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Thread: How do we overcome Mourinho's Chelsea?

  1. #11
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    Ozim, i agree with what you say.

    Our weakness isnt hard to spot, we are vulnerable on the counter, esp in behind the FBs and Mourinho will know that. I think it will be tough but being at home and with momentum behind us we can deffo get a result.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    I don't think we can read much into whatever the result is tomorrow given both sides will make a lot of changes.

    I've always felt like Chelsea have the strongest squad and for that reason I have them as favourites for the league right now. However I don't think this team is as machine like as they were during Mourinho's first spell, they will slip up a lot more.
    This. I think Chelsea will win PL TBH. I have not been overly impressed with them this season but they do grind out results in that "efficient Mourinho" manner.

    They have a ridiculously deep squad too, especially in Midfield and Attack.

    Agree that they are not as machine like as during Mourinho's first spell.

    TBH There is not really an outstanding team in PL this season or I have yet to see one far.

  3. #13
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    I really don't care for the league cup this year. I'd have no problem with Wenger playing the kids.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ernesto View Post
    A bit of a twofold question, in actual fact, seeing as we pit our wits against them tomorrow night. Chelsea have been incredibly fortunate in a couple of their recent league games (late defensive mix ups at Norwich and yesterday against Man City have allowed Chelsea to edge ahead and nick all 3 points)

    It's a little concerning, because it's these very tight results that allow them to build up a head of steam, allow them to become the pace-setters (they're almost always kicking off at 3pm on a Saturday) and it has stark similarities with how they won the league in 2005, surpassing a very good effort from us.

    So, do we think we'll overcome their challenge in the league? Do we think we'll beat them tomorrow, or is tomorrow irrelevant?
    We wont get anywhere near them in the league. And tomorrow is a sideshow

  5. #15
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    I think we might get near them but when push comes to shove they'll finish above us.

  6. #16
    Tennis Expert Syn's Avatar
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    What about when shove comes to push?

    I really should've gone to work tbh. Fucking countdown and capri-sun.

  7. #17
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    Just keep doing what we're doing.

    Hope ozil stays fit and ramsey keeps playing like god.

    Theo, podolski, ox and others due back our squad is better than some are suggesting.

    We have a great chance. Fuck Chelsea.

  8. #18
    Resident Liverpool Fan Shaqiri Is Boss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Ogg Monster View Post
    Just keep doing what we're doing.

    Hope ozil stays fit and ramsey keeps playing like god.

    Theo, podolski, ox and others due back our squad is better than some are suggesting.

    We have a great chance. Fuck Chelsea.

  9. #19
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    It is a bit of a shame that a few of them are back too far into November and not sooner but hopefully Theo is back in just over a week.

    I have always felt that to be genuine challengers all the way to the end that is.....we will need to dip our hands into our pockets again in January. Chelsea can't recall Lukaku back as Everton paid a reported sum of 5 million to loan him for the year but they still have impressive forward options.

  10. #20
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    We don't according to Hansen.

    Arsenal may be looking down on Chelsea and Manchester City from the top of the Premier League this morning, but they will not end the season as champions.

    Despite their hugely impressive reaction since losing to Aston Villa on the opening day of the season, which has enabled them to move clear at the top of the table, I still believe that Arsenal will end the campaign in fourth place.

    Last season’s top three – Manchester United, City and Chelsea – will be there again, but not necessarily in that order, leaving Arsenal to claim fourth. They clearly have an embarrassment of riches in the middle of the pitch and genuinely multi-talented players in Mesut Özil and Aaron Ramsey, but their critical flaw is that they are just not good enough when they do not have the ball.

    And with Arsenal now entering a run of fixtures in which they face Liverpool and United in the league, followed by games against City and Chelsea in December, the weaknesses that opponents have not exploited so far will come under much greater scrutiny.

    Mikel Arteta’s dismissal against Crystal Palace on Saturday highlights the issues that Arsenal have yet to address and which the top teams will test.

    Arteta was sent off for bringing down Marouane Chamakh inside the Arsenal half, just seconds after Arsčne Wenger’s team had been in the Palace penalty area attacking a corner.

    When you allow an opponent to break so quickly from a defensive position, it betrays a lapse in organisation and emphasises frailties when you do not have the ball.

    Palace were unable to take advantage, but United, City and Chelsea will expect to punish Arsenal if they make similar mistakes against them.

    The signs of the problems that are likely to arise against the big teams have been evident in recent weeks during Arsenal’s games against West Bromwich Albion and Norwich.

    Arsenal could have lost at West Brom before ending up with a draw and, although they ultimately claimed a comfortable win against Norwich, Chris Hughton’s team were right in the game when trailing 2-1 and could have taken advantage of the possession they had.

    The better teams will hurt Arsenal if those games develop in the same way.

    They will target Arsenal’s weakness without the ball and the question marks over their central defenders and goalkeeper.

    Mathieu Flamini has done a tremendous job since returning to the club this summer and has been exactly what Arsenal needed in midfield, but he will not be enough to make the crucial difference when it matters.

    You have to give Wenger and Arsenal credit for the position they find themselves in now, though.

    It has been a remarkable success story considering the manner of their defeat against Villa on the opening day. Back then, Wenger and Arsenal looked in real trouble. The whole world appeared to be against them. There were doubts over their top-four credentials and even their staunchest supporters were turning on the club.

    Wenger steadied the ship, though, and handled the situation magnificently. He could argue that he has been proven right.

    But despite the signing of Özil, who has been a great success, I still do not see a leader on the pitch when I look at Arsenal. They do not have a Roy Keane, Graeme Souness or Patrick Vieira, somebody who can bring it all together when it goes wrong, but they will need one when the bad run comes along.

    My fear for Arsenal is that when their bad patch arrives, they will take an awful lot longer to emerge from it than teams such as Chelsea or City, who have already bounced back from slumps this season.

    When it goes wrong for Arsenal, it will be really bad, which is why I do not see them challenging for the title.

    And for all those saying that this could be the most open Premier League in years, I just cannot see it. Chelsea and City are where they want to be and United, at some point, will find momentum and results.

    The big teams tend to do what they have to do in the early part of the season in the knowledge that they will come strong when the trophies are handed out.

    If you run out of gas in March, April or May, you will be mentally and physically shot and miss out on everything. United have mastered the art of pacing themselves, Liverpool did it for 20 years and Chelsea and City both know what it takes.

    Arsenal have started well and given themselves a chance, but only now, when they start to face the big teams, will their true credentials be borne out.

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