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Thread: Random Arsenal Shit (When it's not worth starting a thread)

  1. #14181
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    There’s nothing scientific about the afterlife
    Of course there isn't
    By definition it's not in this life - it's not something which can be measured or studied.
    That doesn't inform whether it exists or it doesn't, it's just not a topic science has anything to say about.

  2. #14182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Of course there isn't
    By definition it's not in this life - it's not something which can be measured or studied.
    That doesn't inform whether it exists or it doesn't, it's just not a topic science has anything to say about.
    Mind you, neither does the Bible until we get to the New Testament

    Then it just plagiarises and adapts the idea of heaven and hell from Zoroastrianism

  3. #14183
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    There’s nothing scientific about the afterlife, it’s wishful thinking that somehow we carry on after our bodies have atrophied

    The irony to me is I see almost nothing desirable about it…everlasting life. It sounds fucking awful in fact

    And to add to that, a lot of the problems we have in the world today come about because people seem to be under the impression that this existence is just a banal waiting area prior to entering celestial paradise. That and they also believe in the hot country, not enough that you should suffer and die once…you’ve got an eternity of torment to look forward to for thought crime or believing in the wrong deity.

    And no before anyone starts no I don’t think we’d be living in peace and harmony without belief in sky beings. We always manage to find some way to be controlling and atavistic.
    You are blaming religion for people living banal lives just waiting to die? Nah mate, that's government and taxation that does that. Born, taxed, die - then taxed. Religion says, fuck them, you're better off dead, just try to live a good life while you are here and there's a reward. It's a comfort blanket.

    Of course religion is just as man made as climate religion. Both acts of faith disconnected from science.

    Death though - nobody knows anything about that, beyond the physical. You can take the attitude that therefore there is nothing to know but that's a conclusion without methodology or investigation, hardly science then. Sometimes it's better to study life. Where does that initial spark come from that populates your physical being for the time you are alive, or do you claim something can come from nothing and then return to nothing? That's anti-scientific. Our greatest thinkers have therefore populate our universe with inverse equivalents to every physical manifestation of energy discovered so far. Modern physics can't exist without this counterbalance.

    Smart thinking would have to conclude, at this time, we don't know anything about death and are forced to speculate. A lack of thinking would conclude there is nothing following death.
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  4. #14184
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Mind you, neither does the Bible until we get to the New Testament

    Then it just plagiarises and adapts the idea of heaven and hell from Zoroastrianism
    Which in turn plagiarised it from elsewhere. The same or similar legends endure through almost every recorded civilisation through every age. Casting great suspicion on the "settled" science of anthropology and the rather cocksure field of history.

    It's almost as if one mind seeded these cultural beliefs into the minds of all men.

    Not to say anyone can put a finger on it and claim, there's your proof! But to refuse to think about it and call it conclusive?
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  5. #14185
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    You are blaming religion for people living banal lives just waiting to die? Nah mate, that's government and taxation that does that. Born, taxed, die - then taxed. Religion says, fuck them, you're better off dead, just try to live a good life while you are here and there's a reward. It's a comfort blanket.

    Of course religion is just as man made as climate religion. Both acts of faith disconnected from science.

    Death though - nobody knows anything about that, beyond the physical. You can take the attitude that therefore there is nothing to know but that's a conclusion without methodology or investigation, hardly science then. Sometimes it's better to study life. Where does that initial spark come from that populates your physical being for the time you are alive, or do you claim something can come from nothing and then return to nothing? That's anti-scientific. Our greatest thinkers have therefore populate our universe with inverse equivalents to every physical manifestation of energy discovered so far. Modern physics can't exist without this counterbalance.

    Smart thinking would have to conclude, at this time, we don't know anything about death and are forced to speculate. A lack of thinking would conclude there is nothing following death.

    There are a great many things we do not know. There are a great many things to be curious about. The Afterlife is simply not one of those things. Simply because even if God existed and wasn’t just a composite character of Man’s warped imagination and desire for a permanent Daddy figure…there would be no reason to conclude from that anything happens to us after we die.
    And where does it end, do the livestock go to a great field in the sky, do the single celled organisms go to an afterlife?.
    When something gives off every impression of being something simply that we want to be true, it’s especially important to treat it as untrue until we gain any evidence to the contrary.
    You’re right about one thing though, religion like government like capital like tax like every other conceptual thing is a human invention….

  6. #14186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Which in turn plagiarised it from elsewhere. The same or similar legends endure through almost every recorded civilisation through every age. Casting great suspicion on the "settled" science of anthropology and the rather cocksure field of history.

    It's almost as if one mind seeded these cultural beliefs into the minds of all men.

    Not to say anyone can put a finger on it and claim, there's your proof! But to refuse to think about it and call it conclusive?
    Science is often wrong and subject to change, it’s a process of gaining evidence using the parameters available to us and opposed to revelation which considers itself good for all time.

    I’ve answered your question already, there is no evidence of an Afterlife and every evidence that conceptually it conveniently fits into the human fear of death as well as the need to control others (it’s quite a good way to get people to do what you want, if you threaten them with an eternity of suffering for not doing so)

  7. #14187
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    I’ve answered your question already, there is no evidence of an Afterlife
    And no evidence against it.
    As I said, this is not in the scope of science. How can it be?
    When I said that before you just changed the subject.

  8. #14188
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    And no evidence against it.
    As I said, this is not in the scope of science. How can it be?
    When I said that before you just changed the subject.
    You accept I hope that at least with the idea of God it’s a possible (albeit unlikely) answer as to how we got here

    With the afterlife the only possible reason for believing it to be true, is wanting it to be true.

    I didn’t dodge that point, it didn’t seem to necessitate an answer. A lot of things are unfalsifiable. I dont know that Optimus Prime isn’t real, I’ve evidence of him being a fictional creation but that doesn’t prove beyond doubt that he doesn’t exist on the far away planet of Cybertron and it’s just coincidental that someone on this planet came up with the idea for children’s entertainment.
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 06-02-2025 at 12:06 PM.

  9. #14189
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    You accept I hope that at least with the idea of God it’s a possible (albeit unlikely) answer as to how we got here

    With the afterlife the only possible reason for believing it to be true, is wanting it to be true.

    I didn’t dodge that point, it didn’t seem to necessitate an answer. A lot of things are unfalsifiable. I dont know that Optimus Prime isn’t real, I’ve evidence of him being a fictional creation but that doesn’t prove beyond doubt that he doesn’t exist on the far away planet of Cybertron and it’s just coincidental that someone on this planet came up with the idea for children’s entertainment.
    I find the whole subject of an afterlife quite interesting. Maybe nothing to do with God, it may just be a natrual metamorphises anyone going to mention the horror show from St James's Park last night?

  10. #14190
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    I didn’t dodge that point, it didn’t seem to necessitate an answer.
    I just don't know why you said there's "nothing scientific" about it as if it was some kind of gotcha.
    It isn't.

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