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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #4711
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Imagine thinking that people vote logically
    Voting for it was the logical option. It wasn't the proportional system I'd like to see but it was a step closer. That's why I voted for it. But people aren't that bright or logical. I don't think enough people saw or could be bothered to understand the advantages of it.

    I think that's exactly what it was.

    It definitely isn't, but the last referendum on the voting system wasn't that recent and the idea that a referendum result is the final say and the question should never be revisited doesn't make sense either. It made my head spin that people claimed that a second EU referendum would have been "undemocratic". How the hell is a vote undemocratic?! I'm not sure if there should have been a second one - there is a case for one if there's evidence that enough people have changed their mind. There's an even stronger case for one on the Brexit deal given that none was on the table at the time of the first referendum. Although if there had been one and "the people" had rejected it then no idea what you do then. The whole thing was a complete mess.

    I don't really know what the "right" voting system is, but one where one party can get 14.3% of the vote and get 5 seats and another can get 12.2% and get 72 clearly isn't it.
    The whole PR thing is a red herring - deliberately blinkered by the banksters who run the show. They say, you can have EITHER FPTP or PR, and that's it. And then the media chime in and say, you'll lose your local MP under PR. So they say no, because 60% of them still think their local MP is there to server them, like their hospitals and police, etc, etc. BUT. You could keep FPTP to elect the local MP, and the have PR in Westminster where the decisions there affect everyone, not just those who live in tyour street. Why should normal people have to put up with 15% of the moron population who vote Labour? Or however many percent of the moron population who vote Tory, or whatever colour of the one party state they endorse? Most people in the country, 85%, didn't endorse Labour. So Labour shouldn't have a national madate. But if a candidate had goe out a knocked doors in his local election and won faor and sqaure then that's faor enough. Basically, every Reform MP in parliament should have their vote weighted by 1 million, and every commie Labour fuck should have theirs weight by whatever paltry total they got divided by 400 odd. That would work just fine, without removing the local MP.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #4712
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    You.think Lanour are 'commie' how sweet, you really can't escape your outdated stereotypes can you, they're about as non-commie as it gets

  3. #4713
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Why should normal people have to put up with 15% of the moron population who vote Labour?
    It was actually 33.7% of the people who voted, but the turnout was only 60%.
    Which means only 20.2% of the electorate voted for a party who now have a thumping majority.
    'Tis a silly system.

  4. #4714
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    It was actually 33.7% of the people who voted, but the turnout was only 60%.
    Which means only 20.2% of the electorate voted for a party who now have a thumping majority.
    'Tis a silly system.
    As a current non voter, whilst I don’t buy into this whole “if you don’t vote, you don’t have a right to complain” stuff, I also don’t think my non voting should be factored into legitimacy.

    In many ways whilst as I’ve said we probably should make sure that each MP has a majority of the vote, I think too often people misunderstand that this is not a presidential election….its not a single election it’s 650 mini elections. And in 412 of those, more people voted for a Labour candidate than anyone else. The rules of the game have been established for a long time, and if it was an issue that was big amongst voters it would have changed by now….where as it barely registers as little more than a psephological anomaly that people use as a stick to beat each other with when their team feels unfairly done by.

    I absolutely respect that for you it is a matter of principle. And it’s not to say I think you’re wrong, but it’s fair to say we differ greatly in how important it is….i have what I think is a good compromise solution which people rejected and would again and not because it’s not PR.

    I think functioning and competent government is more important than everyone feeling like they had their voice heard. And seeing the grotesque chaos that happens in countries with unitary rather than federal systems with PR, I’m glad we are without it

  5. #4715
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    I think functioning and competent government
    You'll have to remind me when we had one of those

  6. #4716
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    You'll have to remind me when we had one of those
    We still had a semblance of one in 2010 before the election, Alasdair Darling was chancellor and steered the UK clear of economic meltdown during the financial crisis (which btw was a global crisis and not, as the Tories claimed, caused by Labour)

    There were some competent ministers (MIliband, Purnell, Cooper etc) although collectively they didn't have the guts to move against Brown and so he took Labour into an election which nobody actually won but which Nick Clegg handed to the Tories and rightly saw his party decimated as a result in 2015

    Since 2010 it's been a succession of corrupt, entitled, elitist incompetents in charge. Say what you like about Labour, in Goverment in recent times they are largely (people like Blunkett and Stephen Byers aside) not corrupt and more managerial in style
    Last edited by Mac76; 08-07-2024 at 04:39 PM.

  7. #4717
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    I must admit I am starting to feel a bit more optimistic about Starmer. Right off the bat he's said they're going to scrap the ridiculous Rwanda thing which was clearly just pandering to a certain demographic. Maybe I'm being naïve but for now it does feel like maybe we actually have some grown ups in charge again.

  8. #4718
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I must admit I am starting to feel a bit more optimistic about Starmer. Right off the bat he's said they're going to scrap the ridiculous Rwanda thing which was clearly just pandering to a certain demographic. Maybe I'm being naïve but for now it does feel like maybe we actually have some grown ups in charge again.
    Not going to count my chickens just yet, there’s far too many lightweights and fundamentally unserious people in this new government for that. David Lammy, Angela Rayner, Chris Bryant, Ed Miliband, Anneliese Dodds etc

    That and the fundamentally symbolic and empty act of Starmer phoning Netanyahu and saying there needs to be efforts to bring about a ceasefire. I didn’t think there was anything that would make me view Netanyahu in a more favourable/sympathetic light, but the amount of people telling him how he is and not allowed to defend his own country from jihadists is beyond the pale…and it’s more than I’d have been able to manage not to tell them to fuck off.

    The one thing you note from supposedly sensible and serious minded commentators is whether it’s here or France, they’ll go on about the dangers of the populist right (and I’m no fan of Le Pen, comes from a family of racist toads) but they completely ignore the equally extremist and unpleasant left. And the way men like Galloway and Melanchon encourage Islamic sectarian voting….for me these scum being elected in places like Blackburn and Leicester is actually more concerning than the used car salesman looking lot winning seats in burnt out seaside towns
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 08-07-2024 at 05:10 PM.

  9. #4719
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    How the hell has Lord Pickles’ heart not exploded?
    He’s the size of a house

  10. #4720
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    How the hell has Lord Pickles’ heart not exploded?
    He’s the size of a house
    Eric used to be my MP. He was well known for being seen every Sunday in the local Toby Carvery.

    He was always a big lad, but he ballooned out in the last twenty or so years

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