Shit, I was in my twenties
Not really done much tbh. Got pissed a lot.
Shit, I was in my twenties
Not really done much tbh. Got pissed a lot.
It's better to burn out, than to fade away.
Got a career, visited miami, costa rica, Iceland, Poland x2, Paris, tenerife x2, Rome, changed job 5 times, moved house 5 times, had 4 relationships, met my future wife, re-located to Australia, bought a puppy, reinvented my wardrobe, maxed out my credit card, paid it off, maxed it out again, paid off my student loan, became an uncle...
lost the ability to grow my hair long due to an increasing lack of the stuff
i had 6 birthdays
Old GW:
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Joined 23-August 06