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View Poll Results: Who do you want to win?

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  • Trump

    4 15.38%
  • Biden

    22 84.62%
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Thread: 2020 US General Election

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    The silent majority did not get to reign because of an archaic voting mechanism.

    The Trump presidency is the definition of minority rule.
    While its not debatable that Hillary won more votes overall, she fell foul of the same problems Corbyn did in the UK.

    Stacking up votes in safe seats/states doesn’t do anything. An extra million votes in California will not help. Trump had a decent campaign team who targeted some of those swing states that Hillary largely ignored.

    Now, you can argue that the system isn’t great but the rules were set way before the 2016 election & Clinton & her team should have known which states needed visits to win & which were safe.

    Although saying that, some recent polls are bringing some republican states into play this year such as Texas.

  2. #122
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Anyways, the unthinkable has happened.

    The Biden campaign has bought TV advertising time in Texas.

    Their internal polling must be showing what the National polls are.
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  3. #123
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Archaic? So the progressive remedy would be to let California and New York decide it every cycle? I'm sure that would suit the libs and their endless illegal immigration drive. But there are more than 2 states in the United States and the Federal Government is supposed to serve all those states, not just the dungheap states where they pile bodies high in preparation for election day and forget about them the rest of the time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    While its not debatable that Hillary won more votes overall, she fell foul of the same problems Corbyn did in the UK.

    Stacking up votes in safe seats/states doesn’t do anything. An extra million votes in California will not help. Trump had a decent campaign team who targeted some of those swing states that Hillary largely ignored.

    Now, you can argue that the system isn’t great but the rules were set way before the 2016 election & Clinton & her team should have known which states needed visits to win & which were safe.

    Although saying that, some recent polls are bringing some republican states into play this year such as Texas.
    Funny isn't it. They all knew the rules going into it and were happy with it, ...until they lost. Sad!

  4. #124
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  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    Funny isn't it. They all knew the rules going into it and were happy with it, ...until they lost.
    Who says they were happy with it? Their - or my - opinion about the fairness of the voting system in the UK or UK exists independently of the results of an election, although an election result may reinforce that opinion.

    That sounds ridiculous when Trump does it. It sounds ridiculous when you do it. Grow up.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    It is impossible to win the electoral college with a minimum of states. Even with New York and California.
    At the moment, yes. But if NY and California get bigger, they get more electoral votes and start being able to decide elections on their own.
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  7. #127
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    It’s a popular vote. So, just count the votes.

    The person with the most votes wins.
    Mob rule by the cities? Well why don't you take a look at the shit condition Democratic controlled cities are in right now, and be honest about it. The net result of such a system would be for both parties to campaign exclusively in the major cities and ignore the rest of the country, which already happens to a lesser degree with the flyover states, unfortunately, but would be compounded.

    The Dems are already lining up policy to legitimise illegal immigrants. Up to 20 million of them so they can lock in states like California and New York. They make no secret of it. Their policy is clear. Keep importing immigrants until you have enough to guarantee a majority. And then plunge those immigrants into poverty and crime infested cities and leave them there for 4 years until you need them again. It's a vile, foul, strategy very much like the early days of the party of the KKK.

    And now traditional liberals are fleeing Democratic controlled states and depositing themselves in states like Texas. Your liberal typically not being the sharpest tack in the toolbox, the idiots will still vote blue and end up inviting in the very rot they ran from.

    But leaving all that aside, the Union was founded on an agreement between the states. That agreement is binding and nowhere in it will you find a mandate to discard representation in some states in favour of adding over-representation elsewhere. Any sort of corruption that saw bias and favour being directed to the east and west coasts would likely result in succession by many states who would no longer be served by the Union. Undoubtedly the liberals have considered this in their never-ending mission to destroy the United States. Bit like the cunts over here who are busy trying to disintegrate the United Kingdom.

    And leaving that aside, the rules were clear when the arrogantly assumed victor Clinton, anointed hag, somehow lost the election despite the entire apparatus of the establishment lobbying for her. Rather like Brexit over here, where the result was a foregone conclusion before the vote. Two major shocks to a system that had become so corrupted, so intellectually lazy, so detached from the people it was supposed to serve, it couldn't see the express train rushing towards it.

    And now the tears and the cries of foul, we want our ball back. And that's all that has happened in politics ever since, on both sides of the Atlantic. The establishment and its army of lackeys and gullible fools trying to overturn results they were crowing about in advance. So gracious were they that they allowed the plebs to speak on what was assumed to be a formality. And the plebs spoke. And now, surprise, surprise, the plebs are racists, and thick, and transphobic and they hate women and gays, and they killed Bambi and they're running around causing a black genocide and colluding with Russians and space aliens and - WAAAAAHHHHHH - change the result! Change it! It's not fair!

    Come on - people can see right through this. Gather up your dignity and go back to the drawing board and come up with policies that everyday, sane people can get behind. Then put it to those people and see what they think. It's how the system works, imperfect as it is, but we all know the rules.
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  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    Anyways, the unthinkable has happened.

    The Biden campaign has bought TV advertising time in Texas.

    Their internal polling must be showing what the National polls are.
    And tell me something. Let's suppose the Dems can win this. They can't (the postal scam is already being dealt with), but let's play fantasy for a moment.

    Can you tell me what policies they are running on? What is it they want these votes for? What's the manifesto?
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  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Can you tell me what policies they are running on? What is it they want these votes for? What's the manifesto?
    I think it's mostly not being Donald Trump. So they get my vote. Or would if I had one.
    Trump doesn't have any policies to speak of either - or couldn't think of any when he was asked anyway.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I think it's mostly not being Donald Trump. So they get my vote. Or would if I had one.
    Trump doesn't have any policies to speak of either - or couldn't think of any when he was asked anyway.
    It's sad and troubling you can admit that, because what you are saying is sure, I'll throw all my objectivity and reason away because - Trump. This is Trump Derangement Syndrome. You won't put up policies and run on them to try to win endorsement. All you'll do is vote based on personality and 4 years of lies and deception.

    As for Trump's policies - why so coy? His policies have been clear from day one. That's why the left is up in arms. Everything Trump stands for is hateful to them. America first. Fair trade. Controlled borders. Deregulation. The family. Religion. Law and order. And some other things that have been going on the whole time that benefit you greatly but you aren't sufficiently read to be aware of. There's no confusion about Trump's platform. To say there is indicates a great degree of dishonestly or self delusion.
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