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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #11
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    If wages hadn't been systematically deflated they would be higher than benefits.

    Years ago my sister wanted to get a job but found it wasn't worth her while because the only jobs she was (at that point) qualified for would mean she was worse off. Where's the incentive to work if that's the case?

    Obviously I don't buy into the Benefits Street propaganda but as a general principle there should be an incentive to get out to work and that incentive, for a lot of people, will be financial.

  2. #12
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Why do you think there is a benefits system?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #13
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    As a safety net, but it shouldn't be such a comfortable one as to mean there's no incentive to better oneself.

  4. #14
    Champion Forker PGFC's Avatar
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    On the subject of Tory cunts...

    Former miners' union leader Arthur Scargill tried to use laws introduced by Margaret Thatcher to buy a council flat in London, the BBC has found.

  5. #15
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    "...Where's the corruption? Is it in their soul? Are they outright taking bribes, is it outright graft or are they just stupid? They're either stupid, they're on the take, or they're just incompetent. So those are the three choices."
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  6. #16
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    Thieving Tory Cunts Punish Amazon and Apple by Targeting Customers Instead.

    Kerb Crawling, coke sniffing (true and verifiable) Tory cunt (true and self evident) George Osborne will fuck the public up the arse by taxing more of our taxed income to make up for the billions waved away through corporate tax evasion.

    He's after your iTunes and Amazon downloads - digital fucking products that that whiz through thin air. Hot on the heels of taxing tramps for using newspaper as blankets the limp wristed cancer on humanity hopes to steal £300mill a year from already taxed to fuck workers. £300mill will replace a tiny fraction of the amount stolen each year through government sanctioned corporate tax evasion, payouts to crooked banksters and the counterfeiting/ inflation tax.

    The British public was unavailable for comment and it is not known if they will hang this bastard up by his shrivelled balls and beat him to death with planks of wood, or watch Eastenders.
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  7. #17
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Corporate thugs masquerading as public servants. Notice how the instigating tit slithers away and leaves it to his henchmen who are so thick and indoctrinated they are oblivious to the fact they are doing precisely the opposite of their duty.

    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #18
    Member WMUG's Avatar
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    Bloody hell, totally brazen. He must know he's being filmed, as well. Either complete arrogance or total idiocy.
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  9. #19
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    Für eure Sicherheit

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post

    The decades long policy of outsourcing jobs to the slave labour east.
    The deregulation of the financial sector so the banksters can run up debts so huge we are forced to bail the cunts out.
    The funny money inflation drive designed to prop-up a bankrupt economy and drive the cost of living through the clouds.
    The huge corporate welfare cheques, thousands of times in excess than the entire social welfare budget.
    Corruption at every level, on a scale that makes the tiny number of benefit cheats appear saintly by comparison.
    Wars, wars and more wars blowing billions down the drain.
    Abdication of national sovereignty to our long standing European enemies so the borders can be opened up for more slave labour.

    Tories like Blair and Cameron are vile in every sense, but this IDS bloke - apart from William Hague,.. Has a more foul creature ever been pushed out a whore's scabby cunt?

    On the other hand...

    He has seen a couple of propaganda hit pieces on C4 and C5 that highlight a carefully hand picked selection of layabouts to encourage the assumption ALL poor people are exactly like this. And supposedly 3 out of 4 people (no poll stats provided but they wouldn't lie, right?) support hitting the poor hard to try and protect their own fucked up bubbles that are increasingly under pressure not from benefits claimants (that's a drop in the ocean), but the fucked up policies listed above.

    Inevitable conclusion: 3 out of 4 people are fucking stupid morons and inhumane bastards.

    Or is that yet another divide and rule ploy?

    Inevitable conclusion (take 2): Tories are fucking scum who delight in dividing people with their lies and propaganda and only a fool would buy into it.

    Their mega rich mates fuck up the planet and the poor have to pay for it. There's the truth of it. Just like the American scum politicians blame a few blacks with mortgages for the engineered crash, so we in Britain are offered up a target for our hatred. Anyone but the guilty parties will do and the poor can't fight back. Ideal.

    So who's buying it?

    Anyone? And if so, why?
    I thought you were a staunch libertarian

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