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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #7091
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    "Rand Paul
    What's that you say? You agree with another conspiracy theorist?"

    This is literally unfathomable. You will happily post up BBC articles and then you call Paul a conspiracy theorist. But how would you even know? You have zero knowledge on any subject of import, having imported the mainstream message in its place.

    Let me ask you a question, Mr Christian.

    What does 1 million dead people look like? Would it be a significant sight, or out of mind out of sight? Can we assume, for the sake of argument, a million dead people and half a million dead kids - dead from unnatural causes I should say - is an undesirable thing? I'm trying to be moderate with the language here to see if I can lure you into thought. A million people right, half of them kids.

    On balance, and given your knowledge of world events, would you say that pile of bodies was a bad thing or a price worth paying, for whatever it was you bought? I'm asking because I want to determine if there is a red line for you, which when crossed disqualifies all protestation and orchestrated excuse making and lie telling?

    As an aside, back in the day, I collaborated with an academic group whose bag was to actually interview Iraqis who had suffered sudden familial loss due to liberation or other freedom related side-effects, thousands of them, detailed down to name, address (or at least rough location), date of demise and cause of death. They did an excellent job, so much so the BBC and the tabloids fixed them in their crosshairs and started doing the Iraqi propagandists, Russian propagandists, etc, etc, thing. My collaboration with them was to find a hosting solution that was resilient to the constant attacks they suffered as they tried to put a human face to the shock and awe gameplay lavished by CNN and their counterpart hacks in the western media.

    And I wonder why? Why would the "respectable" media shut down the unauthorised media when all that was being supplied were verifiable facts? So you talk about evidence and the like while posting up articles from the BBC. Well you can't have it both ways. If you seriously believe, at this late stage in the game, that Fauchi is not 100% the guy behind covid then I guess you are never destined to discover why your life was transformed so suddenly and thoroughly. You know covid is harmless, except to those who are already half dead. You've caught it yourself several times no doubt, and here you still are. Along with everyone else you ever knew. And not a single healthy child died from it and hardly anyone under the age of Methuselah. In fact the average age of death by covid, even as they were piling every single death they could find regardless of the cause onto the stats, ended up higher than the average life expectancy.

    My point is, the BBC are front and centre in both global events. Their behaviour during these events is very easy to determine, we all saw it. Killing a million to save them, the weapons of mass destruction that never were, the rolling covid death toll, sock and awe over there, project fear over here. At what point are you going to cotton on to these people?

    All I'm saying is that Fauchi funded the lab in Wuhan. And lab workers died from covid. And the CCP put thousands of infected people on planes and sent them all around the globe. Has the BBC really told you you are not allowed to even think about that? Maybe look into it for yourself?

    We also know Pfizer made a packet. Do you deny that? We know the Oxford crew who wanted to give the vaccine away for free were overruled by Bill Gates? Do you deny that? We know the politicians, as a "deadly" disease was stalking the nation and we were all locked down, were face to face at parties. Now, tell me, if they really believed a deadly disease was on the loose...? You can see through that shit, right? regardless of what is says on the BBC/ You can figure these things out for yourself, yes? Because they are face-slapping obvious.

    You say "something had to be done". Well it was done. A trillion quid was created out of thin air. There's your inflation that is robbing real assets from real people. You get that much, right?

    What I'm wondering is what it actually is we disagree on? I'm not saying aliens descended and mind-controlled our leaders into taking the most incompetent and unimaginably unscientific steps in the history of mankind - I think it's safe to say that, maybe the insanity of the witch trials is on par and that was politically motivated too. Do we disagree that our leaders are the scum of the earth? You say I have an aversion to authority, I say I have an aversion to corrupt authority. Are you denying they are corrupt, given what you must surely know?

    How much solace do you really find when the BBC explains it all away. Yes, there were no WMD. My bad. But Saddam was abad guy. Even though he used to be our guy. And, sure, Blair "misspoke", and only a million died but it was worth it because Iraq is now... Free? Fuck that, onto other wars where we are always the good guy. There's always a reason. And the deadly covid virus that everyone catches all the time now? Oh, it was the early strains, the laters strains were less apocalyptic. Well, YES, that's exactly what the epidemiologists and other censored experts explained at the time. That's why her immunity and shielding the vulnerable was precisely the policy of the UK prior to covid, after a century of experience. Until it was changed for the most damaging response in the history of the nation.

    How long are you going to buy into this? For me you are a canary in a coal mine. On the day you wake up I'll know humanity has an unassailable upper hand.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #7092
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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  3. #7093
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    AstraZeneca was the safest jab probably by a factor of one million. The poor fuck who got the Pfizer or Moderna jabs are seriously up shit creek. With AZ, it's a small chance of blood clots and that's it, within the usual bounds for a vaccine because it's an actual vaccine. The other two aren't, they are gene therapies with destructive outcome in all cases. It's terrifying that human beings could do this to other human beings, but I guess it's just another form of survival of the unfittest.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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