People are still free to worship in whatever religion they like, I don't see that changing any time soon or the church going "underground".
I guess the problem is as we become a more mixed society with differing belief systems
how do you create laws which give "freedom" to everyone given that those systems conflict?
I mean, Christians have certain views which is why bumming used to be illegal. But I'm not sure it's the state's job to legislate about what people do with their genitals in the privacy of their own house.
Well, unless what they do with them is not consensual.
Where it gets silly is where a church is on dodgy ground legally if they state that a staff member has to be a Christian because otherwise that's "discrimination".
Or nurses getting fired because they offer to pray with a patient. I mean, it depends how that is done but surely the offer is benign enough if done sensitively and the person doesn't push it. Just say no if you're not interested.
Or Christian bakers getting sued (successfully) because they don't want to make a cake promoting gay marriage when they don't believe in it. Just use another baker FFS!
A bit of common sense is needed. I don't
think it's a slippery slope where people will eventually have to meet in secret but evangelising is becoming more difficult.
All that said. If you fancy a trip to the Emirates this summer without having to watch Arsenal play...
Edit: Only £25 to sit in Club level. Bargain!