about something very fundamental, or involves negAtive opions about another messageboard member etc that it's an issue

09-09-2024, 02:45 PM
in all seriousness if every time anyone expressed an opinion on here they had to say "in my opinion" it would get a bit dull - I think we all know people are expressing opinions - you as much, if not more, as anyone

that said it's when someone says it more emphatically, or it's about something very fundamental, or involves negAtive opions about another messageboard member etc that it's an issue

Well it’s an issue for you :lol: I think what you call abuse, I call very mild criticism/mockery. As I don’t know you.

There’s also a difference between explicitly prefacing everything with in my opinion which I agree is unnecessary, and writing in a way that makes it clear that it’s your opinion. Maybe you just have that unfortunate style where your opinions sound like emphatic statements.

But this back and forth repartee even bores me after a fashion. So I’d rather move on….the pink Floyd discussion was actually more interesting

09-09-2024, 02:53 PM
Shine on you crazy Diamond, an ode to someone who was such a petulant dickhead that he engaged in a forty year strop living with his mum.
I don't really care who it's about, it's another favourite of mine.
I saw...I think it was Walters rather than Gilmour, although honestly I can't remember 100% now. Anyway, he was doing the whole of DSoTM in Hyde Park some years back.
That was a good gig. Obviously he did other stuff including Shine on You Crazy Diamond. I honestly got chills when that 4 note riff started.
I don't like all their stuff and some of it is a bit indulgent but there's some brilliant stuff there too.

09-09-2024, 03:28 PM
I don't really care who it's about, it's another favourite of mine.
I saw...I think it was Walters rather than Gilmour, although honestly I can't remember 100% now. Anyway, he was doing the whole of DSoTM in Hyde Park some years back.
That was a good gig. Obviously he did other stuff including Shine on You Crazy Diamond. I honestly got chills when that 4 note riff started.
I don't like all their stuff and some of it is a bit indulgent but there's some brilliant stuff there too.

I just don’t care for it at all as a song, plus it’s hard to get out of my head that it’s an apology to a guy who didn’t really deserve one. It’s like if the Stones had written a song dedicated to Brian Jones after finally having enough of him being an insufferable arsehole.

Though Waters seemed to gladly take up his mantle. Where as Barrett was just a sullen weirdo, I think Waters is a genuinely ugly human being. And whilst I agree that someone’s body of work can be appraised on its merits without appraising the individual, with a lot of Pink Floyd’s stuff after Dark Side of the Moon it’s hard to extrapolate one from the other. The Wall and the Final Cut are an exercise in off the chart levels of self-absorption. Yeah Bowie made an alter ego for himself with Ziggy Stardust, it’s not as on the nose and moored in self pity as Pink is

09-09-2024, 03:33 PM
I was talking to a colleague about separating the art from the artist.
There's a line, but it's not clear where it is.
Rolf Harris is definitely over it - I used to love his shows and music, the latter not to be taken seriously, but it was enjoyable enough nonsense.
But I can't listen to any of it now.
MJ I can still enjoy on the basis that I'm not sure what he actually did, if anything. Obviously I'm aware of the allegations.

09-09-2024, 03:41 PM
But some people are just difficult and eccentric, and Barrett was one of those.

That sounds like an opinion to me... ;)

Allow me to present to you what Wikipedia says (all referenced as always):

"Through late 1967 and early 1968, Barrett became increasingly erratic, partly as a consequence of his heavy use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD.[13] Once described as joyful, friendly, and extroverted, he became increasingly depressed, withdrawn, and began experiencing hallucinations, disorganised speech, memory lapses, intense mood swings and periods of catatonia. Although the changes began gradually, according to several friends —including the Pink Floyd keyboardist Richard Wright— he went missing for a long weekend and returned "a completely different person"


09-09-2024, 03:44 PM
I was talking to a colleague about separating the art from the artist.
There's a line, but it's not clear where it is.
Rolf Harris is definitely over it - I used to love his shows and music, the latter not to be taken seriously, but it was enjoyable enough nonsense.
But I can't listen to any of it now.
MJ I can still enjoy on the basis that I'm not sure what he actually did, if anything. Obviously I'm aware of the allegations.

Id say there are too many similar testimonies of abuse from MJ from people who would never have met each other, now obviously the standard for conviction is much higher than that. But some time after his trial, one of the jury said (and of course that’s just his opinion) that MJ was likely a child abuser and most certainly a pedophile but even though the evidence that pointed him to that conclusion, it wasn’t strong enough for a conviction in that particular case. So on one hand given he was never convicted of anything, there’s no reason not to play his music (and it was always considered an open secret what he was, going back as far as the late 1980s), on the other hand im given cause to wonder that given its popularity whether his music would still be played even if he had been convicted. It’s not like Gary Glitter, who was always considered a bit of a cheesy joke in the music industry.