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Thread: Brexit - would you change your 2016 vote

  1. #11
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Under even the slightest scrutiny, there never was any economic rationale.
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  2. #12
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    Under even the slightest scrutiny, there never was any economic rationale.

    Economics and sovereignty were never an issue. The claims by the brexit campaign in this was bogus.

    1. The EU has NEVER made any laws in the UK. Only parliament could do that. Laws relating to the EU were those needed to cover agreements with the other EU countries. If we did not like them, we had a right of veto. If we now wish to trade with the EU, it will be on their terms. The change with Brexit (assuming a deal) is that we continue trading with the EU as before, but we no longer have any say or veto over future rules.

    2. Immigration was never an issue. We were not part of the shengen arrangement so we did not have to allow the same kind of movement as most of the other EU countries

    3. Turkey in the EU causing them all to come to the UK. See above - we have the right of veto, we could say they could only be partial member without the right of them to come to the UK. (In any case, Germany has a significant Turkish community from the 1970s and earlier - a sort of equivalent to the UK having significant Asian and West Indian communities - so Turks would likely mostly look to Germany for their first choice.)

    Lets see how people feel in a few years time as more and more companies move to EU countries. How Wales, who mostly voted against, do when they realise their subsidies from the EU have dried up. etc.

    Apart from the details of Brexit, what is also worrying is how, not just in the UK but also the US and many other countries is a massive increase in racism, xenophobia, nationalism, homophobia, etc. Having lived through the 1960s and 1970s where we were passing human rights and equality legislation, marching and protesting against racists and other scum, we seem to have started going backwards. The right are stirring this shit up and it needs to be opposed at all costs. We fought the second world war against people like that - it would be a shame if we ended up heading the same way.

  3. #13
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    When you oppose even a single issue, these crackpots immediately hit you with the race card. You aren't allowed an opinion, they'll have your opinion for you, and in their opinion you're a racist. No other possible explanation. Racists everywhere. Except in the most obvious place, which is staring back at these loons in the mirror.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #14
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    And don't let them or Boris con you on Brexit either. While everyone was arguing about fish, the other 97% of the "deal" was fixed up. This grovelling EU mob will tell you it's by the good grace of a bunch of bureaucrats in some other place that you can have clean air, clean water, food standards, and so on. What they will never speak about, because they are scared to their very core of the concept, is an independent nation of self reliant individuals who instruct their government of public servants, rather than the other way of sprawling super states and unaccountable rulers and nanny handing out permission. That's what Brexit was about. People of free will and balls against a simpering bunch of followers. That's why we're all locked down again, because half the population rejects the very notion of being responsible for their own lives.

    You win some, you lose some. For a while freedom pushed forward, but in the ebb and flow tyranny has struck back. And so we go to the next round.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #15
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    A free trade agreement negotiated in less then a year. Perhaps the easiest deal in history after all

    Although on a more serious note, Farage seems to be against it which probably means its a reasonable deal.

  7. #17
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Sounds like he caved on pretty much everything.
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  8. #18
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    Sounds like he caved on pretty much everything.
    Weird. Given that “they need us more than we need them”.

  9. #19
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Weird. Given that “they need us more than we need them”.
    Who'da thunk it?
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  10. #20
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    The deal is done.

    What is the deal remains to be seen

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