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09-01-2018, 08:50 AM
Did she go ape?

Yep. Absolutely bananas.

09-01-2018, 09:05 AM
Note to self. Remove Christmas smileys.


Letters :bow:

You'll need to clear your cache.

09-01-2018, 09:25 AM
:lol: It's funny because he's black.
One of my friends on FB posted that saying "It's a disgrace". I wonder if she'd have done so had the model been white.
She is black and, in my admittedly white view, has somewhat of a chip on her shoulder about race.

I’m firstly not even convinced that it’s real

Secondly you’re doing more to single out the black child, when there would be no outrage if a white child wore the jumper.

I call my nephew a monkey all the time

09-01-2018, 09:42 AM
I’m firstly not even convinced that it’s real

Secondly you’re doing more to single out the black child, when there would be no outrage if a white child wore the jumper.

I call my nephew a monkey all the time

I have to admit I failed to check whether this is real initially but it has been reported in multiple papers and H&M have issued an apology so I think it is.
Yes, there would be no outrage were the child white but it was, at best, clumsy to use a black child for this particular photo.
I don't think there was any malice intended but you would have thought at some point along the chain of events which led to this image being put on their website someone would have thought "Hang on..."

09-01-2018, 09:54 AM
It's fine, the kid has been compensated with unlimited watermelon.

09-01-2018, 09:57 AM
You have to admit, £7.99 is pretty cheap for a black child.

09-01-2018, 10:16 AM
Yeah but the weekly cost of the fried chicken alone would be prohibitive.

Power n Glory
09-01-2018, 11:13 AM
Of course the crackers act like they don't understand why their colleagues have a chip on their shoulder but are quick to whip out the old stereotypes for jokes. ;) It's hard to believe this was an innocent mistake hence the mistrust and cynicism when it comes to trusting white people.

09-01-2018, 11:24 AM
If it wasn't an innocent mistake then what exactly were they trying to achieve?
It can only generate negative publicity and harm the brand, what possible reason would they have to do that?
Although it does admittedly beggar belief that multiple people must have seen and approved this image and not one of them realised how it would look.

09-01-2018, 11:31 AM
Of course the crackers act like they don't understand why their colleagues have a chip on their shoulder but are quick to whip out the old stereotypes for jokes. ;) It's hard to believe this was an innocent mistake hence the mistrust and cynicism when it comes to trusting white people.

Given the multiple faux pas made by advertising execs and PR trained people, nothing can be assumed to be beyond idiocy

I think of all the grievances black people should really get rattled about, this really doesn’t register.

People black and white, left and right like to play division by treating all grievances as though they are deliberately confected by the other

Power n Glory
09-01-2018, 11:34 AM
If it wasn't an innocent mistake then what exactly were they trying to achieve?
It can only generate negative publicity and harm the brand, what possible reason would they have to do that?
Although it does admittedly beggar belief that multiple people must have seen and approved this image and not one of them realised how it would look.

That is why it’s not innocent. You yourself are aware of the stereotype, aware of how it looks, go on to make jokes but then have the audacity to say your colleague has a ‘chip’ on her shoulder. ;) Not a soul said a word when this was being approved but I bet a few jokes flew around the office at H&M. God knows what they expected to achieve.

09-01-2018, 11:50 AM
That is why it’s not innocent. You yourself are aware of the stereotype, aware of how it looks, go on to make jokes but then have the audacity to say your colleague has a ‘chip’ on her shoulder. ;) Not a soul said a word when this was being approved but I bet a few jokes flew around the office at H&M. God knows what they expected to achieve.

Who is H&M? Never heard of them. Well I have now.

09-01-2018, 11:51 AM
It's the place that sells clothes made of hand-picked cotton.

09-01-2018, 11:53 AM
Well I'll be doing all my shopping there from now on, provided their tanktops are half decent.

09-01-2018, 11:55 AM
Well I'll be doing all my shopping there from now on, provided their tanktops are half decent.

30% off Niggers out jumpers in the January sales

09-01-2018, 11:56 AM
If it's not innocent then it must be malicious. And what the hell were they trying to achieve by doing that?
If they'd used the black kid for all the photos in that range they might have got away with it.
I do admittedly struggle to believe that no-one there would realise how this looks.
But I equally struggle to believe that they would self-harm so spectacularly. EDIT: Are H&M "institutionally racist"? :lol:
Given the amount of stupidity in the world I'm more inclined to believe this was that rather than malice.

09-01-2018, 12:01 PM
Who cares if it was deliberate or not? Honestly, who gives a fuck? If you think it was and for some reason words upset you then don't shop there. If you couldn't give a fuck then shop there, don't shop there, it'll depend on what they are selling I suppose. Probably crap girly shit that was made by a slave in China - out of sight so out of mind and the brand drenched liberal with his virtue banner won't care.

The ease at which people get triggered these days. Has anyone ever stopped to wonder how that happened? And what purpose might be behind it? Or have we all suddenly become enlightened, with our mobile phones and lack of conversation?

09-01-2018, 12:06 PM
This is weird, I might be dangerously close to agreeing with you.

09-01-2018, 12:23 PM
Who cares if it was deliberate or not? Honestly, who gives a fuck? If you think it was and for some reason words upset you then don't shop there. If you couldn't give a fuck then shop there, don't shop there, it'll depend on what they are selling I suppose. Probably crap girly shit that was made by a slave in China - out of sight so out of mind and the brand drenched liberal with his virtue banner won't care.

The ease at which people get triggered these days. Has anyone ever stopped to wonder how that happened? And what purpose might be behind it? Or have we all suddenly become enlightened, with our mobile phones and lack of conversation?

I think this particular example is personally ridiculous at worst just a bit daft

But for the purpose of basic civility, it wouldn’t exactly be desirable for businesses to be openly contemptuous of people for the colour of their skin. And I imagine H and M don’t want to be losing black custom, which makes me dismiss the idea that this was purposeful discrimination.

It’s a bit like the argument over the gay cake the northern Irish bakery refused to make. It wasn’t a case of refusing to serve customers because they were gay, it was refusing to make a cake based on a political message they didn’t agree with. Now I personally think that’s absurd, but end of the day if you’re doing well enough to sell yourself short on money than happy days....and as for the gay customer in question there are plenty of other bakeries that would have gladly taken their money.

Power n Glory
09-01-2018, 12:42 PM
If it's not innocent then it must be malicious. And what the hell were they trying to achieve by doing that?
If they'd used the black kid for all the photos in that range they might have got away with it.
I do admittedly struggle to believe that no-one there would realise how this looks.
But I equally struggle to believe that they would self-harm so spectacularly. EDIT: Are H&M "institutionally racist"? :lol:
Given the amount of stupidity in the world I'm more inclined to believe this was that rather than malice.

I can’t speak for H&M or their intentions. As NQ said, maybe it’s all about publicity. That’s not what I care about. What cracks me up is the way you and GP are well aware of the stereotypes, know the racists language and go on to make your own racists jokes but plead ignorance. Is it innocent or malicious on your part despite being well aware of the connotations? Nah, this is why there will always be a mistrust for you crackers. ;)

Marc Overmars
09-01-2018, 12:44 PM

Power n Glory
09-01-2018, 12:51 PM
Who cares if it was deliberate or not? Honestly, who gives a fuck? If you think it was and for some reason words upset you then don't shop there. If you couldn't give a fuck then shop there, don't shop there, it'll depend on what they are selling I suppose. Probably crap girly shit that was made by a slave in China - out of sight so out of mind and the brand drenched liberal with his virtue banner won't care.

The ease at which people get triggered these days. Has anyone ever stopped to wonder how that happened? And what purpose might be behind it? Or have we all suddenly become enlightened, with our mobile phones and lack of conversation?

I’ve said this to you before, with the election of Trump, I think the overall agenda is to divide and conquer. So be it.

09-01-2018, 12:57 PM
What cracks me up is the way you and GP are well aware of the stereotypes,
know the racists language and go on to make your own racists jokes but plead ignorance.
I'm not pleading ignorance. I don't think GP is either. As you say, we are making jokes about the stereotype.
How can you think we are "well aware" of them and also be "pleading ignorance"?

What I am saying is that I have no idea why H&M would do this maliciously, they do say that no publicity is bad publicity but I'm not sure that's true.
I'm more inclined to think they were stupid rather than ignorant or malicious but I can’t speak for H&M either, I'm just saying what I think.

09-01-2018, 01:06 PM
I'm not pleading ignorance. I don't think GP is either. As you say, we are making jokes about the stereotype.
How can you think we are "well aware" of them and also be "pleading ignorance"?

What I am saying is that I have no idea why H&M would do this maliciously, they do say that no publicity is bad publicity but I'm not sure that's true.
I'm more inclined to think they were stupid rather than ignorant or malicious but I can’t speak for H&M either, I'm just saying what I think.

That tends to be my view. It also represents the difference between what is and what should

I personally would like it thought of that if you call any kid a monkey regardless of their skin colour should be seen in the spirit of their exuberant behaviour.

That’s what should

What is, is that it won’t always be meant or taken in that spirit

Power n Glory
09-01-2018, 01:12 PM
I'm not pleading ignorance. I don't think GP is either. As you say, we are making jokes about the stereotype.
How can you think we are "well aware" of them and also be "pleading ignorance"?

What I am saying is that I have no idea why H&M would do this maliciously, they do say that no publicity is bad publicity but I'm not sure that's true.
I'm more inclined to think they were stupid rather than ignorant or malicious but I can’t speak for H&M either, I'm just saying what I think.

Your friend posted it on FB saying it's a disgrace and you conclude she has a chip on her shoulder about race because she wouldn't have been offended if the child were white. But you then go on to crack racists jokes. She'd probably be more pissed about that to be honest. If she were to find out and question you about it, could you plead innocence? Of course not. You help keep the stereotype and joke going. Some friend.

09-01-2018, 01:14 PM
That tends to be my view. It also represents the difference between what is and what should

I personally would like it thought of that if you call any kid a monkey regardless of their skin colour should be seen in the spirit of their exuberant behaviour.

That’s what should

What is, is that it won’t always be meant or taken in that spirit

If you are white. Don`t call a black kid a little monkey in any circumstance. Especially if there are any other black folk in the vicinity...Just my advice.

Power n Glory
09-01-2018, 01:22 PM
That tends to be my view. It also represents the difference between what is and what should

I personally would like it thought of that if you call any kid a monkey regardless of their skin colour should be seen in the spirit of their exuberant behaviour.

That’s what should

What is, is that it won’t always be meant or taken in that spirit

That’s how it should be taken. But with racists minds at work, blacks being quick to ‘spread awareness’ and crackers, like GP quick to start jokes about watermelon, picking cotton and fried chicken, it’s obvious why someone from H&M should have thought twice about this.

09-01-2018, 01:31 PM
Your friend posted it on FB saying it's a disgrace and you conclude
she has a chip on her shoulder about race because she wouldn't have been offended if the child were white.
I conclude she has a chip on her shoulder because if a load of things she posts, not just because of this.

But you then go on to crack racists jokes. She'd probably be more pissed about that to be honest.

She probably would, so I wouldn't do so to her. There are things I would post on here that I wouldn't say at loud at church. I don't think that's hypocritical, doesn't everyone change their behaviour to some extend depending on the company they're in or their "audience"?

If she were to find out and question you about it, could you plead innocence? Of course not. You help keep the stereotype and joke going. Some friend.

No, I wouldn't plead ignorance. I'd say what I said above. Like most people, I behave differently depending on who I'm talking to. If you don't do that then you're probably on "the spectrum".
I think she knows me well enough to know that I'm not about to start throwing bananas at black footballers or making monkey noises at them next time I go see my beloved MK Dons.
But it would be interesting to have a conversation with her about what she thinks about this sort of joke. My view is that pretty much nothing is off limits for humour. She may feel differently.

Power n Glory
09-01-2018, 02:04 PM
I conclude she has a chip on her shoulder because if a load of things she posts, not just because of this.

She probably would, so I wouldn't do so to her. There are things I would post on here that I wouldn't say at loud at church. I don't think that's hypocritical, doesn't everyone change their behaviour to some extend depending on the company they're in or their "audience"?

No, I wouldn't plead ignorance. I'd say what I said above. Like most people, I behave differently depending on who I'm talking to. If you don't do that then you're probably on "the spectrum".
I think she knows me well enough to know that I'm not about to start throwing bananas at black footballers or making monkey noises at them next time I go see my beloved MK Dons.
But it would be interesting to have a conversation with her about what she thinks about this sort of joke. My view is that pretty much nothing is off limits for humour. She may feel differently.

Post things like what? I can guess what she posts given what we've all seen in recent years. If I knew her, I'd tell her to stop wasting her time trying to appeal to white people with these 'awareness' videos. Nobody should need an education on racism in 2018. People just don't give a fuck.

09-01-2018, 02:07 PM
If you are white. Don`t call a black kid a little monkey in any circumstance. Especially if there are any other black folk in the vicinity...Just my advice.

Well no. That would be stupid

What I’m saying is it shouldn’t be offensive but because of historical and to a lesser extent contemporary attitudes you can’t say it

09-01-2018, 02:08 PM
That’s how it should be taken. But with racists minds at work, blacks being quick to ‘spread awareness’ and crackers, like GP quick to start jokes about watermelon, picking cotton and fried chicken, it’s obvious why someone from H&M should have thought twice about this.

I don’t think that’s in doubt

What is in doubt is whether it was malicious rather than dimwitted

09-01-2018, 02:23 PM
Post things like what?
She just seems a bit preoccupied by things around race is all.
Luckily, she is a grown up and very intelligent and we can have sensible conversations about it as we could about racist jokes
She's more of a FB friend tbh, I rarely see her.

09-01-2018, 02:29 PM
The left and the right are both obsessed with race

For the right fringes there is ethnonationalism which considering the vast sense of migration down the centuries seems fanciful at best

For the left, there is intersectionality which is a kind of Top Trumps of how oppressed you can claim to be based on what numerous kinds of minority you are.

Both are us vs them philosophies

09-01-2018, 02:29 PM
Racism no longer exists anyway.

Power n Glory
09-01-2018, 02:34 PM
I don’t think that’s in doubt

What is in doubt is whether it was malicious rather than dimwitted

What counts as malicious? Given what we've seen over the past few years alone and the current climate and knowing people, I'm not ruling it out.

09-01-2018, 02:36 PM
Oprah :bow:

09-01-2018, 02:41 PM
What counts as malicious? Given what we've seen over the past few years alone and the current climate and knowing people, I'm not ruling it out.

The current climate? Idiots on social media. Who express a moronic opinion and can offer nothing by way of substantiation

The current climate is far more geared to people being ready to take offence at the drop of a hat and in such a climate it was moronic and it makes a mockery of the kind of money ad executives get.

H and M are a global brand, it’s hardly a sensible business model to intentionally wade into racial polemics

09-01-2018, 02:43 PM

Vomit inducing tbf. Far more offensive than the original message, if you consider that sort of thing to be offensive, because it shamelessly surfs on the back of the incident for personal aggrandisement and virtue bullhorning. He's a cock, basically. And the soap brained journos just go along with it because they have no clue what else to do in a world where there job is to protect the advertising revenue - and nothing else.

09-01-2018, 02:46 PM
I’ve said this to you before, with the election of Trump, I think the overall agenda is to divide and conquer. So be it.

That has ALWAYS been the agenda. It's the only way for the minority to rule the majority when the minority has self interest foremost. You really think the election of Obama was supposed to be a healing process? The very opposite, it was the wolf dressed as the black sheep, to speak soft words and drive the divides ever wider. And he did. The only difference with Trump is he's honest. America for Americans and fuck the rest. Not exactly a policy for all humanity but when you are holding the line you fight with the guy in the hole next to you. Don't forget, Trump has always been more left than right. Look at his background, ignore the revisionist bullshit that has been cultivated since his unauthorised victory.

09-01-2018, 02:51 PM
I'm not pleading ignorance. I don't think GP is either. As you say, we are making jokes about the stereotype.
How can you think we are "well aware" of them and also be "pleading ignorance"?

What I am saying is that I have no idea why H&M would do this maliciously, they do say that no publicity is bad publicity but I'm not sure that's true.
I'm more inclined to think they were stupid rather than ignorant or malicious but I can’t speak for H&M either, I'm just saying what I think.

Of course they (the company) didn't do it maliciously. All they care about is profit, and casting racial slurs about in public isn't good for profits. So that possibility is impossible. A disgruntled or retarded employee? Maybe. A hard pressed team ploughing through 3000 items to go up on a web site, operating in pure bulk processing mode? Kid, clothes. click - kid, clothes, click... Most likely. Unfortunately for the liberal drips people in the real world don't have a week to analyse every single action to determine if it might be offensive to the ever expanding list of PC commandments. Even God stopped at 10.

09-01-2018, 02:55 PM
That tends to be my view. It also represents the difference between what is and what should

I personally would like it thought of that if you call any kid a monkey regardless of their skin colour should be seen in the spirit of their exuberant behaviour.

That’s what should

What is, is that it won’t always be meant or taken in that spirit

I think the difference between a beaming parent and a vile racist redneck swearing through the window of his pickup truck is probably blatant enough for even a liberal to twig. But it's the words themselves that are offensive with these bastards, they don't care about the intent. Control of language is their game because if you can control that you can control behaviour and even thought, eventually. They are the antithesis of liberty, liberal and anything that endorses live and let live and there will be a backlash soon enough, and it'll be one of those rare occasions where it is entirely justified.

09-01-2018, 03:00 PM
Honestly though, never heard of H&M so in this fucked up world this has been a big win for them, accidental or otherwise. Today, all publicity is good publicity. There are so many fools out there waiting to plough onto the Internet with their fucked up opinions as if their mewing means shit...

Oh wait. I might be doing the same thing right now.

But it's different here because nobody knows GW exists. So we get a free pass.

09-01-2018, 03:01 PM
A hard pressed team ploughing through 3000 items to go up on a web site, operating in pure bulk processing mode? Kid, clothes. click - kid, clothes, click... Most likely.
That is quite likely, but there must have been a whole process for that image to be selected for publishing in the first place.
You would think they did the photoshoot for that line on the same day.
The photos would have had to be reviewed by some marketing team.
You would have thought at some point someone would have said "Hang on...we've got the black kid in the monkey shirt. Isn't that going to look a bit...you know"


09-01-2018, 03:04 PM
That is quite likely, but there must have been a whole process for that image to be selected for publishing in the first place.
You would think they did the photoshoot for that line on the same day.
The photos would have had to be reviewed by some marketing team.
You would have thought at some point someone would have said "Hang on...we've got the black kid in the monkey shirt. Isn't that going to look a bit...you know"

Kidding me?

It went more like, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, this thing is 6 months and half a million quid over budget and we lied about that and we're still not ready for that big fucking ad placement that relies on the new stock and if we don't get that out we're fucked! Put any old shit out there and do it fast."

Like any normal marketing department.

09-01-2018, 03:13 PM
I think the difference between a beaming parent and a vile racist redneck swearing through the window of his pickup truck is probably blatant enough for even a liberal to twig. But it's the words themselves that are offensive with these bastards, they don't care about the intent. Control of language is their game because if you can control that you can control behaviour and even thought, eventually. They are the antithesis of liberty, liberal and anything that endorses live and let live and there will be a backlash soon enough, and it'll be one of those rare occasions where it is entirely justified.

But yet you continue to use the label as a pejorative even though you fully admit it’s a total misnomer when it comes to the regressive left

Power n Glory
09-01-2018, 03:15 PM
The current climate? Idiots on social media. Who express a moronic opinion and can offer nothing by way of substantiation

The current climate is far more geared to people being ready to take offence at the drop of a hat and in such a climate it was moronic and it makes a mockery of the kind of money ad executives get.

H and M are a global brand, it’s hardly a sensible business model to intentionally wade into racial polemics

Proving my point. If you're unaware of what's been going outside of social media and what it's all connected to, there is no point in me talking to you.

09-01-2018, 03:23 PM
Proving my point. If you're unaware of what's been going outside of social media and what it's all connected to, there is no point in me talking to you.

No we just don’t agree on “what’s been going on”

As I said above a lot of it is about artificially confected outrage.

Trump if that’s what your alluding to, is less about dislike of blacks but a sense of disfranchisement and disaffection felt by whites.

09-01-2018, 03:42 PM
But yet you continue to use the label as a pejorative even though you fully admit it’s a total misnomer when it comes to the regressive left

They stole it from you and it's on you to take it back.

09-01-2018, 04:00 PM
They stole it from you and it's on you to take it back.

Not at all

If they want to mislabel themselves, they just look stupid

In most regards I’m as socially liberal as these people, I just don’t demand that other people agree with me.

And certainly don’t seek to close down debate on issues.

Your attitude has far as I can tell is people can within reason do whatever the fuck they like, just don’t expect me to be happy for you or give a shit. Which for me is a reasonable view point.

The authoritarian attitude is to transpose your world view onto others

09-01-2018, 06:59 PM
First they turned the friggin' frogs gay, now this :sulk:


09-01-2018, 06:59 PM
First they turned the friggin' frogs gay, now this :sulk:


09-01-2018, 07:29 PM
It's a liberal, globalist conspiracy!

Marc Overmars
09-01-2018, 10:28 PM
Went to see Aladdin tonight.

Not much of a theatre goer but it was quite impressive tbf.

09-01-2018, 10:30 PM
Aladdin is class.

Better than Lion King IMO. The visuals are incredible.

09-01-2018, 10:36 PM
My only complaint about Aladdin is that IMO the best scene is the "You Ain't Never Had A Friend Like Me" one which closes the first half.
So it peaked a bit too soon.
Overall though yes, top top quality.

12-01-2018, 09:52 AM

Dammit! Now what am I supposed to do with the bottles of piss I've been stock-piling? :(

12-01-2018, 09:56 AM

Dammit! Now what am I supposed to do with the bottles of piss I've been stock-piling? :(

I think we should have got him to come here pretended Farage was prime minister and Jayda Frantzen was foreign secretary.

12-01-2018, 10:00 AM
No one would believe that Jayda Franzen is an elected official.

Not with that dye job.

12-01-2018, 11:25 AM

Dammit! Now what am I supposed to do with the bottles of piss I've been stock-piling? :(

Drink them, as usual?

12-01-2018, 03:40 PM
Trump :wave:

12-01-2018, 08:31 PM

12-01-2018, 10:13 PM
Trump denies saying it, so fake news as usual.

But if he did then he's wrong. I'm sure somebody could name several countries that have predominantly black or brown skinned people that aren't total shitholes. Not many, but definitely some. If we are being honest about it. And there are shitholes manned by whites too, like Wales for example.

The left are as obnoxious as always on such things. Whining turds tumbling over themselves to deny reality.

The right is fucked up too because they conveniently forget it was the west that helped a lot of these shitholes become shitholes, the sort of help you can do without.

Still though, Haiti is most certainly a shithole and anyone who claims otherwise is wilfully delusional.

13-01-2018, 11:46 AM

Beer :bow:

Kids and wife :pal:

13-01-2018, 11:55 AM
Went to see Aladdin tonight.

Not much of a theatre goer but it was quite impressive tbf.

Your journey to the dark side is complete.

13-01-2018, 01:38 PM
Your journey to the dark side is complete.

The dark side being becoming a queer? :haha:

Marc Overmars
14-01-2018, 07:13 PM
Ordered a curry and 2 garlic naan from the local Indian.

They gave me the curry and but also a mixed grill without realising. :bow:

Though I wanted the naan tbf.

14-01-2018, 07:30 PM
More of a Peshwari Naan man myself
Naan :bow:
Curry :bow:

14-01-2018, 08:06 PM
Had a massive dansak last night with stuffed paratha.

Fucking A

14-01-2018, 08:11 PM
Had a massive dansak last night with stuffed paratha.

Fucking A


14-01-2018, 08:13 PM
He’s dead that guy isn’t he?

14-01-2018, 08:23 PM
I believe so :rose:

14-01-2018, 08:28 PM
Who is it? :unsure:

14-01-2018, 08:34 PM
Who is it? :unsure:

Om Puri who was in East is East

I found it very endearing how he calls his kids bastards a lot and gets handy with them and his wife

The character is Pakistani, but he was Indian

14-01-2018, 08:37 PM
Who is it? :unsure:


LDG :rose:

14-01-2018, 08:43 PM

Don't tell me we're signing this guy :doh:

How's he going to replace Alexis if he's dead FFS?

14-01-2018, 08:51 PM
Wenger could stick him at CM and he'd still be better than Xhaka.

14-01-2018, 09:01 PM
Wenger could stick him at CM and he'd still be better than Xhaka.

Ah, Xhaka replacement.

Finally Wenger does something right.

17-01-2018, 04:34 PM
I take it all back about Trump. If he can answer questions like this then he must be a stable genius


17-01-2018, 05:17 PM
I take it all back about Trump. If he can answer questions like this then he must be a stable genius


He definitely needs to be tested for Alzheimers and AIDS.

17-01-2018, 05:27 PM
I take it all back about Trump. If he can answer questions like this then he must be a stable genius


It's a cognitive test, moron. He took it to dispel the latest fake news nonsense from you lefty loons. That's Russia down, 25th Amendment down.


17-01-2018, 06:19 PM
He definitely needs to be tested for Alzheimers and AIDS.

Don't forget brain AIDS.

17-01-2018, 06:21 PM
It's a cognitive test, moron. He took it to dispel the latest fake news nonsense from you lefty loons.

No, he took it as part of the medical which all Presidents take.
I hope you appreciate the ironing of your statement in itself being "fake news"

17-01-2018, 06:31 PM
No, he took it as part of the medical which all Presidents take.
I hope you appreciate the ironing of your statement in itself being "fake news"

No they don't. The tests are entirely voluntary and not all presidents have taken them or disclosed the results. Trump has done this now and disclosed the results because of the loony attempts to claim he's unfit for office. The only fake news around here is from the shitty sources you use like the BBC. Caught over and over and over again lying but still you treat what they have to say as serious. Because you want to and need to. To keep your little world propped up.

17-01-2018, 07:26 PM
He's clearly unfit for office. I say that despite the fact he can tell the time and identify a lion.

17-01-2018, 07:35 PM
He's clearly unfit for office. I say that despite the fact he can tell the time and identify a lion.

Yeah, that's what your buddies at CNN are saying too. Like I said, FakeNews.

You don't have to like him, that's a perfectly legitimate stance for a guy who, let's face it, is not so likeable. But all this made up bullshit about Russians and dementia and racism and whatever else, that's juvenile, transparent and very welcome too. Welcome because the left has been totally unmasked. And for that alone, Trump has done a great service to all of us who aren't lefty loony crackerjacks. Easily the most effective president since... Hard to say. Andrew Jackson?

17-01-2018, 08:26 PM
I see conspiracy theories abound in regards to Trumps medical report

What goes around, comes around

17-01-2018, 08:53 PM
I see conspiracy theories abound in regards to Trumps medical report

What goes around, comes around



I'm sure he's physically fit enough to be president, it's just a bit worrying to have a US President with the temperament of a toddler.

17-01-2018, 09:18 PM


I'm sure he's physically fit enough to be president, it's just a bit worrying to have a US President with the temperament of a toddler.

That's the next one is it? It'd be better to have a deviant criminal scumbag or a good ole boy dunce in office. Guys who had to run drugs or tap up daddy to make their way in the world. Or a fraud who expanded the big brother state faster and blew more cash that every other president combined. And that's why Trump has been under attack for a year. Because he wasn't the next in succession. He's sitting in the witch's spot and the retards who accuse others of being retards are never going to stop crying about it.

17-01-2018, 10:04 PM
Who said that would be better?

18-01-2018, 12:21 AM
Who said that would be better?

Where were you with this sudden expertise in US politics when Uncle Tom was in office?

I'm not the one posting up, Hey Letters, Trump did this, Trump did that. In the main I respond, rather than instigate. But you can't leave it alone. If you came on here and posted up, Hey, I don't know what the fuck any of this is all about, but I just don't like Trump.

Fine. Perfectly reasonable.

But instead you read crap from the BBC and then parrot it in such a way as to imply you understand what the fuck is going on. Like all those other liberal drones. I guess you have become a poster child for that tribe, in this limited space anyway.

Not once have you ever speculated or theorised in a direction that breaks conformity with the mainstream. It's painful. Ridiculous. Just do a bit of wider reading FFS, it isn't difficult at all.

After all your smug triumphs over the last year (all quietly dropped now), tell me:

What's your view on the Trump Russian collusion claims? Has it changed any, based on the tide of facts that blew back?

What about the Dossier? Still good?

Allred and Bloom and the sex abuse allegations? Still standing behind that bullshit?

Trump the misogynist and racist. What does the evidence of a year ACTUALLY say?

Trump starting a world war. When's that happening again?

Trump fucking Haitians over. That bitch sure blew up, didn't it?

Trump achieving nothing in his first year. Are you still claiming that?

On and on and on, the bullshit fake news claims have just kept on coming. Splashed out like the aftermath of a vicious curry and then onto the next one. A trail of shit that, apparently, nobody owns. Well it all came from the same place and the same suspects swallowed it up and regurgitated on demand.

This isn't even about Trump. It's about the media and the establishment and the unhealthy and seditious relationship between them. It's a miracle some people still can't see that and still run back to these discredited fucks for their "news". And upon that they build their world view. Fucking scary really and no wonder the planet is so fucked.

21-01-2018, 12:09 PM
CNN marking 1 year since President Hillary was sworn in........in an alternate reality. So in the present day its been 1 year of constant sniping. When women say they have been raped, we must believe them as a matter of course. When a porn star insists she had no sexual relations with that man....Mr Trump,,,they now say dont believe her. we know she did.

Whatever the truth......who cares? they were both over 16 and no one was coerced into bed. Now the guy who wrote "Fire and Fury" is claiming that Trump is having an affair in the white House...but cant find the female involved.

21-01-2018, 12:47 PM
CNN marking 1 year since President Hillary was sworn in........in an alternate reality. So in the present day its been 1 year of constant sniping. When women say they have been raped, we must believe them as a matter of course. When a porn star insists she had no sexual relations with that man....Mr Trump,,,they now say dont believe her. we know she did.

Whatever the truth......who cares? they were both over 16 and no one was coerced into bed. Now the guy who wrote "Fire and Fury" is claiming that Trump is having an affair in the white House...but cant find the female involved.

It's a beautiful thing.

The legacy media has lost all credibility with the non-indoctrinated and they won't be getting it back. Watching CNN with its conspiracy fantasies go right over the edge, pitched against Fox with its counter conspiracies going over the same edge is the gift that will be Trump's lasting legacy. Doesn't matter what else he does now, provided it's not WWIII, he's already achieved more than 5 decade's worth of useless establishment puppet presidents. And there's still the remainder of his term to keep stirring, if the lunatic lefties can't convince the largely disinterested population there are Russians under every bed.

The legacy media has been one of the primary control mechanism that has allowed the establishment to maintain its cover story for the blatant corruption it is set up to perpetrate. That's ALL government does - commit fraud and engage in corruption. We can see that now, in very stark terms, if we are prepared to look. Of course many are still trapped in the left/ right paradigm and either don't have the wit or the desire to escape. But it will only take a vociferous 10% to speak up and the sheep will start moving. Yes, it's cruel to call them sheep, but at this late stage if they are still hanging on the words of the legacy media they deserve at least a degree of contempt because they are a major and willing part of the problem. But because they are sheep they will move en masse when a bigger dog barks. The galling part will be when they claim they always knew the true nature of things, but that's what they are like and it's a price easily paid.

Trump has now started on Roe vs Wade. This is epic stuff. He's barged in and tipped the whole apple cart, and look at all the maggots that have been exposed as the apples fall. Couldn't have asked for a better president. Four more years! There's no limit to the damage he can do and the foul globalists don't have the first clue how to stop him. Eventually they'll resort to the bullet, I suppose. As they always do when they can't make their cancerous case with words. But if they miss that shot they are done for good and humanity will have dodged that bullet too.

The icing on the cake? Trump is trolling them off the face of the earth. Not only is he fucking them up but he's added a whole comedic element that's beyond hilarious.

Roll on 2018 and an even bigger flushing sound as the establishment swirls around the bowl.

21-01-2018, 07:21 PM
Mars bars :bow:

21-01-2018, 07:26 PM
Snickers :bow:

21-01-2018, 07:36 PM
Bounty :bow:

21-01-2018, 07:51 PM

21-01-2018, 07:54 PM
And they aren't even joking.

21-01-2018, 09:04 PM

22-01-2018, 10:08 AM
After a wedding on Thursday, a standard Friday night and a piss up all day Saturday, I feel more Monday morning-ish than I've felt for about 7 years :(

22-01-2018, 10:19 AM
Despite having none of the above as an excuse/reason, I also felt very Monday this morning.
Maybe because a massive team have buggered off to Turkey for a jolly and I wasn't included :angry:

22-01-2018, 12:02 PM
Goes to show how much things have changed. I felt like this every Monday for years.

22-01-2018, 12:04 PM
I was in Manchester at the weekend.

what a shithole.

22-01-2018, 12:49 PM
Does anyone have any idea what the business model of all these so called free porn sites are. Basically they are giving away for free what Playboy and Penthouse used to make millions in the past. Could it be 3rd party advertising or the subscription model where you pay more for higher quality access to the free samples. I cant seem to make it out. its not as if there are no overheads. These women (mostly) have to be paid something for posing nude so what gives.?

Something in my suspicious nature suspects it may be an extortion ring, maybe by sending ransomware with the downloads or maybe even more sinister, could it be outright blackmail. i have heard the the NSA and other types can remotely activate microphones and cameras on yr laptop. If they film you jerking off then they have you to rights. Good thing I have at least 3 layers of masking tape on my laptop camera lens.

The other thing that makes me suspicious is that many of these so called free sites are based in the former Eastern block locations. Does anyone have any inkling, they cant be doing it out of generosity

22-01-2018, 12:50 PM

22-01-2018, 12:52 PM
Despite having none of the above as an excuse/reason, I also felt very Monday this morning.
Maybe because a massive team have buggered off to Turkey for a jolly and I wasn't included :angry:

Not wanted in real life either? :lol: :haha:

22-01-2018, 12:53 PM


22-01-2018, 12:53 PM
I was in Manchester at the weekend.

what a shithole.

Marginally better than Birmingham but basically correct. Nothing there of note.

22-01-2018, 01:14 PM

No idea then. OK

22-01-2018, 01:20 PM
Manchester is ok but lacks character

Birmingham is a real dump

22-01-2018, 01:24 PM
No idea then. OK

I imagine it's advertising. Google might know but I'm not willing to search for that at work!

22-01-2018, 01:26 PM
'Work' :lol:

British Council :lol:

22-01-2018, 01:33 PM
Just because I'm not doing work, that doesn't mean I'm not at work...

22-01-2018, 01:36 PM
Manchester is ok but lacks character

Birmingham is a real dump

You should see Liverpool

22-01-2018, 01:41 PM
You should see Liverpool

Liverpool has character...Its the locals who lack a little something.

22-01-2018, 01:50 PM
You should see Liverpool

Liverpool is ok to be honest. There are areas like croxteth that are absolute dives but the city centre itself isn’t too bad

Marc Overmars
22-01-2018, 02:02 PM
Liverpool is probably my favourite city in the north. Had some great nights out up there.

22-01-2018, 02:04 PM
Liverpool is pretty nice. One of the better northern cities.

22-01-2018, 02:17 PM
Glasgow on the other hand........The locals dont even speak English:unsure:

22-01-2018, 02:19 PM
Glasgow on the other hand........The locals dont even speak English:unsure:

Went to a night club once....felt sure the kids would all turn to vampires so I left at 12 midnight.

22-01-2018, 02:20 PM
If we're moving to Scotland, Edinburgh is rather lovely. Hilly, mind.

Marc Overmars
22-01-2018, 02:28 PM
Edinburgh is awesome.

22-01-2018, 02:30 PM
If we're moving to Scotland, Edinburgh is rather lovely. Hilly, mind.

Agreed. It took me the best part of a whole day just to explore the castle on the hill. It has some cannons pointing down on the city that make you wish it was the old days and you could just fire and blast some invaders.

22-01-2018, 02:32 PM
If we're moving to Scotland




22-01-2018, 02:35 PM



Brexit....Letters voted yes

22-01-2018, 02:40 PM
:blink: I have no idea what just happened.

22-01-2018, 02:51 PM
:blink: I have no idea what just happened.

You said "if we're moving to Scotland". Assumed it was a clear and present danger in your life right now?

22-01-2018, 02:57 PM
MrsL did go bloody mental on Saturday when I didn't do the washing up.
Wimmin :rolleyes:

22-01-2018, 03:29 PM
Tbf it's hard for anyone under 4 ft 7 to reach the sink.

22-01-2018, 03:34 PM
MrsL did go bloody mental on Saturday when I didn't do the washing up.
Wimmin :rolleyes:


I don’t approve of hitting women it shows that you can’t control them without losing your temper

But that’s a bloody cheek. Is she bigger than you? If not give her a knuckle supper

22-01-2018, 03:35 PM
But that’s a bloody cheek. Is she bigger than you? If not give her a knuckle supper

What a silly question :lol: who isn't? :lol:

22-01-2018, 03:56 PM

I don’t approve of hitting women it shows that you can’t control them without losing your temper

But that’s a bloody cheek. Is she bigger than you? If not give her a knuckle supper

She is a bit bigger than me :(

Honestly. You'd think if one leaves a sink full of washing up undone overnight the house falls down :doh:
Ridiculous fuss she makes.

22-01-2018, 04:05 PM
She is a bit bigger than me :(

Taller or wider? It's difficult imagining either

22-01-2018, 04:14 PM
She is a bit bigger than me :(

Honestly. You'd think if one leaves a sink full of washing up undone overnight the house falls down :doh:
Ridiculous fuss she makes.

That’s hardly the point. She’s right a sink full of washing up is unacceptable

If she doesn’t want to wash up after eating at home she should be asked if hospital food is more to her liking

22-01-2018, 04:20 PM
That’s hardly the point. She’s right a sink full of washing up is unacceptable

If she doesn’t want to wash up after eating at home she should be asked if hospital food is more to her liking

Oh don't you bloody start :lol:
Tbf she had been working all day, hence her annoyance at it not being done.
But she was working all day Sunday too so it's not like I left it for her to do, I just said I'd do it the next day.
I did do some that night as a compromise but amazingly, even though I did leave some till the next day, the house stayed intact throughout the night.
Nothing happens if you leave it a day :rolleyes:

Marc Overmars
22-01-2018, 04:26 PM
Having washing up piled in the sink is a real bugbear of mine. I’m so OCD about it I have to make sure the dishes are all clean before I can get on with my evening after dinner.

22-01-2018, 04:34 PM
Having washing up piled in the sink is a real bugbear of mine. I’m so OCD about it I have to make sure the dishes are all clean before I can get on with my evening after dinner.

I’m not obsessive about it. But I have a habit of forgetting and then coming down to dinner and the utensils I need to use are a mess.

22-01-2018, 04:35 PM
You and MrsL both <_<
I admit I'm a slob when it comes to this sort of thing but it's not like I left it for her to do. I just wanted to leave it till the next day.
Nothing happens if you leave it all night. The house doesn't burn down.
There really are more important things to worry about.

Marc Overmars
22-01-2018, 04:44 PM
To be honest it’s not just the dishes. I’m just a bit OCD in general about mess, I feel like I can’t concentrate on something unless I know everything is where it should be.

22-01-2018, 04:45 PM
I wouldn't leave the dishes overnight tbh.

I'd rather just get it done. Doesn't even take long.

22-01-2018, 04:53 PM
I wouldn't leave the dishes overnight tbh.

I'd rather just get it done. Doesn't even take long.


Fine, but if someone said they'd do it tomorrow and you were working all that day anyway then would it being left overnight really be such a massive issue.
What's going to happen? You get up for breakfast and the sink is still full of dishes, then you go to work. Time you get back it's done.
The sky isn't going to fall in.


22-01-2018, 05:04 PM
But what if the sky did fall in?

Then you've got no sky and dirty dishes.

didn't think of that, did you?

22-01-2018, 05:05 PM
I admittedly had not considered that possibility <_<

In other news, the ISO code for the "Benin Republic" is BJ. Lolz.

22-01-2018, 05:18 PM
I admittedly had not considered that possibility <_<

In other news, the ISO code for the "Benin Republic" is BJ. Lolz.

I think you will find that Trump changed all those countries codes to "SH"

22-01-2018, 05:18 PM
Also, just leaving this here for N_Q


*retires to safe distance*

22-01-2018, 06:16 PM
I wouldn't leave the dishes overnight tbh.

I'd rather just get it done. Doesn't even take long.


You've gotta be a real unhygienic person to be doing that.

22-01-2018, 07:15 PM
Also, just leaving this here for N_Q


*retires to safe distance*

Up to Croatia how it handles internal affairs. None of our business.

Our business is with the BBC. Here they are again, painting child abusers in a good light and trashing the nasty, facist dual gender, pro-biology fanatics. And stealing money to fund it.

23-01-2018, 06:20 PM

Well turn the machine off and let God decide then :rolleyes:
Silly bint.

23-01-2018, 06:37 PM

Well turn the machine off and let God decide then :rolleyes:
Silly bint.

If she was paying for his care, she probably would.

23-01-2018, 06:38 PM
Annoys me this sort of thing. I get it, it's difficult. I wouldn't want to be in their situation.
But they need to understand they are clogging up resources which could and should be used on children who can be helped.

23-01-2018, 06:45 PM
Annoys me this sort of thing. I get it, it's difficult. I wouldn't want to be in their situation.
But they need to understand they are clogging up resources which could and should be used on children who can be helped.


23-01-2018, 07:27 PM
Annoys me this sort of thing. I get it, it's difficult. I wouldn't want to be in their situation.
But they need to understand they are clogging up resources which could and should be used on children who can be helped.

The kid is dead already. Chuck it in the dumpster and move on.

23-01-2018, 07:46 PM
Annoys me this sort of thing. I get it, it's difficult. I wouldn't want to be in their situation.
But they need to understand they are clogging up resources which could and should be used on children who can be helped.

It annoys you some dying kid is using up your taxpayer resources?

Well it annoys me when I get robbed to fund pen pushers, layabouts and professional meeting-goers. If we're getting efficient with resources then let's go the whole distance.

A mother who can't bear to extinguish the life of her child? What would a Christian do, Letters? Eh?

Silly bint.

Shaqiri Is Boss
23-01-2018, 07:57 PM
I get that it's a horrible decision, but surely if they want it left up to God then they should turn off the machine and let nature take its course.

Marc Overmars
23-01-2018, 08:06 PM
Annoys me this sort of thing. I get it, it's difficult. I wouldn't want to be in their situation.
But they need to understand they are clogging up resources which could and should be used on children who can be helped.

Why does this annoy you? :unsure:

23-01-2018, 09:06 PM
Why does this annoy you? :unsure:

It's similar to the Charlie Gard case. The parents in that case made it all about them, not their child, because they couldn't accept that his case was futile.
Obviously it's another heart-breaking case but is continuing treatment doing the kid any favours?
And in the Charlie Gard case you actually had nurses and doctors being harassed by stupids because of the way the parents were acting.
You can't say doctors are playing God by wanting to withdraw treatment - surely they are playing God by giving treatment without which he'd have long since died.

23-01-2018, 09:09 PM
professional meeting-goers.
Rude. I sometimes reply to emails too :sulk:

23-01-2018, 09:11 PM
Parents who can't bear to watch their kids die piss me off too. Selfish cunts. If they hadn't had kids in the first place then they wouldn't even know what it was like to lose one. So their fault.

23-01-2018, 09:12 PM
Rude. I sometimes reply to emails too :sulk:

Wasn't talking about you, per se, on this occasion. I was talking about the hoard of useless admin cunts in hospitals who outnumber the doctors and nurses and probably eat up half the budget. Get rid of those cunts and then a few more beds could be installed. Problem solved.

23-01-2018, 09:17 PM
Wasn't talking about you, per se, on this occasion. I was talking about the hoard of useless admin cunts in hospitals who outnumber the doctors and nurses and probably eat up half the budget. Get rid of those cunts and then a few more beds could be installed. Problem solved.

Surprisingly I pretty much agree with that. The way incompetence is tolerated in the Public Sector is astonishing.
There is no reward for good performance and no consequence for ineptitude - if anything the "consequence" is to be promoted to a position where you can do less damage.
As for the other thing, you're deliberately misunderstanding my point so can't be arsed engaging with that.

23-01-2018, 09:30 PM
Although, if the shoe fits.

Xhaka Can’t
23-01-2018, 09:59 PM
Letters is really Cinderella?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

23-01-2018, 10:21 PM
Some day my prince will come...


24-01-2018, 08:42 PM
Mark E Smith :rose:

McNamara That Ghost...
24-01-2018, 08:54 PM
Aye Rors is quite devastated about that, one of his heroes.

25-01-2018, 11:59 AM
Day off tomoz. Today is going so fuckin slow.

Xhaka Can’t
25-01-2018, 12:27 PM
This place will help you pass the time more slowly

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

25-01-2018, 01:01 PM
Sure does.

25-01-2018, 08:36 PM

Curry :bow:

25-01-2018, 09:49 PM

Curry :bow:

Just the swamp of liquid fat that gets to you and clogs your arteries up.

Tumeric is awlsome though. That said, loads of it in English Mustard too.

English Mustard :bow:

Other mustards :haha:

25-01-2018, 09:57 PM
English :lol:

Dijon :bow:

25-01-2018, 10:00 PM
English :lol:

Dijon :bow:

You faaackin bender

Marc Overmars
25-01-2018, 10:12 PM
I only have mustard with hotdogs.

25-01-2018, 10:28 PM
English :lol:

Dijon :bow:


25-01-2018, 11:12 PM
Presidents club. Where can we sign up?

26-01-2018, 07:42 AM
I only have mustard with hotdogs.

Ketchup ftw.

26-01-2018, 09:06 AM
Gentleman's Relish :bow:

26-01-2018, 10:17 AM
Ah. I had to Google that.
It isn't what I thought it was, which is lucky as had it been what I thought I'd have been sacked Googling that at work.

26-01-2018, 12:30 PM


26-01-2018, 12:48 PM


LESS (not fewer) :doh:

26-01-2018, 01:09 PM


Brexit :doh:

26-01-2018, 01:12 PM
:unsure: No...fewer. 'Cos it's things you can count.

26-01-2018, 01:23 PM
:unsure: No...fewer. 'Cos it's things you can count.


26-01-2018, 01:27 PM
I couldn't care fewer

26-01-2018, 01:28 PM
I couldn't care fewer

Well said.

26-01-2018, 11:10 PM

Brown people :doh:

27-01-2018, 11:52 PM
Curry :bow:

28-01-2018, 09:17 AM

These are no longer going to be allowed in Darts:crying:

Literally the only reason for watching this dull sport.

They will be going for the umbrella girls in Motorbikes and F1 next....and there is no Bernie Ecclestone to save us.....

28-01-2018, 10:03 AM
If you’re only reason for watching Darts is girls in sashes, why bother watching it full stop

Don’t get me wrong, why on Earth this considered a problem I don’t know....

The thing is, it’s pandering to a very small minority. Most people men and women do not give a flying fuck

28-01-2018, 10:35 AM
Feminism :haha:

28-01-2018, 10:59 AM
If you’re only reason for watching Darts is girls in sashes, why bother watching it full stop

Don’t get me wrong, why on Earth this considered a problem I don’t know....

The thing is, it’s pandering to a very small minority. Most people men and women do not give a flying fuck

You dont get nuance at all do you. So keen to get into an argument with someone you misread everything on purpose. You may as well conclude that the girls are the only reason I watch all motorsport. The irony is that you start off all polemic ...and then end up agreeing with the OP. This whole war between the sexes agenda is stupid.

The whole barmy proposal by these jobless crazies. First they will want the clothed women banned, then they will go after the underclad. No more swimwear in fashion week and no more catwalks on beauty contests. The women should just be judged on headshot pictures and the results of IQ tests.

28-01-2018, 11:07 AM
You dont get nuance at all do you. So keen to get into an argument with someone you misread everything on purpose. You may as well conclude that the girls are the only reason I watch all motorsport. The irony is that you start off all polemic ...and then end up agreeing with the OP. This whole war between the sexes agenda is stupid.

The whole barmy proposal by these jobless crazies. First they will want the clothed women banned, then they will go after the underclad. No more swimwear in fashion week and no more catwalks on beauty contests. The women should just be judged on headshot pictures and the results of IQ tests.

Post of the year tbh

HCZ gets owned again :haha:

28-01-2018, 11:58 AM
You dont get nuance at all do you. So keen to get into an argument with someone you misread everything on purpose. You may as well conclude that the girls are the only reason I watch all motorsport. The irony is that you start off all polemic ...and then end up agreeing with the OP. This whole war between the sexes agenda is stupid.

The whole barmy proposal by these jobless crazies. First they will want the clothed women banned, then they will go after the underclad. No more swimwear in fashion week and no more catwalks on beauty contests. The women should just be judged on headshot pictures and the results of IQ tests.

What an unbelievable girl you are

I was making a point of agreeing with you, you tit

All I’m saying is if the girls is the only reason you watch darts I don’t know why you’d bother. It wasn’t an argument it was a comment.

I made similar comment about women’s tennis yesterday. Not remotely interested, if I want to look at girls I just watch porn and cut out the middle man :haha:

If you can’t take that than perhaps you need to be wearing the dress and sash yourself

I didn’t end up agreeing, I always did. I’m getting tired of this attempt to get men and women at each other’s throats.

Xhaka Can’t
28-01-2018, 12:46 PM
Live TV had the best darts tournament ever.

28-01-2018, 12:50 PM
Live TV had the best darts tournament ever.

I used to love Jocky Wilson

Disgusting individual. Actually refused to brush his teeth because he thought the English poisoned the water

28-01-2018, 04:25 PM
I made similar comment about women’s tennis yesterday. Not remotely interested, if I want to look at girls I just watch porn and cut out the middle man :haha:

There's usually a middle man in porn.
Sometimes several.


28-01-2018, 04:27 PM
There's usually a middle man in porn.
Sometimes several.


I think he prefers the straight channel.

28-01-2018, 04:30 PM
Each to their own :shrug:

28-01-2018, 04:32 PM
I think he prefers the straight channel.

Not strictly true, bit of girl on girl is quite Good

28-01-2018, 04:34 PM

These are no longer going to be allowed in Darts:crying:

Literally the only reason for watching this dull sport.

They will be going for the umbrella girls in Motorbikes and F1 next....and there is no Bernie Ecclestone to save us.....

There you go


28-01-2018, 04:49 PM
Hand-holding in public? they're asking for it, stone them!

28-01-2018, 05:48 PM
The F1 grid girls are already under review and expected to be gone next season. I get why, it makes sense. If you even look at a woman these days it's rape. So that would be millions of cases of rape to process through the courts every second week. Not worth it. Better to have men in thongs instead, because that wouldn't be sexist. Although it might cause gender issues if the men in question didn't identify as male on that particular day. But it would be a lot easier to handle individual cases and all the cases involving privileged white males (or whatever it is they identify as) could be disqualified before ever hitting the courts. This seems to be the sane approach.

McNamara That Ghost...
28-01-2018, 06:00 PM
I think we'll have to give our eyes away so nobody an be objectified soon.

Marc Overmars
28-01-2018, 06:00 PM
So basically these women lose out on what I presume is a well paid job because someone else was offended on their behalf.

28-01-2018, 06:22 PM
So basically these women lose out on what I presume is a well paid job because someone else was offended on their behalf.

Well no. Because next season they'll be driving the cars.

28-01-2018, 06:36 PM
Sterilisation of the human race well underway.

Soon you’ll need written consent from a woman to have sex.

Lawyer will draw up the paper work for a fee, you’ll still have to sign up to elongated foreplay, and if you chuck your load before the she’s had “fair and reasonable chance” to reach climax, you’ll be nicked.

28-01-2018, 07:39 PM
Sterilisation of the human race well underway.

Soon you’ll need written consent from a woman to have sex.

Lawyer will draw up the paper work for a fee, you’ll still have to sign up to elongated foreplay, and if you chuck your load before the she’s had “fair and reasonable chance” to reach climax, you’ll be nicked.


Xhaka Can’t
28-01-2018, 08:02 PM
Sterilisation of the human race well underway.

Soon youÂ’ll need written consent from a woman to have sex.

Lawyer will draw up the paper work for a fee, you’ll still have to sign up to elongated foreplay, and if you chuck your load before the she’s had “fair and reasonable chance” to reach climax, you’ll be nicked.

Finally getting down to that romance novel you’ve always wanted to write?

28-01-2018, 08:45 PM
Lots of job vacancies soon in Las Vegas. Boxing promoters looking for paunchy men ready to wear speedos and hold up a board for 30secs in a ring while the 3 min break between rounds is on. Pay is good and there is a chance of meeting a celebrity like Kevin Spacey.

Marc Overmars
28-01-2018, 08:48 PM
Anyone been to Snowdonia before?

28-01-2018, 10:41 PM
Piers interviewing Trump:lol:

Trying to make Trump look like a good guy :lol:

28-01-2018, 11:43 PM
Apparently to stop Trump from tweeting for a few hours, aides just give him a piece of paper with PTO written on both sides.

29-01-2018, 09:33 AM
Piers interviewing Trump:lol:

Trying to make Trump look like a good guy :lol:

I guess compared to Piers Morgan he's not so bad.

29-01-2018, 02:30 PM
Can Morgan still taste what Trump had for dinner a few days ago

29-01-2018, 02:32 PM

Letters gets his wish, the defenceless baby will be murdered.

29-01-2018, 02:45 PM

Letters gets his wish, the defenceless baby will be murdered.

It’s ok, it’s only a black baby

29-01-2018, 02:47 PM
It’s ok, it’s only a black baby

It's probably already in the dumpster.

29-01-2018, 03:11 PM

Letters gets his wish, the defenceless baby will be murdered.


29-01-2018, 03:11 PM
Well as long as whoever has handled it washes their hands after, that ward hand sanitizer doesn’t cut it

29-01-2018, 04:29 PM
Well as long as whoever has handled it washes their hands after, that ward hand sanitizer doesn’t cut it

And on the subject of blacks

Had a work discussion about whether I could take Ainsley Harriot in a fight

The inevitable inescapable conclusion I reached, is no probably not

29-01-2018, 04:34 PM
He's not that black though, is he? Definitely a bit of a choc ice.

29-01-2018, 04:35 PM
Doesn’t matter the guy’s a fucking giant

29-01-2018, 04:37 PM
Yeah, but he's old. I reckon it wouldn't be a foregone conclusion.

29-01-2018, 04:40 PM
Well I’d certainly give it a good go, try and smash him full on in the malteaser a few times

But I reckon he’d just grin at me and do something horrible

Scary fucker

Master Splinter
29-01-2018, 06:12 PM

29-01-2018, 06:34 PM
Doesn’t matter the guy’s a fucking giant

Just because he's black doesn't mean you can make connotations like that.

29-01-2018, 07:18 PM
"We have nothing to lose but our brains!"


Blatant plagiarism. Monty Python should sue.

29-01-2018, 07:19 PM
Just because he's black doesn't mean you can make connotations like that.

If tabloid media is to be believed. The guy puts it about and is hung like an Anaconda

29-01-2018, 07:20 PM
They better not try that in my new eatery "The Enoch Powell Bistro".

29-01-2018, 07:33 PM
They better not try that in my new eatery "The Enoch Powell Bistro".

I’ve heard about that place

Really good white pudding

And an extra rare steak called “rivers of blood”

30-01-2018, 11:55 AM

Pretty much.

31-01-2018, 03:08 PM

Looking at women to be made illegal in 2019.

Marc Overmars
31-01-2018, 04:23 PM
Again, these women are being put out of work because someone else is offended on their behalf. It’s modelling, big deal.

31-01-2018, 04:24 PM
i don’t want to ban women personally

Just ban them from social media or expressing opinions

If they were prepared to be rational and behave themselves and not use emotional blackmail we could reconsider

Xhaka Can’t
31-01-2018, 04:26 PM
Again, these women are being put out of work because someone else is offended on their behalf. It’s modelling, big deal.

Those events are probably their biggest paydays if the year.

31-01-2018, 04:41 PM
Dykes getting mad because real women are getting some of what they claim they dont want.

31-01-2018, 04:42 PM
Mark Webber was a big fan.


31-01-2018, 05:49 PM

Looking at women to be made illegal in 2019.

We're banning the wrong cunts.

01-02-2018, 01:14 AM
LOL - YouTube has completely fucked up its latest censorship effort. Almost nothing showing up on homepage :haha:

These guys are fucking sad. And desperate.

Roll it back again you assholes. Like Facebook will have to do too. And Twitter has already done.

Incompetents. Should get a job with Wenker.

01-02-2018, 01:21 AM
All they were offering was Music, Sports, Gaming and Films.

You wish, Google. You wish.

Then again, I suppose that's all half the population watches anyway.

It's slowly coming back, with its tail between its legs.

01-02-2018, 02:18 AM
LOL. The globalists have just tried to kill the Republican leadership in one hit. It's getting a bit crazy now.

01-02-2018, 09:37 AM
Drunk N_Q :bow:

01-02-2018, 10:54 AM
Drunk N_Q :bow:

Besides the point.

01-02-2018, 06:13 PM
Democrats dont want a memo released that shows Obama used FBI and DOj to influence Russia investigation. Hmmmmm! I wonder why.?

01-02-2018, 06:53 PM
Democrats dont want a memo released that shows Obama used FBI and DOj to influence Russia investigation. Hmmmmm! I wonder why.?

Devin Nunes at it again? ��

The thing is the FBI didn’t want Trump in the first place, they wanted Flynn and then probably Manafort

The intelligence community directed them towards Flynn because the guy is a basket case

01-02-2018, 07:59 PM
Devin Nunes at it again? ��

The thing is the FBI didn’t want Trump in the first place, they wanted Flynn and then probably Manafort

The intelligence community directed them towards Flynn because the guy is a basket case

Flynn is your average bargain basement shyster opportunist, looking to ride the coattails of politics to a mansion in Connecticut. Trump probably didnt have the foggiest what the Russians were up to if they were up to anything. They decided not to put him in confidence because he would have been sure to blabber it out on the campaign trail. At the end of the day everybody just wanted to get paid.

01-02-2018, 08:38 PM
Flynn is your average bargain basement shyster opportunist, looking to ride the coattails of politics to a mansion in Connecticut. Trump probably didnt have the foggiest what the Russians were up to if they were up to anything. They decided not to put him in confidence because he would have been sure to blabber it out on the campaign trail. At the end of the day everybody just wanted to get paid.

That all kind of goes without saying

But Flynn unstable nutbag whose standing in the intelligence community was about as good as Sidney Cooke’s with the carnival community.

He discussed sanctions with connected Kremlin people because he was too stupid to realise how that would look. Flynn went off his own back but Trump likes Flynn because he loves conspiracy theory peddlers.

Donald Jnr invited Russian people to Trump Tower because he’s so stupid that even his father thinks he’s a dimwit, and Kushner went along with it in exchange for Don Jnrs help to convince then candidate Trump to ditch Corey Lewandowski.

There was no collusion, because that would suggest that there was any coordination in the Trump campaign. The Kremlin wanted Trump to win, but their meddling amounted to high level trolling of the DNC and money thrown into internet ads they never expected in a million years it would work.

01-02-2018, 09:00 PM
Jesus H Christ. It's going to be painstaking work explaining this when it winds out.

02-02-2018, 10:09 AM
Friday :bow:

02-02-2018, 12:20 PM


02-02-2018, 01:31 PM
International women's day March 8th :lol:

Fuck that :lol: