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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #20991
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    And you've had personal experience with these pro-Brexit types? Or heard incidents relayed about these types? How many such experiences has it taken to reach your broad conclusion about this homogenised and untrustworthy pro-Brexit group?

    Personally I have heard of one single incident of racial abuse since Brexit and directly related to Brexit. A group of thicko "yoofs" in hoodies verbally harassed a Pakistani man. It has led me to believe that hoodie wearing "yoofs" who roam the streets racially abusing people are, a) rare in my neighbourhood and b) cunts. But for sure I know these cunts have always existed. And of course they are going to seize any indication that their hateful ideas are in vogue. But I wonder how many non-hoodied yoofs you have personally spoken to who have stated they want pakis out because whites are superior or more entitled? That's racism. Stating you don't want a flood of immigrants into the country because it depresses the opportunities of natives is not at all racist. And it is this latter point the liberals have pounced on and distorted. And unfortunately many people seem to have fallen for it.
    As once said on here, not all people who voted Brexit are racist but most racists voted Brexit. On that basis, I tread with caution if I'm unsure of an area. The UK has changed a lot since the 80s and 90s, especially London, so it's not that common, but it happens. I've had incidents in certain areas in the past, friends too, so at a time like this I'm cautious. It's nowhere near as bad or extreme as America and it shouldn't take much of a explanation why I'd be cautious travelling around the deep south with their history.

  2. #20992
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I thought I'd leave you two to it and rejoin somewhere down the line

    I think more people in my office voted leave than remain, don't really care what their reasons were anymore than I suppose they care what my reasons were for voting remain.

    Most of them when discussing it said they had no idea which way to vote and a couple of them even asked me, I said my point of view was biased and best to make your own mind up.
    Most people tend to go with the common mood or general consensus because it's either the easier thing to do or they don't want to stand out from the crowd, even if a vote is supposed to be a private act. That's partly human nature and why the masses have been so open to manipulation over the span of our existence. Laziness also comes into it because generations have been conditioned to believe only one particular system and method of living is available. So again and again they've put faith in governments that they believed would provide them with the information to make considered decisions. The organisations that present the news are also ingrained into the world psyche as telling 'the truth' rather than institutions that are spinning their own particular narrative for their own gain. But results like Brexit, like Trump and like the emergence of Sanders and Corbyn show the control of social discussions are slowly shifting out of the hands of once trusted institutions.

  3. #20993
    Hopeful adzzzbatch's Avatar
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    When is the MSM going to properly report on the "white helmets"? Also they must've built a hospital for every single person in the Eastern part of Aleppo or they're very quick at building them because one is claimed to be destroyed everyday and/or it's always the last one!

  4. #20994
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    Quote Originally Posted by adzzzbatch View Post
    When is the MSM going to properly report on the "white helmets"? Also they must've built a hospital for every single person in the Eastern part of Aleppo or they're very quick at building them because one is claimed to be destroyed everyday and/or it's always the last one!

    I don't think most people go into this degree of depth about what's happening in Syria.

    EDIT: Did you know Netflix will be doing a propaganda piecedocumentary on them? Might already be done, depends if they have been handed the script yet.
    Last edited by Niall_Quinn; 16-11-2016 at 07:51 PM.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #20995
    Hopeful adzzzbatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post

    I don't think most people go into this degree of depth about what's happening in Syria.

    EDIT: Did you know Netflix will be doing a propaganda piecedocumentary on them? Might already be done, depends if they have been handed the script yet.
    I heard about that

    I mean you don't even have to go that deep to know that the man that filmed the men "rescuing" the little boy (the one shown sitting in the remarkably clean ambulance) Also filmed them same men hacking the head off a 12 year old in the back of a pickup truck.

  6. #20996
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Maybe they should have read a book rather than indulging in whichever media source confirmed their world view? Wouldn't you say most people vote without really understanding what they are voting for? This doesn't make them stupid, but it does underpin this symbiosis between the media and the electorate. Keep them divided, keep telling them what they want to hear.

    It's time we stopped paying attention to the media and politicians now and started talking to each other. We could change the world tomorrow, no trouble whatsoever, just by refusing to acknowledge the authority of the bastards in charge. That's what's so pathetic about the ongoing, staged protests in the States. Firstly, these fools don't even know they are being used. Secondly, they are protesting against something they have already endorsed. It's ridiculous. You'd think on college campuses of all places students would be able to get together and have a meaningful debate, minus the pox of the media and the political harpies. But apparently no.
    Well campuses are falling into the "no platform" habbit, which really tends to defeat the point of education in the first place if you are only prepared to hear/read the point of view you want.

    I remember someone talking about the Kennedy assassination, he knew there were question marks over it. But realised if you believed in a conspiracy purely based on watching the Oliver Stone film that would be rather silly. So he decided he would read a few books supporting a conspiracy and a few books debunking it....never actually got round to asking him what if any conclusion he drew from that.

    But it's hard to expect people to similarly inform themselves on every single issue, there aren't enough hours in the day. Some people are always going to have a deficit of information over others, that's just a fact.

    And in terms of people being spoon fed and believing what they wanted to believe, I would say evidence of that from voters on both sides of the aisle. Similarly there would have been protests if Clinton won just as there are protests when Trump won.

  7. #20997
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    Bloody hell, something has just popped up and told me that my computer has been infected with a virus or trojan agh what do I do?
    Last edited by Goonermerree; 18-11-2016 at 02:30 PM.

  8. #20998
    Member Kano's Avatar
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    Finish the porn video first.

  9. #20999
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kano View Post
    Finish the porn video first.
    Very funny, I was trying to watch the tennis!

  10. #21000
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    Run it in safe mode, install Malewarebytes, run a full scan and that should be enough unless it's gone much deeper than that.

    If you have any specialist firewall like Norton etc, ditch that and use Microsofts free version as that should give enough coverage and then run Malewarebytes every now and then on smaller scans to keep the thing clean.

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