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15-12-2017, 02:12 PM




a) Saturday, so we don't get a day off
b) Cup Final Day.

Gawd smite 'em...

15-12-2017, 07:18 PM




a) Saturday, so we don't get a day off
b) Cup Final Day.

Gawd smite 'em...

Choosing cup final day tells you everything you need to know about what the royals think of the common man.

15-12-2017, 07:19 PM
Choosing cup final day tells you everything you need to know about what the royals think of the common man.

Or don't think. Doubt they ever give us a passing thought, except when they need another handout.

Marc Overmars
15-12-2017, 07:20 PM
Shows how prestigious the FA Cup is these days... :ninja:

McNamara That Ghost...
15-12-2017, 07:31 PM
Are we doing Christmas names this year?

Can I get mine changed to Dumbledore? Thanks.


15-12-2017, 11:45 PM
I’m genuinely curious where you’re coming from that’s all

And honestly stating that for the most part I’m not seeing what you’re seeing

Are there agenda pushing individuals out there? Jesus yes there are. I love debating such people because they get so het up and the more calm and more on point you stay the more you antagonise them. And I’m not saying you’re from the right but far more the left can’t stand to have their beliefs scrutunised. Like I said to some fairy last night, it’s not your human right to demand I think of you as a woman when you’re not and I don’t.
You’re not even trans if you refuse to ever undergo having your cock and balls lopped off so basically all you are is a garden variety freak.
There is definitely a madness out there, the trans community is an insane asylum and feminists? It’s hard to put it down to anything other than hormonal rage.

Queers genuinely don’t bother me, the only thing that does bother me. Is when some do think they can turn straight men, and can be quite aggressive about it. The mincing fruit who couldn’t hurt a fly is a genuine myth in many cases, even the more effeminate ones have wanton lust. But if they can control themselves and behave normally which most of them do not a problem.

I hate all this nonsense about not saying stuff to offend “minorities”. But generally don’t think about it when watching tv. I used to go out drinking with this Scottish poof who was in this group of people I knew through work. Would tell you things you didn’t want to know, but wasn’t one of these wankers who would get offended by certain words. He would use them often enough himself.

We're not so far away in our beliefs on this particular subject, even if it may not seem that way. It's difficult to express things on a forum, I always prefer to speak in person when more complex or nuanced arguments need to be made. I'm not bothered by queers either. But I'm seriously wary of the arseholes who push gay issues, trans issues, poverty issues, any issues, because I know these loud mouths don't give a fuck about the people they are using and instead have a very nasty agenda that is specifically designed to manipulate. There's a bigger picture, beyond each individual issue, and it's all linked. Well we know that's true because you can see the way our society has degraded. Enlightened indeed. It seems we need to accept greater inhumanity as each of these "humanitarian" advances is forced upon us. Liberty for queers - hooray! Dead OAPs, frozen to death? Price we have to pay. Acceptance for a tiny minority that can't decide if they are male or female, despite the dangly bits? Yeah, no banksters went to jail. Unsurprisingly it is the SAME criminals who fund this meaningless social justice nonsense. It's a distraction.

But anyway, it's a 400 hour conversation.

That thing you said, "It's kids NQ"

But before that (or was it after?) you said I'm hung up on this pedophile thing. Or was that somebody offline? I lose track. There's just so much information and discussion now, compared to before. And we should recognise and appreciate that. But yes, kids. Personally I'd be happy to torture and kill every last one of the fucking abominations who do that to kids. I'd have no trouble with it. I thought about it and I'm absolutely sure I'd have no trouble with it. Don't care who it is. If they have done that then nothing can ever be said, nothing can ever be done, there is no mitigation, no extenuating circumstance, nothing that can forgive it. BUT. Because it's that serious, the accusation has to be proved - 100%. Has to be. Can you imagine if it happened to you? To be accused? What would you do? In a world where the mere accusation carries so much weight. And the condemnation and assumption is INSTANT. That's not an accident, it has been designed. By truly despicable individuals who think this is just another political tool. These people are as bad as the pedos.

If Moore did it he should be killed. Simple as.

He didn't do it. You're tied up with the coppers, aren't you? You know the importance of behaviour and patterns. The accusations themselves are tragically flawed. Any half decent investigator would see right through them. There's no pattern, no consistency. I could be wrong. I doubt it. It needs to go to court. A real court, with the real aim of finding out if yet another pedo (how many are there now) needs to be identified and removed from society. It won't happen now though, because the objective has been achieved.

16-12-2017, 12:45 AM

Can you leave mine as Niall_Quinn? With the underscore? No rush.

16-12-2017, 12:49 AM
Where are you all? It's a Friday night FFS! Why wouldn't you be on an Internet forum? Do you have no life?

16-12-2017, 12:59 AM
We're not so far away in our beliefs on this particular subject, even if it may not seem that way. It's difficult to express things on a forum, I always prefer to speak in person when more complex or nuanced arguments need to be made. I'm not bothered by queers either. But I'm seriously wary of the arseholes who push gay issues, trans issues, poverty issues, any issues, because I know these loud mouths don't give a fuck about the people they are using and instead have a very nasty agenda that is specifically designed to manipulate. There's a bigger picture, beyond each individual issue, and it's all linked. Well we know that's true because you can see the way our society has degraded. Enlightened indeed. It seems we need to accept greater inhumanity as each of these "humanitarian" advances is forced upon us. Liberty for queers - hooray! Dead OAPs, frozen to death? Price we have to pay. Acceptance for a tiny minority that can't decide if they are male or female, despite the dangly bits? Yeah, no banksters went to jail. Unsurprisingly it is the SAME criminals who fund this meaningless social justice nonsense. It's a distraction.

But anyway, it's a 400 hour conversation.

That thing you said, "It's kids NQ"

But before that (or was it after?) you said I'm hung up on this pedophile thing. Or was that somebody offline? I lose track. There's just so much information and discussion now, compared to before. And we should recognise and appreciate that. But yes, kids. Personally I'd be happy to torture and kill every last one of the fucking abominations who do that to kids. I'd have no trouble with it. I thought about it and I'm absolutely sure I'd have no trouble with it. Don't care who it is. If they have done that then nothing can ever be said, nothing can ever be done, there is no mitigation, no extenuating circumstance, nothing that can forgive it. BUT. Because it's that serious, the accusation has to be proved - 100%. Has to be. Can you imagine if it happened to you? To be accused? What would you do? In a world where the mere accusation carries so much weight. And the condemnation and assumption is INSTANT. That's not an accident, it has been designed. By truly despicable individuals who think this is just another political tool. These people are as bad as the pedos.

If Moore did it he should be killed. Simple as.

He didn't do it. You're tied up with the coppers, aren't you? You know the importance of behaviour and patterns. The accusations themselves are tragically flawed. Any half decent investigator would see right through them. There's no pattern, no consistency. I could be wrong. I doubt it. It needs to go to court. A real court, with the real aim of finding out if yet another pedo (how many are there now) needs to be identified and removed from society. It won't happen now though, because the objective has been achieved.

NQ after a few whiskies:bow:

16-12-2017, 01:27 AM
NQ after a few whiskies:bow:

LOL. Friday night and you are posting to GW. :haha:

16-12-2017, 08:49 AM
We're not so far away in our beliefs on this particular subject, even if it may not seem that way. It's difficult to express things on a forum, I always prefer to speak in person when more complex or nuanced arguments need to be made. I'm not bothered by queers either. But I'm seriously wary of the arseholes who push gay issues, trans issues, poverty issues, any issues, because I know these loud mouths don't give a fuck about the people they are using and instead have a very nasty agenda that is specifically designed to manipulate. There's a bigger picture, beyond each individual issue, and it's all linked. Well we know that's true because you can see the way our society has degraded. Enlightened indeed. It seems we need to accept greater inhumanity as each of these "humanitarian" advances is forced upon us. Liberty for queers - hooray! Dead OAPs, frozen to death? Price we have to pay. Acceptance for a tiny minority that can't decide if they are male or female, despite the dangly bits? Yeah, no banksters went to jail. Unsurprisingly it is the SAME criminals who fund this meaningless social justice nonsense. It's a distraction.

But anyway, it's a 400 hour conversation.

That thing you said, "It's kids NQ"

But before that (or was it after?) you said I'm hung up on this pedophile thing. Or was that somebody offline? I lose track. There's just so much information and discussion now, compared to before. And we should recognise and appreciate that. But yes, kids. Personally I'd be happy to torture and kill every last one of the fucking abominations who do that to kids. I'd have no trouble with it. I thought about it and I'm absolutely sure I'd have no trouble with it. Don't care who it is. If they have done that then nothing can ever be said, nothing can ever be done, there is no mitigation, no extenuating circumstance, nothing that can forgive it. BUT. Because it's that serious, the accusation has to be proved - 100%. Has to be. Can you imagine if it happened to you? To be accused? What would you do? In a world where the mere accusation carries so much weight. And the condemnation and assumption is INSTANT. That's not an accident, it has been designed. By truly despicable individuals who think this is just another political tool. These people are as bad as the pedos.

If Moore did it he should be killed. Simple as.

He didn't do it. You're tied up with the coppers, aren't you? You know the importance of behaviour and patterns. The accusations themselves are tragically flawed. Any half decent investigator would see right through them. There's no pattern, no consistency. I could be wrong. I doubt it. It needs to go to court. A real court, with the real aim of finding out if yet another pedo (how many are there now) needs to be identified and removed from society. It won't happen now though, because the objective has been achieved.

Yes I spent years reading intelligence about child abuse accusations. And some of them were spurious, you’d have women accusing men of abusing their own kids for the purpose of favourable custody terms in family court rows. But what usually gave me the indication in any sex offence case that this might be a genuine accusation was volume, your rapist or your paedophile on the whole tends to have more than one victim because it becomes pathological behaviour. If we are talking about rape trials in the UK, the CPS won’t even countenance taking it to trial unless they think there is a reasonable chance of conviction and in cases where it forms a pattern of behaviour than yeah a conviction becomes ever more likely.
Too many feminist activists want people who come forward to be automatically believed which for me goes against Habeus Corpus, but I don’t think the absence of automatically disbelieving them means they should be treated as liars any such accusation needs to be properly investigated and in the event of someone running for office that investigation should include looking into whether the accusations are politically motivated.
In the Roy Moore case, we know that there was one politically motivated allegation that came to light after all the others and was very easily found to have been crowd funded.
But for all the bollocks of the irresponsible #metoo nonsense that has become incredibly unhelpful to its own cause. What comes across whether someone is liberal or conservative is that having a position of authority allows people to think they can get away with all kinds of things. When you look at the accusations the mitigation I might offer Moore is that he might not have been aware that these women were underage and that seems to be tacitly implied by his defenders in the church and his political allies. Which ok just makes him a garden variety sexual predator.

16-12-2017, 03:34 PM
Long story how I found this but...

I have PM'd Ck and asked for my account to be deleted. When I have done this previously, I was told that they didn't do that. However this time I have quoted the Data Protection act 1998 and have copied in my solicitor. GW have no right to hold personal data once someone has asked them to remove it.

That said, I have contact details for the posters I care about, apart from Zimmy :( , so I shall flouce out of the board feeling a lot happier for offloading a load of shite.
Best wishes to you all :)



Mental illness :bow:

16-12-2017, 03:49 PM
Long story how I found this but...



Mental illness :bow:


16-12-2017, 09:37 PM
GW in the glory days :bow:

Before a certain tyrannical leader went on a spree :ninja:

17-12-2017, 05:53 PM
Long story how I found this but...



Mental illness :bow:



17-12-2017, 07:21 PM

Nude pics or GTFO!

17-12-2017, 07:40 PM

Perry :bow:

17-12-2017, 07:43 PM
Perry :bow:

LDG :bow:

17-12-2017, 07:50 PM
It's nearly Christmas dudes :dance:

Time to put The Santa Clause and Home Alone 2 on :woohoo:

17-12-2017, 07:59 PM
'sup bitches?

17-12-2017, 08:03 PM
It's nearly Christmas dudes :dance:

Time to put The Santa Clause and Home Alone 2 on :woohoo:

And Die Hard FFS!

17-12-2017, 08:04 PM
'sup bitches?

Dunno? Haven't really been on here in months.

From what I've read, it's quite shit.

17-12-2017, 08:05 PM
And Die Hard FFS!

Already did that.

Now I have a machine gun. Ho Ho Ho.

17-12-2017, 08:06 PM
Already did that.

Now I have a machine gun. Ho Ho Ho.

Off do do that now.

The film I mean. I'll do the machine gun thing nearer the time.

17-12-2017, 08:10 PM
Off do do that now.

The film I mean. I'll do the machine gun thing nearer the time.

Scheiß dem fenster!

17-12-2017, 08:17 PM
Dunno? Haven't really been on here in months.

From what I've read, it's quite shit.

Kids :rolleyes:

17-12-2017, 08:21 PM
Kids :rolleyes:


How goes it? Killed anyone recently?

17-12-2017, 08:38 PM
Kids :rolleyes:


How goes it? Killed anyone recently?

All is calm, all is bright! No, but I’ve muttered some harsh truths at people under my breath.

17-12-2017, 08:59 PM
England women's cricket team win team of the year :lol:

Women's sport:lol:

17-12-2017, 09:07 PM
Mo Farah wins BBC SPOTY:bow:

17-12-2017, 09:21 PM
Dunno? Haven't really been on here in months.

From what I've read, it's quite shit.
We are pretty much reduced to arguing how big a **** Wenger is.

NQ thinks "very big" I'm more in the "not much of a" camp

17-12-2017, 10:25 PM
Die Hard :bow:

NOW Christmas has begun.

18-12-2017, 08:51 AM
My brain has its out of office on already :(

18-12-2017, 09:35 AM
My brain has its out of office on already :(


Thought I'd go old school and fuck about on here all week, as I cannot be fucked to do ANUFFINK this week.

18-12-2017, 09:52 AM
Was struggling last week. This week's motivation is a complete flatline.
Luckily MrsL's great uncle died so that got me Wednesday off for the funeral :cool:

18-12-2017, 09:56 AM
Was struggling last week. This week's motivation is a complete flatline.
Luckily Abi's great uncle died so that got me Wednesday off for the funeral :cool:

Party time!

How's things? Really should get a GW meet going in the New Year. Sod the football, just beers and....well, cokes, and....what was it again that made meet ups fun? Married, kids, responsibilities. Suck the fucking life out of you...

Marc Overmars
18-12-2017, 10:02 AM
Working though the entire Christmas period so no such joys for me.

Though I did it so I get time off in January for some winter sun.

18-12-2017, 10:04 AM
Party time!
Come for the mourning. Stay for the cake! :tree:

How's things? Really should get a GW meet going in the New Year. Sod the football, just beers and....well, cokes, and....what was it again that made meet ups fun? Married, kids, responsibilities. Suck the fucking life out of you...

:lol: Yeah, was trying to arrange a date with "Gary" but he sort of stood me up. Would be good to arrange something in the New Year, get some of the old gang back together.
Agree, doesn't have to be based around a game and arguably better of it isn't.

18-12-2017, 10:05 AM
Working though the entire Christmas period so no such joys for me.

Though I did it so I get time off in January for some winter sun.

Off to Estonia to see he in-laws on Friday.

Estonian Lager :bow:

18-12-2017, 12:19 PM
If I thought this place would while away the time between now and Thursday, I was so wrong.


18-12-2017, 12:23 PM
If I thought this place would while away the time between now and Thursday, I was so wrong.


We're making a big effort to try to make the forum as exciting as the football.

18-12-2017, 12:27 PM
My wife as watching strictly come dancing the other day.

I must say, I was impressed, and I wish I had watched the entire show.


18-12-2017, 12:52 PM
If I thought this place would while away the time between now and Thursday, I was so wrong.


This is a good day too :(

18-12-2017, 01:12 PM
My wife as watching strictly come dancing the other day.

I must say, I was impressed, and I wish I had watched the entire show.


You lucky bastard! No wonder you got married.

18-12-2017, 04:23 PM

18-12-2017, 04:37 PM
See. I feel bad but that is objectively funny :lol:

18-12-2017, 06:20 PM

Fucking insane. The BBC, a supposed bastion of Britishness, pushing out gobbledegook politically correct shite that butchers the language and forcing everyone to pay for it. Who would care what the stupid wankers did, provided we didn't have to pay for them to do it?

18-12-2017, 06:40 PM
They actually employ people to write that stuff. i saw an advert not too long ago

18-12-2017, 06:55 PM
Fucking insane. The BBC, a supposed bastion of Britishness, pushing out gobbledegook politically correct shite that butchers the language and forcing everyone to pay for it. Who would care what the stupid wankers did, provided we didn't have to pay for them to do it?

Fuck it, I refuse to pay a licence fee but if I did it would be worth it just for that

18-12-2017, 07:55 PM
Fuck it, I refuse to pay a licence fee but if I did it would be worth it just for that

Well you pay mine then, and we're both sorted.

18-12-2017, 08:09 PM
Well you pay mine then, and we're both sorted.

Yeah I’ll definitely be doing that...,

19-12-2017, 11:56 AM
Everyone coughing and sneezing around me :sick:

19-12-2017, 12:03 PM
Everyone coughing and sneezing around me :sick:

They are doing it deliberately because they don’t like you

19-12-2017, 12:04 PM
Everyone coughing and sneezing around me :sick:

I've had all sorts the last few weeks.

Happy to get it out of the way before Chrimbo though.

I'm gonna crack into the Harvey's Bristol Cream later.

19-12-2017, 12:13 PM
I've had a nasty bug for the last 8 days. Hopefully I'll die.

19-12-2017, 12:14 PM
I've had a nasty bug for the last 8 days. Hopefully I'll die.

If you die, then you won't be able to come back on here for two weeks :(

19-12-2017, 12:24 PM
Everyone coughing and sneezing around me :sick:

Sounds like you are infecting a lot of people. Nice job.

Marc Overmars
19-12-2017, 12:25 PM
Lemsip. :bow:

20-12-2017, 08:50 AM
Woman on GMB arguing that men should stop saying 'ladies first' because it's condescending :lol:

Feminism :lol:

20-12-2017, 08:51 AM
Caught a few minutes of GMB this morning to see Chris Bryant MP reaming out Piers Morgan for phone hacking. Hilarious.

20-12-2017, 09:18 AM
Caught a few minutes of GMB this morning to see Chris Bryant MP reaming out Piers Morgan for phone hacking. Hilarious.


On morning television?

Maybe Aaron Banks was right

20-12-2017, 10:52 AM


I bet she can afford a dose of smack and a can of tenants super though.

20-12-2017, 12:03 PM
I bet her clunge is a right state.

20-12-2017, 12:14 PM
Smelly flabbers.

Not nice.

20-12-2017, 12:30 PM
I bet her clunge is a right state.

I’m sure it could be a war zone and it’d still be nicer than her face

20-12-2017, 12:38 PM
Bet you Letters would still go there.

20-12-2017, 01:11 PM
Bet you Letters would still go there.

His missus is a blonde

20-12-2017, 01:24 PM

Brexit :haha:

20-12-2017, 01:43 PM
You lost, get over it.

20-12-2017, 03:18 PM
Fucking get in. Tax rebate!

All £20 of it!


20-12-2017, 04:46 PM
Fucking get in. Tax rebate!

All £20 of it!


Check your other taxes (including the inflation tax) before you celebrate. I guarantee they've found a way to get it back.

21-12-2017, 10:46 AM
Popcorn maker at work :bow:

22-12-2017, 09:29 AM
Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!

22-12-2017, 12:47 PM


22-12-2017, 02:51 PM
Fuck the colour, getting those shitty words European Union off the password is what it's all about.

22-12-2017, 04:10 PM
Joke's on you, I can't read.

Xhaka Can’t
22-12-2017, 07:58 PM
“So, what are the special features about the new passport?”

“It’s blue”.

“Will it get me visa free travel and the right to work in our 26 closest countries?”

“No, but...but...it’s BLUE!”

22-12-2017, 10:09 PM
“So, what are the special features about the new passport?”

“It’s blue”.

“Will it get me visa free travel and the right to work in our 26 closest countries?”

“No, but...but...it’s BLUE!”

Why would you want to travel to the reincarnated Soviet Union anyway. Fucking good job if you can't get in. Provided none of their lot can get out.

23-12-2017, 09:01 AM
Why would you want to travel to the reincarnated Soviet Union anyway. Fucking good job if you can't get in. Provided none of their lot can get out.

So you’ve never travelled to another EU country?

Xhaka Can’t
23-12-2017, 12:27 PM

25-12-2017, 09:02 AM
HC to you and yours dudes!

25-12-2017, 10:37 AM
Happy Xmas. Onwards and Upwards!;)

Blink 1nce Quince 2wice
25-12-2017, 11:38 AM
Merry Christmas all :d:

28-12-2017, 03:03 PM
Back to work :doh:

Fucking hell.

Just fucking hell.

Fucking, fucking, hell.

This is the last year I'm working for a living. Fuck this shit.

28-12-2017, 04:28 PM
Is Letters alive?

28-12-2017, 06:47 PM
George weah wins Liberia`s presidential election!

Wow. I wish him well. Its never easy running a nation especially in such a challenging environment. Hope he brings decency and empathy to his new role.

28-12-2017, 06:49 PM
Is Letters alive?

Maybe your wishes have been granted. Try calling Wenger some nasty names. If he is breathing, he will surely come out.

28-12-2017, 07:16 PM

28-12-2017, 07:18 PM
Maybe your wishes have been granted. Try calling Wenger some nasty names. If he is breathing, he will surely come out.

I did a whole bunch of anti-Wenger stuff on the other thread. He PM'd me and said he'd pick it up in the new year and warned me not to assume I'd get away with it.

28-12-2017, 07:37 PM
I did a whole bunch of anti-Wenger stuff on the other thread. He PM'd me and said he'd pick it up in the new year and warned me not to assume I'd get away with it.

He lives!. All is well.

28-12-2017, 07:48 PM
Letters is dead

28-12-2017, 07:49 PM
Letters is dead

That was quick. Will definitely be using you again. A++++++

28-12-2017, 09:56 PM

30-12-2017, 08:33 PM
Why is cunt allowed but k*nt is banned?

31-12-2017, 08:19 PM
Begging for death right now

Gone to this swanky Hogmanay party in Scotland

The buffet included Salmon, Sole, mussels, chicken, cold cuts, antipasto, wild mushrooms and on my plate they went

I might get the 24 call out line for dynarod

31-12-2017, 08:24 PM
Begging for death right now

Gone to this swanky Hogmanay party in Scotland

The buffet included Salmon, Sole, mussels, chicken, cold cuts, antipasto, wild mushrooms and on my plate they went

I might get the 24 call out line for dynarod

My lad just chundered all over the car earlier. Luckily it was my wifes car.

31-12-2017, 08:44 PM
My lad just chundered all over the car earlier. Luckily it was my wifes car.

Well at least somebody got a decent result today.

31-12-2017, 11:41 PM
Why is cunt allowed but k*nt is banned?

He wasn't banned he just doesn't come here any more.

01-01-2018, 12:48 AM
Happy New Year everyone and please sign my petition to get talentless minority nobodies removed from our screens on New Year's Eve.

01-01-2018, 07:52 AM

02-01-2018, 09:50 AM
First day back :thumbsdown:

Power n Glory
03-01-2018, 08:03 AM
Surely, NQ now has to admit he's been wrong about Trump. :lol: I've just seen his Tweet threatening North Korea with a nuclear attack. :lol: What are these clowns playing at?

Also, I highly suspect the USA are trying to destabilise Iran with their old tricks. Thinking about the earlier conversations we had about Trump, you have to admit it's going a bit pear shaped. He may take this war mongering to the next level.

03-01-2018, 09:27 AM
NQ is wrong about everything.

03-01-2018, 09:31 AM
Surely, NQ now has to admit he's been wrong about Trump. :lol: I've just seen his Tweet threatening North Korea with a nuclear attack. :lol: What are these clowns playing at?

Also, I highly suspect the USA are trying to destabilise Iran with their old tricks. Thinking about the earlier conversations we had about Trump, you have to admit it's going a bit pear shaped. He may take this war mongering to the next level.

I think you may be misreading NQ`s mindset on the last election. It was simply: ABC: Anybody but Clinton. On this i was wholly in support of him. However there is no doubt that trump is wholly unsuitable to be a local councillor, talk less of being POTUS. A real dotard.
However I am sure that there are enough sensible people around him to ensure he cant do anything stupid. Im sure the so called football that follows him around with the nuclear codes is a dummy. He probably sleeps with it by his pillows and opens it up at night, looking at the shiny red button asking himself " Now what would really happens if I press this button?". A real life "I am Groot".

On the Iran thing...you are certainly right, same old tricks they started in Ukraine. Same way Venezuela is broke despite having all the oil in the world under its feet.

Power n Glory
03-01-2018, 09:57 AM
I think you may be misreading NQ`s mindset on the last election. It was simply: ABC: Anybody but Clinton. On this i was wholly in support of him. However there is no doubt that trump is wholly unsuitable to be a local councillor, talk less of being POTUS. A real dotard.
However I am sure that there are enough sensible people around him to ensure he cant do anything stupid. Im sure the so called football that follows him around with the nuclear codes is a dummy. He probably sleeps with it by his pillows and opens it up at night, looking at the shiny red button asking himself " Now what would really happens if I press this button?". A real life "I am Groot".

On the Iran thing...you are certainly right, same old tricks they started in Ukraine. Same way Venezuela is broke despite having all the oil in the world under its feet.

Anyone but Hilary was part of the argument but he also hoped that Trump would focus more on American issues and not meddle in foreign affairs. A pre WWII/Pearl Harbor sort of outlook. NQ can clarify. That hasn't been the case. He's strengthened ties with Saudi Arabia and helping to clean their laundry if we look at what's happened with Yemen, Qatar and Iran. The whole North Korea thing I'm not taking that seriously. It's panto.

Oh, I didn't even mention the massive tax break for the super wealthy.

03-01-2018, 10:43 AM
Have to say this made me laugh


My button is bigger than yours, nyer! I bet Trump's dad could beat up Kim Jong Un's dad too. So there!


Happy New Year, y'all. Enjoy it while it lasts before the inevitable nuclear winter later in the year.
I'll see you in hell!
From heaven.

03-01-2018, 10:52 AM

03-01-2018, 10:54 AM
Surely, NQ now has to admit he's been wrong about Trump. :lol: I've just seen his Tweet threatening North Korea with a nuclear attack. :lol: What are these clowns playing at?

Also, I highly suspect the USA are trying to destabilise Iran with their old tricks. Thinking about the earlier conversations we had about Trump, you have to admit it's going a bit pear shaped. He may take this war mongering to the next level.

I didn't think Trump was serious when this all began, I suspected it was another establishment ploy and misdirection and we'd been sold another lemon dressed up as a revolution. I admit, I was very wrong. Trump, and the people behind him, appear to be the real deal. His list of seemingly impossible achievements is remarkable. Mainstream media destroyed, the pedophiles routed, the CIA and the FBI in collapse, the climate change scam cut off at the knees, the Saudis at heel, the Clinton/ Bush gang's financing throttled, the UN slapped down, NATO halted, the globalist trade deals smashed and their slush funds drained, the Chinese exposed and their trade war in retreat and now the groundwork being laid for an all out assault on human trafficking. All in one year.

It's quite astonishing really. Still difficult to say who's behind all this, maybe it really is just a bunch of pissed off patriots who have had enough of the globalist bullshit. It would be nice to think that, but probably wishful thinking. More likely out with the old crooks and in with the new, but it doesn't really matter either way. The status quo has been annihilated. What has been exposed cannot be hidden again. Half the population has seen. The other half will never see, but they will follow along when instructed, as usual.

Didn't see his threat to nuke Korea. If he actually said it, and it's not the thousandth piece of fake news from the dying legacy media, he's speaking to the Koreans, not CNN viewers. In a language they understand. No problems there, Korea threatens it all the time. The US doesn't need nukes to take out Korean's missiles. It'll be done conventionally, probably soon because the globalists have accelerated the transfer of technology via the Ukraine.

As for Iran - that's real. Courageous Iranians taking to the streets, demanding representation and liberty from medieval dictatorship. It's neither the globalists nor the Trump administration running that one. But Trump should get in there and lend as much political support as he can. Russia will be the main beneficiary of the revolution if it succeeds, not the US.

2018 is going to be historic by any measure, one way or the other.

03-01-2018, 10:55 AM
NQ is wrong about everything.

How would you know?

03-01-2018, 11:02 AM
Anyone but Hilary was part of the argument but he also hoped that Trump would focus more on American issues and not meddle in foreign affairs. A pre WWII/Pearl Harbor sort of outlook. NQ can clarify. That hasn't been the case. He's strengthened ties with Saudi Arabia and helping to clean their laundry if we look at what's happened with Yemen, Qatar and Iran. The whole North Korea thing I'm not taking that seriously. It's panto.

Oh, I didn't even mention the massive tax break for the super wealthy.

The fact you identify that "tax break" as aimed at the super wealthy shows you view this purely in terms of politics, as opposed to liberty. Lower tax is always a good thing. Zero tax is always the best thing. Tax is a crime. But even viewing this in the political terms and identity politics and the divide and rule manner practised by the globalists and air horned by their legacy media, when tax is reduced those paying most tax will save most tax. This is rather obvious. Trump is not a communist, so when he cuts tax he cuts it for everyone. Except himself and super wealthy types who oppose him. The tax offsets mean he'll personally pay much more tax, but so will his enemies. In effect he's drained a good portion of the funds they are using to try to overturn the election. Very clever. And come the midterms when Americans see more dollars in their wallets, despite the fake claims of the dying media, he'll have drained the political capital of the globalists too.

03-01-2018, 11:03 AM
His list of seemingly impossible achievements is remarkable. Mainstream media destroyed, the pedophiles routed, the CIA and the FBI in collapse, the climate change scam cut off at the knees, the Saudis at heel, the Clinton/ Bush gang's financing throttled, the UN slapped down, NATO halted, the globalist trade deals smashed and their slush funds drained, the Chinese exposed and their trade war in retreat and now the groundwork being laid for an all out assault on human trafficking. All in one year.
Yes. All of that has definitely happened.

03-01-2018, 11:18 AM
I think you may be misreading NQ`s mindset on the last election. It was simply: ABC: Anybody but Clinton. On this i was wholly in support of him. However there is no doubt that trump is wholly unsuitable to be a local councillor, talk less of being POTUS. A real dotard.
However I am sure that there are enough sensible people around him to ensure he cant do anything stupid. Im sure the so called football that follows him around with the nuclear codes is a dummy. He probably sleeps with it by his pillows and opens it up at night, looking at the shiny red button asking himself " Now what would really happens if I press this button?". A real life "I am Groot".

On the Iran thing...you are certainly right, same old tricks they started in Ukraine. Same way Venezuela is broke despite having all the oil in the world under its feet.

Don't view the US government as a see of agencies commanded by Trump. Trump has very little command at this time. For example, his cooperation with the Russians in Syria and the resulting rout of ISIS - well the CIA has started running money and weapons back into the region. Totally rogue. We're watching a coup attempt in the US. It's blatant, in the open and the only reason we aren't speaking about it is because the vermin running the coup control the legacy media.

The scariest part of all of this is the realisation the people running this global show, the politicians and the corporate pirates and the "experts" and the so-called scientists and academics are all hopelessly compromised and their apparently impressive posturing is purely a creation of legacy media. They are small people, puffed up by propaganda. Like me and you, suddenly given power and having a falling out. The vision isn't there, the brains aren't there, the good intentions were never there. It's all an illusion. Clinton was just the next chapter in what was supposed to be a never ending fantasy. That's why they hate Trump. Because he's shown them up for what they are, without for even a minute trying to claim he's personally superior. His tweets are hilarious. He's literally saying, people, this is what it's really like in this place. Your masters are in no way superior. And (so far) they can't stop him. And (so far) all the violence, hatred, racism, division, lies, corruption and the dark and vile stuff that is starting to see the light of day has all come from the costumed and media bloated "progressives" who we can now see unmasked and in their true characters. Some people could see it beforehand, now many others can see it too. It's a very good thing. Admittedly a bit like chemotherapy fighting a cancer, neither is desirable. The patient might still die, but it's no longer assured.

03-01-2018, 11:18 AM
Yes. All of that has definitely happened.

It's funny because he's achieved nothing.

03-01-2018, 11:24 AM
Yes. All of that has definitely happened.

How would you know? You think what you see in the media is a true reflection of the world around you. Don't you? Each opinion piece. Each "analysis". Each infographic that lays it all out for you. The good guys versus the bad guys. That's your world.

And yet, the result of all this truth and information that you are so confident of is what? One day you'll be able to look at the world for what it is rather than what you have been told it is. And when you see it, then you'll realise the full extent of the lies you have been swallowing.

People like you are the worst. I say it in a non-aggressive, sad way. You understand nothing. Believe everything stuffed under your nose. In return for what? The roof over your head, the car, the job? The food and the holiday? "Normal" life? Mr Christian?

Well a third of the world has to starve and be blown to bits for your carefully focused comforts. Comforts you could have anyway if you had the guts to open your eyes, see that the world really is mismanaged by a very small group of seriously fucked up individuals, and do some of that Christian stuff and stand up and say with conviction, it's wrong and you won't tolerate it.

Instead you piss on the people who do stand up.

It's very sad.

03-01-2018, 11:24 AM
It's funny because he's achieved nothing.

Nothing that you could identify. I mean, how could you? You wouldn't know where to begin.

03-01-2018, 11:26 AM
Can 2018 be the year we bring some sanity back to the world?

03-01-2018, 11:32 AM
Can 2018 be the year we bring some sanity back to the world?

Yes. It CAN be that. But it's 50/50. This is the closest we've ever been. 50/50.

03-01-2018, 11:40 AM
Hopefully 2018 is the year where justice is served any Trump is locked up forever.

The most corrupt, murderous president the world has ever seen.

Power n Glory
03-01-2018, 11:44 AM
I didn't think Trump was serious when this all began, I suspected it was another establishment ploy and misdirection and we'd been sold another lemon dressed up as a revolution. I admit, I was very wrong. Trump, and the people behind him, appear to be the real deal. His list of seemingly impossible achievements is remarkable. Mainstream media destroyed, the pedophiles routed, the CIA and the FBI in collapse, the climate change scam cut off at the knees, the Saudis at heel, the Clinton/ Bush gang's financing throttled, the UN slapped down, NATO halted, the globalist trade deals smashed and their slush funds drained, the Chinese exposed and their trade war in retreat and now the groundwork being laid for an all out assault on human trafficking. All in one year.

It's quite astonishing really. Still difficult to say who's behind all this, maybe it really is just a bunch of pissed off patriots who have had enough of the globalist bullshit. It would be nice to think that, but probably wishful thinking. More likely out with the old crooks and in with the new, but it doesn't really matter either way. The status quo has been annihilated. What has been exposed cannot be hidden again. Half the population has seen. The other half will never see, but they will follow along when instructed, as usual.

Didn't see his threat to nuke Korea. If he actually said it, and it's not the thousandth piece of fake news from the dying legacy media, he's speaking to the Koreans, not CNN viewers. In a language they understand. No problems there, Korea threatens it all the time. The US doesn't need nukes to take out Korean's missiles. It'll be done conventionally, probably soon because the globalists have accelerated the transfer of technology via the Ukraine.

As for Iran - that's real. Courageous Iranians taking to the streets, demanding representation and liberty from medieval dictatorship. It's neither the globalists nor the Trump administration running that one. But Trump should get in there and lend as much political support as he can. Russia will be the main beneficiary of the revolution if it succeeds, not the US.

2018 is going to be historic by any measure, one way or the other.

Doubling down, I see. No point in taking this debate any further because you'll continue to dig your heels in.

Saudi's at heel. :lol: You've lost me on that one. A record breaking arms deal whilst helping to wipe out their competitors...now that Trump's in charge you actually believe this Iranian 'uprising' is genuine? Please. How convenient. I won't even start on the whole tax thing. You have lost your way.

03-01-2018, 11:56 AM
The North Korea thing is just a big nothing

Very similar mentality between Kim Jong Un and Trump, both are trying to play the strong leader. The survival of the Kim dynasty is based upon constant reassertion of their military strength and Trumps grandstanding plays into their hands of projecting the perception of the evil imperialist Americans. And Trumps bravado and machismo proves to his rabid base that he’s finally standing up to the DPRK, when in fact any sanctions against the state as always have to go through China.

I’ll give that bloated oaf credit where it’s true, what he said on New Year’s Day about Pakistan was absolutely correct, though of course like with 95% of what he says I don’t expect any substantive action to come from it.

03-01-2018, 11:58 AM
Doubling down, I see. No point in taking this debate any further because you'll continue to dig your heels in.

Saudi's at heel. :lol: You've lost me on that one. A record breaking arms deal whilst helping to wipe out their competitors...now that Trump's in charge you actually believe this Iranian 'uprising' is genuine? Please. How convenient. I won't even start on the whole tax thing. You have lost your way.

Rapid escape.

03-01-2018, 12:07 PM
How would you know?
How would you know it has? You're the one saying all these things have happened, where is your evidence?
I'll just take one: "The climate change scam cut off at the knees".
What does that even mean? Trump said he wants to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement - something the US cannot do until 2020 under the terms of it. Every other world leader told him to stop being a prick and even some governors of US states said that even if the US does withdraw from it they would continue to adhere to it. So cut off at the knees? Really? How so?
You claim all the stuff has happened over the last year. Provide evidence and facts and sources, not vague assertions.

You always do this. Make vague claims to know better than me but never actually say anything concrete. You almost never provide any sources for your views. You berate me for parroting views from elsewhere, ignoring the fact that you do the exact same thing - just from different sources which you rarely provide. You think global warming is a scam. So you're a climate scientist, are you? You have done plenty of your own peer reviewed research into the matter, have you? Balls, have you. You just use different sources. What makes yours correct?

I neither think that what I see in the media is a true reflection of the world around me nor do I think that everything the mainstream media prints is false. Do they have an agenda? Sure, so does everyone. So do the sources you look at.

Instead you piss on the people who do stand up.
You're standing up, are you? What, by posting on here? What are you actually doing?

03-01-2018, 12:11 PM
I’ll give that bloated oaf credit where it’s true, what he said on New Year’s Day about Pakistan was absolutely correct, though of course like with 95% of what he says I don’t expect any substantive action to come from it.
The one thing I will say for him, he's pretty much the only politician I can remember who is actually doing the things he said he was going to do before the election.
Unfortunately I don't want him to do any of those things but credit where it's due, he's doing what he said, or trying to.

03-01-2018, 12:33 PM
The North Korea thing is just a big nothing

Very similar mentality between Kim Jong Un and Trump, both are trying to play the strong leader. The survival of the Kim dynasty is based upon constant reassertion of their military strength and Trumps grandstanding plays into their hands of projecting the perception of the evil imperialist Americans. And Trumps bravado and machismo proves to his rabid base that he’s finally standing up to the DPRK, when in fact any sanctions against the state as always have to go through China.

I’ll give that bloated oaf credit where it’s true, what he said on New Year’s Day about Pakistan was absolutely correct, though of course like with 95% of what he says I don’t expect any substantive action to come from it.

The real war is with China. A trade war if you look at it in globalist terms, national interest and survival if you look at it in terms of the west.


The globalists used China's "assistance" with North Korea as fake benefit in return for conceding entirely self-interested economic wins for the Chinese at the expense of Americans. We've seen the same shit here in the UK. All those new tech jobs that miners and manufacturers were encouraged to train in for a bright new future? Mercilessly shipped abroad so a few bastards could benefit from slave labour forces at the cost of a few suicide nets. The west shipping its industry east has been an epic disaster. The essence of globalisation and not a single of the promised benefits in return, other that cheap consumer junk that has piled into a debt crisis.

Trump doesn't need the Chinese to broker a continuing standoff with North Korea because his interests aren't aligned with Chinese interests, which was the case with that scumbag Obama and the previous Bush/ Clinton rats. When you hear Goldman Sachs squealing you know that something is being done right. Trump had no problem exposing Chinese duplicity with it's excess oil shipments to North Korea in breach of UN resolutions. He's not treading in egg shells and he's removed the Chinese ability to brandish North Korea as a threat. The North Koreans can fire as many dustbins as they like but it will be the Chinese who will have to make a move if they want to prevent Trump doing what he has promised to do, put American interests first. And they might. So I don't think it's nothing.

03-01-2018, 12:36 PM
How would you know it has? You're the one saying all these things have happened, where is your evidence?
I'll just take one: "The climate change scam cut off at the knees".
What does that even mean? Trump said he wants to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement - something the US cannot do until 2020 under the terms of it. Every other world leader told him to stop being a prick and even some governors of US states said that even if the US does withdraw from it they would continue to adhere to it. So cut off at the knees? Really? How so?
You claim all the stuff has happened over the last year. Provide evidence and facts and sources, not vague assertions.

You always do this. Make vague claims to know better than me but never actually say anything concrete. You almost never provide any sources for your views. You berate me for parroting views from elsewhere, ignoring the fact that you do the exact same thing - just from different sources which you rarely provide. You think global warming is a scam. So you're a climate scientist, are you? You have done plenty of your own peer reviewed research into the matter, have you? Balls, have you. You just use different sources. What makes yours correct?

I neither think that what I see in the media is a true reflection of the world around me nor do I think that everything the mainstream media prints is false. Do they have an agenda? Sure, so does everyone. So do the sources you look at.

You're standing up, are you? What, by posting on here? What are you actually doing?

Paris. Read up on it. In fact weren't you crying about it the other day? Or was that another know-nothing globalist? Without the US it's a non-event in global terms - which was the whole scam. Global taxation. So if governors of US states want to inflict taxation directly that will be down to them. You think that will happen? Maybe, until election time at least. Sorry, but your global warming scam is stillborn.

Power n Glory
03-01-2018, 12:44 PM
Rapid escape.

Everytime I bring up the Saudi Arabia you you bolt for the exit. You know as well as I do that some of things we've seen with Qatar, Yemen and now Iran comes from US/Saudi ties. Still no comment.

03-01-2018, 12:56 PM
Paris. Read up on it.
Yes. I mentioned that.
But feel free to ignore the rest of my post. Oh, you have. Fair enough.

03-01-2018, 12:59 PM
Yes. I mentioned that.
But feel free to ignore the rest of my post. Oh, you have. Fair enough.

NQ gets all his news from Breitbart and Infowars. No wonder he thinks Trump is great.

03-01-2018, 01:02 PM
Everytime I bring up the Saudi Arabia you you bolt for the exit. You know as well as I do that some of things we've seen with Qatar, Yemen and now Iran comes from US/Saudi ties. Still no comment.

There is no evidence at all, form any source, that even hints at US involvement in the events in Iran. Unless I have missed them, in which case you can provide them and I'll reevaluate. Right now it looks like the real deal, a genuine uprising. In which case I support it 100% and wish them all the best fortune. And even if there was US involvement, it wouldn't be Trump pulling the strings, it would be the intelligence services. And in case you haven't noticed the obvious, they are working against Trump, not for him. But not for much longer I think.

If you need this to be a Trump led coup in Iran, for whatever reason, I would not support that because it would be a breach of national sovereignty by a foreign power. So we should be clear on where I stand, and have always stood, now.

My opinion on Saudi Arabia has also been crystal clear from the outset. I would like to see that place bombed off the face of the earth. It is the heart of global terrorism, it it a main source of funding for the globalist scum and it is an exporter of barbaric religion. However, it can't be bombed off the face of the earth without the same fate befalling just about everyone else. So it has to be managed and contained. As I said before, that arms deal has nothing to do with Trump. That would have been agreed long before he even ran for office and he's be dead as a doornail if he'd have tried to stop it. You really think that's the US president running a deal like that? He's the stage act rolled out to rubber stamp the fait accompli. But if you need it to be Trump's deal then fine. I'd be against that deal if Trump organised it, because it makes no sense to give a bunch of barbaric terrorists a whole bunch of weapons.

What Trump has actually achieved is to sideline the key funders of the globalists. Their assets have been seized and they have been put under house arrest. I actually have direct knowledge of this as told first hand by a UK businessman who lost heavily when his benefactors were rounded up and his deal went down the pan, along with a large amount owing. So it's quite real. But if you need it to be something else then if Trump has somehow empowered the Saudis by having half the royals locked up then I'd be against that too.

It all depends what's real and what's mainstream news, doesn't it?

03-01-2018, 01:03 PM
Yes. I mentioned that.
But feel free to ignore the rest of my post. Oh, you have. Fair enough.

"I'll just take one" - seems you ignore your posts too.

03-01-2018, 01:03 PM
NQ gets all his news from Breitbart and Infowars. No wonder he thinks Trump is great.

Does he? I must expand my reading list then, maybe Buzzfeed?

03-01-2018, 01:06 PM
The one thing I will say for him, he's pretty much the only politician I can remember who is actually doing the things he said he was going to do before the election.
Unfortunately I don't want him to do any of those things but credit where it's due, he's doing what he said, or trying to.

What are the things he's doing that you don't want him to do? Abusing women? Burning crosses in black neighbourhoods? Snatching babies from their mother's arms so they can be deported? Colluding with Russians? Stealing from the poor to give to the rich?

Which of the made up bullshit from the mainstream media are you against?

Power n Glory
03-01-2018, 02:03 PM
There is no evidence at all, form any source, that even hints at US involvement in the events in Iran. Unless I have missed them, in which case you can provide them and I'll reevaluate. Right now it looks like the real deal, a genuine uprising. In which case I support it 100% and wish them all the best fortune. And even if there was US involvement, it wouldn't be Trump pulling the strings, it would be the intelligence services. And in case you haven't noticed the obvious, they are working against Trump, not for him. But not for much longer I think.

If you need this to be a Trump led coup in Iran, for whatever reason, I would not support that because it would be a breach of national sovereignty by a foreign power. So we should be clear on where I stand, and have always stood, now.

My opinion on Saudi Arabia has also been crystal clear from the outset. I would like to see that place bombed off the face of the earth. It is the heart of global terrorism, it it a main source of funding for the globalist scum and it is an exporter of barbaric religion. However, it can't be bombed off the face of the earth without the same fate befalling just about everyone else. So it has to be managed and contained. As I said before, that arms deal has nothing to do with Trump. That would have been agreed long before he even ran for office and he's be dead as a doornail if he'd have tried to stop it. You really think that's the US president running a deal like that? He's the stage act rolled out to rubber stamp the fait accompli. But if you need it to be Trump's deal then fine. I'd be against that deal if Trump organised it, because it makes no sense to give a bunch of barbaric terrorists a whole bunch of weapons.

What Trump has actually achieved is to sideline the key funders of the globalists. Their assets have been seized and they have been put under house arrest. I actually have direct knowledge of this as told first hand by a UK businessman who lost heavily when his benefactors were rounded up and his deal went down the pan, along with a large amount owing. So it's quite real. But if you need it to be something else then if Trump has somehow empowered the Saudis by having half the royals locked up then I'd be against that too.

It all depends what's real and what's mainstream news, doesn't it?

The Russian Foreign Minister has accused the US of influencing the protests as well as Iran. The riots are similar to what happened in Syria. You can't be that naive to believe there is no connection. It's also pretty convenient of you to disassociate Trump from these affairs and putting in squarely on the the intelligence services. It's entirely on him, it's the USA after all, but it's an argument I laid down ages ago when we were discussing Clinton and her warmongering.

You've not mentioned anything about the botched raid in Yemen along with the air strikes, (who are Yemen's enemies in the Middle East) Syria, Libya, Somalia...etc. It's business as usual in the US. I argued that the bullshit would continue under Trump and you argued otherwise. That's all I'm saying. Still got love for you, NQ! No harm, no foul. :) If you could at least remain neutral on some of the bullshit we've seen (death and taxes) you could probably get back to reporting on some the bullshit we've seen instead of remaining silent or just declaring it as fake news, when you of all people know better than that.

Power n Glory
03-01-2018, 02:06 PM
What are the things he's doing that you don't want him to do? Abusing women? Burning crosses in black neighbourhoods? Snatching babies from their mother's arms so they can be deported? Colluding with Russians? Stealing from the poor to give to the rich?

Which of the made up bullshit from the mainstream media are you against?

Oh and fuck Letters! :lol:

Not in a gay way...

03-01-2018, 02:17 PM
There's a chinese guy that sits behind me in the office that keeps farting.

03-01-2018, 02:23 PM
Oh and fuck Letters! :lol:

Not in a gay way...


03-01-2018, 02:24 PM
Note to self. Remove Christmas smileys.

03-01-2018, 03:41 PM
The Russian Foreign Minister has accused the US of influencing the protests as well as Iran. The riots are similar to what happened in Syria. You can't be that naive to believe there is no connection. It's also pretty convenient of you to disassociate Trump from these affairs and putting in squarely on the the intelligence services. It's entirely on him, it's the USA after all, but it's an argument I laid down ages ago when we were discussing Clinton and her warmongering.

You've not mentioned anything about the botched raid in Yemen along with the air strikes, (who are Yemen's enemies in the Middle East) Syria, Libya, Somalia...etc. It's business as usual in the US. I argued that the bullshit would continue under Trump and you argued otherwise. That's all I'm saying. Still got love for you, NQ! No harm, no foul. :) If you could at least remain neutral on some of the bullshit we've seen (death and taxes) you could probably get back to reporting on some the bullshit we've seen instead of remaining silent or just declaring it as fake news, when you of all people know better than that.

I'm telling you, it looks like the Iranian uprising is genuine. There's no evidence at all of any outside interference from anywhere. Trump did voice his support and the Russians objected I'm sure. That's routine. Information may come to light that puts a finger on 3rd party intervention, but right now there's none. And I hope that's true because what a message it will send to all the other nations toiling under Islam.

The CIA is rogue now and has been effectively rogue for a long time, only cooperating with the US government when interests align. This is old news. There's something like 15 trillion "missing" from military accounting over the years. Their own documents (not just the recent ones either) explain in detail how they'll shoot a president in the head if he gets in their way. I think this is firmly established outside the sanitised newsrooms. How do you tell the citizen taxpayers they are funding a trillion dollar drugs, weapons and human trafficking operation that answers to private rather than public interests? You don't. Instead you stamp it all with national security and cross your fingers when the details leak out. Who knows what percentage we ever get to hear about? The reality is almost certainly far worse than even the most arcane conspiracy theories.

Yemen? I don't think I can say it any clearer. I believe Saudi Arabia should be blown off the face of the earth. Don't forget, it was the same American establishment that created Al Qaida and nurtured and armed ISIS and it is the CIA that, despite Trump's initial successes, has bypassed his directives and are now sending support to ISIS in Syria again. And where is the UN's final warning btw? Since 2011 it has been sitting on its hands. The Iraqis had no such luck. Look to the globalist establishment if you want to find the root of Yemeni suffering.

Compare this to Resolution 1441:

This is why nothing is being be done and it's also why the UN needs to be disbanded:

04-01-2018, 09:08 AM

04-01-2018, 09:21 AM
The people who don’t believe the Iranian uprising is genuine are fringe leftists like the people who occupy the leadership of the Labour Party who need to justify their support for the theocracy. The youth generation has protested on and off for years and sometimes the ayatollahs loosen their grip and sometimes they respond with violence.
Like with the Crown Princes reforms in Saudi Arabia, they are destined to fail because ultimately when you deny people freedom of speech, freedom of expression etc you can’t mollify that with allowing western films to play in cinemas etc

The west are largely responsible either directly or indirectly for these regimes. Our dependence on money and foreign oil with the Saudis and with Iran the imposition of a dictator in the Shah.

04-01-2018, 11:29 AM
Depression is setting in

04-01-2018, 11:32 AM
The people who don’t believe the Iranian uprising is genuine are fringe leftists like the people who occupy the leadership of the Labour Party who need to justify their support for the theocracy. The youth generation has protested on and off for years and sometimes the ayatollahs loosen their grip and sometimes they respond with violence.
Like with the Crown Princes reforms in Saudi Arabia, they are destined to fail because ultimately when you deny people freedom of speech, freedom of expression etc you can’t mollify that with allowing western films to play in cinemas etc

The west are largely responsible either directly or indirectly for these regimes. Our dependence on money and foreign oil with the Saudis and with Iran the imposition of a dictator in the Shah.

It's pretty much over now, by all accounts. I think we can all guess how the men of God persuaded the protestors to repent.

04-01-2018, 11:35 AM
Depression is setting in

As you get older time goes faster. Death approaches at an ever increasing rate. But it does mean Christmas comes around faster too. So cheer up, it'll be Christmas once again before you know it and chances are you'll see a good few more before you kick the bucket. Unless you get hit by a but or get some terminal disease or something, which can happen.

Hope that helps perk you up.

04-01-2018, 11:38 AM
It's pretty much over now, by all accounts. I think we can all guess how the men of God persuaded the protestors to repent.

Bit of rape, torture and murder goes a long way

04-01-2018, 11:40 AM
As you get older time goes faster. Death approaches at an ever increasing rate. But it does mean Christmas comes around faster too. So cheer up, it'll be Christmas once again before you know it and chances are you'll see a good few more before you kick the bucket. Unless you get hit by a but or get some terminal disease or something, which can happen.

Hope that helps perk you up.

When I feel depressed, the knowledge that my death is that bit sooner as each year passes is a great comfort

04-01-2018, 11:43 AM
When I feel depressed, the knowledge that my death is that bit sooner as each year passes is a great comfort

And never forget, you have choices. You can take matters into your own hands at any times. You may be utterly alone, but you are not powerless.

04-01-2018, 11:48 AM
And never forget, you have choices. You can take matters into your own hands at any times. You may be utterly alone, but you are not powerless.

I can see your time on the Samaritan switchboard served you well :haha:

But actually I agree. Whilst the majority of suicide attempts are “cries for help”. If someone really wants to end it all, seems a bit strange to try and talk them out of it.

Actually watched this documentary about this depressive woman in Belgium who wanted to go through euthanasia but backed out at the last moment. Interestingly knowing that she could end it in a controlled way made her feel more in control of her life and If anything gave her reason to live.

04-01-2018, 11:54 AM
If you're going to off yourself can you let me know in advance so I can stick it up on Youtube?

04-01-2018, 11:55 AM
When I feel depressed, the knowledge that my death is that bit sooner as each year passes is a great comfort

The knowledge that your death is that bit sooner as each year passes is a great comfort to me too.

04-01-2018, 11:57 AM
If you're going to off yourself can you let me know in advance so I can stick it up on Youtube?

Jesus the fuss people made over that video

The guys clearly a cretin....he doesn’t know any better. Most of his channel subscribers are teenagers because that’s his mental age

Plus suicide is far more commonplace in Japan, just as well it wasn’t seppaku.

04-01-2018, 11:58 AM
The knowledge that your death is that bit sooner as each year passes is a great comfort to me too.

Why? Are you hoping I’m going to get first hand experience to prove me wrong about God not existing? :haha:

04-01-2018, 12:07 PM
Why? Are you hoping I’m going to get first hand experience to prove me wrong about God not existing? :haha:

If you find that to be true then can you come back and haunt me to warn me so I don't waste any more time on this nonsense. Thanks.

04-01-2018, 12:21 PM
I was speaking to God over Christmas and your name came up. That's all I'm saying.

04-01-2018, 12:22 PM
Met Lee Dixon last night. That was cool.

04-01-2018, 12:41 PM
I was speaking to God over Christmas and your name came up. That's all I'm saying.

You like your whiskey as I can tell from this message

Ever heard of Laphroiag?

04-01-2018, 12:51 PM
Met Lee Dixon last night. That was cool.

One of my mates inexplicably idolised him when we were kids.
Lee :bow:

04-01-2018, 03:11 PM
Note to self. Remove Christmas smileys.


04-01-2018, 03:12 PM
One of my mates inexplicably idolised him when we were kids.
Lee :bow:

Can't forgive him for not hacking down Giggs that fateful day in 99

04-01-2018, 03:14 PM
Can't forgive him for not hacking down Giggs that fateful day in 99

I hated that night.

And watching the re-run of that goal on nearly every MOTD since.

04-01-2018, 03:20 PM
I hated that night.

And watching the re-run of that goal on nearly every MOTD since.

I went into the other room to have a massive sulk when Giggs scored :sulk:
If Bergkamp had scored that penalty I reckon we'd have done the Double that year. Fine lines...

04-01-2018, 03:26 PM
Can't forgive him for not hacking down Giggs that fateful day in 99

Meh it’s one of those things that’s easy to say in hindsight, as I recall Giggs was taken wide and probably thought he wouldn’t score from that angle.

It’s a bit like why didn’t Peter Reid hack down Diego Maradonna

04-01-2018, 03:28 PM
I went into the other room to have a massive sulk when Giggs scored :sulk:
If Bergkamp had scored that penalty I reckon we'd have done the Double that year. Fine lines...

Possibly although we drew too many games in the league

As I remember the only reason it went to the final day was that United slipped up against Blackburn after we were beaten by Leeds (and despite the 1-0 scoreline well beaten they dominated us from start to finish).

04-01-2018, 03:42 PM
Possibly although we drew too many games in the league

As I remember the only reason it went to the final day was that United slipped up against Blackburn after we were beaten by Leeds (and despite the 1-0 scoreline well beaten they dominated us from start to finish).

We will never know but Utd were carried to the treble on the crest of a good run of form and games like that semi-final must have boosted them and dented us.
People wank themselves into a frenzy about the treble but there were huge slices of luck in it including that Bergkamp penalty and the way they won the CL Final.
Score that penalty and things could have been very different.

Marc Overmars
04-01-2018, 03:50 PM
All great achievements in football are laced with elements of luck, the margins are too fine.

I think United’s team from 07-09 was better than the treble winning side anyway.

04-01-2018, 03:51 PM
We will never know but Utd were carried to the treble on the crest of a good run of form and games like that semi-final must have boosted them and dented us.
People wank themselves into a frenzy about the treble but there were huge slices of luck in it including that Bergkamp penalty and the way they won the CL Final.
Score that penalty and things could have been very different.

You don’t win a treble without huge slices of luck

Look at the Champions league final. Bayern absolutely bossed them.

04-01-2018, 04:15 PM
For balance, of course, The Invincibles rode their luck on occasion. There was a game towards the end of the season, after we'd wrapped up the title.
Think it was Portsmouth away. Finished 1-1. Anyway, we were awful. Had the flip-flops on.
In the last 10 minutes one of their players was clean through on goal and hit it straight at Lehmann. Either side and it would have been very different.
As MO said, fine lines...

Marc Overmars
04-01-2018, 04:32 PM


Shaqiri Is Boss
04-01-2018, 08:02 PM
I went into the other room to have a massive sulk when Giggs scored :sulk:
If Bergkamp had scored that penalty I reckon we'd have done the Double that year. Fine lines...
I did the same when Walcott went on that mad run to set up Adebayor.* It was Mascherano for us who should have taken him out.

And then Babel came to the rescue :bow: :whistle:

*10 years ago in April. Fuck.

04-01-2018, 08:07 PM
I did the same when Walcott went on that mad run to set up Adebayor.* It was Mascherano for us who should have taken him out.

And then Babel came to the rescue :bow: :whistle:

*10 years ago in April. Fuck.

That was never a penalty in a billion years either. Babel was versed in the dark arts years before Hazard came along.

Owen's two goals in the cup final were my absolute all time favourites. I ended up in hospital.

Power n Glory
04-01-2018, 08:11 PM
I did the same when Walcott went on that mad run to set up Adebayor.* It was Mascherano for us who should have taken him out.

And then Babel came to the rescue :bow: :whistle:

*10 years ago in April. Fuck.

Can't believe we fucked that moment up.

05-01-2018, 09:08 AM
Latte levy:lol:

What next, oxygen? :lol:

05-01-2018, 10:15 PM
Trump is MAD about this new book.

There's not a single thing for him to colour in.

07-01-2018, 09:42 PM
Ann Widdecombe :lol:

08-01-2018, 10:14 AM
Trump is MAD about this new book.

There's not a single thing for him to colour in.

That’s no way to talk about a Stable Genius

The worst thing is I’m beginning to feel sorry for him. He felt the need to tweet an article praising him

Kind of shows that actually America doesn’t actually need a commander and chief or a Congress. By hook or by crook things have just carried on for a year in the absence of either.

08-01-2018, 10:52 AM
If you have to tell people that you're a genius, or stable, then you're probably not either.


08-01-2018, 11:10 AM
That’s no way to talk about a Stable Genius

The worst thing is I’m beginning to feel sorry for him. He felt the need to tweet an article praising him

Kind of shows that actually America doesn’t actually need a commander and chief or a Congress. By hook or by crook things have just carried on for a year in the absence of either.

Look at the media instead of Trump. It takes Trump 2 minutes to do what he does, it takes the media 2 days to make a show of themselves. He's danced them up, down, left and all around. I've never seen anyone use social media better than Trump's team.

The stable genius thing is a legal declaration, on the record. As you probably realise, the "liberals" have moved to a 25th amendment tactic for their ongoing coup attempt now the Russian tactic has been routed. They'll fail with that one too and it will be McCain, Hillary and a host of other perps who suddenly become too ill and mentally unstable to testify. Wait. Watch. Provided Trump's security team is good (and it is) the war is almost over.

Did you see all the Repugs lined up at Camp David? They've decided not to be naughty after all.

In a nutshell, what the eviscerated legacy media is trying telling you is it's treasonousinsane for the Commander in Chief (Trump being the first since the 60s) to step off the rail track and actually lead. Don't fall for the Reagan guff. He never went after the establishment so he didn't count.

08-01-2018, 11:15 AM
That’s no way to talk about a Stable Genius

The worst thing is I’m beginning to feel sorry for him. He felt the need to tweet an article praising him

Kind of shows that actually America doesn’t actually need a commander and chief or a Congress. By hook or by crook things have just carried on for a year in the absence of either.

Wikileaks have made a PDF version of this book available for free. Looks like even the Russians are turning on him now.

08-01-2018, 11:18 AM
Wikileaks have made a PDF version of this book available for free. Looks like even the Russians are turning on him now.

What book? The one by the gossip columnist that even elements on the left won't touch? Please don't tell me you are pinning all your hopes on that.

08-01-2018, 11:23 AM
What book? The one by the gossip columnist that even elements on the left won't touch? Please don't tell me you are pinning all your hopes on that.

I'm not pinning my hopes on anything. When the Russians are distributing a book that makes him look bad, it's clear they've turned on him.

08-01-2018, 11:30 AM
I'm not pinning my hopes on anything. When the Russians are distributing a book that makes him look bad, it's clear they've turned on him.

They already distributed a bunch of shit about him, that's what the Blairesque dodgy dossier was.

08-01-2018, 11:34 AM
That was all true, though.

08-01-2018, 11:37 AM
That was all true, though.

Silly me.

08-01-2018, 11:40 AM
Look at the media instead of Trump. It takes Trump 2 minutes to do what he does, it takes the media 2 days to make a show of themselves. He's danced them up, down, left and all around. I've never seen anyone use social media better than Trump's team.

The stable genius thing is a legal declaration, on the record. As you probably realise, the "liberals" have moved to a 25th amendment tactic for their ongoing coup attempt now the Russian tactic has been routed. They'll fail with that one too and it will be McCain, Hillary and a host of other perps who suddenly become too ill and mentally unstable to testify. Wait. Watch. Provided Trump's security team is good (and it is) the war is almost over.

Did you see all the Repugs lined up at Camp David? They've decided not to be naughty after all.

In a nutshell, what the eviscerated legacy media is trying telling you is it's treasonousinsane for the Commander in Chief (Trump being the first since the 60s) to step off the rail track and actually lead. Don't fall for the Reagan guff. He never went after the establishment so he didn't count.

You’re an intelligent guy. Do you actually believe what you’ve written?

Listen I get the fervour for an anti establishment individual. That’s certainly what Steve Bannon thought he had.

This isn’t some intricate chess game being played by anyone. You’ve got a guy who simply can’t cope.

This tax bill he managed to get passed? You think that was his idea and not just what the republicans have been looking to do for years. The only way in which the establishment isn’t in charge, is that it’s hard to get someone to tow the line when he’s the presidential equivalent of George III.

Who is this anti establishment force tearing up the system. Bannon as I’ve said is gone, half the staff positions in the White House are unfilled and there is a constant turnover in existing staff because there’s only so much stupid things you can say on someone else’s behalf.

This isn’t organised chaos, it’s just chaos. The media who are above anything else cheap and sensationalist are delighted at the goldmine of the cheap and sensational. All the while everyone else is just drowning out the circus music and getting on with their lives.

08-01-2018, 11:40 AM
Look at the media instead of Trump. It takes Trump 2 minutes to do what he does, it takes the media 2 days to make a show of themselves. He's danced them up, down, left and all around. I've never seen anyone use social media better than Trump's team.

The stable genius thing is a legal declaration, on the record. As you probably realise, the "liberals" have moved to a 25th amendment tactic for their ongoing coup attempt now the Russian tactic has been routed. They'll fail with that one too and it will be McCain, Hillary and a host of other perps who suddenly become too ill and mentally unstable to testify. Wait. Watch. Provided Trump's security team is good (and it is) the war is almost over.

Did you see all the Repugs lined up at Camp David? They've decided not to be naughty after all.

In a nutshell, what the eviscerated legacy media is trying telling you is it's treasonousinsane for the Commander in Chief (Trump being the first since the 60s) to step off the rail track and actually lead. Don't fall for the Reagan guff. He never went after the establishment so he didn't count.

I've read that three times and I still have no idea what you're talking about.

08-01-2018, 11:44 AM
The book is there to do what all books of it’s kind want to do, make money

Now even if every claim in that book is a lie, no one realistically thinks “No that’s just too incredible to be true”

Trying to muzzle the book is another indication of an addled mind. He simply can’t help himself rising to the bait.

08-01-2018, 11:52 AM
The book is there to do what all books of it’s kind want to do, make money

Now even if every claim in that book is a lie, no one realistically thinks “No that’s just too incredible to be true”

Trying to muzzle the book is another indication of an addled mind. He simply can’t help himself rising to the bait.

It's weird how NQ sees Trump as this shrewd operator playing the media and getting things done.
I think pretty much no-one else sees it that way.

08-01-2018, 12:09 PM
You’re an intelligent guy. Do you actually believe what you’ve written?

Listen I get the fervour for an anti establishment individual. That’s certainly what Steve Bannon thought he had.

This isn’t some intricate chess game being played by anyone. You’ve got a guy who simply can’t cope.

This tax bill he managed to get passed? You think that was his idea and not just what the republicans have been looking to do for years. The only way in which the establishment isn’t in charge, is that it’s hard to get someone to tow the line when he’s the presidential equivalent of George III.

Who is this anti establishment force tearing up the system. Bannon as I’ve said is gone, half the staff positions in the White House are unfilled and there is a constant turnover in existing staff because there’s only so much stupid things you can say on someone else’s behalf.

This isn’t organised chaos, it’s just chaos. The media who are above anything else cheap and sensationalist are delighted at the goldmine of the cheap and sensational. All the while everyone else is just drowning out the circus music and getting on with their lives.

I only mentioned the Repugs because it was a nice shot of them all lined up, taking their medicine. As I have previously said, this has very little to do with the theatre of Democrats vs Republicans. Thos are just two crime organisations competing in the same space. This is globalisation versus nationalism, so I always approach it from this perspective and absolutely yes, I wouldn't have typed what I typed if I didn't understand what is happening. I don't see the point in viewing things through the veil of the legacy media. How many years have they been lying and misdirecting, omitting and distracting? What's the value of listening to them any more?

The anti-establishment force? This is who it should be and who it was always supposed to be. The people. Trump's role in this is not to be the glorious leader taking them down the road to salvation. Only fools can see things in such stark opposites as painted by the discredited media. His role, which he is playing perfectly, is to shine a spotlight on the political system and the underlying systems that drive politics and economics. Whether you care to admit it, you know far more about the establishment and it's media arm today than you knew before Trump took office. And you'll learn a whole lot more yet.

A large segment of the citizenry will never respect themselves enough to take on responsibility for their own lives. They will always prefer to be led. When that segment represents the major majority corruption thrives. As that majority declines so there becomes a chance, slim but growing, we could actually end up with a political and economic system that tends towards representation and service. A halfway house to genuine liberty. I don't say there's much chance, but for the first time in a long time there is some chance. But, as always, those who thrive on corruption rely on the still sizeable body that fawns on a catalogue of media deception. And that's where the battle was fought in 2017. Only the blind will have failed to see the legacy media in its true light as a result. Plenty aren't blind any more.

Bannon is not gone btw. He's hooked up with a Chinese criminal and seriously thinks he has a crack at the presidency. Poor sod.

Power n Glory
08-01-2018, 12:13 PM
I've read that three times and I still have no idea what you're talking about.

NQ is doing a Letters. :lol:

No it’s worse than what I’ve seen Letters do when speaking up for Wenger.

08-01-2018, 12:14 PM
The book is there to do what all books of it’s kind want to do, make money

Now even if every claim in that book is a lie, no one realistically thinks “No that’s just too incredible to be true”

Trying to muzzle the book is another indication of an addled mind. He simply can’t help himself rising to the bait.

Yes, and Trump fucked up his response on this occasion. Unless he thought getting shot of Bannon was more important than making a tactical error. In the end it will be a small price to pay. The book will make a few quid and then fade away. Bannon won't be getting back into the fold though and now we'll see how marvellous this self proclaimed revolutionary is when he has to stand on his own two feet and make his own argument. That's if his funding doesn't dry up abruptly when his new friend ends up in a Chinese labour camp. Even so, the fact some (not even all this time) of the media has seized on this as credible is just more ammunition they are firing into their own feet in the long run. If that's all they have then they have nothing.

08-01-2018, 12:15 PM
I've read that three times and I still have no idea what you're talking about.

It will be difficult for you to follow along if you have somehow missed the whole Russian collusion thing and the 25th Amendment ploy. You need to follow US politics.

08-01-2018, 12:19 PM
It's weird how NQ sees Trump as this shrewd operator playing the media and getting things done.
I think pretty much no-one else sees it that way.

What you think just shows how dumb you are. You should do yourself a huge favour and never speak. The "no-one else" you claim to know about put Trump in the Whitehouse and you've been crying ever since. Wipe your eyes and come up with an argument against Trump's policies if you are so affected. At some point the one liners need to turn into substance, unless you are just here to wise crack about something you know and care nothing about. Which I suspect is the case.

08-01-2018, 12:30 PM
What you think just shows how dumb you are.
I guess everyone else who thinks Trump is a bumbling idiot with the temperament of a spoilt toddler must be dumb too then.
Once again you know better than all of us. Clever you.
I have already given my argument against the travel ban, must have done it on here. I touched briefly on the Paris Agreement in another thread recently.
It seems that the way you assess whether things are true or not depends entirely on whether they agree with your world view.
I'm sure you're aware of Confirmation Bias, you don't seem to realise how prone you are to it. Not uniquely of course, we all do it to an extent. But from things on here it seems you do it more than most.

08-01-2018, 12:32 PM
Yes, and Trump fucked up his response on this occasion. Unless he thought getting shot of Bannon was more important than making a tactical error. In the end it will be a small price to pay. The book will make a few quid and then fade away. Bannon won't be getting back into the fold though and now we'll see how marvellous this self proclaimed revolutionary is when he has to stand on his own two feet and make his own argument. That's if his funding doesn't dry up abruptly when his new friend ends up in a Chinese labour camp. Even so, the fact some (not even all this time) of the media has seized on this as credible is just more ammunition they are firing into their own feet in the long run. If that's all they have then they have nothing.

As I’ve said Trump is the media’s golden goose

Love him or hate him he’s the gift that keeps on giving. I bet you half of his base who despise CNN still watch it because of the wall to wall coverage of this guy.

I always challenged people who said he was the next Hitler because it was patently absurd. A reality tv Star is behaving like a reality tv Star and the biggest victim in all of it appears to be himself. On one hand it’s not all bad because it fuels his desperate need for attention. But if you look beyond what is said in the tweets, the frequency of them shows a guy desperately trying to control a situation and the narrative.

And why? Because he can’t let things go. It’s like if you or I remembered every single slight or perceived slight against us from other users on this board. I sometimes bite because I love arguments especially if I think I’m in the right. But neither of us I’m guessing pathologically needs to level the playing fields in our own minds on each and every occasion.

That’s what Trump needs. It explains his insistence on threatening the book with legal challenges. The author doesn’t give a fuck whether his book lasts long in the memory or not, he’s going to get a few interviews for a few weeks and make a fuck ton of money and then he’ll move on. What’s the betting Trump will still be harping on about it in a year or so.

As far as his future is concerned I’m still of the opinion I was a year ago he won’t stand for a second term. I think he genuinely hates having this job.

08-01-2018, 12:51 PM
I guess everyone else who thinks Trump is a bumbling idiot with the temperament of a spoilt toddler must be dumb too then.
Once again you know better than all of us. Clever you.
I have already given my argument against the travel ban, must have done it on here. I touched briefly on the Paris Agreement in another thread recently.
It seems that the way you assess whether things are true or not depends entirely on whether they agree with your world view.
I'm sure you're aware of Confirmation Bias, you don't seem to realise how prone you are to it. Not uniquely of course, we all do it to an extent. But from things on here it seems you do it more than most.

Nope, stop diverting. I called YOU dumb. Stop trying to hide behind "all of us". You've proven you're dumb, every time you type. I'm more than happy to engage with people who aren't proud of being dumb. And I do. As you can see. I have even tried to engage wit you, but there are limits to everything. And your amateur psychology? Just more proof. You are so confident in your ignorance.

Power n Glory
08-01-2018, 01:00 PM

08-01-2018, 01:02 PM
Nope, stop diverting. I called YOU dumb. Stop trying to hide behind "all of us". You've proven you're dumb, every time you type. I'm more than happy to engage with people who aren't proud of being dumb. And I do. As you can see. I have even tried to engage wit you, but there are limits to everything. And your amateur psychology? Just more proof. You are so confident in your ignorance.

You do have an amazing ability to say a lot without actually saying anything.
Basically that post boils down to "You're dumb, lolz". The debating tactic of a child. No wonder you like Trump so much...

08-01-2018, 01:03 PM
As I’ve said Trump is the media’s golden goose

Love him or hate him he’s the gift that keeps on giving. I bet you half of his base who despise CNN still watch it because of the wall to wall coverage of this guy.

I always challenged people who said he was the next Hitler because it was patently absurd. A reality tv Star is behaving like a reality tv Star and the biggest victim in all of it appears to be himself. On one hand it’s not all bad because it fuels his desperate need for attention. But if you look beyond what is said in the tweets, the frequency of them shows a guy desperately trying to control a situation and the narrative.

And why? Because he can’t let things go. It’s like if you or I remembered every single slight or perceived slight against us from other users on this board. I sometimes bite because I love arguments especially if I think I’m in the right. But neither of us I’m guessing pathologically needs to level the playing fields in our own minds on each and every occasion.

That’s what Trump needs. It explains his insistence on threatening the book with legal challenges. The author doesn’t give a fuck whether his book lasts long in the memory or not, he’s going to get a few interviews for a few weeks and make a fuck ton of money and then he’ll move on. What’s the betting Trump will still be harping on about it in a year or so.

As far as his future is concerned I’m still of the opinion I was a year ago he won’t stand for a second term. I think he genuinely hates having this job.

Oh come on. That line, "He hates the job, he didn't want to be president...", that's been rolled out as part of the 25th Amendment narrative. Coincidence? I'm just saying. Maybe you thought that beforehand but the drip, drip, drip of the legacy media is designed to bend the narrative in certain directions. Anyway, the idea of the narcissist who loathes being top dog just doesn't make sense.

I don't disagree with the idea he has an ego that is easily bruised. That's a character flaw probably related to him always being the dominant force in the room. Whether running a business, bullying the bank, firing the wannabe and now the biggest chair of all. And he's overreacted to this book and let his focus be drawn. The first mistake he's made. The jackals have bitten him for the first time and over such a nothing issue. That's where they'll keep on nipping now, but they don't seem to understand the more they thrash around the more people see them for what they are. So it's a win followed by a whole series of more damaging losses for them. Whereas Trump is not going to be damaged by a book in the long run.

08-01-2018, 01:05 PM
You do have an amazing ability to say a lot without actually saying anything.
Basically that post boils down to "You're dumb, lolz". The debating tactic of a child. No wonder you like Trump so much...

See how dumb you are?

You claim I don't say anything and then you confirm I'm saying you're dumb.

Pretty dumb, right?

And then you call me a child and finish with, "No wonder you like Trump..."


See what I mean.

Personally I would have said, "No wonder you LOVE Trump..."

08-01-2018, 01:33 PM
Confirmation Bias isn't amateur psychology by the way, it's professional psychology. But from your posts on here you seem less aware of it and more prone to it than most.
And, might I add, you smell of poo poo.

08-01-2018, 01:35 PM
The fact is Letters what do you even care even if NQ is saying that Trump the non politician is playing the establishment so hard they don’t know whether to shit or wind their wristwatch and the rest of you are too brainwashed to see the intricate genius of it, is it really something to soil your knickers over.

Trump is addictive viewing love him or hate him, the media presents itself as a watchdog to him and whether they realise it or not they are peddling the guys agenda. The agenda of Trump has and always has been Trump.

To that end he’s been a massive success, because I can’t think of any politician past or present that’s been talked about as much as him.

That’s ultimately what sustains him. The political platform he ran on was one he gratefully inherited because a) as it transpired rightly or wrongly it was a winning platform and b) the controversy its stirred has put him in his favourite place front and centre.

It’s not to say Trump secretly doesn’t hold any of these views, I think it’s more that political views are like friends, businesses and everything else in his life. Ephemeral and peripheral to his ultimate need for constant self aggrandisement

08-01-2018, 02:13 PM
Pence would be far worse than Trump, on all levels a real psychopath that one.. Democrats should just bide their time. They will win back the White House in 2020, unless they are dumb enough to put Hilary again front and centre. I wouldn't put it past them though.

08-01-2018, 02:13 PM
Confirmation Bias isn't amateur psychology by the way, it's professional psychology. But from your posts on here you seem less aware of it and more prone to it than most.
And, might I add, you smell of poo poo.

Indeed, it is professional and can't be learned from BBC editorials in one sitting. So tough, complex. Best not played with by rank amateurs then. But go ahead and show us your prowess anyway. For a laugh.

08-01-2018, 02:29 PM
Pence would be far worse than Trump, on all levels a real psychopath that one.. Democrats should just bide their time. They will win back the White House in 2020, unless they are dumb enough to put Hilary again front and centre. I wouldn't put it past them though.

Pence is just a garden variety religious nut, he is massively in cahoots with the Kochs. But I imagine they are doing nicely enough under Trump not to make things worse. The GOP won’t impeach Trump because Pence won’t play as well with the populist base even though he will still be popular with the evangelicals especially as a former Catholic (someone who has seen the light and converted).

The Democrats are useless, it wouldn’t surprise me if Clinton tried to run again. Whilst she’s not as pathologically narcissistic as Trump, her ego and sense of entitlement are almost as big.

They’ll probably go for old man Sanders and lose again.

08-01-2018, 02:42 PM
My problem with Pence is that there is no nutjob quite like a religious nutjob. Some of these people actually want to see the end of the world. They believe it is right round the corner, but the timetable might need a little nudge like a tiny nuclear conflagration to get things rolling. Religious strife. Israel defeating the Mullahs and Christ`s homecoming. I have seen a few, up close in dedicated fervour. they scare the hell out of me. Most of them cant wait to get to heaven, but want to see hell filled up with unbelievers before they themselves march hand in hand up the silvery staircase.

08-01-2018, 02:43 PM
They won't impeach Trump because there's nothing to impeach him for. Mannefort's law suit will go all the way to the Supreme Court and that will be the end of the Russia, Russia, Russia farce. The loonies have given up on that because most of the shit hit them instead. It's now a 25th Amendment ploy and that will fail and hit them in the face too. Which leaves assassination and that's lucky dip. People aren't as uninformed and unaware as they were back in the 60s.

08-01-2018, 02:48 PM
My problem with Pence is that there is no nutjob quite like a religious nutjob. Some of these people actually want to see the end of the world. They believe it is right round the corner, but the timetable might need a little nudge like a tiny nuclear conflagration to get things rolling. Religious strife. Israel defeating the Mullahs and Christ`s homecoming. I have seen a few, up close in dedicated fervour. they scare the hell out of me. Most of them cant wait to get to heaven, but want to see hell filled up with unbelievers before they themselves march hand in hand up the silvery staircase.

The globalists are the end of the world crowd. They make no secret about it, but their fire and brimstone comes in the form of forced sterilisation, transhumanism, eugenics, warfare, etc. Pence is just this guy who could secure a segment of the vote that Trump didn't have much time for but is a traditional branch of the right. A necessary evil to counter the influx of illegal immigrants and refugees that are rushed to the ballot box by the left. Pence is a nothing and I doubt he'll even run in 2024.

08-01-2018, 03:47 PM
Trump is addictive viewing love him or hate him, the media presents itself as a watchdog to him and whether they realise it or not they are peddling the guys agenda. The agenda of Trump has and always has been Trump.

To that end he’s been a massive success, because I can’t think of any politician past or present that’s been talked about as much as him.
He is objectively entertaining and yes, he constantly gives the press a lot of material. They must secretly love him.
I don't think he likes all the negative press covfefe though.

Power n Glory
08-01-2018, 03:49 PM
The globalists are the end of the world crowd. They make no secret about it, but their fire and brimstone comes in the form of forced sterilisation, transhumanism, eugenics, warfare, etc. Pence is just this guy who could secure a segment of the vote that Trump didn't have much time for but is a traditional branch of the right. A necessary evil to counter the influx of illegal immigrants and refugees that are rushed to the ballot box by the left. Pence is a nothing and I doubt he'll even run in 2024.

Can you explain the thinking behind that idea a little more?

08-01-2018, 03:49 PM
People that stand outside in the cold and smoke:haha:

They willingly pay money to kill themselves :haha:

And stand in the cold to do so :haha:

08-01-2018, 04:22 PM
People that stand outside in the cold and smoke:haha

They willingly pay money to kill themselves :haha:

And stand in the cold to do so :haha:

Have you been spying on me?

Objectively it still gets me out of the office for five-ten minutes

08-01-2018, 04:32 PM
I only vape now.

I don't even smoke, I just vape to look cool. Which I do.

08-01-2018, 04:46 PM
Until the snowflake laws came in I would only ever take a job provided I was allowed to smoke in my office. Used to piss everyone off endlessly as they trudged to the exits. Made a lot of new friends though who used to come to my office just to see me. Which was nice.

08-01-2018, 04:59 PM
Until the snowflake laws came in I would only ever take a job provided I was allowed to smoke in my office. Used to piss everyone off endlessly as they trudged to the exits. Made a lot of new friends though who used to come to my office just to see me. Which was nice.

What do you do now? Aside from being a criminal kingpin.

08-01-2018, 05:02 PM
Until the snowflake laws came in I would only ever take a job provided I was allowed to smoke in my office. Used to piss everyone off endlessly as they trudged to the exits. Made a lot of new friends though who used to come to my office just to see me. Which was nice.

I smoke and I never do so indoors. It’s disgusting gets in your eyes and the smell lingers.

Have no problem at all with smoking bans in pubs and offices

What I find ridiculous is the plain packaging and hidden cigarette cabinets. Who do you think that’s going to deter?

Marc Overmars
08-01-2018, 05:02 PM
So what's the deal with Canada Goose? I've counted 16 people wearing those garish looking coats today. Who in their right mind would spend £700 on a coat???

08-01-2018, 05:02 PM
Can you explain the thinking behind that idea a little more?

When I get a spare hour or two.

08-01-2018, 05:06 PM
What do you do now? Aside from being a criminal kingpin.

Smoke at home in my own office,. In my pants if I want, or dressed up as Elvis Presley. Whatever I want. They say it's a free world and I take them up on it. Wouldn't go back to an office if I was starving in the street.

Power n Glory
08-01-2018, 05:06 PM
When I get a spare hour or two.

:good: I have a feeling there will be some common ground there.

08-01-2018, 05:10 PM
I smoke and I never do so indoors. It’s disgusting gets in your eyes and the smell lingers.

Have no problem at all with smoking bans in pubs and offices

What I find ridiculous is the plain packaging and hidden cigarette cabinets. Who do you think that’s going to deter?

Smoking bans in pubs can't ever be defended logically or morally. A place where poison is literally poured down throats and people are worried about the zero evidence effects of secondary smoking? The stunning hypocrisy of it. The stunning hypocrisy of the state telling us what to do, them being public servants and all. We could have had smoking pubs and non-smoking pubs, still a massive liberty on the part of the state, but these cunts prefer total bans because they get aroused by authority. Offices are generally full of shit, truly toxic places, so is anyone bothered about a bit of smoke?

Marc Overmars
08-01-2018, 05:20 PM
Smoking bans in pubs can't ever be defended logically or morally. A place where poison is literally poured down throats and people are worried about the zero evidence effects of secondary smoking? The stunning hypocrisy of it. The stunning hypocrisy of the state telling us what to do, them being public servants and all. We could have had smoking pubs and non-smoking pubs, still a massive liberty on the part of the state, but these cunts prefer total bans because they get aroused by authority. Offices are generally full of shit, truly toxic places, so is anyone bothered about a bit of smoke?

People have a choice if they want to pour that poison down their throats though. Not everyone drinks in a pub.

I was in Copenhagen over the weekend and a lot of the bars and pubs there still allow smoking. My clothes and hair stunk of the shit after leaving, felt pretty sick in all honesty.

Marc Overmars
08-01-2018, 05:21 PM

08-01-2018, 05:29 PM
Smoke at home in my own office,. In my pants if I want, or dressed up as Elvis Presley. Whatever I want. They say it's a free world and I take them up on it. Wouldn't go back to an office if I was starving in the street.

Adult industry :bow:

08-01-2018, 05:34 PM
I smoke and I never do so indoors. It’s disgusting gets in your eyes and the smell lingers.

Have no problem at all with smoking bans in pubs and offices

What I find ridiculous is the plain packaging and hidden cigarette cabinets. Who do you think that’s going to deter?

Looking back it now seems ridiculous that you ever could smoke in pubs. As a non-smoker, it was pretty horrible and you'd come home reeking of smoke.
Sometimes in my work trips I go to places where people can still smoke in bars and it reminds me how rubbish it was.
I guess a smoking room is not the worst thing if it's well ventilated and separate from the non-smoking part.
There is some evidence from Australia than plain packaging deters people, not sure how or why or whether it will have an effect here.

08-01-2018, 05:59 PM
Smoking bans in pubs can't ever be defended logically or morally. A place where poison is literally poured down throats and people are worried about the zero evidence effects of secondary smoking? The stunning hypocrisy of it. The stunning hypocrisy of the state telling us what to do, them being public servants and all. We could have had smoking pubs and non-smoking pubs, still a massive liberty on the part of the state, but these cunts prefer total bans because they get aroused by authority. Offices are generally full of shit, truly toxic places, so is anyone bothered about a bit of smoke?

It was the best thing to happen tbh. We need a complete ban tbh.

If you want to kill yourself stop being selfish. Do it another way.

08-01-2018, 06:06 PM
Oprah for president 2020.!!

Saviour of the people. Please vote for her, she loves men too.

08-01-2018, 06:36 PM

08-01-2018, 07:23 PM
Looking back it now seems ridiculous that you ever could smoke in pubs. As a non-smoker, it was pretty horrible and you'd come home reeking of smoke.
Sometimes in my work trips I go to places where people can still smoke in bars and it reminds me how rubbish it was.
I guess a smoking room is not the worst thing if it's well ventilated and separate from the non-smoking part.
There is some evidence from Australia than plain packaging deters people, not sure how or why or whether it will have an effect here.

The idea is that first time smokers (teenagers basically) won’t be able to see what they are trying to buy with fake id or try and get adults to buy for them. Plain Packaging means that you get rid of branded advertising, but Its bollocks most smokers find a brand they like through either trial and error or affordability. I do get asked loads by teenagers to buy them cigarettesits

“Erm no”
“Why not”
“Because if you were old enough to buy them, you wouldn’t be asking me”

But it’s bollocks. People are going to smoke, it’s nanny state nonsense to use these kind of techniques to infantilise people. The smoking ban doesn’t bother me because I see no reason to inflict it on other people. I wouldn’t smoke in my own house, my dads house, my brothers house so why do I need to smoke indoors anywhere else.

08-01-2018, 07:38 PM
So yeah, we're all agreed, vaping is really cool.

Xhaka Can’t
08-01-2018, 09:06 PM
:good: I have a feeling there will be some common ground there.

When you little scamps get together you’re worse than a sewing circle.

Xhaka Can’t
08-01-2018, 09:11 PM
The smoking ban was and still is the greatest law ever passed.

I used to fucking hate it sat in a restaurant when some cunt at the table in front would hold their fucking filthy foul smelling economy cigarette behind them so as to keep the smoke away from their table and inflict it upon us when we were eating.

I never missed an opportunity to tell them what a fucking cunt they were.


08-01-2018, 09:17 PM
When you little scamps get together you’re worse than a sewing circle.

Enough with the Pulp Fiction quotes

08-01-2018, 09:17 PM

08-01-2018, 09:19 PM
The smoking ban was and still is the greatest law ever passed.

I used to fucking hate it sat in a restaurant when some cunt at the table in front would hold their fucking filthy foul smelling economy cigarette behind them so as to keep the smoke away from their table and inflict it upon us when we were eating.

I never missed an opportunity to tell them what a fucking cunt they were.



08-01-2018, 09:33 PM
The smoking ban was and still is the greatest law ever passed.

I used to fucking hate it sat in a restaurant when some cunt at the table in front would hold their fucking filthy foul smelling economy cigarette behind them so as to keep the smoke away from their table and inflict it upon us when we were eating.

I never missed an opportunity to tell them what a fucking cunt they were.


Emancipation of the slaves was probably up there a close second. I don't like seeing filthy fags in a restaurant, but they are perfectly legal and just because they make me feel sick when I'm trying to eat I don't call for them to be banned. Provided they don't waft over to my table and start sucking away it's live and let live in public places as far as I'm concerned. Everyone has different pet hates and real hates and if everyone could have those hates banned then nothing would be legal.

08-01-2018, 09:47 PM
Emancipation of the slaves was probably up there a close second. I don't like seeing filthy fags in a restaurant, but they are perfectly legal and just because they make me feel sick when I'm trying to eat I don't call for them to be banned. Provided they don't waft over to my table and start sucking away it's live and let live in public places as far as I'm concerned. Everyone has different pet hates and real hates and if everyone could have those hates banned then nothing would be legal.

Pet hates that kill people and inject stupid chemicals into your body should be banned.

People that smoke are a strain on the NHS, the country and non-smokers.

The day it's banned :bow:

08-01-2018, 10:05 PM
Pet hates that kill people and inject stupid chemicals into your body should be banned.

People that smoke are a strain on the NHS, the country and non-smokers.

The day it's banned :bow:

My pet hate injects stuff into people too, eeeeew, and caused a global epidemic that almost wiped out the species. Go figure.

And the "strain" put on the NHS by smokers is precisely zero. Smokers pay their way many times over through the hypocrite tax imposed by the state that loves us and wants to do the best for us. Which is why so many immigrants are shipped in, I suppose. Now if you want to talk about strains on the NHS.

08-01-2018, 10:08 PM

The following product 'Package: goonersweb.co.uk (Starter Pro Accounts)' is due for renewal in 7 days at 11:59 PM on Sat 13 Jan 2018.

Might let it die tbh.

GW :rose:

08-01-2018, 10:10 PM

Never watched that. Looks great. Does he punch any other liberal fucks or was that the highlight?

08-01-2018, 10:10 PM
I'll buy it

08-01-2018, 10:10 PM

Might let it die tbh.

GW :rose:

I told you, stick a donate button on the site.

08-01-2018, 10:14 PM
In terms of punching liberal fucks that is the highlight, but it's a very funny film.
Top, top quality.

08-01-2018, 10:14 PM
I'll buy it

Make me an offer I can't understand :cool:

08-01-2018, 10:19 PM
In terms of punching liberal fucks that is the highlight, but it's a very funny film.
Top, top quality.

2% away from being watchable?

Shaqiri Is Boss
08-01-2018, 10:20 PM
He karate chops a dwarf and insults a family of fat Americans.

And says cunt a lot.

08-01-2018, 10:22 PM
He karate chops a dwarf and insults a family of fat Americans.

And says cunt a lot.

The scene with the Americans. :haha:
"youse fookin' elephants!".

Shaqiri Is Boss
08-01-2018, 10:23 PM
C'mon leave it fatty.

08-01-2018, 10:26 PM
My pet hate injects stuff into people too, eeeeew, and caused a global epidemic that almost wiped out the species. Go figure.

And the "strain" put on the NHS by smokers is precisely zero. Smokers pay their way many times over through the hypocrite tax imposed by the state that loves us and wants to do the best for us. Which is why so many immigrants are shipped in, I suppose. Now if you want to talk about strains on the NHS.

Precisely zero :lol:

08-01-2018, 10:35 PM
He karate chops a dwarf and insults a family of fat Americans.

And says cunt a lot.

Not for me. I prefer my entertainment to be a departure from everyday life.

08-01-2018, 11:01 PM

:lol: It's funny because he's black.
One of my friends on FB posted that saying "It's a disgrace". I wonder if she'd have done so had the model been white.
She is black and, in my admittedly white view, has somewhat of a chip on her shoulder about race.

08-01-2018, 11:39 PM
Did she go ape?