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Thread: 2020 US General Election

  1. #1641
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    The left is moving to arrest and lock up its political enemies. These are the creatures supported by 50% of the unapologetically low information, politically bystander population in the west. Make no mistake, victims outside the U.S have been just as damaged as those within when it comes to the effects of propaganda and psychological warfare. These victims will now form the lynch mob that drives the west into the hands of the marxists.

    Obviously they will be fought by all means.
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  2. #1642
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    Censorship goes into overdrive. People were warned but they were too dumb to even understand, let alone stand up. Now the censors have a free pass and they haven't even waited 24 hours to start using it.
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  3. #1643
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Absolutely nothing wrong.

    It's THEIR building. I know that's difficult for the average person to believe, because they don't know the law and they have long forgotten the contract between the government and the governed. But it's a fact. Everything public is owned by the public and despite how many hired thugs are used to deter access, all those parliament buildings that were stolen or later purchased using your ancestor's money, those are your buildings.

    The act of seizing the capitol building was entirely appropriate. The people, denied the law, denied the courts and denied a public voice, took the one recourse they had remaining. And they didn't burn the building. I think they should have, it would have been a stronger signal, a stronger reminder and a call back to times past.

    I don't know how compromised you are by the mainstream media propaganda, but understand for as long as you are clinging to that you are incapable of understanding what is happening here.
    If the result was reversed & Biden was the one claiming election fraud etc without any proof, would you be supporting left wing demonstrators who did exactly what the trump supporters did this week?

    They had no right to do that. The election was not fraudulent as no proof has been submitted. Trump has repeatedly said he has proof but failed to provide any but rather vague promises of it coming soon.

  4. #1644
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    If the result was reversed & Biden was the one claiming election fraud etc without any proof, would you be supporting left wing demonstrators who did exactly what the trump supporters did this week?

    They had no right to do that. The election was not fraudulent as no proof has been submitted. Trump has repeatedly said he has proof but failed to provide any but rather vague promises of it coming soon.
    Why do you keep changing the focus every time I answer you? To address the new one, first I could certainly ask you the reverse, and most other posters here, who have demonstrated a steadfast compliance of thought with everything pumped out by the mainstream media. To answer your question, go and check the Congressional records. The Democrats challenged every loss in recent history and not just by legitimate means. There's also a boatload of mainstream narrative out there that takes an entirely different approach to reporting from what we see now, particularly in relation to your repeated false claims there is no proof of election fraud. Just the first couple of examples from a simple search.

    Legal challenges are perfectly normal for every U.S. election, often down to the school board level. It's how the dishonest and biased media reports them that makes the difference and sets the perception. There's also fraud in every federal election, with Harry Reid's Arizona gang becoming so notorious it was taken for granted.

    Low information posters here, including the notorious character you mentioned in a prior post, skim the headlines and first few paragraphs from their approved mainstream sources and go full parrot mode. They don't actually have a clue about the underlying details, they just mimic the prevailing narrative. My view is straightforward and hasn't changed. Every vote should be handled and qualified by the rules set down by the constitutionally mandated authority in each state. Where dispute arises this should be handled by the relevant courts. This system has worked fairly well, by American standards, prior to this election where it broke down completely. Unauthorised bodies changed the law, courts absconded, the media pushed a unified message from day one that everything was clean and above board, despite the obvious chaos and improbable outcomes. I wouldn't be against the Democrats using any available, legal route to verify an election result. I'm very much against that option being systematically denied to the Republicans in this case.

    This is before you consider the highly illegal methods the Democrats have employe these last four years to overturn the 2016 result. Again, the mainstream media has served up a steady stream of bullshit to sell the idea the elected president is an agent of a foreign power. All without proof, and we know that because the claims were examined in excruciating detail. If a fraction of the effort had been made to verify the 2020 results we'd be seeing a very different picture. The bias is extreme, it is obvious and it has been relentless.

    So you probably should ask yourself your own question before you put it to me. What I have seen posted here over the last few months is a clear indication that most people are woefully ignorant of any aspect beyond the establishment message. It's the same with this damn virus, no matter how many times it is explained to people they discard key information and run back to the BBC bullshit.

    Everything is tarnished by the media. It's a cancer. Big tech too. After a relatively minor outbreak of civil disobedience (contrast and compare to the burning and looting of cities during the "peaceful" BLM "protests"), the media and bog tech are purging all context, silencing all voices that stray from the messaging. We are now hearing how the occupation of a single building for a couple of hours is "terrorism", "insurrection", a "coup", etc, etc. Ludicrous, given the four years of criminal misbehaviour by the left the media twisted into "news". You would think it's easy for intelligent people to simply dismiss such obvious bias, but it seems to me many people buy it hook, line and sinker.

    To reiterate, the people occupied their own building. They have a right, enshrined in the Constitution, to do it and they could have gone much further and still been within their rights and the law. Denied all other means to address their grievances, what they did was minor and, to my mind, inadequate and I hope that's just the start and not the end of it.
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  5. #1645
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Why do you keep changing the focus every time I answer you? To address the new one, first I could certainly ask you the reverse, and most other posters here, who have demonstrated a steadfast compliance of thought with everything pumped out by the mainstream media. To answer your question, go and check the Congressional records. The Democrats challenged every loss in recent history and not just by legitimate means. There's also a boatload of mainstream narrative out there that takes an entirely different approach to reporting from what we see now, particularly in relation to your repeated false claims there is no proof of election fraud. Just the first couple of examples from a simple search.

    Legal challenges are perfectly normal for every U.S. election, often down to the school board level. It's how the dishonest and biased media reports them that makes the difference and sets the perception. There's also fraud in every federal election, with Harry Reid's Arizona gang becoming so notorious it was taken for granted.

    Low information posters here, including the notorious character you mentioned in a prior post, skim the headlines and first few paragraphs from their approved mainstream sources and go full parrot mode. They don't actually have a clue about the underlying details, they just mimic the prevailing narrative. My view is straightforward and hasn't changed. Every vote should be handled and qualified by the rules set down by the constitutionally mandated authority in each state. Where dispute arises this should be handled by the relevant courts. This system has worked fairly well, by American standards, prior to this election where it broke down completely. Unauthorised bodies changed the law, courts absconded, the media pushed a unified message from day one that everything was clean and above board, despite the obvious chaos and improbable outcomes. I wouldn't be against the Democrats using any available, legal route to verify an election result. I'm very much against that option being systematically denied to the Republicans in this case.

    This is before you consider the highly illegal methods the Democrats have employe these last four years to overturn the 2016 result. Again, the mainstream media has served up a steady stream of bullshit to sell the idea the elected president is an agent of a foreign power. All without proof, and we know that because the claims were examined in excruciating detail. If a fraction of the effort had been made to verify the 2020 results we'd be seeing a very different picture. The bias is extreme, it is obvious and it has been relentless.

    So you probably should ask yourself your own question before you put it to me. What I have seen posted here over the last few months is a clear indication that most people are woefully ignorant of any aspect beyond the establishment message. It's the same with this damn virus, no matter how many times it is explained to people they discard key information and run back to the BBC bullshit.

    Everything is tarnished by the media. It's a cancer. Big tech too. After a relatively minor outbreak of civil disobedience (contrast and compare to the burning and looting of cities during the "peaceful" BLM "protests"), the media and bog tech are purging all context, silencing all voices that stray from the messaging. We are now hearing how the occupation of a single building for a couple of hours is "terrorism", "insurrection", a "coup", etc, etc. Ludicrous, given the four years of criminal misbehaviour by the left the media twisted into "news". You would think it's easy for intelligent people to simply dismiss such obvious bias, but it seems to me many people buy it hook, line and sinker.

    To reiterate, the people occupied their own building. They have a right, enshrined in the Constitution, to do it and they could have gone much further and still been within their rights and the law. Denied all other means to address their grievances, what they did was minor and, to my mind, inadequate and I hope that's just the start and not the end of it.

    Many states changed their law & election methods because of the pandemic yet the Trump campaign has only alleged fraud in those that voted Biden. The Texas lawsuit sued four states that allowed mail in ballots to arrive 3 days after the election to be counted yet North Carolina allowed those ballots to arrive up to 9 days after the election.

    So, why weren’t North Carolina being sued as well? Why did the Trump campaign not allege fraud there? They were saying that counting ballots after Election Day was fraud yet not in the states were Trump won. You cannot have it both ways, its either fraudulent in which case all states must reject the votes or it is legal and must be allowed. You cannot say that some of illegal because they voted Biden.

  6. #1646
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The people, denied the law, denied the courts and denied a public voice, took the one recourse they had remaining.
    By “the people” you mean some people. America has 300 million people in it. A tiny tiny percentage of them throwing a tantrum, incited by the president of all people, is hardly representative of “the people”.

    They do have a public voice - they voted for Trump, he is their public voice. He hasn’t exactly been shy of saying what he thinks about all this over the last couple of months.

    And denied the law? Are you serious? There have been 60 court cases by Trump and his allies and they lost all but one. And the one they won was nothing to do with fraud. You can keep pretending that the courts refused to hear the cases if you like, I’ve shown you a video of a judge in court looking at the affidavits and concluding they’re a steaming pile of manure.
    What happened to the Kraken? I remember you getting all excited about Powell but, predictably, she had nothing and even Trump distanced herself from her when she proved to be more crackpot than Kraken.

    Let’s take a couple of claims of election fraud.
    Dead people voted - well that should be pretty easy to prove. So where’s the evidence? That should be easy to prove in court, why wasn’t that evidence presented? Because it doesn’t exist. In the phone call with Georgia Trump repeats some claim he presumably saw on some conspiracy theory site about 5,000 dead voters. He is told by the Republicans he’s talking to that they looked into that and found only 2 instances and...he just repeats the claim
    Secondly, the claim that more people voted than are registered. Ok, well that should be easy to prove so let’s see the evidence. You have made that claim on here, it’s telling that you haven’t backed it up with evidence.
    These are really easy things to prove if they’re true so where’s the evidence?

    You seem to think it’s some smoking gun that no full signature audit was done but where’s the case for the time and expense that would take? They did do recounts which showed the Dominion claims were nonsense - even NewsMax and OANN had to broadcast embarrassing retractions of their wild claims when threatened with legal action. And they did a signature audit with a large enough sample to give results with a high level of confidence statistically.

    If they did do a full audit then the people claiming that the election was stolen would simply claim that was fraudulent too. Because that’s how conspiracy theories work. Anything which shows it to be false simply becomes part of the conspiracy.

    I don't know how compromised you are by the mainstream media propaganda.
    Probably not as compromised as you are by the right wing propaganda you consume.
    The ridiculous thing is you think of yourself as “high information” and sneer at us “low information” saps when all you’re doing is looking at sources which back up your world view.
    Anything which doesn’t is called “propaganda” or “fake news”.
    None of this makes you an “independent thinker”. You are not “doing your own research”.

    I’ve already been through all the things you got wrong about Covid.
    You get them wrong because you start with a false premise. That leads you to false conclusions.
    You’re doing the same here but your bias prevents you from seeing it even when it’s pointed out to you. The USPS dude is a good example. I went through that in some detail showing why all your claims about it were false and it all bounced off you, you just moved on to the next theory your sources were feeding you.

  7. #1647
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    Many states changed their law & election methods because of the pandemic yet the Trump campaign has only alleged fraud in those that voted Biden. The Texas lawsuit sued four states that allowed mail in ballots to arrive 3 days after the election to be counted yet North Carolina allowed those ballots to arrive up to 9 days after the election.

    So, why weren’t North Carolina being sued as well? Why did the Trump campaign not allege fraud there? They were saying that counting ballots after Election Day was fraud yet not in the states were Trump won. You cannot have it both ways, its either fraudulent in which case all states must reject the votes or it is legal and must be allowed. You cannot say that some of illegal because they voted Biden.
    I missed this response from you:

    The whole point of Texas’ lawsuit was that by allowing mail in ballots to be counted after the election (as long as sent on or before Election Day) it was unconstitutional. They sued four states on that basis which happened to vote Biden.

    Now as you say, they cant sue someone who hasn’t caused you harm but the point of their lawsuit was that those states acted unconstitutionally by allowing mail in ballots to arrive after Election Day not because they voted Biden. Therefore Texas should have sued all states that allowed it such as North Carolina which allowed up to 9 days but they didnt because they voted Trump.
    That was NOT the purpose of the Texas case. The purpose was to test the legitimacy of election law applied by unauthorised parties, those not granted the powers to effect such laws according to the Constitution. The effect, if the case had prevailed, might have been to discount unlawfully cast ballots, but the argument was constitutional and not procedural. In some states it may have been perfectly legitimate for ballots to be included days after the event, provided the constitutionally mandated body applied such regulations, and not other courts or agencies who were not entitled to do so.

    Put another way, if I pass a law today and insist everyone follows it, and if they actually go ahead and follow it, I never had the power to pass the law in the first place and so it is not the law. Any harm arising is a result of unlawful action and liable as such.

    The case cannot be viewed in isolation. In relation to other cases, courts used the legal trickery of standing as grounds for dismissal. So the Texas case had to be framed in that light. On the issue of standing, only those instances where harm occurred to the plaintiff were considered, in line with past rulings from various other courts. There are no grounds to sue when that harm hasn't occurred and attempting to do so would have given the court and easy route for dismissal. As it is, the case was very tightly crafted and eminently appropriate for the Supreme Court to hear, based on the very purpose of that court, adjudicating when states are in dispute. It's a scandal the court dismissed in such a manner. And now we have to listen to the likes of Chuck Schumer mounting a passionate defence of the Constitution? It's not me that is trying to have it both ways.
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  8. #1648
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Donald Trump, a classless cunt until the end.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  9. #1649
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    Donald Trump, a classless cunt until the end.

    He has now struck a more conciliatory tone and denounced the actions...which he incited.
    I suspect he’s only done so to try and avoid impeachment or being removed.

  10. #1650
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