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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #1421
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    This is what happens when you only get your news from the mainstream left. Bear in mind, Maher has a whole team to fall back on in preparation. But he's downed so much of the Kool-Aid it left him defenceless when reality came knocking. Warning: Viewing may cause severe discomfort.

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  2. #1422
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    As warned last week, the insidious Coronavirus Act 2020 allows for committal to a mental health facility with one signatory and based on one examination. An extraordinary overreach and a stunning assault on human rights. The same applies in Germany and, contrary to the idea they'd never use such a law in all bar the most extreme circumstances, renowned and respected German medical lawyer Beate Bahner has been committed to a mental institute having been set up by the German authorities after she attempted to file a legal complaint with the German Supreme Court against the German government for abuse of power in relation to the lockdown measures. Not only did the court refuse to take the case, extraordinary in itself given the circumstances, but the state has locked her away for bringing it in the first place. They claim she incited citizens to defy the lockdown. But her brief, while calling for Germans to protest, advised they should do so in accordance with German law.

    Meanwhile a growing number of Germans are on the streets protesting the lockdown, and now protesting Bahner's committal. And, after being dismissed by two lower courts, the supreme court has now graciously ruled that Germans have a right to protest, provided they observe social distancing regulations. That's kind of them. It's like they didn't know Germans already have a right to do that. Or were concerned people would do it anyway and there's fuck all the authorities can do about it.

    Whatever the truth behind the virus, where it came from, how far it is spread and how lethal it isn't, without a doubt the response of many governments across the planet has been heavy handed, wildly excessive and entirely contrary to the culture and traditions of civilised society. The fact these laws are in place, often with extended periods before they sunset (if such a provision is made at all), is inexcusable even if these laws are not yet being fully or extensively enforced. They WILL be.

    The Coronavirus Act needs to be rescinded now before it does serious damage to our society. At the moment it has given a few thuggish coppers an excuse to throw their weight around. But that's just a mild provision. The darkest and most far reaching abuses of power are yet to be drawn from the deliberately ambiguous and open-ended wording of the legislation.
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  3. #1423
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Interesting to see someone come clean about how long the impacts of this could last

  4. #1424
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking we need to start getting back to something approaching normal.
    This isn't the Spanish Flu. 50 million people aren't going to die.
    Let's say these restrictions go on another 6 months and that saves 50,000 lives in the UK.
    Well that's good, obviously.
    But is it worth 50% of people then being out of work because so many businesses have failed?
    And how many people will die because other procedures are being cancelled?
    The numbers of deaths aren't good and the health services have struggled in many countries because of this.
    This isn't just fuss about nothing. But is it it serious enough to warrant this level of response? I'm becoming less and less convinced.

  5. #1425
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking we need to start getting back to something approaching normal.
    This isn't the Spanish Flu. 50 million people aren't going to die.
    Let's say these restrictions go on another 6 months and that saves 50,000 lives in the UK.
    Well that's good, obviously.
    But is it worth 50% of people then being out of work because so many businesses have failed?
    And how many people will die because other procedures are being cancelled?
    The numbers of deaths aren't good and the health services have struggled in many countries because of this.
    This isn't just fuss about nothing. But is it it serious enough to warrant this level of response? I'm becoming less and less convinced.
    Public disorder in France, southern Italy. Protests and civil disobedience in Germany, the States. Outright flouting of regulations in Australia. Before you know it the British will be writing stiff letters of complaint and organising window sticker campaigns in protest.
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  6. #1426
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Interesting to see someone come clean about how long the impacts of this could last
    Purely by coincidence, it looks like the insolvent banking system will come out of this quite well and ready for another binge in the casino. There are two global events occurring, the health crisis and the economic crisis that has used the former for maximum benefit. Pre-planned and waiting for the right opportunity, I'm sure. We now get austerity for another decade but, you know, it was nobody's fault. Can't blame the bailed-out with billions bankers again. Not their fault they are classed as essential and too big to fail, were at the very top of the list for unscrutinised, no questions asked bailouts, get first call on cheap or free money, further benefit by being top of the tree in an inflationary economy, get to enjoy a low supply, high demand job market and the deflated wages that will bring. Doesn't surprise me the politicians they have bought are the ones to roll out the bad news. They can be swapped out for new messiahs once people get fed up with being shafted. Wouldn't do for the bankers to be front and centre at a time like this. Might be seen as vulgar.
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  7. #1427
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Going back to the dissection of Trump Derangement Syndrome, here's a lawyer dissecting some of the language from the Crenshaw/ Maher one-sided debate. Maher is one of the lesser deranged leftists, pretty much the best you are going to get from their side of the debate. I'm not roping the traditional left in with the lunatics, btw. I'm speaking about the modern left and their inherent inability to use logic and reason to form an argument and then test that argument against dissent.

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  8. #1428
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I'm speaking about the modern left and their inherent inability to use logic and reason to form an argument and then test that argument against dissent.
    That's an interesting video, as is the one it responds to.
    But do you honestly think that it's only the left who has an "inherent inability to use logic and reason to form an argument"
    The quality of debate in politics - and everything, actually - is depressing across the spectrum.

  9. #1429
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    That's an interesting video, as is the one it responds to.
    But do you honestly think that it's only the left who has an "inherent inability to use logic and reason to form an argument"
    The quality of debate in politics - and everything, actually - is depressing across the spectrum.
    I think I qualified the usage of the term "left". Not the traditional left that is concerned with labour and class. The modern left that views everything through the filter of identity politics and He-Who-Shall_be-Named. That lot, yes I do think it's just them that exhibit this all-encompassing breakdown in reasoning. Other factions have other flaws for sure, like blind faith or ignorance or more sinister prejudices and intentions, but the modern left has a self-induced mental condition that is evident in almost every one of them. You try to count on one hand a list of names from the modern or progressive left (or whatever they are calling themselves today) that aren't afflicted.

    You could ask the very dregs from a Trump rally how to bake a cake and they'd probably mention flour at some point. Ask a lefties the same question and they'll talk about Trump. For them, every evil, every failing, every catastrophe as they would define it - like their warmonger Hilary not becoming the first wahmen overlord, which incidentally (to them) was a more important factor than what she'd actually do in office - has coalesced into the form of Donald Trump. This lack of rhyme and reason is so profound literally everything can be traced back to his door, even demonstrably imaginary conspiracy theories that in normal times we'd laugh at. This is a gift for the right, btw. They can just do whatever the hell they want to do and let Trump conduct the backlash.
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  10. #1430
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I think I qualified the usage of the term "left". Not the traditional left that is concerned with labour and class. The modern left that views everything through the filter of identity politics and He-Who-Shall_be-Named. That lot, yes I do think it's just them that exhibit this all-encompassing breakdown in reasoning. Other factions have other flaws for sure, like blind faith or ignorance or more sinister prejudices and intentions, but the modern left has a self-induced mental condition that is evident in almost every one of them. You try to count on one hand a list of names from the modern or progressive left (or whatever they are calling themselves today) that aren't afflicted.

    You could ask the very dregs from a Trump rally how to bake a cake and they'd probably mention flour at some point. Ask a lefties the same question and they'll talk about Trump. For them, every evil, every failing, every catastrophe as they would define it - like their warmonger Hilary not becoming the first wahmen overlord, which incidentally (to them) was a more important factor than what she'd actually do in office - has coalesced into the form of Donald Trump. This lack of rhyme and reason is so profound literally everything can be traced back to his door, even demonstrably imaginary conspiracy theories that in normal times we'd laugh at. This is a gift for the right, btw. They can just do whatever the hell they want to do and let Trump conduct the backlash.
    seriously this is just ridiculous exagerration

    and anyway how does your constant reference to left-right square with you theory about 'dark forces' [(c) Richard Keys] controlling everything and politicians all being the same?

    i was about to say you can't have it both ways but actually that's your trademark

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