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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #4791
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    And I give up on the rest. It's obvious you'll suck any cock provided you perceive the cock weilder as being your superior and better. Have at it. But I'm still looking for ways to break free from your loving Christian tyranny.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #4792
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    As they literally jail people, without fair trail, for simply being present at a protest.
    This is a lie. The people in jail weren't simply bystanders at a peaceful process. They were charged with offences related to their actions at protests which often turned to violence and riots and they didn't need a trial because they pled guilty.

  3. #4793
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Vague? I told you they were the party of war and that war would be the outcome.
    Wow. You predicted the US, one of the most war-faring nations on earth, a country who spends more on its military than the next 10 strongest countries combined, might start or continue military action? Well, I take it all back, you're a real Mystic Meg aren't you?

    No, I won't go back and do your work. YOU go back and prove me wrong
    I'm not going to attempt to prove a negative. You're the one making the claim, you evidence it.

  4. #4794
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The pandemic? That was one of the last acts in the play.
    What, so virtually every government in the world decided at the same time to pretend there was a pandemic going on to...what, control their population? But they only wanted to do that for a couple of years and then decided not to again? What's your narrative here? What do you think "they" were up to? As I said repeatedly at the time - I'm sure people used the situation to enrich themselves, that doesn't mean they created the situation.

    Go on then, show me ONE instance where the BBC got it right about ANY major world event.
    This is obviously impossible to you, because your beliefs about major world events are based on the opposite of what the mainstream media say. This is your problem. Your distrust of the mainstream and any authority is so deep and entrenched that you believe that anyone who doesn't share it must slavishly believe everything they read or see in the mainstream media. You only seem to be able to believe two extremes are possible. They aren't.
    Again, the two articles you declared as "fake news" at the start of the pandemic - to do with an F1 race and (I think) football fixtures being cancelled - were both entirely accurate.
    Your judgement has been shown to be suspect. The thing I will never understand about you is how rock solid your confidence remains despite being so demonstrably incorrect about things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The principle is desirable but it is reserved for the unprincipled.
    No it isn't. Anyone can stand as a councillor or an MP. What's stopping you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I'll tell you who decides where the roads and the railways go - PEOPLE
    OK. And how would that work in practice? You take a vote? On what? Who draws up the plans for you to vote on?

    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I don't care what society YOU live in.
    We all live in the same society, it's not a choose your own adventure one where you get to pick bits and pieces of it you subscribe to. I mean, I guess parts of that could work - I don't subscribe to the green bin service now because screw you Enfield Council, I'm not paying £100 for you to collect my garden waste, it used to be free. So could the NHS be opt out? I suppose so. But in general society works best when we all sign up to the same societal contract.

    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    But I'm still looking for ways to break free from your loving Christian tyranny.
    It's always amusing to see people like you living their lives how they want while claiming to be so oppressed.
    The Covid restrictions were such a shock BECAUSE for most of our lives we are fairly free.
    Look up any freedom index - there are organisations which attempt to quantify this sort of thing - and the UK does pretty well.
    Your issues are one of principle. You object to the principle of authority, but in practice you can do pretty much what you like within the rules of our society, but those aren't particularly oppressive and any society has to have rules in order to function.

  5. #4795
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    Whilst I’m perpetually bored by right wing click bait accounts on Twitter going on about this government being the worst government ever. They really have decided to ignore the whole how to win friends and influence people (unless that person is already a friend or a donor, then they get preferential access)

    Banning smoking from outside in public places? Why?. As a smoker and someone who works in pubs, the smoking ban in pubs always made sense to me. But you can’t make the argument about passive smoking outdoors as well, a lot of pubs have designated smoking areas, and if you don’t want to be bothered by cigarette smoke you don’t go to those areas.

    Place I meet a friend for breakfast has designated outside area for eating where you can’t smoke and I think that’s absolutely fair enough, but blanket bans are ham fisted gesture politics where what you’re telling voters is we don’t have the money to do anything….police can barely enforce the laws that already exist but we will give them more low hanging fruit to pick from rather than do anything meaningful to protect the public

  6. #4796
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post

    Banning smoking from outside in public places? Why?.

  7. #4797
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    Nah it’s the same thing the Tory government did when it realised it had no money to actually do anything, came up with pointless laws to make it seem like it was doing something.

    It’s the governing style of the Flanders family’s “make believe Christmas”

  8. #4798
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Whilst I’m perpetually bored by right wing click bait accounts on Twitter going on about this government being the worst government ever. They really have decided to ignore the whole how to win friends and influence people (unless that person is already a friend or a donor, then they get preferential access)

    Banning smoking from outside in public places? Why?. As a smoker and someone who works in pubs, the smoking ban in pubs always made sense to me. But you can’t make the argument about passive smoking outdoors as well, a lot of pubs have designated smoking areas, and if you don’t want to be bothered by cigarette smoke you don’t go to those areas.

    Place I meet a friend for breakfast has designated outside area for eating where you can’t smoke and I think that’s absolutely fair enough, but blanket bans are ham fisted gesture politics where what you’re telling voters is we don’t have the money to do anything….police can barely enforce the laws that already exist but we will give them more low hanging fruit to pick from rather than do anything meaningful to protect the public
    smoke doesn't stop at a barrier -why should non-smokers be forced to be indoors on a nice day because they don't want to passively contract cancer?

    I used to smoke but gave up about 25 years ago - in my experience most smokers now are the wetherspoons-frequenting anti-social lowlife type who should be shipped off to Rwanda and their places taken up by immigrants who want to do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay

  9. #4799
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    smoke doesn't stop at a barrier -why should non-smokers be forced to be indoors on a nice day because they don't want to passively contract cancer?

    I used to smoke but gave up about 25 years ago - in my experience most smokers now are the wetherspoons-frequenting anti-social lowlife type who should be shipped off to Rwanda and their places taken up by immigrants who want to do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay
    You realise that you lose any justification for getting upset at my classification of you as a lefty virtue signaller who ironically is totally intolerant to anything outside of their own hermetically sealed bubble, with remarks like these.

    I understand the passive smoking angle if you’re right next to someone, I got partial lung damage from my grandparents smoking…and as someone who also had childhood asthma….inside and outside makes all the difference.

    Frankly if you’re the kind of feeble palid malingerer who can’t be within 20 feet of cigarette smoke for all of five minutes don’t go to the pub, stay indoors and hyperventilate about something else that’s unlikely to harm you without constant exposure.

    If pubs want to make designated places for smokers to go that’s far away from anyone else in pub gardens and yet someone still complains because “oh there isn’t an invisible barrier that smoke won’t travel through”. Basically what that person is, is an authoritarian who like all authoritarians is a hypocrite…they are fine with people being forced to do things/not do things they disagree with. But if any of their rights are trampled on they’ll scream like Violet Elizabeth Bott

  10. #4800
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    Jess Phillips really is an imbecile

    Even if you thought this, why would you say it?. Basically unless this Doctor has explicitly stated that he gave her preferential treatment (and there’s nothing in this article that suggests anything like that) she is questioning his professional integrity. And despite her claim that all Doctors in Birmingham are Palestinian, it wouldn’t exactly take much for journalists to identify him.
    The fact is Doctors act to preserve life and treat people equally no matter what their personal feelings and I’ve no reason to believe that this Doctor is any different. For example, Israeli Doctors performed live saving cancer surgery on Yaryar Sinwar who now appears on Middle East tv stating boastfully about how he wants their deaths.

    Dont agree with mandatory testing for voters, but it wouldn’t be a bad thing for MPs to pass basic intelligence tests

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