Jaguar's new car is so gay
Jaguar's new car is so gay
One for Wengerbabies to froth at the mouth about
See I’ve never really got this. No depictions of the prophet are allowed (and actually ironically for the purpose of avoiding idolatry) but you are allowed to name your child after the prophet
Although you can’t name teddy bears Mohammed as a British teacher in Sudan found out
Yes, the point being that there are enough Muslims in a notionally Christian country to make Mohammed the most common name for newborn boy. There is also additionally the likelihood that Muslims in Britain are more likely to be having children than non Muslims (the whole female emancipation thing doesn’t permeate through Islamic monoculture as much), which is arguably why governments have been ok allowing people in from the Dar Al Islam part of the world to replenish an ageing population in the workforce.
My general feeling towards this all is that it’s fine for Muslims to be here as long as they remember that this is Britain and not Afghanistan, Pakistan or Bangladesh and whilst they are free to practice their faith…no one should be made to bend over backwards to accommodate their religious sensibilities. So I don’t want to hear about news stories about police getting involved when a non Muslim schoolboy’s copy of the Quran gets scuffed or when a teacher shows an image of the prophet.
And although this might sound petty minded I don’t care for the sign on the entrance to Whitechapel station being in Bengali as well as English (there’s no need for it).
Fact of the matter is, human beings are itinerant, our history has been one of moving about from one place to another so the whole idea of settled race/ethnicity is a bit of a short sighted one. The only reason we haven’t had people from that part of the world come here before hand is a) far more difficult to make the journey then b) we hadn’t paid them a visit yet.
Life is change, whilst I think the great replacement theory is racist horse manure. At the same time I don’t believe all cultures are equal. For example you’ve got two parents in court over the death of their son caused by neglect resulting from an offshoot of Nigerian Igbo culture.
I mean what I said last week I don’t give a shit what skin colour people are, it’s utterly superficial. I don’t think any other race of human being is inately inferior to me. But just as I think blaming immigration for everything is the kind of over simplified nonsense people point to as a scapegoat when problems and indeed solutions are more complicated, overall immigration is too high and that simply is not conducive to cohesion and harmony
And the word indigenous does a lot of heavy lifting
This is true, but the thing they has changed over the last century is the rate of change. I can see why some people find that unsettling.
If people come over gradually then they're more likely to assimilate into the local culture. When it's en masse they're more likely to stay in their own little communities. Like we have done in the Costa Del Sol which is bloody awful - it's all Joe's Caff and Irish Bar. That probably pisses off the locals there.
There's a lady at church who has been in the country 20 years and while she can, of course, speak English she's pretty hard to understand. Because she mostly stays within the Chinese community. That's the issue I see.
In lots of ways immigrants have enriched our culture, they've certainly enriched the nation economically.