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Thread: Black Lives Matter

  1. #121
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McNamara That Ghost... View Post
    This is pretty much what Farage was saying earlier today.
    Says it all, really.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  2. #122
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    NQ has gone a bit Faragey. But I agree with some of what he says.

    I do think the UK is a lot more tolerant than a lot of nations - maybe my view on that is influenced by living in London which is very multi-cultural, maybe out in the shires it is still very white and less tolerant. Overall while there is still racism, it's not as bad as it used to be. Things are changing, maybe not quickly enough but NQ is right in that you can't just demand everyone changes their opinions and attitudes. People like Roy Chubby Brown and his audience aren't going to change their views, they'll just die out. The younger generation are far more "woke", there's a girl at work who is horrified at "Baby, It's Cold Outside" because it's a glorification of "rape culture". I mean, she's wrong - it's about a girl who clearly wants to stay and bang a man but is putting up faux protestations ("at least I can say that I tried") to protect her own reputation because in that era it would have been frowned upon. The only potentially objectionable line ("say what's in this drink?") was a common joke at the time - the joke was generally that the drink wasn't alcoholic, or it was weak, but they were using it to excuse foolish behaviour. That line is NOT about a drink being spiked by a sexual predator. So I think this girl at work is being ridiculous but hey, she's young and maybe in this situation I'm the dinosaur refusing to change my views.

    We are heading in the right direction IMO but these things take generations to change.

    I do roll my eyes when "people of colour" act like they can't walk down the road without people hurling racial slurs at them. Bullshit. That isn't happening. Or, at worst, it's extremely rare. What is happening is the sort of thing I posted about above - people with "English sounding" names generally get more success in job applications. That sort of discrimination needs stamping out. But let's deal with the problems which actually exist and stop inventing them. Stop acting like the police are indiscriminately hunting down and killing black people. Even in the US - which has bigger problems with racism than we do - it's very rare for unarmed black people to be killed by police. Yes, there are "incidents" but they are statistically rare. The recent one was bad but the bloke who did it is in prison as are those who stood by while he did it - that wouldn't have happened 50 years ago, maybe not even 20. I saw video of some protesters in London chanting "No Justice, No Peace!". What do you want? They're literally in prison. Do you want them to be released so the baying mob can tear them limb from limb?

  3. #123
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McNamara That Ghost... View Post
    This is pretty much what Farage was saying earlier today.
    Good for him. He probably said it differently, I would think. Although maybe the silent minority should pipe up now and say it like it is.
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  4. #124
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Understanding where this loony leftie bullshit came from, and its ultimate purpose.

    A year and half before it exploded like the morning after a bad curry onto our streets.

    "Allies' won't watch, because they are too far gone. But sane people might be interested to find out just how insubstantial and unhinged the leaders of this cultural revolutionvandalism are.
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  5. #125
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    "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." -George Orwell

    Blair was a fucking genius.
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  6. #126
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Not sure why but I find it a bit odd Floyd has received a funeral fit for a celebrity.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    Not sure why but I find it a bit odd Floyd has received a funeral fit for a celebrity.
    He's a token. So what if he battered women and held a knife to the throat of a pregnant woman? So what if he was a violent criminal that you may support vehemently, but would never want to meet in your neighbourhood? These are all minor impediments to the narrative.

    All you need to remember is, the low life Floyd was a saint, and, if you are white, you owe.

    Believe me, it's all totally sane.
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  8. #128
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    So i have been thinking about this. Thinking about the black people have encountered. Thinking about the white people I have encountered.

    On average, and definitely generalising, because we all do (you liar) I find Asians to be the most agreeable people. Usually, generalising, they are very peaceful, agreeable, family oriented, reasonable people. But that's just my experience. If you had to ask me, who would I want to encounter a group of, on a dark night. Asians please. Not white hoodie thugs, fuck them. Not blacks full stop.

    The worst of the worst I have ever encountered are media. They are lower than anything else.
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  9. #129
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Depends what kind of Asians tbh. Indians are pretty cool.

  10. #130
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    Depends what kind of Asians tbh. Indians are pretty cool.
    I'm not talking about London. That's a lost cause. London's lost. But England isn't.
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