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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #32801
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    I don't think desecration should be illegal. What kind of nonsense is that?
    That did cross my mind as soon as I wrote it.

    I guess it depends what you’re desecrating. Spray painting graffiti on a statue of Churchill…yeah that should be illegal. And if you go into a mosque and wipe your bum on their Quran that’s pretty bad as well.
    But of course these are covered by vandalism/criminal damage laws
    But your own copy of it??, I’m not big on defacing books…but if it’s your own property do what you like
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 27-11-2024 at 04:57 PM.

  2. #32802
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post

    When people advocate for blasphemy laws, they always couch this in the progressive language of tolerance and inclusivity

    I have no idea how much of a Quran thumper Tahir Ali is. I suspect (cynical as it is) though that seeing a neighbouring constituency in Birmingham go from Labour to an Islamist candidate, and seeing a massive swing against him in his own seat (by Islamist candidates who actually might have won if only one of them had run and not split the vote) that he is trying to curry favour with his sectarian constituents.
    ​The direction of travel in this country is only one way, with this being the state of "British" schools today, just imagine how the country will look in 20-30 years

  3. #32803
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    ​The direction of travel in this country is only one way, with this being the state of "British" schools today, just imagine how the country will look in 20-30 years

    You know who the guy in the middle in the lower picture is? Roger Scruton. Quite a well known conservative thinker

    I dont particularly care what someone’s skin colour is, what I do care about is dickheads on Twitter posting that picture of school kids and targeting them that way…to tout a great replacement theory
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 27-11-2024 at 05:12 PM.

  4. #32804
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    You know who the guy in the middle in the lower picture is? Roger Scruton. Quite a well known conservative thinker
    I assumed he was the teacher.

    But sure...

    ...just a conspiracy

  5. #32805
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    Yes just a conspiracy theory.

    Whether one is pro or anti immigration. The idea that it’s some clandestine plot to replace white people is the kind of belief that only appeals to morons and insecure racists

    The fact is it’s been the case for 50 or more years that there are certain inner city areas of the country where the majority ethnicity is black-Afro Caribbean or Asian. Not especially coincidentally people originating from areas of the world once controlled by the British Empire. I am sympathetic to concerns over mass migration because of issues with assimilation.
    This is a different claim entirely, and more so you ignore the fact that in the background there’s a Union Jack, not a crescent moon and stars, not the Arabic text “Allah is the one true God and Muhammad is his prophet”
    So if black and brown children are going to school in this country and learning British values, explain to me rationally why I should give a fuck that there’s more of them than a kid with white skin…as if somehow skin colour is any more relevant than eye or hair colour.
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 27-11-2024 at 05:42 PM.

  6. #32806
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Yes just a conspiracy theory.

    Whether one is pro or anti immigration. The idea that it’s some clandestine plot to replace white people is the kind of belief that only appeals to morons and insecure racists

    The fact is it’s been the case for 50 or more years that there are certain inner city areas of the country where the majority ethnicity is black-Afro Caribbean or Asian. Not especially coincidentally people originating from areas of the world once controlled by the British Empire. I am sympathetic to concerns over mass migration because of issues with assimilation.
    This is a different claim entirely, and more so you ignore the fact that in the background there’s a Union Jack, not a crescent moon and stars, not the Arabic text “Allah is the one true God and Muhammad is his prophet”
    So if black and brown children are going to school in this country and learning British values, explain to me rationally why I should give a fuck that there’s more of them than a kid with white skin…as if somehow skin colour is any more relevant than eye or hair colour.
    It's not a conspiracy theory at all, it's just labelled that. WEF policy is fairly easy to follow, they publish it and boast about it. To believe there's not some concerted effort to homogenise the population of the west is to deny the synchronicity of the policies implemented by western governments, most of which consist of vessels honed by the WEF or the UN or similar marxist movements. To deny the centralised control you have to replace it with coincidence or sheep mentality. Not saying that's what you have done, but I'd be interested to know why you believe, or how you can possibly believe, all western governments landed on the same policies at the same time. Is that what used to happen in balkanised eras before monstrosities such as the EU came along? There is an analogy, albeit on a limited scale. The Vatican used to have the power to direct national policy, to a degree. And they also fucked over the people in favour of enriching the elites. The they lost their power to the "jews" (code for the banks). You now have the option of being anti-God, anti-semitic or a conspiracy theorist but you never have the legitimate option of being a common sense observer. I suppose you should stop doing unpaid work for the haters, but you will only do that in your own time as your realisation develops, if it develops. You might not want it to. Many don't, they are comfortable in their ignorance. It makes life easier.
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  7. #32807
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    ​The direction of travel in this country is only one way, with this being the state of "British" schools today, just imagine how the country will look in 20-30 years

    I have nothing against those children, having children of my own and knowing how precious they are to their respective parents (at least I hope so). We should never bring kids into the argument. It's not the fault of the kids the adults fucked up the world they live in. All we can hope is the same fuck-ups don't go on to influence those kids, which is sadly hardly ever the case. Some of these kids will grow up to be hateful individuals who steep themselves in the basest forms of human interaction. Again, this is what they will be trained to do, it's not what they would do left to their own devices. We should focus on the hate filled monsters who abuse kids, not just physically (and there and MILLIONS of them and this will become apparent very soon) but also mentally. If I could get a job torturing child abusers to death I'd do it for free. Wouldn't be good at it though, because none of them would ever die.

    regarding the fuck-ups of hateful adults who want to destroy instead of build, yes, for sure they have fucked up every society they ever touched. That's what they do. Victor Hansen Davis dropped a term recently that finally works well to label these hateful cunts who assume the cloak of the left, or progressives, or liberals - the marxist binary, and that's what we are up against. Demonic (in the biblical sense) haters and abusers of the human species who accept the souls of the fearful and do everything in their long consolidated power to consume, degrade, destroy abd debase the souls of regular human beings who could never accept their fantastical agenda. Literally these demons tell you, kill as many babies as you can, abuse children, mulilate them, destroy families, disintegrate the glue of society, defund the police, sow racism where there was none, turn women against men.

    Let's not equate the children of the world made by demons with the demons themselves. The kids are the actual victims, or the potential victims for sure. They are the ones who will grow up in a world where their families have been destroyed, their cultures have been wiped out, and creeping homosexuals and other deviants will wander among them and tell them touching is normal and swollen, bleeding anuses is their liberation.

    Fight the demon, not the victims.
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  8. #32808
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post

    I met him once and had a brief conversation, I thought he was ok although fairly non-committal, but someone who knew him told me afterwards he'd actually been relatively friendly, apparently he could be quite shy
    I met him too, many times, he's dead now so I won't say more other than a hint that prayers are probably misplaced.
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  9. #32809
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    To believe there's not some concerted effort to homogenise the population of the west.
    A concerted effort by who and for what purpose? What's the end goal? What are they trying to achieve and why?
    Many governments are making policies which restrict immigration right now.

  10. #32810
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    A concerted effort by who and for what purpose? What's the end goal? What are they trying to achieve and why?
    Many governments are making policies which restrict immigration right now.
    This is what you do. I say something, you pretend I didn't say it and then you ask me about it. Always ONE thing though, so it can be fixated on and the rest of it, along with the context, can be tossed.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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