These criminals never do anything unless they have a reason and there's a profit for the taking. As ridiculous as this latest impeachment might seem, there are two main purposes behind it. First, while everyone is watching the lunacy in congress, new
omestic terrorism" bills are quietly been swept through that will effectively make protest against the state illegal. Yeah, these are the same guys who are crying in defence of democracy and the Constitution.
Then there's the four years of actual terror they have just suffered as Trump waded through their quagmire of corruption and reduced them all to incoherent wrecks. He's exposed them, he's exposed the media, he's exposed big tech and (the biggest crime of all) he's exposed the treasonous arrangements between the American elite and the foul regime in China. So they need to ensure Trump never returns. They need to destroy him and send a very clear message to anyone else who ever has a though of threatening the racket they all engage in, Democrats and Republicans alike.
It will be back to normal for four years now, or what passes as normal these days. Warmongering will be back,
pedophiles will be able to rape in peace, Chinese cash can start flowing back into all the right pockets and millions of illegals can be imported and packed into slums so their votes can be harvested every four years. A little packing of the court, the safeguard of the electoral college removed and, most importantly, the threat of Trump dispelled and it pretty much guarantees their cosy arrangements without serious opposition.
70million+ votes for Trump (far more, most likely) scared the shit out of them. That's enough to drive through genuine and permanent change. Their worst nightmare. In every war battles are won and battles are lost. Great strides were taken since 2016 and now the establishment has fought back and regained some ground. Maybe 90% of those Trump supporters will probably drift away and accept the outcome, but 10% won't and that's enough to start building a movement. The manifesto will be appealing. Free speech against the censorship of the left. Respect for the Constitution over contempt. American jobs over foreign slave labour. Christian values over foul sexual deviancy and pedophilia. Or, more simply put, good against evil. Plenty will sign on to that and so the next battle is waiting just over the horizon.
Provided good people hold their nerve and stay resolute, this is just a setback not the end. All through human history good people have eventually prevailed over the evil classes and their army of boot-lickers and order followers. The same will be true again.
As an aside, I hear Bitchute, Gab, Minds are all slow as hell as millions rush to sign up.