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Thread: EU Referendum

  1. #11
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    That's the whole con game though. This isn't about markets at all. The markets will do whatever the fuck they want to do, same as always. And the City of London is Europe's mega laundry so nothing is changing there either. Not a thing.

    This is a referendum on political representation. Will we give away the last drop we have left from the cunts in Westminster and hand it over to a bunch of cunts in Brussels? That's the referendum question right there. All the rest of it is scaremongering designed to appeal to the majority who vote with their wallets but still wonder why everything has tumbled into the shitter.

    I don't get why any of this is difficult to figure out. Two people in a room, each has an equal say - these two will have to reach a consensus or both will lose. Four people in a room each has an equal say - one person is going to get fucked over if there isn't unanimity. 400million people in a room, each has an equal say.

    Then there's the crowd who stand in a queue for two hours and have fingers poked up their arseholes because they like freedom of movement. There's no helping these people.
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  2. #12
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Tbh, the decisions made in Europe are those that at least make our working lives less sweatshopish than those that would be made by the current government in Westminster. Things like that are more likely to influence how I vote.

    I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the bastards in the 'Better Together' campaign.
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  3. #13
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post

    Sorry? But when did I ever, ever say the UK government was anything other than a bunch of cunts who should be killed? I even have a thread titled as such.
    Yes. And leaving will give them more power. And yet you seem to think that's a good thing.
    As I said, I don't think either option is clearly preferable.

    You've already said the government doesn't represent us yet above you say this is a referendum about representation.
    You describe Westminster and Brussels as two bunches of silly people, so why is it clearly better that we hand more power to one of those bunches of silly people rather than it being spread across two bunches of silly people.

  4. #14
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Yes. And leaving will give them more power. And yet you seem to think that's a good thing.
    As I said, I don't think either option is clearly preferable.

    You've already said the government doesn't represent us yet above you say this is a referendum about representation.
    You describe Westminster and Brussels as two bunches of silly people, so why is it clearly better that we hand more power to one of those bunches of silly people rather than it being spread across two bunches of silly people.
    Why do you always feel the need to invent what I said, rather than just referring to what I said? It's tedious.

    I said it was about representation in terms of the principle (and gave examples), not the cunts in Westminster. Let me put it another way. It's easier to throw a brick through their window and you'll only have 40 odd million cunts crying about it. Better odds.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #15
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Loblaw View Post
    Tbh, the decisions made in Europe are those that at least make our working lives less sweatshopish than those that would be made by the current government in Westminster. Things like that are more likely to influence how I vote.

    I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the bastards in the 'Better Together' campaign.
    Oh no, I get the bit about flip-flopping and short memories. Don't worry, not many people will notice.

    Anyway, the result has already been decided. There is absolutely no chance whatsoever of the European monster fragmenting by choice, and certainly not by popular opinion. Ireland tried to have a similar referendum a while back so we know how these things are organised. All that really counts is the perception. If they feel they can get away with a landslide then they'll do that, so it's still worth being vociferous just to ensure they don't pull something totally stupid.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  6. #16
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Let me put it another way. It's easier to throw a brick through their window and you'll only have 40 odd million cunts crying about it. Better odds.

    OK, that's a fairly reasonable argument.

    Brexit, ftw!

  7. #17
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Anyway, the result has already been decided.
    No it hasn't.

  8. #18
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    Honestly, I'm nowhere near smart enough to work out (or even take a guess at) what the repercussions of leaving would be, so I don't see how I can vote any other way? You don't make a decision of this magnitude without knowing what you're doing.

  9. #19
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    Also, I can't help but feel that one of the biggest problems we have with the idea of freedom of movement is that most of our own citizens are too fucking stupid to learn another language and take advantage of it, so we all end up stuck on these shores, fussing over elbow-room...

  10. #20
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    For me it boils down to fundamentals. On one hand the concentration of power is never a good thing, on the other Western Europe has been at it's most peaceful ever since the formation of the EU. I'll probably vote in in the vain hope that Mr Farage will finally disappear up his own fundament.

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