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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #20621
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    People need their heads testing if they think Mr 'Grab em by the Pussy' Trump is going to lead them anywhere. He's a product of the establishment and doesn't give a shit about ordinary people. He's just gamed the system. What makes him different from a politician is that he's brazen and brash enough to say who he's fucking over. That doesn't make him a better choice. Well done, America! They're going to feel this one.
    I agree with that too, I'm not sure he can deliver what he's offered even if he wants to. Reporters this morning said that he could say what he wanted to, whereas the career politician had to toe the line more. But ordinary Americans heard what they wanted to or needed to hear. (I wonder if some just couldn't vote for the first female President?)

  2. #20622
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermarvee View Post
    It's not about hate and fear, it's ordinary people feeling that they are losing their voice. I hate Trump, but he's appealed the ordinary guy who feels Trump has something to offer them, for the most part.
    I sympathise with that feeling, but really? That's the alternative? What exactly is he offering them? What of substance has he said?
    He says a load of stuff which isn't going to happen or that just isn't true and the things which are making people whoop and cheer are things like building a wall, stopping Muslims coming into the country, killing terrorist families.
    That isn't promoting hate and fear? Just look at some of the ways protesters were treated and dealt with at his rallies. It's pretty scary.

  3. #20623
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    It's not personal.
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    their cock boy Letters.

  4. #20624
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I sympathise with that feeling, but really? That's the alternative? What exactly is he offering them? What of substance has he said?
    He says a load of stuff which isn't going to happen or that just isn't true and the things which are making people whoop and cheer are things like building a wall, stopping Muslims coming into the country, killing terrorist families.
    That isn't promoting hate and fear? Just look at some of the ways protesters were treated and dealt with at his rallies. It's pretty scary.
    But you can't lump them all together. Some republicans will always vote republicans because the democrats are trying to take away their guns. There is a lot of poverty in America, and that was before the recession, you would think that the democrats would help them more, but Trump told them what they wanted to hear and they voted for him. That's it!

  5. #20625
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  6. #20626
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermarvee View Post
    But you can't lump them all together. Some republicans will always vote republicans because the democrats are trying to take away their guns. There is a lot of poverty in America, and that was before the recession, you would think that the democrats would help them more, but Trump told them what they wanted to hear and they voted for him. That's it!
    That's what makes them stupid for voting Trump in. When Trump fails them in a spectacular fashion and fucks them over, maybe they'll learn. But I doubt it. George W Bush wasn't that long ago.

  7. #20627
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    That's what makes them stupid for voting Trump in. When Trump fails them in a spectacular fashion and fucks them over, maybe they'll learn. But I doubt it. George W Bush wasn't that long ago.
    I don't think he will deliver what he has said he will, I'm just saying why I thing they have voted for him, and in their droves. He has won the popular vote as well.
    And he'll have more power than Obama did, as the republicans have won the house and senate , congress or whichever the two are.

  8. #20628
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    People need their heads testing if they think Mr 'Grab em by the Pussy' Trump is going to lead them anywhere. He's a product of the establishment and doesn't give a shit about ordinary people. He's just gamed the system. What makes him different from a politician is that he's brazen and brash enough to say who he's fucking over. That doesn't make him a better choice. Well done, America! They're going to feel this one.
    The only thing that could have come out of this election was a crushing defeat for the career criminal Clinton, her hillbilly rapist husband, the deviants they surround themselves with and the establishment that was riding the same train in anticipation of another unrestricted 4 years of globalist bullshit. Now there will need to be a pause while all the roaches scuttle around and try to find new places in the nest. That's a good thing for every person on the planet except the tiny majority that normally have everything arranged just so. And there's even a bonus. We had the black fella pull some wool and now we have the guy who is the champion of the people. Eventually enough Americans are going to figure this shit out and then we might see a real reversal for the establishment. We aren't going forward but at least we are no longer rushing backwards and there does appear to be some hope given what's happening all across the world right now, including even in our own pussy whipped land of queuers.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #20629
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goonermarvee View Post
    But you can't lump them all together. Some republicans will always vote republicans because the democrats are trying to take away their guns. There is a lot of poverty in America, and that was before the recession, you would think that the democrats would help them more, but Trump told them what they wanted to hear and they voted for him. That's it!
    What did he say that they wanted to hear? That he's going to "make America great again"? What does that even mean? And how is he going to do that?
    He has said a load of vague stuff which does play well to a certain demographic but there's no substance to any of it.

  10. #20630

    This succinctly explains what happened better than any post electoral analysis, and this was written almost a month ago.

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