Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
No they won't - you really don't have a clue do you?

Professional footballers, who regularly change clubs, give lip service to these rivalries without caring one jot (unless they're that very rare-case of born-and-bred fan of the club they're playing for)

They only care about playing at the highest level they can, so if there is any chance of a CL place for Spuds still, you can bet anything they will try their very best to win that game because a) they want to play in the CL and b) they don't give a stuff if Arsenal win the title

So stop embarrassing yourself
Oh dear

There is only person embarrassing themselves here.

Spuds will lose against City because they are crap and their hearts will not be in it.

If you honestly think they will try 100% to win that match knowing that it will help Arsenal win the PL then you are deluded.