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Thread: What book are you reading?

  1. #1
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    What book are you reading?

    Only makes sense to start this thread.

    Dennis Bergkamp's book 'Stillness and Speed' Kindle edition on sale for 99p on Amazon. Just started reading it.

  2. #2
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    I read that. It was a bit unusual in that it was more of a collection of interviews - not just with Bergkamp, Interesting though.

    Currently reading "The Silence of The Lambs". Seen the film but never read the book.

  3. #3
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Yeah, I don’t like that it’s written that way. I was thinking had I just bought the bootleg version or something.

    I just finished Tyson’s autobiography. I’m in sport autobiography mode at the moment but will make a switch to fiction after. Silence of the Lambs…I’ll skip. The movie was creepy enough.

  4. #4
    Currently "So you've been publically shamed" by Jon Ronson

    You definitely wouldn't want to read American Psycho then, the misanthropic nihilist humour is good if you have that dark sense of humour, but what starts out as a tidy incredibly subtle bordering on anal satire on the vacuous nature of yuppie lifestyle becomes graphic mayhem that Ted Bundy would have thought was in bad taste.

  5. #5
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    The Silence of the Lambs thing must be linked to when I watched the movie as a kid. I've probably seen worse on TV since.

    American Psycho might be one for the collection. I also might read the book based on the Dexter series. I've got a habit of reading books that have been adapted into films/series.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    The Silence of the Lambs thing must be linked to when I watched the movie as a kid. I've probably seen worse on TV since.

    American Psycho might be one for the collection. I also might read the book based on the Dexter series. I've got a habit of reading books that have been adapted into films/series.
    The books are better in the majority of cases, and in some cases are very different. Trainspotting for example seems to be a composite film taken from parts of the novel which is in many ways a collection of short stories rather than one narrative plot.

  7. #7
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    Currently working my way through Jeffrey Archer's books. Find them very easy to read which is perfect for commuting. Just finished False Impression which was a good fun read. The Clifton Chronicles are also very good.

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