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06-11-2017, 08:19 PM


Enjoy :tiphat:

06-11-2017, 09:01 PM
Hilary Clinton again? I swear the only people who give a shit about this woman are Trump defenders and herself

I don’t give a shit what she did or didn’t do. The fact that the sad old bitch is a poster child for everything certain people think is wrong with the world is a joke in itself.

As to whether Trump colluded with Putin or agents directly or indirectly to get himself elected?. I don’t know, I’m prepared to believe he was stupid enough not to know Paul Manaforts connections with Russia, let alone that Facebook openly admitted to getting paid for political ad space in Roubles. Whatever you want to claim to be lies and fake news I think it’s beyond doubt that he was the candidate of choice for the Russian kakistocracy and I’m not really sure Vladimir Putin is an opponent of Globalisation (especially if the rules are rigged in his favour).
Although at the end of the day, especially seeing as we look upon the world and human nature in entirely different ways I don’t want you to think in anyway that I think I’m capable of persuading you of anything.
It’s just clarifying that whilst I understand and appreciate many of your sentiments that you’ve got all your work in front of you to convince me that Trump is going to do anything meaningful.
A well educated six year old can point out the vast flaws that exist in society, doesn’t mean they are capable of doing anything about them.
The only thing I’m going to agree with you on about Trump is his comedy factor, I follow him on Twitter and I take endless delight as his childish petulance.
In a very small way I feel sorry for him because I genuinely think he’s becoming increasingly unwell, which will only go to show that the mischief a president can inflict on their country tends to be largely oversold, partly because the office of the president isn’t that powerful, partly because he’s so dysfunctional that he’s barely done anything.
A sitting president achieves the most in their first two years of office and....he’s tweeted a lot.
Lo verily the city of Sodom is falling down around us

I think we have a major disconnect here.

I don't treat politics in any way seriously because I know it is not in any way serious. I think you might have a lot of faith in it. I know it's a sham, you think it is real. It sounds like you think politics is a pillar, and that's fine. Your opinion. My point is, we're going to have trouble discussing it if you assume I think it's serious and I assume you know it's not. Like you assuming I expect Trump to achieve stuff. Serious social stuff. Of course I don't. But he's already achieved other things, far more than the last 10 presidents combined, possibly by accident. Simply because he's off script and running in open territory, because they have absolutely nothing on him. Brash fool he may be, but what you see is what you get. The exact opposite of a regular politician and without the control mechanisms none of their usual shit works on him. Admit it, it's genius. Somebody very clever picked him.

He's exposed the left AND he's exposed the right. That's his presidency right there, what else does he need to do? What did that fuck Obama do? Or the stupid turd before him? Or the stupid turd before him. Or the stupid turd before him. Are you trying to tell me these are the rulers of the world? You aren't. I see that much at least. Petty criminals with connections is all they are.

The tweeting is simply brilliant. He tweets, the media starts spinning on the spot. He totally controls them, tells them when to jump, how high and how often. And they fall for it every single time. Meanwhile, I wonder what the Koch brothers are doing - for example? Nobody is really looking, are they? Too busy fretting over Trump. It's almost as if... Honestly, it makes me laugh.

Clinton is very important though. The Clinton crime family spans the political AND, most importantly, organised crime spheres of influence. Trump's a stooge, politically speaking, as you have already figured. He'll be here today, gone tomorrow. The Clintons, these are high ranking criminals who are connected to many other very serious criminals, not just in the States but globally. You're starting to see some of the real workings of government, what government really is, as the Clintons are exposed and abandoned. Why do you think the Papa Bush allegations (which are true but only the tip of the iceberg) have hit? Make a list of every Trump enemy. Now tell me what has happened to each one of them. I freely admit I don't know who is controlling Trump, but they sure know what they are doing and they know how to hit hard. And absolutely nothing sticks to trump, because they picked their man well.

That's the scene I'm interested in. The hands behind the scenes, moving the pieces. The ones that don't exist, because it would be crazy to think people that own 40% of the entire planet's wealth would collude or fight to keep it that way. Tin foil hat, or so we're supposed to say. CIA taught us that one, like so many "truths".

Don't place too much hope in Mueller. He has more than enough of his own problems and is now faced with the hilarious paradox of having to dig into shit that will increase his own exposure. As I said, the comedy never stops. And the damage just keeps piling up.

I'm happy with this. I like to see the enemy at its own throat rather than at ours.

06-11-2017, 09:01 PM


Enjoy :tiphat:

Yeah. That's a Piers Morgan video so fuck you very much. Summarise, because I can't stand the bloke.

06-11-2017, 09:08 PM
Manafort was campaign chairman for all of 1 month not the whole campaign. The only beauty of Trump is that he beat the defacto winner. The shoo-in who thought all she had to do was sign up and still used every underhand tool at her disposal to undermine the only challenger for the Dem nomination; The woman who admitted destroying evidence and whose husband was chatting with the AG days before a decision on her pending case was due. Politics stinks but this woman carries the stench of all that is despicable about cronyism and corruption as her own particular eau de toilette. Trump has the maturity of a teen but I would still (if i could) vote for him ahead of the vile Clinton. A 5 star general got jail time for pillow talk on sensitive issues with his mistress while Clinton gets a bye for destroying federal evidence.
My take on the Russian thing is mostly that this is the entrenched power fortresses revenge after not getting their way. They wont be sated until he leaves, likely a 1 term affair.

The real tragedy is how the US system left us with 2 odious entities as the only choice.

What do you think the choice was going to be? When was the last election you can recall that didn't offer two odious choices? That's what elections are all about. Pick the candidates for the people and then ask them to make a choice.

06-11-2017, 09:15 PM
I think we have a major disconnect here.

I don't treat politics in any way seriously because I know it is not in any way serious. I think you might have a lot of faith in it. I know it's a sham, you think it is real. It sounds like you think politics is a pillar, and that's fine. Your opinion. My point is, we're going to have trouble discussing it if you assume I think it's serious and I assume you know it's not. Like you assuming I expect Trump to achieve stuff. Serious social stuff. Of course I don't. But he's already achieved other things, far more than the last 10 presidents combined, possibly by accident. Simply because he's off script and running in open territory, because they have absolutely nothing on him. Brash fool he may be, but what you see is what you get. The exact opposite of a regular politician and without the control mechanisms none of their usual shit works on him. Admit it, it's genius. Somebody very clever picked him.

He's exposed the left AND he's exposed the right. That's his presidency right there, what else does he need to do? What did that fuck Obama do? Or the stupid turd before him? Or the stupid turd before him. Or the stupid turd before him. Are you trying to tell me these are the rulers of the world? You aren't. I see that much at least. Petty criminals with connections is all they are.

The tweeting is simply brilliant. He tweets, the media starts spinning on the spot. He totally controls them, tells them when to jump, how high and how often. And they fall for it every single time. Meanwhile, I wonder what the Koch brothers are doing - for example? Nobody is really looking, are they? Too busy fretting over Trump. It's almost as if... Honestly, it makes me laugh.

Clinton is very important though. The Clinton crime family spans the political AND, most importantly, organised crime spheres of influence. Trump's a stooge, politically speaking, as you have already figured. He'll be here today, gone tomorrow. The Clintons, these are high ranking criminals who are connected to many other very serious criminals, not just in the States but globally. You're starting to see some of the real workings of government, what government really is, as the Clintons are exposed and abandoned. Why do you think the Papa Bush allegations (which are true but only the tip of the iceberg) have hit? Make a list of every Trump enemy. Now tell me what has happened to each one of them. I freely admit I don't know who is controlling Trump, but they sure know what they are doing and they know how to hit hard. And absolutely nothing sticks to trump, because they picked their man well.

That's the scene I'm interested in. The hands behind the scenes, moving the pieces. The ones that don't exist, because it would be crazy to think people that own 40% of the entire planet's wealth would collude or fight to keep it that way. Tin foil hat, or so we're supposed to say. CIA taught us that one, like so many "truths".

Don't place too much hope in Mueller. He has more than enough of his own problems and is now faced with the hilarious paradox of having to dig into shit that will increase his own exposure. As I said, the comedy never stops. And the damage just keeps piling up.

I'm happy with this. I like to see the enemy at its own throat rather than at ours.

Politics seriously? Not really it’s all largely theatre. But decisions taken by a government do have very real life ramifications and his total inability to govern is largely a blessing. That’s always what I assumed you saw in Trump, that his attempt to govern would in fact be so shambolic that people came to the conclusion to liberate themselves and become small autonomous collectives.
I fear you’re making the assumption that Trump is using narcissistic, deranged, childish and lying tweets to manipulate. I think that’s far more subtle and sophisticated than you can give him credit for. I don’t think he’s stupid mind, I think he has impressive base instincts and so if people are mesmerised by him it’s a result of instinctive reflex reactions from him.
It’s similar to Jose Mourinho, the media assume his behaviour is partly caricatured to effect but he is genuinely that out of touch with reality and that solipsistic and self regarding.

06-11-2017, 09:24 PM
Politics seriously? Not really it’s all largely theatre. But decisions taken by a government do have very real life ramifications and his total inability to govern is largely a blessing. That’s always what I assumed you saw in Trump, that his attempt to govern would in fact be so shambolic that people came to the conclusion to liberate themselves and become small autonomous collectives.
I fear you’re making the assumption that Trump is using narcissistic, deranged, childish and lying tweets to manipulate. I think that’s far more subtle and sophisticated than you give him credit for. I don’t think he’s stupid mind, I think he has impressive base instincts and so if people are mesmerised by him it’s a result of instinctive reflex reactions from him.
It’s similar to Jose Mourinho, the media assume his behaviour is partly caricatured to effect but he is genuinely that out of touch with reality and that solipsistic and self regarding.

Not small autonomous collectives. I'm not against government as a tool for society, though I wouldn't call it government. I'm against government as an authoritarian entity. So I'm against every government in the world. This is where our disagreement on people comes into play. You say people are inherently bad, I say they are inherently good - with outliers, of course.

I don't think Trump is stupid either. He's built a global empire after all. He's a master manipulator. But even Trump doesn't sweep into power off his own back. All that nonsense about him funding his own campaign.

06-11-2017, 09:32 PM
Yeah. That's a Piers Morgan video so fuck you very much. Summarise, because I can't stand the bloke.

He shouted a lot then sucked his own cock.

06-11-2017, 09:36 PM
Not small autonomous collectives. I'm not against government as a tool for society, though I wouldn't call it government. I'm against government as an authoritarian entity. So I'm against every government in the world. This is where our disagreement on people comes into play. You say people are inherently bad, I say they are inherently good - with outliers, of course.

I don't think Trump is stupid either. He's built a global empire after all. He's a master manipulator. But even Trump doesn't sweep into power off his own back. All that nonsense about him funding his own campaign.

What I’m saying is that his tweets aren’t a result of this manipulative power. Anyone who knows him says he exhibits all the classic symptoms of Narcissistic personality disorder so anything remotely critical of him he is pathologically unable to ignore.
This is why I make the comparison to Mourinho, very similar any perceived criticism of him is responded to with ridiculous ad hominem aggression...literally can’t help themselves they see anything but unequivocal praise as an attack.

Very unwell individuals, it’s why Mourinho doesn’t last in any job long term self destructive personality.

Trump has built an Empire on selling himself and his name, it’s a career of self plugging....it’s the one thing in life no one can match him for.

06-11-2017, 09:45 PM
Yeah. That's a Piers Morgan video so fuck you very much. Summarise, because I can't stand the bloke.

Guns bad.
Waving little Union Jacks good.

06-11-2017, 10:40 PM

My views on Donald Trump could not be more clear, it is however a shame that my views are shared by so many virtue signalling retards like this woman.

08-11-2017, 09:08 AM
Good news


Trump's productivity will be doubled from now on.

08-11-2017, 09:45 AM
Doubt Twitter will be here in a couple of years. Affiliations that run contrary to the very founding ideals of the company are already taking a toll and blockchain will kill it forever. Self inflicted. Gimmicks like 280 characters will end in full blown essays no doubt. Their establishment friends always have plenty to say - once all dissent has been silenced and the coast is clear. The events yesterday were stunning, not in the sense of being unexpected, but the sheer brazenness. Being hauled up by a "democratic representative" for not censoring quickly enough. I think the tool called it the "weaponisation" of news. The bitter, bitter, hilarious irony after all these years of the mainstream media.

If I was running it I'd move the infrastructure out of the States to somewhere free speech is protected and then force the scumbags to impose a firewall so everyone could see how Chinese our freedom loving governments really are.

Mars maybe.

08-11-2017, 09:47 AM
Just joined the Conservative Party.

08-11-2017, 09:52 AM
Just joined the Conservative Party.


08-11-2017, 09:58 AM


08-11-2017, 09:59 AM

Did you get your intro pack with the lollipops and kidnap hoods?

08-11-2017, 10:00 AM
Did you get your intro pack with the lollipops and kidnap hoods?

Not yet but this list of local grooming gangs is quite useful.

08-11-2017, 10:06 AM
Not yet but this list of local grooming gangs is quite useful.

Best to pick just one from the list, go along to their induction (with your niece) and get recommendations for further memberships there. Otherwise you're wading through hundreds of clubs randomly. Like Leon Brittan.

08-11-2017, 10:09 AM
The Swansea player?

08-11-2017, 10:12 AM
Hard to know the best place to find kids.

It's swings and roundabouts really.

08-11-2017, 10:21 AM
You know the best thing about dating twenty five year-olds?

There's twenty of them!

08-11-2017, 10:27 AM
I like my women like I like my wine

Nine years old and kept in a cellar

08-11-2017, 11:26 AM


08-11-2017, 04:39 PM
Many Scream Helplessly at the Sky Events CANCELLED! Phone ahead to check if your scheduled scream is still going ahead.

08-11-2017, 04:42 PM
Many Scream Helplessly at the Sky Events CANCELLED! Phone ahead to check if your scheduled scream is still going ahead.

Technically shouldn’t that be held on January 20th in “honour” of the day the dumpy she he actually did that??

08-11-2017, 04:44 PM
Anyway here’s my tribute to those poor spastics


08-11-2017, 05:18 PM
This never gets old.

See them as they really are, with the masks off. Smug supposedly superior shitheads. Champaign warriors.


08-11-2017, 05:51 PM
I managed to keep it to a “oh for fucks sake....I’m going to bed”

Which is about my average response to Arsenal defeats

08-11-2017, 07:46 PM
Some pretty incredible stuff going on in Saudi. Hard to figure out who's fighting who but royals are dropping like flies, so who cares?

08-11-2017, 07:55 PM
BBC has wasted taxpayer money by setting up a panel of experts to figure out if Trump would win the election today.

Slight problem. There is no election today, it was last year.

Not that it stopped them concluding Trump is in big trouble and could well be hypothetically defeated in today's hypothetical election.

I'm so pleased money is stolen from me so I can fund these communist retards.

On the campaign front, they seem to be stepping up their support for Mike Obama's 2020 bid that will also never happen.

It's a funny old world down at the BBC.

08-11-2017, 08:29 PM
Some pretty incredible stuff going on in Saudi. Hard to figure out who's fighting who but royals are dropping like flies, so who cares?

I prefer the days when purges and coups used to happen behind closed doors.

Much more discreet

09-11-2017, 12:32 PM
My cat came out as transgender today.

I'm so proud of them/they

McNamara That Ghost...
09-11-2017, 06:23 PM
This Kevin Spacey thing, is it right turfing him out from his already filmed films? Just find it a bit uncomfortable with no criminal charges being applied as it stands.

09-11-2017, 06:40 PM
This Kevin Spacey thing, is it right turfing him out from his already filmed films? Just find it a bit uncomfortable with no criminal charges being applied as it stands.

Didn't know that had happened. Trouble is, unlike the other deviants who took their crimes to the grave (and even now have people defending them) and the ones still hiding, Spacey has admitted at least one charge. So image and money, his "friends" and business associates are going to run a mile. Nothing to be gained by being around him now, and plenty to be lost. For normal people I'd say that's right. If you do that to kids then you deserve to be shunned. But in terms of Hollywood, half those fucks have probably done the same thing, or worse.

09-11-2017, 07:12 PM
Seems to be a weird double standard to this

Roman Polanski sodomised a thirteen year old girl, yet people still flock to his films despite still having an outstanding arrest warrant where the cunt fled to escape justice.

Spacey has been upfront about being a boy botherer and is persona non grata

Applying a consistent standard seems to be beyond people

I think Spacey’s career is over and rightfully so but I’m not going to stop watching films he appeared in. I’m not going to avoid watching Polanski films either.

I love Led Zepellin even though Jimmy Paige married a 14 year old

People hate whoever it’s considered most worth hating in terms of newspaper sales, online clicks and Nielsen ratings.

McNamara That Ghost...
09-11-2017, 08:07 PM
Didn't know that had happened. Trouble is, unlike the other deviants who took their crimes to the grave (and even now have people defending them) and the ones still hiding, Spacey has admitted at least one charge. So image and money, his "friends" and business associates are going to run a mile. Nothing to be gained by being around him now, and plenty to be lost. For normal people I'd say that's right. If you do that to kids then you deserve to be shunned. But in terms of Hollywood, half those fucks have probably done the same thing, or worse.

I suppose that's fair, although I am not sure how much of a admittance it was. I thought it was something like "I don't recall the encounter but I apologise if it did".

10-11-2017, 09:06 AM
"Working" at home :bow:

Marc Overmars
10-11-2017, 09:18 AM
Just booked a little weekender in Paris.

Don’t particuarly like Paris but the wife was hell bent on going as it’s a bucket list place of hers. Aesthetically pleasing but...it’s a bit of a shit hole really isn’t it?

10-11-2017, 09:24 AM
Would be great if it wasn't for all the French people.

10-11-2017, 09:27 AM
I love Paris, me. It's a beautiful place and the people aren't as rude as I'd been led to believe. Well, no ruder than London which is admittedly quite rude but I guess I'm used to it.
Got engaged on the Eiffel Tower. Me :bow: Cliches :bow:

10-11-2017, 10:12 AM
I love Paris, me. It's a beautiful place and the people aren't as rude as I'd been led to believe. Well, no ruder than London which is admittedly quite rude but I guess I'm used to it.
Got engaged on the Eiffel Tower. Me :bow: Cliches :bow:

Ah Mon Amis look at ze dwarf proposing, he is not even on how you say his knees

10-11-2017, 10:18 AM
Ah Paris. The mosques, the minarets, the mattresses on the Champs-Elysees, the rustic immigrants defecating into public bins and spitting and hissing at the native French belles as they pass.

10-11-2017, 10:21 AM
Ah Paris. The mosques, the minarets, the mattresses on the Champs-Elysees, the rustic immigrants defecating into public bins and spitting and hissing at the native French belles as they pass.

Let me guess...you've never been?

10-11-2017, 10:22 AM
Ah Mon Amis look at ze dwarf proposing, he is not even on how you say his knees


Actually, I didn't do the knee thing because I didn't want to cause a scene. I could do without a load of French people/other tourists applauding.

10-11-2017, 10:53 AM

The BBC have gone too far this time. Time to put an end to this lefty, liberal elite remoaning nonsense.

10-11-2017, 10:54 AM
Let me guess...you've never been?

Several times, going all the way back. Both before and after the cultural disintegration. My favourite walk used to be the straight line down from the Louvre to the tower. Wouldn't bother with it now of course. Ever since our "friends" arrived.

10-11-2017, 10:58 AM
Anyone noticed how bad muslims smell?

Like falafel and TNT.

10-11-2017, 11:00 AM
Anyone noticed how bad muslims smell?

Like falafel and TNT.

Always the racism with you guys. Which is why you got swept off the board. People are fed up of it. At least the ones with eyes and ears and a functioning brain. Tolerance is a two way street and when the west's cultural lane is opened up again I'm sure everything will settle down. Until then, expect traffic(ing) disruptions.

10-11-2017, 11:09 AM
Anyone noticed how bad muslims smell?

Like falafel and TNT.

Luckily in Paris it's overwhelmed by the cheese and garlic smell


10-11-2017, 12:11 PM
Several times, going all the way back. Both before and after the cultural disintegration. My favourite walk used to be the straight line down from the Louvre to the tower. Wouldn't bother with it now of course. Ever since our "friends" arrived.

The friends that arrived because their own countries were destroyed due to western foreign policies? Yeah them ones.

10-11-2017, 12:31 PM
The friends that arrived because their own countries were destroyed due to western foreign policies? Yeah them ones.

That's part of the truth and something I have pointed out many times. But you have to ask the likes of Blair, Bush, Cameron and Uncle Tom about that. They know better than anyone why so many people have been displaced. And ask Merkel and her paymaster why so many have been ushered into foreign cultures in the west rather than genuinely assisted in rebuilding their own nations. Look at Syria. The last ISIS forces have just been driven out of their final stronghold. ISIS is all but done. Why? Because previously, the west had been supporting ISIS. Then we stopped. Now Syria has a chance, but not before our policies caused carnage. Look at the individuals and the power behind them before herding every western white male into the dock. Destroying one culture is bad enough, destroying two is worse. Flooding the west with refugees compounds the problem and creates brand new problems - which is deliberate by the way.

The solution is to get Blair and Cameron and the Clintons and the Bush clan and Uncle Tom into a war crimes court and lay all the facts on the table. Then we need to be certain we never allow these types to grab power again. That would be good for the west, good for the east, good for humanity.

10-11-2017, 12:58 PM
That's part of the truth and something I have pointed out many times. But you have to ask the likes of Blair, Bush, Cameron and Uncle Tom about that. They know better than anyone why so many people have been displaced. And ask Merkel and her paymaster why so many have been ushered into foreign cultures in the west rather than genuinely assisted in rebuilding their own nations. Look at Syria. The last ISIS forces have just been driven out of their final stronghold. ISIS is all but done. Why? Because previously, the west had been supporting ISIS. Then we stopped. Now Syria has a chance, but not before our policies caused carnage. Look at the individuals and the power behind them before herding every western white male into the dock. Destroying one culture is bad enough, destroying two is worse. Flooding the west with refugees compounds the problem and creates brand new problems - which is deliberate by the way.

The solution is to get Blair and Cameron and the Clintons and the Bush clan and Uncle Tom into a war crimes court and lay all the facts on the table. Then we need to be certain we never allow these types to grab power again. That would be good for the west, good for the east, good for humanity.

Yep, those scumbags need to be convicted for what they have done. When I see Tony Blair on tv or giving speeches he honestly makes my skin crawl, how he has the audacity to try and give advice on international matters is beyond me.

The amount of people that have died, been displaced and suffered because of Blair and Bush.. they certainly have blood on their hands.

10-11-2017, 01:27 PM
Someone in the office sitting behind me keeps farting and it stinks. It's the second time now it's happened.

10-11-2017, 01:32 PM
That's part of the truth and something I have pointed out many times. But you have to ask the likes of Blair, Bush, Cameron and Uncle Tom about that. They know better than anyone why so many people have been displaced. And ask Merkel and her paymaster why so many have been ushered into foreign cultures in the west rather than genuinely assisted in rebuilding their own nations. Look at Syria. The last ISIS forces have just been driven out of their final stronghold. ISIS is all but done. Why? Because previously, the west had been supporting ISIS. Then we stopped. Now Syria has a chance, but not before our policies caused carnage. Look at the individuals and the power behind them before herding every western white male into the dock. Destroying one culture is bad enough, destroying two is worse. Flooding the west with refugees compounds the problem and creates brand new problems - which is deliberate by the way.

The solution is to get Blair and Cameron and the Clintons and the Bush clan and Uncle Tom into a war crimes court and lay all the facts on the table. Then we need to be certain we never allow these types to grab power again. That would be good for the west, good for the east, good for humanity.

Dont forget the French cretin, Sarkozy. The craven dwarf had just received a huge tranche of illegal campaign money from Gaddafi before going all out to join the "coalition" to oust him. The Western press are really pathetic. Just hushed it all up as if it never happened.

10-11-2017, 01:49 PM
Someone in the office sitting behind me keeps farting and it stinks. It's the second time now it's happened.

Sorry :whistle:

10-11-2017, 01:58 PM
Dont forget the French cretin, Sarkozy. The craven dwarf had just received a huge tranche of illegal campaign money from Gaddafi before going all out to join the "coalition" to oust him. The Western press are really pathetic. Just hushed it all up as if it never happened.

And Mr Corruption Berlusconi. And all of the Coalition of The Scumbags. That hag Albright who cheerfully admitted half a million kids DEAD was worth the pay-off. Then go east and you find Putin and that absolute filth in China. The scumbag Israelis, the sub-human Saudi royals. And the media, egging it all on. Spraying the lies left, right, centre. BBC correspondents fawning outside #10, cooing about Blair and how he was vindicated. And these people still have credibility. Somehow.

Along with all the other unthinking fools who can't be arsed to ask the questions before they join in drumming for war. Still at it, the past already long forgotten. Taking the piss out of people who point to the facts that aren't even disputed.

Because it can't be disputed for a second that western policy has been anti-humanitarian at the core. And eastern policy too, the part many people overlook as they rush to take sides. Stupid kids at college marching around with communist flags, oblivious to the (at least) quarter billion people that hateful system has murdered.

These "leaders" we all abdicate to. Look at what they have done. Don't forget to endorse them with your vote.

But things are changing, faster than I ever thought was possible. In fact it's crazy. Usually I can keep up with these things and figure out what the hell is happening, in reality I mean. But it's like everything is on 10x fast forward and it's impossible to keep up. The signs are exceptionally good. Too good to be true? We could also be rushing headlong into total disaster. It's that finely balanced right now. Hard to read.

Meanwhile, the Royal what's its bump is starting to show. Amazing! And John Lewis has release its Christmas advert. Cute! Retweeted already! And I'm afraid the majority will still be more fluent in this type of nonsense, so a long way to go still.

10-11-2017, 01:59 PM
Someone in the office sitting behind me keeps farting and it stinks. It's the second time now it's happened.

Just ask clearly and at a decent volume for them to stop farting because it stinks. I think that should do the trick.

10-11-2017, 02:01 PM
GW is starting to show the first signs of hamster wheel breakdown. Anyone else noticing? Been excellent up until the last week.


10-11-2017, 02:02 PM

Should get her as a Mascot for this place

10-11-2017, 02:15 PM
Sorry :whistle:

I said office not prison cell

10-11-2017, 02:20 PM
I said office not prison cell

Well you were clearly lying then, after the horrible things you did in those child care homes. It will be many years before you’re released.

10-11-2017, 02:21 PM
And Mr Corruption Berlusconi. And all of the Coalition of The Scumbags. That hag Albright who cheerfully admitted half a million kids DEAD was worth the pay-off. Then go east and you find Putin and that absolute filth in China. The scumbag Israelis, the sub-human Saudi royals. And the media, egging it all on. Spraying the lies left, right, centre. BBC correspondents fawning outside #10, cooing about Blair and how he was vindicated. And these people still have credibility. Somehow.

Along with all the other unthinking fools who can't be arsed to ask the questions before they join in drumming for war. Still at it, the past already long forgotten. Taking the piss out of people who point to the facts that aren't even disputed.

Because it can't be disputed for a second that western policy has been anti-humanitarian at the core. And eastern policy too, the part many people overlook as they rush to take sides. Stupid kids at college marching around with communist flags, oblivious to the (at least) quarter billion people that hateful system has murdered.

These "leaders" we all abdicate to. Look at what they have done. Don't forget to endorse them with your vote.

But things are changing, faster than I ever thought was possible. In fact it's crazy. Usually I can keep up with these things and figure out what the hell is happening, in reality I mean. But it's like everything is on 10x fast forward and it's impossible to keep up. The signs are exceptionally good. Too good to be true? We could also be rushing headlong into total disaster. It's that finely balanced right now. Hard to read.

Meanwhile, the Royal what's its bump is starting to show. Amazing! And John Lewis has release its Christmas advert. Cute! Retweeted already! And I'm afraid the majority will still be more fluent in this type of nonsense, so a long way to go still.

:lol: do you actually do any work or do you just sit there and use Microsoft Word to type up angry, philosophical rants then paste them onto GW?

NQ :bow:

The godfather of shirking :bow:

10-11-2017, 02:33 PM
:lol: do you actually do any work or do you just sit there and use Microsoft Word to type up angry, philosophical rants then paste them onto GW?

NQ :bow:

The godfather of shirking :bow:

I don't really need to work to earn. I just find lazy people and take their money .

Philosophical? Could be. True? Definitely.

10-11-2017, 02:34 PM
Microsoft Word?


10-11-2017, 03:19 PM
I don't really need to work to earn. I just find lazy people and take their money.

Criminal activities :bow:

Niall Montana :bow:

10-11-2017, 03:39 PM
Criminal activities :bow:

Niall Montana :bow:

That's why I have yer man sitting outside my house bugging the mobile phone I don't have.

10-11-2017, 03:49 PM
Microsoft Word?


More of a Notepad++ man? Good lad.

10-11-2017, 03:49 PM
GW is starting to show the first signs of hamster wheel breakdown. Anyone else noticing? Been excellent up until the last week.


I've had a few proxy error messages but usually a refresh sorts it out. Bit weird though.

10-11-2017, 03:53 PM
The forum can't handle the uptake in posts from 1 a day to 3 a day


10-11-2017, 03:55 PM
The forum can't handle the uptake in posts from 1 a day to 3 a day


I think its WUM detection system has just kicked in...


10-11-2017, 03:56 PM
I think its WUM detection system has just kicked in...


That's why we've been having power cuts.

McNamara That Ghost...
11-11-2017, 06:25 PM
Ellen Page says a former director outed her before she realised she was gay. :blink:

11-11-2017, 07:02 PM
Plenty grounds for a damages suit right there.

11-11-2017, 08:40 PM
Liberals are splitting off from the species. They are completely mind fucked.

13-11-2017, 09:48 AM
Jamie Vardy's wife on I'm A Celebrity this year :lol:

13-11-2017, 09:49 AM
Jamie Vardy's wife on I'm A Celebrity this year :lol:

It's funny because she's not a celebrity. She's married to a heterosexual and doesn't molest kids.

13-11-2017, 09:59 AM
Paedophilephobe :sulk:

13-11-2017, 11:10 AM
Also. Trump and Kim Jong Un :lol:
"You're old".
"You're short and fat"

Two people with nuclear weapons are that close to trading "Yo momma" jibes. :doh:

13-11-2017, 11:14 AM
Also. Trump and Kim Jong Un :lol:
"You're old".
"You're short and fat"

Two people with nuclear weapons are that close to trading "Yo momma" jibes. :doh:

Where did you get that? That's not how it went down, at all. Provide their full quotes rather than lefty media soundbites.

The Trump thing is getting really, really old now. Desperate. He's getting on with his job while the real news, news to rival the fall of the Soviet empire or perhaps even the fall of the Roman empire, is being sidelined. Not for much longer though. So many more people aren't buying into it and I wonder how close to a majority we are getting.

13-11-2017, 11:17 AM
:lol: Someone has been "Triggered".

I saw the quote from Kim Jong Un and Tweet from Trump so yeah, it's pretty much exactly how it went down.

Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!

:lol: All quite entertaining.

13-11-2017, 11:42 AM
That's what you get when you have 2 idiots in charge of super states

13-11-2017, 11:42 AM
:lol: Someone has been "Triggered".

I saw the quote from Kim Jong Un and Tweet from Trump so yeah, it's pretty much exactly how it went down.

:lol: All quite entertaining.

Ah, you're learning the lingo. Just goes to show, anybody can be brought into the fold. But you're not quite ready to bring a bit of thought into your argument yet. Which is fine. It will come.

The actual triggering going on here is Trump's tweets. He (or rather the staff that are posting for him) tweets and the media is yanked up by the strings for another dance. It has been happening for a year now and there's no sign of it abating. Trump has brought world leaders out from behind their sealed rooms and engaged them in a public forum for all to see. And he's taken the establishment media and stripped it bare, exposing it to public view for anyone who care to look. And many have. Most likely you don't realise what a valuable development this is, but never mind for now. You'll get there with the tip-over crowd who always come along once the numbers make it safe for them to do so.

You're supposed to believe, conditioned to believe, Trump is making random tweets personally. That's for your consumption, and for the consumption of the fools who walked straight into the Russian collusion deathtrap because, like you and so many others, they became lazy and complacent and so sure of themselves and the infallibility and robustness of their system. The other side to Trump's tweets are serving their purpose just as well. Trump's speech in Korea was clear, decisive and perfectly measured. His follow-up in China, we'll have to wait and see. And the tiny snippet you have taken and blown into "news" gives you a puff piece to get all excited about while reinforcing the message that has already been sent. You're confused because it's not couched in diplomatic speech. You expect diplomats and lawyers and financiers to talk above your head in coded language because you assume they are your betters and that's how they have retained and protected their power. Well that old way is dying, in front of your eyes that don't want to see. And you are afraid, which is understandable, confused, equally understandable, and eventually you'll be mortally embarrassed, angry and finally - grateful. It's very predictable and you can take some comfort from knowing there are millions like you.

Trump isn't going anywhere, unless he gets careless and one of your authoritarian lot gets a shot. And the"strange" ways (ways we normal people engage in every day without a second thought) aren't going away either. I'll tell you someone who is going away though, your mate Clinton. Have you been keeping up with that news, or didn't it make it into your reading list yet? There's genuine news out there if you want to look for it. Stunning developments over the last week alone. Saudi. Mueller. Hollywood. The DNC. Vegas. All interconnected. But yeah, Trump said some guy is fat. That's the news, for sure.

13-11-2017, 11:47 AM
Don't forget the fish piece. The one where Trump murdered all those fish. Boy, what a dumbarse!

13-11-2017, 12:00 PM
Yeah. Actually, I just thought it was a funny tweet.
Two world leaders trading silly insults like this like kids (whether they personally did it or it was on their behalf) is objectively amusing.

13-11-2017, 12:07 PM
Yeah. Actually, I just thought it was a funny tweet.
Two world leaders trading silly insults like this like kids (whether they personally did it or it was on their behalf) is objectively amusing.

You expect better from your betters?

13-11-2017, 12:11 PM
They're not my betters. I would expect better from grown ups.

13-11-2017, 12:28 PM
I expect a petulant man child with a personality disorder to behave like one

In the same way I expect a sociopath with blood lust to murder people and boast about it

The Trump/Duterte partnership

13-11-2017, 12:30 PM
They're not my betters. I would expect better from grown ups.

Would you?

So tell me what the world looks like today. The one that has been run up until this point by the adults you expect better from. How does the world as it stands tally with your Christian values, for example?

Do you even get a hint of the disconnect?

Tell me more about these adults you are comparing Trump to.

13-11-2017, 12:37 PM
Hmmm if I didn’t know better I’d say human beings are naturally fallible and corruptible

But no we have all just been led astray by a clandestine elite rather than just the blind leading the blind since time immemorial.

The world is a shit hole because as you do in fairness point out people have a large amount of blindness and hypocrisy in respect of right and wrong.

By I’m not the one treating those who revel in said hypocrisy and vices and treat them as virtues as the gateway to a more equitable world.

13-11-2017, 12:37 PM
I expect a petulant man child with a personality disorder to behave like one

In the same way I expect a sociopath with blood lust to murder people and boast about it

The Trump/Duterte partnership

Same question goes to you. Pick an example of any world leader anywhere and compare and contrast with Trump. Show me the distinction, not in press coverage, but in actions. I'm guessing you aren't a fan of Duterte because he's 'fessed up? Is that what makes him different in your eyes?

13-11-2017, 12:41 PM
Hmmm if I didn’t know better I’d say human beings are naturally fallible and corruptible

But no we have all just been led astray by a clandestine elite rather than just the blind leading the blind since time immemorial.

The world is a shit hole because as you do in fairness point out people have a large amount of blindness and hypocrisy in respect of right and wrong.

By I’m not the one treating those who revel in said hypocrisy and vices and treat them as virtues as the gateway to a more equitable world.

You are always looking to jump to the endgame with seemingly little regard for the journey. Pedophile rings smashed, the left and the right both exposed to public view, the media destroyed. There is no need whatsoever to idolise anyone or become part of their cult to appreciate these deeply humanitarian developments. That's the problem, everyone needs to be on a team. Why? Right now Trump is just as you say. A gateway. So what? Would you rather everything stayed the same?

13-11-2017, 12:44 PM
Same question goes to you. Pick an example of any world leader anywhere and compare and contrast with Trump. Show me the distinction, not in press coverage, but in actions. I'm guessing you aren't a fan of Duterte because he's 'fessed up? Is that what makes him different in your eyes?

So other world leaders have killed people just for looking at them the wrong way. Bit of a difference between that and running through a farmers field.

Other world leaders outside of say the gulf states or IS seek to lower the age of criminal responsibility to nine?, hire mercenaries to murder people in the street often killing bystanders and children in the process. Threaten to murder people who uphold the legal due process?.

13-11-2017, 12:45 PM
You are always looking to jump to the endgame with seemingly little regard for the journey. Pedophile rings smashed, the left and the right both exposed to public view, the media destroyed. There is no need whatsoever to idolise anyone or become part of their cult to appreciate these deeply humanitarian developments. That's the problem, everyone needs to be on a team. Why? Right now Trump is just as you say. A gateway. So what? Would you rather everything stayed the same?

I marvel at you picking extremely obscure examples and push the envelope to suggest that anything is changing.

13-11-2017, 12:49 PM
Hmmm if I didn’t know better I’d say human beings are naturally fallible and corruptible

But no we have all just been led astray by a clandestine elite rather than just the blind leading the blind since time immemorial.

The world is a shit hole because as you do in fairness point out people have a large amount of blindness and hypocrisy in respect of right and wrong.

By I’m not the one treating those who revel in said hypocrisy and vices and treat them as virtues as the gateway to a more equitable world.

The blind have never led the blind. There's no evidence of that anywhere in history. Those with closely guarded knowledge, from the secret of fire through to our modern and bloated security services, have led the blind and worked hard to keep their followers blind. Survival of the weakest being mistaken for progression. They even call themselves progressives as they cling onto their advantage by whatever means necessary. Deceit, destruction, death, all done in the name of civilisation? What's ever changed? Today we conceal the rougher edges through the despicable art of socialism/ communism which enshrines the lie that some men are created just a little but more equal and are therefore destined (or even ordained) to lead us in our maintenance of the same old shit. If there's a flaw in humanity it's not inherent evil, it's gullibility. And fear.

13-11-2017, 12:50 PM
Anyway, I think my main point was and remains we have two world leaders with nuclear weapons who are quite close to calling each other "poo poo pants" over the internet.
I can't tell if that's hilarious or terrifying so I'll go with the former.

13-11-2017, 12:51 PM
So other world leaders have killed people just for looking at them the wrong way. Bit of a difference between that and running through a farmers field.

Other world leaders outside of say the gulf states or IS seek to lower the age of criminal responsibility to nine?, hire mercenaries to murder people in the street often killing bystanders and children in the process. Threaten to murder people who uphold the legal due process?.

So you rank barbarity then? If a leader kills with his own hands he's a monster. If he orders somebody else to do it he's a statesman?

13-11-2017, 12:55 PM
I marvel at you picking extremely obscure examples and push the envelope to suggest that anything is changing.

Not to the extent I marvel at your classification of those foundations of the establishment being obscure. You want to dismiss organised evil as a basic human flaw. Why then the need for such secrecy? Shouldn't we all revel in the agenda?

13-11-2017, 12:56 PM
Anyway, I think my main point was and remains we have two world leaders with nuclear weapons who are quite close to calling each other "poo poo pants" over the internet.
I can't tell if that's hilarious or terrifying so I'll go with the former.

Yes, we get that. That's why I suggested the fish story. I think you might be entertained by that one too. And there's always the Simpsons if Trump takes a nap.

13-11-2017, 01:12 PM
Not to the extent I marvel at your classification of those foundations of the establishment being obscure. You want to dismiss organised evil as a basic human flaw. Why then the need for such secrecy? Shouldn't we all revel in the agenda?

Inate rather than obscure its why societies thousands of years ago who wouldn’t have even known of each others existence have formed in similar ways.

From the justification means using religion and hereditary right people have sort dominion over each other, it was a kind of social Darwinism where the strong ruled over the weak, we see it in animals just as we see it in ourselves.

There has been no secret of it, until recently where open societies have forced people into more clandestine roles and the strength and extent of their influence can largely only be guessed at. Usually by people who like to believe that anything they don’t like is evidence of a deep state.

Look at free market capitalism, the people who feel left behind still believe in the system they just fill they’ve missed out on the chance to be exploiters.

It’s interesting that someone who accepts totally moral relativity. Seems to believe in this centuries old convenant of control and instilling mass delusion over otherwise decent but frightened people.

13-11-2017, 01:15 PM
Yes, we get that. That's why I suggested the fish story. I think you might be entertained by that one too.
Nah. Maybe if he'd fallen in the water and emerged with a fish attached to one of his fingers that would have been funnier.

13-11-2017, 01:21 PM
They're not my betters. I would expect better from grown ups.

Oh really? You would expect better from a grown up in a position of authority...? :doh: :haha:

13-11-2017, 01:22 PM
Shut it, poo-poo pants.


13-11-2017, 01:22 PM
It's sweet that you think that being an Admin on here is a "position of authority" though :lol:

13-11-2017, 01:23 PM
Donald Letters :bow:

Arsene Letters > Donald Letters

13-11-2017, 01:24 PM
It's sweet that you think that being an Admin on here is a "position of authority" though :lol:

Well when you're a moderator on a forum you're in a position of authority aren't you? :lol:

13-11-2017, 01:25 PM
Well NQ might have a point, Trump rather than just being a feedback loop of undirected anger and undeserved self praise might be secretly holding a mirror up to how we as people are and his crass childishness might be a way of telling people “you don’t need to instrinsically trust any kind of authority” - I didn’t anyway, but thanks you’ve done us all a great service by being a vulgar charlatan.

13-11-2017, 01:29 PM
Well NQ might have a point, Trump rather than just being a feedback loop of undirected anger and undeserved self praise might be secretly holding a mirror up to how we as people are and his crass childishness might be a way of telling people “you don’t need to instrinsically trust any kind of authority” - I didn’t anyway, but thanks you’ve done us all a great service by being a vulgar charlatan.

The idea that Trump might be doing that knowingly as some kind of "performance art" is giving him quite a lot more credit than he deserves. Quite an amusing concept though.

13-11-2017, 01:29 PM
Well when you're a moderator on a forum you're in a position of authority aren't you? :lol:

Not really. Maccy has the GW nuclear codes and won't let me near them.

13-11-2017, 01:32 PM
The idea that Trump might be doing that knowingly as some kind of "performance art" is giving him quite a lot more credit than he deserves. Quite an amusing concept though.

He plays it up because he knows the kind of polarising reaction his invective has but also its a reflex reaction. So it’s a mixture of deliberate and instinctive. Don’t ask me what’s what.

13-11-2017, 01:45 PM
Trump... is getting really, really old now.

He's also fat.

13-11-2017, 01:46 PM
The idea that Trump might be doing that knowingly as some kind of "performance art" is giving him quite a lot more credit than he deserves. Quite an amusing concept though.

He's mentally ill. Also a paedophile.

13-11-2017, 02:06 PM
He's mentally ill. Also a paedophile.

No excuse for being a nonce

13-11-2017, 02:21 PM
Now you're talking nonce-sense #TheDayToday

13-11-2017, 02:22 PM
Now you're talking nonce-sense #TheDayToday

That was Brass Eye wasn’t it?

Well given both were Chris Morris it could easily be both

13-11-2017, 02:28 PM
Ah. Yeah, what you said.
Chris Morris :bow:

13-11-2017, 02:37 PM
Inate rather than obscure its why societies thousands of years ago who wouldn’t have even known of each others existence have formed in similar ways.

From the justification means using religion and hereditary right people have sort dominion over each other, it was a kind of social Darwinism where the strong ruled over the weak, we see it in animals just as we see it in ourselves.

There has been no secret of it, until recently where open societies have forced people into more clandestine roles and the strength and extent of their influence can largely only be guessed at. Usually by people who like to believe that anything they don’t like is evidence of a deep state.

Look at free market capitalism, the people who feel left behind still believe in the system they just fill they’ve missed out on the chance to be exploiters.

It’s interesting that someone who accepts totally moral relativity. Seems to believe in this centuries old convenant of control and instilling mass delusion over otherwise decent but frightened people.

There's no such thing as free market capitalism. Never has been and probably never will be. It's a theory that has never been put into practise. Free market capitalism is the boogie man the left likes to wave as distraction from their communist excess, it's the goal the right wing claims to aspire to as they merrily endorse communist systems. Wherever you have authoritarianism, which is everywhere, it is impossible to have free anything, let alone economics.

One of the greatest tricks of communism is it's inbuilt lack of personal responsibility. Because everyone is equal then everyone is equally responsible. In other words, nobody is ever responsible. That's why communism has murdered more human beings than any other control structure barring the daddy of them all - religion. Religion, of course, dispels your notion of secrecy being a recent development. Religion is the very definition of secrecy. How many centuries did it take for the bible to become accessible to the flock? Prior to that, mystical wizards were handpicked by God himself to preserve the hidden (occult) knowledge and dispense it in whatever "translated" form was deemed most advantageous to the prospects of the church. God commanded his wizards to raise armies and slay infidels, so the infidels obeyed and everyone became responsible. Except a very few at the centre whose hands were tied, because who can deny the commands of God Himself?

Now our wizards have "grown up" and they speak of economies and 'isms and the inevitabilities of their communist system disguised as the unknowable, unmanageable hand of the people in the form of the market. The market that is constantly revealed as being manipulated from the centre and controls the lives of all in falls upon. Do you see the inherent lack of responsibility again? Globalisation is perhaps the one religion that could surpass all others in its absolute irresponsibility. See global warming for further details.

I'm afraid your requirement for everyone to be at fault, and your need for intent to be incompetence is straight from the communist book of psalms. You'd probably say you are a socialist. But again, there's no such thing. An authoritarian is an authoritarian and a thief is a thief. You can't get a little bit communist.

What's happening now is the old communist control systems are breaking down. Breaking down to... we don't know. It's chaotic in nature. And that's the fundamental choice humanity has to make now. Globalisation - global communism. Or chaos. Chaos is scary, disorganised, often violent. But it is short lived and order always settles.

Will it be the new world order as pursued by the globalists through deceit and for despicable ends? Or a new world order feared and loathed by those same globalists because they will be rooted out from the centre in the process? The criminals we have all witnessed with our own eyes stand on one side - by now we know what they represent. The unknowns that are at least in part constituted by those who seek liberty and the dignity of humanity stand on the other. It's a very simple choice to make once the fear of chaos subsides.

Chaos is coming anyway. The communists, as always, have fucked up and become so engorged even the whole world can't prop them up. So the choice really is very, very obvious. And every moment spent trying to prop up the old system is a minute of life wasted.

Enter Letters and his kind, a most useful and willing idiot. Why have one religion when you can have two?

13-11-2017, 02:50 PM
The idea that Trump might be doing that knowingly as some kind of "performance art" is giving him quite a lot more credit than he deserves. Quite an amusing concept though.

Says he who kneels to pray to the man with the beard in the sky. How much credit are you giving to your priest of the pedophile cult, I wonder? How much credibility is at stake in your own case? Or how much credit is bestowed (beyond the rattling beggar tin, because God always seems to need a few quid)?

13-11-2017, 02:56 PM
There's no such thing as free market capitalism. Never has been and probably never will be. It's a theory that has never been put into practise. Free market capitalism is the boogie man the left likes to wave as distraction from their communist excess, it's the goal the right wing claims to aspire to as they merrily endorse communist systems. Wherever you have authoritarianism, which is everywhere, it is impossible to have free anything, let alone economics.

One of the greatest tricks of communism is it's inbuilt lack of personal responsibility. Because everyone is equal then everyone is equally responsible. In other words, nobody is ever responsible. That's why communism has murdered more human beings than any other control structure barring the daddy of them all - religion. Religion, of course, dispels your notion of secrecy being a recent development. Religion is the very definition of secrecy. How many centuries did it take for the bible to become accessible to the flock? Prior to that, mystical wizards were handpicked by God himself to preserve the hidden (occult) knowledge and dispense it in whatever "translated" form was deemed most advantageous to the prospects of the church. God commanded his wizards to raise armies and slay infidels, so the infidels obeyed and everyone became responsible. Except a very few at the centre whose hands were tied, because who can deny the commands of God Himself?

Now our wizards have "grown up" and they speak of economies and 'isms and the inevitabilities of their communist system disguised as the unknowable, unmanageable hand of the people in the form of the market. The market that is constantly revealed as being manipulated from the centre and controls the lives of all in falls upon. Do you see the inherent lack of responsibility again? Globalisation is perhaps the one religion that could surpass all others in its absolute irresponsibility. See global warming for further details.

I'm afraid your requirement for everyone to be at fault, and your need for intent to be incompetence is straight from the communist book of psalms. You'd probably say you are a socialist. But again, there's no such thing. An authoritarian is an authoritarian and a thief is a thief. You can't get a little bit communist.

What's happening now is the old communist control systems are breaking down. Breaking down to... we don't know. It's chaotic in nature. And that's the fundamental choice humanity has to make now. Globalisation - global communism. Or chaos. Chaos is scary, disorganised, often violent. But it is short lived and order always settles.

Will it be the new world order as pursued by the globalists through deceit and for despicable ends? Or a new world order feared and loathed by those same globalists because they will be rooted out from the centre in the process? The criminals we have all witnessed with our own eyes stand on one side - by now we know what they represent. The unknowns that are at least in part constituted by those who seek liberty and the dignity of humanity stand on the other. It's a very simple choice to make once the fear of chaos subsides.

Chaos is coming anyway. The communists, as always, have fucked up and become so engorged even the whole world can't prop them up. So the choice really is very, very obvious. And every moment spent trying to prop up the old system is a minute of life wasted.

Enter Letters and his kind, a most useful and willing idiot. Why have one religion when you can have two?

I tried to take this seriously but I got to the point where you said “you probably say you’re a socialist” and gave up

No free market capitalism is very much a thing, the fact that it’s in actuality corporate socialism is because if you have the money to make sure the deck is forever stacked in your favour why wouldn’t you?.

You can’t have free market capitalism and anti trust capitalism. Plutocracy and oligarchical rule where it exists is the inevitable result of the free market.

Of course the idea that socialism is the cure, where the oligarchs and plutocrats instead of influencing the state become the state. I’m amused that you’ve somehow extrapolated that from anything I’ve written.

13-11-2017, 02:58 PM
Says he who kneels to pray to the man with the beard in the sky. How much credit are you giving to your priest of the pedophile cult, I wonder? How much credibility is at stake in your own case? Or how much credit is bestowed (beyond the rattling beggar tin, because God always seems to need a few quid)?

Leave off, this comes from a person who again thinks religion has been exploited rather than religion being created to exploit in the first place.

13-11-2017, 03:12 PM
I tried to take this seriously but I got to the point where you said “you probably say you’re a socialist” and gave up

No free market capitalism is very much a thing, the fact that it’s in actuality corporate socialism is because if you have the money to make sure the deck is forever stacked in your favour why wouldn’t you?.

You can’t have free market capitalism and anti trust capitalism. Plutocracy and oligarchical rule where it exists is the inevitable result of the free market.

Of course the idea that socialism is the cure, where the oligarchs and plutocrats instead of influencing the state become the state. I’m amused that you’ve somehow extrapolated that from anything I’ve written.

Well you are very into your right and left and your competing philosophies. You don't strike me as overtly communist, so surely a socialist then? I didn't mean it as an insult, although I suppose I'd be a bit aggrieved (or perplexed) if somebody applied the term to me. Anyway, let me rephrase and say you tend to believe politics is real and there really is a philosophical divide within the establishment.

And so we come back to terminology that relies on establishment definitions as opposed to actions and the consequences of those actions. Let's say that with "free market capitalism" the rich get extraordinarily rich and everyone else fights for the leftovers. And now if you compare that to the inevitable outcome of communism, it leads to the conclusion that "free market economics" (lobbying, subsidies, tax break, tax evasion, two tier law, millions of pages of code) looks like communism, walks like communism and quacks like communism. The end results are the same. Even the methodology is the same.

Genuine competition absent the manipulative state, well that would be very interesting to see. But meritocracies run contrary to the principles of communism. Plutocracy - the politburo, Oligarchy - the priests from the business temple. But the same model. A few at the centre and everyone else directed from that centre. Underpinned by taxation for those who are not as equal as the leadership class. It's always the same.

When people snap out of this then things MAY change. They might. Or people could find another equally pointless, centuries long dead end. We don't know and only somebody selling a book would try to predict. But we do know what happens if we carry on down the current path. There's no secret made about what lies at the end of that path.

13-11-2017, 03:17 PM
Leave off, this comes from a person who again thinks religion has been exploited rather than religion being created to exploit in the first place.

Not true. I believe there are people who genuinely believe this stuff (I know a few) and have no intention of exploiting anyone. But they are being exploited themselves. Of course organised religion itself was a racket from the get go. I don't think they really pretend otherwise, do they? They have always set themselves up as privileged and superior and possessing a God given right to dictate.

13-11-2017, 03:24 PM
But they are being exploited themselves.
Go on then. I'll bite. How am I being exploited?

13-11-2017, 03:33 PM

13-11-2017, 03:51 PM
Go on then. I'll bite. How am I being exploited?

I was talking about people who believe in their religion.

13-11-2017, 03:52 PM
Not true. I believe there are people who genuinely believe this stuff (I know a few) and have no intention of exploiting anyone. But they are being exploited themselves. Of course organised religion itself was a racket from the get go. I don't think they really pretend otherwise, do they? They have always set themselves up as privileged and superior and possessing a God given right to dictate.

I’m taking issue with you having claimed previously that God and Religion wasn’t man made

Now you can believe that like Letters does and whilst I disagree that’s your consistent point of view

But it’s a bit weird to think that and mock Letters believing it. We aren’t talking about the organisational structure of religion, we are talking about the religions themselves.

13-11-2017, 03:55 PM
I’m taking issue with you having claimed previously that Religion wasn’t man made

Now you can believe that like Letters has and whilst I disagree that’s your consistent point of view

There isn't even a possibility I claimed religion isn't "man-made." So this must be some sort of game, the need for which escape me.

13-11-2017, 03:57 PM
I was talking about people who believe in their religion.

And you accused me of wriggling out of things :lol:

13-11-2017, 03:59 PM
Most religion is man-made, actually.

13-11-2017, 04:01 PM
Most religion is man-made, actually.

Apart from your one? :haha:

That’s always the interesting stretch made by religious people that every other religion is an obvious man made falsehood but theirs is Gods words to your bible page.

13-11-2017, 04:03 PM
There isn't even a possibility I claimed religion isn't "man-made." So this must be some sort of game, the need for which escape me.

Don’t get in a flap it wont be the first thing you’ve ever said that contradicts something you’ve said previously. It won’t be the last.
I will find the exact statement you made on the subject later (by later I mean when I’ve finished work).

13-11-2017, 04:07 PM
Apart from your one? :haha:.
No, a lot of Christian stuff is made up too. Fasting in Lent, Advent, Catholics praying to Mary. None of it Biblical. Plenty of other examples.

And why is it a stretch to think that what I believe is true and, say, Judaism and Islam are not?
They contradict each other. They can't all be true. They could all be false of course but either one is true or none are. Logically there is no other possibility.

13-11-2017, 04:10 PM
Don’t get in a flap it wont be the first thing you’ve ever said that contradicts something you’ve said previously. It won’t be the last.
I will find the exact statement you made on the subject later (by later I mean when I’ve finished work).

No you won't. :-)

13-11-2017, 04:12 PM
And you accused me of wriggling out of things :lol:

No, I point out when you wriggle out of debates, I accuse you of nothing because there's no need.

And now you are going to tell me you believe n your religion and voted Tory, right? And, despite reading that book on cognitive dissonance, you're going to tell me both those positions can be rationally reconciled?

Am I right?

Nice talking to you.

13-11-2017, 04:18 PM
There isn't a party standing right now which can be rationally reconciled with Christian beliefs.
So it's either vote for no-one or go for what is probably the least bad option.
And in the last election I didn't vote Tory.

13-11-2017, 04:21 PM
There isn't a party standing right now which can be rationally reconciled with Christian beliefs.
So it's either vote for no-one or go for what is probably the least bad option.
And in the last election I didn't vote Tory.

So does that mean you didn't vote Tory the time before then? I see how that works.

What is God's most sacred Commandment? What is Jesus' overriding instruction to his disciples?

What do the Tories stand for?

And you even admit you had an option. That's like a German at Nuremberg saying, "It was either follow their orders or, go home for lunch and not bother with all that war crimes stuff."

And then you voted - AGAIN! And you admit it.

13-11-2017, 04:31 PM
So does that mean you didn't vote Tory the time before then? I see how that works.
I don't have any particular political affiliation but I the times I voted for someone representing the Tory party it was someone who I knew was a Christian and thought was the least bad option.
Voting for anyone is a compromise.

13-11-2017, 04:46 PM
I don't have any particular political affiliation but I the times I voted for someone representing the Tory party it was someone who I knew was a Christian and thought was the least bad option.
Voting for anyone is a compromise.

You voted for a "Christian" who was an ACTUAL Tory?

To accept anything bar the cover story manufactured by evil would make you one of the very people Jesus stood up against to give hope to the victims. At the very least, the one who passed by on the other side.

I'm not saying you aren't a Christian. Maybe you are. But if so, you can't possibly, under any circumstances, be a Tory. Not if you take the stated aims of both these movements at face value. Which you seem to. And if you aren't a Tory then I wonder why you endorse them? And that leads on to me wondering whether self interest guided your vote despite the teachings of your Lord, which were all about self sacrifice. Which makes me thin you might really be a Tory and not a Christian at all. Because what's the Tory philosophy? Me, myself and I, First!

It's all very confusing.

And why do I care? Because people like you stand in the way of genuine people. And you're not even embarrassed. There isn't a hint of an apology. Just your fucked up selfishness and your blind subservience. You and your kind are a greater hurdle than government itself.

13-11-2017, 04:52 PM
You can be a real Tory or you can be a real Christian. You can't be both.

Ideally you'd be neither.

13-11-2017, 05:24 PM
What a state this state is in. We now give warnings warning of chaos due to weather. Everyone PANIC! Apparently, giant spiders as venomous as Donald Trump will be swarming into our homes and doing stuff - possibly not killing us, but nobody has said that couldn't happen.

13-11-2017, 05:38 PM
Because people like you stand in the way of genuine people.
What is that supposed to mean?

And I'm not "a Tory". Politically I'm not anything. There is no party, certainly not a major one, that represents Christian teachings so any vote is a compromise.
I voted for someone who I know is a practising Christian thinking that he might be the least bad option. I was endorsing him as a person, not necessarily the party he was representing.
Looking at his voting record, maybe I was wrong to.


13-11-2017, 05:39 PM
Apparently, giant spiders as venomous as Donald Trump will be swarming into our homes and doing stuff
Probably Tweeting about a North Korean spider?

13-11-2017, 06:11 PM
NQ with great respect I don’t think you can spend as much time on here as you do talking about how we should strive for a world that’s far less clearly defined than the grainy imaged 70s porn my dad kept on old VHS tapes and then blame other people for being barriers for “decent people”.

How do you define decency?. Maybe it’s somewhere buried in your intangible essays where for the most part I’d have to hope for days on the planet Earth to last twice as long as they do currently and live twice the normal human life span to give you a response to more than those I already do without just replying TL:DR.

13-11-2017, 07:50 PM
NQ with great respect I don’t think you can spend as much time on here as you do talking about how we should strive for a world that’s far less clearly defined than the grainy imaged 70s porn my dad kept on old VHS tapes and then blame other people for being barriers for “decent people”.

How do you define decency?. Maybe it’s somewhere buried in your intangible essays where for the most part I’d have to hope for days on the planet Earth to last twice as long as they do currently and live twice the normal human life span to give you a response to more than those I already do without just replying TL:DR.

That doesn't appear to have anything to do with what was being discussed.

13-11-2017, 07:55 PM
What is that supposed to mean?

And I'm not "a Tory". Politically I'm not anything. There is no party, certainly not a major one, that represents Christian teachings so any vote is a compromise.
I voted for someone who I know is a practising Christian thinking that he might be the least bad option. I was endorsing him as a person, not necessarily the party he was representing.
Looking at his voting record, maybe I was wrong to.


You didn't even examine the voting record of the "Christian Tory" you endorsed?

You didn't pick the least bad option. Refusing to endorse any of the bastards was the least bad option. But you discount that out of hand because you feel like you don't have a right to speak if you don't engage in THEIR process. Which is why I say you have too much respect for those you consider to be your betters.

13-11-2017, 09:15 PM
No you won't. :-)

I apologise what you actually said was something about Christianity being this kind of experiential thing which the creation of the church tried to bottle up and sell.
And that the church was in its structure against the teachings of Jesus.

So what in fact I should have said is that it seems daft for you to criticise someone for attaching themselves to something man made, if you believe any part of it’s not man made. Where in fact you argue that the organisation of the church stuck a TM sticker on the originally otherworldly concept of God and Jesus.

Again that’s only what I gleamed, you sounded like a hippy so either you’d been drinking too much or you were feverish from alcohol withdrawal (I don’t believe you’d be that cruel to yourself though)

13-11-2017, 10:21 PM
I apologise what you actually said was something about Christianity being this kind of experiential thing which the creation of the church tried to bottle up and sell.
And that the church was in its structure against the teachings of Jesus.

So what in fact I should have said is that it seems daft for you to criticise someone for attaching themselves to something man made, if you believe any part of it’s not man made. Where in fact you argue that the organisation of the church stuck a TM sticker on the originally otherworldly concept of God and Jesus.

Again that’s only what I gleamed, you sounded like a hippy so either you’d been drinking too much or you were feverish from alcohol withdrawal (I don’t believe you’d be that cruel to yourself though)

I suspect I was going on about God, rather than religion.

13-11-2017, 10:37 PM
I suspect I was going on about God, rather than religion.

All the same racket really

But you mentioned Jesus a lot, so you were specifically alluding to the Judeo-Christian racket I mean God

14-11-2017, 01:40 PM

Australians :bow:

14-11-2017, 02:06 PM

Australians :bow:

Can we have a poll on here to change your name to Noncy McCuntface? :haha:

14-11-2017, 02:18 PM
No <_<

14-11-2017, 02:20 PM
No <_<


14-11-2017, 02:23 PM
Will of the people

14-11-2017, 02:35 PM
Democracy doesn't work, any idiot should know that after the last year or so.

Benevolent Dictatorships :bow:

14-11-2017, 02:44 PM
Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

14-11-2017, 02:49 PM
Democracy doesn't work, any idiot should know that after the last year or so.

Benevolent Dictatorships :bow:

This kind of message will summon NQ quicker than saying “Beetlejuice” three times

Benevolent Dictatorships are up there with Father Christmas and Jesus

Non existent

14-11-2017, 03:00 PM
This kind of message will summon NQ quicker than saying “Beetlejuice” three times

Benevolent Dictatorships are up there with Father Christmas and Jesus

Non existent

I'm working on the Wenger campaign today. Never let the streams cross.

15-11-2017, 09:39 AM
Military Coup in Zimbabwe

Appears Mugabe is in protective custody

I don’t believe in God, but I’ll be prepared to reassess if a guard with an itchy trigger finger “accidentally” splatters him and his wife’s brains all over the wall :pray:

15-11-2017, 11:16 AM
Military Coup in Zimbabwe

Appears Mugabe is in protective custody

I don’t believe in God, but I’ll be prepared to reassess if a guard with an itchy trigger finger “accidentally” splatters him and his wife’s brains all over the wall :pray:

He's like 90. He'll be dead soon anyway.

But enough about Wenger.

15-11-2017, 11:35 AM
He's like 90. He'll be dead soon anyway.

But enough about Wenger.

Not soon enough

15-11-2017, 04:35 PM
I give it 50/50 whether he’s exiled with his ill gotten gains or ends up like Nicky Santoro in Casino by the end of the week

15-11-2017, 04:49 PM
The Queen had to fight off a MUSLIM IMMIGRANT with a SWORD!


15-11-2017, 05:58 PM

He’s been eaten

16-11-2017, 09:41 AM

He’s been eaten

Apparently not. :popcorn:


16-11-2017, 10:54 AM
Rolf :bow:


16-11-2017, 11:02 AM
1 of 12.

Still a nonce.

16-11-2017, 02:10 PM
Guys, i just bought a new painting. Features Wenger in drag holding a ball and pointing at the feeble muppets trying to oust him from his job. Cost me a pretty penny. Guess how much?

16-11-2017, 02:27 PM
Did it cost you about 2 Neymars?

16-11-2017, 02:37 PM
Did it cost you about 2 Neymars?

How did you guess?

Im considering putting a hex on it so the figure withers away and fades to nothing before the end of next season.

16-11-2017, 02:38 PM
Maybe Wenger has got a picture of himself in his office which keeps getting older and older while he stays the same...


16-11-2017, 05:48 PM
Rolf :bow:


8.18% less of a nonce that we thought

16-11-2017, 08:09 PM
He's your pal ain't he? That explains it.

16-11-2017, 10:22 PM

Wenger :bow:
Letters :bow:

17-11-2017, 06:55 AM
Riddle me this
If a lady in your office (well endowed) has been coughing lately. Is it ok to ask her the next day "How is your chest this morning"?. Or is that sexual harassment?

17-11-2017, 07:06 AM
So long as she and the other office totty then chase after you while the Benny Hill theme plays in the background then I think it's just good clean fun.

17-11-2017, 07:57 AM
Benny Hill. I'm sure that programme would never get made if it was this century. Do they even show reruns?. If they do it will probably come with 10minutes of disclaimers and advice for sensitive viewers.

However, I vaguely remember the Black and White minstrels show growing up as a kid. Reruns of that show would also probably not be cool.

17-11-2017, 08:25 AM
Riddle me this
If a lady in your office (well endowed) has been coughing lately. Is it ok to ask her the next day "How is your chest this morning"?. Or is that sexual harassment?

If she’s likely to be offended by that remark. Never talk to her, she’s obviously a twat

17-11-2017, 09:11 AM
Benny Hill. I'm sure that programme would never get made if it was this century. Do they even show reruns?. If they do it will probably come with 10minutes of disclaimers and advice for sensitive viewers.

However, I vaguely remember the Black and White minstrels show growing up as a kid. Reruns of that show would also probably not be cool.

Quite right too. I can recall Benny Hill. Every time it was on everyone died. Terrible.

A new version of the black and white minstrels would be amazing. It was so ahead of its time. White dudes pretending to be black.


Top, top, qualiteeeee.

17-11-2017, 09:13 AM
If she’s likely to be offended by that remark. Never talk to her, she’s obviously a twat

Fuck her.

17-11-2017, 10:37 AM
Makes sense, given he's a nonce...


17-11-2017, 10:42 AM
Fuck her.

Literally or figuratively?

18-11-2017, 07:16 AM
Now im really worried

Instead of these fuckwits concentrating on making cars that will do 200mpg or finding a cure for terrible diseases or how to feed 15b people. they try and make robots that move like the agents from Matrix:doh:
Humanity on a slow mission to self annihilation.

18-11-2017, 08:06 AM
we had a good run.

Xhaka Can’t
18-11-2017, 08:19 AM
No we haven’t

18-11-2017, 11:03 AM
We had a relatively pleasant walk

20-11-2017, 09:30 AM
Charles Manson has finally croaked

In celebration of his life, I’m going to play Helter Skelter several times and then try and start a race war

20-11-2017, 09:52 AM
Mondays :doh:

20-11-2017, 09:52 AM

"The Event" is Brexit.

20-11-2017, 11:40 AM
Mugabe not quitting

Wenger not quitting

Letters not quitting

Tyrannical leaders :bow:

20-11-2017, 11:48 AM
Mugabe not quitting

Wenger not quitting

Letters not quitting

Tyrannical leaders :bow:


20-11-2017, 01:49 PM
Presented without comment.


20-11-2017, 03:50 PM
I guess there's not much to do in Hunstanton

20-11-2017, 04:14 PM
Apart from the Spice Museum

20-11-2017, 10:10 PM
Rebekah vardy "people don't see me for being Jamie vardys wife anymore, they recognise me for my charity work"

:doh: :haha:

Xhaka Can’t
20-11-2017, 10:40 PM
But she doesn’t like to talk about it.

21-11-2017, 10:55 AM
That's not true.
I wouldn't recognise her at all.

21-11-2017, 10:00 PM
Rebekah vardy "I stand on my own 2 feet. I pay for everything myself" :rolleyes:

21-11-2017, 10:38 PM
Rebekah vardy "I stand on my own 2 feet. I pay for everything myself" :rolleyes:

Chat shit get banged

22-11-2017, 10:10 AM
My HP printer isn't working. Anyone know how I can reach their tech support?

22-11-2017, 10:38 AM
My HP printer isn't working. Anyone know how I can reach their tech support?

That kind of information doesn't just show up out of the blue, I'm afraid.

22-11-2017, 10:44 AM
My HP printer isn't working. Anyone know how I can reach their tech support?

I don't know, but some helpful chap called David called me the other day to tell me my laptop wasn't working.
Wasn't cheap but he sorted it out for me.

22-11-2017, 11:26 AM
I don't know, but some helpful chap called David called me the other day to tell me my laptop wasn't working.
Wasn't cheap but he sorted it out for me.

My name's not really David, you know?

Marc Overmars
22-11-2017, 11:56 AM
Christmas tree up in the office. :bow:

22-11-2017, 11:58 AM
That kind of information doesn't just show up out of the blue, I'm afraid.


22-11-2017, 03:52 PM
Dozy bint in my office just got back from a holiday in Cuba. Doesn't know the difference between waterskiing and water boarding...

Marc Overmars
22-11-2017, 04:05 PM
Women. :lol:

22-11-2017, 04:07 PM
Dozy bint in my office just got back from a holiday in Cuba. Doesn't know the difference between waterskiing and water boarding...

You could have been a gentleman and demonstrated the difference

Marc Overmars
22-11-2017, 04:19 PM
I saw a clip earlier of a woman on TV today suggesting that girls in school should no longer be referred to as "girls". Apparently, "students" "pupil" "people" is more appropriate.

22-11-2017, 04:32 PM
I saw a clip earlier of a woman on TV today suggesting that girls in school should no longer be referred to as "girls". Apparently, "students" "pupil" "people" is more appropriate.

And you say that fully in the knowledge that kind of shit pisses us all off

22-11-2017, 04:41 PM
You could have been a gentleman and demonstrated the difference

I laughed out loud and remarked that a lot of waterboarding happens in certain parts of Cuba.

She didn't get it.

22-11-2017, 04:48 PM
I saw a clip earlier of a woman on TV today suggesting that girls in school should no longer be referred to as "girls". Apparently, "students" "pupil" "people" is more appropriate.

Stepping stones on the way to legalising pedophilia. Nobody can believe the shit that's going on now and what's coming around the corner is way beyond unbelievable. Lets our right honourable friends off the hook though, so that's nice.

22-11-2017, 05:37 PM
I saw a clip earlier of a woman on TV today suggesting that girls in school should no longer be referred to as "girls". Apparently, "students" "pupil" "people" is more appropriate.

I've got 63 kids. One of each..

22-11-2017, 07:30 PM
We could refer to them as dwarfs

It works for Letters :shrug:

22-11-2017, 07:52 PM
I saw a clip earlier of a woman on TV today suggesting that girls in school should no longer be referred to as "girls". Apparently, "students" "pupil" "people" is more appropriate.

Sad truth is a lot of women hate the fact that they were born female. Female: another word that will soon be outlawed from polite conversation

22-11-2017, 08:48 PM
Sad truth is a lot of women hate the fact that they were born female. Female: another word that will soon be outlawed from polite conversation

Actually in fairness to women, this shit pisses them off as much as it does men

It’s a small politically correct subculture and their useful idiots that propogate this nonsense

Because everything has to been seen through the rubric of oppressor and victim. There’s literally nothing else.

Xhaka Can’t
22-11-2017, 08:59 PM
My wife was reading an article about not calling girls, girls and was very very unPC.

22-11-2017, 09:15 PM
Feminazi`s. Dont know how we found ourselves in this position. Asking a girl out now must be fraught with liability issues. Robots to the rescue...i hear they are getting very human realistic now. Can do all kinds of stuff. Women may soon campaign themselves out of existence.

22-11-2017, 09:45 PM
Feminazi`s. Dont know how we found ourselves in this position. Asking a girl out now must be fraught with liability issues. Robots to the rescue...i hear they are getting very human realistic now. Can do all kinds of stuff. Women may soon campaign themselves out of existence.

We haven't. It's theatre. About 0.01% of women are these vile cunts who pitch up on the left wing media to spout off as if real women give a shit about anything they have to say. In fact you get more fairy men paying attention. Same with the gays and the trannies. Tiny minority who have been given a huge voice. Ignore the cunts and do and say whatever you please. One thing it takes a lot of time in life to realise is that most people don't give a flying fuck about what other people think or say.

22-11-2017, 11:05 PM
Rebekah Vardy is a moody cow isn't she.

22-11-2017, 11:18 PM
What's the deal with Vardy's missus? Three days now going on about her? Has John Terry done her or something?

22-11-2017, 11:49 PM
She's on I'm a celeb. Silly bint won't crack a smile.

23-11-2017, 12:57 AM
She's on I'm a celeb. Silly bint won't crack a smile.


23-11-2017, 05:48 AM
You fags are all asleep, aren't you?

Its probably a good thing. The peace hours.

23-11-2017, 09:13 AM
You fags are all asleep, aren't you?

Its probably a good thing. The peace hours.

Yeah sorry we neither work from home or suffer from alcohol induced insomnia

23-11-2017, 10:56 AM
People that stand in the kitchen and have a chat or meeting :doh:

Get the f*ck out the way, some of us want to use the facility :doh:

23-11-2017, 11:05 AM
Top tip. Try saying "Excuse me".

23-11-2017, 11:20 AM
People that stand in the kitchen and have a chat or meeting :doh:

Get the f*ck out the way, some of us want to use the facility :doh:

What do you know....I agree with you.

Plus I share kitchen facilities with police officers, you couldn’t find more dishonest, light fingered cunts if you try. Can’t even leave a tea spoon by the sink for more than thirty seconds without it being lifted.

23-11-2017, 11:22 AM
Top tip. Try saying "Excuse me".

It don’t work, they pretend they don’t hear you. What I find infuriating is they are standing around doing this shit when there is plenty of seating space in the adjoining rest area...vermin.

23-11-2017, 11:38 AM
Just to help our blood pressure today


"You can’t presume that because somebody presents as a gender that that’s what they are.”



23-11-2017, 11:44 AM
Nuclear holocaust :pray:

23-11-2017, 11:45 AM
Oh hello Claire, I see you are wearing a dress and have tits and, presumably, a vagina.
Hmm...better not assume that's a female.


Literally no idea how we ended up here.

23-11-2017, 11:47 AM
1st world problems, tbh.

Do you think people in Syria give a shit about whether you identify as a boy, girl or fucking attack helicopter?

People just need something, anything, to complain about.

Marc Overmars
23-11-2017, 11:47 AM
It don’t work, they pretend they don’t hear you. What I find infuriating is they are standing around doing this shit when there is plenty of seating space in the adjoining rest area...vermin.

It helps when you're a manager and people get the fuck out of the way for you.

Marc Overmars
23-11-2017, 11:57 AM
1st world problems, tbh.

Do you think people in Syria give a shit about whether you identify as a boy, girl or fucking attack helicopter?

People just need something, anything, to complain about.

Ironically, the people who are going to be most damaged by this are the gays, trans, non-genders etc. I don't really have a problem with whatever one decides to do with their life but when you start trying to redefine society you're only going to cause anger and resentment towards these types, most of whom probably don't have much of an issue to begin with but a select few have taken it upon themselves to cause this nonsense.

23-11-2017, 12:25 PM
Just to help our blood pressure today


"You can’t presume that because somebody presents as a gender that that’s what they are.”



If you really want to be upset you only need read up on Canada’s C16 bill

That and a college professor called Jordan Peterson who has been labelled as some far right bigot because of his opposition to said bill.

It pisses me off, I don’t agree with the guy on everything but he’s genuinely interesting and engaging. He has unbelievably calm temperament to ignore these fucking idiot kids trying to shout him down.

23-11-2017, 12:32 PM
Ironically, the people who are going to be most damaged by this are the gays, trans, non-genders etc. I don't really have a problem with whatever one decides to do with their life but when you start trying to redefine society you're only going to cause anger and resentment towards these types, most of whom probably don't have much of an issue to begin with but a select few have taken it upon themselves to cause this nonsense.

Whatever you think of transsexual people, this stuff is nothing more than a politically correct racquet trying to muscle in on Trans right
People with actual gender dysphoria who they claim to be supportive of, confound their shit about gender being a social construct. Because these are people who want to physically transistion into the genders they identify with a man wants to become a woman and vice versa
Now apparently when this presents itself in kids you are a horrible bigot if you don’t indulge it to the fullest, DESPITE evidence suggesting that in the vast majority of cases are childhood phases and when they reach adulthood they of their volition dress and act in a way in accordance to their gender.
Boys might play with dollies, Girls might play with toy cars. They are still boys and girls FFS.

23-11-2017, 01:13 PM
This whole trans-agenda drive and gender morphing that is being pushed in society is ridiculous. So we are changing the dynamics and metrics for everyone in society to account for a minute population? Nonsense.

Interestingly I read an article that said the liberal media and big corporations are backing and forcing issues such as LGBT as it stands to benefit them.

Who are big spenders in terms of fashion? LGBT.
Clothing? LGBT.
Make up? LGBT.

So it only serves to benefit them.

Was a bit of a wild argument but I kinda get what they're trying to say:unsure:

23-11-2017, 01:25 PM
I wish people would stop using the word liberal because it’s certainly not in anyway liberal to sign up to this regressive bollocks.
Adults can do what they like at the end of the day, indulge in any kind of perversion with other consenting adults that they please, it doesn’t require my permission and it certainly doesn’t need my compelled support.

It’s incredibly insidious and tyrannical. It’s not there for anyone’s benefit. I don’t have to acknowledge your individual feelings, I sure as fuck don’t need you to validate mine.

23-11-2017, 03:49 PM
I wish people would stop using the word liberal because it’s certainly not in anyway liberal to sign up to this regressive bollocks.
Adults can do what they like at the end of the day, indulge in any kind of perversion with other consenting adults that they please, it doesn’t require my permission and it certainly doesn’t need my compelled support.

It’s incredibly insidious and tyrannical. It’s not there for anyone’s benefit. I don’t have to acknowledge your individual feelings, I sure as fuck don’t need you to validate mine.

Tyrannical? On GW? You'd never have guessed:rolleyes:

23-11-2017, 04:19 PM
Tyrannical? On GW? You'd never have guessed:rolleyes:

Don’t be a little girl all your life :haha:

And more importantly stop pestering the little girls that live next door. They don’t want to see your maggot

23-11-2017, 04:25 PM
Don’t be a little girl all your life
Hey! Don't you oppress him. If he...sorry, she...sorry, they identify as a little girl then that is his/her/their business :sulk:

23-11-2017, 06:03 PM
This whole trans-agenda drive and gender morphing that is being pushed in society is ridiculous. So we are changing the dynamics and metrics for everyone in society to account for a minute population? Nonsense.

Interestingly I read an article that said the liberal media and big corporations are backing and forcing issues such as LGBT as it stands to benefit them.

Who are big spenders in terms of fashion? LGBT.
Clothing? LGBT.
Make up? LGBT.

So it only serves to benefit them.

Was a bit of a wild argument but I kinda get what they're trying to say:unsure:

The end goal is to make pedophilia acceptable and legal.

23-11-2017, 09:53 PM
Someone at work was moaning because he's paying for Sky and there's hardly any football on now and BT sport have the ashes too.

Cricket :lol:
Awful sport.

Marc Overmars
23-11-2017, 10:01 PM
I ditched BT and Sky in the summer. Honestly, it’s been so cathartic.

24-11-2017, 09:12 AM
More "didn't have a leg to stand on" jokes ahoy...


24-11-2017, 12:03 PM
Black Friday:blah:

Racism :sulk:

24-11-2017, 12:07 PM
GroupOn are doing hoverboards for £200. Quite tempted.
MrsL would punch me in the face though.

24-11-2017, 12:19 PM
GroupOn are doing hoverboards for £200. Quite tempted.
MrsL would punch me in the face though.

You know they don't really hover?

24-11-2017, 12:21 PM
He's trying anything to give himself some more height. Bless him.

24-11-2017, 12:26 PM
You know they don't really hover?


I do know that. They have one in the Warsaw office. I had a go one evening when everyone had left.
Fell on my arse <_<
Kinda got the hang of it though, was quite good fun.
Not sure what I'd use it for though, I don't exactly live in Buckingham Palace and I'd look like a dick (stop it) riding along the road on one.

24-11-2017, 12:32 PM
He's trying anything to give himself some more height. Bless him.