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Thread: Match Thread: Ukraine vs Russia.

  1. #61
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    You’re a touch more forgiving of those who agree with you when they get their facts wrong.

    Also, your posts have aged horribly. Regardless of who is right or wrong, a populace has suffered greatly. As events unfolded, you flippantly dismissed the consequence of the military buildup and what was transparently unfolding.

    I have a lot of respect for your commitment for what you believe in. However I think your judgement is clouded with bias. It almost always results in complete agreement with sources you cite.

    I also have a lot of time for the questions you ask. Very often, they are the right questions and they make me think as well and in some ways have helped shape my views and skepticism. I very much believe, there is a ‘they’. I also believe this ‘they’ are motivated by two things and don’t care about impacts on us. Us being a loosely connected set of victims to varying degrees as they hoover up all the power and resources whilst letting us get on with fighting each other and blaming each other as we try to hold on to our diminishing scraps.

    I just think you sometimes pick the wrong horse and double down every time that horse fucks it up. The mental gymnastics from you when clearly you’ve got it wrong is nowhere close to the standards of accuracy you demand of those with different views.

    It isn’t healthy.
    I know there is ONE enemy, ultimately, when you break it all down.

    As a kid I studied Cold War geopolitics. That might sound ridiculous, but it wasn't because I wanted to be a politician, it was because I collaborated on table-top wargames and the early computer simulations and we always wanted to make that shit as realistic as possible. So we read our books and subscribed to our journals and had heated, nerdy debates about Soviet echelon strength versus limited NATO technological response and attrition rates long into the night. Some of us ended up producing (helping to produce - myself in a minor way) the databases for possibly the most realistic publicly available simulation ever created (discarded now for bullshit), one that was used in the 90s by NATO training programs. I still have off the shelf board games that were never played but repurposed to build new games focused on political and military conflict. I knew every piece of equipment on the battlefield, every senior figure that would command those pieces, not in a Top Trumps way, but down to terrain management, refuelling, labour and maintenance availability, adverse production penalties for re-supply given a changing political landscape and competing demands, personality profiles. Back then there was a wealth of material to draw on, the honest observations of generals and admirals and career politicians who seemed to be able to speak more freely. Not so today.

    The point being...

    I fully understood, and still do, what a sphere of influence is. And if you don't have a command of that knowledge you can't possibly know what is happening in the Ukraine or why it is happening. You can break it down to the emotional bullshit and throw out platitudes like war is bad. Of course it is. Who even needs to think about that? But war is sometimes a consequence, despite being the worst consequence. Actions have consequences. When you ignore those actions you lose the ability to comprehend the consequences. It all just becomes an enraged tweet or an impotent sanction. Then you do stupid, disconnected things that play into enemy hands at your expense.

    I would also say, we are very, very lucky and we should be very, very grateful to Vladimir Putin and the people around him (both pro and con) we aren't all dead already. Not that I trust him to remain so restrained. We'll see. Back in the 80s and 90s, if this shit had happened we certainly would be dead, without a doubt. Russia has come a long way since those days and, contrary to the absolute bullshit being sold to rapid buyers by the mainstream media, seems to have accepted secondary status as a matter of pragmatism and realism. The US and it's "allies" (by which I mean lapdogs - absolute fucking SHAME On Germany, for instance, how humiliating), are still playing the primacy status and are causing the bipolar shift and return to the 80s and 90s we see unfolding before our eyes. It is ENTIRELY their fault and to their short term benefit. Because, I have to say, it doesn't seem as if there is a braincell operating on any level in the west, except maybe that French EU chick who seems to have a handle on things. Thank fuck for her or this would be a lot worse by now. Impressive woman, they should put her in charge. But the rest of them, they see a dollar (even though the dollar will die as a result of this) and that's all that matters. They even have the death of the dollar covered for their benefit. So they can play 4D chess, but only in the same way a fox calculates how to break into the chicken coup.

    There was a moment for peace and the west did everything possible to derail it. Simple facts. Read the history books and the commentary from people who were involved at the time. This is not because they didn't want peace, it's because conflict suited their goals better. Peace was never considered as relevant. Can you imagine having to deal with people like that? When they will fuck you over for a balance sheet and never think once about you? Whether you are an individual or an entire nation?

    Anyway, sure, I support Putin 100% in this and I'm absolutely happy to say it. I don't support him and the rest of the shit he does. But in this, 100%. It's actually a no-brainer. I'd be incredibly worried if one of the last holdouts against THEM didn't stand up when the red line was crossed. He may be the last chance we have. Doesn't look like WE'RE going to do anything to defend our own arses.

    As for the people of Ukraine, which people do you mean? The Maidan crowd in the west? The population in the east? The crime lords in Odessa? Which people? There are many people, all disjointed, disconnected, with competing interests and (in some cases) rather dark outlooks. I, of course, will have immediate sympathy for civilians on the ground, regardless of their banner. Wouldn't want to to be me and mine. That's a human response. But that's not the world we live in. People can pretend if they like, but Ukraine exists in the same space as Syria, or Libya, or Yemen, or Iraq, or Afghanistan. And anyone who can be partially compassionate is a hypocrite, which means most. I don't want war but I also realise we are at a stage of human development where war still exists and at least if the more favourable combatant (in this case Russia) prevails it is a step in the right direction. I wonder where some of these heroes and victims stood when well documented atrocities were being conducted against their fellow countrymen? My sympathy wanes a little when I think of that. It evaporates when I think of the Ukrainian state as a political entity. Absolutely, I am totally against that horrific manifestation and the throwback to ultimately dark times it throws up. I'm very pleased to see Ukraine (the state) crushed. About time. Somebody had to put a stop to that shit rather than collaborating with it and making potential future atrocities even worse. I'm talking reality, not emotion.

    Was it a good thing to bomb Germany? Discuss. What was the end goal? How do you equate the suffering? Were we advanced enough as a species to prevent it ever happening?

    What about the atomic bomb? The arch-hypocrite and only user of such demonic power, smashing another nation with claims it threatens the world because of the very power the claimant previously unleashed. Hypocrisy aside, is it a simple calculation to determine who is right and wrong?

    I have the unfair benefit of being able to analyse this without paying heed to the mainstream media. I fear you do not enjoy that privilege. Although you could.

    Have my posts really aged badly? Show me.
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  2. #62
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    We have achieved a new low. Nothing is beyond us. With devotion and obedience we can plumb depths never before imagined.

    As for the rest of them. The ones with books and big words. They are conspiracy theorists, as we all know. I don't say we should kill them now. I say we should wait a bit for the insanity to ramp up, then it would only be sensible to kill them. After all, we don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past, we don't want Nazis to be stomping around again.

    Oh, and Go Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Defenders. Go Azov Brigade. Not Nazi at all - shameful to even report the reality. The Black Sun - pure, pure coincidence, with the emphasis on pure. Merch available on Amazon for your interest. Buying a Nazi T helps the struggling people of Ukraine who were born 2 weeks ago. And now for a virtuous signal - Black Lives Matter, unless they are from nations we are invading.
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  3. #63
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    Is there anyone on here who is man enough to admit they are embarrassed about their reaction to the Ukraine crisis?

    I asked the question of myself first and I'm fine. No, I stand entirely behind everything I have said. Because I'm right, obviously. As any intelligent person must concede.

    So, leaving aside unintelligent people who wouldn't know anyway, I am asking intelligent people who, understandably got conned, do you now regret your ridiculous reaction?

    And, assuming you do, have you taken the time to read up on the history and the facts so you are better placed to make a moral and rational judgement, rather than be led like swine by the legacy media?

    For those who read - AND ONLY THOSE WHO READ, I have been racking my brains to reason out a solution that could work in the real (not media) world. I can't find one. Anyone got a brilliant idea? Based on reality, mind you.
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  4. #64
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    That’s one way to deal with the rising cost of living, I guess

  5. #65
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    Not sure how many spare rooms Boris and Carrie have but could be worth a nice few quid for them

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    That’s one way to deal with the rising cost of living, I guess
    Nice. Tory slum landlords can pack'em in and make bank. Which won't leave many for the virtue signallers - whew, that was close.
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  7. #67
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I know there is ONE enemy, ultimately, when you break it all down.

    As a kid I studied Cold War geopolitics. That might sound ridiculous, but it wasn't because I wanted to be a politician, it was because I collaborated on table-top wargames and the early computer simulations and we always wanted to make that shit as realistic as possible. So we read our books and subscribed to our journals and had heated, nerdy debates about Soviet echelon strength versus limited NATO technological response and attrition rates long into the night. Some of us ended up producing (helping to produce - myself in a minor way) the databases for possibly the most realistic publicly available simulation ever created (discarded now for bullshit), one that was used in the 90s by NATO training programs. I still have off the shelf board games that were never played but repurposed to build new games focused on political and military conflict. I knew every piece of equipment on the battlefield, every senior figure that would command those pieces, not in a Top Trumps way, but down to terrain management, refuelling, labour and maintenance availability, adverse production penalties for re-supply given a changing political landscape and competing demands, personality profiles. Back then there was a wealth of material to draw on, the honest observations of generals and admirals and career politicians who seemed to be able to speak more freely. Not so today.

    The point being...

    I fully understood, and still do, what a sphere of influence is. And if you don't have a command of that knowledge you can't possibly know what is happening in the Ukraine or why it is happening. You can break it down to the emotional bullshit and throw out platitudes like war is bad. Of course it is. Who even needs to think about that? But war is sometimes a consequence, despite being the worst consequence. Actions have consequences. When you ignore those actions you lose the ability to comprehend the consequences. It all just becomes an enraged tweet or an impotent sanction. Then you do stupid, disconnected things that play into enemy hands at your expense.

    I would also say, we are very, very lucky and we should be very, very grateful to Vladimir Putin and the people around him (both pro and con) we aren't all dead already. Not that I trust him to remain so restrained. We'll see. Back in the 80s and 90s, if this shit had happened we certainly would be dead, without a doubt. Russia has come a long way since those days and, contrary to the absolute bullshit being sold to rapid buyers by the mainstream media, seems to have accepted secondary status as a matter of pragmatism and realism. The US and it's "allies" (by which I mean lapdogs - absolute fucking SHAME On Germany, for instance, how humiliating), are still playing the primacy status and are causing the bipolar shift and return to the 80s and 90s we see unfolding before our eyes. It is ENTIRELY their fault and to their short term benefit. Because, I have to say, it doesn't seem as if there is a braincell operating on any level in the west, except maybe that French EU chick who seems to have a handle on things. Thank fuck for her or this would be a lot worse by now. Impressive woman, they should put her in charge. But the rest of them, they see a dollar (even though the dollar will die as a result of this) and that's all that matters. They even have the death of the dollar covered for their benefit. So they can play 4D chess, but only in the same way a fox calculates how to break into the chicken coup.

    There was a moment for peace and the west did everything possible to derail it. Simple facts. Read the history books and the commentary from people who were involved at the time. This is not because they didn't want peace, it's because conflict suited their goals better. Peace was never considered as relevant. Can you imagine having to deal with people like that? When they will fuck you over for a balance sheet and never think once about you? Whether you are an individual or an entire nation?

    Anyway, sure, I support Putin 100% in this and I'm absolutely happy to say it. I don't support him and the rest of the shit he does. But in this, 100%. It's actually a no-brainer. I'd be incredibly worried if one of the last holdouts against THEM didn't stand up when the red line was crossed. He may be the last chance we have. Doesn't look like WE'RE going to do anything to defend our own arses.

    As for the people of Ukraine, which people do you mean? The Maidan crowd in the west? The population in the east? The crime lords in Odessa? Which people? There are many people, all disjointed, disconnected, with competing interests and (in some cases) rather dark outlooks. I, of course, will have immediate sympathy for civilians on the ground, regardless of their banner. Wouldn't want to to be me and mine. That's a human response. But that's not the world we live in. People can pretend if they like, but Ukraine exists in the same space as Syria, or Libya, or Yemen, or Iraq, or Afghanistan. And anyone who can be partially compassionate is a hypocrite, which means most. I don't want war but I also realise we are at a stage of human development where war still exists and at least if the more favourable combatant (in this case Russia) prevails it is a step in the right direction. I wonder where some of these heroes and victims stood when well documented atrocities were being conducted against their fellow countrymen? My sympathy wanes a little when I think of that. It evaporates when I think of the Ukrainian state as a political entity. Absolutely, I am totally against that horrific manifestation and the throwback to ultimately dark times it throws up. I'm very pleased to see Ukraine (the state) crushed. About time. Somebody had to put a stop to that shit rather than collaborating with it and making potential future atrocities even worse. I'm talking reality, not emotion.

    Was it a good thing to bomb Germany? Discuss. What was the end goal? How do you equate the suffering? Were we advanced enough as a species to prevent it ever happening?

    What about the atomic bomb? The arch-hypocrite and only user of such demonic power, smashing another nation with claims it threatens the world because of the very power the claimant previously unleashed. Hypocrisy aside, is it a simple calculation to determine who is right and wrong?

    I have the unfair benefit of being able to analyse this without paying heed to the mainstream media. I fear you do not enjoy that privilege. Although you could.

    Have my posts really aged badly? Show me.
    It was interesting to hear you write about your background and how it shaped your interest in global geo-politics. Beyond that, it was a lot of words to say not very much of substance. There is nothing to support your argument as to why we should be grateful for Putin.

    What has the Ukrainian to be grateful for? Or the Russian for that matter? I thought you were going to say something, then you just started going on about lack of brain cells.

    Saying you support Putin 100%. Really?

    I know the West is standing on quicksand whenever it points the finger, but 100%, Putin is a war criminal. And 100%, his country was in no danger whatsoever. Well, not from outside in any respect.

  8. #68
    Member WMUG's Avatar
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    Is Putin arresting protestors something you support, or is that part of "the other shit he does"?
    You used to be everything to me
    Now you're tired of fighting

  9. #69
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    It was interesting to hear you write about your background and how it shaped your interest in global geo-politics. Beyond that, it was a lot of words to say not very much of substance. There is nothing to support your argument as to why we should be grateful for Putin.

    What has the Ukrainian to be grateful for? Or the Russian for that matter? I thought you were going to say something, then you just started going on about lack of brain cells.

    Saying you support Putin 100%. Really?

    I know the West is standing on quicksand whenever it points the finger, but 100%, Putin is a war criminal. And 100%, his country was in no danger whatsoever. Well, not from outside in any respect.
    100% and I explained why, but you are operating entirely on emotion, like you do with Trump.

    You already know what my ultimate goal is, the eradication of all government wherever it exists. That will never change. If you want to deal with this on purely an emotional level then think of it this way. Who causes wars? The people of Russia? The people of Ukraine? You? Me? I don't think so. We know who causes wars. We know who gets to fight them and we know who ends up dead. So my eventual goal is far more emotionally virtuous if that's the level you want to operate on.

    However, my end goal is nowhere in sight and very unlikely to be realised until the species develops further. So you are left with the current realities. Russia halting the globalists' march east is a better outcome that the globalists progressing with their one world government agenda. The one world government, a corporate autocracy, is the ultimate failure for the species. So I oppose it. 100%

    In terms of Russia being in danger, again I refer you to Russia's sphere of influence. Some people ask, what if Russia stationed troops and missiles in Canada or Mexico. Or they point to Cuba and the west's response. But it's not like that at all, a much better analogy would be Russia stationing troops in a successionist Texas. In 1999 and 2004 Putin bit his tongue. But his equivalent of Texas is an understandable step too far. Which EVERY western analyst understood and agreed with - including Biden btw - when more serious people were making the decisions. Every one of them. I told you what would happen following the 2020 coup. I told you the crazies would be back with a vengeance. Do you recall? And here they are.
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  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMUG View Post
    Is Putin arresting protestors something you support, or is that part of "the other shit he does"?
    Why would I support Putin arresting protestors? Did I agree with Trudeau arresting protestors? Have I agreed with Boris passing shitty laws to limit protest?

    Can you point to one thing I have said that would lead you to ask such a strange question?

    There's a big problem today where granularity has been eliminated from political, economic and even practical debate. You must believe ALL ideology, every bullet point, or you are automatically assumed to refute every point or be on the opposing "side".

    I'm against everything that deprives individual of liberty. But we are at the foot of a mountain, nowhere near the summit. In fact we've got a shovel and we're digging. All of you vote for the least worst option, you admit as much. I don't do that for obvious reasons. But I'm eager to see the worst option suffer as many setbacks as possible because that's a good thing for the maximum number of people and, of course, myself.
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