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Thread: Migrant Crisis

  1. #61
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    Will she? she going to defect to the conservatives

    I tend to think we get the politicians we deserve, and the Labour Party obviously deserves a man who calls anti Semites and holocaust deniers friends, a man who tactically gave Iraqi insurgents the green light to attack coalition troops, who wants to give the Falklands back to Argentina etc.
    Please - don't talk shit and don't be doing the media's job for them.

    Corbyn has never supported terrorism or even violence on the picket line, unlike Cameron who counts terrorists as his closest friends. Well he would, he being a terrorist by the classic definition himself.

    People who hate those interloping cunts posing as Jews while supporting the Palestinians cannot possibly be anti-Semitic. Palestinians, as well as Jews of Middle Eastern descent are the Semitic people who used to live side by side without any problems whatsoever. The foul and barbaric sub-humans that swept down from Asia and the transplanted Zionists (who sat out the wars safely and threw money at both sides while turning a blind eye to the plight of the Jews in Germany) and the Apartheid settlers are not Semites, never have been and never will be. They are dual-nationalists and gypsies of no fixed abode, shunned by everyone they ever came into contact with and for very good reason. Anyone who supports these bastards is the anti-Semite and the racist by default.

    I'm talking a Hezbollah flag to Cameron's next speech. That will mean he wants to see British troops getting killed. I wonder if the BBC will cover it? Corbyn must have a hell of a lot of support at the grass roots if he has the establishment this terrified. As hilarious as the Panorama hit piece was, they only roll this kind of shit out for a clear and present danger. And if they are in any danger whatsoever then that's extremely good and very unexpected news. You don't believe all that shit about unelectable and the supposed disaster of a worker's party being led by somebody who supports workers, do you? If he was unelectable then respectable and mainstream war criminals like Blunkett, Blair and Co wouldn't be shitting their pants on live TV.
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  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Please - don't talk shit and don't be doing the media's job for them.

    Corbyn has never supported terrorism or even violence on the picket line, unlike Cameron who counts terrorists as his closest friends. Well he would, he being a terrorist by the classic definition himself.

    People who hate those interloping cunts posing as Jews while supporting the Palestinians cannot possibly be anti-Semitic. Palestinians, as well as Jews of Middle Eastern descent are the Semitic people who used to live side by side without any problems whatsoever. The foul and barbaric sub-humans that swept down from Asia and the transplanted Zionists (who sat out the wars safely and threw money at both sides while turning a blind eye to the plight of the Jews in Germany) and the Apartheid settlers are not Semites, never have been and never will be. They are dual-nationalists and gypsies of no fixed abode, shunned by everyone they ever came into contact with and for very good reason. Anyone who supports these bastards is the anti-Semite and the racist by default.

    I'm talking a Hezbollah flag to Cameron's next speech. That will mean he wants to see British troops getting killed. I wonder if the BBC will cover it? Corbyn must have a hell of a lot of support at the grass roots if he has the establishment this terrified. As hilarious as the Panorama hit piece was, they only roll this kind of shit out for a clear and present danger. And if they are in any danger whatsoever then that's extremely good and very unexpected news. You don't believe all that shit about unelectable and the supposed disaster of a worker's party being led by somebody who supports workers, do you? If he was unelectable then respectable and mainstream war criminals like Blunkett, Blair and Co wouldn't be shitting their pants on live TV.
    By anti Semite I mean those who characterise all Jewish people in the crude and dehumanising way those media outlets of Arab States do.
    I'm not the one who has chosen to make Jewish and Israel interchangeable terms.

    Also remember NQ it is the Old Testament that these interlopers and nomads as you call them use as their justification.

  3. #63
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    By anti Semite I mean those who characterise all Jewish people in the crude and dehumanising way those media outlets of Arab States do.
    I'm not the one who has chosen to make Jewish and Israel interchangeable terms.

    Also remember NQ it is the Old Testament that these interlopers and nomads as you call them use as their justification.
    The Semitic Jews have every right to refer to the Old Testament in reference to their history, but the interlopers from Asia who played no part in the Old Testament have no such rights. They were busy eating their own kids while the imaginary events of the Old Testament were playing out. Neither do the bastard Zionists who have more affinity with an alien regime than they do their own nation, they were picking fleas and breeding them for profit in some cave on the European mainland when Moses was doing his thing. Israel of today has no similarity to Israel of old, other than the fact the Semitic people are still being oppressed, real Jews and Palestinians alike. Neither did I make Israel interchangeable with Jew - it was the Zionist pigs and their European lackeys who managed that.

    It's easy to look through the filter of the mainstream media (aka the Zionist media) and imagine a struggle between Israel and the Palestinians exists. But strip away that filter and the truth emerges, there's no struggle just a slow motion genocide. This is why Israel is hated and hateful. And with comprehensive justification. Why wouldn't the modern day Nazis and everything they stand for be vilified? And for this simple observation Corbyn is tarnished by puppets who lap the heels of the Zionists. There needs to be a new word invented for this depth of hypocrisy and irony.
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  4. #64
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    You used to be everything to me
    Now you're tired of fighting

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMUG View Post
    To get back on track
    Are you new here?

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMUG View Post
    Wow. Very good.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Wow. Very good.
    Yes, it was very clever. 9 minutes and 100mph without providing a single instance that might help in understanding the crisis - that's impressive. To answer the question you are going to ask - no, there's absolutely no point. People these days either have a clue or they don't - even when the clues are plastered to their eyeballs. There's no bridging the gap. We just have to hope the ratio is not tipped too far towards the ignorant and the complacent.
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  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMUG View Post
    We were on track - you just took us off into a comfortable fantasy land.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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