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09-09-2024, 03:48 PM
That sounds like an opinion to me... ;)

Allow me to present to you what Wikipedia says (all referenced as always):

"Through late 1967 and early 1968, Barrett became increasingly erratic, partly as a consequence of his heavy use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD.[13] Once described as joyful, friendly, and extroverted, he became increasingly depressed, withdrawn, and began experiencing hallucinations, disorganised speech, memory lapses, intense mood swings and periods of catatonia. Although the changes began gradually, according to several friends —including the Pink Floyd keyboardist Richard Wright— he went missing for a long weekend and returned "a completely different person"


Yes you’re right, it’s definitely an opinion. I can’t say comprehensively what was wrong with him…apart from anything else I never met the man.

From what I’ve watched/read about Barrett he was always an erratic, off the wall individual. But again even if this claim about personality change is accurate, it doesn’t necessarily imply drug induced psychosis

Now I’ve no doubt that some of the symptoms you’ve quoted would have been present whilst he was taking LSD, in large quantities it’s an extremely potent psychotropic substance. What I’m saying is that he didn’t present as in a state of psychosis after he became abstinent from taking this stuff and the subsequent period after it, leading up to his death. What presented (to me) was a childish dickhead, who never got over being booted out of the band

09-09-2024, 03:49 PM
...Maybe you just have that unfortunate style where your opinions sound like emphatic statements. ...

...the pink Floyd discussion was actually more interesting

the word 'actually' sounds a bit 'emphatic' to me - don't you mean "i think the Pink Floyd discussion was more interesting"?

09-09-2024, 03:51 PM
Yes you’re right, it’s definitely an opinion. I can’t say comprehensively what was wrong with him…apart from anything else I never met the man.

From what I’ve watched/read about Barrett he was always an erratic, off the wall individual. But again even if this claim about personality change is accurate, it doesn’t necessarily imply drug induced psychosis

it absolutely implies it, given his mood change coincided with the drug use - it's just that kind of stubborn denial of the facts that make you hard to take seriously :)

09-09-2024, 04:08 PM
I know people who won't listen to MJ now. I do understand that and, honestly, I think on balance of probability he probably was a wrong'un.
But on the basis that he was never convicted and that I like to think of him as a child-like eccentric, I'll keep playing Thriller thanks very much.
There's a bit of denial going on there, but there was so much conflicting information about him it's really hard to know what really did or didn't happen.

09-09-2024, 04:10 PM
it absolutely implies it, given his mood change coincided with the drug use - it's just that kind of stubborn denial of the facts that make you hard to take seriously :)

Psychosis means break from reality, so no personality change is not a necessary or sufficient condition for it….given your personality can change and you can still have personal insight and be able to discern reality from fantasy.

And as I say there’s a difference between taking a drug that directly affects your perception and making it a permanent alteration.

For instance if you hallucinate on LSD that’s an effect of the drug, if you’re not taking the drug and are hallucinating it’s a psychotic break.

And again it’s one person’s testimony. And I’ve already said LSD might have aggravated what was already there, but again in my opinion when you read of his behaviour after he’d left Pink Floyd it’s far more redolent of neurotic than psychiatric malody.

What you can or can’t take seriously is of no interest to me frankly

09-09-2024, 04:15 PM
I know people who won't listen to MJ now. I do understand that and, honestly, I think on balance of probability he probably was a wrong'un.
But on the basis that he was never convicted and that I like to think of him as a child-like eccentric, I'll keep playing Thriller thanks very much.
There's a bit of denial going on there, but there was so much conflicting information about him it's really hard to know what really did or didn't happen.

Each to their own

Personally I like Thriller but I still think he was a massive boy botherer who used his wealth and fame to diddle young boys

This doesn’t create a moral schism for me, because the song is still good even if the artist was not

09-09-2024, 06:46 PM
I must admit, given the general hysteria over anything to do with kids (and i'm not just talking about HCZ :lol:) I am surprised that Wacko Jacko's music is still played in shops and there's even a musical etc.

I guess it's because nothing's proven re what he did/didn't do

I'm not bothered about his music but if i had to listen to one album it would be Off the Wall i think

09-09-2024, 07:31 PM
Off The Wall is arguably better than Thriller.
I think it’s that nothing was proven against him. And, unlike Saville, there aren’t scores of people coming forward to make allegations against him.
Saw him twice back in the day.

09-09-2024, 07:32 PM


09-09-2024, 09:17 PM
James Earl Jones is dead

09-09-2024, 10:12 PM

Coming to America :bow:

10-09-2024, 09:55 AM
Actually so did I

Remember this?



10-09-2024, 10:05 AM
Remember this?



Seb Coe only lasted five years as an MP

And Seb Coe he was not

11-09-2024, 02:14 PM
https://metro.co.uk/2024/01/31/mcdonalds-baby-name-menu-item-wisconsin-20197808/?ito=facebookimage&fbclid=IwY2xjawFOhFtleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHdhuUTqZefGb0 N7A5cBpxOgKP8mXCa3Yia0VVNVTnyO1geBwP-KB-7Xbng_aem_S_qXMz82ihyx7Kn5I7D2ow

Congratulations, your child is going to be beaten like a Chipperfield monkey at High school

14-09-2024, 06:20 PM
https://metro.co.uk/2024/01/31/mcdonalds-baby-name-menu-item-wisconsin-20197808/?ito=facebookimage&fbclid=IwY2xjawFOhFtleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHdhuUTqZefGb0 N7A5cBpxOgKP8mXCa3Yia0VVNVTnyO1geBwP-KB-7Xbng_aem_S_qXMz82ihyx7Kn5I7D2ow

Congratulations, your child is going to be beaten like a Chipperfield monkey at High school

Jeez, I haven't read the thread yet but you are endorsing metro. Really? That struck me immediately.

14-09-2024, 06:20 PM
James Earl Jones is dead


14-09-2024, 06:45 PM


14-09-2024, 06:48 PM
James Earl Jones is dead - AND?
And we're provoking all out war with nuclear powered Russia?


Give me the AND. Or else admit to how incredibly shallow and unthinking you are.

Sorry for James and his family and all that - didn't know them, don't care, that's just me being honest in a way that defeats you. But how many Internet awards do you actually want? And what is their value, all stacked up? Is it greater than zero?

You fucking people. Such a massive problem.

14-09-2024, 07:11 PM
No idea who you are replying to, but if it’s me you’re wasting your time as I have you on ignore so you’re screaming into the void….which I’m sure must be a familiar experience for you.

14-09-2024, 07:58 PM
Give me the AND.
AND people who enjoyed his work felt some connection with him and therefore are a bit sad he died. That's it.
No-one's pretending they knew him, no-one has booked the week off work to mourn.
The irony is you're the one virtue signalling here - you want everyone to know that you're far too serious and above all this to care about trivia like a celebrity dying.
As if the people who do care about this stuff can't possibly understand there are bigger things going on in the world.
And, again, caring is not a binary thing - indifference and absolute devastation are not the only two options.
People saw the news, thought "oh that's a shame" and then got on with their lives.
I don't know how many times I have to explain that this is not where people come to talk about the important matters of the day.

14-09-2024, 10:56 PM
No idea who you are replying to, but if it’s me you’re wasting your time as I have you on ignore so you’re screaming into the void….which I’m sure must be a familiar experience for you.

Moron. If I'm on ignore then why are you responding? There are some things so obvious even you... Well maybe not.

14-09-2024, 10:58 PM
AND people who enjoyed his work felt some connection with him and therefore are a bit sad he died. That's it.
No-one's pretending they knew him, no-one has booked the week off work to mourn.
The irony is you're the one virtue signalling here - you want everyone to know that you're far too serious and above all this to care about trivia like a celebrity dying.
As if the people who do care about this stuff can't possibly understand there are bigger things going on in the world.
And, again, caring is not a binary thing - indifference and absolute devastation are not the only two options.
People saw the news, thought "oh that's a shame" and then got on with their lives.
I don't know how many times I have to explain that this is not where people come to talk about the important matters of the day.

Fine. Thank you.

That's reasonable.

But with all the things that could be expressed, particularly during this turbulent repetition of history, I sometimes wonder what peoples priorities are. And it amazes me when I find out. And people who tell you your house is on fire may be doing it to boost their virtue, but probably not.

15-09-2024, 05:28 AM
Moron. If I'm on ignore then why are you responding? There are some things so obvious even you... Well maybe not.

Taken you off ignore to reply to this, because it’s like Mute on Twitter I can see you’ve posted but I get to choose whether or not I see what you’ve posted. For fuck sake, that should be obvious even to you.

15-09-2024, 05:44 AM
Fine. Thank you.

That's reasonable.

But with all the things that could be expressed, particularly during this turbulent repetition of history, I sometimes wonder what peoples priorities are. And it amazes me when I find out. And people who tell you your house is on fire may be doing it to boost their virtue, but probably not.

If you told me my house was on fire I’d know it was perfectly safe.

Honestly, you’re like a small child stamping their feet and demanding we pay attention to them

How many times does it need to be made clear to you, that just because you insist that we are on the precipice doesn’t make it so.

Putin’s threats about what will happen if our weapons are used by Ukraine to attack Russia are about as likely to be followed through as his threats of what would happen if Finland joined NATO. He didn’t attack Ukraine in response to NATO expansion, anymore than he did the threat of Nazism on his border…he did it because he doesn’t believe in Ukraine’s sovereignty and sees it as a part of greater Russia. Its garden variety Revanchism.

He thinks we are weak, he thought we would just look the other way whilst he took Kyiv in three days. In many ways we are weak, we looked the other way whilst he committed two acts of terrorism on our soil in order to prove to dissidents that there’s no where they could go to escape his reach…(a lot of dictators and thugs do this, Paul Kagame the president of Rwanda had a former ally murdered in South Africa).

For all your complaints about how it’s western governments that are the truly evil ones, no one has fitted you for concrete boots for saying this. Where as in Russia journalist, opposition politicians and those who speak out are often murdered and made to look like an Accident. Then again maybe they just decided you’re a pathetic loser who can’t even persuade a handful of people on a seldom used football messaging board of your arguments.

For the purpose of clarity, I’ll wait for your latest iteration of how im stupid, brainwashed, pliant what have you. Then you’re going back on ignore, it’s like engaging with my cousin…at least he’s family and there’s an obligation to make the effort

16-09-2024, 12:15 PM

Whilst I feel like saying he’s got off easy because of his celebrity status, it seems like Judges don’t want to hand down custodial sentences for downloading indecent images of children.

I do think there’s a genuine opportunity to actually use tough sentences as a deterrent to stop demand that leads to children being abused to begin with

Huw Edwards is a fucking wrong un, and I’ve no doubt someone like that will get caught again

16-09-2024, 01:20 PM
I'm surprised it wasn't custodial although apparently that is unusual in these cases.
I don't think famous people should get off lightly because they're famous - I've always been more of a "make an example of them" kinda guy, but maybe that's not really fair either.

16-09-2024, 10:25 PM
If you told me my house was on fire I’d know it was perfectly safe.

Honestly, you’re like a small child stamping their feet and demanding we pay attention to them

How many times does it need to be made clear to you, that just because you insist that we are on the precipice doesn’t make it so.

Putin’s threats about what will happen if our weapons are used by Ukraine to attack Russia are about as likely to be followed through as his threats of what would happen if Finland joined NATO. He didn’t attack Ukraine in response to NATO expansion, anymore than he did the threat of Nazism on his border…he did it because he doesn’t believe in Ukraine’s sovereignty and sees it as a part of greater Russia. Its garden variety Revanchism.

He thinks we are weak, he thought we would just look the other way whilst he took Kyiv in three days. In many ways we are weak, we looked the other way whilst he committed two acts of terrorism on our soil in order to prove to dissidents that there’s no where they could go to escape his reach…(a lot of dictators and thugs do this, Paul Kagame the president of Rwanda had a former ally murdered in South Africa).

For all your complaints about how it’s western governments that are the truly evil ones, no one has fitted you for concrete boots for saying this. Where as in Russia journalist, opposition politicians and those who speak out are often murdered and made to look like an Accident. Then again maybe they just decided you’re a pathetic loser who can’t even persuade a handful of people on a seldom used football messaging board of your arguments.

For the purpose of clarity, I’ll wait for your latest iteration of how im stupid, brainwashed, pliant what have you. Then you’re going back on ignore, it’s like engaging with my cousin…at least he’s family and there’s an obligation to make the effort

Is this you ignoring me agian?

16-09-2024, 10:35 PM
I'm surprised it wasn't custodial although apparently that is unusual in these cases.
I don't think famous people should get off lightly because they're famous - I've always been more of a "make an example of them" kinda guy, but maybe that's not really fair either.

It;'s hardly surprising these sick fucks have no issues with bending over and taking a direct feed they will they repeat as news. When your character is broken your influence on the world is undesirable. I wonder how many sick fucks are lurking in the sick BBC? More than we know, given how vehemently they cover for them.

17-09-2024, 03:25 PM
So news out of Lebanon that many Hezbollah operatives have been badly injured by Exploding Pagers (Hacked by Mossad apparently). Now given many of them were being stored in their trouser pockets, the hospital in Beirut is going to be busy dealing with guys with exploded dicks.

I’ve not been in the best of moods today, but have to say this has cheered me up no end

17-09-2024, 05:02 PM

It's funny 'cos their dicks exploded.

17-09-2024, 08:16 PM
So news out of Lebanon that many Hezbollah operatives have been badly injured by Exploding Pagers (Hacked by Mossad apparently). Now given many of them were being stored in their trouser pockets, the hospital in Beirut is going to be busy dealing with guys with exploded dicks.

I’ve not been in the best of moods today, but have to say this has cheered me up no end

This is the most unbelievable thing I heard in quite a while. But it seems it is true. The genius of the person behind this can't be underestimated. Or evil genius, if you prefer. This is literally James Bond in the real world, finally closing the loop between the Hollywood primer and the reality of what is to come.

18-09-2024, 02:23 PM
Woke me up before you go go


18-09-2024, 02:51 PM
I always feel that with Art, like with comedy if you have to explain it….whats the point

I find most modern art extremely pretentious, constructed by people for whom their ego dwarves their talent

In hindsight, it’s a racket I should have got involved with :lol:

18-09-2024, 03:59 PM
I always feel that with Art, like with comedy if you have to explain it….whats the point

I find most modern art extremely pretentious, constructed by people for whom their ego dwarves their talent

In hindsight, it’s a racket I should have got involved with :lol:

Hirst, the Tory rat-faced Emin and a lot of those Brit artists were publicity-seeking frauds - not Rachel Whiteread though, she's the real thing

For me proper art is where someone has genuine intentions of communicating in a different way and the ability to pull it off with integrity

18-09-2024, 04:50 PM
Hirst, the Tory rat-faced Emin and a lot of those Brit artists were publicity-seeking frauds - not Rachel Whiteread though, she's the real thing

For me proper art is where someone has genuine intentions of communicating in a different way and the ability to pull it off with integrity

Is Emin a Tory? Interesting…not that I really care that much what peoples political beliefs are until they start proselytising


I mainly disliked Emin because she was a luvvie who tried to convince people that a soiled bed sheet on a bed with loads of crap on it was edgy and boundary pushing, rather than lazy and trite.

I prefer the Tate to the Tate modern any day of the week, I like the Greek and Latin classics as inspiration for beautiful works of art.

18-09-2024, 08:14 PM

Day Two of the Mossad Trolling operation. :haha:

Bets on what will be next? Exploding Wrist watches or Exploding Gameboys?

19-09-2024, 10:32 AM
Bets on what will be next? Exploding Wrist watches or Exploding Gameboys?


19-09-2024, 10:40 AM

Exploding Cigar was one of the ideas the CIA had to assassinate Fidel Castro

19-09-2024, 07:55 PM
Tony Soper :rose:

20-09-2024, 08:14 AM

Chamberlain is showing her age! :lol:
I mean, she's 57 so fair enough.

20-09-2024, 08:29 AM

Chamberlain is showing her age! :lol:
I mean, she's 57 so fair enough.

Cat Deeley hasn’t aged well

21-09-2024, 04:50 PM
Neither have I

22-09-2024, 05:55 PM
Neither have I

But you aren't dead. When can you promise us you'll be dead and the world will be better?

26-09-2024, 10:44 AM


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why as tempting as it is for certain cases, the death penalty is a bad idea.

26-09-2024, 12:28 PM
Death by bum lift



26-09-2024, 01:17 PM


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why as tempting as it is for certain cases, the death penalty is a bad idea.

In Japan there is no set execution date, so you wake up every morning thinking it might be your last

In the UK, the death penalty was the prescribed sentence for murder (in that I don’t think sentence guidelines didn’t allow for any other punishment). In Japan, it’s usually multiple murders that result in a death sentence. The worrying thing is that the conviction rate in Japan is very high, and probably contributes to that if like in this case….police plant “evidence”

27-09-2024, 08:41 AM
Speaking of the death penalty, the second person was executed by Nitrogen asphyxiation. Now what’s painful about asphyxiation is not being unable to take in oxygen, it’s being unable to expel carbon dioxide. But the problem here in lies that a painless death would be dependent on someone not being aware of what’s happening to them. Pilots at high altitude have experienced hypoxia and it’s very similar to alcohol intoxication, impaired judgement and coordination. But if you know what’s happening you will struggle and you will suffocate slowly.

The interesting thing is that is that this execution took place in Alabama, which on the same night executed someone via lethal injection. The nitrogen asphyxia method was proposed because state correctional facilities were struggling to get supplies of the drugs used in these execution.

Which tend to be a three drug cocktail of Sodium Pentothal (later replaced with pentobarbital), Pancuronium Bromide and Potassium Chloride (to stop the heart)

An anaesthetic, a paralysing agent and a poison.

However this is more commonly being replaced by the overdose of anaesthesia as used in the Chinese execution method

And it’s the thiopental or the pentobarbital that a lot of suppliers will not supply for the purpose of killing people

Yet apparently that didn’t seem to be the issue in Alabama. A lot of states do retain alternative execution methods that death row inmates can opt for. A lot of the southern states still retain Old Sparky as a back up option, In Utah there is the option of the firing squad (which given the numerous botched executions by lethal injection, the certainty if not the bloodiness makes it more of a humane way of dispatch).

A couple of states like Washington and Delaware even carried out hangings as recently as 1996.

27-09-2024, 08:46 AM
My view on Capital Punishment is that whilst there are people who deserve to die for what they’ve done, the state essentially brings itself down to the level of the criminal by terminating their life.

I think there are rare occasions, where someone has been found guilty of crimes against humanity by an international court that it would be permissible for their life to be forfeit, to say “we cannot and will not share this world with you”

27-09-2024, 08:51 AM
I'm pretty sure France used the guillotine in my lifetime.
I've heard about this asphyxiation method and know it's pretty controversial. Although as discussed I think any method is pretty controversial

27-09-2024, 08:51 AM
In sillier news, this is a work of genius:


27-09-2024, 09:14 AM
I'm pretty sure France used the guillotine in my lifetime.
I've heard about this asphyxiation method and know it's pretty controversial. Although as discussed I think any method is pretty controversial

I have only a rough idea of how old you are, but yes the Guillotine was last used in France in 1977 (13 years after the last execution in the UK)

Capital punishment was still used in the old Eastern bloc in countries like Czechoslovakia and Romania (see execution of Nicolae Ceaucescu) up until the collapse of communism in the late eighties/early nineties.

Belarus remains the only European country that still carries out capital punishment.

27-09-2024, 09:34 AM
In sillier news, this is a work of genius:


Need to do Bamboozle on Teletext

27-09-2024, 09:44 AM
Need to do Bamboozle on Teletext

That is exactly what a friend said when I sent this to him :lol:

I'm 50 btw, I told you that earlier in the year when I was :p

27-09-2024, 01:26 PM

Maggie Smith :rose: