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Thread: English players want britain united

  1. #1
    Member Ironing's Avatar
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    English players want britain united

    I see the above headline on BBC's football homepage.

    But when I click through, I am greeted by a page containing an article about Women's football.

    Was this an attempt to cause the idea of the "acceptance" women's football to enter into minds of men far and wide, through this deliberate act of deception?

    I think Women's football is great, for women. It's kind of like those times when you'll see a headline (often on the BBC in fact) such as "Benitez returns to England" - only to find that the article is actually about Clive Benitez of Scunthorpe FC, rather than the former Liverpool champions-league-winning torres-purchasing manager.

    Should women's football be integrated into the mainstream football press?

    If it should, then should it at least be discernible to some degree that the article will indeed about women's football?

    To be fair to the BBC, they did put a big picture of some women in arsenal kits holding what appears to be some kind of replica FA Cup type trophy (I can only guess this as they don't specify this in the article or photo caption) - right at the top of the page. Although this only served to confuse me to be honest.

    Anyone got any good women's football websites?
    Last edited by Ironing; 11-06-2011 at 12:49 AM. Reason: Optional

  2. #2
    King Kong Boss's Avatar
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    No one cares about women's football and until people do it shouldn't be integrated into the mainstream press.

    The King Is Back.

  3. #3
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Women's football

    Actually women's sport ('cept for beach volleyball )

  4. #4
    Member milla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boss View Post
    No one cares about women's football and until people do it shouldn't be integrated into the mainstream press.
    Woman's football would be much more entertaining if they strip their kit down (like beach volleyball)
    somebody put something in my milk

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