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Thread: Luis Suarez thread

  1. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arse n Wonga View Post

    I'm not leaving anything, plus I don't want you to leave, you give me a reason to post with your stories!

    The point is you post this sensationalist BS all the time and it never f*cking happens, you've already done it this summer but never seem to learn. Suarez isn't coming I said Wenger will never buy a 40 million pound player and he won't because this deal will go pearshaped.

    If you think this will happen more fool you.

    You going back to signings from a decade ago, Henry wasn't unknown at all he was a big name after the World Cup. As for Baps, yeah not a typical Brazilian as I said, he had no skill. The best Brazilians are the skillful ones.

    the current brazilian side arent exactly that skilful, compared to the old days. even england beat them FFS and we had phil jones playing in midfield. just because you are brazilian and cost 20 million doesnt make you skilful. you also cant complain about wenger gambling on players and not spending on proven world class ones and then change to lets get an exciting brazilian talent in and devolp him and not buy a world class striker.

    you may not like what i post, but at least i stick to it, and keep changing my argument whenver something else happens and means i might be wrong like you do.

  2. #142
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arse n Wonga View Post
    Yeah it will, funnily enough I'm not worried, are you?

    The only difference between this summer and previous ones if we came out and said we have big money, so now the press have got that between their teeth and we can use that to our advantage, other than that it's just the same.
    Well it would be great if our skinflints have finally pigged themselves out enough to kick something back. Would rather they build a title challenging team than blow it all on one player, but I won't argue about it if some of those millions finally start coming back to the fans. But £40mill+ and then maybe £20mill on top in wages? I don't think I'll even believe it if I see it.
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  3. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by ollie the optimist View Post
    the current brazilian side arent exactly that skilful, compared to the old days. even england beat them FFS and we had phil jones playing in midfield. just because you are brazilian and cost 20 million doesnt make you skilful. you also cant complain about wenger gambling on players and not spending on proven world class ones and then change to lets get an exciting brazilian talent in and devolp him and not buy a world class striker.

    you may not like what i post, but at least i stick to it, and keep changing my argument whenver something else happens and means i might be wrong like you do.
    That's true but there's a few exceptions, Neymar being one and this guy being another. Yes England beat them but this side have now gone and thrashed Spain, friendlies mean f*ck all in the end.

    20 million from a Brazilian team suggests he's pretty special to me otherwise his value would be much lower.

    Again I want him to buy a world class striker, but I want to see 3-4 players this summer, not one. If we signed one player I wouldn't be happy because this won't make us anywhere near good enough to challenge, 3-4 players however could. This is the reason I'd rather we bought someone world class up front for less leaving money for other signings.

    I don't change my argument, you just think I do for some reason, my stance has never changed and throughout my time I've never advocated spending 40 million on a player, I just wanted quality players to come in (a few of them).

  4. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Well it would be great if our skinflints have finally pigged themselves out enough to kick something back. Would rather they build a title challenging team than blow it all on one player, but I won't argue about it if some of those millions finally start coming back to the fans. But £40mill+ and then maybe £20mill on top in wages? I don't think I'll even believe it if I see it.
    True and I'm the same I'd rather see a few players, but it would be better than not spending a penny or bringing in cheap nobodies at least.

    Again I agree, I'll believe it when I see it, seem unfeasible we'd go from penny pinching to suddenly blowing 75+ million on one guy when we had a top striker last summer and couldn't keep him.

  5. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I said I couldn't give a shit about it at the time, I said it was horribly blown out of proportion at the time. Look it up. Evra appeared a while later liberally using the word nigger, but that was just a bit of fun. Wasn't it? And I don't want Suarez to come to the club.

    What else do you have?
    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    You guys are just as bad as the fucktards that defend John Terry.

    Don't excuse the nonsense just because our club name has been attached to a deal with this guy. If it was one of our players involved in the Suarez incidents, would you be saying the same thing? Or a former player like Henry?

    Don't try to downplay or defend the player. It was bad enough when Liverpool were at it with the T-Shirt rubbish, but at least he was their player. He's not even our player, we've just being linked with him and it's embarrassing to hear some of this. Bloody whores!

    Don't belittle the incidents. It's best just to say maybe he could learn a thing or two playing in our diverse squad and being in London. Isolation won't solve racism. That's a better argument. Cannibalism....not so sure we can get around that but whatever. But don't be hypocrites.


    My original post. It was never a criticism of those that wanted to sigh him. It's of those that are willing to downplay his actions because we're now linked with him. I said from the start that itergration is a better argument. Don't act as if you weren't Dow playing it either.

  6. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by ollie the optimist View Post
    bringing cesc home would be awesome, that depnds on united though. they get a bid accepted, im certain wenger will step in and get him. especially for 25 million.

    it does seem un arsenal you are right, but i think we could do with just three signings. bernard, cesc, suarez. i do rate our current squad, it just needs that extra world class quality. cesc and suarez give that, bernard is just a better gervinho.

    if we get cesc and suarez this window, we win the league.
    Seriously, Ollie, wtf are you on?

  7. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_Gooner View Post
    Seriously, Ollie, wtf are you on?

    You'll get used to it.

  8. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post

    My original post. It was never a criticism of those that wanted to sigh him. It's of those that are willing to downplay his actions because we're now linked with him. I said from the start that itergration is a better argument. Don't act as if you weren't Dow playing it either.
    Where have people been downplaying his actions since this transfer business began? Which people?
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  9. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I said I couldn't give a shit about it at the time, I said it was horribly blown out of proportion at the time. Look it up. Evra appeared a while later liberally using the word nigger, but that was just a bit of fun. Wasn't it? And I don't want Suarez to come to the club.

    What else do you have?
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Yes. Saying something racist is much worse than genocide or global corruption. People who say bad things need to be killed, I suppose by the respectable ****s who do bad things on a massive scale.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cripps View Post
    A couple of insulting words worse than being a druggie or an alcoholic drink driver?

    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Don't belittle the incident? No, blow it out of all conceivable proportion and then belittle everything else. This stupid country full of ignorant peasants just grovelled to the gates of the ultimate in discriminatory social bigots so they could coo over the pre-ordained right (by plucking legitimacy from thin air I suppose) of this small klan to elevate themselves above all others. They are superior, not by skin colour but by blood. God says so apparently. We will bow at the sight of them. And all of this is normal, devote the news and newspapers in worship and hang out the flags. But any attempt to place Suarez's transgression into a rational context has knees jumping and mouths frothing. Nobody condones what Suarez said but it seems mostly everyone is prepared to pursue this flea to the ends of the elephant.
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    No, I just want to put it into context and drag it out of the realm of insanity.
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Yeah, I'm not trying to justify anything. I don't care what any of them said, I'm just pointing out to those who seem to be on some sort of selective moral crusade that there are far, far (far) worse things in the world but nobody bothers mentioning them. If this horrible crime committed by Suarez gets the crusaders fired up I can't wait to see them in action confronting the mega racist shit exploding all around their ear holes. In between cheering in favour of it at parades of course, because everyone needs some down time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cripps View Post
    Do people seriously think he's racist?

    If he was, I'm sure the black Liverpool players wouldn't stand for it yet I'm sure some were wearing the infamous t shirts.

    And in no way is what Suarez said worse than what Adams and Merson did.

    Got nothing to do with who plays for who etc. it's just common sense
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Yep, he killed 6 million Jews which proves it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Where have people been downplaying his actions since this transfer business began? Which people?
    Just you and Cripps really.

    It's late.

  10. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suarez Is Boss View Post
    This is like our RVP situation. I'm just waiting for the statement...

    Selling our best player to a rival who right now is aiming for the same thing [you can say the title, but it's top 4 really] and who will improve you no end.

    And before you laugh at the "rival" part, in the last 3 seasons we've finished closer to you than you have to United, so it's not as farfetched a comparison.

    It'd certainly be a step up for him financially as well as footballistically, but, and don't take this the wrong way, I'm not sure it is enough of a step up given he's coming into the prime of his career. Unless he's already tried and failed to entice bigger clubs ie: Madrid, it just seems an odd choice. Not to mention given the bullshit excuses about wanting to leave the country, and before getting to how odd it is for you as a club.
    i don't think liverpool in their current state are a rival to us but i certainly understand why the owners/directors of the club believe that is the case and want to charge accordingly. 40m won't be enough. it sounds ridiculous to say we are trying to it on the cheap but essentially, we are.

    fair play, i commend anyone who tries to bargain a cheap(er) deal because you get f all without trying and in most commercial cases you are being ripped off anyway. but when it comes to a situation like this, you can't lowball. these are the sort of transfers that break domestic records. so 50m is closer to the mark - and before anyone pipes in to say "yeah but he isn't worth that" - well no, of course not. but that's not the point. nor how it works.

    utd, city and chelsea are the teams who have historically come in an taken a 'rivals' best player. not on the minimum cost when the player has a good part of his contract still to run. you can't get the deal that way. it's pretty shit to supposedly trigger some sort of clause and then hope he kicks up such a fuss they want to pass the hot potato. all that would happen with suarez is the same situation developing now, at the emirates in two seasons max.

    so it all leads back to the suspicions of this being a legit offer with real intent behind it, or another cosmetic powder puff fluff up in the same vein as higuain.

    3 weeks until the season starts and for all the big, brave talk of affording the market rate wages, it has just remained that. talk. no commitment. and no change.
    Last edited by Kano; 24-07-2013 at 11:57 PM.

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