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McNamara That Ghost...
07-09-2017, 07:36 PM
Las Palmas play great football tbf, or at least did last season.

Their coach from last season has gone elsewhere now though.

08-09-2017, 01:42 PM
Fucking hell

Two days later and still heavily embroiled in argumemt with Twitter idiots who want to make that anachronistic muppet Jacob Rees Mogg a soft target.

I do genuinely worry that more and more on both sides of the political aisle western society simply cannot deal with divergent view points.

We have become a very sick people.

08-09-2017, 02:12 PM
It does seem increasingly that certain views are just not allowed.
IF he'd said that he intends to make abortion illegal were he to become Prime Minister then I could understand a certain amount of harrumphing.
He's made his view pretty clear, he's also said that the law about it won't be changing.
I don't agree with his view entirely, but he's entitled to it. These days even having the view is not acceptable.

In sort of related news David Mitchell wrote a piece about how a judge was pilloried for calling a person who broke into someone's house "brave". Every time there's a terrorist attack the perpetrators are called cowards.
You can call them many things but cowards? Really? To me it's a pretty bloody scary thing to do, hardly cowardly. People can't seem to hold any complex thoughts in their heads like how someone can do something bad but that doesn't mean every bad adjective applies to that act.

08-09-2017, 03:00 PM
No they aren't cowards. If you strap a load of explosives to yourself and blow yourself up that does take a lot of balls

It's clearly not to be admired or respected. But yeah it's not the kind of thing a pussy does

However people like Anjem Choudary who brainwashes impressionable young idiots to do his bidding and then pretends they went off the reservation.....men like him are cowards. Seriously hope he gets bummed in prison.

09-09-2017, 05:22 PM
Irma looks pretty crazy. One of the biggest storms in history, apparently. And heading right for the Floria west coast having flattened whole islands in the Caribbean and blown a hole through Cuba. It sounds like this one is going to be particularly bad. The media despicable, as ever. All the coverage is about what might happen in Florida, even though a whole bunch of people have already been steamrollered by this thing. 23 dead so far. Hardly a mention.

09-09-2017, 07:35 PM

That said, it hitting the Caribbean has been pretty big news over the last week.

10-09-2017, 07:36 PM
The media really is horrendous. All they are interested in are top wind speeds, storm surge heights and stupid twats in hoods stupidly reporting outdoors in a hurricane when all they really need to do is go inside and look out the window.

Big disappointments in the Keys right now, the wind barely got past 100mph. They were hoping for at least 130. And the stupid storm has dropped to a cat 3 when just a couple of days ago there was the delicious possibility of a cat 5 making landfall. Drat.

That said, they are also reporting this could be a lull before the main action. Fingers crossed, eh?

Xhaka Can’t
10-09-2017, 08:31 PM
That is an excellent summary of how I take the media reports. They want this to be the worst, the biggest ant the windiest.

They already have their copies drafted to report on the unprecedented devastation.

Let's hope the storm lets them down.

Shaqiri Is Boss
10-09-2017, 08:39 PM
That is an excellent summary of how I take the media reports. They want this to be the worst, the biggest ant the windiest.

They already have their copies drafted to report on the unprecedented devastation.

Let's hope the storm lets them down.

And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.

Xhaka Can’t
10-09-2017, 08:47 PM

10-09-2017, 09:44 PM
Poor old Harvey got dropped in a shot when sexy Irma pitched up.

10-09-2017, 09:50 PM
"We're still expecting a 10-15ft storm surge."
"When that happens, what can people expect?"

"Hi Shep, we can show you some signs of damage here. Downed trees. But not powerful enough to destroy structures. Windows are intact."

"Gee, but we still have that storm surge to come?"

10-09-2017, 10:07 PM
Weather Center expert has just confirmed that if the storm goes back out to sea and then comes back on to the land again, that will be another landfall. BUT, and this is the crucial part, if it doesn't go back out to sea and stays over the land, there WON'T be another landfall. Incredibly useful information.

Storm surge has now become the "killer surge". No word yet on whether a special logo will be created.

11-09-2017, 08:32 AM
Poor old Harvey got dropped in a shot when sexy Irma pitched up.

I think all violent storms should be named after women

Can't be reasoned with, totally irrational and out of control.

11-09-2017, 08:53 AM
Then they leave with your house and car.

12-09-2017, 08:34 AM
£19.18 for another 2 years of GW.
No need to thank me.

Marc Overmars
12-09-2017, 09:21 AM
Should have pulled the plug tbh.

12-09-2017, 09:28 AM
I'll judge that at the end of the 2 years :sulk:

12-09-2017, 09:43 AM
Ruining your legacy, tbh.

12-09-2017, 10:01 AM
I signed again because I love the board and the number of posters who have left is an ideal situation :sulk:

12-09-2017, 11:30 AM
£19.18 for another 2 years of GW.
No need to thank me.

Fair play I still find myself coming here enough

Maybe you need some word of mouth advertisement

If you like internecine arguments on matters of minutuae and political debates with alcoholic libertarians than this is the place for you

12-09-2017, 11:37 AM
I still have a million leaflets for the place that IT (IT :rose:) did and I got printed.
Kept meaning to get someone to give them out outside the ground one match day but never did.

12-09-2017, 12:05 PM
I think forums like this are less popular they they once were.

Places like Reddit have made them a bit obsolete.

12-09-2017, 12:08 PM
Yeah, it's a dying breed tbh. Facebook groups have also sprung up and dicks people talk on there instead.

12-09-2017, 01:03 PM
Set up a Patreon or PayPal donate and people wouldn't mind chucking is a few quid to keep the place running.

Facebook is the biggest pile of shit since Facebook.

More is not always better, although a few more would be nice in the case of GW.

Even so, for the people who do post here (most of them being GP under multiple accounts I suppose), we know each other and can enjoy in-house jokes and have a ruck without it getting out of hand. That would be lost on a platform like Reddit, which happens to be the biggest pile of shit since Facebook.

And who wants to chase a million posts a day anyway? Being able to track all the conversations without being a keyboard stop-in is possible, especially on the days (or weeks) where there are no posts at all.

Any anyway - don't assume that GW has no influence. I have often seen the content of posts from here, jokes, etc, verbatim on other sites, YouTube, etc. So people read even if they don't contribute. And they nick stuff, the bastards.

I know we scratch each others eyes out all the time, but GW has value and it's appreciated that the guys and yourself keep it running.

I'd be wasting huge amounts of time doing work if it weren't for GW.

12-09-2017, 01:04 PM
Fair play I still find myself coming here enough

Maybe you need some word of mouth advertisement

If you like internecine arguments on matters of minutuae and political debates with alcoholic libertarians than this is the place for you

What you talkin'bout Willis?

Marc Overmars
12-09-2017, 04:01 PM
Forums like this are very dated but survive through the small group of regulars who make it their own. I don't think we can ever realistically expect this place to boom with new members again thanks to how prominent social media is now, however I don't think it needs to either.

I'd rather read NQ's latest rant than have boring new members who don't get what GW is about.

GW is pretty much a pub that's having a permanent lock in.

It's just a shame our club hasn't given us anything new to talk about in years.

12-09-2017, 04:20 PM
Haven't won anything since GW started.

So in reality, it's all Letters' fault.

13-09-2017, 08:20 AM
Set up a Patreon or PayPal donate and people wouldn't mind chucking is a few quid to keep the place running.

I did think about something like that when this place was a bit bigger. Tbh it doesn't cost that much to keep the place going, and it's worth it for the level of respect I'm afforded.


13-09-2017, 08:23 AM
I did think about something like that when this place was a bit bigger. Tbh it doesn't cost that much to keep the place going, and it's worth it for the level of respect I'm afforded.


Cheers fuckface

13-09-2017, 08:35 AM


13-09-2017, 10:51 AM


13-09-2017, 11:03 AM
Windows for Workgroups 3.1 :bow:

I wrestled with that ugly bitch more times than I can forget, and lost every time.

Awful non-operating system :bow:

13-09-2017, 11:15 AM
3.1 was basically a thin veneer on top of MS-DOS. I remember you had to type "win" to get into it, by default a PC would just go to a blank screen. Kids today wouldn't have a clue what to do if their computer did that. :lol:

Kids :rolleyes:

13-09-2017, 11:21 AM
3.1 was basically a thin veneer on top of MS-DOS. I remember you had to type "win" to get into it, by default a PC would just go to a blank screen. Kids today wouldn't have a clue what to do if their computer did that. :lol:

Kids :rolleyes:

Are you sure about that?

I used 3.1 well over twenty years ago now and I remember it default loading Windows

I remember using MS Dos and all that shit before that. I remember using 5.25 floppy discs even

13-09-2017, 11:27 AM
Are you sure about that?

I used 3.1 well over twenty years ago now and I remember it default loading Windows

I remember using MS Dos and all that shit before that. I remember using 5.25 floppy discs even

It was loaded by autoexec.bat which was set up or modded during the install. Boot would go to DOS then fire up Windows. I remember DOS used to come on 2 disks and when windows arrived you were lugging 7 disks about. And then the disks would corrupt and you'd end up with these mix and match sets that would take constant swapping during the install.

"Don't steal my fucking disks you cunt!" was an obligatory marker pen message on each disk, especially the last working disk with the printer driver on it. "Can I borrow your disk 3?" - No, fuck off!

13-09-2017, 11:51 AM
Are you sure about that?

I used 3.1 well over twenty years ago now and I remember it default loading Windows

I remember using MS Dos and all that shit before that. I remember using 5.25 floppy discs even

Maybe it depended on how you had it configured. Mine started by default in BOSS. Being a card-carrying geek I used to do quite a lot in DOS.
Windows 3.1 couldn't multi-task for shit. Try playing an audio file and then writing something to the floppy disk :doh:

13-09-2017, 12:12 PM
Honestly. Arguing with people on the internet is so futile. <_<
I realise the irony of posting that on here but the way they respond to what they think you've said and now what you've actually said is tiresome.

13-09-2017, 01:07 PM
Honestly. Arguing with people on the internet is so futile. <_<
I realise the irony of posting that on here but the way they respond to what they think you've said and now what you've actually said is tiresome.

And this is in reference to?

13-09-2017, 01:24 PM
Something on FB. Some woman bleating about "rape culture". :rolleyes: Victim blaming and :blah:
I said that while in a perfect world women could act how they liked and not be in danger, in the real world they can't so while it's not their "fault" if they get attacked, there are ways of behaving which will put them in more danger than they need to.

She said

"you're basically saying that rape is almost expected because a woman wants to have casual sex, but if she's more promiscuous then it would be more shocking!"

Literally didn't say anything like that. :blink:. Then she said:

"Talk to victims of rape and see if they deserved it or not. I dare you to ask them!!"

Again, didn't say they deserved it. Actually said the opposite. Honestly. Just pointless talking to someone to responds to logic with shouting and hysteria. :rolleyes:

13-09-2017, 01:39 PM
Honestly. Arguing with people on the internet is so futile. <_<
I realise the irony of posting that on here but the way they respond to what they think you've said and now what you've actually said is tiresome.

No it isn't.

13-09-2017, 01:39 PM
Something on FB. Some woman bleating about "rape culture". :rolleyes: Victim blaming and :blah:
I said that while in a perfect world women could act how they liked and not be in danger, in the real world they can't so while it's not their "fault" if they get attacked, there are ways of behaving which will put them in more danger than they need to.

She said

"you're basically saying that rape is almost expected because a woman wants to have casual sex, but if she's more promiscuous then it would be more shocking!"

Literally didn't say anything like that. :blink:. Then she said:

"Talk to victims of rape and see if they deserved it or not. I dare you to ask them!!"

Again, didn't say they deserved it. Actually said the opposite. Honestly. Just pointless talking to someone to responds to logic with shouting and hysteria. :rolleyes:

You were on Facebook :haha:

13-09-2017, 01:52 PM
You were on Facebook :haha:


Yes, that was my first error.

Is this the right thread for an argument?

13-09-2017, 02:22 PM
Lettes in pro-rape shocker :rolleyes:

Just grab 'em by the pussy. When you're a mod they just let you.

13-09-2017, 02:33 PM
Something on FB. Some woman bleating about "rape culture". :rolleyes: Victim blaming and :blah:
I said that while in a perfect world women could act how they liked and not be in danger, in the real world they can't so while it's not their "fault" if they get attacked, there are ways of behaving which will put them in more danger than they need to.

She said

"you're basically saying that rape is almost expected because a woman wants to have casual sex, but if she's more promiscuous then it would be more shocking!"

Literally didn't say anything like that. :blink:. Then she said:

"Talk to victims of rape and see if they deserved it or not. I dare you to ask them!!"

Again, didn't say they deserved it. Actually said the opposite. Honestly. Just pointless talking to someone to responds to logic with shouting and hysteria. :rolleyes:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha

You involved yourself in that debate and you expected rational responses

Funny how if you get anti crime adverts telling you to lock your windows and doors, and leave a light on if you're out at night to prevent burglars.....that's not victim blaming.

Whilst I can understand a woman taking affront to being told she can't wear what she want and drink what she wants. It's not really so much that, it's more don't get shit faced and then try and walk home by yourself.

And that message is equally relevant to blokes. Young guy in my office going back a few years got pissed and got smashed over the head with a beer bottle knocked unconscious and robbed.

What women mean by rape culture is wanting to prove that all men are sexual fiends and need indoctrination at a young age to let them know what inherent dangers they are to women.

That and clearly lying about their own experiences (something they do because they know you can't call them out on it) woman I debated claiming to have been groped, dry humped and mollested on her commute to and from work hundreds of times.
This is clearly nonsense....she'd have to be the biggest statistical anomaly in existence. That shit happens and it shouldn't. But it's never happened to someone hundreds of times....so don't fucking lie about it because you're diminishing the seriousness of it.

13-09-2017, 02:51 PM
Lettes in pro-rape shocker :rolleyes:

Just grab 'em by the pussy. When you're a mod they just let you.

I wouldn't say I'm a "pro" at it just yet.

13-09-2017, 03:07 PM


14-09-2017, 03:31 PM

Joke news articles are never as funny as the real thing

Marc Overmars
14-09-2017, 03:42 PM
Had some new sofa's delivered today, I didn't see it but the delivery blokes clearly damaged the door frame while maneuvering them through. I was going to let it slide because we're in the process of doing up the house anyway but then the cheeky cunt had the nerve to tell me it was already like that when I questioned it. Fuck right off.

14-09-2017, 06:07 PM
It was already like that.

14-09-2017, 06:23 PM
Had some new sofa's delivered today, I didn't see it but the delivery blokes clearly damaged the door frame while maneuvering them through. I was going to let it slide because we're in the process of doing up the house anyway but then the cheeky cunt had the nerve to tell me it was already like that when I questioned it. Fuck right off.

People like you give sofas a bad name.

14-09-2017, 08:54 PM
Got one of those new £10 notes. Looks nice.


14-09-2017, 08:59 PM
Got one of those new £10 notes. Looks nice.


Toilet paper within next 3 years.

Marc Overmars
15-09-2017, 06:47 AM
All the trains into Euston are cancelled. Working from home. :bow:

15-09-2017, 08:12 AM
An unpopular colleague* is leaving. Just checked the card and collection for his leaving present. About 8 people signed it (he has about 100 staff) and the fund currently stands at £2.20.


*I'm not talking about myself. Shut up :angry:

15-09-2017, 08:14 AM
An unpopular colleague* is leaving. Just checked the card and collection for his leaving present. About 8 people signed it (he has about 100 staff) and the fund currently stands at £2.20.


*I'm not talking about myself. Shut up :angry:

Yes you are

15-09-2017, 08:15 AM
Explosion on a tube in Parsons Green

Let's be honest, easiest just to assume it was a Muzza

And in the unlikely event it's not can edit this

15-09-2017, 08:48 AM

Never thought of Parson's Green as a hotbed of Islamic extremism tbh.

15-09-2017, 09:10 AM

It's hardly 9/11

15-09-2017, 09:13 AM

It's hardly 9/11

Well most Muzza terrorists are a bit empty between the ears

15-09-2017, 09:20 AM
Muzzas :doh:

Deport/kill them all.

15-09-2017, 09:27 AM
Muzzas :doh:

Deport/kill them all.

Don't be ridiculous

Just the ones that shop at Lidl

15-09-2017, 09:57 AM
It's hardly 9/11

We will remember them :rose:

15-09-2017, 09:57 AM
LIDL :lol:

Awful ALDI

15-09-2017, 10:03 AM
The media going into full blown "The children. Won't someone please think of the children" mode :rolleyes.


15-09-2017, 10:16 AM
I mean, it's a serious incident.

The implications are serious, at least.

15-09-2017, 10:20 AM
He did have a bucket tbf. What if other groups get their hands on bigger buckets?

15-09-2017, 10:26 AM
I'm SAFE, by the way.

15-09-2017, 10:28 AM
I'm SAFE, by the way.

Stop gloating.

Marc Overmars
15-09-2017, 10:35 AM
Those muzlims eh.

15-09-2017, 10:37 AM
Come over here, blowing up our buckets :sulk:

15-09-2017, 10:38 AM
Have the police ruled out pissed farmers then?

15-09-2017, 10:51 AM
Militant group of disgruntled builders

15-09-2017, 01:30 PM
Maybe it was on the terrorist's bucket list.

15-09-2017, 01:55 PM
Maybe it was on the terrorist's bucket list.

Pail imitation of a joke.

15-09-2017, 02:46 PM
In a meeting I went to about our new work building: "You'll see we have vertical connectivity here".

He meant there are stairs...


15-09-2017, 03:01 PM
In a meeting I went to about our new work building: "You'll see we have vertical connectivity here".

He meant there are stairs...


Horizontal connectivity would be the corridor then? And female genitals would be what this bloke is.

15-09-2017, 03:06 PM
:lol: Pretty much.

Xhaka Can’t
15-09-2017, 03:58 PM
He did have a bucket tbf. What if other groups get their hands on bigger buckets?

KFC is a hotbed of buckets.

16-09-2017, 03:54 PM

18-09-2017, 10:37 AM

Half tempted to ask for my name to be changed to Ugo Ehiogus' zombie

18-09-2017, 11:01 AM
Probably do a better job tbf.

18-09-2017, 11:20 AM
Probably do a better job tbf.

So how do we turn around our recent form Boss?
We've got to use our brains?. That's genius

18-09-2017, 11:33 AM

Plants vs Zombies :bow:

19-09-2017, 10:10 AM
The ongoing "victim blaming" debate...
FB message from her...

of course I don't advise people (both men & women) to go back to a hotel room on the first night. Women are more likely to be raped than men, yes. The blame always lies with the perpetrator, yes. Every person, every day makes choices, some good and some bad. Yes we live in a very bad world and we wish it could be a better place.
To me your point is still invalid in that yes she could have made a better decision but didn't and she was attacked. That doesn't mean it should happen or that she deserved it. Which you have said.


She literally just agreed with every single point I made and then said my point was invalid.

Logic :rose:
Reason :rose:

19-09-2017, 10:25 AM
You can't argue with an insane person.

Has GW taught you nothing?

19-09-2017, 10:27 AM
:lol: I know. I don't know why I keep bothering really. Keep thinking that one day some logic and reason will win out. Never does.

19-09-2017, 12:11 PM
:lol: I know. I don't know why I keep bothering really. Keep thinking that one day some logic and reason will win out. Never does.

I can only think it is to garner pity here

Similarly if you decide to take something out of the oven without oven gloves that's stupidity on your part

There's literally no difference between that and debating feminists. It's demonstrably stupid

19-09-2017, 12:34 PM
I can only think it is to garner pity here
Well that's working out just great :angry:

19-09-2017, 06:12 PM
"Rocket Man" is in big trouble. Will Elton John be able to escape the wrath of Trump?

22-09-2017, 10:17 AM

Uber :pal:

22-09-2017, 11:10 AM
Pretty big deal, that.

I don't live in London so this doesn't directly affect me, though Uber are already not allowed to operate in Reading.

Power n Glory
22-09-2017, 11:29 AM
Is this not a breach of some sort of anti competition law? We've seen far bigger companies take absolute liberties with regulations but never kicked out of the game. A dodgy decision from TFL that further puts the squeeze on Londoners.

Marc Overmars
22-09-2017, 12:51 PM
I always use Uber on nights out in London, hell I’ve even taken an Uber from London all the way home to Milton Keynes and it worked out better value than booking a private firm.

They’re a pretty dodgy company though. Had plenty disputes with their drivers and customer service in the past.

22-09-2017, 01:11 PM
Is this not a breach of some sort of anti competition law? We've seen far bigger companies take absolute liberties with regulations but never kicked out of the game. A dodgy decision from TFL that further puts the squeeze on Londoners.

The Black Cabbie crew is a mafia and has been for a long time. But you're right, of course it's anti-competitive. Thats not a surprise considering the type of government we have in this country. Uber couldn't have risen so quickly if there hadn't been a huge demand for an alternative to the scalping Black Cab mafia. Give the people what they want, provided it doesn't upset any unofficial arrangements.

I was looking at EU VAT regulations for US companies the other day. It's quite literally unbelievable. How governments have attained so much power over every aspect of our lives is a shame that is rightly attributable to all of us. Government and liberty cannot coexist.

22-09-2017, 01:14 PM
I was looking at EU VAT regulations for US companies the other day.
Struggling to sleep?

22-09-2017, 01:17 PM
Struggling to sleep?

Struggling with the now close on impossible task of building (what used to be) a simple payment processor. Fucking government, crawling every avenue to protect the people from the fruits of their own labour.

Power n Glory
22-09-2017, 01:44 PM
The Black Cabbie crew is a mafia and has been for a long time. But you're right, of course it's anti-competitive. Thats not a surprise considering the type of government we have in this country. Uber couldn't have risen so quickly if there hadn't been a huge demand for an alternative to the scalping Black Cab mafia. Give the people what they want, provided it doesn't upset any unofficial arrangements.

I was looking at EU VAT regulations for US companies the other day. It's quite literally unbelievable. How governments have attained so much power over every aspect of our lives is a shame that is rightly attributable to all of us. Government and liberty cannot coexist.

Exactly. Given how fast they’ve risen because of demand, you’d have thought they’d give Uber some more time to reform instead of an outright ban. It’s dodgy and just protecting the Black cabs along with forcing people on to night buses and night trains.

Sadiq Khan is full of shit. First it was that nonsense about all cab drivers needing pay £180 to pass an English test to be a driver. I thought that was ridiculous. Next, it was that bullshit tax being dumped on to consumers that have older cars that produce more pollution. Why in the world is the tax going on someone that obviously can’t afford a brand spanking new car? He’s doing nothing about rail fairs and now he’s attacking one of the more cheaper ways to travel. It’s bullshit.

22-09-2017, 02:38 PM

22-09-2017, 03:45 PM

22-09-2017, 05:55 PM

London's "reputation" - hilarious.

22-09-2017, 06:05 PM
Lefty authoritarians are completely missing the point, as usual. There's such a thing as choice - a hateful concept to the left who thoroughly approve of choice provided there's only one - and in a world that wasn't run by commies it would be up to people what choices they want to make. If Uber really is a den of non-English speaking rapists (Oh dear! It's racist to highlight actual non-English speaking, immigrant rapists - unless they are Uber drivers) then they'll run out of customers pretty damn fast, right? I mean our government kills kids abroad by the tens of thousands, you really think they give a shit about a few women in London? No, not beyond the utility of mock concern at least.

When are people going to snap out of the commie trance? In a genuinely free society it would NEVER be up to the fucking government to dictate who can or can't run a private business in this country. The customers decide which businesses throve and which fail. The thing that stops this natural selection process is government, with their protectionist rules and regulations and their bullshit pandering to special interests. So banks are too big to fail, but a service actually wanted by people is too dangerous to be permitted? How fucking convenient. I assume anyone with half a brain can see right through this bullshit and add it to a growing mountain of evidence against the usefulness of government. A towering mountain, especially when set beside the invisible mountain of benefits. Go on - name ONE.

22-09-2017, 08:52 PM
The aqueduct? :unsure:

22-09-2017, 09:20 PM
I actually agree with NQ on this.

For me If Uber monopolised the Taxi business in London the way the black cabbies clearly want to. It would clearly be a problem the way it eschews any form of regulation

I have to say I find the business practices of Uber disreputable in the extreme. But it's not like they aren't public knowledge. If people think they cannot use Uber for ethical reasons they have that choice not to do so.

But no one with any amount of intelligence believes this decision is anything but an act of racketeering

22-09-2017, 09:26 PM
Is this not a breach of some sort of anti competition law? We've seen far bigger companies take absolute liberties with regulations but never kicked out of the game. A dodgy decision from TFL that further puts the squeeze on Londoners.

I think they kind of left themselves open for it by not doing the proper due diligence on who works for them. The way they also don't anywhere else in the world.

But as NQ states the Black Cab Organisation operates like a Mafia and they didn't like their action being muscled in on.

Although in other countries the Cabbies take the Mafia reference once step further and have got heavies to attack Uber drivers (think this happened in Brazil....quelle surprise)

23-09-2017, 03:19 AM
The aqueduct? :unsure:

Apart from the fucking aqueducts.

23-09-2017, 02:15 PM

Indeed. It might well be that taxi services need reforming but companies using underhand and dodgy practices is not the way to go. The way employees (they are not contractors) were treated is totally unacceptable. There are other companies exploiting people and they also need to be dealt with. People who are prepared to pay for something cheaper, ignoring the exploitation that makes it possible, need to step back and take a look at themselves.

23-09-2017, 04:36 PM
Indeed. It might well be that taxi services need reforming but companies using underhand and dodgy practices is not the way to go. The way employees (they are not contractors) were treated is totally unacceptable. There are other companies exploiting people and they also need to be dealt with. People who are prepared to pay for something cheaper, ignoring the exploitation that makes it possible, need to step back and take a look at themselves.

"Unacceptable"? "Dealt with?"

Unacceptable to you? Dealt with by the thugs who operate on your behalf? What's it to you if somebody wants to work for a company? Or a customer wants to interact with a company? Do you want to work for Uber? Do you want to use their services? No? Well there you go then, problem solved.

Power n Glory
23-09-2017, 05:49 PM
Indeed. It might well be that taxi services need reforming but companies using underhand and dodgy practices is not the way to go. The way employees (they are not contractors) were treated is totally unacceptable. There are other companies exploiting people and they also need to be dealt with. People who are prepared to pay for something cheaper, ignoring the exploitation that makes it possible, need to step back and take a look at themselves.

Typing that from an iPhone, by any chance? ;)

23-09-2017, 08:56 PM
Typing that from an iPhone, by any chance? ;)

Nope - hate the things.

23-09-2017, 08:57 PM
"Unacceptable"? "Dealt with?"

Unacceptable to you? Dealt with by the thugs who operate on your behalf? What's it to you if somebody wants to work for a company? Or a customer wants to interact with a company? Do you want to work for Uber? Do you want to use their services? No? Well there you go then, problem solved.

Simply, I find it unacceptable that people are exploited ruthlessly. I don't believe it is right to just stand and watch.

23-09-2017, 11:41 PM
Simply, I find it unacceptable that people are exploited ruthlessly. I don't believe it is right to just stand and watch.

So do I. I find it a despicable symptom. But I find the huge lie even more hateful, the idea that private companies need to be constrained by government regulation to protect the consumer and the workers. This is completely insane, it's a total reversal of the reality. It is government that causes every single problem related to employment and commerce. Every last one. Without government and their mates in the banks we could operate a consumer driven free market that had at its foundation genuine competition. That can't be done with government or banks in place. Governments give massive advantage to the big corporations over those companies who would seek to enter the market and compete. And banks tip the balance even further. Between government and banks it is almost assured that monopoly will prevail and as soon as you have a monopoly that's when all the very worst practises manifest.

Big corporations LOVE and CRAVE government regulation because they can afford the armies of bureaucrats to administer the deluge and find every way to take advantage of the always conveniently laid loopholes. Big corporations LOVE lawyers. They love every barrier to entry they can possibly heap on the shit pile. Take away all this shite and suddenly the corporations would have to compete again. Take away their ever so convenient tax concessions, take away their favourable terms at the banks. Level the playing field and then you will see a better deal for consumers and a fair deal for workers. Why? Because competition thrives on consumer freedom of choice and is the arch enemy of monopoly, and without the huge cost of government and the industrialised criminality of the banks, every worker (who is in turn a consumer) would be considerably more wealthy and have considerably more choice. Get rid of government and the banks and the engineered instability and inequality in the economy would disappear overnight. The number of losers in a free market system would pale compared to the army of losers we see today. Ever growing numbers of people with no prospects and no hope. Stuck in shitty jobs, forever. Passing on a diminished situation to their children, which essentially means they have had a core reason for procreation removed. This nightmare has been built, brick by brick, by government. Every injustice you see around you today was carefully and patiently crafted, by government.

But perhaps you don't believe any of this. Perhaps you think you need a government and huge, too-big-to-fail banks or else life will come to a halt. Funny though. Look at the deal consumers and workers are getting right now. Consumers of government and the unbelievable huge tax burden in return for ever declining services that you are FORCED to consume whether you want to or not (Joe Stalin?). Look at the banks you are FORCED to bail out, your reward being austerity for years. Look at the job market, the abolition of stability and security as "human resources" are reduced to competing with desperate refugees and economic tourists. Look at globalisation, the brainchild of the bankers and their governmental puppets. I'm wondering how any alternative could possibly be as bad as what we see now. Perhaps you think EVEN MORE government will help? To "deal with" these corporations that make no secret at all about the prime directive, private profit is as few hands as possible, while government busies itself with the other side of the equation, socialising all the costs. After all, what is austerity? Credit card debt? Mortgage debt? Bank overdrafts and loans? These are all the cause, we are told. But that's just another huge lie. Without this mountain of debt the whole governmental/ banking/ globalist scheme would collapse. The whole rotten thing is built on debt, debt is the very lifeblood of government, both the theatre company that poses as a multi-faceted public servant and real government in the Whitehall bureaucracies and the City boardrooms.

I'm speaking generally, it is unlikely you are committed to one extreme or the other - although there are unspeakable people who would literally drop dead if the power of government was even diminished, let alone removed. I hate the abuses I see all around me too. But I despair that such a large majority seem oblivious to the causes, even thought they can see all the evidence with their own eyes and freely admit they have been lied to ver and over and over again. These people are completely incapable of daring to cast a fleeting thought towards an alternative. They point blank refuse to consider an alternative might even exist. They are their own jailers and they are also the majority who keep desperate and helpless people locked into the poverty cycle and condemned to shitty jobs and an increasingly shittier future.

Government will not volunteer to remove itself. The banks will not shut their doors as a charitable act. The victims of these evil institutions will have to stand up and take action for themselves. Instead we are busy calling Uber out for playing in the very system created by government and the complacency of the people. We're pulling the dog's tail while it eats our lunch and then shits in our face.

McNamara That Ghost...
24-09-2017, 04:01 PM
Batman has joined GW. :bow:

24-09-2017, 04:02 PM
I'm Batman

24-09-2017, 04:13 PM
So do I. I find it a despicable symptom. But I find the huge lie even more hateful ....
<---snip to avoid a massive quote in response--->
.... The victims of these evil institutions will have to stand up and take action for themselves. Instead we are busy calling Uber out for playing in the very system created by government and the complacency of the people. We're pulling the dog's tail while it eats our lunch and then shits in our face.

I don't think it is complacency of the people - more a mental laziness to reason it through.

Re: the banks. I vote bremain, not brexit. However, if brexit does go through to completion, it is possible that the financial centre of London will move to Frankfurt. While that might have some initial painful effects (and yes, as you indicate, we ordinary people will be hit more than those in power atm) it might mean that instead of our economy relying heavily on the casino of the stock market and have to do what the Germans do and rely on real production by real people of real product, giving stability to the economy.

What I find incredible is that bankers, who apparently need to be paid obscene amounts of money for their 'expertise', thought it great to sell mortgages and loans not even to people at random but to people with a track record of failing to maintain repayments and thought this was a good thing. I am no expert but I am pretty sure that anyone with more than half a brain would know that is bollocks. Their greed muddied their judgement - or maybe they already had their money safe elsewhere and did not give a toss as the risk. And we pay for this.

The austerity idea is also crap. Right now, for the government to take loans for real infrastructure projects, rates are dead cheap. We should invest in perparing for the future. Takes people off the dole. Most of the money for projects goes on wages so you get some back in tax. The people spend the money boosting local economies and resulting in more tax coming back - bang for a buck and we all win. Oh - except the banks. Well, I can live with that. Alongside a minimum wage which is set at a living wage, we can reduce the amount of our tax money that is spend subsidising c***s who run companies paying below the living wage (which right wingers seem to call subsidising the lazy because they are also c***s).

The overriding problem is finding a way to get people to get off their arses and vote having first got their brains into gear and thinking of their and their children's log term benefit, plus what kind of society and world they want to live in. With the Murdochs, Tories and other scum leading the media, this is an uphill task.

McNamara That Ghost...
24-09-2017, 06:45 PM
I'm Batman

Wrong account!

24-09-2017, 06:56 PM
Wrong account!

Should he have used his Bruce Wayne account?

24-09-2017, 09:11 PM
What I find incredible is that bankers, who apparently need to be paid obscene amounts of money for their 'expertise', thought it great to sell mortgages and loans not even to people at random but to people with a track record of failing to maintain repayments and thought this was a good thing. I am no expert but I am pretty sure that anyone with more than half a brain would know that is bollocks. Their greed muddied their judgement - or maybe they already had their money safe elsewhere and did not give a toss as the risk. And we pay for this.

Not incredible at all really

You offer horrible poison mortgages to people who have no chance of ever repaying them. And then repossess the house sell it on for a small profit and take out a credit default swap against the mortgage loan you're not getting back which is a form of insurance which means someone else pays out. If it crashes the economy? Too fucking bad.....The Glass-Steagall act which prevented Banks from becoming too big to fail all went to the way side, so they knew that if the banking system ever started to strain from its own greed government would have to act to prevent the whole economy collapsing.

Most of the bankers doing those kinds of deals lost their jobs but they didn't give a shit they had made vastly more money in a short space of time than they could hope to have achieved in a lifetime in any other field. And the people at the top and the economists and the economic professors teaching the inherent virtue of this economic anarchy all got their golden parachutes.

A giant hustle which no one seems to want to learn the lessons of. Mainly because there were no mistakes, this was all deliberate.

McNamara That Ghost...
25-09-2017, 11:00 AM
Should he have used his Bruce Wayne account?

Absolutely. Although it could be Robin fantasising.

25-09-2017, 11:34 AM
Holy multiple logins!

25-09-2017, 12:04 PM
So what should I do in Barca? :popcorn:

[given that I've already booked tickets to the game and the cathedral]

McNamara That Ghost...
25-09-2017, 12:09 PM
Vote in the 'illegal' referendum.

25-09-2017, 12:13 PM
:lol: I read about that this morning. Good timing that we're going slap bang in the middle of all that going on <_<

Marc Overmars
25-09-2017, 01:42 PM
So what should I do in Barca? :popcorn:

[given that I've already booked tickets to the game and the cathedral]

Eat lots of churros. :cloud9:

McNamara That Ghost...
25-09-2017, 01:45 PM
Drink Estrella.

To be honest, I don't think you can do anything else, that beer is everywhere there. :lol:

25-09-2017, 01:51 PM
A woman in my office thinks Prince Harry is dating Angela Markle.

25-09-2017, 01:52 PM
Also, Churros and Estrella :bow:

25-09-2017, 01:58 PM
You've all been very helpful <_<

Marc Overmars
25-09-2017, 02:11 PM
Estrella and Churros are 2 very legitimate suggestions tbf.

25-09-2017, 02:15 PM
You should try bullfighting, tbh.

25-09-2017, 02:22 PM

Killjoys <_<

McNamara That Ghost...
25-09-2017, 02:40 PM
A woman in my office thinks Prince Harry is dating Angela Markle.

Well clearly that couldn't happen.


25-09-2017, 02:41 PM
Ooh! Barca has a chocolate museum :dance:

25-09-2017, 02:56 PM
You are so gay.

25-09-2017, 03:38 PM
Homophobe <_<

25-09-2017, 03:42 PM
Homophobe <_<

One of his few virtues.

Xhaka Can’t
25-09-2017, 05:10 PM
Went to the Museu de l'Erotica on the Ramblas last time I was there.

McNamara That Ghost...
25-09-2017, 06:28 PM

Oh dear.

25-09-2017, 06:37 PM
Trump :doh:

McNamara That Ghost...
25-09-2017, 07:57 PM
America. :lol:

26-09-2017, 07:45 AM

Sir David :bow:

Marc Overmars
26-09-2017, 07:49 AM
Chinese tourists are just the worst.

No fucking manners or any idea how the rest of the world outside of China works.

26-09-2017, 08:02 AM
I don't think either side have a monopoly on idiocy or lacking understanding.
The point for me is that this is a complicated subject which shouldn't be up to "the public" to decide. Someone voting to leave because of the "bloody frogs" shouldn't have got a vote. And someone voting to remain because they thought the sky would fall in if we left shouldn't either. And a lot of people voted, on either side, for silly reasons like that.

There have been some suggestions that were the vote taken now the result would be different, the public opinion fluctuates over time and the result was close.
It's pretty crazy that we are now taking a course which will affect generations (maybe for the better, the honest answer is no-one actually knows right now) based on a close snapshot of public opinion on a single day.
Any election is a snapshot of opinion of course but at least with other elections the government is only in place for 5 years.

26-09-2017, 08:30 AM
Chinese tourists are just the worst.

No fucking manners or any idea how the rest of the world outside of China works.

They are at their most irritating in Hong Kong

They are on holiday from communism. And therefore anyone taller than 5ft 5 is a freakish giant and they have to take photos of them (without asking) - I'm 6ft 3 for the record

And they stare? Why the fuck do they do that?

26-09-2017, 08:39 AM
David Attenborough being a bell end again I see (although in fairness it's a privilege of age)

Made some stupid comment about shooting Trump after he won the election

This haughty sneering attitude does not remedy anything, if you think the whole thing is a disaster I'd rather know why people chose to vote the way they did.....the way they were entitled to despite what Letters thinks.

The short of it is these people have been taken for granted and slapped in the nuts and belittled the way Attenborough is now. If you don't think people are making informed decisions consider first of all the strength of your own certainties.

And if you think people are showing ignorant bias, examine why that is...what's the root of that.

I think it was disgraceful for Gove to say people are tired of experts because that encourages ignorance. But why be as ignorant as you claim the people who didn't vote the way you wanted to them are by not even stopping to consider maybe I'm wrong.

26-09-2017, 08:57 AM
People are "entitled" to vote how they like for whatever reason they like. But that doesn't mean that people made a well informed, educated choice. Across the board there is a lot of ignorance.
There are consequences to this vote which will last generations. No-one knows what those consequences are, no-one knows whether it will be a good thing or not .
But a narrow margin of a largely ill-informed public (I include myself in that), when the polls were fluctuating wildly in the run up to the vote is a pretty flimsy basis for such a serious decision.
It would be interesting to know what the result would be now if they did it again.

26-09-2017, 09:18 AM
In fairness you could argue any election has long lasting consequences as the actions of a government can often long outlast their time in office.

It was probably the worst time for a government to offer a referendum on the EU if it wanted to stay. But then there's no guarantees of anything. May essentially called for a referendum on her own government in April and the polls at the time indicated that this would be a good idea.

Ultimately if people are not well informed whose fault is that, I would argue that it's a government and an education system that is failing people and not giving them the tools with which to have an enquiring mind.

If people are susceptible to suggestibility on race for instance, it's only amplifying the misgivings they already have.

From 1999 onwards there has been mass immigration into this country on an unprecedented scale and very little was given in the way of explaining this or reassuring people about the continuance of their way of life.

26-09-2017, 09:28 AM
There are consequences to this vote which will last generations. No-one knows what those consequences are, no-one knows whether it will be a good thing or not .

I think it's becoming increasingly clear that this is turning into a disaster.

I'm not against Brexit in principle, but I have no faith in this government to make a success of it.

26-09-2017, 09:32 AM
I guess you could argue that, but subsequent gonvernments can change the direction (Trump is busily trying to undo everything Obama did! :lol:). This is pretty much irreversable. And maybe it is a good thing, I think the reality is we will never know for sure because there is no "control". You can't split the UK in two, have one which leaves and one which remains and compare the outcomes. But if we did get to the right outcome then we didn't do so because of a well informed public who understood the relevant issues.
Cameron is a dick, he offered the referendum to appease some of the right wing and then complacently assumed the result would go the way he wanted.
Immigration is a concern, the idea of freedom of movement sounds good "wow, look at all the possibilities for us", but in reality the flow of people will be towards the richer nations and our particular problem is we speak English which has become somewhat of a global lingua franca. Overall immigration has been a good thing and demonstrably contributed to our economy BUT, the rate of it doesn't feel sustainable and while we're in the EU we have no actual way of controlling it.
That was a major and understandable concern which was not addressed in the campaign.

26-09-2017, 09:36 AM
I think it's becoming increasingly clear that this is turning into a disaster.

I'm not against Brexit in principle, but I have no faith in this government to make a success of it.

I feel you, bruv.
One problem for me was there was no plan, from either side, about what Brexit actually looked like. You can't just decide you want to move house without some idea of where you want to move to.
It is looking like quite a mess right now.

26-09-2017, 09:47 AM
On the 23rd June 2016 I made the assumption that by now, we'd have an idea of what Brexit would be like

Naive really.

26-09-2017, 09:50 AM

That does make me feel better about it tbf.

26-09-2017, 10:12 AM
I feel you, bruv.
One problem for me was there was no plan, from either side, about what Brexit actually looked like. You can't just decide you want to move house without some idea of where you want to move to.
It is looking like quite a mess right now.

Remain didn't need a plan. It was status quo.

Leave didn't have a plan because the leave campaign was run by liars and charlatans.

McNamara That Ghost...
26-09-2017, 10:17 AM
Those that voted leave might well have known what they wanted but there is no way they can foresee what they will get.

26-09-2017, 10:32 AM
I don't think it can be denied leave voters were lied to when consistent polling showed that many of them also wanted more money put into public services.

That shan't be forthcoming. So there I'm more inclined not to sneer at people for being ignorant but have contempt for those that deliberately lied to them to push their own vision or in the case of Boris Johnson help his own career.

26-09-2017, 11:16 AM
Where is LDG. Can somebody in authority here please instruct him to come back?

26-09-2017, 11:39 AM
Where is LDG. Can somebody in authority here please instruct him to come back?

He's subject to extraordinary rendition.

26-09-2017, 11:56 AM
I don't think it can be denied leave voters were lied to when consistent polling showed that many of them also wanted more money put into public services.

That shan't be forthcoming. So there I'm more inclined not to sneer at people for being ignorant but have contempt for those that deliberately lied to them to push their own vision or in the case of Boris Johnson help his own career.

LOL. Voters were lied to.

You don't say?

26-09-2017, 01:07 PM
There's a guy in my office wearing knitted trainers. Seriously, looks like his nan knitted them.

Apparently they are like £200. Mad.

26-09-2017, 02:27 PM
There's a guy in my office wearing knitted trainers. Seriously, looks like his nan knitted them.

Apparently they are like £200. Mad.

Fuckers like that give me the needle.

26-09-2017, 02:47 PM
There's a guy in my office wearing knitted trainers. Seriously, looks like his nan knitted them.

Apparently they are like £200. Mad.

You would have saved yourself time just by saying "There's a cunt in my office"

26-09-2017, 02:59 PM
You would have saved yourself time just by saying "There's a cunt in my office"

That would hardly narrow it down.

27-09-2017, 09:59 AM
Where is LDG. Can somebody in authority here please instruct him to come back?

I don't listen to any cunt in authority. There is no authority.


27-09-2017, 10:35 AM
I don't listen to any cunt in authority. There is no authority.


Apart from Letters, obviously.

27-09-2017, 10:45 AM
Apart from Letters, obviously.

He can't even have a biscuit without asking his missus.

27-09-2017, 10:55 AM
He can't even have a biscuit without asking his missus.

And yet he spends all his time on GW taking the biscuit.

27-09-2017, 11:14 AM
He can't even have a biscuit without asking his missus.

Probably wants them all for herself

27-09-2017, 11:33 AM

(although accurate, tbf)

28-09-2017, 07:15 AM



28-09-2017, 08:10 AM
As a sign of respect I'll be at half mast today.

28-09-2017, 12:04 PM

28-09-2017, 12:32 PM

NQ's older than I imagined.

28-09-2017, 01:15 PM
I expected much older.

02-10-2017, 10:55 AM
The morning after in Catalonia.

Does anyone still have any questions about the EU? Or the, so-called, European democracies?

Can we finally put the ridiculous myths being peddled by the pro-superstate lot to bed and instead focus on reality?

02-10-2017, 11:20 AM
focus on reality?

Oi, geezer, you mean that we are all part of an ancestor simulation? Gotcha...

02-10-2017, 11:24 AM
Oi, geezer, you mean that we are all part of an ancestor simulation? Gotcha...

For now I'd prefer to remain focused on the reality of the EU.

McNamara That Ghost...
02-10-2017, 03:13 PM
Las Vegas. :(

02-10-2017, 03:52 PM
Las Vegas. :(

Just glad it wasnt a Muslim shooter. Trump would have said. "I told you so"

02-10-2017, 04:17 PM
Just glad it wasnt a Muslim shooter. Trump would have said. "I told you so"

ISIS claiming it nonetheless. Says the shooter converted to Islam months back.

Who knows. But I bet you any amount it will emerge this guy was on anti-depressants.

02-10-2017, 04:51 PM
Nutjobs falling over themselves claiming ownership of a massacre. The world has gone truly mad.

However, who knows what the truth is and who is telling it. years ago the Spanish government lied about the origins of a railway massacre because it was politically expedient to do so. Pure bull it turned out.

02-10-2017, 05:17 PM
Nutjobs falling over themselves claiming ownership of a massacre. The world has gone truly mad.

However, who knows what the truth is and who is telling it. years ago the Spanish government lied about the origins of a railway massacre because it was politically expedient to do so. Pure bull it turned out.

That's my take on it. The mainstream media tells us what happened. I discount it as another half story or outright lie and then we wait 20 years for the actual events to be disclosed in a matter-of-fact manner as if it had always been known.

WMD in Iraq? Everyone knew they were there, then everyone knew they weren't and that's just the way "news" happens in the modern world.

All we do know for sure is the left wing anti-gun mob will be leaping for joy. Maybe they should talk to the Catalonians about the merits of being defenceless in the face of "civil servants".

Power n Glory
02-10-2017, 07:07 PM
ISIS claiming it nonetheless. Says the shooter converted to Islam months back.

Who knows. But I bet you any amount it will emerge this guy was on anti-depressants.

Yet no reports of a 'terror attack'. ;)

02-10-2017, 07:36 PM
Yet no reports of a 'terror attack'. ;)

Well it was certainly a terror attack, by any definition.

04-10-2017, 07:05 PM
Stephen Paddock, who killed at least 58 people and wounded hundreds more in Las Vegas on Sunday with high-powered rifles, was prescribed an anti-anxiety drug in June that can lead to aggressive behavior, the Las Vegas Review-Journal has learned.

That took a bit longer than I thought it would.

Power n Glory
05-10-2017, 07:33 AM
That took a bit longer than I thought it would.

What do you mean?

05-10-2017, 09:36 AM
Oh well. Despite the Barcelona match debacle I enjoyed my time over there.
Nice city. Not sure I'd put it up there with New York, London or Paris but I liked it there and would go back.

Probably wait till after the civil war though.

05-10-2017, 10:44 AM
What do you mean?

Usually that inevitable fact comes out quite quickly. It's not the guns that are the primary problem, it's the incredible number of people in the States who are on mind fucking drugs - including a third of all their kids. There may be an exception to the rule I haven't heard of, but every shooter going all the way back to Columbine (and probably before) was on big pharma psycho junk. So when I hear about a shooting I wait to hear what cocktail the perp has been dropping.

05-10-2017, 10:58 AM
Probably something in that but no-one needs a collection of guns like that for any sensible reason. Crazy that you can just get them in the US.

05-10-2017, 11:01 AM
Probably something in that but no-one needs a collection of guns like that for any sensible reason. Crazy that you can just get them in the US.

It's their right. It's crazy, but it is what it is and it's not going to change.

Sandy Hook was the time to have that conversation. they didn't do anything then, they won't do anything now.

05-10-2017, 11:32 AM
It's their right. It's crazy, but it is what it is and it's not going to change.

Sandy Hook was the time to have that conversation. they didn't do anything then, they won't do anything now.

Good piece by Trevor Noah about this (someone I usually find kinda irritating).
When a plane crashes literally no-one says "this isn't the time to talk about aeroplane safety", it's the first thing which is spoken about. The incident is analysed, the reasons for it determined and processes reviewed to see whether they can change anything to stop it happening again. With these incidents it's "thoughts and prayers" and "this is not the time to talk about gun control". Isn't it? When is then? Sheesh!

Power n Glory
05-10-2017, 11:46 AM
Good piece by Trevor Noah about this (someone I usually find kinda irritating).
When a plane crashes literally no-one says "this isn't the time to talk about aeroplane safety", it's the first thing which is spoken about. The incident is analysed, the reasons for it determined and processes reviewed to see whether they can change anything to stop it happening again. With these incidents it's "thoughts and prayers" and "this is not the time to talk about gun control". Isn't it? When is then? Sheesh!

Piers Morgan, someone I can't stand, had a similar article and said if the gunman were Muslim the President would already have politicised the incident. He'd have had some sort of policy in place to avoid something like this happening again.

05-10-2017, 12:17 PM
Yes, generally want to poke Morgan in the eye but completely correct in this instance.

Apparently he was at Ricky Gervais last night (Morgan, not Trump). Didn't see him

Gervais was on form.

Gervais :bow:

05-10-2017, 03:00 PM
The Press, BBC, CNN, Sky et al are now all going with the narrative that this was a disturbed man and he actually planned to escape. Escape?. Really?. The man had barricaded himself in his room with about a dozen loaded guns and thousands of rounds. The only way he could have escaped is if his so called secret life was as Spider Man and he planned to scale down the glass curtainwalls.

What amazes me is these spoon fed journos all just wait for the latest press release and go on repeating it until the next release. Decades ago the journalists would be ahead of the police chasing this man`s history down themselves doing what journalists are supposed to do.

05-10-2017, 03:20 PM
He could have escaped like this?


05-10-2017, 04:36 PM
Probably something in that but no-one needs a collection of guns like that for any sensible reason. Crazy that you can just get them in the US.

Most of them were illegal and not on general sale. Apparently criminals don't obey the law.

05-10-2017, 04:42 PM
Good piece by Trevor Noah about this (someone I usually find kinda irritating).
When a plane crashes literally no-one says "this isn't the time to talk about aeroplane safety", it's the first thing which is spoken about. The incident is analysed, the reasons for it determined and processes reviewed to see whether they can change anything to stop it happening again. With these incidents it's "thoughts and prayers" and "this is not the time to talk about gun control". Isn't it? When is then? Sheesh!

They don't say, let's ban planes either. There are already plenty of gun regulations in the States and there's total gun control in France, Belgium and other parts of Europe. Doesn't do a thing to stop mass shootings, terrorism and other acts of violence. The left wants guns banned, not to prevent death and injury, but to disarm the citizenry and leave it dependant entirely in the state.

05-10-2017, 04:46 PM
The Press, BBC, CNN, Sky et al are now all going with the narrative that this was a disturbed man and he actually planned to escape. Escape?. Really?. The man had barricaded himself in his room with about a dozen loaded guns and thousands of rounds. The only way he could have escaped is if his so called secret life was as Spider Man and he planned to scale down the glass curtainwalls.

What amazes me is these spoon fed journos all just wait for the latest press release and go on repeating it until the next release. Decades ago the journalists would be ahead of the police chasing this man`s history down themselves doing what journalists are supposed to do.

Yes, I saw that too. Behind the scenes the narrative is falling apart.

05-10-2017, 05:37 PM
They don't say, let's ban planes either. There are already plenty of gun regulations in the States and there's total gun control in France, Belgium and other parts of Europe. Doesn't do a thing to stop mass shootings, terrorism and other acts of violence. The left wants guns banned, not to prevent death and injury, but to disarm the citizenry and leave it dependant entirely in the state.

I haven't heard anyone say ban guns. That is never going to happen in the US. But does anyone really need the quantity and type of weapon this bloke had?
Is that for "protection"? People ARE saying that there should be a debate about gun control in the US. People can be on FBI watch lists in the US and still quite legally obtain powerful weapons. No law is going to completely prevent incidents any more than any pre-flight checks are going to completely prevent crashes. But doing nothing in a country which has a ridiculous rate of gun deaths is ludicrous. The trouble in the US is you can't even start a debate about this without the NRA claiming, completely spuriously, that "they" want to take all the guns away. Trump was saying it in the run up to the election, that Hillary "wants to take your guns away". Complete bare faced lie.
"Remove all guns" and "Have as many assault weapons as you like" are not the only two options here.

05-10-2017, 06:03 PM
The guns he allegedly used were illegally modified. You cannot go to Walmart and buy that type of weapon. There are already gun laws, in some states stringent by American standards. Criminals tend not to pay much attention to the law. The left is so engorged on authoritarianism it believes just by stating demands those demands will automatically be met. Criminals think differently.

Even in the UK with its appalling nanny state society, criminals obtain and use guns. Guns will always be available for those who want them because governments purchase vast amounts of weapons annually. Governments are also notoriously wasteful, careless and often underhand in the management of weaponry. Look at the vast arsenal of weapons left in the desert for ISIS to pick up. Even with the strictest gun laws, even with a total ban on purchases, governments will never give up their guns. Governments are the biggest customer for and the most irresponsible pedlars of guns and assorted weapons.

Get rid of the government, that will solve so many problems.

05-10-2017, 06:18 PM
Yes, in any society and no matter what the laws are, some criminals will obtain weapons. That is not an argument to do nothing.
And yes, some of the weapons this bloke had were modified but not all and they were all very powerful assault rifles which even without modification are designed to kill a lot of people very efficiently. You cannot sensibly claim this sort of weapon is for protection or self defence.
The US is the only country, as far as I know, where these sorts of weapons can be bought quite legally at gun shows with no background checks.
By co-incidence, the US is the only developed country which has this insane rate of gun crimes and mass shootings.

05-10-2017, 06:30 PM
Yes, in any society and no matter what the laws are, some criminals will obtain weapons. That is not an argument to do nothing.
And yes, some of the weapons this bloke had were modified but not all and they were all very powerful assault rifles which even without modification are designed to kill a lot of people very efficiently. You cannot sensibly claim this sort of weapon is for protection or self defence.
The US is the only country, as far as I know, where these sorts of weapons can be bought quite legally at gun shows with no background checks.
By co-incidence, the US is the only developed country which has this insane rate of gun crimes and mass shootings.

Why don't you look up the law on automatic weapons instead of blandly stating that nothing has been done? Get educated then have an opinion. And anyway, what's it to you? If Americans want guns then that's their business. You should be happy. We can't do shit over here without being taxed or prosecuted or both.

05-10-2017, 06:37 PM
If something has been done then it hasn't been very effective.
What's it to me is a reasonable question and you're right, doesn't really effect me.
Are we only supposed to care about or have opinions about matters which directly effect us though?

05-10-2017, 08:20 PM
If something has been done then it hasn't been very effective.
What's it to me is a reasonable question and you're right, doesn't really effect me.
Are we only supposed to care about or have opinions about matters which directly effect us though?

"Concerned" people are politically concerned about gun control and this concern has been drip fed by the left wing who have always had a policy of disarming the public. Of course they have. It's harder for the pigs to be more equal than everyone else when the sheep have rifles. Don't imagine for a second that all the virtue signalling champions that crawl out of their gutters to exploit these events give a shit about the victims. They don't.

And I'll restate, the government is by far the biggest user of guns and by far the biggest user of guns for violently attacking innocent civilians. Why isn't the left crying about these realities? They are anti-war, I thought? The government is also the only entity permitted to break the anti-gun laws that were introduced in 1934 and 1968. Why is there no equality under the law? Should a habitual and flagrant lawbreaking government be permitted to set laws that restrict the people and leave them defenceless against... by far the biggest user of guns and by far the biggest user of guns for violently attacking innocent civilians? I don't think so. It's certainly not in the peoples' best interests anyway.

The alleged shooter in this latest case must have broken the law multiple hundreds of times when he allegedly carried all those illegal (and unobtainable by normal means) weapons across state lines. For each and every one of those weapons he should have registered with the ATF, provided proof the weapons were first registered pre 1986, passed a strict vetting process and then informed the AFT each time a weapons was conveyed across state lines. Them's the rules for law abiding citizens. As I said, criminals tend to ignore the law. For the rules to be any more effective guns will need to be made much more difficult to obtain under any circumstances, legal or otherwise. And to do that the immense number of guns and ammunition produced each year will have to be curtailed. And for that to happen the biggest customer, government, will have to demand fewer guns and introduce some competency into the management of those guns, assuming they don't want to obey their own laws and dispense with their guns entirely.

So the solution lies with government and the reduction of the paramilitary state and all its paraphernalia. Better yer, get rid of government entirely and you've taken the main offender off the street in one hit.

Instead people will talk about how law abiding citizens should be further restricted, assuming all the while law abiding citizens go around the place shooting people, and ignoring all the while the governmental elephant that is at the heart of the problem. Pointless chatter from pointless, virtue signalling fools who are so eager to build their own cage they'll use the deaths of others to do it. Scum. But it's still a diverse world and you get all sorts.

06-10-2017, 10:25 AM
Wondering if I should be worried about the helicopter which has been hovering outside our offices for the last 5 minutes :unsure:

06-10-2017, 10:41 AM
Wondering if I should be worried about the helicopter which has been hovering outside our offices for the last 5 minutes :unsure:

Oh. Just changing of the guard apparently. What a fuss, the whole Mall was shut off.

06-10-2017, 01:02 PM
Wondering if I should be worried about the helicopter which has been hovering outside our offices for the last 5 minutes :unsure:

So now you've discovered the law and realised you've been re-spouting bullshit from a media that doesn't bother checking the facts, it's time to do the conspiracy black helicopter thing.

As always, you do yourself great credit.

06-10-2017, 01:08 PM
Are you off your meds? :unsure:

06-10-2017, 01:08 PM
And here's the other side of the coin.

I'm CERTAINLY politically motivated when it comes to an armed citizenry. And I couldn't give the slightest shit about anyone that was killed in Vegas, provided it wasn't one of mine. That's because I'm HONEST about these things, unlike just about everyone else with all their crocodile tears and mock outrage. Doesn't mean I want to see people shot down. But I won't do the standup routine on demand either. Nor do I but poppies or bow my head when war criminals law wreaths and anthems are played. I'm simply not cynical enough nor self-serving enough to do any of it.

And I can't stand having to witness, let alone engage with, the horde of virtue signallers that stampede each other when these things happen. Sickening and an entirely unnecessary and uncalled for abuse of the dead.

06-10-2017, 01:09 PM
Are you off your meds? :unsure:

No, but I haven't caught a dose of stupid either.

06-10-2017, 01:30 PM
Is "virtue signalling" your new little catch-phrase?

06-10-2017, 03:26 PM
Is "virtue signalling" your new little catch-phrase?

No, it's a scientific term for an affliction that has struck down half the population.

06-10-2017, 06:30 PM
Is "virtue signalling" your new little catch-phrase?

Yes, he'll repeat anything he reads on breitbart because he doesn't have an original thought in his head.

Much like the senile orange paedophile in the White House.

06-10-2017, 08:22 PM
Yes, he'll repeat anything he reads on breitbart because he doesn't have an original thought in his head.

Much like the senile orange paedophile in the White House.

I talk about the left because that's how they identify themselves. I don't identify them as anything other than fools. Much the same with the right. Anyone who thinks they are right or left is deluded in the first place, so you can imagine what their politics ends up as. Silly to and fro for points scoring wile the understanding of a thing becomes meaningless. But, you demonstrate it better than I can say it.

07-10-2017, 09:48 AM
Let’s not try to perpetuate identity politics

For me it’s moronic to not take each individual concept on its merits rather than say I’m with this camp I must believe X

The problem for me with people like Trump, is well I don’t think anyone is going to disagree the media tendency towards dishonesty but when it comes from a politician it’s a promotion of something that is dishonest and agenda filled on steroids.

Trump has appealed to those who are sick of being lectured, feel betrayed by government and globalisation. But someone who will lie with such obvious disdain that it comes across as blunt honesty. A guy who neither has the desire or capability to be what people need. And is just the brazen amplification of the self serving politician who they’ve had plenty of times before.

The kind of guy who once again when he can’t sell his idea of healthcare to his own party, goes to his base and pretty much says “look at those disrespectful NFL players not singing the National anthem”. It will be the one piece trick he returns to every time he fucks up. The economic bounce gone? Coal jobs still disappearing because it’s a completely pointless dead industry? Look at how this group of people hate our country, what a bunch of cunts.

He needs to hope that people don’t grow wise to him figuratively jingling his car keys in their faces.

McNamara That Ghost...
07-10-2017, 12:59 PM
Hold on, so NQ claims he is the most honest person, in capitals no less then calls other people virtue signallers?

07-10-2017, 02:48 PM
Hold on, so NQ claims he is the most honest person, in capitals no less then calls other people virtue signallers?

Nope. I state as a fact (not a claim) I'm more honest that the wailing morons who make these things personal, even when they aren't affected in any way and don't even live in the country. That's not even close to me claiming I'm the most honest anything.

If you are seriously trying to claim you give a shit about those people in Vegas beyond the, "Oooh isn't it awful!", cooing that goes on after these events then I say I don't believe you for a second. That would only change if you were to tell me you had some connection, even tenuous, with those people. And I don't mean some chuckaway line like, we're all humans and we all share the same planet. Save that for Coke commercials.

I don't have a problem with people pretending to be concerned. It's a normal hypocrisy that greases the wheels of social interaction. What I can't stand is the fucking arseholes that ride the sympathy trip as cover for their ceaseless leftist agendas. I'd say the same thing about right wingers who have their own agendas, but that's not pertinent to this particular case. If you want an example, try abortion. I get just as sick of the, poor baby, poor baby crowd as I do the lunatic liberals.

Anyone seen the hellholes in the east? Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan? 59 people dead in Vegas? Very sad for the people concerned and those that knew them, of course. But just another minor incident in the catalogue of carnage the "civilised" world lets slide on a daily basis. Some outrages we find outrageous and demand remedies in response, other we brush under the carpet. Me, I call it the same way for both and I tell you what the genuinely useful remedy is. Others, they pick their atrocity and summon up their public outrage with gusto. Well done them. How virtuous they are, when people are looking at least.

07-10-2017, 03:18 PM
I’m in the camp where I’d rather it be that people didn’t spray bullets at people from battlefield weapons in affluent parts of the world nor do I think it’s great when people are kept in a repressed cycle of misery in any of the other countries you’ve mentioned.
Let’s not pretend that these instances like Monday aren’t a result of gun control laxity. And for all the bollocks about second amendment rights for people to protect themselves against tyranny it’s more about one multi million dollar gun lobbying firm trying to outdo another in its rhetoric.
And when someone who to my understanding was just a psychopath who got himself in debt and probably would have looked upon what he did as a IRL version of GTA nihilism, you have to ask is it really a hardened encroachment of the liberties of millions to say, do people really need a personal arsenal like this.

As to the state of these other countries the question is how you solve the problem?. My feeling would be to long term
Wean ourselves off the black sludge sitting under them and then we no longer have to tolerate these psychotic potentates sell one side weapons to wipe out the other. And then if they start killing their own people en masses kill them.

As for criticising people for what you perceive they care about more, human nature is to empathise with that you can relate to. People can relate to expensive hotels and music concerts more than they can dysentery and cutting your son down from a lamppost because he listened to Justin Bieber....the latter is more surreal.

McNamara That Ghost...
07-10-2017, 03:41 PM
Nope. I state as a fact (not a claim) I'm more honest that the wailing morons who make these things personal, even when they aren't affected in any way and don't even live in the country. That's not even close to me claiming I'm the most honest anything.

If you are seriously trying to claim you give a shit about those people in Vegas beyond the, "Oooh isn't it awful!", cooing that goes on after these events then I say I don't believe you for a second. That would only change if you were to tell me you had some connection, even tenuous, with those people. And I don't mean some chuckaway line like, we're all humans and we all share the same planet. Save that for Coke commercials.

I don't have a problem with people pretending to be concerned. It's a normal hypocrisy that greases the wheels of social interaction. What I can't stand is the fucking arseholes that ride the sympathy trip as cover for their ceaseless leftist agendas. I'd say the same thing about right wingers who have their own agendas, but that's not pertinent to this particular case. If you want an example, try abortion. I get just as sick of the, poor baby, poor baby crowd as I do the lunatic liberals.

Anyone seen the hellholes in the east? Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan? 59 people dead in Vegas? Very sad for the people concerned and those that knew them, of course. But just another minor incident in the catalogue of carnage the "civilised" world lets slide on a daily basis. Some outrages we find outrageous and demand remedies in response, other we brush under the carpet. Me, I call it the same way for both and I tell you what the genuinely useful remedy is. Others, they pick their atrocity and summon up their public outrage with gusto. Well done them. How virtuous they are, when people are looking at least.

You make assumptions, my response to you is based on your own statement. You placed your virtue of 'honesty' as differentiating you from everybody else; above everybody else. If that isn't grandstanding, then I don't know what is.

I do enjoy you claiming other people displaying outrage as being disingenous though.

Also, I hope you will do something with your genuinely useful remedy however i.e maybe move in to a political career or column writing? And I am being serious there.

07-10-2017, 04:43 PM
I’m in the camp where I’d rather it be that people didn’t spray bullets at people from battlefield weapons in affluent parts of the world nor do I think it’s great when people are kept in a repressed cycle of misery in any of the other countries you’ve mentioned.
Let’s not pretend that these instances like Monday aren’t a result of gun control laxity. And for all the bollocks about second amendment rights for people to protect themselves against tyranny it’s more about one multi million dollar gun lobbying firm trying to outdo another in its rhetoric.
And when someone who to my understanding was just a psychopath who got himself in debt and probably would have looked upon what he did as a IRL version of GTA nihilism, you have to ask is it really a hardened encroachment of the liberties of millions to say, do people really need a personal arsenal like this.

As to the state of these other countries the question is how you solve the problem?. My feeling would be to long term
Wean ourselves off the black sludge sitting under them and then we no longer have to tolerate these psychotic potentates sell one side weapons to wipe out the other. And then if they start killing their own people en masses kill them.

As for criticising people for what you perceive they care about more, human nature is to empathise with that you can relate to. People can relate to expensive hotels and music concerts more than they can dysentery and cutting your son down from a lamppost because he listened to Justin Bieber....the latter is more surreal.

You are entirely open about having a political agenda and you aren't stating it through tears and hysteria. That means you aren't a rampaging hypocrite. That's what I have been talking about. The people using the deaths of others to out-grief each other is a sickening spectacle. These people who have found a fortuitous vehicle for advancing their agenda and then claim solidarity with the victims that pave the road. You ask them if they'd rather Vegas hadn't happened and they'll shout yes, and mean no. This is a gift horse for them.

Did you hear that Clinton cunt? We must not politicise this tragedy, but we need to ban silencers. WTF?

07-10-2017, 04:45 PM
You make assumptions, my response to you is based on your own statement. You placed your virtue of 'honesty' as differentiating you from everybody else; above everybody else. If that isn't grandstanding, then I don't know what is.

I do enjoy you claiming other people displaying outrage as being disingenous though.

Also, I hope you will do something with your genuinely useful remedy however i.e maybe move in to a political career or column writing? And I am being serious there.

I don't make any assumptions about the people I'm talking about. There's no need to. They are transparent.

Political career? Are you quite serious? Column writing? The very best investigative journalists are sidelined and ignored these days because what they have to say is far too discomforting.

Nah. I'll just wait. Things are going my way and there's no rush.

McNamara That Ghost...
07-10-2017, 04:52 PM
I didn't say investigative journalism, interested to know who you are referring to though. Personally I just don't understand why somebody that has the solutions and remedies wouldn't pro-actively do something with them.

07-10-2017, 05:08 PM
I didn't say investigative journalism, interested to know who you are referring to though. Personally I just don't understand why somebody that has the solutions and remedies wouldn't pro-actively do something with them.

Your pro-active suggestions seem to involve engaging with the very system I want to destroy. The better way is to not engage and to undertake action that in outside the system.

The journos?

Two off the top of my head. Fisk and Pilger. These guys operate on the ground and get their information first hand. They are not cunts like Peston or Robinson, for example. This is mainstream. There are hundreds of non-mainstream journos who do an excellent job but will never get a look-in for as long as the current system stands. James Corbett is one. He's genuinely a one man research army. Matt Whatshisface at Rolling Stone was great - once. Don't know what happened with that guy.

07-10-2017, 05:09 PM
Anyway - why are you engaging with non-sport topics? This is most disconcerting. Is nothing sacred?

07-10-2017, 05:13 PM
And the bit I missed:

Hardly anybody agrees with my solutions (which is why the Breitbart comment is hilariously ignorant), it really is quite pointless trying to teach people not to make mistakes. They only really learn and accept when they make their own mistakes and suffer the consequences. Over time, people have been realising the consequences of their mistakes. It's quite encouraging. Alright, so nowhere near the majority of people. Yet. But progress is progress.

07-10-2017, 05:18 PM
So I actually went to the Breitbart web site, because it's interesting to see how leftists categorise the right.

It's a black screen. That's it. Nothing else.

Now if that's not inclusive, what is?

Breitbart :bow:

I assume my security settings don't allow that website to load, but if it did load I already know what I'd see. The same old meaningless shite but from a right wing perspective.

07-10-2017, 05:23 PM
Also, a terror attack hasn't just happened outside the Natural History Museum.

Well, maybe it didn't. I suppose we still have to account for the possibility of bad drivers mowing down pedestrians.

On the other hand, did the Muzzos feel they were slipping in the ratings?

Anyway, the BBC is delightfully vague about the whole thing and has pixelated the bloke being pinned to the floor so we can't see if he's normal or a Muslim.

13-10-2017, 10:59 AM
[racial slur], please...


13-10-2017, 12:23 PM
[racial slur], please...


I am offended. Who do I direct my ire to please?.

13-10-2017, 01:28 PM
I am offended. Who do I direct my ire to please?.

Don't waste your time doing that. Instead, declare yourself an oppressed minority, get the taxpayer to fork out for a court ruling to force everyone else to live by your requirements. It works and works well. You don't even need to be genuinely oppressed, just claiming it without offering a shred of proof is sufficient.

Double check you aren't a white, heterosexual male because the special offer doesn't apply if you are.

16-10-2017, 10:37 AM
Good to see the relief effort already on it's way to Ireland.


16-10-2017, 11:51 AM
Sean Hughes :(



Only 51.

Xhaka Can’t
16-10-2017, 11:20 PM
Shitclouds for a shit day.

May the greatest drunk of all time be the liquor forever.


May he look down on us from heaven.

Like a shithawk.

17-10-2017, 08:29 AM


No offence, toots, but someone wolf whistling at you isn't sexual harassment.

17-10-2017, 08:36 AM


No offence, toots, but someone wolf whistling at you isn't sexual harassment.

The leslies are at it again are they? They so desperately need a fuck it's getting painful listening to their begging and pleading. If I'm not busy later tell them they can come over and I'll chuck one up them. Provided they don't speak.

17-10-2017, 08:38 AM


No offence, toots, but someone wolf whistling at you isn't sexual harassment.

Well it is, it’s just not a particularly serious form

Mildly irritating (nothing more) on its own I imagine.

In a parallel universe where dwarves with receding hair lines were What was most desirable and ugly women working on a building site started wolf whistling you, I think you’d be less enamoured with the attention then you would hope these bitches fall to their death.

17-10-2017, 08:42 AM
In a parallel universe where dwarves with receding hair lines were What was most desirable and ugly women working on a building site started wolf whistling you, I think you’d be less enamoured with the attention then you would hope these bitches fall to their death.

Fun you!


I don't know how I'd feel but I don't think it would deserve a hashtag.
Thing is, men are supposed to be "the pursuers" and women "the pursued", generally how it works in society and biology. Obviously there are more and less appropriate ways of doing that.
As we don't live in a parallel universe I got online in the end and found someone desperate.
MrsL :bow:


17-10-2017, 08:46 AM
Some data about women think.


Interesting that older women see no problem with it, younger women have more of an issue. Not sure if that's a good sign of progress or a sign that everyone is offended by everything these days.

EDIT: Just noticed this in the article:

"Despite the more relaxed attitude of the British public at large towards wolf-whistling, the justice system seems to be turning against it. Last year Nottinghamshire Police made the decision to start recording acts of misogyny – including wolf-whistling – as a hate crime".

A hate crime? Hate. Crime? Oh piss off! :doh:

17-10-2017, 08:50 AM

Fun you!


I don't know how I'd feel but I don't think it would deserve a hashtag.
Thing is, men are supposed to be "the pursuers" and women "the pursued", generally how it works in society and biology. Obviously there are more and less appropriate ways of doing that.
As we don't live in a parallel universe I got online in the end and found someone desperate.
MrsL :bow:


Well some people revel in labelling themselves as a victim.

My own contention is that trying my best to empathise, I can see how it would be more tedious and irritating than flattering

But it’s all on a spectrum, it’s not the same as being pushed against a wall and forceably finger banged.

17-10-2017, 08:51 AM
Some data about women think.


Interesting that older women see no problem with it, younger women have more of an issue. Not sure if that's a good sign of progress or a sign that everyone is offended by everything these days.

EDIT: Just noticed this in the article:

"Despite the more relaxed attitude of the British public at large towards wolf-whistling, the justice system seems to be turning against it. Last year Nottinghamshire Police made the decision to start recording acts of misogyny – including wolf-whistling – as a hate crime".

A hate crime? Hate. Crime? Oh piss off! :doh:

It’s not a crime of any kind, just like breathing through your nose loudly on public transport isn’t a crime. But sometimes you want the person doing it to die.

17-10-2017, 08:53 AM

17-10-2017, 09:24 AM
Well some people revel in labelling themselves as a victim.
Indeed. Interestingly, many of the women do are the kind of women who bang on about how men and women are the same #feminism.
Are you the same or are you "the weaker sex" and "the victims"? You can't have it both ways.

My own contention is that trying my best to empathise, I can see how it would be more tedious and irritating than flattering
Agree with that. We had a lodger recently who is a young girl ( ## ) and was always getting chatted up on busses. Tiresome, certainly. Not sure it's "harassment" though although can become so if they don't take no for an answer.

But it’s all on a spectrum, it’s not the same as being pushed against a wall and forceably finger banged.
:blink: Well, quite :lol:

17-10-2017, 09:39 AM
Indeed. Interestingly, many of the women do are the kind of women who bang on about how men and women are the same #feminism.
Are you the same or are you "the weaker sex" and "the victims"? You can't have it both ways.

Agree with that. We had a lodger recently who is a young girl ( ## ) and was always getting chatted up on busses. Tiresome, certainly. Not sure it's "harassment" though although can become so if they don't take no for an answer.

:blink: Well, quite :lol:

Just because she wasn’t aware of the videos you made of her undressing courtesy of a camera hidden in a picture frame in her bedroom doesn’t mean you weren’t harassing her.

17-10-2017, 09:41 AM
What you don't know can't hurt you. Scientific fact :sulk:

17-10-2017, 09:44 AM
Some data about women think.


Interesting that older women see no problem with it, younger women have more of an issue. Not sure if that's a good sign of progress or a sign that everyone is offended by everything these days.

EDIT: Just noticed this in the article:

"Despite the more relaxed attitude of the British public at large towards wolf-whistling, the justice system seems to be turning against it. Last year Nottinghamshire Police made the decision to start recording acts of misogyny – including wolf-whistling – as a hate crime".

A hate crime? Hate. Crime? Oh piss off! :doh:

Many women today don't think at all. They have others do their thinking for them. If some cunt somewhere has decided the biological and chemical processes that occur when males and females are in the vicinity of each other is a crime then some women will mindlessly accept this as being factual. Real women won't even know this shit is happening, beyond maybe reading it as an interest piece on the latest noises from the freaks. Hardly surprising the redundant feminists want to ban sexual attraction, after all when there are no males and females then how can there be attraction? And the cunts are wearing burkas in solidarity with their sisters from Saudi, and the other places their heroine Hilary takes money from. Feminist bots are a sea of contradictions and ultra stupidity. If they really were confined to those burkas and males started beating them with sticks instead of admiring them they'd soon know the difference between discrimination and nature. Men will get bored of wearing knickers just to please these cunts soon enough.

17-10-2017, 09:47 AM
Just because she wasn’t aware of the videos you made of her undressing courtesy of a camera hidden in a picture frame in her bedroom doesn’t mean you weren’t harassing her.

He wasn't discriminating though - he does that to all women.

17-10-2017, 12:44 PM
Wow. :lol:


17-10-2017, 12:57 PM
Wow. :lol:


That doesn’t sound like a realistic Anne Frank outfit

Ragged clothes that have the lingering funk of a drunk sweaty SS officer on them, encrusted semen stains on moth eaten underwear. Fingernails caked with dirt and blood, hair full of lice and don’t eat more than a single ryvita cracker for six weeks to give that lovely skeletal look combined with the yellow parchment like skin synonymous with the start of multiple organ failure.
That’d be more realistic

17-10-2017, 01:12 PM
That doesn’t sound like a realistic Anne Frank outfit

Ragged clothes that have the lingering funk of a drunk sweaty SS officer on them, encrusted semen stains on moth eaten underwear. Fingernails caked with dirt and blood, hair full of lice and don’t eat more than a single ryvita cracker for six weeks to give that lovely skeletal look combined with the yellow parchment like skin synonymous with the start of multiple organ failure.
That’d be more realistic

Ryvita wouldn't have been able to export products to Holland during that time period as it was under German occupation. It was probably a Verkade biscuit.

17-10-2017, 01:13 PM
Ryvita wouldn't have been able to export products to Holland during that time period as it was under German occupation. It was probably a Verkade biscuit.

I was more referring to her time in Auschwitz

But in that case it would be drinking water that causes cholera and trading bread for sucking on kommandant cock.

17-10-2017, 01:14 PM
I was more referring to her time in Auschwitz

Why play loose with the facts?