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29-03-2017, 03:54 PM
Fuck sake man, the pound is so shit. Just bought some Euros and Dollars but you get sod all these days.

bitch, bitch, bitch whine....doing the country down.

29-03-2017, 06:38 PM
Fuck sake man, the pound is so shit. Just bought some Euros and Dollars but you get sod all these days.


You lost, get over it.

30-03-2017, 07:51 AM
Oi, geezer, I think you'll find that we are all up shit creek, paddleless, rudderless and with a lead life jacket, even Neal Quim accepts this...

30-03-2017, 08:35 AM
Fuck sake man, the pound is so shit. Just bought some Euros and Dollars but you get sod all these days.


30-03-2017, 08:58 AM
Oi, geezer, I think you'll find that we are all up shit creek, paddleless, rudderless and with a lead life jacket, even Neal Quim accepts this...

Agreed. We're exactly where we were before all this started.

30-03-2017, 08:58 AM
James O'Brien


30-03-2017, 09:04 AM
Nothing has changed. Super rich cunts are still running the planet, with politicians crawling around doing their bidding.

If nothing has changed why did you think it mattered how the referendum result went? :shrug:

30-03-2017, 09:20 AM
If nothing has changed why did you think it mattered how the referendum result went? :shrug:

Can you really not figure that out?

A few years back, Brexit was impossible. It was still improbable last year. The cunts running the shop exert and perpetuate control by various means, propaganda being a key component. Fear being another. Lies. Deceit. Misdirection. False assumptions. Half the story. Gatekeeping. The goal is to keep people as ignorant as possible, and therefore in need of the enlightened ones to make decisions on their behalf. And, of course, guess who benefits? Brexit indicates realisation and a small pushback. There haven't been many setbacks to the globalists' plans, but Brexit is a genuine example. These are your "stupid" people who, granted, have their flaws, but are reaching a point that has been reached many times in history before real change has occurred. If the self interested lot who wanted to remain in the EU are now in a minority. That begins to at least open a door for change that may come in the future. Probably a distant future still, but there have to be signs of life at least. Brexit was that - a sign that yes, we are still aware, just.

30-03-2017, 09:36 AM
The Brexit campaign was full of "Lies. Deceit. Misdirection. False assumptions.". On both sides. #bus #350m #NHS.
And are you suggesting that people who wanted to leave the EU are not "self interested"? The campaign for Brexit was ENTIRELY about it being better for us.
The Brexit vote wasn't a sign of anything other than people are very easily swayed by busses. People voted for stupid reasons on both sides, you massively over-estimate people if you think this was a sign of anything really.

30-03-2017, 09:39 AM
The Brexit campaign was full of "Lies. Deceit. Misdirection. False assumptions.". On both sides. #bus #350m #NHS.
And are you suggesting that people who wanted to leave the EU are not "self interested"? The campaign for Brexit was ENTIRELY about it being better for us.
The Brexit vote wasn't a sign of anything other than people are very easily swayed by busses. People voted for stupid reasons on both sides, you massively over-estimate people if you think this was a sign of anything really.

People voted out to get rid of the muslims. In reality, all that will happen is EU immigration will be replaced by immigration from the Commonwealth. So more brown people.

Marc Overmars
30-03-2017, 09:45 AM
A guy I work with claims we've got our country back.

I'm pretty sure he has absolutely no idea what he even means by that.

30-03-2017, 09:46 AM
:lol: It's our "Independence Day"!
We're already independent, you silly sod! If we weren't we'd have had to start a way to achieve it, not write a polite letter.

30-03-2017, 09:55 AM
The Brexit campaign was full of "Lies. Deceit. Misdirection. False assumptions.". On both sides. #bus #350m #NHS.
And are you suggesting that people who wanted to leave the EU are not "self interested"? The campaign for Brexit was ENTIRELY about it being better for us.
The Brexit vote wasn't a sign of anything other than people are very easily swayed by busses. People voted for stupid reasons on both sides, you massively over-estimate people if you think this was a sign of anything really.

Are you incapable of thinking in broader terms than those framed by the people who claim to lead you? Forget about buses FFS! This isn't about stupid political hacks doing what they do to maintain their positions at the front of the queue. Do you never look beyond what is placed under your nose? You have no capacity to understand these things if you really think such a landmark reversal was brought about by stupid political hacks. It's like that idiot Dawkins - all done in a day. Political reversals are never achieved in a day, or a month, year. It takes decades, maybe centuries. Perceptions have to change. Deprogramming has to occur. Realisation has to grow. Sentiment has to shift. Right across millions of people who, taken as a whole, are generally politically inert (hence the survival of the one party state).

You see the battles (or maybe the skirmishes within them) but you can't seem to reach the inevitable conclusion that multiple battles = war.

Right now, everything you say suggest you are a globalist. If you had the capacity to zoom right out and look at globalism as a whole, and if you still supported that, you'd be an enemy to mankind. But you don't have that capacity or refuse to engage it, so you zoom right in and read the side of a bus. Then you reach your conclusions, which just so happen to be the exact same conclusions the mainstream offered you all along.

Arsenal are 6th in the league, are in the cup semis, and have qualified for the CL 20 years in a row. Therefore they are a highly successful club. Right? Or wrong? Choose ONE answer and don't embellish.

Power n Glory
30-03-2017, 10:06 AM
The bullshit will all unravel just as we’ve seen over in the U.S with Donald Trump. Nothing much has changed. People are still gullible and this merry-go-round will continue. We’ll see how the negations go but it doesn’t sound like we’ve got off to a good start. I can’t believe we’re the ones trying to bluff with the intelligence/security card! Desperate times, eh.

30-03-2017, 10:07 AM
People voted out to get rid of the muslims. In reality, all that will happen is EU immigration will be replaced by immigration from the Commonwealth. So more brown people.

Do you actually want all those Muslims in the UK?

General question to everyone.

Do you want millions of Muslims and their mosques and traditions to become a core element of British culture?

Me - no way. I don't. I want their mosques gone and them gone too. Not because I'm racist, I don't judge them at all on skin colour or whatever country they originate from if it's not Britain, but because I don't like their culture and I find it incompatible with ours. I'd rather they practised their culture in Muslim countries rather than ours.

Does this mean I want to see Muslims rounded up and deported? Nope. What rules have been made were made, what deals have been done were done. We live with the consequences. But I want us to stop making stupid rules and stupid deals. And EU immigration rules are about as stupid as it's possible to be. Anyone want to argue that's NOT the case?

On an individual basis I'm sure I could find 1,001 Muslims to get along with just fine, and have done. But in general terms I see their culture becoming ever more pervasive. Which has to mean the British culture is in decline. Which is the point of globalisation, btw. Multiculturalism is the destruction of culture. Diversity (as defined by globalisation) is homogenisation.

I would also like Spain to be predominantly Spanish, France to be French and (poor old Ireland) Ireland to be Irish though that ship sailed.

I like the British culture. I like living here. I like change, have no problem with it and it's a requirement of life. But obliteration and transformation? No, I don't like or want that. Study birth rates and then try to deny where we're heading.

Goes without saying, I want our bastard politicians to stop bombing Muslim countries.

Anyone else have their own opinion (rather than an approved opinion) on the matter? Might as well speak. The 'liberals' will soon have removed that right entirely so make hay.

30-03-2017, 10:28 AM
A guy I work with claims we've got our country back.

I'm pretty sure he has absolutely no idea what he even means by that.

I'm goin on a march, cos I want Britain to be back British.

30-03-2017, 10:30 AM



30-03-2017, 10:39 AM
I'm goin on a march, cos I want Britain to be back British.

Do you not want Britain to be British? To maintain a distinct cultural identity, traditions? You think we are ready to ditch nationalism and balkanisation and go for the one world government?

Who will run that? You and your one vote?

30-03-2017, 11:17 AM
Perceptions have to change. Deprogramming has to occur. Realisation has to grow. Sentiment has to shift.
And maybe this is where we differ. You see this result as a sign of that, I don't.
People voted for stupid reasons (on both sides) as they always have. If we got to the right result (and that is far from clear) then it was not because of a growing realisation.

And the question about Arsenal cannot be answered with a simple yes or no, successful in what regard, compared to who? Too complicated a question to give a yes or no answer. And the answer depends on your perspective (board member, fan, rival fan etc).

I don't particularly like Globalisation - one of the things I like about Paris is it has a very distinct feel about it and one of the things I don't like when I go overseas is when there's Joe's Caff on every corner. But, multiculturalism has undoubtedly enriched us as a nation. Obviously balance is needed, "keep 'em all out" is as woolly headed as "let 'em all in" but I don't think many people are seriously suggesting either extreme.

30-03-2017, 11:34 AM

*marks self SAFE*

31-03-2017, 09:42 AM

What if we started up the "face" and "fat" jokes again? Would that help?

For example, somebody could come here and say, "Wow, this place is dead!", and I'd then say, "So's your face!". :haha:
Somebody else would then come along and say, "And he's fat." :haha: :haha:

31-03-2017, 09:46 AM
Why do they call it Ovaltine?

The mug is round, the jar is round, they should call it Roundtine.

31-03-2017, 09:47 AM
Why do they call it Ovaltine?

The mug is round, the jar is round, they should call it Roundtine.

So's your face!

31-03-2017, 09:58 AM
So's your face!

I'm also fat

31-03-2017, 11:34 AM

Herbalife :pal:

Girl at work is obsessed with this lot, or was anyway. She tried to get MrsL involved, I put my foot down :sulk:

31-03-2017, 12:01 PM
Herbalife should have changed its name to Barclays Bank - then it could have done whatever the fuck and the government would GIVE them 200 mill. Selective justice is no justice at all. Long past time to shut down the government and the courts.

Marc Overmars
31-03-2017, 12:14 PM
Does anyone use Monzo?

Xhaka Can’t
31-03-2017, 12:55 PM
I just use Mattress.

31-03-2017, 01:12 PM
I use Wonga.com

31-03-2017, 03:24 PM
I use Wonga.com

So does your fat face.

31-03-2017, 03:35 PM

31-03-2017, 09:34 PM
Now this is proper discussion - finally. Old GW is back ! :bow:

31-03-2017, 11:45 PM

No rights were ever given to us by the grace of God
No rights were ever given by some United Nations clause
No rights were ever given by some nice guy at the top
Our rights they were bought by all the blood
And all the tears of all our
Grandmothers, grandfathers before

Don't forget that, snowflakes.

31-03-2017, 11:54 PM
Fight all the powers who abuse our common laws.
Fight all the powers who believe they only owe themselves.

Or kill them. Either works just fine.

01-04-2017, 12:18 AM
Take away our history
Take away our heroes
Take away our values
And leave us here with nothing
We were in the garden of Eden
Just as children mess around
We only leant against the tree
And the apple came tumbling down
You gave us what we asked for
But never what we wanted
We were only children
How could you have been so stupid
We went up to the steel walls
That guard the sacred town
We only whispered to ourselves
And the walls came tumbling down
We didn't want a victory
We just wanted to fight
But you wouldn't fight
You just gave in
You went and spoiled every game
You broke an everlasting chain
And nobody respects you for your weakness
Take away our idols
Take away our faith
Take away our hatred
And put us in this vacuum
Then say be yourself, please yourself
Express yourself some more
It's your right to do what you like
Because we can't really be bothered with you at all
We didn't want a victory
We just wanted to fight
But you wouldn't fight
You said it isn't nice to fight
You went and spoiled every game
You broke an everlasting chain
And nobody respects you for your weakness

01-04-2017, 07:45 AM
Alcohol :bow:

Marc Overmars
01-04-2017, 09:18 AM
Drunk NQ. :bow:

I did chuckle at "who are you talking to?" in the Tennis thread. :lol:

02-04-2017, 11:00 PM
Continuing the education...

Take away our history
Take away our heroes
Take away our values
And leave us here with nothing
We were in the garden of Eden
Just as children mess around
We only leant against the tree
And the apple came tumbling down
You gave us what we asked for
But never what we wanted
We were only children
How could you have been so stupid
We went up to the steel walls
That guard the sacred town
We only whispered to ourselves
And the walls came tumbling down
We didn't want a victory
We just wanted to fight
But you wouldn't fight
You just gave in
You went and spoiled every game
You broke an everlasting chain
And nobody respects you for your weakness
Take away our idols
Take away our faith
Take away our hatred
And put us in this vacuum
Then say be yourself, please yourself
Express yourself some more
It's your right to do what you like
Because we can't really be bothered with you at all
We didn't want a victory
We just wanted to fight
But you wouldn't fight
You said it isn't nice to fight
You went and spoiled every game
You broke an everlasting chain
And nobody respects you for your weakness

I read this to mean - get the fucking Muslim out. Get them out... get them out of this place... get them out...


02-04-2017, 11:02 PM
An smash the fucking government.

Do I mean kill them, slaughter them, slash their throats and leave them to bleed out on the street?

Of course not.

05-04-2017, 11:19 AM

05-04-2017, 11:40 AM
Qualiteeeee journalism.

05-04-2017, 11:47 AM
Par for the course these days.

05-04-2017, 11:59 AM


I'm still SAFE, by the way.

05-04-2017, 12:00 PM
Service of hope.

05-04-2017, 12:16 PM
Also, Dinosaurs :bow:


05-04-2017, 12:41 PM
Trouble with all these people marking themselves safe is if they forget then I get all excited. Next thing I know, up they pop and mark themselves safe. Well they won't be safe for long if they keep dashing my hopes like that.

06-04-2017, 12:01 PM

06-04-2017, 12:02 PM
I'm shocked. SHOCKED.

06-04-2017, 12:02 PM
Trouble with all these people marking themselves safe is if they forget then I get all excited. Next thing I know, up they pop and mark themselves safe. Well they won't be safe for long if they keep dashing my hopes like that.

do you regard treatment for alcoholism a way of keeping people down?

If not.....than you know....just a suggestion.

06-04-2017, 12:03 PM
I'm shocked. SHOCKED.

apparently he's also a Jew

Christ...well Jesus anyway........my world has been turned upside down.

06-04-2017, 12:27 PM
do you regard treatment for alcoholism a way of keeping people down?

If not.....than you know....just a suggestion.

Treatment? Why would you need treatment for alcoholism? :blink:

06-04-2017, 12:29 PM

Maybe this will deter others from this fashion choice.

06-04-2017, 12:31 PM

Never know he had it in him! :lol:

06-04-2017, 12:33 PM

Never know he had it in him! :lol:

All I see is...

We've noticed you're adblocking.

We rely on advertising to help fund our award-winning journalism.

We urge you to turn off your ad blocker for The Telegraph website so that you can continue to access our quality content in the future.

Thank you for your support.

I think the Telegraph making wild and unsubstantiated claims about quality content is the real story here.

06-04-2017, 12:55 PM
Treatment? Why would you need treatment for alcoholism? :blink:

that's....that's a good question

enjoy cirrhosis of the liver....i hear it's fun.

06-04-2017, 12:55 PM

Never know he had it in him! :lol:

That's Letters, that is.

06-04-2017, 01:10 PM

Never know he had it in him! :lol:



06-04-2017, 01:10 PM


06-04-2017, 01:46 PM

Never know he had it in him! :lol:

No! It's Barry Manilow who has it in him. Keep up.

06-04-2017, 01:49 PM
There's a million cabs parked outside work.
Some protest, probably against Uber or something.

06-04-2017, 02:07 PM
There's meant to be a protest this evening against the New Statesman by Momentum because of unfair coverage against Jeremy Corbyn

the NS employs Liam Young and Michael Chessum i don't know what else it wants....if it wants propaganda it has the Canary.

06-04-2017, 02:15 PM
There's a million cabs parked outside work.
Some protest, probably against Uber or something.

Good. Uber are scum.

06-04-2017, 02:53 PM
There's a million cabs parked outside work.
Some protest, probably against Uber or something.

Or else it's lunchtime at the BBC.

Marc Overmars
06-04-2017, 03:27 PM
Good. Uber are scum.

Thick as shit the majority of their drivers are.

Ordered one the other day and I saw him drive past me because he didn't know where the pick up point was. The pin on the map was clearly marked outside the bar I was at.
He parked up half a mile a way and called to say he had arrived! He then got all arsey when I wasn't there, so he cancelled and the cheeky cunts charged me a cancelation fee. They gave it back to me as a credit rather than cash, thieving bastards.

Black cabs might be more expensive but at least they're guaranteed to know what they're doing.

07-04-2017, 07:14 AM
Trump administration gave go ahead for US forces to launch missiles against chemical weapons facility belonging to Syrian government forces

Not nearly enough, but definitely a welcome step

07-04-2017, 07:51 AM
How do you solve a problem like Sy-ria? #soundofmusic

07-04-2017, 08:26 AM
How do you solve a problem like Sy-ria? #soundofmusic

The sarin is in the post

07-04-2017, 09:29 AM
Trump administration gave go ahead for US forces to launch missiles against chemical weapons facility belonging to Syrian government forces

Not nearly enough, but definitely a welcome step

What were you after, the nuclear option?

Just a few short months ago Trumo was in charge of events. Now through the remorseless drip effect of neocon and neolib fake news and fake crisis the events are controlling Trump. His team should have been geared up for this, helmets and flak jackets. If this team was any good Uncle Tom and half his gang would be in prison by now, but somehow they are not only on the loose but actually winning this thing through the simple art of spinning fairy tales. What is this urgent need to confront the Russians (which is what Clinton was selected for) while allowing the Chinese to waltz through every gate and barrier?

07-04-2017, 09:38 AM
What were you after, the nuclear option?

Assad dead, maybe bloated from Sarin......but i respect you can't always get what you want.

No need to confront the russians, they can just step aside and let Assad go.

07-04-2017, 09:44 AM

Power n Glory
07-04-2017, 10:22 AM
What were you after, the nuclear option?

Just a few short months ago Trumo was in charge of events. Now through the remorseless drip effect of neocon and neolib fake news and fake crisis the events are controlling Trump. His team should have been geared up for this, helmets and flak jackets. If this team was any good Uncle Tom and half his gang would be in prison by now, but somehow they are not only on the loose but actually winning this thing through the simple art of spinning fairy tales. What is this urgent need to confront the Russians (which is what Clinton was selected for) while allowing the Chinese to waltz through every gate and barrier?

I said this was on the cards when he was elected and alarm bells should have been ringing when was saying he’d have ‘bombed the shit out of ISIS’.

07-04-2017, 10:25 AM

Fake news. Sad.

Power n Glory
07-04-2017, 10:32 AM
Let's not forget the raid in Yemen that went tits up. Can't keep passing the buck and blaming others. He's not opposed to military action despite what he Tweets.

07-04-2017, 10:35 AM
I KNEW it!


07-04-2017, 10:38 AM
No you're right it was foolish for people to think he would be opposed to military action.
I think a lot of people will simply be opposed to this because it's Trump. Well no it's what Obama should have had the balls to do four years ago. It's what Cameron tried to get done, until that slime bag Milliband made sure it didn't go through parliament.

And in this instance the action he took was justified

There is a possibility that the Russian condemnation of this is all smoke and mirrors, and they have accepted that something was going to be done after Assad was caught red handed using chemical weapons again.

07-04-2017, 11:23 AM
Texans are such wankers :sulk:


07-04-2017, 01:39 PM
Assad dead, maybe bloated from Sarin......but i respect you can't always get what you want.

No need to confront the russians, they can just step aside and let Assad go.

There's no way the Russians can do that and the US and Europe know it. If the wrong pipeline gets built in the wrong place then the west can squeeze Russia until one of two things happen. One of them is the unthinkable, but these lunatics who have been pushing are just rolling the dice. One of the cunts is dead now, so what does he care? His putrid legacy lives on, like it's on rails.

07-04-2017, 01:44 PM
There's no way the Russians can do that and the US and Europe know it. If the wrong pipeline gets built in the wrong place then the west can squeeze Russia until one of two things happen. One of them is the unthinkable, but these lunatics who have been pushing are just rolling the dice. One of the cunts is dead now, so what does he care? His putrid legacy lives on, like it's on rails.

I think we as a people will sooner rather than later have to divest ourselves of this view that Russia is an existential threat to anyone.

It is Russia and it's kakistocracy that has allowed the fear to permeate that confronting it in anyway would lead to ww3.....it's simply not the case.

That's not advocating war with Russia, it's the very opposite.

07-04-2017, 01:44 PM
I said this was on the cards when he was elected and alarm bells should have been ringing when was saying he’d have ‘bombed the shit out of ISIS’.

We SHOULD be bombing the shit out of ISIS. That's why Uncle Tom has been fighting Trump every step of the way, because ISIS was Uncle Tom's device for getting at Assad and damn the consequences. That's who these "rebels" are - ISIS or Al'Qaeda or Mujahideen or whatever they are being called in this latest regeneration of the same role. This chemical attack bullshit has taken the ground out from under Trump. America is so programmed to turning to the military option a president wouldn't last 5 minutes if a clear opportunity cropped up and wasn't taken. Trump is finding out that even with a millions strong army you need a hell of a lot of firepower to resist the globalists and their warmongering agenda.

07-04-2017, 01:50 PM
I think we as a people will sooner rather than later have to divest ourselves of this view that Russia is an existential threat to anyone.

It is Russia and it's kakistocracy that has allowed the fear to permeate that confronting it in anyway would lead to ww3.....it's simply not the case.

That's not advocating war with Russia, it's the very opposite.

But that's what Trump has been saying FFS! The globalists have been pushing this Russian nonsense, not Trump. But if Trump's hand is forced and he drives Russia beyond a red line then what's fantasy now becomes an inevitable reality. Uncle Tom and the harpy that had been selected to replace him has at the core of their agendas this reckless and insatiable desire to drive Russia into a corner. Even a weak animal is twice as strong when cornered. It's the height of stupidity what has been going on in terms of foreign policy and these ridiculous hacking scandals. School kids would be outed on such bullshit in minutes, but seemingly "professional" politicians get a free pass in La-La Land. It doesn't even matter that only the committed and retarded are joining them there because it's a close shop. Washington jerks the media and the media jerks back, the circle is closed on the citizen doesn't get a look in. We really are at a low point in human civilisation.

07-04-2017, 01:54 PM
No you're right it was foolish for people to think he would be opposed to military action.
I think a lot of people will simply be opposed to this because it's Trump. Well no it's what Obama should have had the balls to do four years ago. It's what Cameron tried to get done, until that slime bag Milliband made sure it didn't go through parliament.

And in this instance the action he took was justified

There is a possibility that the Russian condemnation of this is all smoke and mirrors, and they have accepted that something was going to be done after Assad was caught red handed using chemical weapons again.

There's not a single shred of evidence from anyone that hasn't taken a side that Assad's forces used chemical weapons. Which is not to say he didn't, and if he did then he deserves to be ousted for being so suddenly stupid and incompetent after all these years somehow clinging to power by not being stupid and incompetent. The last chemical attack was so much bullshit and that has faded away. The Russian shootdown of airliners. Bullshit again. Keep going back and you'll find all these hot button incidents have a very different narrative once the heat has died down and the objectives have been achievedfucked up beyond all recognition. Don't you get what's happening here?

07-04-2017, 01:55 PM
So joint collaborations to deal with ISIS between the west, russia and assad's government never happened?

What next N_Q are you going to provide me documentation to prove that IS are Israeli funded?

Do i think Syria is a proxy war?....yes....and unfortunately America has itself tied up in knots because of it's support for Saudi Arabia who are indeed funding ISIS, the same way Assad is sponsored not just by Russia but by Iran and Hezbollah.

I think both sides are equally evil. If you want to argue like Assad does that any opposition to his rule has from the beginning been the work of Jihadis and that Jihadis weren't massively emboldned in their recruitment process by Assad's abject brutality.

It is a fractured mess and the Syrian people are caught up in the middle, but that doesn't fit into the narrative of the people who are trying to dehumanise them when they flee that hell hole and come to Europe.

07-04-2017, 02:51 PM
:lol: £60m spent on a bridge that won't happen. Makes me feel better about some of the nonsense I get involved with.

Power n Glory
07-04-2017, 03:09 PM
So joint collaborations to deal with ISIS between the west, russia and assad's government never happened?

What next N_Q are you going to provide me documentation to prove that IS are Israeli funded?

Do i think Syria is a proxy war?....yes....and unfortunately America has itself tied up in knots because of it's support for Saudi Arabia who are indeed funding ISIS, the same way Assad is sponsored not just by Russia but by Iran and Hezbollah.

I think both sides are equally evil. If you want to argue like Assad does that any opposition to his rule has from the beginning been the work of Jihadis and that Jihadis weren't massively emboldned in their recruitment process by Assad's abject brutality.

It is a fractured mess and the Syrian people are caught up in the middle, but that doesn't fit into the narrative of the people who are trying to dehumanise them when they flee that hell hole and come to Europe.

From what I’ve been reading, the relationship between the Saudi’s and Obama’s administration was pretty chilly compared to his previous administrations. It grew worse after the Iran Nuclear deal. Why has Trump jumped back in with them to mend the relationship? He’s torn up the nuclear deal with Iran and his team have ‘officially put Iran on notice’, I mentioned the botch Yeman attack….if Trump wanted to distance himself from the ‘warmongering globalists’ why not keep his distance from the Saudi’s?

It can’t be because of oil, can it? I read Canada are now the top suppliers when it comes to US imported oil and I would have thought the pipeline deals Trump’s pushing ahead could potentially push the Saudi’s further down the line. Also, I’m sure a read some months back that Iran had announced they were open to trading oil with the rest of world but since Trump tore up that nuclear deal, threatened them with more sanctions and Iran abandoning the Dollar for Euros, it just looks like Trump is pushing ahead with the Saudi’s agenda. I don’t understand why.

07-04-2017, 03:27 PM
So joint collaborations to deal with ISIS between the west, russia and assad's government never happened?

What next N_Q are you going to provide me documentation to prove that IS are Israeli funded?

Do i think Syria is a proxy war?....yes....and unfortunately America has itself tied up in knots because of it's support for Saudi Arabia who are indeed funding ISIS, the same way Assad is sponsored not just by Russia but by Iran and Hezbollah.

I think both sides are equally evil. If you want to argue like Assad does that any opposition to his rule has from the beginning been the work of Jihadis and that Jihadis weren't massively emboldned in their recruitment process by Assad's abject brutality.

It is a fractured mess and the Syrian people are caught up in the middle, but that doesn't fit into the narrative of the people who are trying to dehumanise them when they flee that hell hole and come to Europe.

I didn't claim any of those points you are trying to pin. My entire focus was on Washington's fascination with provoking conflict with Russia. It has been going on for years and was supposed to culminate in the ushering in of warhawk, albeit of the utterly incompetent variety, Clinton. We'd probably be right on the brink by now with her at the wheel. As it is, they are finding other ways to drive us there. Don't know where the Israeli angle came from. Right out of the blue. Perhaps insinuating there's an anti-Semitic undertone to my opinions? I don't need undertones or hints - I don't like Israelis full stop. I hate most of the Jews that find their ways to senior positions because they seem to be abusive and deceitful almost without exception. Don't like Saudis either, nor any of the regimes the Americans, Russians and Europeans have cooked up in the region to be honest. But who I like or don't like is irrelevant. Same applies to you. However, if any side resorts to violence, it won't be the politicians being called up. The history books tell us what's happening here, just another go around. If the nationalists prevail we get to live a bit longer in our fucked up world, that's the best deal on the table. But if the globalists prevail we lose as a species, potential, in many cases our lives. Lots of players on the stage but that doesn't disguise the main protagonists. Who is Assad except a piece to be moved around the board? Another puffed up product of imperialism. Anyone who thinks removing Assad solves a single problem is missing almost the entire picture. It would potentially create a hell of a lot of problems though. Of course we saw that with Saddam and others who have gone before, but that's history to be forgotten.

07-04-2017, 03:29 PM
From what I’ve been reading, the relationship between the Saudi’s and Obama’s administration was pretty chilly compared to his previous administrations. It grew worse after the Iran Nuclear deal. Why has Trump jumped back in with them to mend the relationship? He’s torn up the nuclear deal with Iran and his team have ‘officially put Iran on notice’, I mentioned the botch Yeman attack….if Trump wanted to distance himself from the ‘warmongering globalists’ why not keep his distance from the Saudi’s?

It can’t be because of oil, can it? I read Canada are now the top suppliers when it comes to US imported oil and I would have thought the pipeline deals Trump’s pushing ahead could potentially push the Saudi’s further down the line. Also, I’m sure a read some months back that Iran had announced they were open to trading oil with the rest of world but since Trump tore up that nuclear deal, threatened them with more sanctions and Iran abandoning the Dollar for Euros, it just looks like Trump is pushing ahead with the Saudi’s agenda. I don’t understand why.

He wants the Saudi and their mates to take in refugees rather than send them to the west. Trump has to deliver on that pledge above all else. As for the oil, Trump has already done more to begin the process of dismantling Saudi ties than 10 presidents before him.

07-04-2017, 03:32 PM
:lol: £60m spent on a bridge that won't happen. Makes me feel better about some of the nonsense I get involved with.

What an indictment of us all that this will just be accepted without even so much as a public execution. This degree of waste when people are in need. Government is the second biggest scam ever invented. Nobody notices, nobody cares. The Walking Dead.

Power n Glory
07-04-2017, 03:34 PM
He wants the Saudi and their mates to take in refugees rather than send them to the west. Trump has to deliver on that pledge above all else. As for the oil, Trump has already done more to begin the process of dismantling Saudi ties than 10 presidents before him.

How so?

07-04-2017, 03:40 PM
How so?

US based energy sources. American energy independence. Which is what the Syria thing is about too, except from a European perspective. But both have a nasty side effect. The current beneficiaries will both be out of pocket and in the shitter as a result. So they smile while plotting behind the scenes. The trick will be adjusting the balance slowly, although I'd much rather see it done fast and American boots in Riyadh, the one country that deserves a good invasion. Won't happen though, so at the same time as having to keep relations alive with a country that barely conceals its role in terrorism against the west, Trump has to ease an energy plan into place that will outlast his presidency - because cunts in the mould of Clinton would roll it all back. Nobody else has touched this in decades. It has always been status quo and expense accounts.

Power n Glory
07-04-2017, 03:58 PM
US based energy sources. American energy independence. Which is what the Syria thing is about too, except from a European perspective. But both have a nasty side effect. The current beneficiaries will both be out of pocket and in the shitter as a result. So they smile while plotting behind the scenes. The trick will be adjusting the balance slowly, although I'd much rather see it done fast and American boots in Riyadh, the one country that deserves a good invasion. Won't happen though, so at the same time as having to keep relations alive with a country that barely conceals its role in terrorism against the west, Trump has to ease an energy plan into place that will outlast his presidency - because cunts in the mould of Clinton would roll it all back. Nobody else has touched this in decades. It has always been status quo and expense accounts.

That's not true. Canada took over as the number one supplier for the U.S 10 years ago and continues to grow. That's nothing to do with Trump. The pipeline deals were being discussed before Trump took office but Obama rejected them. As said, with Obama distancing himself for the Saudi's and pushing them down the list when it comes to oil dependency, it makes no sense for Trump to form a close relationship with them. I can't see the need.

07-04-2017, 04:12 PM
That's not true. Canada took over as the number one supplier for the U.S 10 years ago and continues to grow. That's nothing to do with Trump. The pipeline deals were being discussed before Trump took office but Obama rejected them. As said, with Obama distancing himself for the Saudi's and pushing them down the list when it comes to oil dependency, it makes no sense for Trump to form a close relationship with them. I can't see the need.

Judge Uncle Tom by his actions, not his serpentine words. Billion dollar arms deals and Saudi's staunchest defender in terms of blocking legitimate legal challenges from the victims of Saudi terror. That's the real track record. Canada could never hope to supply all of the US's energy demands. The Saudi's remain integral to supply. And you bypassed the original reason I gave for Trump's renewed relations. It's not a secret. Trump came out and said it himself.

Power n Glory
07-04-2017, 04:20 PM
Judge Uncle Tom by his actions, not his serpentine words. Billion dollar arms deals and Saudi's staunchest defender in terms of blocking legitimate legal challenges from the victims of Saudi terror. That's the real track record. Canada could never hope to supply all of the US's energy demands. The Saudi's remain integral to supply. And you bypassed the original reason I gave for Trump's renewed relations. It's not a secret. Trump came out and said it himself.

You can't pass 10 years of policy off as it was all Trump's idea. Canada can't supply all the oil needs for the U.S but I guess that is why you look for alternative energy sources. Does the renewed relationship mean the Saudi's enemies are now Trumps enemies? Iran and Yemen?

07-04-2017, 04:35 PM
You can't pass 10 years of policy off as it was all Trump's idea. Canada can't supply all the oil needs for the U.S but I guess that is why you look for alternative energy sources. Does the renewed relationship mean the Saudi's enemies are now Trumps enemies? Iran and Yemen?

As always. I didn't say anything was Trump's idea. I said he's done more to promote energy independence that a whole bunch of presidents before him, including Uncle Tom with his cosy arms dealing and veto pen. What I actually said in the initial posts is Trump's team has been weak in allowing Uncle Tom and the globalists to drag him back into the whole friends and enemies business. And that's what it is, a business. That's all it is. Trump is finding out there's a whole level of business way below the depths he's ever sunk. Why do you think he can get a pipeline deal through but can't secure the borders? Anything that involves the usual suspects making money, Trump will be allowed to win. Anything that costs them money, that will go in the loss column. So Iran and Yemen? Don't know how that stands today. I'd have to look at the stock market to find out.

07-04-2017, 04:42 PM
Sweden this time.

Power n Glory
07-04-2017, 05:10 PM
As always. I didn't say anything was Trump's idea. I said he's done more to promote energy independence that a whole bunch of presidents before him, including Uncle Tom with his cosy arms dealing and veto pen. What I actually said in the initial posts is Trump's team has been weak in allowing Uncle Tom and the globalists to drag him back into the whole friends and enemies business. And that's what it is, a business. That's all it is. Trump is finding out there's a whole level of business way below the depths he's ever sunk. Why do you think he can get a pipeline deal through but can't secure the borders? Anything that involves the usual suspects making money, Trump will be allowed to win. Anything that costs them money, that will go in the loss column. So Iran and Yemen? Don't know how that stands today. I'd have to look at the stock market to find out.

What does 'more to promote' mean? Words? Looking at the facts, the last president has actually cut U.S dependency on middle eastern oil with the Saudi's losing their number 1 ranking to Canada. A policy in place before Trump. Diplomatic relations weren't severed but they weren't as friendly as previous President's and it looks like Trump has rekindled that friendship. There was no need for Trump to form a closer relationship with the Saudi's from the looks of it. You're wrong about him doing more than any other President. He looks to be linking arms again. You definitely can't blame it on Obama.

Power n Glory
07-04-2017, 05:22 PM
I'll find the post, but some months back you were saying something about America's dependence on the petrodollar and such a close tie with the Saudi's was formed.

I'm sure we discussed the pipelines, Canada and the decline in US dependence on middle eastern oil before. But if we're having to keep ties with these dodgy regimes for oil, why scrap the climate change policies?

07-04-2017, 05:30 PM
What does 'more to promote' mean? Words? Looking at the facts, the last president has actually cut U.S dependency on middle eastern oil with the Saudi's losing their number 1 ranking to Canada. A policy in place before Trump. Diplomatic relations weren't severed but they weren't as friendly as previous President's and it looks like Trump has rekindled that friendship. There was no need for Trump to form a closer relationship with the Saudi's from the looks of it. You're wrong about him doing more than any other President. He looks to be linking arms again. You definitely can't blame it on Obama.

Well, I cited examples that can be verified and you proclaimed, "You're wrong". So whatever. Uncle Tom didn't cut dependency, the price of a barrel of oil did that. And you still won't touch the reason I gave for Trump's "friendship" (seriously?) with the Saudis. Then the real mystery part of your post. Where have I tried to blame Uncle Tom for Trump striking a deal with the Saudis on refugees? It's very odd behaviour. I say, Trump has done more for energy independence that the last ten presidents, or words to that effect, and you pip in with eulogies to Uncle Tom. We're not really having the same conversation, are we?

Regarding the global warming thing, that was dumped because it's a global tax scheme that returned nothing for those who would bear the burden of the tax.

Power n Glory
07-04-2017, 05:50 PM
Found our previous discussion from January. From Brexit to Trump.


The Petrodollar. If that goes down the America goes down and America won't go down without shooting off everything it's got.

There is no contradiction in what I am saying. I hate the Saudis, I think they are animals, not even human. But, I'm assuming (correct me if I'm wrong) that we don't want a nuclear war or a total and final financial collapse? If we agree on that much then we are forced to agree, whether we like it or not, that the US and Saudis must remain aligned at this point in time. Because the continuance of the Petrodollar rests on them, that's how fucking stupid successive US regimes have been. And if China decides to participate in any sort of attack on the Petrodollar, maybe under the disguise of reluctantly protecting its own contracting and probably collapsing economy, then that will be that. So it would be insanely dangerous to provoke that situation right now. If and when the US does secure energy self sufficiency then that's going to be even more dangerous but this is where your criticism finds an answer. Deprived of an option to just blow everything up, how can the Saudis be cut out of the picture? How can they be marginalised, ostracised and sanctioned like the bastards should have been, in any just world, years ago? We don't live in a just world but we want to carry on living. I hope whoever is pulling Trump's strings knows the answer because the other lot sure as hell didn't have a clue.

Aren't the American's trying to wean themselves off Saudi oil with the Keystone pipeline from Canada and the Dakota pipeline? Isn't that what Trump just approved? Also, why back out of the agreement with Iran and sour relations if it means the US can get oil from the Saudi's rivals? Isn't that how the Saudi's are cut out the picture?

Either way, whatever the purpose for not severing diplomatic ties with the Saudi's, you're presenting an argument to maintain the status quo in order to keep the peace and economic stability. Isn't that a similar argument many have posed when talking about Brexit and staying part of the EU? The people for it aren't in favour of bigger governments that can't be held accountable, it's just a complex mess nobody has a clear solution for. But saying that, it doesn't mean people aren't pissed off with the injustice and corruption seen. I still don't get why you box people into brackets so often and defend Trump's policies when defiance and protest is a good sign to show that people aren't falling for the okie doke. If we're having to topple governments and demonize a religious group for the sake of oil, isn't it time we found a cleaner and new energy source and have governments push for that instead of this other bullshit?

Power n Glory
07-04-2017, 06:28 PM
Well, I cited examples that can be verified and you proclaimed, "You're wrong". So whatever. Uncle Tom didn't cut dependency, the price of a barrel of oil did that. And you still won't touch the reason I gave for Trump's "friendship" (seriously?) with the Saudis. Then the real mystery part of your post. Where have I tried to blame Uncle Tom for Trump striking a deal with the Saudis on refugees? It's very odd behaviour. I say, Trump has done more for energy independence that the last ten presidents, or words to that effect, and you pip in with eulogies to Uncle Tom. We're not really having the same conversation, are we?

Regarding the global warming thing, that was dumped because it's a global tax scheme that returned nothing for those who would bear the burden of the tax.

You've cited examples I made months ago. I'm not just saying 'you're wrong' I've given clear examples with Canada. You can check the figures for yourself and I was just reading the below. The last administration clearly cut the US dependency on foreign oil.



There is a great irony that spans the presidential terms of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. President Bush, widely viewed as a Texas oil man, presided over eight straight years of declining U.S. crude oil production. In the year 2000, just before President Bush took office, U.S. crude oil production averaged 5.8 million barrels per day (bpd) according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). During President Bush's last year in office, 2008, U.S. crude oil production averaged 5.0 million bpd.

The irony is that President Obama - who is not viewed as a friend of the oil and gas industry - has presided over rising oil production in each of the seven years he has been in office. (On a separate note, expect that streak to be broken in 2016). From that low point in 2008, U.S. oil production has grown each year to reach 9.4 million bpd in 2015 -- a gain of 88% during Obama's presidency. This is in fact the largest domestic oil production increase during any presidency in U.S. history

I'm not just making stuff up. That coincides with Obama's frosty relationship with the Saudi's. It wasn't severed but far from smooth.

I say, Trump has done more for energy independence that the last ten presidents

Where do you get that from? Can you back that up because what I'm reading says otherwise. If he's pursuing that path where the U.S have energy independence, great, but it's pretty pointless if he's willing to rekindle a relationship with Saudi Arabia and bomb their enemies. It doesn't matter if his agenda is for the Saudi's to take on more refugees. That's just ridiculous reasoning when you think about it.

Where have I tried to blame Uncle Tom for Trump striking a deal with the Saudis on refugees? It's very odd behaviour.

Didn't you claim it's Obama's fault that Trump's been dragged into the whole 'friends and enemies business' as seen below?

What I actually said in the initial posts is Trump's team has been weak in allowing Uncle Tom and the globalists to drag him back into the whole friends and enemies business

We're having the same conversation.

07-04-2017, 07:18 PM
One more time. In answer to your original question, the one you are treating like a third rail, Trump's deal with the Saudis relates to refugees. So you ask, why the sudden deal? I say, because of the refugees. You say,.. and another thing about oil!

Nothing I said there about the petrodollar contradicts anything I have subsequently said, it merely reinforces it. Uncle Tom benefitted from high oil prices and improved technology he had nothing to do with. Competition finds a way when the profits are there. If the profits aren't there then production falls off a cliff. Particularly in Canada where almost all the reserves are heavy crude. The inverse relationship between the dollar and energy independence, yes, what of it? Which bit are you disputing? And coal, we didn't talk about that but it's the exact opposite of Uncle Tom's investment in imaginary energy sources.

Power n Glory
07-04-2017, 07:34 PM
It would help if you read my response and then it would seem like we're having the same conversation.

If he's pursuing that path where the U.S have energy independence, great, but it's pretty pointless if he's willing to rekindle a relationship with Saudi Arabia and bomb their enemies. It doesn't matter if his agenda is for the Saudi's to take on more refugees. That's just ridiculous reasoning when you think about it.

I suspect the attacks on Yeman, Syria along with the threats to Iran have the Saudi's backing and if most of the warmongering is fueled by the Saudi's either producing extremists or putting the battery in America's back to attack the enemies of Saudi Arabia, Agent Orange's attempt to persuade the Saudi's to bring in more refugees is ridiculous since their creating the problem, no?

07-04-2017, 07:42 PM
Incredible stuff from the "left wing" Guardian. They support the act but not the actor. Okay, the latter is personal choice for the unbiased and factual Guardian. But the former? You support a unilateral air strike on a sovereign nation in the absence of a shred of proof that nation has committed acts of aggression or violations of international law? Before the investigation has even started? And in light of the last "chemical attack" having been thoroughly disproved and dumped instead at the door of the Saudis and their peace loving "rebel" friends in Syria?

Even more astounding, if we follow along with the literally insane left wing story line - why would Putin have ordered Trump to do this? Makes no sense at all. Or are we going to quietly back away from the Russian conspiracy now and pretend it never happened?

Trump's a fool to have played into the hands of the warmongers and their mates at places like the Guardian. He may have been thwarted at every turn by the globalists and their pets in Washington and the media, but he was thwarted trying to do what he pledged to do. This though, is precisely the opposite of what he pledged. Raving psychopaths like McCain and Clinton are jumping for joy. Bombs, dead people, arses wiped with the law and a giant leap down the road to conflict? Plus Trump reverses a key pledge? It's Christmas, or Satanmas, or whatever they celebrate.

07-04-2017, 07:54 PM
Sweden this time.

More wall to wall coverage of what looks like another lone wolf attack.
Meanwhile the drip, drip, drip of mass shootings continues in America, so frequent they don't even bother reporting them, unless it's a particularly "good" one.


07-04-2017, 07:59 PM
It would help if you read my response and then it would seem like we're having the same conversation.

I suspect the attacks on Yeman, Syria along with the threats to Iran have the Saudi's backing and if most of the warmongering is fueled by the Saudi's either producing extremists or putting the battery in America's back to attack the enemies of Saudi Arabia, Agent Orange's attempt to persuade the Saudi's to bring in more refugees is ridiculous since their creating the problem, no?

Of course it's ridiculous. That's how politics works. You make a deal with each devil, get what you can and try to survive the constant backstabbing. What do you imagine politics to be? Good guys and bad guys? Bush flew the bin Laden fuckers right out of the country hours after the 911 attacks. Uncle Tom blocked the victims from pointing the finger at the perps in a court. Now Trump makes nice so their problem children don't end up in his backyard and so the American banks, which the Saudis own, don't go bust. Politics. What do you expect?

This is a president surrounded by enemies, particularly in the security services. People should be in jail following the Yemen incident because that was pure sabotage. Not that Trump should have been attacking Yemen at all. The suspicion then was his tenuous grip on power. That is all but confirmed by the Syria strike. He's president in name and his enemies, primarily in his own administration, but more importantly in his own party are making it impossible for him to move an inch. He can't get anything done domestically, yet he can whistle up an airstrike within the hour. That's very telling. Else he's gone full rogue and the military is with him. Which is a joke, but I wouldn't even be surprised to see that in some "authoritative" publication tomorrow.

Yes we know the Saudis are terrorist scumbags. 911 kind of gave that game away. And the rampage of their ISIS "rebels". Their funding of radical Islam across Europe. Etc, etc. But that doesn't dispel the realities of geopolitics, geography or geology. Nor economics.

07-04-2017, 08:03 PM
More wall to wall coverage of what looks like another lone wolf attack.
Meanwhile the drip, drip, drip of mass shootings continues in America, so frequent they don't even bother reporting them, unless it's a particularly "good" one.


Money. We are a corrupted species. Behind everything the motive is money. Everything. These attacks in Sweden, even though the nutter will be far from the profit centre, every gun death in America, again the perps and victims are just the sideshow, and even Arsenal Football Club. Money, money, money, money, money. That's what this ridiculous species has sold itself for. Slavery in the form of notes and coin - not even that, tiny particles flowing through space to form digital representations of imaginary wealth. Get enough of those electrons flowing your way and you get power. Get some power and you can enslave others and drain their life energy.

The Matrix was a true story.

08-04-2017, 12:54 PM
They didn't go with the rogue military angle - that was far too conventional. Instead...

And remember, this is the mainstream and supposedly not fake media.


Power n Glory
08-04-2017, 01:25 PM
Of course it's ridiculous. That's how politics works. You make a deal with each devil, get what you can and try to survive the constant backstabbing. What do you imagine politics to be? Good guys and bad guys? Bush flew the bin Laden fuckers right out of the country hours after the 911 attacks. Uncle Tom blocked the victims from pointing the finger at the perps in a court. Now Trump makes nice so their problem children don't end up in his backyard and so the American banks, which the Saudis own, don't go bust. Politics. What do you expect?

This is a president surrounded by enemies, particularly in the security services. People should be in jail following the Yemen incident because that was pure sabotage. Not that Trump should have been attacking Yemen at all. The suspicion then was his tenuous grip on power. That is all but confirmed by the Syria strike. He's president in name and his enemies, primarily in his own administration, but more importantly in his own party are making it impossible for him to move an inch. He can't get anything done domestically, yet he can whistle up an airstrike within the hour. That's very telling. Else he's gone full rogue and the military is with him. Which is a joke, but I wouldn't even be surprised to see that in some "authoritative" publication tomorrow.

Yes we know the Saudis are terrorist scumbags. 911 kind of gave that game away. And the rampage of their ISIS "rebels". Their funding of radical Islam across Europe. Etc, etc. But that doesn't dispel the realities of geopolitics, geography or geology. Nor economics.

I'm not surprised. It's politics after all and most politicians can't be trusted, but throughout our conversation about politics over the past 9 months or so, I'm more so surprised by your reaction to Agent Orange.

08-04-2017, 02:22 PM
To my mind the attack on Syria was pure political theatre. The target audience were the Chinese sitting right across from Trump as it happened. They are sending the message to North Korea that Uncle Sam is back and will no longer hold back from dealing with perceived threats. The whole circumstances leading up to the bombing of the Assad airbase sr so coincidental. Less than 24 hours after a gas attack that makes no sense from a military or political perspective for Assad. He was winning already, why jeopardize his position with a foolish attack on his own citizens. It smacks to me of a false flag operation. Without allowing for independent verification of who did it...boom. They launched into action. Why the rush?. Assad will still be there next week next month. No they did it to watch the Chinese squirm in front of them and hopefully the North Koreans too. The pity is that a few hundred innocent Syrians died just to make a point.

Dont forget that 2 weeks ago. It was the US who had bombed civilians without justification Conveniently forgotten now. It was hilarious watching CNN trying to explain that the American were actually targeting a truck bomb that was heading into the neighbourhood. Seriously!. When has anyone ever used a truck bomb on civilian neighbourhoods?. It only works as a tool when you target strategic objectives. So the US was using a bomb to blow up a bomb. Wouldn't that give just a bigger bomb.

08-04-2017, 02:43 PM
I'm not surprised. It's politics after all and most politicians can't be trusted, but throughout our conversation about politics over the past 9 months or so, I'm more so surprised by your reaction to Agent Orange.

I assume the "Agent" bit is a subliminal context for these Russian allegations? Uncle Tom is a very precise summary of Barack Hussein Obama's presidency and general philosophy. A puppet for Wall Street and a modern day master of the status quo. Appearing from nowhere (which had to be the case because of his extremely shady past) and ushered in on the promise of change and the subtext of being the first black president. The goodwill he enjoyed and the possibilities and opportunities he could have seized were almost limitless. He really could have been an "agent" for change. Hence my absolute hatred of him. It's the same hatred I'll apply to Trump should he betray his base so comprehensively.

Agent Orange, or Donald Trump is far more a liberal than Barry Soetoro, in American terms at least. Look back at the track records of both. Trump is right down the middle, Soetoro is a Marxist. Trump is a nationalist, Soetoro a globalist. And that's the whole game. Nationalism (libertarianism-lite), far from perfect but if gives us a platform to push back, versus globalism (an extreme branch of Marxism) that ties us up once and for all so that all future change becomes impossible absent total collapse. The globalists have to be stopped at all costs. So I'm 100% behind Trump and Brexit and Le Pen and that should be pretty easy to understand.

08-04-2017, 02:47 PM
To my mind the attack on Syria was pure political theatre. The target audience were the Chinese sitting right across from Trump as it happened. They are sending the message to North Korea that Uncle Sam is back and will no longer hold back from dealing with perceived threats. The whole circumstances leading up to the bombing of the Assad airbase sr so coincidental. Less than 24 hours after a gas attack that makes no sense from a military or political perspective for Assad. He was winning already, why jeopardize his position with a foolish attack on his own citizens. It smacks to me of a false flag operation. Without allowing for independent verification of who did it...boom. They launched into action. Why the rush?. Assad will still be there next week next month. No they did it to watch the Chinese squirm in front of them and hopefully the North Koreans too. The pity is that a few hundred innocent Koreans died just to make a point.

Dont forget that 2 weeks ago. It was the US who had bombed civilians without justification Conveniently forgotten now. It was hilarious watching CNN trying to explain that the American were actually targeting a truck bomb that was heading into the neighbourhood. Seriously!. When has anyone ever used a truck bomb on civilian neighbourhoods?. It only works as a tool when you target strategic objectives. So the US was using a bomb to blow up a bomb. Wouldn't that give just a bigger bomb.

It was 100% without a doubt a false flag operation, and not even a good one. When you have to rely on the White Penises for verification you know it's a lie from top to bottom. Just like all the other false flags that have continued to provoke the situation in Syria (and Iraq beforehand). Any fool knows it was a false flag. Anyone with an ounce of sense could determine it through logic, instantly. But when you have an agenda, then that's a different story. Suddenly the absurd becomes credible.

Power n Glory
08-04-2017, 11:12 PM
I assume the "Agent" bit is a subliminal context for these Russian allegations?

The Russian allegations, the Vietnam draft dodging allegations, the fact that he's orange....Agent Orange fit well. Kind of ironic that he's dropping bombs on Assad's regime for using chemical weapons.

09-04-2017, 07:53 AM

09-04-2017, 09:59 AM
The Russian allegations, the Vietnam draft dodging allegations, the fact that he's orange....Agent Orange fit well. Kind of ironic that he's dropping bombs on Assad's regime for using chemical weapons.

I kind of had the suspicion you gave credibility to the whole Russian hacking thing but I didn't want to accuse you of it without proof. Vietnam draft dodger? Seriously? That's bad is it? Which leaves his skin colour, which is the real irony.

Power n Glory
09-04-2017, 12:25 PM
I kind of had the suspicion you gave credibility to the whole Russian hacking thing but I didn't want to accuse you of it without proof. Vietnam draft dodger? Seriously? That's bad is it? Which leaves his skin colour, which is the real irony.

You may need to lighten up a little. It's a joke. He's a politician and given the speech you gave me on politics, you should know how this plays out. I wouldn't invest so much time defending his character.

09-04-2017, 01:16 PM
You may need to lighten up a little. It's a joke. He's a politician and given the speech you gave me on politics, you should know how this plays out. I wouldn't invest so much time defending his character.

This isn't about Trump. It's about who is prepared to buy into the globalist bullshit and who sees through it. If the latter outnumbers the former by any significant degree then the whole species is fucked. So there's no room to lighten up. Everyone should be extremely concerned about the state of the mainstream media. I know it has been bad for a long time and we expect that and shrug our shoulders, but this is a whole new level. If they can make this stick then they can conjure up any version of reality they choose, no matter how extreme or ludicrous. Trouble is, I honestly think quite a few people believe it all. A lot of people maybe. Which is where Trump comes in I guess. They hate him so much they have switched their brains off.

Power n Glory
09-04-2017, 03:18 PM
This isn't about Trump. It's about who is prepared to buy into the globalist bullshit and who sees through it. If the latter outnumbers the former by any significant degree then the whole species is fucked. So there's no room to lighten up. Everyone should be extremely concerned about the state of the mainstream media. I know it has been bad for a long time and we expect that and shrug our shoulders, but this is a whole new level. If they can make this stick then they can conjure up any version of reality they choose, no matter how extreme or ludicrous. Trouble is, I honestly think quite a few people believe it all. A lot of people maybe. Which is where Trump comes in I guess. They hate him so much they have switched their brains off.

A video from a guy you recommended. Not part of the mainstream media, I've been following his monthly talks and agree with a lot of it. 'Trump isn't a sign of progress, it's a sign of decay'. That's a statement I agree with and have argued that point with you before. It's bigger than Trump but again, I'm surprised you're putting so much weight behind his campaign. Watch the video and Wolfe will break it down and his conclusion is pretty much on par with what you often argue for.


09-04-2017, 03:40 PM
I recommend Wolff as one of the few sane voices on the left. I don't agree with where he wants to go at all, not ultimately at least. He's a Marxist and Marxism is a fundamental abuse of human rights at the most basic level - even when the intentions are altruistic. Wolff and I agree on a lot of short term solutions though, practical solutions to the extreme abuse of the modern communist system, which is what we live under. Giant bureaucracies at the centre dictating law, commerce, almost every aspect of life and striving to destroy the atomic family. Classic Stalin in the idea you belong, from birth, to the state and your life's duty is in the sustenance of the state. Made all the more unpalatable by the inevitability of "some pigs being more equal than others". This is what people refuse to accept, despite the evidence. In the west we toil under communist regimes. Look at the scope of government, look at the rates of taxation, look at the iron grip on the education system, the centralised economies controlled by centralised banks. The only difference between the west and the east is the civil liberties we are afforded to change nothing whatsoever except peripheral nonsense such as bathroom usage and who has the right to gain permission from the state to get married. Or can women vote for the same party masquerading as choice. Or do women deserve to be paid the same slave rate in return for their labour. Other than that we are free to consume and make the central planners and owners ever richer. This is our political system, the one the mainstream media is employed to conceal and muddy and deny even as our faces our smacked with the evidence. Globalisation is the next, extreme generation of this hateful system. Total control from an unassailable centre. If we let it unwind then there's no going back unless it's to the stone age.

Nationalism is NOT the long term answer to our problems, far from it. It is a BRAKE on globalism and the ONLY solution that any significant segment of society is prepared to listen to. The vast majority of people don't want to know about, and can't even conceive, a vision of my libertarianism or Wolff's Marxism. So we have what we have.

Trump was the ONLY player in the last election advocating nationalism. Therefore he was the only viable option. Plus there's the added bonus of him not being mentally deranged, as Hilary Clinton plainly is. You need to watch that creature's interview on Libya, watch and have a think about it. Then thank your lucky stars that Trump somehow won in the face of total opposition from the establishment. An opposition he is still facing. The establishment has shown it is prepared to say and do literally anything to avoid any of Trump's policies gaining traction. Because if that happened then the cloak would be lifted, it would become painfully obvious in which direction we should be heading. Not TO nationalism, but at least back that far so we are headed in a direction that might one day see a world fit to live in for the majority of people.

My reasons for backing Trump have nothing to do with him as a person. If all he's done is capture and ride a wave then I'm fine with that, provided that wave is sweeping enough people back to shore. Trump will be gone in time, like the rest of them, except apparently Uncle Tom who hangs around like a bad stench. Where America sits and where Britain and France and the other European nations sit when he's gone is what's important. If we have managed to head even a few steps in the opposite direction to that we were dragged in by the likes of Blair, Cameron and Uncle Tom then it's extremely valuable.

Power n Glory
09-04-2017, 04:18 PM

Best response to the above. Let him speak for himself. I think he has a point about how Karl Marx is associated with Stalin and Communism and you should know better to lead with that 'red scare' response. It's a 25+ minute video. Did you watch it all because that's hasty and lengthy response. No point in continuing a conversation if you're not actually listening.

09-04-2017, 04:58 PM

Best response to the above. Let him speak for himself. I think he has a point about how Karl Marx is associated with Stalin and Communism and you should know better to lead with that 'red scare' response. It's a 25+ minute video. Did you watch it all because that's hasty and lengthy response. No point in continuing a conversation if you're not actually listening.

You're now educating me on somebody I have been listening to for years? If YOU had bothered to read, I have made ZERO association between Wolff's idealism and the current communist structures in the west. ZERO. But you have made that hasty conclusion, because it was you that wasn't listening.

I already watched that video, along with probably hundreds of others from Wolff.

Do you have a position beyond a dislike of Trump? Several times I have zoomed out from the minutiae of Trump to the larger scope and the goals of the two main protagonists. You haven't picked up on any of this, you haven't acknowledged it at all. You seem to think the protagonists on both sides are absent idealistic agendas when it's a simple matter to identify them. Surely you can reel off the aims of globalisation without much effort? And yet your focus seems to be what colour tie Trump is wearing. Is it possible to move beyond that with you?

Your aim here seems not to be political discussion but instead baiting to try to uncover inconsistencies in arguments which you can then use to elevate your own argument. Not that your own position is at all clear beyond the Trump bashing. What is it you are trying to say? What is your position? There must be more to your belief system that an anti-Trump focus and if so, leaving Trump aside, what's your ideal and who do you imagine can deliver it for you? I already explained very clearly why Trump is the only solution on offer in my opinion. Are we ready to move beyond the amateur psychology routine and have you state a position so we can argue the merits on either side?

Power n Glory
09-04-2017, 05:27 PM
Why bother to bring up Stalin and communism at all in that case if you're not associating Wolfe with them?

Who's doing the amateur psychology? That's a pretty pathetic attack on me and attempt to switch goal posts. As you do.

11-04-2017, 03:50 PM

Marc Overmars
11-04-2017, 03:52 PM
Timbits are great tbf.

Power n Glory
13-04-2017, 09:54 AM

They've got Trump by the balls.

13-04-2017, 10:00 AM
Trump is a fucking moron. Hasn't got a clue what he's doing.


Doens't even know what country he was bombing, but hey, the cake was good.


Power n Glory
13-04-2017, 10:04 AM
There won't be an impeachment. He's cut a deal of some sort. I expect to see him back pedal on some of his pledges.

13-04-2017, 10:16 AM

I saw quite a good video about Trump the point of which was some people voted for him because he has a lot of money (being loaded is the US version of being royal) and has a history of running businesses.
But the point is that even if you can run a business successfully (and Trump's history of that is pretty hit and miss) that doesn't necessarily mean you'd be a good candidate to run a country successfully.
The aim in running a business is to make money, make as much profit as you can for the shareholders (Wenger :bow:)
Running a country is (supposed to be) about providing services to "the people". Being good at one (and it's debatable whether Trump is, he has had a lot of failures in business) doesn't mean you'll be good at doing the other.

13-04-2017, 01:27 PM

They've got Trump by the balls.

Yep. Something very significant changed last week. Suspect they turned to the tried and tested and he's opted to protect his family. At times like this the people need to be informed enough and strong enough to step up. But they aren't, so they won't. If nothing else, at least it should be clear to anyone with a brain that the US president is not the guy in charge. Never was, never will be I suppose.

13-04-2017, 01:29 PM

I saw quite a good video about Trump the point of which was some people voted for him because he has a lot of money (being loaded is the US version of being royal) and has a history of running businesses.
But the point is that even if you can run a business successfully (and Trump's history of that is pretty hit and miss) that doesn't necessarily mean you'd be a good candidate to run a country successfully.
The aim in running a business is to make money, make as much profit as you can for the shareholders (Wenger :bow:)
Running a country is (supposed to be) about providing services to "the people". Being good at one (and it's debatable whether Trump is, he has had a lot of failures in business) doesn't mean you'll be good at doing the other.

But when was it ever?

No, the people will eventually have to take care of this directly and decisively. As inconceivable as it seems, it's also inevitable. History lays it all out.

13-04-2017, 01:31 PM
There won't be an impeachment. He's cut a deal of some sort. I expect to see him back pedal on some of his pledges.

He stepped on foreign policy and that's not allowed. Provided the owners aren't affected he'll be permitted to enact some of his domestic policies. Looks like the big dogs backing him aren't big enough.

Power n Glory
13-04-2017, 10:11 PM

And the warmongering doesn't stop there.

13-04-2017, 10:53 PM

And the warmongering doesn't stop there.

This was a test and a message, like the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. The military industry in the US is its own government with its own laws. Nobody can stop their bullshit.

It really is Strangelovian. Pushing giant bombs out of cargo holds. It would be funny in a cartoonish way if the bomb itself wasn't so indiscriminate.

14-04-2017, 03:09 PM

20-04-2017, 02:54 PM
:lol: Mandela just signed up again.
Go on then, this place could do with some livening up...

20-04-2017, 03:29 PM
Is he the one who set up his own forum and then cried for 17 years when the police came calling?

20-04-2017, 03:50 PM
:lol: Pretty much.

23-04-2017, 02:01 PM
Good news everyone!


23-04-2017, 02:15 PM
Good news everyone!


Couple of missiles landed near us but nothing serious.

23-04-2017, 06:47 PM
Macron :bow:

Just needs to see off the crazy lunatic in the 2nd round.

McNamara That Ghost...
23-04-2017, 07:44 PM
Le Pen is leading. :sick:

23-04-2017, 07:49 PM
Macron will surely win the run-off.

23-04-2017, 08:06 PM
You have to be completely brain dead to even consider Macron as a viable candidate. Honestly. You are deliberately failing to pay attention.

23-04-2017, 08:07 PM
Le Pen is leading. :sick:


23-04-2017, 08:08 PM
Le Pen is leading. :sick:

Why is that a bad thing? Do you understand fuck about fuck? Or do you just drift along with the mainstream ignorance?

I'm so fucking bored of people who won't even try.

23-04-2017, 08:09 PM
Let the woman win!
Or is that sexist now?

Come on you liberal cunts. Support the woman, eh?

Fucking tools.

23-04-2017, 08:10 PM
N_Q, N_Q, have you any wool?

23-04-2017, 08:11 PM
Tried to ask honest questions here before - but NOBODY has the balls.

One more attempt.

Is there ANYONE here who likes and associates with MUSLIMS?


Speak up.

Me? I fucking loathe them. Anyone with me? Anyone with enough courage to speak up?

23-04-2017, 08:13 PM
Yeah! Get the Pakis OUT!

23-04-2017, 08:14 PM
People automatically assume it's racist to hate a whole religion of FREAKS who consider themselves superior by way of birth. Irony there being THEY are the ULTIMATE racists. How have yhou all been conditioned to hate yourselves but give these barbaric cunts a free pass?

Anyone READ the Koran here?

I have. Fucking FREAKS.

23-04-2017, 08:16 PM
Yeah! Get the Pakis OUT!

Conditioned response. SNAP out of it!

23-04-2017, 08:18 PM

23-04-2017, 08:19 PM
Never forget the time I spoke to a "moderate" Muslim, years before all this shit began. He claimed the Muslims WORSHIP women, put them up there on a pedestal. He had a whole theory for the deep and fundamental sexism that is the foundation of that so-called religion. And he believed every word.

He was an okay guy. I got in with him. Even liked him maybe. But he was sooooooo fucked up. Because of his FREAK religion.

Who wants that in this country? Anyone? Speak up.

23-04-2017, 08:19 PM


23-04-2017, 08:22 PM

23-04-2017, 08:24 PM
You see, the problem with you lot is you meekly go along with women's "rights", gay "rights", any fucking "rights" except the rights of the majority.

And then you get something that goes 100% AGAINST what you have been told to accept. BUT. You get instructed to accept that too!

So you just shut your brain down and do what you are told.

You believe two contradictory things simultaneously.

Letters! What's that called? What's the official term for it?

23-04-2017, 08:27 PM
You're right, anyone who doesn't look like me, act like me, talk like me, is bad.

Got it. Thanks for the lesson.

Anything else today, Master Yoda, or can I have my light sabre now?

23-04-2017, 08:31 PM
You're right, anyone who doesn't look like me, act like me, talk like me, is bad.

Got it. Thanks for the lesson.

Anything else today, Master Yoda, or can I have my light sabre now?

And who said that?

Make up what you want. Bury your head as deep as you like.

Stop being a bitch for conformity. If you believe these Muslims have something to offer then tell me what it is. Good luck with that.

All I'm saying is stay away from their fucked up, backwards, barbaric countries. Stop fucking bombing the Muslim countries that are trying to move away from fundamentalism.

Never forget this - your taxpayer contributions are funding Mulsim fundamentalism. Have been for decades.

Maybe time to wake up? Instead of spouting conditioned responses?

Marc Overmars
23-04-2017, 08:47 PM
I work with a Muslim. He's a nice guy, drinks too. :o

23-04-2017, 08:48 PM
I work with a Muslim. He's a nice guy, drinks too. :o

The ONLY reason he's a nice guy is because he drinks. If he was sober, well, fuck it. You know what he'd be.

24-04-2017, 05:47 AM
It is probably for the best that Macron is leading and will in all likelihood win. The Le Pen woman scares me. She has not yet shown her true self but what she has let slip is awful enough.

24-04-2017, 06:33 AM
Media is furiously at work today trying to fill in the huge holes in the background of their fake candidate Macron. Given a week or so they should have most of him created, at least to a level that most people will accept.

24-04-2017, 07:27 AM
NQ, Im guessing here that you would prefer Le Pen to win. I still dont understand why. She is as batty as her father was, only with a different exterior.

24-04-2017, 08:48 AM
The only thing Le Pen needs to win is a bleach drinking contest.

24-04-2017, 09:35 AM
NQ, Im guessing here that you would prefer Le Pen to win. I still dont understand why. She is as batty as her father was, only with a different exterior.

She's the only candidate that can beat the Goldman Sachs plant. It's another no choice election. Clinton and Macon are simply not options.

24-04-2017, 09:42 AM
Tried to ask honest questions here before - but NOBODY has the balls.

One more attempt.

Is there ANYONE here who likes and associates with MUSLIMS?


Speak up.

Me? I fucking loathe them. Anyone with me? Anyone with enough courage to speak up?

Yes worked with Muslims and went to university with them, they are exactly the same as every other type of people i've dealt with some are ok and some are c**ts.

I only hold Islam in slightly more contempt than i do the Catholic Church but i'm friends with Catholics and am dating a Catholic....she knows that i don't particularly like the structure of her church and it's history but she doesn't need me to because she's not trying to convert me and i have no interest in telling her what she should and should not believe.

Now all the Muzzas i've met are the same, if they secretly believe i'm going to burn in hell for not keeping good with Allah well they keep it to themselves and I'm ok with that.

24-04-2017, 09:45 AM
Yes worked with Muslims and went to university with them, they are exactly the same as every other type of people i've dealt with some are ok and some are c**ts.

Brown, though.

Can't be having that.

24-04-2017, 07:55 PM

24-04-2017, 09:36 PM
Tried to ask honest questions here before - but NOBODY has the balls.

One more attempt.

Is there ANYONE here who likes and associates with MUSLIMS?


Speak up.

Me? I fucking loathe them. Anyone with me? Anyone with enough courage to speak up?

Yes - I have Muslim friends, Sikh friends, Hindu friends and even Christian friends, despite being atheist. None of them are extremists in their religions (otherwise they would not be my friends!) I despise those who justify their warped and f***ed-up activities in the name of religion and so do they.

I loathe people who label an entire race, religion, country, gender, etc. based on the actions of a few - it is racist/xenophoic.etc and needs to be opposed at every turn.

24-04-2017, 09:41 PM
Yes - I have Muslim friends, Sikh friends, Hindu friends and even Christian friends, despite being atheist. None of them are extremists in their religions (otherwise they would not be my friends!) I despise those who justify their warped and f***ed-up activities in the name of religion and so do they.

I loathe people who label an entire race, religion, country, gender, etc. based on the actions of a few - it is racist/xenophoic.etc and needs to be opposed at every turn.

Roping Muslims in with Sikhs, Hindus and Christians is a mistake you might pay dearly for one day.

24-04-2017, 09:42 PM
The globalists at it again, tears flowing in Paris - mostly from the smoke the cops are having to fire at these peace loving liberals.

Power n Glory
25-04-2017, 09:54 AM
Yes - I have Muslim friends, Sikh friends, Hindu friends and even Christian friends, despite being atheist. None of them are extremists in their religions (otherwise they would not be my friends!) I despise those who justify their warped and f***ed-up activities in the name of religion and so do they.

I loathe people who label an entire race, religion, country, gender, etc. based on the actions of a few - it is racist/xenophoic.etc and needs to be opposed at every turn.

NQ is the reason why I loathe all white people. :coffee:

25-04-2017, 10:02 AM
Cracker-ass bitch

25-04-2017, 10:12 AM
NQ is the reason why I loathe all white people. :coffee:

Of course it's best to take everything NQ says with a silo full of salt, but according to him he's not white.

Power n Glory
25-04-2017, 10:22 AM
Of course it's best to take everything NQ says with a silo full of salt, but according to him he's not white.

Whatever community he claims to represent, I loathe. He speaks for all of them….he speaks for GW! I loathe you all. :coffee: Especially Letters! ;)

25-04-2017, 10:29 AM
I hate everyone equally.

25-04-2017, 10:31 AM

This is the proud history of NQ's people

25-04-2017, 11:02 AM
According to anthropology. Humans emanated from Africa. So we are all variations of the original colour...Black..

25-04-2017, 11:21 AM
According to anthropology. Humans emanated from Africa. So we are all variations of the original colour...Black..

Or if you're from South Africa Bleck

25-04-2017, 02:41 PM
Why does everyone immediately bring up colour? What does that have to do with it? Islam is a religion, not a race, not an ethnic grouping.

The facts of the matter are these. European citizens are being outbred at a rate of 5 to 1 by Muslims. The face of Europe is being changed to accommodate this shifting balance. If you are happy that the European cultures will eventually be consumed and then die out, to be replaced by an alien culture that is incompatible, intolerant and uncompromising - fine, you are on course and have nothing to worry about. If you don't want this to happen then you probably need to do something about it, don't you? And if you don't think this is happening then there's no helping you at all. Eyes, ears - no, no, no, it's not happening. Racist! Racist!

Absolutely nothing happening in Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, or the ever-so-multicultural and rapidly developing shit holes in our own cities.

By the way, there's also an attack on the very nature of the species itself with male and female status being rigorously undermined by this toxic and deviant transgender movement. Who cares if a bloke or a bird is a bit fucked up? Live and let live. But keep it out of the schools you weirdos. Oh no! Homophobic! Homophobic!

The attack on the atomic family, well that's just about done and dusted. The thin end goes all the way back there, to the marketing driven birth of modern feminism, the movement that subverted women. Feminism is NOT emancipation - just so you know. Uh oh! Misogynistic! Misogynistic!

Any more triggers I can help you with?

Who is measuring your virtue people? Do you log-in to some web site and report your latest signalling activities? Who's winning?

I notice nobody much fired the right hand trigger, mention of the wars that have driven refugees across borders in the first place. Is that because you all voted for the cunts who caused that to happen? Bombs, blood, excuses and flags for the heroes? Tut, tut. You missed that trigger, didn't you? Racism was too great a lure. Who's the racist though? The guy who opposes religion or the trigger happy hoard that always seems to bring it back to race?

25-04-2017, 02:45 PM
Whatever community he claims to represent, I loathe. He speaks for all of them….he speaks for GW! I loathe you all. :coffee: Especially Letters! ;)


Hey! :angry:

25-04-2017, 02:49 PM
Why does everyone immediately bring up colour? What does that have to do with it? Islam is a religion, not a race, not an ethnic grouping.
The facts of the matter are these. European citizens are being outbred at a rate of 5 to 1 by Muslims
...if it's a religion and not a race or ethnic group then how can it breed? If MrsL and myself were to have a child we wouldn't be breeding another Christian, it would be up to them what religion they follow.
I know in certain cultures there is more pressure on the child to follow that religion but in "the west" a lot of children from Islamic backgrounds don't follow their family religion, or not in any serious way.
I know some who don't eat pork for example, they've just been brought up that way, but they still drink and smoke, they don't do their prayers, they certainly don't go around plotting terror attacks, they're not in any serious sense a Muslim although would identify as such if asked.

25-04-2017, 03:15 PM
...if it's a religion and not a race or ethnic group then how can it breed? If MrsL and myself were to have a child we wouldn't be breeding another Christian, it would be up to them what religion they follow.
I know in certain cultures there is more pressure on the child to follow that religion but in "the west" a lot of children from Islamic backgrounds don't follow their family religion, or not in any serious way.
I know some who don't eat pork for example, they've just been brought up that way, but they still drink and smoke, they don't do their prayers, they certainly don't go around plotting terror attacks, they're not in any serious sense a Muslim although would identify as such if asked.

The same way we all do, I suspect. Sorry, is that a trick question?

25-04-2017, 03:36 PM
You are calling Muslims a religion and not a race (which of course you are right about) but then you are referring to them as if they are a homogeneous ethnic group

You have previously claimed that people who are born into the religion become incompatible with western values as if a genetic defect in them.

Most people pay lip service to their religion and only invoke it when it suits them. If they were radicalised to any high percentage we wouldn't require the fear mongering about the war in the streets which crazed people are having a figurative hand shandy about.

I agree when people say there should be not be unlimited immigration and more effort should be paid to integration rather than multiculturalism, and i want the people who call themselves liberal who try and shut down any criticism of islam or muslims as racist to see how they like living in Sharia imposed countries.

But I think the people talking anything other than tongue in cheek as it being a battle for civilisation need to be on Thorazine.

25-04-2017, 04:13 PM
The same way we all do, I suspect. Sorry, is that a trick question?

Try reading the rest of the post, there's a good chap. HCZ has also had a go at explaining.
You say Islam is not not a race or an ethnicity but a religion, but then you go on to say that "they" are breeding.
A religion is something people choose to follow (or not), ergo Muslims are not "born" any more than Christians are.
(This is why most non-CofE churches don't Christen babies but Baptize people who are old enough to make their own decision at their request)

25-04-2017, 04:15 PM
WThe facts of the matter are these. European citizens are being outbred at a rate of 5 to 1 by Muslims.
Can you provide a source for that 'fact' by the way?

Power n Glory
25-04-2017, 06:56 PM

Hey! :angry::hug:

25-04-2017, 07:04 PM
Race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation - the response of racism,xenophobia, homophobia, etc I group together. They are all the same in my opinion - an attack by the inadequate on another group to try and make themselves look more important or to go along with other such people like sheep. Something wrong? Blame it on immigrants, women, gays, blacks, whites - anyone will do as long as you can point at them and find someone as hollow as yourself to go along with it. Reinforce it by reading the Daily Excess and Daily Heil who push that agenda, using it to get votes for the Tories and UKIP who use that method. You don't have to be overtly racist/xenophbic - just give the clues - a nod and a wink. See the UKIP leadership wanting to ban the hijab? Why make that your number one thing you talk about. Then saying they will ban muslim schools? How about ALL religious schools so all education is secular. But that would mean you can't play the anti-muslim card masquerading as a 'reasonable' requirement.

25-04-2017, 07:10 PM
Still interested to know where the "fact" that "European citizens are being outbred at a rate of 5 to 1 by Muslims" comes from.

25-04-2017, 07:18 PM
Still interested to know where the "fact" that "European citizens are being outbred at a rate of 5 to 1 by Muslims" comes from.


Power n Glory
25-04-2017, 07:43 PM
Why does everyone immediately bring up colour? What does that have to do with it? Islam is a religion, not a race, not an ethnic grouping.

The facts of the matter are these. European citizens are being outbred at a rate of 5 to 1 by Muslims. The face of Europe is being changed to accommodate this shifting balance. If you are happy that the European cultures will eventually be consumed and then die out, to be replaced by an alien culture that is incompatible, intolerant and uncompromising - fine, you are on course and have nothing to worry about. If you don't want this to happen then you probably need to do something about it, don't you? And if you don't think this is happening then there's no helping you at all. Eyes, ears - no, no, no, it's not happening. Racist! Racist!

Absolutely nothing happening in Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, or the ever-so-multicultural and rapidly developing shit holes in our own cities.

By the way, there's also an attack on the very nature of the species itself with male and female status being rigorously undermined by this toxic and deviant transgender movement. Who cares if a bloke or a bird is a bit fucked up? Live and let live. But keep it out of the schools you weirdos. Oh no! Homophobic! Homophobic!

The attack on the atomic family, well that's just about done and dusted. The thin end goes all the way back there, to the marketing driven birth of modern feminism, the movement that subverted women. Feminism is NOT emancipation - just so you know. Uh oh! Misogynistic! Misogynistic!

Any more triggers I can help you with?

Who is measuring your virtue people? Do you log-in to some web site and report your latest signalling activities? Who's winning?

I notice nobody much fired the right hand trigger, mention of the wars that have driven refugees across borders in the first place. Is that because you all voted for the cunts who caused that to happen? Bombs, blood, excuses and flags for the heroes? Tut, tut. You missed that trigger, didn't you? Racism was too great a lure. Who's the racist though? The guy who opposes religion or the trigger happy hoard that always seems to bring it back to race?

Have you been drinking again? The biggest threat to your way of life is probably sitting right there in your fridge! The bullshit you read on Infowars isn't helping either. The stuff you consume on daily basis is toxic and bigger threat to you then any of the above.

25-04-2017, 08:53 PM
He puts the "mental" in "fundamental".

25-04-2017, 08:54 PM
Have you been drinking again? The biggest threat to your way of life is probably sitting right there in your fridge! The bullshit you read on Infowars isn't helping either. The stuff you consume on daily basis is toxic and bigger threat to you then any of the above.

Although never would consider myself a libertarian I do think they are capable of intelligent and thought provoking arguments

It's odd how so many of them now are drinking the kool aid of the alt right just because they are anti globalist as well

You can have an alliance over a shared grievance, but the libertarians have decided to buy real estate on bat shit avenue.

Xhaka Can’t
25-04-2017, 09:12 PM
Why does everyone immediately bring up colour? What does that have to do with it? Islam is a religion, not a race, not an ethnic grouping.

The facts of the matter are these. European citizens are being outbred at a rate of 5 to 1 by Muslims. The face of Europe is being changed to accommodate this shifting balance. If you are happy that the European cultures will eventually be consumed and then die out, to be replaced by an alien culture that is incompatible, intolerant and uncompromising - fine, you are on course and have nothing to worry about. If you don't want this to happen then you probably need to do something about it, don't you? And if you don't think this is happening then there's no helping you at all. Eyes, ears - no, no, no, it's not happening. Racist! Racist!

Absolutely nothing happening in Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, or the ever-so-multicultural and rapidly developing shit holes in our own cities.

By the way, there's also an attack on the very nature of the species itself with male and female status being rigorously undermined by this toxic and deviant transgender movement. Who cares if a bloke or a bird is a bit fucked up? Live and let live. But keep it out of the schools you weirdos. Oh no! Homophobic! Homophobic!

The attack on the atomic family, well that's just about done and dusted. The thin end goes all the way back there, to the marketing driven birth of modern feminism, the movement that subverted women. Feminism is NOT emancipation - just so you know. Uh oh! Misogynistic! Misogynistic!

Any more triggers I can help you with?

Who is measuring your virtue people? Do you log-in to some web site and report your latest signalling activities? Who's winning?

I notice nobody much fired the right hand trigger, mention of the wars that have driven refugees across borders in the first place. Is that because you all voted for the cunts who caused that to happen? Bombs, blood, excuses and flags for the heroes? Tut, tut. You missed that trigger, didn't you? Racism was too great a lure. Who's the racist though? The guy who opposes religion or the trigger happy hoard that always seems to bring it back to race?

Wenger out!

26-04-2017, 12:54 PM
The 5 to 1 fact is just a fact. Why people need proof for this one fact in particular seems strange. Why the sudden interest in proof? Is this something you are going to be demanding regularly from now on? Or is it a one-off? Assad kills his own people with chemical weapons. FACT. Muslims outbreed Europeans at a rate of 5 to 1. FACT. That's ALL you need to know.

The fact is actually an anti-fact, opposite but precisely equal to an old fashioned fact. In this case it's a statement often pushed by radical imams in their closed door teaching and strategy sessions. It's based on nothing bar agendas and propaganda, like any other fact/ anti-fact you can see in the partisan, fake news - on both sides. I may repeat this fact many times over the coming weeks, which will transform the fact to truth. I may not, if people buy it without the extra effort.

The outrage at generalisation is nice - but a little selective for my personal taste. If only the sentiment could be applied across the board. Unfortunately not the case, as we saw with the response to the old, ignorant racists and hillbilly gun owners who hijacked the political process recently. We also see it in what the impartial BBC terms the "far right" French who are stirring things up right now. So generalisations are very useful, provided they are used in the approved way and not in some "mental" manner requiring mind altering drugs for correction.

The staunch defence of aliens at home is also fuzzy and warm. If we could extend it to those overseas we'd have progress. But no luck so far. Propaganda is permitted when it applies to our intended victims, scorned when we can't detect the tingling of a virtue trigger. We, the same people so outraged at the horrible little racist, understand there's a difference between social virtue and actual virtue, but in the end both keep us safe so what the fuck? We're not stupid. In fact we're a lot smarter than them - the racists and whatever other word we can apply to their difference of opinion. This June we'll all prove once again how virtue is a coat that can be worn or removed according to the climate. What murdering, thieving, sack of shit will we endorse this time around? Because, you know, you have to. If you don't endorse evil then you have no say.

We have Christians voting Tory and telling people who type mere words on a forum how to measure up. Well we know what the Tory is going to do and we know what the Tory stands for. The very things the fucked up person on the forum has typed out (just words - nobody died), albeit with a different slant. Let's not say Muslim - let's not use a trigger at all. Let's use a taboo. Let's say poor. Or sick. Or weak. Or elderly (not that they don't deserve it for voting Leave). Let's say real people who you identify as friends and neighbours when targeted one way, and pass by on the other side when media tells you the economy is recovering. Get a job! You layabouts.

I guess the golden rule is to switch your brain off. A libertarian who has preached live and let live but leave me alone for, how many years, decides to become a facist overnight. Fine. Seems reasonable. It's what's happening NOW - and history has no value. FACT. Let's just go with that and start our virtue chorus. Because that's what we have been trained to do. And come June we'll switch 'em off again and do our duty. This is how you'll do it. This is how you'll make your mark and show just how virtuous you really are. By delegating to the guy who says what you want to hear or at least says so little he doesn't reveal himself. When the evil is done you can all go back to targeting those who speak openly but say or think the "wrong" things. And what a mighty force for justice you'll be.

ONE person was capable of responding in a way that showed he still has control of his own thoughts. And I agree with him. Wenger, "the worst manager in football", out!

28-04-2017, 02:59 PM
The 5 to 1 fact is just a fact. Why people need proof for this one fact in particular seems strange. Why the sudden interest in proof?
It's not sudden, I've often asked you to back up "facts" when I think you're making them up or have got them from unreliable sources. So where's the source for this fact?

From the rest of your ramble I've no idea if you actually believe the 5:1 thing or whether you're making a point. I think it's the latter but that begs the question what the actual point was. Meh.

28-04-2017, 03:09 PM

28-04-2017, 03:14 PM

Xhaka Can’t
28-04-2017, 06:28 PM

Marc Overmars
01-05-2017, 10:24 PM
Been up in Blackpool this weekend.

What an absolute dump, it's like the place is stuck in time from a bygone era. Run down and populated with just the worst kind of people.

02-05-2017, 09:33 AM
Well, yeah. It's stuck in the 50s when people would go to the sea-side, buy cheeky postcards and sit in a deck chair in the howling wind with a knotted handkerchief on their heads.

Then they invented cheap flights and everyone buggered off to Ibiza.

02-05-2017, 10:40 AM

She's a national treasure, she achieves a level of stupidity that is almost unimaginable

What I think i love about her the most is that despite how thick she is, she has that haughty patronising tone that gives the impression that she's more intelligent than the person speaking to her.

Even Jezza only promoted her to Shadow Home Secretary because it was her or El Gaucho his pet cat.

02-05-2017, 11:22 AM

02-05-2017, 11:23 AM

You joke (i assume) but i have been accused of being racist and sexist for criticising her in the past

02-05-2017, 11:24 AM
Imagine if Boris had caller her a Mugwump.

02-05-2017, 11:27 AM

She's a national treasure, she achieves a level of stupidity that is almost unimaginable

What I think i love about her the most is that despite how thick she is, she has that haughty patronising tone that gives the impression that she's more intelligent than the person speaking to her.

Even Jezza only promoted her to Shadow Home Secretary because it was her or El Gaucho his pet cat.

How is she different to any other politician? None of them know anything about anything. They are front men for the uncivil non-service, that's all. That's why they can move their "expert" arses into a one post on a Monday and be taking up a comfy seat in a completely different post come Friday. Fucking useless blaggers, all of them.

02-05-2017, 11:28 AM
We should get rid of all government.

I'm surprised no one has thought of it before.

02-05-2017, 02:23 PM
How is she different to any other politician? None of them know anything about anything. They are front men for the uncivil non-service, that's all. That's why they can move their "expert" arses into a one post on a Monday and be taking up a comfy seat in a completely different post come Friday. Fucking useless blaggers, all of them.

Well i expect them to be able to grasp Maths at least to the level of your average 12 year old

02-05-2017, 02:32 PM
They are front men for the uncivil non-service, that's all.
You called? :d


02-05-2017, 02:34 PM
We should get rid of all government.

I'm surprised no one has thought of it before.

Yeah! What have the government ever done for us? :angry:

02-05-2017, 02:42 PM
Well i expect them to be able to grasp Maths at least to the level of your average 12 year old

Like George Osborne, you mean? That bloke was twice as thick as pig shit and four times as toxic.

02-05-2017, 02:42 PM
Yeah! What have the government ever done for us? :angry:

Good question. Any ideas?

02-05-2017, 02:45 PM
The aqueduct? :shrug:

02-05-2017, 02:46 PM
yep i don't know why it's never occurred to me to listen to a ranting alcoholic who tells me that people given full autonomy of themselves wouldn't be a million times more chaotic.

02-05-2017, 02:51 PM
yep i don't know why it's never occurred to me to listen to a ranting alcoholic who tells me that people given full autonomy of themselves wouldn't be a million times more chaotic.

As always, the leap to the end result with nothing between. Personal liberty is incomprehensible to you, to such a degree you can't envisage anything bar subservience. Which makes you normal, so no foul. Thank heavens I'm, as you say, not in the least bit normal.

02-05-2017, 02:53 PM
I'm, as you say, not in the least bit normal.
Finally! :o Something I agree with you about.

02-05-2017, 03:02 PM
As always, the leap to the end result with nothing between. Personal liberty is incomprehensible to you, to such a degree you can't envisage anything bar subservience. Which makes you normal, so no foul. Thank heavens I'm, as you say, not in the least bit normal.

I've spent many fruitless hours discussing the nature of your utopian vision with you, it's not that i am against the principle per se it's largely i am left thinking "where's the beef?".

All i'm saying is that humanity does move towards a more libertarian society in the future, that I would hope the agents of that change are far smarter than you.

02-05-2017, 03:03 PM
I've spent many fruitless hours discussing the nature of your utopian vision with you, it's not that i am against the principle per se it's largely i am left thinking "where's the beef?".

All i'm saying is that humanity does move towards a more libertarian society in the future, that I would hope the agents of that change are far smarter than you.

Yep. My world view is governments are shit. Your's is people are shit. I may not be smart, but my heart's in the right place.

02-05-2017, 03:05 PM
Oh by the way, as we're talking about civil servants. They announced the "Voluntary Exit" scheme last week :lol:
Only been here 6 years so wouldn't get a great payout but worth considering.
I need to kick myself up the backside to inspire me to go and get a proper job.

02-05-2017, 03:06 PM
[QUOTE=Niall_Quinn;4407095 I may not be smart.[/QUOTE]

Especially if you can't seem to understand that Governments are human constructs and if you think they are shit, they are the embodiment of everything that's shit in human beings.

They aren't alien artifices that irradiate toxins poisoning the minds of men.

02-05-2017, 03:10 PM

She's a national treasure, she achieves a level of stupidity that is almost unimaginable

What I think i love about her the most is that despite how thick she is, she has that haughty patronising tone that gives the impression that she's more intelligent than the person speaking to her.

Even Jezza only promoted her to Shadow Home Secretary because it was her or El Gaucho his pet cat.

Wow. What a car crash :lol:


02-05-2017, 03:10 PM
Oh by the way, as we're talking about civil servants. They announced the "Voluntary Exit" scheme last week :lol:
Only been here 6 years so wouldn't get a great payout but worth considering.
I need to kick myself up the backside to inspire me to go and get a proper job.

Well said. Now millions of others need to say the same thing and the nation is in business.

02-05-2017, 03:11 PM
They aren't alien artifices that irradiate toxins poisoning the minds of men.
Aren't they, HCZ?
Aren't they..?

02-05-2017, 03:13 PM
Well said. Now millions of others need to say the same thing and the nation is in business.

If I were a betting man I'd say that, given the intranet pages about this, they're going to say, if I apply, that the programme I'm working on is too important for them to let me leave via Voluntary Exit.
So they think I'm too important enough to let go, not important enough to pay anything like market wage.

02-05-2017, 03:25 PM
Especially if you can't seem to understand that Governments are human constructs and if you think they are shit, they are the embodiment of everything that's shit in human beings.

They aren't alien artifices that irradiate toxins poisoning the minds of men.

The principles of governance and authority are human concepts - not the practice as it stands, and that's the part eluding you. If the principles are adhered to, the few in service of the many, then theoretically (because it has never been tried yet) government might be beneficial for the majority - although never acceptable due to its fundamental conflict with inalienable rights. But we have the opposite in practice. Politicians are hired to ensure this confusion persists. Great words of service and actions in service of the "great". Your inability to envisage anything bar chaos in the absence of government that engineers constant chaos is perplexing. Do you, personally, kill your neighbours when the government isn't watching you? Do you steal from them? No need. Government delegates this murder and theft so you can wash your hands. Convenient and lucrative when you aren't on the sharpest receiving end. All that remains is to fill your spare time calling other people stupid, incapable and inherently irresponsible. Of course civilisation could never have gained a foothold at all if what you assume is true. Real leaders are greeted warmly by all because they carry a greater load for the tribe, usually through their expertise. Fake leaders sign up for government roles, burdens to the society and divisive elements hated by many for the harm and division they cause. The real weakness in humanity is not inherent evil, it's complacency and fear.

02-05-2017, 03:44 PM
The principles of governance and authority are human concepts - not the practice as it stands, and that's the part eluding you. If the principles are adhered to, the few in service of the many, then theoretically (because it has never been tried yet) government might be beneficial for the majority - although never acceptable due to its fundamental conflict with inalienable rights. But we have the opposite in practice. Politicians are hired to ensure this confusion persists. Great words of service and actions in service of the "great". Your inability to envisage anything bar chaos in the absence of government that engineers constant chaos is perplexing. Do you, personally, kill your neighbours when the government isn't watching you? Do you steal from them? No need. Government delegates this murder and theft so you can wash your hands. Convenient and lucrative when you aren't on the sharpest receiving end. All that remains is to fill your spare time calling other people stupid, incapable and inherently irresponsible. Of course civilisation could never have gained a foothold at all if what you assume is true. Real leaders are greeted warmly by all because they carry a greater load for the tribe, usually through their expertise. Fake leaders sign up for government roles, burdens to the society and divisive elements hated by many for the harm and division they cause. The real weakness in humanity is not inherent evil, it's complacency and fear.

But what you are saying is that government has been corrupted by some entity into not serving it's intended purpose by some shadowy cabal who have passed down their malignance generation after generation for thousands of years since the dawn of civilisation trapping and confusing an otherwise well meaning vast majority of people.

What i am saying is that is nonsense, governments and authorities have sprung up all over the world long before many of these nations even travelled far enough to be aware of each other's existence, so if government does deviate from it's intent (which you claim to be a universal thing) that's therefore also a by-product of human nature.

It's not saying humans are evil, I'm saying they we can be capable of great integrity and great benevolence towards each other but equally we are capable of petty place seeking, selfishness, avarice and malevolence.....and how much authority one has determines how amplified these traits are.

Do I think we automatically enter a state of nature if all government and government apparatus vanishes, no not in the sense that i am going to murder my neighbour or they will try to murder me for financial gain no. But there would be a creeping effect in my view that over time without fear of consequence some people would act far more callously towards each other as appalling as it might seem to consider in the here and now over time people become desensitised.

Just like conversely in totalitarian societies people become de-sensitised to the brutality inflicted on them by governments

02-05-2017, 03:54 PM
But what you are saying is that government has been corrupted by some entity into not serving it's intended purpose by some shadowy cabal who have passed down their malignance generation after generation for thousands of years since the dawn of civilisation trapping and confusing an otherwise well meaning vast majority of people.

What i am saying is that is nonsense, governments and authorities have sprung up all over the world long before many of these nations even travelled far enough to be aware of each other's existence, so if government does deviate from it's intent (which you claim to be a universal thing) that's therefore also a by-product of human nature.

It's not saying humans are evil, I'm saying they we can be capable of great integrity and great benevolence towards each other but equally we are capable of petty place seeking, selfishness, avarice and malevolence.....and how much authority one has determines how amplified these traits are.

Do I think we automatically enter a state of nature if all government and government apparatus vanishes, no not in the sense that i am going to murder my neighbour or they will try to murder me for financial gain no. But there would be a creeping effect in my view that over time without fear of consequence some people would act far more callously towards each other as appalling as it might seem to consider in the here and now over time people become desensitised.

Just like conversely in totalitarian societies people become de-sensitised to the brutality inflicted on them by governments

That part is worth the conversation. Highly debatable, in a good way. I believe the opposite. I believe the example of liberty would bring out the very best in the majority, to a degree that the inevitable minority you speak of could be controlled. But it is very difficult to control them when they take on the official role of government.

04-05-2017, 09:41 AM
That part is worth the conversation. Highly debatable, in a good way. I believe the opposite. I believe the example of liberty would bring out the very best in the majority, to a degree that the inevitable minority you speak of could be controlled. But it is very difficult to control them when they take on the official role of government.

It's all in here innit. https://www.abebooks.co.uk/Social-anarchism-G-Baldelli-Giovanni-Harmondsworth/7516663991/bd

Ethical capital it's the way forward.

04-05-2017, 11:52 AM
Happy Star Wars day!

04-05-2017, 12:08 PM
I'm wearing a T-shirt a bit like this today to mark the occasion :geek:


That's how cool I am :cool:


04-05-2017, 12:27 PM
I'm wearing a T-shirt a bit like this today to mark the occasion :geek:


That's how cool I am :cool:


Meh.....I've owned my share of geeky t-shirts before now



04-05-2017, 12:30 PM
It's a bit of a first for me :d

04-05-2017, 12:32 PM
In fairness both were bought for me, one as a birthday present, one as a work leaving present (along with an arsenal zippo lighter)

But they are pretty good for wearing around the house.

04-05-2017, 12:48 PM
It's a bit of a first for me :d

Well, the red polo shirt had to be washed at some point right?

04-05-2017, 01:02 PM

"2 shirts, he's only got 2 shirts"


Shaqiri Is Boss
08-05-2017, 10:06 PM
Where's the best area to stay overnight in London that is easy enough to see the main sights, without costing a billion?

Thinking of going down to watch the National League final on Sunday #fairweather so making a day of it on the Saturday, but I haven't been to London in about 18 years... and even then it was Finchley... so I haven't got a clue about where is ideal and where's a pain in the ass to get to, not least for Wembley as well. I'd be getting a train into Euston if I do go.

London's fucking massive :blink:

Xhaka Can’t
08-05-2017, 10:27 PM
NQ will put you up.

Marc Overmars
08-05-2017, 10:42 PM
Where's the best area to stay overnight in London that is easy enough to see the main sights, without costing a billion?

Thinking of going down to watch the National League final on Sunday #fairweather so making a day of it on the Saturday, but I haven't been to London in about 18 years... and even then it was Finchley... so I haven't got a clue about where is ideal and where's a pain in the ass to get to, not least for Wembley as well. I'd be getting a train into Euston if I do go.

London's fucking massive :blink:

Don't know what your budget is but most hotels in Central London (zone 1) will be at least £100 for the night, probably more. Wembley itself is a bit of a pain to get to but as you're coming into Euston, I would look around Kings Cross, Camden, Angel or Old Street.

To get to Wembley you'll probably take the overground from Euston anyway and to see the sights you'll have access to the Northern and Victoria lines.

You can look at staying further out in Zone 2 or 3 but it comes down to what you're willing to pay for a hotel and how long you're prepared to travel on the tube for. Wherever you stay though, just remember Wembley is completely out of the way and will require some travelling to get to, unless you obviously stay near the stadium, but then you'll be travelling a fair bit to see the sights.

08-05-2017, 10:58 PM
NQ will put you up.

That's you, that is.

I would though. Except all the good spots under my bridge are spoken for.

08-05-2017, 11:01 PM

Probably the best you'll do for central London, and Covent Garden is a good jumping off spot for just about anywhere.

Or you could become an MP and they'll give you a plush flat at the taxpayers' expense - plus free whores.

08-05-2017, 11:02 PM
Or this. Think I stayed there once. Don't get the room with the stain in the middle of the carpet.


09-05-2017, 09:18 AM
Or this. Think I stayed there once. Don't get the room with the stain in the middle of the carpet.


that doesn't leave many rooms

09-05-2017, 09:19 AM

Probably the best you'll do for central London, and Covent Garden is a good jumping off spot for just about anywhere.

Or you could become an MP and they'll give you a plush flat at the taxpayers' expense - plus free whores.

That's not fair, that's really not fair

They aren't whores, they are child sex slaves

09-05-2017, 10:10 AM
And they're not free.

You can just claim it back on expenses.

Also, try AirBnB?

Shaqiri Is Boss
11-05-2017, 07:08 PM
Cheers for the suggestions guys. Not going anyway in the end, but may well book something another time in the week, over a few nights, when it shouldn't be quite as expensive. I'll try to avoid the rooms with the stains.

Tbf the Underground would be something of a novelty as well. Not sure how long it'd take for it to wear off, but still.

11-05-2017, 07:43 PM
Cheers for the suggestions guys. Not going anyway in the end, but may well book something another time in the week, over a few nights, when it shouldn't be quite as expensive. I'll try to avoid the rooms with the stains.

Tbf the Underground would be something of a novelty as well. Not sure how long it'd take for it to wear off, but still.

Are you Mick Dundee?

11-05-2017, 08:18 PM

Just wait till he sees taps and light switches


Shaqiri Is Boss
11-05-2017, 08:19 PM
Are you Mick Dundee?


I probably could have put it a bit less bumpkinish, but I'll stick with it.

12-05-2017, 09:13 AM
Cheers for the suggestions guys. Not going anyway in the end, but may well book something another time in the week, over a few nights, when it shouldn't be quite as expensive. I'll try to avoid the rooms with the stains.

Tbf the Underground would be something of a novelty as well. Not sure how long it'd take for it to wear off, but still.

you have trains that go underground in liverpool....the principle is the same

12-05-2017, 10:52 AM
you have trains that go underground in liverpool....the principle is the same

Be serious. Underground steam trains? :doh:

12-05-2017, 10:58 AM

12-05-2017, 11:13 AM

Fake! You can clearly see the wheels where the bricks should be.