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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #21661
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Honestly though, what the hell? Do I support Trump and have a scarf and posters up and shit? Not really. My position, as it has always been, is I would like to see the total eradication without trace of all government, wherever it metastasises. By logical extension, I don't support any politician on any issue ever, I'm against them in all instances because the very presence of a politician implies the presence of government. Surely this is clear enough?

    However, the majority of people on this planet, for a variety of reasons, prefer to have a group of privileged individuals with enhanced and extended rights dictate to them. I don't know why that is, fear, complacency, lack of personal responsibility, lack of imagination, contempt for the species, self loathing, there are a lot of possible reasons. I am a libertarian so therefore I cannot seek to impose my will on others. And if those others all want government then I guess we're stuck with a fucking government. That's the reality of it.

    The condition of government and particularly in nations such as the UK and the US where it is oversized, wasteful, unrestrained by law or even common decency, unrepresentative, authoritarian, self obsessed, duplicitous in its constitution whereby multiple parties masquerade as opponents while pursuing the same agendas, warlike, concerned with operating a two tier system of privilege for the few and penalties for the many, extortionary, and so on, cannot be denied and yet this is precisely what happens. This is facilitated through a compliant and pro-establishment media that shovels repetitive propaganda while claiming to be delivering news. The education system has long since been infiltrated by similar propagandistic elements.

    The message of the establishment is ceaseless, prevalent in every aspect of life and designed for the purpose of maintaining the power and privilege for the controlling minority, the political class, the bureaucratic and technocratic civil service, the paramilitary and military leadership, approved business leaders and the rest. It is possible to gain access to this elite group over time by accumulating wealth. That has become the sole driving force of the nation, acquisition of wealth. As such, our society is broken, in serious decline and the progression of our species has been halted and is going into reverse. This is why I naturally detest government and its fellow travellers, because it is anti-humanitarian at the core and being a human being myself it seems counterproductive to support the most prominent mechanism by which I am constrained. A bit like refusing to be buddies with your kidnapper, I suppose.

    Now along comes a hand grenade called Donald Trump. It doesn't matter what baggage he brings with him. It doesn't matter if he's as bad as the rest of them. It doesn't matter if he's a racist, a misogynist, none of that matters. I mean if any of that's true then it's obviously not nice, but it doesn't matter because that's what politicians are. The most vile examples of the species. A bit like your Kroenke and Usmanov I suppose. How do you end up in their position in the first place? By being stand-up humanitarians? Highly doubtful. They are what they are. But in Trump's case it only matters that he's a metaphorical hand grenade and he's just been tossed right into the middle of the previously unsinkable establishment.

    When I see a grenade being lobbed at the thing I despise most and would most like to see annihilated then sue me, but I'm happy about that and long may it continue. 4 more years! 4 more years! Because if we just keep on doing the same thing over and over, electing the same shitty politicians so they can represent the desires of their mates over the will of the majority, we're the ones who are going to end up having to deal with real grenades and real bombs and real bloodshed. That's how it always ends when these fuckers have sucked every last drop out of the working man, and we are very close to that point now. The elites know it too and guess what their solution is? Even our carefully edited history books will give you that answer easily enough.

    As for the liberals, well that's just hilarious. The fact so many people could cry and tear their hair and clothes and make a spectacle of themselves is funny. Admit it, it's fucking funny. But it's serious too because it shows that it's not just politicians who have big mouths and zero conviction. Most of these "democracy" types are just as bad. When it's going their way and the nice, comfortable, let's chase cash society is chugging along with the "out of sight, out of mind" under class getting fucked in the arse so the educated can cross on the other side of the road on their way to Waitrose, these cunts just gush with joy about all the bounties democracy bestows. But send it the other way, when there's the slightest hint their little dystopian utopia might be remodelled (even slightly) then they are out on the streets punching, spitting, trampling, smashing, shooting cops in the head because, you know, black lives matter and love trumps hate - YOU FUCKING WHITE MALE!

    Come on, they are funny. Admit it. And sad. You have to be so fucking sad, deranged, clueless to make Republicans and Tories seem reasonable, but these loons manage it with distinction.

    Anyway, no I don't support Trump and yes, I'm delighted he was elected and I hope he stays there as long as possible because, for sure, by the time he leaves the whole face of western politics will have changed. Changed for the better, changed for the worse? Well where we were heading with that vicious little cunt Clinton was the end of the line and there's little chance a Trump administration can go lower. You could dig Saddam's corpse up and brush off the maggots, prop him up and call him president and he'd still do a better job than Clinton and we'd still be alive by the end of his reign. So if the establishment (very reluctantly, LOL) said it's Trump or that cunt over there, well there was never any choice to be made, not if you wanted your kids to grow up. But I understand why people don't get that because I guess they are still watching the "news". Good news there too. Trump wading into the media establishment with a sledgehammer, that's bonus material.

    As for Stan and Jabba, well if Jabba wanted to get Wenger out then get him in. He doesn't though so what would change if he came in? Nothing. Best bet with these two is wait until they die of old age.

    I get where you coming from to a degree. That part seems clear.

    But the above is where I disagree totally. For starters, who the heck are you hanging around with if you think most of the people pissed off are Waitrose shoppers? You seem disconnected. Who are you talking to on a daily basis to come up with such assumptions? Prior to Trump, people weren’t comfortable with their lives, democracy or seeing what was happening around them. Say what you want about ‘Liberals’ (I’m uncomfortable using such labels because it’s more complex than that, but I’ll play along) but they were out in numbers to protest the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and weren’t swayed by the media with each lie about weapons of mass destruction. When the truth was finally revealed, it wasn’t just a ‘liberal leftie/student’ protest. People from all walks of life were pissed after realising they had been duped. The mistrust for government and media started to seep in.

    2011 after the recession, we started to see protests worldwide against the unfair austerity policies that penalised the poorest and let the wealthy off lightly. Corporate tax breaks the richest companies, slap on the wrists for bringing down economies…it was business as usual and people were pissed. You must remember. Again, people from all walks of life. For once, it started to look like people were realising that they’re being fucked over by the most wealthy and nothing was being done about it by their own government. In the US, it’s sad to see Occupy Wall Street fading away so easily and people now fighting each other over race, gender and sexuality. This isn’t progress. It’s the biggest okie doke I’ve seen. It’s a change for the worse and if people tolerate this, we’ve ushered in a bigger problem. It’s a case of shooting the messenger, because the politicians are only there to serve men like Trump. The elites. The real establishment. That’s all they’ve been doing for decades.

    Also, if you’re against any form of government, I don’t get why you’re against liberals protesting over Trump. As said, people were pissed under the Democrats and there is no way they can come and pull the same sort of bullshit they’ve pulled for years unless Trump makes such a pigs ear out of things, we end up in a better the devil you know type scenario. We’ll soon see. But as said, I fear we’re approaching the next stage of politics where people will be happy to hand the keys of power to billionaires like Elon Musk or Richard Branson. Examples of the left alternatives to Trump, but it’s dangerous territory and I think we’re a long long way from your vision of society without government.

  2. #21662
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    You didn't realise that because it's not true, it's just propaganda as usual. On the surface it might appear to be the case, but once you get down to the practicalities the reality is much different. The real funding came when the degenerate Obama gave a green light for rapacious insurance sharks and their partners in crime, the health industry (not profession, but industry), to structure their pricing and policies to effectively exclude the poor who were supposed to benefit the most. They did this by making the base policy costs cheap or free and then adding ludicrous co-payments and limits and drastically reducing choices. The upshot was the poor could now afford to have a healthcare plan but the could never afford to claim on it. And that policy was about to be extended to the middle classes with Obama passing the baton to the Clinton bitch as 50-100% rises were announced for the hard pressed earners who were the ones really supporting the poor. The rich, of course, never noticed because Obama was busy pushing their earning levels to new records in comparison to the average worker. Trillions handed out, the publicity stunt of an irrelevant tax pulled out - I'd take that deal any day. The devil is always in the details the demon has cooked up.

    Good luck to the wealthy looking for a tax break. Tax should be abolished, it's a criminal offence after all. The wealthy will never pay tax, that's what successive "left" and "right" wing politicians have ensured for decades. Whatever they pay they get back in multiples in the form of corporate welfare which runs into the trillions. Or the socialises expenses, opportunity costs and damages that would normally affect the profit margins of private beneficiaries.

    You keep on quoting the mainstream media take on these things as if it is real. It's isn't real, it's flimflam, misdirection, a sham, propaganda, nonsense. You have to dig to find the truth, it's never going to be dished up to you by those who have every interest in you never discovering it.

    Like, as you say, the Saudis and the 11/9 terrorists. But nobody wants to go down that rabbit hole either. People will go far enough to make a point and then back off rapidly. As always I have called the Saudis out for being the animals and savages they are. I'd like to see their shitty little cesspit ostracised, blockaded and cut off from the civilised world and if that happened there would be 90% fewer terror incidents because the funding would dry up instantly. But yes, right now they literally have the world over a barrel so justice cannot be done. Which is why, in our fucked up world where we have made so many mistakes and made it impossible to put things right overnight, you approve drilling in Alaska and fracking in Colorado and so on. It's a shitty, shitty business run by retarded apes who just want the cash and don't give a damn. But you offset that against the vile Saudis and the horrendous impact that shit stain in the desert has had on all humanity and you swallow back down the puke and give the go-ahead for energy independence. There are no good choices left to make because government has been so stupendously corrupt and incompetent for so long they have literally broken everything. Now we only h ave broken solutions available.
    The healthcare info isn't from mainstream media. I got that info from Global Capitalism January video, the guy you recommend to watch. What you're talking about is coverage of the policy and now how it's funded. It doesn't provide affordable healthcare for everyone and doesn't address the issue of pricing in the health industry.

  3. #21663
    Obviously i feel i need to do this now, Disclaimer - The following is not in anyway directed directly at P N G or the points he has made

    There is massive hypocrisy on both sides, i agree with P'N'G that the term Liberal is a label that doesn't really sum up the depth of people's opinions. Plus the people who the word Liberal is attached to, are no such thing. There is a tendency amongst them to be very illiberal in the way they try and police discussion and use accusations of racism, misogyny etc to close down discussion. Plus a lot of them currently have placed social justice as the top priority and then wonder why the people who they claimed to represent have abandoned them for Trump/UKIP etc who are punished by economic disparity.

    I won't go into why I find groups like Stop the War which headed up the Anti War marches in this country absolutely despicable and hypocritical as it's secondary

    I would have thought greater pluralism rather than Nationalist demagogues would be the way to achieve NQ's aim of eliminating government, to get rid of the establishment is one thing (and no bad thing, establishments and elites will only look after their own interests primarily) but this seems to be replacing one establishment with an even more nascent one. Trump and the people behind Trump have absolutely no intention of handing any power back to ordinary people and as soon as those who voted for him realise that they will be just disregarded as "losers".

  4. #21664
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    January pay day.

    Now 2017 really begins.
    This. What a glorious day.

  5. #21665
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    Are you old CK? I thought you were dead

  6. #21666
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Are you old CK? I thought you were dead
    Still alive.....

    I'm back, not sure if that's a good or bad thing lol.

  7. #21667
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    It's a good thing. This place needs new blood more than a black pudding factory.

    Welcome back

    How're you?

  8. #21668
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    I'm good thanks.

    It's been a remarkable few years since my death on the last forum. I graduated, got a job, work in the NGO sector and recently got married. It's been 6 years since I last posted, years have flown by. That said I do like a sneak peak of the forum and I thought I'd sign up again.

    How are you?
    Last edited by Coca Kolo; 27-01-2017 at 02:53 PM.

  9. #21669
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Six years?

    Fuck, it's about time I got on with my life before it runs out. I'm off to get beer.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  10. #21670
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coca Kolo View Post
    How are you?
    I'm fine. Much to everyone's astonishment I also got married since we last spoke.
    Not much else of note has changed though.

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