Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
Anybody seen Ollie lately?
This just might be him
That's quite an informative article. But it can't resist drifting into bullshit by the end. You have to wonder, if the Ukrainians are surrounded, without supplies and are being mopped up - why are the Russians using chemical weapons? Another one of those simple questions that can reveal so much.

The answer is easy enough. The Russians are using chemical weapons because the west says so and needs to hype up the hysteria so the war doesn't go cold for the Facebook warriors. And if that doesn't work, they might as well use nukes too. Or their new Death Star that everyone knows they always had.

Or I guess they could just say "hypersonic weapons" and leave it there. That seems to get a lot of war fans pumped.

I'm thinking the stand-up guy in Kiev has one last chance for peace before his army is sacrificed in its entirety on the altar of NATO's agenda. So far they haven't seemed squeamish about fighting to the last Ukrainian.