Climbing coming home
KJT didn't get the long jump score she needed and now needs to win the 800m tonight by about 8 seconds over Thiam to get gold, her personal best is only 6 seconds ahead of Thiam so pretty unlikely, pity but she just can't seem to get it together for the Olympics
I think the story of this Olympics for Team GB is that people have let slip when they had the chance to secure Gold
But it’s all kind of fine margins
I was going to say "but we must be doing better than the last Olympics" but actually no. 14 golds so far, 22 last time.
Wasn't it 2000 when we got 1 or 2 or something? Since then they pumped in a lot of Lottery money and that's clearly had an effect.
We're the Man City of the Olympics tbh.
You’ll find that it’s likely the same story with a lot of other countries. What you get out is what you put in, it’s not the same instant gratification as City but you’re paying for the facilities and coaching and time for young people to develop in certain sports. It’s investment, and actually it’s a good thing.
Silver in the women’s 4x100m final.
Great run.
Actually some of the handovers weren’t great but I don’t think they’d have beaten the US anyway
And bronze in the men’s. US completely bolloxed it up