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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #22111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I assume the "Agent" bit is a subliminal context for these Russian allegations?
    The Russian allegations, the Vietnam draft dodging allegations, the fact that he's orange....Agent Orange fit well. Kind of ironic that he's dropping bombs on Assad's regime for using chemical weapons.

  2. #22112

  3. #22113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    The Russian allegations, the Vietnam draft dodging allegations, the fact that he's orange....Agent Orange fit well. Kind of ironic that he's dropping bombs on Assad's regime for using chemical weapons.
    I kind of had the suspicion you gave credibility to the whole Russian hacking thing but I didn't want to accuse you of it without proof. Vietnam draft dodger? Seriously? That's bad is it? Which leaves his skin colour, which is the real irony.
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  4. #22114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I kind of had the suspicion you gave credibility to the whole Russian hacking thing but I didn't want to accuse you of it without proof. Vietnam draft dodger? Seriously? That's bad is it? Which leaves his skin colour, which is the real irony.
    You may need to lighten up a little. It's a joke. He's a politician and given the speech you gave me on politics, you should know how this plays out. I wouldn't invest so much time defending his character.

  5. #22115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    You may need to lighten up a little. It's a joke. He's a politician and given the speech you gave me on politics, you should know how this plays out. I wouldn't invest so much time defending his character.
    This isn't about Trump. It's about who is prepared to buy into the globalist bullshit and who sees through it. If the latter outnumbers the former by any significant degree then the whole species is fucked. So there's no room to lighten up. Everyone should be extremely concerned about the state of the mainstream media. I know it has been bad for a long time and we expect that and shrug our shoulders, but this is a whole new level. If they can make this stick then they can conjure up any version of reality they choose, no matter how extreme or ludicrous. Trouble is, I honestly think quite a few people believe it all. A lot of people maybe. Which is where Trump comes in I guess. They hate him so much they have switched their brains off.
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  6. #22116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    This isn't about Trump. It's about who is prepared to buy into the globalist bullshit and who sees through it. If the latter outnumbers the former by any significant degree then the whole species is fucked. So there's no room to lighten up. Everyone should be extremely concerned about the state of the mainstream media. I know it has been bad for a long time and we expect that and shrug our shoulders, but this is a whole new level. If they can make this stick then they can conjure up any version of reality they choose, no matter how extreme or ludicrous. Trouble is, I honestly think quite a few people believe it all. A lot of people maybe. Which is where Trump comes in I guess. They hate him so much they have switched their brains off.
    A video from a guy you recommended. Not part of the mainstream media, I've been following his monthly talks and agree with a lot of it. 'Trump isn't a sign of progress, it's a sign of decay'. That's a statement I agree with and have argued that point with you before. It's bigger than Trump but again, I'm surprised you're putting so much weight behind his campaign. Watch the video and Wolfe will break it down and his conclusion is pretty much on par with what you often argue for.

  7. #22117
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    I recommend Wolff as one of the few sane voices on the left. I don't agree with where he wants to go at all, not ultimately at least. He's a Marxist and Marxism is a fundamental abuse of human rights at the most basic level - even when the intentions are altruistic. Wolff and I agree on a lot of short term solutions though, practical solutions to the extreme abuse of the modern communist system, which is what we live under. Giant bureaucracies at the centre dictating law, commerce, almost every aspect of life and striving to destroy the atomic family. Classic Stalin in the idea you belong, from birth, to the state and your life's duty is in the sustenance of the state. Made all the more unpalatable by the inevitability of "some pigs being more equal than others". This is what people refuse to accept, despite the evidence. In the west we toil under communist regimes. Look at the scope of government, look at the rates of taxation, look at the iron grip on the education system, the centralised economies controlled by centralised banks. The only difference between the west and the east is the civil liberties we are afforded to change nothing whatsoever except peripheral nonsense such as bathroom usage and who has the right to gain permission from the state to get married. Or can women vote for the same party masquerading as choice. Or do women deserve to be paid the same slave rate in return for their labour. Other than that we are free to consume and make the central planners and owners ever richer. This is our political system, the one the mainstream media is employed to conceal and muddy and deny even as our faces our smacked with the evidence. Globalisation is the next, extreme generation of this hateful system. Total control from an unassailable centre. If we let it unwind then there's no going back unless it's to the stone age.

    Nationalism is NOT the long term answer to our problems, far from it. It is a BRAKE on globalism and the ONLY solution that any significant segment of society is prepared to listen to. The vast majority of people don't want to know about, and can't even conceive, a vision of my libertarianism or Wolff's Marxism. So we have what we have.

    Trump was the ONLY player in the last election advocating nationalism. Therefore he was the only viable option. Plus there's the added bonus of him not being mentally deranged, as Hilary Clinton plainly is. You need to watch that creature's interview on Libya, watch and have a think about it. Then thank your lucky stars that Trump somehow won in the face of total opposition from the establishment. An opposition he is still facing. The establishment has shown it is prepared to say and do literally anything to avoid any of Trump's policies gaining traction. Because if that happened then the cloak would be lifted, it would become painfully obvious in which direction we should be heading. Not TO nationalism, but at least back that far so we are headed in a direction that might one day see a world fit to live in for the majority of people.

    My reasons for backing Trump have nothing to do with him as a person. If all he's done is capture and ride a wave then I'm fine with that, provided that wave is sweeping enough people back to shore. Trump will be gone in time, like the rest of them, except apparently Uncle Tom who hangs around like a bad stench. Where America sits and where Britain and France and the other European nations sit when he's gone is what's important. If we have managed to head even a few steps in the opposite direction to that we were dragged in by the likes of Blair, Cameron and Uncle Tom then it's extremely valuable.
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  8. #22118
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    Best response to the above. Let him speak for himself. I think he has a point about how Karl Marx is associated with Stalin and Communism and you should know better to lead with that 'red scare' response. It's a 25+ minute video. Did you watch it all because that's hasty and lengthy response. No point in continuing a conversation if you're not actually listening.

  9. #22119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post

    Best response to the above. Let him speak for himself. I think he has a point about how Karl Marx is associated with Stalin and Communism and you should know better to lead with that 'red scare' response. It's a 25+ minute video. Did you watch it all because that's hasty and lengthy response. No point in continuing a conversation if you're not actually listening.
    You're now educating me on somebody I have been listening to for years? If YOU had bothered to read, I have made ZERO association between Wolff's idealism and the current communist structures in the west. ZERO. But you have made that hasty conclusion, because it was you that wasn't listening.

    I already watched that video, along with probably hundreds of others from Wolff.

    Do you have a position beyond a dislike of Trump? Several times I have zoomed out from the minutiae of Trump to the larger scope and the goals of the two main protagonists. You haven't picked up on any of this, you haven't acknowledged it at all. You seem to think the protagonists on both sides are absent idealistic agendas when it's a simple matter to identify them. Surely you can reel off the aims of globalisation without much effort? And yet your focus seems to be what colour tie Trump is wearing. Is it possible to move beyond that with you?

    Your aim here seems not to be political discussion but instead baiting to try to uncover inconsistencies in arguments which you can then use to elevate your own argument. Not that your own position is at all clear beyond the Trump bashing. What is it you are trying to say? What is your position? There must be more to your belief system that an anti-Trump focus and if so, leaving Trump aside, what's your ideal and who do you imagine can deliver it for you? I already explained very clearly why Trump is the only solution on offer in my opinion. Are we ready to move beyond the amateur psychology routine and have you state a position so we can argue the merits on either side?
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  10. #22120
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    Why bother to bring up Stalin and communism at all in that case if you're not associating Wolfe with them?

    Who's doing the amateur psychology? That's a pretty pathetic attack on me and attempt to switch goal posts. As you do.

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