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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #3441
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    If Coronavirus is increasing all over England, why has the PM left most of the country exactly as it has been for the last few weeks and not imposed tighter restrictions on them ?

    Surely things are going to get worse.What happens then ?

    Tighter restrictions in November and another lockdown in January 2021 is my guess.

  2. #3442
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I suppose we'll see in time if this has any positive impact on your behaviour.
    Yes. I should definitely take lessons in behaviour from someone who made vague threats against me and when those proved as empty as Spurs’ trophy cabinet started insulting my character.

    But yes, it’s me behaving badly, isn’t it sweetie?

  3. #3443
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  4. #3444
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    Quote Originally Posted by dostoy View Post
    If Coronavirus is increasing all over England, why has the PM left most of the country exactly as it has been for the last few weeks and not imposed tighter restrictions on them ?

    Surely things are going to get worse.What happens then ?

    Tighter restrictions in November and another lockdown in January 2021 is my guess.
    Because he is an absolute idiot that doesn't know what he is doing. Corona is new to everyone, some countries handle it better than others, I wonder why?

    What happens when things get worse? Boris will probably start flip flopping again with his "stay in, go out, go to work, stay at home" nonsense.

  5. #3445
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Yes. I should definitely take lessons in behaviour from someone who made vague threats against me and when those proved as empty as Spurs’ trophy cabinet started insulting my character.

    But yes, it’s me behaving badly, isn’t it sweetie?
    They weren't vague threats. They were specific. I said I would embarrass you for posting fake news you didn't even bother to read. Which is why you are now repeatedly saying, no, no, didn't happen. Say it enough times and maybe it'll be real?

    It's not that you're ignorant. Everyone is ignorant to some degree, although few gloat about it. It's that you don't know right from wrong. Hence the church reference which I knew you'd understand.

    Here' I'll do your response for you...

    No! No! No! Never happened. Here's a video of Monty Python!
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  6. #3446
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    Quote Originally Posted by selassie View Post
    Because he is an absolute idiot that doesn't know what he is doing. Corona is new to everyone, some countries handle it better than others, I wonder why?

    What happens when things get worse? Boris will probably start flip flopping again with his "stay in, go out, go to work, stay at home" nonsense.
    The science has been all but ditched now. Because none of it supports any of the shit that is going on. Either this is the greatest refusal to admit error in the history of British politics, or the policies have nothing at all to do with health.

    Amazes me that just about everyone now agrees it's a fuck up and the consequences are unprecedented, but nobody has mentioned a vote of confidence. Johnson deserves plenty of criticism, but not all of it. The opposition, and not just Labour but every faction, has been shameful. Nodding every last fuck up through and then trying to score cheap political points after the fact.

    There was ONE decent question in parliament yesterday. Why aren't prophylactic drugs available for the most vulnerable on the NHS, on prescription by GPs? How could that possibly hurt? How could it not help? Why aren't there even trials? It has been months of this shit. Our "leaders" have been entirely reactionary, following charts and graphs that couldn't stand a minute's scrutiny if subjected to an open scientific debate. But they've done nothing preventative, nothing targeted. Lockdowns are not preventative, as the data keeps showing, over and over and over again. Even the WHO has abandoned that BS now. They do far more harm than good, although you won't see the entire extent of the devastation until it unwinds over time.

    We really are facing a catastrophic health crisis now, thanks to policy - not Covid. And it will coincide with an economic catastrophe, again due to policies.
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  7. #3447
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The science has been all but ditched now. Because none of it supports any of the shit that is going on. Either this is the greatest refusal to admit error in the history of British politics, or the policies have nothing at all to do with health.

    Amazes me that just about everyone now agrees it's a fuck up and the consequences are unprecedented, but nobody has mentioned a vote of confidence. Johnson deserves plenty of criticism, but not all of it. The opposition, and not just Labour but every faction, has been shameful. Nodding every last fuck up through and then trying to score cheap political points after the fact.

    There was ONE decent question in parliament yesterday. Why aren't prophylactic drugs available for the most vulnerable on the NHS, on prescription by GPs? How could that possibly hurt? How could it not help? Why aren't there even trials? It has been months of this shit. Our "leaders" have been entirely reactionary, following charts and graphs that couldn't stand a minute's scrutiny if subjected to an open scientific debate. But they've done nothing preventative, nothing targeted. Lockdowns are not preventative, as the data keeps showing, over and over and over again. Even the WHO has abandoned that BS now. They do far more harm than good, although you won't see the entire extent of the devastation until it unwinds over time.

    We really are facing a catastrophic health crisis now, thanks to policy - not Covid. And it will coincide with an economic catastrophe, again due to policies.
    I do actually agree with a lot of what you have said here to be fair, but I think the issue is a mixture of greed, arrogance and mismanagement.

    All COVID has done is allow the Government to blindside us by introducing a whole bunch of new policies without opposition. The will of the people they say?

    I agree about the Health crisis this has been going on for a long time now and government after government bury their heads in the sand and allow the situation to get worse, but ultimately this is all to do with Money.

  8. #3448
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dostoy View Post
    If Coronavirus is increasing all over England, why has the PM left most of the country exactly as it has been for the last few weeks and not imposed tighter restrictions on them ?

    Surely things are going to get worse.What happens then ?

    Tighter restrictions in November and another lockdown in January 2021 is my guess.
    You are making the rookie error of trying to apply logic to make sense of what is going on.

    Until the mask slips and inadvertently informs his what is really happening, it probably still won't make sense.

  9. #3449
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    They weren't vague threats. They were specific. I said I would embarrass you for posting fake news you didn't even bother to read. Which is why you are now repeatedly saying, no, no, didn't happen. Say it enough times and maybe it'll be real?

    It's not that you're ignorant. Everyone is ignorant to some degree, although few gloat about it. It's that you don't know right from wrong. Hence the church reference which I knew you'd understand.

    Here' I'll do your response for you...
    The blind faith you have in your sources is more obvious than Letter's faith in his.

    You seem absolutely sure of your position and entirely dismissive of anything that doesn't align with it.

    I am completely lost as to what is going on. Rather than feeling stupid about that, it is an acknowledgment that I am being completely misled and have no idea what the endgame is here.

  10. #3450
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    The blind faith you have in your sources is more obvious than Letter's faith in his.

    You seem absolutely sure of your position and entirely dismissive of anything that doesn't align with it.

    I am completely lost as to what is going on. Rather than feeling stupid about that, it is an acknowledgment that I am being completely misled and have no idea what the endgame is here.
    That's because Letters doesn't need faith or reason, he's only interested in confirmation. The preservation of a world view that is becoming increasingly unlikely before his very eyes. It must be quite frightening.

    What sources? I tend to focus on mainstream media sources to pick apart the lies. Or source documents that look beneath the lies to determine the intent. If you are referring to the odd video I post for related information, or the left wing reporters who were once bound to approved sources before their bullshit detectors exploded, I don't issue any demands on how it should be interpreted. View them as you will. You'll notice though, people are pretty fast to jump in and attack the sources, rather than discuss the information contained. But that's normal these days.

    I'm not confident I know what's happening. I'm confident I know what's NOT happening. And I gave up on explaining it all away with coincidence theory, often accompanied by incompetence theory. It's always coincidental, always a mistake. More power is centralised, the same people get richer, everyone else gets fucked and picks up the bill. Through an ongoing and unfortunate series of coincidences. That's mainstream thinking and theory. Beyond the mainstream is, as we all know, conspiracy theory. Nothing to do with blind faith, just a willingness to read beyond the coincidences and claims of incompetence and see what's there. As everyone should be doing, IMO, unless you believe the mainstream media is here to serve and inform you, in which case there's no need to do anything at all except sit back and let it wash over you.

    My objection with Letters was, in the words of Stewart Lee, he opened up a sewer pipe to let it flow more easily. If Letters can't be bothered to even read the shit he posts, then sure, I'm entirely dismissive of it. And as for alignment, well I think that was dealt with pretty definitively. Facts on one side, the BBC on the other. Again, all quite normal.
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